Map of Transcarpathia with attractions. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

In the west of Ukraine, in the Rakhiv region, near the village of Dilovo, surrounded by the highest mountain peaks of the Ukrainian Carpathians, there is a picturesque area that claims the honorary title of the geographical center of Europe.

In 1887, a group of Austrian engineers carried out topographic surveys in the area for the construction of a railway. During the work, engineers noticed that the geographical center of Europe could be located somewhere nearby. Soon, Viennese scientists confirmed this assumption with careful calculations. The place was marked by a modest concrete stele with a solemn inscription in Latin: “Permanent exact eternal place...”

In 1977, another one, the work of the sculptor Kozurak, was installed next to the historical stele. The converging lines of the seven-meter stele crosswise symbolize the four cardinal directions.

Lake Synevyr

The amazingly beautiful lake Synevyr - Polyanskoe, located at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level, is largest lake Ukrainian Transcarpathia. It is located near the village of Synevyrska Polyana, Mizhhirya district, Transcarpathian region.

There are beautiful local legends about the origin of this lake. According to one of them, it came from the tears of the beautiful Sini, mourning her deceased lover Vir, according to another legend - from the tears of the shepherd Ivan, separated from his homeland. In fact, the lake was formed about ten thousand years ago, during the post-glacial period, as a result of a large landslide caused by an earthquake.

The lake is surrounded by mountains on which ancient spruce and fir trees grow. Synevyr simply amazes with its magnificence, especially if you look at it from Mount Ozernaya. Then the second name of Synevyr becomes clear - Sea Eye.

In 1989, Synevyr National Park was created in the area surrounding the lake. Hunting is prohibited on its territory, and fishing is prohibited in the lake, although rare species of fish such as rainbow, lake and brook trout, as well as minnow, are found there.

And on the peninsula you can see a 13-meter sculpture of Sini and Vir, made of mahogany.

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Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

A dating carved inscription is on the doors. Wooden, two-frame, three-part. It is built from oak beams, connected by notches into a tension lock, and covered with a ploughshare. The foundation is stone, laid on mortar. Above the Babinets rises a tetrahedral frame tower, topped with a high spire with four turrets at the corners of the base. Under the roof of the tower there is an arcade and a utility room.

Negrovets (Ukrainian Negrovets, Hungarian Felső kalocsa) is a village in the Mizhhirya district, Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. Located in the upper reaches of the Tereblya River, at a distance of 20 km. from the regional center - Mezhgorye. The Kolochava – Mezhgorye highway passes through the village.

In Negrovec there is architectural monument wooden architecture - Church of St. Arch. Mikhail. In the construction of the temple one can feel the experience of the craftsmen who created examples of the shrines of Maramorosh.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the “heart of Verkhovyna”, namely in the glorious Pylypets, there are not only professional ski slopes And beautiful waterfall It's a hiss, but there is also an outstanding architectural monument of national significance, invisible at first glance - the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, XVIII century.

The oldest church was built in the Zakutya tract in the early 1500s, but it burned down. The second Church of the Annunciation of the Lord was built in the middle of the village, on Yurchik Hill in 1671, and burned down in 1758. In 1801, there were two wooden churches in the village - the main one for 340 believers and the small one, for 120 believers, at the upper end. The upper church was already in poor condition, and things from it were moved to the lower one, which adorns the village to this day.

Palanok Castle

Approaching Mukachevo, it is difficult not to notice this castle: it is truly majestic and impregnable. The height of the mountain on which Palanok is located is equal to the height of an 18-story building.

The castle received its beautiful name Palanok from the name of the wooden stakes that originally defended the fortress. The castle withstood many sieges by the Austrians.

The palanok consists of three parts of different levels, which are called the Upper, Middle and Lower fortresses. The Upper castle is the oldest (XIV century) and the highest (the Middle and Lower castles were built several tens of meters lower than the Upper one).

At different times the castle was a prison and an educational institution. An interesting fact is that after the fall of the Bastille, it was Palanok that became a pan-European political prison. Now in the castle is historical Museum and an art gallery.

Nicholas Church

With. Prislop, Transcarpathian region.

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Prislop resembles in shape the wooden temple in Toruń, but it is much larger and slimmer, with a delicate tower silhouette and graceful lines. The temple is surrounded on three sides by an arcade on high carved figured pillars. They are repeated in a reduced size in the traversal arcade. The two-tier bell tower with a wide canopy and an arcade in the second tier, where the bells are located, is covered with an eight-slope hipped roof. The shapes of the bell tower are much older than forms the temple itself and contrast sharply with it. Decorative carvings from the 18th century have been preserved in the interior. in the Baroque style by a local master, as well as individual works of easel tempera painting of the 16th-17th centuries. St. Nicholas Church is operational, restored in 1968. It is considered a masterpiece of Baroque Verkhovyna wooden architecture.

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Nicholas Church

Tourists in Svaliava will be interested in the architectural monument of the 16th century. - wooden church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. From documentary sources it is known that in the 18th century. To the southern outskirts of Svalyava, in the Bystry village, the old Lemko St. Nicholas Church was transported from a neighboring mountain village. Initially, according to researchers, it was built in 1588 according to the Boyko style.

In 1759, the temple was significantly rebuilt and moved to a new location, although the oak frames and beam ceilings with one crease were preserved. On the walls of Babinets the dates “1733” and “17..2” were visible. Obviously, they testify not to the age of the church, but to its renovations. It was after the renovations that the church became an example of the Lemko architectural style. The Lemko origin of the church is indicated high tower with a Baroque ending, a rapid growth of forms from the low altar to the tower and an open gallery with carved columns around the babinets.

The most popular attractions in Transcarpathia with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Transcarpathia on our website.

More attractions of Transcarpathia

If you are going to go to the Carpathians and are wondering what extremely interesting things to see there, this IGotoWorld collection will be useful to you. In it we have collected the very best beautiful lakes, high peaks, ancient sights. An experienced traveler may say: “Ha, this is all banal, I’ve already seen it.” But no! Are you sure that you have visited all the most outstanding sights of the Carpathians?

Castles and fortifications

  • Palanok Castle in Mukachevo, whose name comes from the Turkish palanka - fort. Its history goes back to the 11th century, and modern look he acquired it in the 17th century. At various times there were princely chambers, prison cells, military barracks, even a dormitory for machine operators. The fortress withstood numerous sieges. For three years the woman warrior Ilona Zrini defended her from attackers. It is now a historical museum and art gallery, open daily from 9:00 to 18:00, except Mondays.

Interesting: in the courtyard there is an ancient well, which, according to legend, connects the secret passages of the castle with the banks of Latoritsa. You can also rent the banquet hall of the fortress for your own celebration.

Where to stay: at the bottom of more than 60 hotels in Mukachevo.

  • Schönborn Palace– the former residence of the Austrian counts in the Beregvar tract invites romantics to stroll over the lake and admire fabulous architecture, calculate whether there really are 365 windows, 52 chimneys, 12 towers according to the number of months, 7 entrances according to astronomical symbolism.

How to get there: you can get along the Chop - Kyiv highway to the village of Chinadievo, where, by the way, there is another castle - . The Karpaty station is located nearby. Get off the train and go up the road through beautiful park to Schönborn Castle.

  • Arpad Line- a monument to the Second World War. It is more than 600 km long along the Carpathian ridge (from the Duklya pass to the Yablunytsky pass). It was built by the Hungarians to defend against Soviet troops and named after the leader of the ancient Ugrians Arpad. The best preserved Military Historical Complex is in the village of Verkhnyaya Grabovnitsa, where the museum operates.

Photo source:

How to get there: by any train in Uzhgorod direction or by electric train Lviv – Mukachevo to Volovets. Then take a bus to the beginning of the village of Zhdenievo or take a taxi.

  • Founded, according to legend, by monks - fugitives from the Mongol invasion. The monastery flourished in the 17th century: the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross was built, where more than 200 monks of the monastery could pray, there was a rich library and a luxurious iconostasis made by the talented master Job Kondzelevich. His creation, by the way, is now located in. Some researchers believe that Hetman Ivan Vygovsky is buried in the monastery. Now there is an Orthodox Monastery of the Exaltation of the Cross in Manyava.

Photo source:

Advice: be sure to visit, which is located nearby.

How to get there: from Ivano-Frankivsk through Lisets and Bogorodchany in the direction of the village of Gvozdets. By railway You can get to Nadvirna station, from where it is about 25 km to Manyava.

  • – the Greek Catholic Basilian monastery is considered one of the greatest shrines Western Ukraine. Here, on Yasnaya Gora, the miraculous icon of the Goshevskaya Mother of God, which is also called the “Queen of the Carpathians,” is kept. Although the original was lost, the image was reproduced in detail by the icon painter Fr. Juvenaly Mokritsky, and was consecrated by Pope John Paul II. Every year the monastery is visited by several million pilgrims.

Author of the photo: Marianna Ivanenko.

Interesting: In June, Gosha hosts a unique festival of bell art, because it is here that there is the second carillon of 52 bells after St. Michael’s Cathedral. The largest bell weighs 2,260 kg.

How to get there: You will definitely notice Yasnaya Gora, decorated with churches, while driving along the Stryi - Bolekhiv - Dolyna highway. Buses often run here between regional centers.

  • Michael's Church in the village of Uzhok is one of the most interesting, an unusual example of Boyko architecture of the 18th century. In addition, there are seven more unique churches on the territory of Ukraine. The carved iconostasis of the same era attracts attention. Interestingly, the village is famous for its mineral springs.

Photo source:

How to get there: It’s more convenient to get to Uzhk by train from Uzhgorod or from Lvov, or by highway through the regional centers of Turka or Bolshoi Berezny.

  • "Old Village", Kolochava– this is a “must have” if you are traveling to the Carpathians and, moreover, are interested in antiquity. Within the area there is a whole complex of museums to suit every taste. You will visit ancient houses different eras in the Skansen Museum, you will feel like a student at an old school bench, you will visit a bunker from the UPA times, and you will also be able to ride on.

Photo by: Eugene Naryvsky.

By the way, read more about Kolochava in the IGotoWorld special project about.

How to get there: It’s more convenient to get to Kolochava within tourist tour, visiting interesting attractions nearby: Lake Synevyr, a sheep breeding school and others. You can also get by train to Volovets, and then by bus through Khust or Mezhgorye.

  • Pysanka Museum- a real highlight of Kolomyia, although this city is rich. This is a must-visit for anyone interested in folk and contemporary art. The museum exposition contains more than ten thousand works of art from different countries world, located in a unique place, 13 m high. You can get to Pysanka from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays.

Author of the photo: Marianna Ivanenko.

How to get there: Trains and buses often run to Kolomyia via Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk or Chernivtsi. It’s easy to determine where the Pysanka Museum in Kolomyia is located: you will notice it while walking along Chernovola Avenue.

  • Roman Kumlik Museum of Folk Instruments in Verkhovyna. The owner collected musical instruments, folk clothes and interesting household items of the Hutsuls for 30 years and opened in 2000. Now the case is continued by Natalya Guzak, the daughter of Roman Kumlik. The highlight of the museum is that you don't just look at the exhibits. During an impromptu excursion, you will hear the sound of the Hutsul violin, cymbals, harp, dancing pipe, lyre, maybe try to play them yourself, and also hear many interesting stories and songs.

Photo source:

How to get there: Buses depart from the Ivano-Frankivsk bus station to Verkhovyna every hour. There is also a direct night flight from Kyiv. Another travel option is through Kolomyia.

Industrial tourism objects

  • Terebleritskaya HPP, which is also called, is strategic object Soviet times. Although it is still protected, if you climb one of the surrounding mountains, you can see the dam, structures and, as a bonus, beautiful scenery. It’s worth coming to the Olshanskoye Reservoir also because in a few years this monument may not exist: the hydroelectric power station is overflowing with garbage, and the water is beyond last years dropped to a critical level.

Photo source:, author – Sergiy Klymenko.

How to get there: First you need to get to Khust or Mezhgorye, from where it is about 25 km to the Terebleritsky dam. The most convenient way to do this is in your own car or by taxi. On the way you will see a famous village.

  • Carpathian tram is actually a 19th-century narrow-gauge railway built to transport timber. And today, romantics and nature lovers can ride for 4 hours through the most ecological valleys of the Carpathians, next to the Mizun waterfalls. Trips on the narrow gauge railway start every weekend at 9:00.

Author of the photo: Leshka Nikiforov.

Advice: Start your trip at , where you will find an interesting natural history exhibition, souvenirs and offers of accommodation and equipment rental.

Photo by: Eugene Naryvsky.

  • - twin of Hoverly, one of the most beautiful and tricky peaks in the Carpathians. His head is often hidden in the clouds. But from there there are beautiful views of the Svidovets massif and the entire Montenegrin ridge.

Photo source:, author – Yuriy Maksimenko.

On Petros you can climb from Kvasy, from Yasinya or Lazeshchyna, where it is convenient to reach by train in the Rakhiv direction. If you are not afraid of difficulties, you can conquer Petros by climbing a steep path from Hoverla along the Montenegrin ridge.

  • Popi Ivan Marmarossky– one of the most unusual peaks, located on the border with Romania. , which are also called the Hutsul Alps, is like a completely different country, which resembles the fabulous Hobitania, where red rue blooms, marble and rock crystal come across under your feet.

Author of the photo: Marianna Ivanenko.

Advice: On the way to Pop Ivan, be sure to visit, one of the highest in the Carpathians.

How to get there: It is better to conquer Pop Ivan Marmarossky as part of an adventure hike, ascending from the village of Delovoye, where you need to “check in” with the border guards. You can get to Delovoye by bus from Tyachev or Khust.

However, don’t stop after conquering the highest peaks, because there are still many in the Carpathians.

Carpathian waterfalls

  • Hiss- the most famous waterfall in the Carpathians, worth its fame. Several powerful cascades fall from a 14-meter height, and the water is icy even in the heat. It is especially picturesque in the spring, when the snow melts on the slopes of Gemba. In addition to the fact that Shipot has a large souvenir market and many tourists, many informal people come here for the Kupala celebrations in July to “hang out”, for whom Shipot has become an iconic place.

Author of the photo: Yuri Perebaev.

How to get there: to Volovets by train in the Uzhgorod direction, and then by regular bus to the village of Pylypets, behind which the waterfall is located. Of course it's more convenient to go organized tour or by taxi. And if you like hiking, you can include Shipot on your hike.

  • – the waterfall is not high, a little more than six meters, but it amazes with its power. Located near Skole, so you can walk here on foot through Mount Lopata, and also visit a unique natural attraction -.

Author of the photo: Valentina Ivashchenko.

Advice: especially beautiful in winter, when they are overgrown with bizarre ice figures from many icicles, and also in the spring, when the snow melts on the mountain slopes.

Lakes of the Carpathians

  • Synevyr– the most legendary lake located in the heart of Carpathian mountains among dense spruce forests. For IGotoWorld this is one of the most beautiful places in the Carpathians. It seems that mermaids still live here. But in reality, rare fish, mountain trout, are found here. In the middle of the lake there is an island that appears during a drought and resembles a pupil in the middle - the sea eye of the Carpathians.

Photo by: Eugene Naryvsky.

How to get there: Lake Synevyr is located in one of the most cozy corners of Transcarpathia, so you can get here either by car or by your own car, and then climb 1.5 km along the ecological trail to the lake. You can also go by train to Volovets, and then by bus or taxi through Khust or Mezhgorye.

  • – the highest mountain lake in the Carpathians. 1801 m above sea level. Located on the Chornohora ridge next to the mountain of the same name. The water in it is always icy. If you go on a trip to Montenegro, you will not regret two hours of your time; climb the mountain, which offers a breathtaking view of Lake Brebeneskul.

Author of the photo: Marianna Ivanenko.

How to get there: Brebeneskul can only be reached on foot, for example within the framework. Or, if you want to see as many Carpathian lakes as possible, you can organize a trip to the mountains on bicycles, say, to Svidovets and Synevyr.

Other natural attractions

  • Valley of Narcissus- This is a unique reserve in the Kireshi tract, a UNESCO heritage site. Numerous tourists come here in the spring to admire the white sea of ​​wild daffodils.

Photo source: tour-ua.

  • is a copy of the famous park of the Counts of Schönborn, which was created by artists, gardeners and sculptors in 2013. Therefore, do not confuse this place with the one already mentioned. The park is reproduced on the territory of the famous Voevodino resort, which offers luxury hotels in the Carpathians, swimming pools, sports clubs, in winter - it’s wonderful here, and there are romantic walks through the park in the style of the 18th century.

Author of the photo: Tetiana Smirnova.

How to get there: the park in Voevodino is located 45 km from Uzhgorod, from where people often travel Shuttle Buses. You can also get to the park from Svalyava.

Author of the photo: Tetiana Smirnova.

Where they are waiting for us the most Beautiful places Carpathians?

Svidovetsky ridge

A land of lakes, mountain beech forests, green pastures and colorful mountains. The Svidovets ridge is one of the most picturesque in the Carpathians. With every step new panoramas open up, which you just want to capture on canvas. Or at least on a camera. After all, every tourist simply must take a photo of the Carpathians! The massif is crowned by Mount Bliznitsa (1883 m). There are many tourist routes here.


Many Ukrainians begin their acquaintance with the Carpathian Mountains from Hoverla. This the country's most famous mountain. And she has something to be proud of: the mountain has no equal in height throughout Ukraine. But to the delight of tourists, its top is very convenient: majestic landscapes open from a small flat area. Haven't conquered the highest mountain in Ukraine yet? Then don’t hesitate to travel: the Carpathian mountains are waiting. It is convenient to stay in one of the hotels in Vorokhta.

What would you imagine Mountain Eared Stone to be like? The imagination of each of us draws different images. This is what happens to those who look at the mountain. Some people actually see the ear, while others notice the nose! But the main thing is that the slopes of Mount Ushasty Kamen are very picturesque. The intricate images, designed by an unknown artist, are also called “churches.” The panoramas that open from here are so desirable for connoisseurs of natural beauty! It is not surprising that Eared Stone is among the popular tourist routes. You can appreciate the scenery while hiking.

Spitz Mountain

The mountain that made friends with thunder and storm clouds. Spitz like attract bad weather. The clouds here love to cry and pour out all their sadness to grief. The Spitz surprises with the bizarrely shaped rocks that crown the top of the mountain. If you get here in calm weather, you can enjoy stunning panoramas. After all, you can see the greatness of the neighboring mountains: Brebeneskul, Ushasty Kamen, Dzembronya, Turkul, Petros and, of course, Goverla. And the tears that fall from the Gadzhin waterfalls in the mountain valley of the same name.

Photo source: author Andrey Plyasun.


A great place to hide from the world and escape from civilization. Dzembronya is the highest mountain village in Ukraine, and the most picturesque mountain. Although the path here is not easy, Lesya Ukrainka and Vasyl Stefanik visited here at one time. Popular routes around Montenegro start from Dzembronya.

Polonina Borzhava

The nature of the Carpathians is multifaceted. The bright colors of the Borzhava valley, the vast expanses flooded with sunlight, give an amazing feeling. The mountains covered with lush greenery are very picturesque. Most colorful panorama opens from the top of the highest mountain - Stryi, reaches almost 1.7 km.

The magic of Borzhava is great: this place is considered one of the best for hiking. Those who like to communicate with nature are offered various tours. You can travel simply, with a tent over your shoulder, or stay in wooden cottages. It is worth seeing the spring greenery of the valley during a tour already during the May holidays.

Beauty of Krivorivne

Why is there so much talk about a small Hutsul village that does not have much infrastructure? Yes, because Krivorivnya helps you transport yourself to another reality. It seems as if you are in a magical kingdom, surrounded by a mountain ring, in the middle of which a mountain river splashes merrily. The mountains are covered with dense greenery - there is no hint of multi-storey buildings. The magnificent landscapes for which the village is famous are still civilization did not have time to spoil. But perhaps you should hurry to see “Ukrainian Athens” in its pristine beauty.

Dovbush Rocks

Nature is the best sculptor. Only she could create such powerful and wise forms like Dovbush’s. The outlines of huge rocks and giant stones are somewhat reminiscent of incredible images of fantastic creatures. It seems that here, in the secret passages, a lion or a wise sphinx is hiding. A local residents We are sure that each rock reflects a part of the body of the national hero Oleksa Dovbush.

Park "Skolev Beskydy"

Between the three Carpathian rivers – Stryi, Opir and Mizunka – there is a charming mountain range. The forests of the Carpathians give you coolness. Huge beeches, ancient spruces and firs have been growing here for more than a hundred years. Rare animals, magical waterfalls, the historical and cultural reserve "Tustan", mineral springs - all this National Park"Skolev Beskids".

Rock Karst Bridge

When you look at the grandeur of the Carpathian mountains, it’s hard to believe that an ancient sea once splashed in their place. For thousands of years it has created intricate bas-reliefs. And when she left, she left her amazing creation at the bottom of the sea. Rock Karst Bridge, skillfully carved by the sea, imprint of ancient times. This place can only be reached on foot - there is no road to the fantastic rock as such. But this is a very pleasant journey that runs through the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve.

Milk Stone Cave

It seems that you are in a fairy tale. The owner of this underground kingdom is about to appear, he has created breathtaking fantastic patterns. Once you enter the spacious hall, you find yourself completely in his power, captivated by the grandeur of the underground palace. The main decoration is fancy stalactites– can be considered for an eternity. They were built over centuries with white lime mortar, which slowly flowed down the walls of the cave. It is better to get acquainted with the world of the Milk Stone cave with a guide - he will help you learn the secrets of the cave and not anger the owner.

Cinderella Cave

Unique natural places in the Carpathians there is also underground. Cinderella Cave earns its name by being modest. For a long time, the entrance to it seemed inconspicuous, and they were in no hurry to discover the beauty of the cave. But having opened the veil of mystery, they saw a whole underground kingdom. This gypsum cave is 3rd in the world by area. Multiple labyrinths, huge cave halls and entire underground lakes appeared in all their glory when part of the waters that Cinderella hid began to flow.

The halls and galleries covered with multi-colored clay are perhaps much more interesting than museum ones. You can also see “Cinderella” herself – a clay statue. If you are going to visit the cave, it is most convenient to stay in Chernivtsi. Perhaps a hotel in the city center will suit you.

Lake Synevyr

If you ask a Ukrainian which is the most famous lake in the country, he will not hesitate to answer - Synevyr. This Carpathian pearl is natural wonder of the Ukrainian Carpathians, which attracts thousands of people every year. Morskie Oko, nestled in silence on the top of a mountain, is one of the most popular attractions in the Carpathians.

Shipot Waterfall

If you listen closely, you can hear droplets of water whispering merrily as they fall from a 14-meter height. The Shipot waterfall, surrounded by emerald greenery, is a precious decoration of the Carpathians that sparkles in the rays of the sun. This the deepest waterfall in Transcarpathia. Best time to admire its tints - spring. At this time, the snow changes its appearance, strangely turning into crystal clear streams of water.

Rapids of the Cheremosh River

It is not for nothing that the mountain rivers of the Carpathians received the poetic epithet “stormy”. When the snow melts and they acquire all their power, the water flows from mountain peaks, literally boiling! The Cheremosh River is exactly like that. Extreme sports enthusiasts from all over Ukraine know it well: after all, raft on it in the spring– this is such adrenaline! There are so many exciting rapids here! And soon it's time for rafting.

Mineral springs of Skhidnitsa

Beauty that heals. The sun-drenched landscapes of “Ukrainian Switzerland” give inspiration, and its waters give health. This miraculous place is considered largest spring hotspot in Europe: There are about 40 sources here. This " living water“- a real miracle to which guests of the Carpathians come for healing. Skhidnytsia is famous for its mineral mud. If you decide to go to Skhidnytsia, you can take a closer look at this boarding house for relaxation and recovery.

Dragobratsky waterfall and Lake Gereshaska

Charmed natural ensemble, formed by a noisy waterfall and a quiet mountain lake. Lake Gereshaska, which has an amazing rectangular shape, looks from above onto the cascading Dragobratsky waterfall, which discharges its waters from a 7-meter height. It is especially interesting to observe this picture in the spring, during the period of snow melting.

Manyavsky waterfall

A small miracle - Manyavsky waterfall. Three undulating cascades tumble down steep cliffs. The area around the 18-meter waterfall is picturesque and shrouded many secrets and legends. Who knows, maybe you will be the one to hear the singing of Carpathian nymphs? Try to experience happiness during the excursion.

Lake Nesamovite

The high-mountain lake Nesamovitoe is one of the pearls of the Carpathians. He climbed to a height of 1750 meters! It is believed that the picturesque lake of glacial origin resembles Antarctica in its outline. There is a legend that sinful souls found peace at its bottom. Therefore, you cannot swim in it or throw stones.

Valley of Narcissus

There is very little left and a small miracle will happen. Beautiful spring day thousands of daffodils They will immediately open their snow-white petals towards the sun. The valley, covered with a carpet of flowers, will be filled with a delicate aroma. Magical bliss will spread under the high blue sky, filled with the cheerful chirping of birds. Thousands of tourists come every year to touch the enchantment of the Valley of Narcissus!

They say this is a Transcarpathian miracle gradually disappears: so you can’t waste a single minute of spring! During the flowering period, from May 1 to May 25, you can get to the Daffodil Valley every day from 8:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. You can already plan your trip by joining, for example, a cycling tour.

That's not all scenic spots in the Carpathians. Scroll natural beauty this edge can be supplemented endlessly. And we hope you will help us with this by sharing in the comments which place in the Carpathians you remember and liked most.

The entry was divided into the section - 06/27/2017 - .

And one more advantage Ukrainian Carpathians- prices. As a rule, with the arrival of warmer weather, the cost of holidays there decreases. Approximately, a private house in the foothills of the Carpathians can be rented for 50-100 hryvnia per day, a hotel room is much more expensive. The rest is a matter of taste.


This is a small village and resort in the Lviv region, where nature itself heals. Located in the valley of the Skhodnichanka River at an altitude of 600 m above sea level. Around are forested mountains, the peaks of which reach thousands of meters. The air of this mountainous area has a low oxygen content and is saturated with the aroma of pine needles and many medicinal herbs, which has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic process.

The uniqueness of Skhidnytsia is that it is the only place in Europe where there are about 40 springs with different types medicinal mineral waters. There are also deposits of medicinal mud here.



This is a regional center in the Lviv region, which is located on the banks of the Opir River. The local mountains are covered with relict fir and beech forests, which saturate the air with phytoncides that destroy bacteria.

Just take a walk through the Skolov Beskydy National Nature Park, climb Mount Parashka, excursions to the Kamenka and Hurkalo waterfalls, picking mushrooms and berries growing there, swimming or rafting in the Opir River, and the healing properties of the surrounding mineral springs.



These are the most high mountains Carpathians And the most colorful people live there - the Hutsuls. The village lies at an altitude of 620 meters above sea level, within mountain range Chornohora, which unites Hoverla, Petros and Pop Ivan, whose height is at least 2 km.

One of the steepest rivers, the Black Cheremosh, flows through Verkhovyna. Therefore, in the summer, you should definitely try going down the river on kayaks or inflatable boats.

In addition, tourists can relax with a fishing rod and a basket for mushrooms and berries. But the main thing is not to forget to climb at least one of the famous mountain peaks. An indescribable pleasure when you, out of breath and covered in sweat, swallow cool air at the very top, shrouded in thick fog. It’s also good to roast a whole lamb on a spit on the river bank, as the locals do.



This famous climatic resort is located in the upper reaches of the Prut River, on the northern slopes of the wooded Carpathians. Summer in Vorokhta means long walks, swimming and rafting down a mountain river, climbing rocks, and collecting medicinal plants.

In the village there is a monument of wooden Hutsul architecture of the 17th century - the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. An interesting object There are also arched railway bridges (viaducts), erected here in the 19th century.



The most famous of the Carpathian resorts, located at the foot of the Bukovinian Carpathians. Kosovo's favorable climate, small and clean Rybnitsa river and lack of industry are ideal for green tourism.

The Kosovo Bazaar, famous far beyond the borders of the Hutsul region, is especially popular at the resort. Here you can find a wide selection of ceramic dishes, carpets, embroidered shirts, iron, leather and fur products. In the city and its outskirts, tourists are offered a large selection of accommodation: hotels, recreation centers, boarding houses, private sector for every taste.



This is about locality, which is in the Transcarpathian region. He is better known as ski resort, but there is also something to do there in the summer. The Ploshanka River flows through the village, next to which there is one of the largest and most picturesque waterfalls in the Carpathians - Shipit.

And 7 km from Pylypets, in the village. Kelichin, located unique source natural carbonated mineral water, which is almost never found in nature. This water can be used for drinking treatment and baths for diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular system, as well as anemia and gynecological problems.

There are also many hotels, cafes, and spas in the village, which guarantee a completely civilized vacation.



The village on the right bank of the Tisza River is better known as a health resort. Its main wealth is a huge salt deposit - approximately 3.5 billion tons.

The highlight of Solotvyno - unique salt lakes. The water in them is very salty and is useful for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, radiculitis, pleurisy, arthritis, and skin diseases. Therefore, many tourists come here just to lie in this “ropa”.

In addition to lakes, Solotvino has no less famous salt mines, where people come to treat various respiratory diseases. There are many hotels, recreation centers, and sanatoriums here.