Beautiful description of a lake in the forest. Essay-description of the lake “Mountain Lake”

This summer August turned out to be hot and muggy. On the day off, mom suggested that dad and I go to the lake for a swim. We really liked the offer. We quickly collected everything we needed and hit the road.

It took us a long time to get there, because the distance from our village to the lake is long.

It was hot, the windows in the car were open all the time. I looked out the window the whole way, and I didn’t get bored at all.

I looked at the yellowing fields and green meadows, at the river with lonely fishermen in the reeds, at the blue sky with white clouds that seemed to float after the car, not lagging behind or overtaking it.

The road wound through corn fields, sometimes surrounded by walnut groves. Several times our path passed through villages and small towns. The streets were quiet and somehow strangely thoughtful. Someone else's life flashed past, very interesting, bright, and sometimes

and mysterious. I watched, with bated breath, someone else’s life, revealed for a second in fleeting pictures, as if in film frames: a girl came out and started playing with a ball. Before you have time to think about who she is, what she thinks and dreams about, a new picture opens: a woman takes off her underwear from a line stretched next to the porch of the house. Here

There’s a truck standing at a railroad crossing, and the driver is saying something to the old railroad worker, waving his arms, and it’s unclear whether they’re swearing or laughing.

It is interesting to observe the diversity of life from the car window.

Here is the lake! It looked like the sea, only a narrow strip of the opposite shore was visible. Low waves splashed lazily at our feet. I wanted to stroke their cool “back.” I bent down to dip my hand into the depths, slipped and... Plop!

It’s good that it wasn’t deep, because I’m not swimming well yet.
Then there was everything: swimming in clean water, shish kebab, baked potatoes in coals. And also the evening sky with huge stars.

Late in the evening, when it was already dark, we left for home, but there were many impressions left for a long time. Just enough until next summer!

Municipal educational institution Gilbirinskaya secondary school


Completed by: Afanasyeva Dari, 8th grade student

Kokorino village, 2012

Motherland, fontanelle, Russia, dewdrop, blue... Words associated with pure light, hope, faith and love, with the place where I was born and live.

There are many places in the world where I have visited - this is Lake Baikal, Tunka with its forests and ridges, the cities of Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk, where the Yenisei River flows. Beautiful forests, high mountains, as well as endless fields and magnificent cities you can find all this on our land.

And I live in Buryatia! Exactly this deep lake world Baikal, the high Sayan Mountains, a wealth of forests, fur-bearing animals and plain meadows with magnificent flowers. But still the most the best place, which is located near the village of Kokorino in the Ivolginsky district, is the forest lake Karasinoye. This is where you can relax, sunbathe, and swim. From the beach, there is a path around the lake that will take you to the health camps “Cheryomushki” and “Tuyaa”. And fishing here is a pleasure. This is what the boys vacationing here do. On the sandy shore you can enjoy the picturesqueness of the lake. I sit on the shore of the lake, admiring the landscape, nature is always beautiful, it makes me happy in life, I am always ready to love it and enjoy it every day. I was even attracted to this lake; I was drawn by the silence of nature and I could only hear the birds chirping or the leaves rustling.

The lake, like a magic mirror, hides a lot of mysteries. Old-timers tell legends about our lake and its surroundings. In summer you can paint excellent landscapes near the lake. You look at the lake, the world around you, feel the light breeze of the wind, the pleasant rays of the sun.

It is especially beautiful on the lake on a summer evening when the sun sets. The sun slowly sets and bright colors spread across the sky. And the stars slowly begin to light up. A fog appears near the lake, it slowly covers everything around. It becomes cooler, the birds fall silent, the soft smell of wormwood and steppe herbs begins to taste bitter in the throat. It immediately becomes quiet, peace and tranquility reigns around. I like the evening on the lake when I relax here with my parents. We light a fire, talk, sing songs and just remain silent.

Have you ever watched the sunrise on Lake Karasin? Fog appears over the lake and rises into the sky in ragged clouds. The surface of the lake becomes transparent and silvery. The first rays of the sun appear in the sky. Reeds, flowers, reaching for the warm rays of the sun, trying to survive, grow, strengthen themselves. And as a celebration of all living things, the birds begin to sing. Simply beautiful! I want to sing and enjoy life! This is what it is, our Lake Karasinoye!

Sketch of Forest Lake for 3rd grade

One day my parents and I decided to go to the forest. In the forest you can relax from the bustle of the city, enjoy nature and breathe fresh air. We took our things with us, got on the bus and went to the forest. We walked through the forest for a couple of hours and came out to a forest lake of magnificent beauty.

The lake had crystal clear water, a lot of trees around and a very beautiful clearing near the lake.

The breeze was blowing. The sun shone brightly. It's hard to imagine a more beautiful landscape. We took many photographs near this lake. Dad even swam in the lake. The water was surprisingly warm.

We liked the forest lake so much that we decided to go on vacation here several times this summer.

Essay on the topic Forest Lake 3rd grade

Summer is a wonderful time of year. In summer you can take a long walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. This is exactly what our camp did. Our counselors organized a train ride for us into the forest to the lake.

The road lay through picturesque fields. Arriving in the forest, we began to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The trees were very tall, the grass smelled delicious, and various insects were flying in the sky. You won’t see such a landscape in the city, you won’t enjoy such beauty at home on your computer.

Our large group, in friendly formation, went to a forest clearing, near which there was a lake. Along the way we took pictures, had fun and joked.

Once at our destination, we saw a medium-sized lake. One side of the lake was overgrown. This side is overgrown with reeds. The other side had a small beach and an entrance to the water. There were fish swimming in the lake, which could be seen if you stood near the water for a long time.

Dense grass grew around the lake. Among this grass were wildflowers. The girls collected flowers and created whole beautiful bouquets. A tall spruce tree grew near the lake. The spruce was old and had a lot of cones on it. On the spruce tree we saw a squirrel actively running along the branches.

We set up tents in the clearing and began collecting firewood to light a fire. According to the plan, we had outdoor games near the lake and cooking kulesh.

We also had fishing rods with us, and we went closer to the shore in order to catch fish. We brought worms with us, so we started fishing. Fishing was poor, probably due to the fact that it was very noisy near the water.

The day at the lake was a lot of fun. Everyone still has good impressions. Everyone wanted to stay overnight, but it was getting dark and we had to leave.

Everyone remembers this train to the lake. Everyone cherishes the beautiful landscape in their hearts and dreams of returning to the lake next summer.

Essay sketch for grade 3 Lake in the forest

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Our nature is always a powerful source of inspiration for those who love and appreciate, contemplate it in all its innumerable manifestations. Nature always excites and attracts the attention of photographers, thanks to its spectacular views and endless beauty. Elements such as the sea and mountains awaken a storm of emotions in a person, bewitching and making you think about a lot. The harsh beauty of the mountains, the clear lines of rocks against the blue background of the sky, bottomless and endless, like a great ocean, along which fancy clouds float slowly, like magic ships, spreading snow-white and light sails on an endless and unknown path - this majestic beauty invites a person to think about Eternity.

Mountains are some of the most breathtaking places on Earth. Usually, mountains are the part of the earth's land that rises above the plain. Mountains are not alike; they differ in size and surface. Some mountains are huge, massive, several kilometers high. Others are calmer, low and level. And even their height can be only 300 meters above the surrounding area. Often mountains are isolated peaks. But usually they are combined into formations called mountain ranges. Such mountain ranges can include hundreds or even thousands of individual peaks. The most high mountain on earth it is Everest with a height of 8848 meters, located on the border of Nepal and China.

People began to take photographs of grief from the time it became possible to document their expeditionary trips. For quite some time, photographers have been photographing mountains to visually demonstrate their expeditions. Photographing mountains is a good opportunity to capture beautiful landscapes. In addition to their extraordinary beauty, the mountains have always provided the opportunity to conduct a lot of interesting outdoor activities, such as mountaineering, skiing and snowboarding. skiing.

While traveling in the mountains, you can take breathtaking pictures of mountain landscapes that will attract and inspire. You can see this for yourself by looking pictures of mountain landscapes below.

Mountain height

Cape Mountains

Mont Blanc

Yellow Mountains

Mount Rainier

Mount Orliakas

Green vilvet
