Beautiful villages and small towns in Germany. The most unusual villages in Russia that are worth visiting one day

The publication by Rosstat of the first volume of the population census results made it possible to compile list of the largest rural settlements in Russia. Over the last intercensus period, the trend towards population concentration in major cities, which also affected the villages. The largest villages, numbering 20-30 thousand inhabitants, are actually small cities with corresponding potentials and limitations.

The growth or decline of the population in them depends on:

1) on the position in the center-periphery system, and in fact the sign of the migration flow,

2) from the presence of natural growth.

TOP 40 largest rural settlements of the Russian Federation

  1. The largest rural settlement continues to be Ordzhonikidzevskaya village(61.6 thousand people) in Ingushetia. Despite the obvious natural increase, a population decline was noted in 2010. This is due to the general adjustment towards the reduction of the population of Ingushetia, which was unjustifiably inflated according to the 2002 census. It is noteworthy that in Ordzhonikidze the male population is only 41.9% - an irrationally low value. I believe that this Ingush settlement should have changed its difficult-to-pronounce name long ago.
  2. Historically, the top 10 largest villages in the country were occupied by Kuban villages. During the intercensal period, they generally retained their population, despite the pronounced natural decline. This means that they continue to remain attractive for migration. At the same time, a number of large villages in the north Krasnodar region suffered a decline - Leningradskaya, Kushchevskaya. This may be due to their distance from regional centers. At the same time, the villages included in the Krasnodar agglomeration have grown noticeably (the villages of Novotitarovskaya, Severskaya, Dinskaya and especially Elizavetinskaya - the largest rural settlement in Russia in the city). However, Krasnodar already looks like a mega-station. The Kuban villages also include Art. Egorlykskaya in the Rostov region and st. Zelenchukskaya in Karachay-Cherkessia - being on the periphery of their regions, they were in the 2000s. were losing population.
  3. The largest of the Kuban villages and truly the largest rural settlement in Russia - village Kanevskaya (44.4 thousand people) retained its leadership in Krasnodar region, although its population has remained virtually unchanged.
  4. Dynamics of population in super-large villages Stavropol region largely repeats the situation in Kuban. With widespread natural decline, a significant increase is noted in Art. Kindly, art. Essentukskoy, st. Suvorovskaya and s. Krasnokumsky. The growth was achieved mainly due to the migration of Armenians and peoples of the North Caucasus. At the same time, large village-regional centers - Aleksandrovskoye, Divnoye, Donskoye and others were losing population. It stands out only with. Kochubeevskoye, which, having a profitable geographical position at the junction of federal highways and being a satellite big city Nevinnomyssk, there was a decrease.
  5. Chechen Republic became the third subject of the Russian Federation with a concentration of super-large villages. At a distance of 40 km from Agrun and Shali to the east to the village of Alleroy (Kurchaloevsky and Shalinsky districts), a chain of 10 villages with a total population of approx. 140 thousand people, of which the largest are Kurchaloy and Tsotsin-Yurt. This group The village is distinguished by its non-suburban location and significant natural growth. " Kurchaloevskaya rural agglomeration"- the largest in Russia, truly rural, and, I believe, one of the most interesting objects for studying the geography and economics of rural areas.
  6. Several positions in TOP 40 are occupied former settlements urban type, which in the 1990-2000s. returned the status of rural settlements. These are the regional centers of Orlovsky ( largest country village) and Zimovniki in the Rostov region, Saraktash in the Orenburg region, Raevsky in Bashkortostan.
  7. The remaining positions in TOP 40 are occupied suburban villages And villages(the village of Stroitel near Tambov, the village of Trudovoye near Vladivostok, the village of Dygulybgey near Baksan, the village of Novaya Usman near Voronezh).
  8. Village Novaya Usman(29.3 thousand people) demonstrated largest population growth and became the largest village in Russia, ahead of traditional leaders in the form of Stavropol villages. The growth of Novaya Usman is obviously related to the influence of Voronezh and the passage of the M5 Don highway. In the village in last years Multi-storey housing construction began actively.

Rural settlements of other historical types ( village, hamlet And aul) have significantly less population, although among them there are giants located mainly in the suburbs largest cities. It is possible that at the current pace of construction, by the next census, individual suburban villages will number several tens of thousands of people and have 20-30-story buildings.

The largest villages, hamlets and auls of the Russian Federation
(based on the results of the 2010 census, people)

  1. The largest village in Russia- village Vatutinki(11.1 thousand people) will soon be in the territory Moscow in the vicinity of Trinity . Now he is the owner of one and a half dozen 14-16-story buildings. Since the village of Vatutinki-1 does not have the status of a populated area, its population during the 2002 and 2010 census was counted in the village of Vatutinki, directly adjacent to the village from the south.
  2. There are only a hundred fewer people in the village New Devyatkino, which is in the Vsevolozhsk region Leningrad region. It can be assumed that after the completion of the construction of the New Devyatkino residential complex, consisting of nine 17-20 storey buildings, the population of the village will at least double.
  3. The largest farm- still x. Trudobelikovsky(9.4 thousand people), which stands on the bank of the Kuban opposite Slavyansk-on-Kuban.
  4. The largest village- aul Psyzh, is also a suburb, located in the Kuban opposite Cherkessk (8.2 thousand people). It should be recalled that only villages of the Adyghe peoples are officially called auls. Whereas the villages of other peoples of the Caucasus are called villages.

Vershinino (Arkhangelsk region)

Why go: admire the northern landscapes, study northern architecture, sunbathe on the islands of ancient Kenozero, fish, pick berries.

What's special: Vershinino- administrative and tourist centre Kenozersky national park. On the shore of one of the 300 lakes of this park - Kenozero - there is a village that is famous for Russian northern architecture of the 17th-18th centuries, extraordinary landscapes, lakes, forests, impenetrable wilderness and amazing people.

What to watch: above the village, on a hill, stands the ancient wooden St. Nicholas Chapel - a symbol of Kenozerye - where the unique wedge-shaped painted ceiling ceilings “heaven” have been preserved. Ancient churches and chapels, as well as worship crosses, are everywhere in Kenozerye: in villages, near roads, in forests, on islands. Local residents carefully guard them: each chapel has its own caretaker, elected by the residents of a particular village.

There is also the smallest chapel in Russia, which can barely accommodate one person. Once upon a time, the ancient northern trade route and the famous Kensky portage passed through Kenozerye. On the outskirts of Vershinino there is a “holy grove” - a traditional place for any Kenozero village, preserved from pagan times, where you cannot make noise, talk loudly, sing, litter, pick flowers, or cut down trees.

Details: in Vershinino, as in other places of the park, you can stay in guest houses, a visitor center, a hotel, or - as on any Kenozero island - in a tent in an equipped parking lot. There is a library, a workshop, and a museum. In August, Park Day is celebrated, the Assumption Fair and Kenozero Readings take place. Lots of interesting hiking and water routes, including “The Path of Ancestors” - ancient way fishermen and hunters, hermit monks, pilgrims and travelers. And in Vershinino they sell delicious northern bread, which is baked here.

Okunevo (Omsk region)

Okunevo (Omsk region)

Why go: relax against the backdrop of Siberian nature, recharge with optimism, look for yourself and new friends.

What's special: the inhabitants of this mysterious village sincerely believe that Okunevo- the center of the world. They say they live freely, without everyday life and holidays, everyone does what they want and when they want; Biorhythms are adjusted, and dreams come true. According to some reports, Okunevo was an ordinary Siberian village until the Indian guru Shri Babaji sent his disciple Rasma Rozite to look for “ ancient temple god Hanuman" somewhere in Siberia. Rasma chose Omsk because, in her opinion, the name of the city reflects the Indian mantra “Om”. In the course of further spiritual searches, Rasma ended up in Okunev, lived there for several years and, leaving her followers, left for her homeland - Latvia.

What to watch: Representatives of five religions live in Okunev (quite peacefully) and are engaged in creativity in workshops; In the summer they organize a festival and numerous holidays, and welcome pilgrims - fans of esotericism and meditation from all over the world. There are also “places of power” here, such as the Haunted House, the Witch’s Circle, Paradise Town, Shaitan Lake and many others.

Details: They say that the water in the five local lakes has unprecedented energy. The Siberian taiga, clean air and the Tara River are also great for getting into a positive mood. And in 1996, Boris Grebenshchikov wrote the song “Incident in Nastasino” about Okunevo.

Village Oymyakon (Yakutia)

Why go: test willpower, study the harsh life of the inhabitants of the north, remember blessed, winter, relatives -20.

What's special: Oymyakon, which in Russia is called the pole of cold, is located on the left bank of the Yakut Indigirka River. Some travelers even consider Oymyakon the coldest place on the planet. In winter there are frosts down to -60 (sometimes -70), and at -50, children from primary classes stop going to school. In summer it gets warmer up to +10...+12, but sometimes +30...+40. The shortest day in winter lasts three hours, in summer there are white nights.

What to watch: If you wish, you can take part in the rituals of the Even reindeer herders, arrange ice fishing in Indigirka, find out how Yakut cows differ from all others, travel through the tundra, and get acquainted with local frost-resistant horses. You can visit the Gulag museums. In winter, the traditional festival “Oymyakon - Pole of Cold” is held here, which brings together Santa Clauses from different regions and countries.

Details: A little more than 500 people live in the village. They raise livestock, fish, and keep deer. Dress according to the cabbage method. Cars are insulated, additional stoves are installed; if there is no heated garage, the engines are not turned off for months. In general, you definitely won’t be bored.

Ust-Tsilma (Komi)

Ust-Tsilma (Komi)

Why go: study the culture of the Old Believers, enjoy the peace, cross Pechora on skis (in winter) or fish now - in summer.

What's special: Ust-Tsilma- antique Russian village in the depths of Komi, on the banks of the northern Pechora River, where the descendants of the Old Believers-Novgorodians live, who fled here in the 17th century from the reforms of Patriarch Nikon. People are freedom-loving and stubborn - serfdom never reached them.

What to watch: The villagers carefully keep ancient sundresses in chests, which they wear during their traditional holidays, called “gorki”. The most famous summer “slides” are celebrated in July. All the locals, young and old, lead round dances of simple and complex figures, sing ancient songs, and then organize night festivities. It is believed that it was in Ust-Tsilma that medieval Russian culture, language, and folklore were preserved. The village has everything of its own: epics, fairy tales, epics. Services are held in the new Old Believer church.

Details: The village is large, 7 thousand people live here. Among other things, there is a museum of the explorer of the European North, scientist Zhuravsky; craft center, airport receiving An-24 from Syktyvkar, hotel. In the vicinity of Ust-Tsilma you can raft the rivers and catch excellent fish.

Nikola-Lenivets (Kaluga region)

Why go: communicate with artists, study landscape design, and become familiar with contemporary art.

What's special: village Nikola-Lenivets is in Kaluga region, on the banks of the Ugra River. Artists, architects and other creative personalities live here. The village was discovered by architect Vasily Shchetinin and artist Nikolai Polissky in the late 1980s. They also became the first residents of the artists’ settlement. In the 1990s, architects Anna Shchetina, Yulia Bychkova, and designer Vasily Kopeiko came here. And in the early 2000s, Nikolai Polissky began to involve local residents in creating installations from natural materials - a ziggurat made of hay, a tower made of vines, an aqueduct made of snow. This is how a festival of landscape objects arose, extremely popular among tourists.

What to watch: 28 art objects have been erected on an area of ​​650 hectares, the festivals “Archstoyanie” (June 13-14; July 25-27), “Night of New Media” (July 4-6) are held, there is an eco-farm and art residences.

Details: built in Nikola-Lenivets guest houses, camping and hostel, cafe and cinema under open air, there are bike rentals and Wi-Fi. Workshops operate on the territory of the former mechanical base in the village of Zvizhi. In 2014, it is planned to restore the villages of Koltsovo and Zvizhi, new festivals, master classes and art residencies.

Varzuga (Murmansk region)

Varzuga (Murmansk region)

Why go: admire the landscapes of the Kola Peninsula, listen to the silence on the White Sea, fish and eat kulebyaki with salmon.

What's special: Varzuga village, founded 590 years ago, is located on Kola Peninsula(Tersky district), 20 km from White Sea. The nearest regional center is 140 km, further than the Arctic Circle.

What to watch: in Varzuga there is a monument of Russian wooden architecture of the pre-Petrine era - the Assumption Church, built in 1674 without a single nail. Other attractions include: Afanasyevskaya Church (1854), the Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul (1864), holy springs, Museum of Pomeranian Life.

Every spring, along the Varzuga River, on both banks of which the village stands, Atlantic salmon goes to spawn. The spectacle annually attracts thousands of tourists, for whom camps are built along the banks of the Varzuga for many kilometers. In the summer there is also a haven for fishing lovers - perch, roach, ruff, dace and roach are caught with a fishing rod. For spinning - grayling, pike and salmon (after August 15, since salmon fishing in licensed areas is prohibited from July 1 to August 15).

Details: Varzuga was once the largest village on the Kola Peninsula. One of the first mentions of it is contained in a charter of 1466. Pomeranian folklore and traditional cuisine have been preserved in Varzuga. Local residents traditionally engage in fishing and bake roes from rye dough - toys made from dough: figurines of deer, bulls, cows, goats, birds, seals. Here you will always be treated to berry shangi, kulebyaki with salmon and northern berries - blueberries, cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries.

Our world is full of many attractive and fascinating places. Among them there are both large cities and small towns and villages. We have selected 10 of the most picturesque villages and small towns around the world.

10. Alberobello


The town of Alberobello is located in southeastern Italy. It is distinguished by interesting huts with a stone roof in the shape of a cone, also known as trulli. These houses are listed in world heritage UNESCO for its unique design.

9. Pariangan


Pariangan Village is protected as a place of cultural and historical significance. It is well preserved traditional houses and an old mosque. This village is still inhabited by the Minangkabau tribe.

8. Savoca

Savoca is located very close to Sicily. This village is not as popular as its neighbor. But, nevertheless, it is known as the filming location of the famous film “The Godfather”. The Vitelli bar that was featured in the film is still open here. Savoca also boasts its churches and beautiful old houses

7. Goreme

Goreme is a small town in Central Anatolia. He is famous for his cave settlements. Now the caves have been converted into hotels, so you can spend your weekend in an interesting and unusual way.

6. Reine

There are many in Norway scenic spots, but the village of Reine is not only one of the most beautiful places on the planet, but also the most hospitable north of the Arctic Circle. Reine is located in the Lofoten archipelago in northern Norway. Surprisingly mild weather allows locals and tourists to take full advantage of the stunning surroundings, whether hiking, kayaking or admiring the scenery and quaint fishermen's huts.

5. Sidi Bou Said

Sidi Bou Said

The Tunisian village of Sidi Bou Said rises above a cliff with stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. Except beautiful view overlooking the sea, this magnificent location also features a vibrant combination of two colors - white and blue, which gives the houses a truly charming and elegant look.

4. Wengen

About the village of Wengen Swiss Alps Many people have probably heard. But it’s one thing to hear it, and another thing to see it attractive place with my own eyes. There is an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility here. It seems like this is what heaven looks like. Thousands of tourists visit this alpine village both in summer and winter. It is beautiful in any season of the year.

3. Bibury

The thousand-year-old village of Bibury seems to have stood still in time. It's all about the charming Cotswold stone cottages. A walk near these structures or along the River Colne, which runs through the village, sometimes right next to the main road, can transport you back in time.

2. Hallstatt


Austria is a small country, but it has more beautiful places than the largest countries in the world. The village of Hallstatt is no exception. It is not only stunningly picturesque, but also has quite a long history. A long time ago, huge reserves of salt were found in the village, and salt mines began to be built here. And the ancient Celts also lived in Hallstatt, who also left their mark on the territory of this small Austrian village.

1. Eze

It’s hard to even call Eze a village, as it’s amazing a nice place, located on Cote d'Azur France high above a 1400 foot cliff. Its settlements offer breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea. Eze is also unique for its medieval charm due to the fact that centuries-old buildings are well preserved on its territory.

Russian villages were unfairly forgotten for a long time, but the desire of people to get closer to nature and find ecologically clean places has renewed tourism in forgotten corners. The article offers the reader a rating of the most beautiful villages in Russia and in the world.

All the most important parameters are used as evaluation criteria - landscape, picturesqueness, climate, ecology, culture.

Village Vyatskoye, Russia

According to reviews, the village of Vyatskoye has acquired the status of the most beautiful Russian village, because locality I was able to pass the competition based on numerous criteria and honestly win my title.

This beautiful area is located in the Yaroslavl region. On the territory, tourists can get acquainted with the history of various museums and architectural monuments. Local residents strive to do everything possible to develop tourist destination in this city.

Desyatnikovo village, Russia

This “pearl of rural life” is located in Buryatia. Not only do all the houses of the local residents have an exotic appearance due to their bright colors, but also the surrounding natural beauty contribute to this harmonious landscape.

A tourist, arriving here for the first time, will see endless expanses, sky, beautiful forests. In addition to the original appearance, the local traditions that have been preserved from time immemorial amaze the eye and mind.

Village of Bolshoi Kunaley

This settlement is also located in Buryatia, and dates back to the 18th century. Since then, this area has lived its own life.

The number of people living here barely reaches 1,000; the houses are amazing, with bright colors and beautiful decoration. And the beautiful landscapes around the village complement this picture.

Village Gorodnya, Russia

This settlement is a real pearl of Russian architectural art. Location: Tver region.

The settlement can rightfully count on the title of the most beautiful Russian village, because the local atmosphere can return any person to the ancient period. And the freshness of the local nature is very pleasing to the eye.

Small village in Provence, France

This small village surprises with its cohesion and original architecture. The village has nothing to do with Russian villages, but can easily return the viewer to the medieval atmosphere, surprising with its beauty.

Small streets, exotic vegetation in abundance, rainbow local residents and the amazing beauty of the surrounding landscapes - all this creates a local atmosphere.

Gasadalur, Faroe Islands

The settlement is located directly above the sea, literally hanging from a cliff. Sharp soil formations share this place with salty sea waters, creating a landscape of unique beauty around it.

The village is surrounded on all sides by rocks, mountains and vast meadows; is it worth talking about the attractiveness of the local ecology?

Gokayama, Japan

If you have dreamed of being in a fairy tale since childhood, then this place will remind you of it and make your dream come true. In Japan there is beautiful village, surrounded on all sides by high powerful mountains.

Mountain ranges and forests, releasing phytoncides, create healing air, and the beauty of the landscapes exceeds all imaginable and unimaginable expectations.

Monemvasia, Greece

This amazing place located right on the island, not far from the main land. There is a hill in the central part, and right at its base is this settlement with bright houses and good-natured locals.

The houses are literally adjacent to coastline, and what could be better than living in this heavenly place at least a couple of weeks.

Mountain village in China

Mountains always attract with their grandeur and secrets. In China, the mountains are particularly high, and a small village is located among such natural formations.

Surrounded by mountains on all sides, it boasts a good climate and cleanest air. Once in the village, you might think that you are in a movie.

Suzdal, Russia

Legends will soon be written about this place: it is so attractive. Tourism has begun to actively develop in the village, and many guests arriving here are seriously thinking about moving to this paradise.

There are all conditions for maintaining excellent health and conducting agricultural activities.