Pattaya tuk tuk traffic map. Tuk Tuk Pattaya - how to use tuk tuks (Songthaew), public transport in Pattaya

One of the routes has a different symbol because Google limits the number of routes on one map. That’s one thing that was missing :)

How does the transport system work?

Transport is not structured like in Russia, there are no route numbers, and the routes themselves do not intersect with each other and do not have common sections. Each route is simply assigned its own part of the path and the tuk-tuk circulates in a circle. The schedule has not been established, there is no control over the density of tuk tuks on the route. Sometimes they accumulate 8 in a row, sometimes they are not in sight, but you never have to wait long. There are a lot of them here, because every tuk tuk makes Thailand a little richer :)

Everything would work like clockwork if this were, for example, Germany. But this is Thailand, so in reality everything is not as in theory. It seems that the driver himself certainly does not know whether he will go back to his section or jump to the next one. Or maybe it will stretch through three routes, and then back. The only thing that calms you down in such a situation is their a large number of. You can get off and quickly transfer to another, then again to another. The cost also allows you to do this; a tuk tuk in Pattaya is not too expensive.

Tourists navigate the city using maps. Today it is interactive maps in smartphones, we have prepared one for you. But you can often find a paper map of tuk tuks in Pattaya, along with the designations of shops, markets, etc.

Fare and how to pay

Standard 10 baht per person. But there is a route that goes along Sukhumvit Road, it is very long, so they charge 20 baht there. And also in cases where the driver pulled through several routes, and did not drive in a circle, he can also ask for 20 baht. For example, you got off at the edge of Jomtien and want to get to Walking Street. It’s quite likely that knock-knock will get there. And this is an impressive distance by the standards of Pattaya - to drive through the entire city. The taxi driver will ask for 200 - 300 baht, so it’s not a shame to give 20 to the driver.

You pay for the trip upon departure. The passenger must approach from the left side, where the “conductor” can sit. Give the money to her, and if she is not there, then to the driver. Have small change ready, no one wants to bother with change, especially since they are always in a hurry.

Features of tuk tuks

It’s not just the tuk tuk route in Pattaya that is unique; they also have a lot of other features.

Formally, there are bus stops; they are marked with bus stop signs. But their meaning was completely lost in Thai life. You can catch a tuk tuk anywhere, all you have to do is vote with your hand. He will most likely stop; Moreover, when drivers see pedestrians near the road, they slow down and give two quick short signals with the horn to attract attention. After all, suddenly you need a tuk-tuk, but you don’t even know that it’s coming from behind :) If you’re just walking, ignore the signals, this is a normal situation.

If you sit down, then also do not expect the driver to slow down at bus stops. There are several buttons in the back that you need to press if you want to get out. The driver's bell rings and he brakes at the first opportunity.
Generally speaking, this is a very frivolous vehicle from a safety point of view. Nobody cares how you sat on it; when there are a lot of people and space is running out, people stand on the step behind, sometimes very close to each other. Barely holding on, they are very close to falling onto the road under the wheels of cars and bikes. And sometimes this happens. However, it is a matter of personal responsibility for everyone - how tightly to hold on to the handrails and whether to stand on the step at all.

Something strange happens with tuk-tuks in the evening. There is a formal time at which they stop working. But it is not known for sure, because no one stops working. After about 10pm, many tuk tuks turn into taxis. At the same time, nothing like “tuk taxi” gives out. Simply, when you sit down, the driver will come out and ask where you should go. It may cost more than a regular taxi, so don't hesitate to refuse if you were expecting something else. You can ask the driver or passengers “tuk tuk?” before boarding. If they said “Yes”, then it means it’s going along the route.

Thailand only allows Thais to work in tuk tuks, so you won’t see foreigners driving.

Hello dear friends! I often notice that tourists do not know how to properly use songthaew in Pattaya. They knock on the driver’s window instead of pressing the bell, pay before boarding, or try, without knowing it, to hire a songthaew as a taxi. To help tourists avoid such situations, I decided to write a kind of instruction for using songthaew in Pattaya.

As I already wrote in the article about, public transport in Pattaya they are often called tuk-tuks. But this is wrong, because tuk-tuks are a three-wheeled type of transport, which you won’t see in Pattaya during the day, but there are many of them in Bangkok.

So, how to ride a songthaew in Pattaya? I present to you step-by-step instructions.

Songthaew in Pattaya is one of our favorite tourist attractions!

1. How to stop songthaew in Pattaya?

There are no official songthaew stops in Pattaya, although tourists are sometimes misled by signs bus stops that are found on beach streets. Therefore, to stop the songthaew, just wave your hand.

As a rule, songthaews in Pattaya themselves honk at pedestrians while driving, so you don’t have to walk around constantly turning around.

Sometimes it happens that the songthaew to which you waved did not stop, although there were few people in it. This happens when the songthaew is busy as a taxi, or when the driver picked up the afternoon sanuk.

2. How to announce that you are leaving songthaew?

The main thing is not to knock on the driver’s window or on the roof above him. Go to songthaew, look around and you will immediately see small special bells in white or red. There are several of them in the songthaew, they are either on the roof or at the very top of the handrails.

As soon as you see your destination, press the bell. Sometimes there is no sound in the cabin, it only sounds from the driver, so don’t worry and don’t call several times.

And yet songthaew in Pattaya is an unsafe form of transport. For example, passengers are sprayed with water from head to toe!

3. How to pay for travel to songthaew in Pattaya?

Tolls in Pattaya are paid at the exit. Only when you go out, go around the songthaew on the left side! Driving in Thailand is on the left, so passing a songthaew on the right (driver's side) is dangerous. I saw several times how people tried to get to the driver among the cars. Nightmare! By the way, you can use .

Money is transferred to the left window– often a “controller” sits next to the songthaew driver. Often this is a family member of the driver. If there is no controller, don’t worry, the songthaew driver will take your money himself.

4. How do I pay for travel to Songthaew?

Pay tolls to songthaew in Pattaya is better small bills. And don't drop them! And then it may happen...

When paying for travel to songthaew in Pattaya, it is best to pay according to coins or small bills - 10, 20 or 50 baht. Unfortunately, there are cases when unscrupulous songthaew drivers, having received large bills of 100, 500 or 1000 baht for travel, take off without giving change or giving less change.

One of such cases was described to us in ours.

5. How not to pay more?

A typical mistake of tourists is to approach the songthaew driver in Pattaya and ask if he will get to such and such a hotel/shop/restaurant. The driver takes it as if you are trying to hire his songthaew as a taxi., and tells you the price from 150 baht. While everyone else will go to songthaew for 10 baht.

Therefore our advice: study the songthaew route map in Pattaya in advance, if necessary, ask other passengers how best to get to the place you need. You can find the map near the 7-Eleven store, which.

Songthaew routes in Pattaya are indicated on many maps of the city. And they move steadily both during the day and at night. But still, there is a normal public transport network.


  • If you see that the songthaew is crowded and you can only ride on the back step, it’s better to wait for something else - fortunately, there is no shortage of songthaews in Pattaya. When the songthaew is driving slowly, riding on the rear platform is not dangerous; but when it travels long stretches without passengers and accelerates, you have to hold on very, very tightly.
  • If you suddenly decide to drive like a hare into Songthaew, the driver will not chase you with a stick. But then he will probably give change to another passenger that is not in his favor. Therefore, our advice: just go to the window and apologize that you cannot pay. Nothing bad will happen, the Thais are very understanding people.

How much does it cost to go to Songthaew in Pattaya?

Around the city within one route – 10 baht.
Within two routes - 20 baht.
From Sukhumvit – 20 baht.

It's most convenient to knock knock, the routes of which are shown on a special map and highlighted in different colors.

The correct name for public transport in Pattaya is songthaew, not here and there. Tuk-Tuks are three-wheeled motorcycles; for example, you can find them in Bangkok, but in Pattaya there are pick-up minibuses with two benches in the back, which are called songthaews.

9 tuk-tuk routes in Pattaya

There are nine routes along which songthaews (tuk-tuks) ply. On Pattaya map they are marked with colors corresponding to the colors of the minibuses themselves. A circle with a picture of a songthaew is a parking lot (final). There are no official stops along the entire route for tuk-tuks; you can catch them by waving to the driver of a passing songthaew.

You can learn more about the rules for traveling on songthaew on this page, and the fare for all routes is 10 baht, except for the longest - a minibus running along Sukhumvit (the main highway of Pattaya) from the northernmost district of the city to the neighboring city in the south - Sattahip. Here the fare is 20 baht. tuk-tuk (songthaew) in Pattaya for printing.

How to get from hotels in the south of Pattaya to the center

Many tourists refuse to stay in the southern areas of Pattaya because of the distance to the resort center. Even though the beaches in the south of Jomtien are very clean, there are no foreign odors, as in center of Pattaya are not observed here, and the location of many attractions allows you to get to them very quickly and without hassle.

It is the songthaews (tuk-tuks) that will help alleviate the inconvenience of the remoteness of southern hotels. On the map of Pattaya, all southern hotels are located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand, and the Sukhumvit highway, closer to the south of the resort, runs 200-300 meters from the coast. A white tuk-tuk will take you to the central Pattaya tourists in 15-20 minutes, this pleasure costs 20 baht per person.

To get to Walking Street and those in the area shopping centers, shops and markets, it is enough to make one change - to a blue tuk-tuk (see on the route map). To board a tuk-tuk and head to the city center, for example, for guests of the Ambassador City Jomtien hotel complex, just leave the hotel premises without crossing the street, walk 50 meters to the left - there is a songthaew parking lot.

Other maps of Pattaya

Map of Pattaya in Russian with attractions, shops and markets

A useful map for tourists who like to explore an unfamiliar city, its attractions and shops on their own. It is also indispensable for those who want to independently compare prices for food and clothing at different

By resort town You can get around Pattaya in various ways: on foot, by taxi, by taxi-motorbike, by rented car or motorbike... The cheapest (with the exception of walking - but you can’t get to the other end of the city on foot) is to travel by local public transport - tuk tuks in Pattaya.

Tuk tuks in Pattaya (it would be more correct to call them songthaews) are converted for passenger transportation pickups. Two benches are placed along the sides of the body, and a roof is mounted above the body. You can ride while sitting on the benches, and if there is not enough space, you can stand on the step and lean on the handrails. If the seat next to the driver is free, then you can sit in the cab with him.

on the tuk tuk bandwagon

How to get around on tuk tuks?

There are no classic stops on the routes (except for the final ones); you can board a tuk-tuk anywhere by stopping it with a raised hand. In addition, tuk tuks themselves slow down when they see a potential passenger and sound the horn. Having reached the desired point on the route (or seeing that the tuk-tuk has turned in the wrong direction), you should press the button located under the roof (in the middle or on the sides): the tuk-tuk will stop.

Payment is made upon disembarkation to the driver, so prepare the money in advance so as not to delay other passengers. And preferably without change.

What you shouldn't do when traveling by tuk tuk is ask the driver where he is going and how much it will cost to get to your desired location. Then it turns into a taxi, transporting you and other passengers without transfers, but the payment will not be 10-20 baht per person, but 100 or more per car. However, for large companies it may not be much more expensive, especially when transfers are necessary.

tuk tuk in Pattaya, or songthaew

Tuk tuk routes in Pattaya

There are two types of tuk tuks in Pattaya: blue songthaews drive around Pattaya and Jomtien, and white ones drive along the Sukhumvit highway (the longest street in the world). Thus, the first tuk tuk route in Pattaya is along Sukhumvit. The fare costs 20 baht.

Another type of route is along the streets perpendicular to Sukhumvit: North Pattaya Road, Central Pattaya Road, South Pattaya Road and Thepprasit Road. Tuk-tuks run back and forth along these streets (along North, Central and South - between Sukhumvit and Second Street (Second road), along Teprasit - between Sukhumvit and Tappraya road), the fare costs 10 baht, however, if a tuk tuk turned off and drove on, then you will have to pay 20 baht - for two routes.

This group of routes also includes the route along Naklua road from the fountain with dolphins to Naklua beach - tuk tuks run back and forth between the ends, the fare costs 10 baht.

fountain "Dolphins" at the intersection of Second, Beach, Northern streets and Naklya

One of the most popular routes among our tourists is the route from Jomtien Beach to the city. In general, the end point of this route is the intersection of South and Second streets (near the school), but in the vast majority of cases tuk-tuks travel further along Second Street. Therefore, although the cost of this route, like the others, is 10 baht, but when it goes further, the cost consists of two sections and is 20 baht. To return towards Jomtien (and Pratamnak), you need to take a tuk tuk from the terminal at the intersection of Second and South streets near the school sports ground.

From Jomtien, tuk tuks connect to the circular route. They move along Second Street from the intersection with South to the large intersection where the fountain with dolphins is located. Further along Beach Street they move to reverse direction. Traffic on Second and Beach streets is one-way. Having reached Walking street along Plyazhnaya, the tuk tuks rise from the beach along South Street and either continue moving in a circle along Second Street, or head towards Jomtien (then they line up behind passengers at the end near the school sports ground).

And finally, to easily imagine the movement of tuk tuks - tuk tuk route map in Pattaya. Such cards can be found on streets of Pattaya(for free). And I took it and corrected it a little in connection with the changes in the winter of 2014-2015. By the way, among the free maps of Pattaya, I like the Russo Turisto map more than the others.

tuk tuk route map in Pattaya

I hope now it will become clear and easy for you to travel on cheap public transport - tuk tuk in Pattaya.

Tuk tuk in Pattaya is the main type of public transport, which is a small pickup truck with a closed roof and two side benches. Among the larger flow of cars, they can be identified by their yellow license plates. There are two types of tuk tuk: blue and white. They have different routes and, accordingly, different prices. White tuk tuks pass through Sukhumvit Street, and blue tuk tuks pass through the city center.

Tuk-tuks stop on demand, with a wave of your hand. If the driver sees a pedestrian walking along the road, they begin to honk at him, thereby offering him a ride. You can respond to the driver's signal with a simple nod of your head.

If you need to get out of a tuk tuk, you should press the white button with the image of a bell, which is located directly under the roof. Payment for the trip is made at the end of the journey, giving cash to the driver through the side window.

When moving around the city on a tuk tuk, you need to follow certain rules:

  • To get on transport, you first need to go on a tuk tuk route;
  • Respond to the tuk-tuk driver’s signal with a special gesture (nod or wave of the hand)
  • In order not to miss the place where you are going, do not forget to periodically look around;
  • Having seen your destination, you need to signal the driver by pressing the bell button;
  • Then you should pay the driver.

In a tuk tuk, passengers ride as they please, you can even stand on the running board at the back

If you need a taxi, but there is no available car nearby, tuk tuk drivers will come to the rescue. To do this you need:

  • Find an empty tuk tuk;
  • Then stop it;
  • Talk to the driver and tell him the final destination, be sure to ask him about the price;
  • Climb into the back and drive to the place you need;
  • The last thing to do, of course, is to pay the driver for the trip.

Read also

Utapao Airport in Pattaya

Tuk tuk traffic diagram in the city

The tuk tuk (songthaew) in Thailand is not just a means of transportation, it has become a symbol of the country.

Transport runs mainly through certain areas of Pattaya, from one part of the street to another. One of the main points in the city is a ring with a statue depicting a dolphin - at this place four main roads begin to converge: Beach Road, Second Road, Naklua Road, North Pattaya Road.

These streets are one-way, so tuk tuk routes in Pattaya can be said to be circular, going counterclockwise. Transport moves along Beach Street to Walking Street from the dolphins, then they turn left, starting to move back, in the direction from Second Street to the dolphins.

Another particularly popular route for tuk tuks is Jomtien - Thappraya and in reverse side. During Friday, Saturday and Sunday, transport runs along Teprazit Street, helping people get to the night market and then taking them back.

Tuk tuks operate in Pattaya until midnight. After this time, you can get to the hotel by taxi, the cost of which is between 100-500 baht (depending on the distance). Bargaining with a taxi driver is quite appropriate, but it is best to do this before the trip.

Tuk tuk traffic diagram in Pattaya