What is the dialing code of Israel. How to call to Israel, in Israel and from Israel

There are situations in life when you need to call urgently, but how? If this is a mobile phone of the country where you live, everything seems to be clear. If this is a landline phone, then, knowing the code of any city in the country, you can get through to the subscriber. As for dialing to a subscriber in another country, there are certain rules here. How to dial to Israel?

In order to reach a subscriber who is in Israel from a landline phone, you first need to dial international code with access to the international line of the country to which they call. For calls to you need to dial international - 972, then dial the code locality, where in this moment be the subscriber, and directly the subscriber's number.

For example, in order to call acquaintances or friends, relatives in Jerusalem, respectively, dial the first three digits 810, then the international code of Israel 972, then the city code of Jerusalem - 2 and then the subscriber's number.

To call to Israel on a cell phone in any city in the country, you need to dial the international code + 972, then the code of the locality and the subscriber's number. For example, to call the resort Pitah-Tikva by mobile phone, you need to dial the first three digits + 972. Then the code of the city of Pitah-Tikva, and the phone number. If both the person who is calling and the subscriber who is being called are within the same district in Israel or the city, then the code in front of the subscriber's number is not dialed.

How to call Israel cheaper without spending extra money? Today, in the era of information technology, it is very easy to call any country in the world, and most importantly, it is very cheap via Skype. This is a specially installed program on a personal computer that allows you to communicate with any city and almost any country, moreover, if a video camera is installed on the computer, you can also have video conversations with the subscriber, that is, a video image is displayed online.

How to call Israel, or how to call Israel? In order to reach a subscriber who is in Israel, even in the same city from where the call will be made, whether it be a landline phone or a payphone, you need to dial the telephone subscriber's number without dialing the city code. If you need to call another city in Israel, you must first dial the area code, and only then dial the phone number of the subscriber. To call in Israel from a mobile phone, the area code must be dialed in any case.

If the number of the person you are calling starts with numbers that differ from the code of his city, then the call is made to a mobile phone, then you need to dial the subscriber's area code, that is, the code of the city where he is located and mobile phone number.

Calls to Israel. From a hotel room, in order to call a subscriber in Israel, you need to dial an additional hotel code. But, one must know that calls from hotel rooms very expensive, so it's easier and cheaper to call from a nearby payphone. Fortunately, in Israel, payphones on the streets are not uncommon and are located in almost every quarter.

In order to make a call from Israel to any other country in the world, you need to use the code - 012. But there are also other codes - 013, 014 and 015. To call, for example, to any country of the former CIS, it is still better through the code 012 , it is more comfortable. Here is an example of a correct set in Russian Federation- 012 + 7+ is the code of the city where we are trying to get through, and the subscriber's phone number is dialed last. If you call from Israel to Moscow, then dialing the following code is 012 + Russia code +7, then the Moscow code is 495 and the telephone number of the subscriber in Moscow. You need to call to St. Petersburg by dialing such a combination of numbers - 012, then the code of Russia +7, then the code of St. Petersburg +812, and at the end the telephone subscriber's number. A call to Kyiv, for example, will look different, as the set of numbers will change: the first three digits are the international code 012, then the code of Ukraine is +38, the city code of Kyiv is 044, and then the number of the Kyiv subscriber. To call Odessa from Israel, you need to dial 012, then the code of Ukraine +38. then the Odessa area code 0482 and the number of the subscriber living in Odessa. Calls to Belarus will look like this in digital designation - 012 without changes, then the code of Belarus - 375, the code of the Belarusian city, and the subscriber's number.

How to call to Israel? Telephone code Jerusalem +972 2, where +972 is the code for Israel.

How to call Israel to Jerusalem from Ukraine, including a mobile phone? If you call from a mobile phone, you should dial +972 2 and the subscriber's number, from a landline number from Ukraine to Israel, dial a combination of numbers 0, wait for a beep, then 0972 2 and the subscriber's number.

Please note - when dialing a number, the interval between digits should not exceed 5 seconds in time. We must also remember that temporary / and Russia are different. Therefore, if you make calls to Israel, for example, to business partners, you must take this into account so that the time of your phone call is correct.

Carried out by several companies - Kavei Zahav 012 Smile, Hot, Bezek, and 013 NetVision. As regards telephone mobile communications in Israel, then mobile communication is represented by several companies Celkom, Pelefon, Amigo, Orange, Hot Mobile and others. That is, the Israelis can choose from a whole list of mobile communication companies the one that will be more profitable for each client individually.

I must say that all phone numbers in Israel are seven-digit, but they have prefixes corresponding to each. So the prefix of Jerusalem and its environs is 02, and the telephone prefix of the center of Israel - the Gush Dan region - 03, the Bezek company serves the center of the country, the north of Israel has a telephone prefix - 04, and the south - 08.

As for mobile communications, the codes in Israel of mobile numbers differ as follows: the Pelephone cell company has the code 05, the numbers of the Cellcom cell company begin with numbers - 052, the Hot Mobile cell company has the code - 053, as for the Orange cell company, its numbers start with the prefix 054, Rami Levy's mobile phone numbers have the prefix 055-66, and Amigo's mobile phone numbers start with 057, the Golan Telecom cellular company has the code - 058, the company's numbers cellular communication Hot start with -077.

But, in Lately, for 4 years now in Israel it is possible to switch from one telephone company to another telephone company, and, most importantly, with the preservation of the number. Therefore, there is no clear division and unambiguous correspondence between the telephone codes of Israel and the serving telephone company.

On the territory of Palestine, Israel has its own cellular communication company - Paltel, which provides services to citizens living in the territory of the Palestinian Authority. Paltel's phone numbers are seven digits, and Palestinian numbers begin with the prefix 059.

Israeli emergency phone numbers, as well as emergency phone numbers in Ukraine and Russia, are short - three-digit. To call the Israeli police you need to dial the number 100, to dial to ambulance- 101, the telephone number of the fire department in Israel is 102, and the telephone number of the Israeli Electric Corporation is 103, the municipality of any city in Israel can be called 106, and the emergency call of the Israeli Ministry of Social Services is 118.

Communication in Israel is developed at a very good level, you can get through to any city in Israel, as well as outside the country, from any Israeli phone. It should be added that the code of Israel is 972. In order to call this country, you need to go to 8, then dial 10, the country code of Israel is 972, and then you should dial the code of the city you are trying to call and directly the number of the desired subscriber.

From Israel, you can get through to any city in the country, as well as outside the state - abroad, you can even use a pay phone that stands on the streets of Israel and works by telecards. Telecards are sold at any post office in Israel. A telecard is a magnetic card. The magnetic card is sold for 10,20,30,50 and 120 shekels. The cost of calls within Israel, as well as outside Israel, is much cheaper from 20-00 to 08-00 in the morning.

There are in Israel in different stores and pay phones that work on coins. The tariff in such pay phones is per minute, and therefore, before calling, you need to familiarize yourself with the prices. The rates vary from phone company to phone, although all companies offer a discounted rate. Reduced fare time - from 20-00 to 08-00. You need to know that calls from hotel rooms are very expensive, much more expensive than from a pay phone. Israel city codes: Jerusalem code - 02, Tel Aviv city code in Israel and Jaffa - 03, Haifa and Acre code - 04, and in the Galilee, Golan Heights and Nazareth code - 06, on the coast of Tel Aviv, in the resort city of Eilat and in the area of ​​the Negev desert, the code is 08, on the northern coast of Tel Aviv, the code is 09.

For travelers, it is simply necessary to know the most necessary phone numbers in the country where the vacation takes place. In Israel, the help desk number is 106 and the tourist information desk in Jerusalem is 625-55-44, or you can call 628-03-82. If you are interested in the city information service in Jerusalem, then the phone numbers are 106 or 531-46-004. You can get information by calling 146, and a certificate of Israeli city codes or phone numbers can be obtained by calling 114, and you can call from any pay phone free of charge.

The Israel Meteorological Service phone number in Jerusalem is 966-88-55. Call Help Desk international airport Ben Gurion can be called by phone, having previously dialed the area code in Israel, in this case, Tel Aviv 03 and the phone number 972-33-44, you can get information in Russian by calling 972-33-66.

Mobile communications in Israel are very well developed, there is coverage throughout the country, and even in the Negev desert.

How to call from a mobile or landline phone to a locality in Israel from Russia, Ukraine?

As mentioned above, the code for Israel is 972.

In order to call to Israel in any locality of the country, you need to dial the country code Israel 972, then the code of the city of Israel or locality, and the last step is the subscriber's number. For example, a set of numbers to Jerusalem from Moscow looks like this: 8 10 + 972 + 2 + the number of the required subscriber.

To call from a mobile phone to Israel, you need to dial the same Israeli code - 972, then the area code in Israel from Russia and the number of the desired subscriber. For example, a call to Israeli city Petah Tikva on a mobile phone should be dialed like this: +972+3+ the desired subscriber.

If calls are made within a city or area in Israel, you do not need to dial the area code before dialing the subscriber.

How to make a call from Ukraine to Israel? Everything is also quite simple. Let's say we need to call from a landline phone, for this we dial 0 0 972, then we dial the city code of Israel from Ukraine, well, the phone number of the subscriber to whom the call is being made.

If it is necessary, for example, to call from a mobile phone from Ukraine to Israel, then dial +972, then the area code and the phone number itself.

To call Israel from another country with landline phone, you need to dial the international call prefix, Israel code -972, city code (settlement) and subscriber number.

For example, to call from Moscow to Jerusalem, you need to dial: 8 10 + 972 + 2 + (subscriber's number).

To call any city in Israel with cell phone, you need to dial +972, then the code and number of the subscriber.

For example, to call Petah Tikva by cell phone, you need to dial: +972 + 3 + subscriber number.

If you are calling within the same district (city) of Israel, then you do not need to dial the code before the subscriber's number.

How to call Israel cheaper

In order not to pay extra money, it is better to call on Skype.

How to call in Israel

For calls to a subscriber located in the same city from where you are calling from a landline phone or , dial the subscriber's number immediately, without the area code.

For calls to other cities in Israel, dial the area code and then the subscriber's number.

For calls from a cell phone the area code is dialed in any case.

If your subscriber's number begins with digits other than his area codes, then you are calling to a cell phone, respectively, you need to dial the area code and the subscriber's cell phone number.

When calling from a hotel room, dial the additional code of the hotel, however, calls from the hotel are expensive, it is better to call from the nearest.

How to call from Israel

To call from Israel to another country, use the code - 012. You can use other codes: 013, 014, 015, but it is more convenient to call in the CIS through the code 012.

Russia 012 + 7 + area code + subscriber number

Moscow 012 + 7 + 495 + subscriber number,

St. Petersburg 012 + 7 + 812 + subscriber number,

Pyatigorsk 012 + 7 + 8793 + subscriber number,

Ukraine 012 + 38 + area code + subscriber number

Kyiv 012 +38 + 044 + subscriber number,

Odessa 012 + 38 + 0482 + subscriber number.

Belarus 012 + 375 + area code + subscriber number,

Minsk 012 + 375 + 17 + subscriber number