Kulob guards. Detailed map of Kulob - streets, house numbers, areas Where is Kulob located

City, c. Kulyab region, Tajikistan. The origin of the name is associated with the Taj. kuloba lake water or kuloba wetlands, floodplains, thickets; The surrounding area of ​​the city was swampy in the past. Geographical names world: Toponymic dictionary... Geographical encyclopedia

KULOB- city (since 1934) in Tajikistan, in the valley of the river. Yakhsu, 202 km from Dushanbe. 79.3 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: for the production of batteries, cotton gins, etc.; food industry. Pedagogical Institute. Theater. Local History Museum... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Kulyab- noun, number of synonyms: 1 city (2765) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Kulob- (Kul ab) bekstvo and city in the southern part of the Bukhara Khanate, on the right bank of the Amu Darya, in the basin of the K. Darya (Aksu), a small right tributary of the Amu. The surface is undulating and mountainous in the NE. The climate is temperate, winters are mild and rainy, summers are hot.… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Kulob- KULOB, city (since 1934), regional center in Tajikistan, in the valley of the Yakhsu River, 203 km from Dushanbe. 79.3 thousand inhabitants. Industry: cotton ginning, food (oil press, dairy, meat); battery production and more. Pedagogical... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Kulob- city (since 1934) in Tajikistan, in the valley of the river. Yakhsu, 202 km from Dushanbe. 79.3 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: for the production of batteries, cotton ginning, etc.; food industry. Pedagogical Institute. Theater. Local History Museum... encyclopedic Dictionary

Kulob- (in 1939 55 the center of the Kulyab region) a city in the Tajik SSR. Located in the valley of the river. Yakhsu (Pyanj basin), at the foot of the Khazratishoh ridge, 203 km southeast of Dushanbe, with which it is connected by an iron and highways. 40 thousand inhabitants... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Kulob- (Kul ab) bekstvo and city in the southern part of the Bukhara Khanate, on the right bank of the Amu Darya, in the basin of the K. Darya (Aksu), a small right tributary of the Amu. The surface is undulating and mountainous in the NE. The climate is temperate, winters are mild and rainy, summers are hot.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Kulob- city, c. Kulyab region, Tajikistan. The origin of the name is associated with the Taj. kuloba lake water or kuloba wetlands, floodplains, thickets; The surrounding area of ​​the city was swampy in the past... Toponymic dictionary

Kulob (disambiguation)- Kulyab: Kulyab city in Tajikistan Kulyab airport in Tajikistan. Kulyab bekstvo of the Bukhara Emirate ... Wikipedia


  • Tajikistan. Pamir. Practical and transport guide, Anton Krotov, This is the first practical guide to the highest mountainous country in the CIS. How to get to Tajikistan by train, plane, your own car or hitchhiking? How to move independently inside... Category:

Here is a map of Kulob with streets → Khatlon region, Tajikistan. We study detailed map Kulob city with house numbers and streets. Search in real time, weather today, coordinates

More details about the streets of Kulyab on the map

A detailed map of the city of Kulyab with street names can show all the routes and roads, where they are and how to get to Safarova Street. Located near.

To view the territory of the entire region in detail, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. On the page there is an interactive diagram of the city of Kulob with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find the streets now.

The ability to plot a route across the country and calculate the distance using the “Ruler” tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (the “Hybrid” scheme type), look at train stations and borders.

You will find everything you need detailed information o the location of the city infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and routes, how to get there.

Accurate satellite map Kulob with Google search is in its own category. Use Google search to show house number on city map in Tajikistan/world, in real time. . St. Kuibysheva will help you navigate the area.

Coordinates - 37.9163,69.789

In the Khatlon region there is a Tajik Kulyab city, which is located in the valley of the Yakhsu River. It is believed that the name of the city means lake water or wetland. Kulob became a city in 1934. This historical city is especially attractive for tourists, because here you can see a large number of attractions. Find out which ones are worth a visit here.

History of Kulob

Archaeological excavations were carried out in the city of Kulyab and its environs, as a result of which the remains of mausoleums and ancient structures were found, which indicate the good development of construction and culture in the city. Note that in the last century Kulob became largest city Eastern Bukhara, which consisted of twenty blocks. Various types of crafts deserved special respect, among them jewelry, weaving, leatherwork and pottery were considered the most respected. Thanks to oriental bazaars, trade is well developed here. Which ones, look here.

Sights of Kulyab

The main attractions of this historical city are: historical Museum Kulob and the mausoleum of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni. The latter is a real memorial complex, in the park of which you can see majestic centuries-old plane trees. In the past, this man was a prominent figure, thinker, poet and philosopher. In addition to Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni himself, Muhammad, his son, as well as his many relatives are buried in this complex. The mausoleum building was built in the style of a traditional medieval building. At first, the mausoleum has three portal entrances. And its domed hall is superbly decorated with carved decor. This structure was built in the 15th century, after some time a tomb and a mosque were added to it. Rate

Kulob is a city located in the Khatlon region of Tajikistan, which is one of the most ancient cities in the country. It is located 203 kilometers southeast of Dushanbe. Climate: dry, temperate, sharply continental. The average temperature in summer is +25 degrees, and in winter the thermometer often drops to -5 degrees.


To get around the city you can use a taxi, minibuses, buses.


It is worth visiting the historical museum and the Mausoleum of Mir Said Ali Hamadoni.


You can go to a cinema, museum, theater, art gallery, restaurant, cafe.


There are 3-5* hotels in Kulyab. Presidential rooms and junior suite and luxury apartments are available. In addition, you can find budget options placement.


Restaurants in Kulyab serve horse meat soup, noodle soup with meat, cabbage rolls, kebabs with meat and vegetables, halva, brushwood, chopped cutlets, puff pastries with fillings, and pilaf. Among the drinks, teas, fruit infusions, and wines are popular.

The shops

In Kulyab you can buy embroidered paintings, clothes in the national style, dishes, knives with decorative paintings, jewelry, spices, tea, and souvenirs.

The territory of the Kulyab Valley occupies an advantageous geographical position. Fertile soils, abundantly irrigated by high-water mountain rivers and their tributaries, attracted settled and nomadic populations to these regions.
River valleys have been the main places of human settlement since ancient times. Archaeologists have established that Stone Age people previously lived here in caves. Settlements of people who lived here about 2000 years ago were also discovered. In particular, stone grain grinders for grinding grain into flour were discovered.
The territory of modern Kulyab VI-IV centuries. BC was part of the Achaemenid state. As a result of a series of aggressive campaigns, the Akhmenid king Cyrus captured a vast territory, which included Bactria.

In the upper reaches of the Amu Darya, in the territory of what is now Northern Afghanistan, the Pamirs and in the Amu Darya mountainous regions of Tajikistan, where modern Kulyab is located, settled Bactrians lived. In Bactria, even in ancient times, the population was engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and other branches of agriculture.

In the 4th century BC, Alexander the Great, after the defeat of the Achaemenid power, invaded Central Asia. In the spring of 329, he captured almost all of Bactria, and Greek troops headed through Termez and Kabadiyan to the area of ​​​​modern Kulyab. Historical facts they say that Alexander conquered the territory of the upper reaches of the Amur Darya, and after that he moved to the capital of Sogd, Marakand.
In Bactria, uprisings against Alexander broke out very often. In the Khuttalyan region, “as the area between Pyaj and Vakhsh was then called,” in the area of ​​Bubasenu, the rebels held out the longest during the fight against Alexander. This was favored by the mountainous nature of the areas. The Bubasenu area is identified with the areas of Kulyab and Baljuvan. Defending their independence, the people bravely fought against foreign invaders. But also for the military superiority of the enemy and treason local nobility The rebel resistance was broken.
In order to create strongholds for the Greco-Macedonian colonization, Alexander built a number of outpost cities in Bactria. One of them was erected in Huttalen, and following the example of many other cities that arose in a similar way, it was given the name Alexandria on the Oxus.
Even in the tenth century AD, according to scholars, there was a city known in Khuttalian called Sikandra, an eastern form of the name Alexander. According to the famous Tajik scientist Bobojon Gafurov, the city of Alexandria on the Oxus (Amu Darya) was supposedly located in the area of ​​​​present-day Kulyab. Bactria had extensive cultural ties with Greece and India. In the 2nd century AD, Buddhism began to spread very quickly in the state of Khuttal, which remained firmly in place until the 8th century. Having strengthened, Buddhism began to spread from here towards the Hissar Valley and at the same time Indian culture began to spread. Some sources indicate that Buddhism penetrated here, indicating that even in the 7th century. the population of this region worshiped Buddha. This is confirmed by the 13-meter statue of Buddha found in the Khatlon region, which is now on display in the museum of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In the II century. BC, part of Central Asia was inhabited by the Tocharian tribe. Therefore, the territory located in the upper reaches of the Amu Darya River was named Tokharistan. This territory was divided into several small independent or semi-independent states, one of which was called Khuttalyan (Khatlon).
In the 4th century. AD the process of collapse of the Kushan kingdom came to an end. By this time, the Tocharian tribes had already mixed with the local population. In place of the collapsed Kushan state, including in Bactria (Tokharistan), the power of the Hephthalites is established.
Tokharistan was formally part of the Hephthalite state, but in fact was an independent state. Under the pressure of the invasion of nomadic Turks in the 6th century, the Hephthalite state fell into decay and the Turkic Khaganate emerged, which included the whole of Central Asia, including the territory of modern Kulyab.
According to some sources, Tokharistan was divided into 24 small semi-independent possessions, which were nominally subordinate to the Turkic Kaganate. Khutalyan was one of the most developed parts of Takharistan. Here, for example, mining and gold mining were developed.
The Khuttal country occupied the territory between Pyanj and Vakhsh. Khuttal as an independent state, according to researchers, arose in the 4th century. ad. Gradually it becomes a strong state and occupies one of the first places in trade between individual regions of Central Asia.
A feature of the country's economic life was developed cattle breeding and especially horse breeding. Khuttal became famous at that time for breeding horses. The Khuttal horse was glorified in Arab-Persian poetry. Horses were the subject of supply to the cultural oases of Central Asia and were considered the best.
Locals They also engaged in hunting. They were deservedly recognized as excellent hunters, and hunting was a constant activity for many of them.
According to the research of scientists, the capital of Khuttalia was Khulbuk, which is located on the territory of the present Vose region in the vicinity of the modern village of Kurban-Shaid, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations. Khulbuk was one of largest cities in Central Asia. Its central part occupied an area of ​​about 70 hectares, and a citadel rose in the southwestern side. During excavations, the remains of a richly decorated palace of the Khuttalia rulers were discovered. Abundant underground material from the 10th-12th centuries roughly guides researchers regarding the time of the most intense life of the city.
Monumental buildings - palaces and mosques - were finished with the greatest luxury. The palace of the rulers of Khuttal was decorated with magnificent carvings. The palace complex of the 11th century, uncovered by archaeologists in Khulbuk, is interesting. Finds of Ghaznavid coins confirm the fact that these areas were part of the Ghaznavid state at that time.
In the forest strata near the Baldzhuvon region, Tajik archaeologist V.A. Ranov excavated stone tools, the oldest found in Central Asia, their age is 850 thousand years. He also discovered a unique site of Neanderthals in the Dangara region near the Ogizkichik cave with hearths, near which 15 thousand charred turtle shells were discovered. Other finds in the Kulyab region include altars of temples dating back to Zoroastrianism, where a sacred fire burned thousands of years ago.
In this ancient land powerful states arose and fell apart: Bactria, the Greco-Bactrian kingdom, the Kushan kingdom, Tokharistan.
Tajik archaeologists have been excavating the cities of Khuttal for many years. In Khulbuk, the capital of Khuttal, the remains of a ruler's palace were found, in Manzar - a medieval bathhouse, in Sayed - a palace complex and a craftsman's house. This object is a historical and architectural monument.
Amazing world of bygone times is revealed here for study. Bronze products, water pipes, ceramic and glassware, ivory chess, carved ganch jewelry. And the multi-figure compositions, a portrait of a 11th-century girl playing the harp, became an event in archeology, since after the invasion of the Arabs in the 7th-8th centuries and the spread of Islam in Central Asia, it was forbidden to depict people and animals.
In the 11th-12th centuries, for unknown reasons, people left the cities of Khuttal. Later, instead of the destroyed Khulbuk, arose new town, which is now called Kulyab.
In the 13th century, the caravan of the Venetian traveler Marco Polo passed through the land of Kulob.
Until the mid-20s of the last century, Kulyab Bekstvo was a remote outskirts of the Bukhara Emirate. The grain was transported on carts to the Fayzabad-Kala pier on Pyanj and sent down the river on kayaks.
Ethnographer, archaeologist, traveler A. Bobrinsky, who visited Kulyab at the end of the 19th century, wrote: “In Kulyab and Baldzhuan, silversmithing flourishes, paper and silk fabrics are woven, copper, wooden and earthenware are made. Nomads felt felt, weaved carpets, rugs, and gillems (carpets). They own large herds of horses.”
In the distant past, oppressive oppression caused the indignation of the people. Here is a typical page of history.
For several years in a row there was drought in the Kulyab and Baldzhuan valleys. 1885 was the first harvest year. Representatives of the emir demanded that farmers not only pay all taxes for the current year, but also pay arrears for previous ones. This meant dooming the people to hunger again. A clash occurred between officials and the population, which subsequently developed into an uprising, the leader of which was the farmer Vose. Nowadays the Vose district, which is located 20 kilometers from the city of Kulyab, bears his name.
In 1934, Kulyab became a city, and in 1956 a narrow-gauge railway was built to it. Railway, which connected Kulob with Termez and Dushanbe. Now, on the basis of the narrow-gauge railway, a modern railway has been built, which connects the region not only with the capital of the republic, but with the cities of neighboring countries - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Russian Federation.
Next to the Khatlon Hotel there is a bus station, a new modern building. From here buses depart to all cities and districts of the region. From the bus station, Mount Khojamumin is clearly visible; it has green slopes with white spots on the crest. But this is not snow, but salt sparkling in the sun.
Opposite the Khatlon Hotel there is a large oriental bazaar where fruits and vegetables (apricots, apples, grapes, pomegranates, walnuts, pistachios) are sold in abundance. As in other cities of the republic, a large market is held here on Sundays. Early in the morning, sellers of numerous retail shops lay out their goods. Around the bazaar there are large and small shops, as well as workshops of folk craftsmen who make various household items and agricultural tools.
Next to the bazaar there is the Badakhshan cafe and the modern building of the Nargis Public House. Further along the central street of the city there is the Kulyab Hotel, shopping mall"Ravshan", cinema "Javonon" (Youth).
The local history museum of the city of Kulyab has departments of nature, history, industry, agriculture, folk art, fine arts, over 1500 exhibits. In the museum you can get acquainted with the history of the region and its current state.
In Kulyab, carpets, suzani, national dresses, local color of life, original traditions and customs. One of the travelers wrote about the people of Kulob: “They give their clothes a variegated coloring, using colors that do not lose their freshness.” During a wedding, suzane (national wall embroidery) decorates the entire house; they can hang for several months. Orange, purple, green, black embroidery. The patterns are simple and naive - similar to children's drawings. The groom is presented with embroidered skullcaps and sashes. Women wear red shirts and patterned headscarves.
A unique monument of history and architecture is the mausoleum of the outstanding thinker and religious figure of the 15th century Mir Said Ali Hamadoni in the city of Kulob, where many followers who venerate his sophistic teachings make a religious pilgrimage.
The mausoleum of Mir Said Ali Hamadoni is located in central park city ​​next to the local history museum. Poet, philosopher, thinker Mir Said from Hamadoni (Iran) was born in 1314. In his youth, he studied with eminent Arab scientists. At the age of 21 he went to big Adventure By different countries. He later lived in Hamadoni, wrote many books on philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics. In 1379, Timur conquered Hamadoni, and the scientist parted with his family and students, leaving for Kashmir. The mausoleum was built at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th centuries by local craftsmen according to an Iranian design. Hamadoni's students carved inscriptions about the teacher and sayings from the Koran on a large rectangular stone. From Kashmir, a stone-monument was carried on an elephant to Kulob. It lies not far from the mausoleum.
Sights of great interest to foreign tourists beautiful surroundings ancient Khutal, now the city of Kulyab. Particularly attractive is Mount Khojamumin, a unique natural monument, which consists entirely of pure salt of different colors, fawn and gray, bluish-green and pink.
The famous Venetian traveler Markr Polo wrote about the salty mountain Khoja Mumin as follows: “... its salt is so much that it will be enough for the whole world, until the end of the world.” There is almost no exaggeration in the traveler’s words, since it has been proven that Khojamumin’s reserves could provide salt for all of humanity for many hundreds of years. Millions of years ago there was not solid earth here, but the ancient Tethys Sea. Salt was deposited at its bottom, which was pressed by other rocks from all sides. As a result, the salt took the form of a huge column and spread to the sides. The domes of the mountain now rise up almost a kilometer, and the thickness of salt in the bowels of the earth is another 4 kilometers.
At the foot of Mount Hojamumin there are 160 springs. It is also very interesting to visit the caves of the mountain, where bizarre music plays, because the breeze moves the long thin stalactites hanging at the entrance, and they begin to ring. Here is one of the largest rock salt caves - almost 350 meters long. A stream flows between the blocks of salt, snow-white stalactites and flows decorate the passages and halls. These voids in the mountain were formed from the washing away of salt by water. The features of the mountain make it possible to develop speleo tourism here, because the unique underground world is increasingly attracting tourists and is never forgotten.
One of ancient cities The Central Asian city of Kulyab will celebrate its 2700th anniversary in 2006, which will become a significant event for the country.
Unique natural and recreational features, as well as diverse flora and fauna, the Muminabad, Khovaling, Baljuvan and Shurabad districts of the Kulyab region are distinguished, where it is possible to successfully develop such types of tourism as ecological tours, trekking and photo hunting with the involvement of local communities.
In a region, if properly organized, planned and managed, ecotourism can be an important source of economic benefits for government agencies, tourism businesses and local communities alike. Moreover, this type of tourism can be an effective tool for the protection of natural and cultural values. However, it should be ensured that the organization of ecotourism activities does not lead to ambiguous results and negatively impacts the surrounding ecosystems, flora and fauna and does not call into question the sustainable development of ecotourism as a whole.
In the Muminabad region, the natural monument “Childukhtaron” (literal translation of forty beauties) is a large rocky mountain range in the form of silhouettes of forty girls is amazing. Bizarre stone silhouettes create the impression that these are girls frozen in stone and there are many beautiful legends telling about these amazing rock formations.
Another region that is most attractive for the development of tourism is the place of Sari Khosor, amazing in its natural landscapes, which covers the territory of the Baljuvan and partly Khovaling districts. By the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, this region declared a zone international tourism and currently, on the basis of the adopted State Program, relevant work is being carried out here to build the infrastructure necessary for the development of tourism.
Sari Khosor represents a great mountain gorge along which the water flows, forming the Yakhsu River. Sari Khosor is located 150 kilometers from the city of Kulyab. Here, on both sides of the gorge, you can see abundant forests, consisting mainly of fruit trees (Hazel, Mulberry, Cherry, Cherry). Among the fauna in Sari Khosor there are many bears, wild boars, mountain goats (Siberian ibex), and porcupines.
Most attractive place in Sari Khosor is her famous waterfall, located in the village of Mulokoni, where in the summer many citizens and tourists come to admire the beauty of nature, breathe clean mountain air and enjoy the soothing sound of a water stream flowing from a height of more than 50 meters.
In general, Khatlon region has sufficient tourism potential based on which it is advisable to develop the following types of tourism:
- cultural and historical tourism;
- mountain sports tourism;
- caving tourism;
- ecotourism and photo hunting.
To develop tourism in the region with the involvement of members of local communities in tourism and the development of tourism programs and routes in this regard, the following main cultural, historical and natural recreational sites of the Khatlon region should be based on the use of which can attract a large number of foreign tourists.