Who builds pyramids? Theories about the purpose and functionality of ancient pyramids


Maslow's pyramid accurately describes the basic human needs in a hierarchical order.

In 1943, American psychologist Abraham Maslow published A Theory of Human Motivation (“The Theory of Human Motivation”), where he described five levels of basic human needs. As Maslow argued, before moving to the next level, the needs of the current level must be fully satisfied. First come the physiological ones, then those related to safety, a sense of belonging, recognition, and finally self-realization. The last stage was not easy to study: according to Maslow, only 2% of people achieved it. In addition to Einstein, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Beethoven, Lincoln and Roosevelt, he included himself among them.

Although Maslow’s work did not contain a diagram that would clearly reflect the essence of the theory, it entered the mass consciousness in the form of a triangle, a ladder, or, in fact, a pyramid. Perhaps his pyramid is the most visual description of people’s motivation, and therefore it is studied in any psychology or management course. It is often used by managers who want to achieve everything they can from their subordinates. Thanks to Maslow, businesses realized that employees need to not only be paid money, but also given space where they could realize themselves.

Chip Conley


“Many entrepreneurs underestimate the fact that people create companies. Each of us has a hierarchy of needs. When I read Maslow, I realized that later he wanted to turn this hierarchy for one person into a hierarchy for a group of people, but he did not have time to do this.”

Why this is not true:

Maslow's pyramid oversimplifies motivating people, and this theory has no evidence base at all.

Maslow's theory of motivation is usually criticized by citing examples of starving creators, brave climbers and hermits - anyone who acts contrary to his scheme. True, the pyramid to which the theory was reduced does not take into account many of the subtleties that Maslow spoke about: for example, the fact that people always experience needs at different levels, their order can arbitrarily change throughout life, and individual needs can disappear altogether. Later, new theories of motivation arose, which were either based on Maslow's theory or completely rejected it: the pyramid was turned upside down, cut into pieces and turned into complex diagrams.

It is impossible to prove whether Maslow's pyramid works: there is no value that objectively tells how much a need is satisfied. Apparently, the scientist did not want to create an impeccable theory. Maslow's main contribution was a paradigm shift: whereas psychologists before him had primarily studied the mentally ill - what happened when things went wrong - Maslow focused on what happens when things go right. It was Maslow’s work that became the basis for such areas as humanistic and positive psychology.

There are many people who consider the theories of leading Egyptologists regarding the construction of the Egyptian pyramids to be erroneous or a misleading delusion. This is usually based on the assumption that the ancient Egyptians could not have built the pyramids themselves with their extremely primitive tools.

Based on their own conclusions, rather than archaeological or historical evidence, alternative theories for the construction of the pyramids have been proposed.

All alternative theories are based on speculation and have little tangible support, but despite this, many of them are popular. Probably the most prosaic theory of the construction of the pyramids was described by Joseph Davidovich and Margie Morris.


The pyramid blocks are exceptionally high-quality limestone concrete—a synthetic stone—cast on site, the hypothesis states. The blocks consist of 90 - 95 percent limestone and 5-10 percent cement, being imitations of natural limestone (probably made in the ancient traditions of alchemical art).

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids never required stone cutting and transportation from distant quarries. The blocks were not mined, but were made from geopolymer cement right at the site where the pyramids were built. The limestone blocks did not need to be cut; the pyramid builders poured the finished mass into a wooden mold.

One of the characteristics of geopolymer concrete is that there is no noticeable shrinkage and the blocks do not stick together when directly adjacent to each other. And while it is impossible to achieve a tight fit (about 0.002 inches) from the 115,000 casing stones originally fitted using primitive tools, tight joints are easily achieved by casting geopolymer concrete.

After casting for a few hours or less, the block hardened and the mold was removed for reuse while the stone was still relatively soft.

This is of course a delightfully elegant theory about ancient technology. Unfortunately, it completely ignores a huge amount of evidence: the abundance of tools belonging to the third and fourth dynasties, quarrying, and the decline in the quality of the pyramid after the fourth dynasty.

Davidovich says: “A hypothesis is a matter of complex science that must be confirmed or disputed by qualified scientists. Ultimately, Egyptologists, specialized historians, cannot approve or reject a theory.”

The proposed theory of the construction of the pyramids does not find support among other geologists for two reasons. First, his sampling of pyramidal limestone was too selective.

Only one example of dubious origin was used: Jean-Philippe Lauer said that the stone belonged to Great Pyramid in Giza. Secondly, some of Davidovich's data is "very sensitive", which prevents him from sharing some of his technical data with others.

There are several obvious questions that Davidovich and his theory cannot answer. If wooden forms were successfully used and reused, then why are the sizes of the pyramid blocks so varied? Shouldn't they be fairly uniform in size?

Finally, where is the evidence of the existence of the mentioned forms? No molds were found or mentioned anywhere except for the small molds used for clay bricks.

The block stones of the pyramids are carelessly and roughly processed, many of them bearing clearly defined percussion marks. The blocks are loosely laid, often with crushed stone between them. The stones were clearly not cast on site. The theory simply doesn't match the known details.


According to one theory, the Caduceus Coil device was used to levitate stone blocks that were used to create the pyramids.

It was a complex path of movement of massive blocks, surrounded by rows of sphinxes, along which a spiral solenoid field created by coil generators operated.

The priests used tuned coils (misidentified by Egyptologists as columns), one passive (pictured left) and one active (right). The active coil was grounded to the "Sacred Spot" and used in the planetary energy grid.

The reason why modern scientists cannot duplicate this device is because our primitive science cannot understand the source of energy called the "world grid". The authors of the idea, Hardy and Killick, further explain:

Ancient people used the "grid" to achieve levitation and worldwide communication. This is why pyramids are found all over the world among all ancient civilizations.

The Cheops Pyramid in Egypt is a coil generator and was built to join the global network. The main control panel for this grid (nice plot twist, right?).

This theory may seem silly, but a surprisingly large number of people offer and support such explanations. Andrew Collins, author of Gods of Eden and Egypt's Lost Legacy, quotes a 10th-century Arab historian who recorded a folk tale about the origins of the Great Pyramid.

According to this story, builders struck stone blocks with a special rod, causing them to levitate and float through the air within "one shot". Collins insists that "the ancient Egyptians were able to create some kind of sustained sound vibration that allowed building blocks to defy gravity." Although as he himself adds


Of course, there is no archaeological or historical evidence that any of these actions occurred in actual history.

Such fantasies are based on speculations taken out of the context of mythology. However, the close interweaving of a number of legends sometimes produces unexpected and intricate plots.

In one of the hypotheses associated with the genre of “travelers in time”, the architect of the Cheops pyramid is indeed Hemuin (Wikipedia reference), whose origin is precisely unknown. According to the version, Hemiun, who came from far away, is at least our contemporary.

Hemiun became the archetype of the “intellectual hero” who brought knowledge to the ancient Egyptians. Unable to leave a mention of himself in the texts, he “encrypted” his memory in Abydos hieroglyphs.

Every year dozens of new theories appear about who built Egyptian pyramids, but the main versions have long been strengthened among historians and scientists.

For centuries people have been trying to figure out the greatest mystery history and determine who actually built the Egyptian pyramids. There are dozens of different versions, each of which may seem crazy to some, but very reliable to others.

Today, 35 pyramid complexes can be found in Egypt. The basis is made up of the three most large pyramids the Giza desert, whose history goes back centuries. The rest of the pyramids are small, since they were built much later in the form of tombs for the pharaohs, but even they carry great historical significance.

Official version of Egyptologists

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote a lot about the pyramids. It is his explanation of the appearance of the pyramids in Egypt that is considered the most reliable and official. Pharaoh Cheops gave the slaves the order to build the most high pyramid in history. In order to begin work, people first had to build a road from the rocks to the construction site. It was planned to move large rocky blocks along this road, which were the main element of construction. The road was laid for ten whole years, and the construction of the pyramid was completed after another twenty.

Workers changed every three months. One hundred thousand workers created the 147 m high pyramid and did not even suspect that one day it would become a wonder of the world. Presumably, the Egyptians lifted the blocks using homemade crane-like installations. Hand power and bull power were also used.

This information is considered official, but even it cannot be completely genuine, since Herodotus lived long after the civilization of the Egyptians was completed, and he received his knowledge from the ancient priests. One way or another, the pyramids were built by people, the question is how exactly they did it. Scientists are still giving new versions of what happened and are looking for answers to the questions: how did people, who did not have any equipment at hand, break off huge blocks from the rocks and do it as smoothly as possible? What was used to lift these blocks to the highest levels of the pyramid? These and other questions still remain unanswered.

Other theories

People who believe in gods and spiritual power are convinced that the pyramids are the work of saints who were revered in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed in spirits and constantly said prayers and mantras, creating a kind of psychic energy. It was this energy that created the force that was capable of moving mountains. This can be compared with today's psychics, who believe that they are able to move objects with the power of thought and have the gift of telekinesis. But even if we assume for a second that such an option is possible, the granite blocks from which the pyramids are built weigh so much that you need to have enormous strength to create such large-scale structures from them.

Another theory is put forward by scientists who refuse to believe that the ancient Egyptians were able to build structures of such a scale without the use of any technology. The theory of a highly developed civilization is not accepted by the world community as official, but it is the only one that has even the slightest scientific explanation. The pyramids were built with such incredible precision that it was necessary to have devices or means that even in our time are not so easy to create. The slabs were huge, and at that time there were no materials for processing them, since the hardest metal discovered at that time was bronze - it was impossible to split a granite slab with it, and even give it a perfectly smooth appearance. This is where the theory comes from that in those days the Egyptians had highly developed technology, which helped them create today's wonder of the world.

The most incredible versions

Thousands of scientists, psychics and historians from different countries For years they have been trying to solve the mysteries of the pyramids. In the process, many versions arise that seem ridiculous and absurd. People, having been inside the pyramids and convinced that these structures are many times superior to many modern buildings, cease to understand what is happening. Most often they refer to some otherworldly forces, they say that the Egyptian wonder of the world is the work of extraterrestrial civilizations and aliens. People are looking for answers to their questions, not even realizing how ridiculous some versions look.

One of these versions is surprisingly popular. Esotericists around the world are sure that the pyramids were built long before the emergence of Egyptian civilization Atlanteans - half people, half gods. According to the theory, the Atlanteans were so powerful that they were able to call on the power of the gods and take their natural energy to create large-scale structures - pyramids. After the demigods felt the power that had fallen into their hands, they began to abuse the energy given to them and use it for their own purposes. The gods became angry and sank Atlantis under water along with the Atlanteans. The only thing that remained untouched were the pyramids. They outlived their creators, and the Egyptians did not build them, but only reconstructed them.

The mystery of the pyramids is incredibly interesting. You can think and reflect on it endlessly; it is not for nothing that scientists spend their entire lives studying this topic and trying to get closer to the solution. None of the above theories is completely realistic - there will always be questions about each of them, but each of them also gives us incredible food for thought.

Pyramids disturb the minds and hearts of many people - from serious scientists who have devoted their whole lives to studying mysterious buildings, to conspiracy theorists who are sure that the pyramids could not have been created by human hands. Oddly enough, there is still not a single version of the origin of the pyramids that could satisfy both sides.


A medieval monk named Bernard made an amazing (for that time) journey to Egypt. When he returned, he presented his contemporaries with an exclusively rational theory explaining why the pyramids were built. The devout researcher was convinced that the pyramids were designed as a huge granary. There is indirect confirmation of this in the biblical book of Genesis: Joseph, the son of Jacob, predicts a famine in Egypt and convinces the pharaoh to build towers to store supplies. Many people still believe in this theory - despite the public cemeteries located near the pyramids.


Another, generally dubious version, has a huge number of supporters. Herodotus described a certain “ lost city", in which many saw Atlantis. The Atlanteans who escaped after the disaster allegedly migrated to Egypt. It was they who built the pyramids - as a monument to the lost continent.

But this theory really deserves attention. British mathematician John Legon suggested that the pyramid contains a huge amount of information accumulated by previous civilizations. It is written down by the very form of the building. In support of his guess, the scientist gives quite reasonable arguments: the ratio of the base of the pyramid to the height is exactly 2Pi. From this we can conclude: the pyramid is a map projection of the Northern Hemisphere, made on a scale of 1:43200

Alien beacon

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the most odious idea about the purpose of the pyramids. Supporters of the existence of “Area 51” sincerely believe in the cosmic origin of these monumental buildings. An alien civilization allegedly uses the pyramids as information transmission centers that are still functioning today. I wonder if the aliens are tired of looking at the countless crowds of tourists in Giza?

The Egyptian pyramids, built by aliens, according to supporters of this point of view, were a spaceport where their spaceships landed, including to refuel.

At the top of the Cheops pyramid there is now a flat area. According to scientists, there was a triangular pyramidion stone there, but perhaps it was not there at all. It’s hard to imagine that he disappeared so easily, because his weight was about one hundred tons.

Why don’t aliens now use the pyramids for their intended purpose? Experts agree that although extraterrestrial beings continue to visit our planet, they no longer need the pyramids. Due to technological progress, they now have other ships that do not need such a spaceport. Thus, Egyptian pyramids- this is a kind of outdated space equipment of aliens.

Signs have been preserved in the pyramids indicating the placement of special alien technology there. Thus, in the Great Gallery there are 28 recesses on the walls. One gets the impression that they housed something, perhaps some mechanisms and instruments, with the help of which, in particular, energy was generated for the functioning of ships.

Where did all these devices go? Most likely, they were destroyed by the aliens themselves. After the invention of more advanced means of transportation, the old technology was no longer needed.

In the middle of the pyramid, in the royal room, there is a large granite box. Perhaps alien fuel was stored in it. There is also an opinion that various chemical processes took place in this room; it is no coincidence that this room is decorated with granite, not limestone, because granite is much harder and more reliable. The room is completely sealed, except for two tunnels, which scientists believe are ventilation shafts. But is it?

The tunnels have entrance holes 20 x 20 cm, they are located on the walls at a distance of 1 m from the floor. Is it a coincidence that the top of the granite box is at the same height? Another oddity is that the walls of the tunnels are made of large stone slabs, which suggests that something other than water flowed through them. It can be concluded that fuel was supplied upward through the tunnels to refuel the ships.

At the bottom of the pyramid there is a room with an unleveled bottom. This is strange, because all the other rooms are perfectly aligned. Perhaps there was a warehouse in it, so they did not bring it to perfect condition. The room has a tunnel leading upstairs. Most likely, an elevator was moving through the tunnel, transporting substances from the warehouse.

And the aliens moved inside the pyramids using special elevators, like capsules through numerous tunnels. It’s not for nothing that all these tunnels have such precise dimensions.

How did aliens build the pyramids? It can be assumed that they moved the stone blocks not manually, but through the air using special rays that were generated by alien ships.

Why is information about aliens hidden?

There are two main reasons why information about an alien civilization is so carefully hidden.

The first reason is to prevent the population from panicking. It is known that the US government created a special project “Blue Book”. By official information, he had to study alien phenomena. In fact, he developed various ways to hide the fact of the existence of aliens from the inhabitants of the planet.

Another reason is that world powers are trying to outdo each other in the field of research into alien technology. By studying high-tech equipment, you can gain the opportunity to apply extraterrestrial knowledge to produce unsurpassed types of weapons.

Despite such secrecy, an increasing number of the planet's inhabitants believe that we are not alone in this Universe.

Version about the construction of pyramids by a highly developed civilization

This theory is also not officially recognized, but boils down to the fact that the pyramids were built by people.

Proponents of this theory believe that once upon a time there was already a civilization on Earth with a high level of consciousness and technology.

According to one theory, such a civilization were the Atlanteans (inhabitants of Atlantis), who built the pyramids or assisted the inhabitants of Egypt in this.

According to another version, the ancient inhabitants of Egypt were able to find and apply technologies from past civilizations to build pyramids. Again, historians know nothing about the existence of such civilizations.

Another theory is that the ancient Egyptians themselves stood at an extremely high level of development.


To summarize, we can come to the following conclusion: Whoever built the pyramids of Egypt clearly had a high level of development in the field of technology. Only an extraterrestrial civilization, or as we usually call them - Aliens, could have such a level of knowledge.