Who is the producer of water legend of the mountains. Mountain melt water "Legend of the Mountains" - the standard of drinking water

The popular Arkhyz water is mountain drinking water. It is characterized by low mineralization, which allows you to drink it daily. “Arkhyz” comes from the foothills of the Caucasus Range, from Karachay-Cherkessia. The name is given in honor of the village of Arkhyz, located in a wonderful place with unique nature.

Origin of water

Water is a universal carrier of information. Its benefits are not only in the set of microelements, but also in the natural location of the source. The place of “birth” of Arkhyz water is the outskirts of the village of the same name in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The height of the well is 1507 meters, in close proximity from the Teberda Biosphere Reserve.

The lower layers of the Caucasian glaciers are constantly melting. As a result of this process, the source penetrates through the rocks, enriched with useful microelements, turning into water, which is a component of Arkhyz. Its molecular composition is similar to human cellular fluid, which makes it easy to digest. Reviews of Arkhyz water convince us that it is very easy to drink, confirming its unique compatibility with the body.

Organization of water production and bottling

The extraction and production of Arkhyz is carried out by the Visma company, which has been working in this field since 1993. Water is obtained from a depth of about 150 meters. It comes from wells around the clock. It should be noted that the water coming out of the ground is already saturated with gases of natural origin.

Place of production - Arkhyz deposit, Arkhyz village, Zelenchuk district of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, wells No. 131-K, 1-E. Their depth is 150 and 140 meters.

After filling the tanks, they are transported to production for further bottling in the city of Cherkessk. There, the water is poured into containers that are manufactured by the company itself.

Water composition

Officially, in accordance with the conclusion of specialist researchers, Arkhyz water has a table hydrocarbonate magnesium-sodium-calcium composition, its characteristics meet TU 9185-006-24461881-03.

Leaving reviews about Arkhyz water, doctors note that it is optimal for daily use. Initially, it contains the necessary microelements to maintain the body in a healthy tone.

The following chemical components of Arkhyz create such vital activity:

  • calcium is a chemical element that is essential in the structure of bone tissue;
  • magnesium - required for optimal functioning of nervous tissue, very important in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the heart muscle;
  • sodium - replenishes blood plasma with alkaline reserves;
  • iodine - stimulates thyroid hormones, protects it from diseases, and has a positive effect on the intellectual development of children;
  • fluoride - protects teeth from caries and prevents other dental diseases.

Reading reviews of Arkhyz water left by medical experts, we can conclude that every sip of it helps replenish internal energy reserves.

Research results

Manufacturers of Arkhyz water constantly conduct research to confirm its healing properties. Reputable scientific institutes and centers are attracted. Thus, according to the latest findings on Arkhyz mineral water, it is an effective natural remedy suitable for the prevention of chronic diseases.

When carrying out complex treatment, Arkhyz water enhances the effectiveness of traditional medicines. Doctors, when forming reviews about the quality of Arkhyz water, state: it can be used in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems.

By regularly consuming Arkhyz, it is possible to significantly shorten the recovery time after various gastrointestinal diseases. Moreover, it helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Reviews of Arkhyz water in the area of ​​cosmetology and healthy lifestyle indicate that it really helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Provides invaluable assistance to women in maintaining the beauty of their skin, hair and nails. Optimal for those who are actively involved in sports, helping to supply the body with the necessary substances that improve its functioning.

Drinking water in 19 liter containers

The producers of Arkhyz, taking into account the demands of the time and the needs of the population for quality water, and especially urban cities, have launched the production of bottled water in 19-liter containers.

This volume is sufficient for current needs (water consumption in pure form, preparing food and drinks). Those who use coolers or conventional water pumps have long come to the conclusion that a 19-liter bottle is the best choice for home and work.

The Visma company (Arkhyz-Visma, Arkhyz LLC), manufacturer of a popular mineral water“Arkhyz” has experienced difficult times in the recent past. The debt to creditors reached more than 2 billion rubles, which is why Sberbank, the company’s main creditor, filed a claim for bankruptcy. In parallel with these problems, a decrease in sales volumes of Arkhyz water was recorded (accounting for almost 90% of the total volume of products produced by the company). There are many reasons for this - great competition, miscalculations in personnel decisions, unprofitable production, but the most important thing is suspicions of fraud on the part of the company's owner, Valery Geryugov. All this led to a temporary reduction in water output and interruptions in its supply in 2016-2017.

In business, the problems of some companies open up new opportunities for others. But are moral, legal standards and the desire to protect the interests of consumers always respected? In the case of some unscrupulous competitors of Visma, this question can be answered in the negative. Thus, Avaline CJSC (Gornaya Vershina brand 19 liters), taking advantage of the problems of the Visma company and the already well-deserved reputation of Arkhyz drinking water, registered its brand “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains” 19 liters. At the same time, the design of the bottles is almost completely preserved, which is even more misleading...

What is the reason for the popularity of Arkhyz water?

Contains melt water from the Caucasian glaciers. It is mined at an altitude of 1500m. and does not come into contact with groundwater. This water is characterized by a low level of mineralization, mild taste and bacteriological purity. “Arkhyz” can be used both as drinking water for daily use and for preparing food and drinks based on it. Her high quality and unique properties can be confirmed by various ratings compiled by various non-profit organizations, including Rospotrebnadzor. In these ratings, Arkhyz is consistently included in the top 10, and in 2014 and 2016 it won the People's Brand Award. According to Roskontrol tests in 2017, Arkhyz took first place in terms of water safety and purity.

It is not surprising that the Avaline company has a desire to use the rating name to increase sales of its own products, but the water it produces, “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains,” does not at all correspond to either the composition, quality, or beneficial properties genuine Arkhyz water.

Moreover, upon a detailed study of the certificate for the “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains” product, it becomes clear that the previously produced water “ Mountain peak" and "Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" are extracted from the same well numbered No. 3. Following from this, it can be assumed that the manufacturer, taking advantage of the difficulties of his colleagues in the “shop,” simply drew a new label, put a bright inscription on it: “Arkhyz,” and continued to bottle water from the well in which “Gornaya Vershina” bottles water.

How to avoid becoming a victim of counterfeiting?

According to statistics, Russians consume about 70% of counterfeits of well-known brands of drinking water. Therefore, the Visma company has always taken care of protecting its brand from counterfeits, using branded packaging, shrink film on the neck with the company logo, and protective film on the cork itself. But even these measures cannot fully help if the name “Arkhyz” is written on bottles that have nothing to do with the Visma company. Since not all buyers know about the methods of checking the authenticity of water, when choosing a product they are guided by the familiar “promoted” name, in our case “Arkhyz”. Unscrupulous competitors take advantage of this by selling low-quality water under the guise of well-known brands.

The Visma company has nothing to do with the production of Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains water and is not responsible for its quality. Moreover, despite the existing problems, she plans to defend her own rights and interests of consumers in court in order to achieve restoration of justice and preserve the good name of Arkhyz water.

The consumer needs to be careful and not get caught by the promoted name on the label, remember:

water "Arkhyz" and "Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" are completely different waters, with different properties and compositions, extracted in different places and at different factories.

Arkhyz water produced at the Visma-Arkhyz plant is the only melt water from centuries-old glaciers. Caucasus Mountains, extracted and bottled using a unique technology, directly at the extraction site, at an altitude of 1507 meters above sea level in the center of the State Teberda Biosphere Reserve.

Water "Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains"- m mineral table drinking water, originating from the meltwater of the Caucasian glaciers at an altitude of 1,100 m above sea level. Well ARKHYZ No. 52/2 since 2003. Arch iz - edge of untouched Caucasian nature and ancient monuments. This high mountain valley is located in Karachay-Cherkessia (where, according to official statistics, the largest number of centenarians in the Russian Federation live).

The Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains water originates from underground lakes formed by the melt waters of majestic mountain glaciers. When these glaciers melt, water, seeping through the sedimentary rocks of the ancient Sarmatian Sea, which are natural filters, forms huge underground aquifers with crystal clean water, existing in reliable isolation from the outside world.

What is the difference from the popular water Arkhyz

To purify the water "Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" a completely new technology in the water industry is used - ceramic filtration.MAIN ADVANTAGES and DIFFERENCES of ceramic filtration:

  • Environmental friendliness - a natural, environmentally friendly and safe component is used - ceramics. At the same time, ceramics are neutral to water - it does not interact with water, does not react with it and does not enrich it in any way.
  • Reliable results - the ceramic filter is characterized by a constant and reliable result and always produces the same high quality water.
  • Sterility - ceramics guarantee 99.9% microbiological purity in the final product

THE LEGEND OF THE ARKHYZ MOUNTAINS is a premium product not only in price, but also in terms of place of origin and quality.

The influence of water "Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" on our body

Water "Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" is unique in its composition. It has the special property of stimulating the natural self-healing mechanism of the human body.

This is confirmed by research by scientists from the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Resortology. Heated even to 37-38 o C, “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains” water is quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and upper parts of the small intestine, penetrating through physiological membranes into the internal environments of the body, and has a normalizing effect on a number of metabolic and immunological processes towards their qualitative improvement .

The composition of the “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains” water includes 16 micro and macroelements that are essential for humans (their presence is one of the main characteristics of the quality, taste and usefulness of water). At the same time, it has low mineralization (0.1 - 0.35 g/l) and is recommended for daily use by the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Resortology.

“The Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains” has been approved by Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation for consumption by adults and children from the first days of life and is included in the Nutrition Register for Children and Adolescents recommended for Moscow schools (Department of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation for Moscow).

To buy water "Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" at a profit, take advantage of the promotion

- Water " Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains"and Arkhyz water, are they the same thing?!

We answer:

- No, no and no... these are completely different products, with individual properties and composition, mined in different places and bottled at two independent factories.

Water " Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains» 19 liters are produced by Aqualine CJSC, Russian Federation, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Cherkessk, production site Zelenchuk district, Nizhny Arkhyz village.

Arkhyz water is produced by the Visma CJSC plant, Russian Federation, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Zelenchuk district, Arkhyz village.

It turns out that real Arkhyz water is bottled in the village itself, Arkhyz, which is located directly on the territory of the Teberda Nature Reserve, and water “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains” bottled in a completely different village, which is located much lower than the village of Arkhyz and has the appropriate name “Nizhny Arkhyz”.

Draw your attention to, Vodokhleb LLC is one of the few that categorically refused to introduce a “double” of Arkhyz water into its product range and thereby mislead its customers.

Now, in more detail about the background to the current situation, why and how the “double” of Arkhyz water appeared on the market...

Many consumers of drinking water have long ago decided on their preferences, choosing Arkhyz water from many brands. However, not everyone knows that the Visma company, which produces this water, has faced many problems in the recent past, which led to a reduction in production and a decrease in sales volumes. These problems arose for various reasons, including unsuccessful marketing decisions, miscalculations in personnel policy, and competition. This combination of reasons led to the emergence of a large debt to creditors in a total amount of more than 2 billion rubles. The main creditor of the Visma company is Sberbank, whose management decided to file a lawsuit to declare the company bankrupt.

But while the legal red tape drags on, Avaline CJSC took advantage of the vacant niche in the drinking water market and launched water for sale. Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" It misleads buyers not only with its familiar name, but also with its design, almost completely copied from the popular Arkhyz brand. Thus, someone else’s reputation and other people’s problems became a springboard for the rise of an unscrupulous manufacturer who used a favorite product to make undeserved profits. There is a lack of respect for the consumer, violation of legal and ethical standards, unfair competition and the desire to profit at the expense of others...

“Arkhyz” - clean water, good for health

Arkhyz water is extracted high in the mountains and contains exclusively melted glacial product, which does not mix with groundwater, and therefore has a special structure and healing properties. Due to its low percentage of minerals and mild taste, this water is recommended both for everyday use and for culinary use for preparing all kinds of dishes and drinks. The quality of the product is confirmed not only by its high popularity among consumers - Arkhyz water has repeatedly taken leading positions in ratings compiled by independent expert organizations. Let us remind you that in almost all known ratings Arkhyz is among the top ten; in addition, this brand has twice received the People's Mark award, and in 2017 Roskontrol recognized its superiority in such criteria as cleanliness and safety.

The obvious plagiarism of the Avaline company is based precisely on the high ratings of Arkhyz water, because it is much easier to use a name already familiar to consumers than to prove the superiority of your brand through hard work in fair competition. However, the deception of the buyer lies not only in a similar name and design - it is much worse that the product produced by this company water “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains” does not at all correspond to the declared composition and quality.

It is easy to verify this deception - on the labels of water brands " Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains" and "Mountain Peak", which are products Avaline company, the same place of production is indicated - well No. 3. Obviously, two different waters cannot be produced in the same place, that is, to increase sales, the manufacturer simply sticks different labels on the same water, using the already promoted name.

No - counterfeit, yes - healthy and clean water!

According to statistics, Russians in 70% of cases become victims of counterfeit products, consuming low-quality products under the brands of well-known drinking water manufacturers. Visma also had to fight counterfeits, protecting its products in a variety of ways. Long-time followers of the brand are well aware of these protective measures and, when purchasing, always check for the presence of branded packaging, shrink film with the company logo, and also a protective film on the cork. However, not all buyers are well aware of the methods for determining the authenticity of Arkhyz water, therefore, when they see a familiar name on the products of the Avaline company, they make a purchase, not suspecting that this water has nothing to do with real glacial water.

Visma company responsibly declares that stamp “Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains”- counterfeit, and has no relation to real Arkhyz water. Therefore, despite all the existing problems, the company will defend its rights and the rights of consumers in court. Buyers should know that "Arkhyz" and " Legend of the Arkhyz Mountains― these are completely different products, with different properties, taste, composition and quality. These brands of water are extracted in different places, produced using different technologies, and have significant differences in almost all parameters. Only “Arkhyz” is glacial water with unique properties, the extraction of which is carried out on the territory of the State Teberda Biosphere Reserve at an altitude of more than 1500 m above sea level.