Which travel agencies organize dinner with the Chinese. We have compiled a guide for Chinese tourists on how to behave in Russia

Moscow - a city that attracts many tourists, including Chinese tourists. Therefore, in the capital we organize excursions to Chinese.

Our guides - These are licensed professional guides in Chinese with many years of experience in the tourism industry. Our guides not only have an excellent command of the Chinese language and knowledge of the history and culture of the city, but also know all the intricacies of communicating with tourists and guests from China.

Excursions for Chinese tourists in Moscow include most interesting story a guide who will reveal the secrets of our city and talk about the features of the architecture of past times.

Chinese tourists will be able to evaluate beautiful monuments, a magnificent historical part of the great city.

For a more detailed sightseeing, you can create an individual route that allows you to cover all the interesting historical and significant, popular among tourists, modern places.

By ordering a tour in Chinese you receive

1. Well planned excursion program adapted for the Chinese tourist.

2. High-quality transport service, punctuality and courtesy of the driver and guide.

3. Optimal route visiting attractions, visiting museums without queues.

4. Convenient payment method.

Excursions for Chinese tourists in Moscow.

Excursion around evening and night Moscow for Chinese tourists.

Night tour of Moscow for Chinese tourists


Chinese tourist on Red Square


★★★ An excursion accompanied by a professional guide in Chinese is a unique opportunity to get to know the capital in all its beauty and diversity, enjoy the city landscapes, learn many interesting historical facts, and fall in love with this city forever!

★★★ We will drive along the famous embankments and streets of the historical city: the Boulevard and Garden Rings, Kutuzovsky Prospekt; you will see the Bolshoi Theater and the Manezh, Stalin's skyscrapers, the Arc de Triomphe, the golden domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the swan pond near the walls Novodevichy Convent, Sparrow Hills, Moscow State University building, Luzhniki stadium.

★★★ At the end of the sightseeing tour, you will walk along the famous paving stones of Red Square, see the multi-colored domes of St. Basil's Cathedral, and enjoy the splendor of the panorama of the ancient Kremlin from the Sofia embankment of the Moscow River.

The duration of the excursion is 4-5 hours.

"Lights of Moscow" for Chinese tourists.

★★★ Excursion accompanied by a professional guide in Chinese – you will plunge into a sea of ​​luminous lights and learn all the secrets of the night capital

★★★ On the excursion you will see St. Basil's Cathedral, admire the view of the Kremlin from Sophia Embankment, the panorama of Moscow from the Sparrow Hills, visit the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Novodevichy Convent, Poklonnaya Hill, New Arbat, Tverskoy Boulevard, Theater Square.

★★★ We will start our tour of Moscow at night from the central part of the city, drive along the beautifully illuminated Garden Ring, and also look at all the main attractions of our beloved capital.

The duration of the excursion is 3 hours.

Tour of Red Square for Chinese tourists

Excursion around the Kremlin territory for Chinese tourists

Excursion around the Kremlin territory for Chinese tourists

for Chinese tourists.

★★★ The heart of Moscow, the main square of the city, stretching along the north-eastern wall of the Kremlin. Mausoleum, Place of Execution, St. Basil's Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Historical Museum and other attractions make it the place where all guests of the capital first go.

★★★ We will start our walk from Manezhnaya Square, we will see a modern hotel, which was once the Soviet Hotel "Moscow" and built under Stalin, we will look at the Manege building, which was built by the outstanding architect Osip Bove, the famous creator Bolshoi Theater. Let's go into the Alexander Garden, see the main Eternal Flame, which is guarded by soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment and learn that there are actually three gardens there. And, of course, we will visit Red Square itself with all its main attractions.

The duration of the excursion is 2-3 hours.

Cost of sightseeing tour for Chinese tourist groups.

Price in rubles (₽) per person

Excursion Group Plus commission.
4+1 15+1 20+1 30+1 40+1

Excursion. Sightseeing tour"Moscow is capital of Russia "

3500₽ 1400₽ 1300₽ 1200₽ 1150₽ 3000 ₽
Excursion around evening and night Moscow "Lights Moscow" 4500₽ 950 RUR 750 RUR 550 ₽ 450 ₽ 4000 ₽
Excursion around the Kremlin territory and Red Square 1750₽ 1500₽ 1500₽ 1500₽ 1500₽ 3000 ₽


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☎ +7 905 280 20 70

2050 02 August 2016

When you think of travelers from China, you imagine a large group of people in excursion bus with cameras and video cameras at the ready? If so, it's time to change the way we think about some of the world's largest and most economically important travelers.

Since the number of Chinese travelers traveling outside their home country is increasing significantly every year, it is worth paying special attention to the specifics of working with them. Let's highlight 5 different archetypes of tourists from the Middle Kingdom. Let's divide Chinese tourists into groups depending on their habits and behavior and make sure that the number of independent and ambitious travelers from China under 35 years of age has increased significantly.

1. Researchers. 25% of tourists.

Born in the 60s - 70s. They are inventive and optimistic, love to learn and explore, and plan their trip to the smallest detail.

2. Prudent family men. 25% of tourists.

Also born in the 60s - 70s. These travelers come from cities with a lower standard of living, are family people and prefer to relax with family and friends. They choose safe family hotels.

3. Lovers of comfort. 21% of tourists.

The vast majority of representatives of this type were born in the 90s. Unlike other groups, there are more women among them. They want everything around them to be aesthetically beautiful, and, as a rule, they try to find intangible satisfaction in travel. Good value for money is essential for this archetype.

4. Seekers of new experiences. 17% of tourists.

As a rule, they were born in the 80s and 90s and come from cities with a high standard of living. They enjoy luxury hotels and professional advice on local cultural events. Being independent and ambitious, they travel to gain new experiences.

5. Spoiled by position. 12% of tourists.

Born in the 80s, they travel to pamper themselves and demonstrate power and status to others. Most often they stay in five-star hotels and go on tours that involve risk.

According to Ipsos, a global leader in market research, Chinese youth spend 27% of their total income on travel, making them the most promising group. “The idea that Chinese guests only want Chinese breakfasts and require a Chinese translator is outdated. Our research shows that today's Chinese traveler is much more sophisticated,” says Abiram Chaudhry, vice president and managing director of Hotels.com Asia Pacific.

In 2015, Chinese travelers on average reduced their daily spending by 17% compared to 2014. This appears to be due to the downturn in the economy. Despite this, one third of respondents plan to spend more money on travel next year.

Chinese tourists spend an average of about 3,455 USD per year on travel, which is the largest figure in the world. Young people spend 27% of their total income on travel.

At the same time, the Chinese still spend the most on trips in the world (on average about 3,455 USD per year). Excluding living expenses, Chinese travelers spend most of their money on shopping, restaurants and attractions.

One of the main requirements of Chinese travelers for a hotel is the availability of a free WI-FI network. Currently, 45% of hotels surveyed already provide free Wi-Fi, and another 46% plan to provide it soon.

Having Chinese-speaking staff is no longer an important service for the Chinese. There is also an increase in the share social networks(6%) as a source of information for travelers.

Thank you for your help in preparing this material for Hotels.com.

The travel service Tutu.ru decided to help guests from China get comfortable in Russia and prepared a special leaflet. These are eight tips that will help a Chinese tourist fit into our society, understand another culture and avoid getting into awkward situations. To develop the guide, we used the experience of guides working in China and Russia with Chinese groups, as well as Russian expats in China.

It was created to help not only Chinese tourists, but also Russian restaurateurs and hoteliers. It can be downloaded for free for any use, for example, to hang in your hotel, store, or add to a booklet or book. She is available.

In particular, guests from China were advised not to touch people in in public places, talk loudly, and ask permission before taking photos of strangers. And when eating, for example, in Russia it is not customary to expose your belly or slurp.

Considering that Russia is included in the list of the most popular destinations for tourists from China (according to Chinese travel agency Ctrip), such a reminder will really help both the Chinese and Russians to avoid embarrassment and unpleasant situations.

The executive director of the World Without Borders association, Alexander Agamov, considered the initiative very useful. In China itself, he said, the problem is understood very well. “However, we should not forget that from a tourist point of view, this is a very young nation,” he added, suggesting that we remember ourselves in the 90s. We did all sorts of weird things when we hit the Turkish beaches! “About the same thing is happening with the Chinese,” explained Mr. Agamov. – Just 15 years ago there was no talk about any trips abroad. They didn’t even have foreign passports. Even in 2017, 18-20% of the Celestial Empire’s residents who came to Russia did not see their capital, Beijing.”

Today, almost 140 million Chinese travel around the world, so the Chinese leadership and local tourism authorities are actively promoting among their fellow citizens the rules of behavior in countries with different cultures and traditions - they publish manuals and make films. Part of this program was, in particular, a video that, as Mr. Agamov said, was shown by the Chinese Embassy in Russia about a year and a half ago. It was prepared by them specifically for their compatriots going to visit us, it was planned to be shown on board airlines Air China. According to Alexander Agamov, the video was good, it appealed to the typical mistakes that Chinese tourists make, not knowing our customs and traditions.

One of them is loud conversations in the corridors and running from room to room when checking into a hotel. “But you need to understand,” Mr. Agamov warned, “that this is not a manifestation of their lack of culture, but just part of Chinese culture. It is impossible to present the excesses that occur from time to time as rejection, or even more so, contempt for our traditions and historical monuments.”

Alexander Agamov shared his experience of the correct approach in sensitive situations with Chinese tourists. “They are very organized people. The tour leader goes with them for a reason. This is the person to whom they, let’s say, obey. If the tour leader tells them that something can be done, but something cannot be done, they will strictly follow the instructions. We need to work with tour leaders, then there will be no problems,” summed up Alexander Agamov.

Lyubov Bulgakova, RATA- news

The Central Department Store (Trading House TSUM, owned by Mercury) is counting on an increase in the share of Chinese tourists among buyers of luxury goods. Their share in TSUM's revenue could grow from 7 to 30% within two to three years, said TSUM general manager Alexander Pavlov. In the DLT department store in St. Petersburg, according to him, this share is now 17%.

The number of Chinese buyers has been growing since the end of 2014, primarily due to the devaluation of the ruble against major currencies, explains Pavlov. In 2015, the revenue of the Mercury fashion department grew by 2-3% in foreign currency (30% in rubles), in 2016 it may increase by 10-12% in foreign currency. In January alone, foreign exchange earnings increased by 20%, Pavlov said. Pavlov did not disclose the amount of revenue. Earlier in early February, the head of the department of national policy, interregional relations and tourism of the capital, Vladimir Chernikov, said that tourists from China spent from $800 million to $1 billion in Moscow in 2015 - not only on souvenirs, but also on more expensive purchases, for example jewelry.

Now TSUM is negotiating cooperation with Chinese tour operators for outbound tourism and Russian inbound tourism, Pavlov said. TSUM and DLT have submitted applications for inclusion in the China Friendly program; they may become the first shopping centers included in the program, a representative of the World Without Borders travel association told Vedomosti. Shopping centers who receive the China Friendly mark provide information materials and Business Cards in Chinese, introducing signs and signs with standard pictograms, hiring employees who speak Chinese, says Anna Sibirkina, head of the China Friendly program. At TSUM they began duplicating signs in Chinese, the number of employees who speak Chinese is growing, there are now 25, Pavlov said.

Photo gallery

One of the most important criteria for inclusion in the China Friendly program is the presence of a POS terminal with the ability to pay with China Unionpay cards or an ATM that accepts such cards, says Sibirkina. The possibility of paying with China Unionpay cards is available and valid special discount at 5%, Pavlov said. In 2015, Russia, according to Sibirkina, was visited by 670,000 tourists from China - 63% more than in 2014, the share of group tourism in the incoming tourist flow from China increased from 70 to 80%, and the number of arrivals of citizens from China - 1.3 million. Chinese tourists are indeed increasingly interested in shopping in Russia, firstly, it is profitable due to the low exchange rate of the ruble, and secondly, Moscow is the closest to China European capital, says Sibirkina.

How much is spent on luxury goods in Moscow and around the world?

Moscow ranked eleventh among world capitals in sales of luxury goods in 2015, with a market volume of 3.2 billion euros, analysts at Altagamma & Bain calculated. New York traditionally took first place (27 billion euros), followed by Paris and London (13.5 billion and 12 billion euros).

Since February 4, Mercury has reduced prices for clothing, shoes, and accessories by 10-25% in all boutiques and department stores of TsUM in Moscow and DLT in St. Petersburg, comparing them with prices in Milan, the company also reported. Bosco di Ciliegi did not change prices; the number of Chinese tourists among GUM visitors is growing, a company representative said. Chanel does not comment on pricing, but since March 2015, the company has followed a policy of price harmonization around the world: prices for all categories of goods are regulated depending on the exchange rate of the national currency, Chanel said in an official statement.

Bain & Company predicted a decline in the luxury goods market in Russia by 25% to 3.2 billion euros in 2015 and by 2% in rubles.

I work for a company that receives Chinese delegations in Russia. Usually these are both government-level delegations and ordinary tourist groups.
Having counted 500 Chinese who visited Russia in a week, whom I was coordinating, and from whom my phone was shaking every minute, I decided that it was time to write an essay about Chinese tourists, especially since I have to work closely with them and often replace the guide myself. losers and would-be translators.)

1. Mass character
The Chinese are traveling to Russia in large groups. Usually 30-40 people. Managing such a crowd is not easy, as they often scatter and get lost. That year, we spent several hours looking for a missing Chinese man on Red Square, and eventually found him near the monument to Marshal Zhukov. I had to ask fifty Chinese if they were lost :) For convenience, each group usually has its own flag and caps or T-shirts.

2.The tour guide, as the leader of the group, is cunning and merciless

An unmanageable group of Chinese tourists is usually managed by a tour guide - a person who resolves all issues regarding ground handling in Russia and serves as a kind of intermediary between the Russians and the Chinese. The profession is difficult and the personalities of tour guides are usually appropriate. Typically, tour guides are famous for the fact that they like to complain to their superiors about the shortcomings of reception in Russia: both guides who lead excursions and drivers with hoteliers fall under the scope. It's rare that tour leaders like everything. Usually these are cunning Chinese in the nature of small traders who take profits from shops where they bring tourists, from guides who supply groups and tickets to entertainment places. Tour guides usually skillfully shift their mistakes onto others, not disdaining moral principles.

3. Accommodation of several people

Usually the Chinese settle in groups of several people. Only the big boss is accommodated one at a time; he is always given the largest and most expensive room.
In an effort to save money, the Chinese can add several extra beds, even when there are no places at all. Recently I organized a reception for business groups in Yekaterinburg at the large industrial exhibition Innoprom. Several important Chinese did not have enough space, they solved the problem by sleeping two on one bed, and nothing was done.

4.Hotels - the pursuit of simplicity.
Requirements for hotels are growing every year.
Hoteliers, in turn, are bowing down to the Chinese, but still cannot provide high-level service.
Usually the Chinese prefer inexpensive 3-4* hotels. A big plus is the presence of a Chinese restaurant in the hotel.
The Chinese love to be indignant when there are no kettles or boilers with hot water in the room, since they drink it in large quantities and brew noodles in it, which they bring with them to Russia. Special requirements usually include rice for breakfast, the presence of chopsticks in restaurants, air conditioning, slippers and a bathrobe.

5.Love for native food
Chinese tourists, while in a foreign land, still prefer Chinese restaurants. Obviously, local restaurants with food that is not Chinese at all. There are often complaints about the service, lack of sanitary standards and tasteless food. Chinese restaurants that receive large traffic are really no different high quality cooking. Usually lunch and dinner for a Chinese tourist costs about $8-10. Waiters and staff usually do not speak Russian, so you need to communicate with them in Chinese. IN Lately By the way, the Chinese unexpectedly fell in love with the MUMU cafe. We took them there several times and word of mouth brought popularity to this cafe. The Chinese like meat, noodles, and all types of kebabs. They rarely choose sweets and fruits. Alcoholic drinks are usually beer.

6. Guides are experts in history
Guides for Chinese tourists are a different matter. Typically, the Chinese prefer to order the services of guides originally from China to visit Russian attractions.
Russian licensed guides, who are produced by a special association, according to the tourists themselves, are “not understood” due to the complexity of the spoken Chinese language.
As a rule, the history of Russia in the mouths of Chinese guides is very specific and alternative. So once, when asked what kind of monument was Yuri Dolgoruky on a horse, a Chinese guide answered without blinking: “This is Lenin on a horse.” The high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment is called Moscow State University, and the Lavra was built by the Chinese) The guides are usually students and graduate students from China. The income from such work is quite good - from 90 dollars a day plus tips. You can earn up to $200 per day.

7. Moscow-Peter-Baikal

Favorite cities to visit for the Chinese are Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sochi. Sometimes Kazan and Novosibirsk are included in the list.
Baikal is especially loved, where the Chinese spend 7-10 days. Sometimes popular river cruises from Moscow and St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg attracts with its European style, Moscow is not so interesting, except perhaps the capital. Sochi - Olympic venues. Of course, the Chinese from the North visit Far East: Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

8. Lack of interest in Orthodoxy
Despite all the government's efforts to attract interest in Orthodox churches, the Chinese do not have this interest. Usually they go to the Lavra or Suzdal to look at ancient temples, without going into details.

9.Love of shopping.

The Chinese in Russia are avid shopaholics. They usually buy branded items, military clothing, amber (which, according to Chinese beliefs, cures diseases), chocolate and vodka.
Once, when I was working as a guide, we spent several hours buying army combat boots for a big Chinese boss. All the other low-level bosses simply tolerated it in silence, and I also had to suggest which style was better. There are also unpleasant stories when the Chinese buy fake amber and then sue or buy tiger skins with which they are wrapped at the border.

10.Chinese pensioners, cheerful and lively.

A separate chapter is about Chinese pensioners, who make up the main contingent of groups in Russia.
They are lively and cheerful, they are active and cheerful. They don't get tired.
Recently, my 95-year-old grandfather came to visit us, and I was very worried that it would be difficult for him. And my grandfather broke all stereotypes by standing in an hour-long line at the mausoleum to see the leader of the world proletariat.
Another Chinese grandmother became seriously ill in St. Petersburg, the disease threatened to completely numb the body. Everyone was very worried about her health, but the next day the grandmother jumped up and ran to the Hermitage, scattering all the doctors.

11. Love for military themes

As mentioned above, Russia is shrouded in a haze of militarism in the eyes of Chinese tourists.

In addition to their love for military clothing and paraphernalia, Chinese with higher incomes go to Russia to ride tanks, shoot and taste army food.
The pleasure is not cheap, but apparently Russian militants played a positive role in shaping the image of Russia.

And still:
Chinese tourists, despite their complex habits that are not easy to understand, are often very friendly and nice. You just need to find an approach to them)