The best cities in Finland to live. Emigration and life in Finland - personal experience

When deciding where to go on holiday in Finland, determine what you want more. This country provides many opportunities for both celebrating the New Year and relaxing holiday in any season, and for recovery in sanatoriums and spa resorts.

You will find here most interesting excursions and good ski resorts. In addition, Finland is good for fans of fishing and hunting, and that’s why people come here too. Let's take a closer look at different vacation destinations in Suomi.

Excursion cities of Finland

The excursion cities of Finland are known throughout Europe. The northern country is famous not only for its natural parks and Moomins, but also quite serious attractions.

  • Tampere
  • Turku
  • Vantaa
  • Porvoo

Thermal resorts in Finland

Thermal spas are also well known, although Finland is not considered a specialized country in matters of balneological sanatoriums. However, saunas, massage rooms and various spa treatments are available in almost every hotel in the country. Most often people come to these cities for a sanatorium holiday:

  • Vuokatti
  • Imatra
  • Naantali

Beach holidays in Finland

Not in Finland sea ​​resorts, A beach resorts concentrated on the shores of the country's lakes. Here they fish, barbecue, sunbathe and swim. There are hotels and cottages located along the recreation areas, so you don’t have to go far. Beach season opens in June, but the water temperature at this time does not exceed +18°C.

In July it warms up to +19-21°C. As for the coast Baltic Sea, beach holiday We don't recommend it there. Due to strong cold underwater currents, only extreme sports enthusiasts can swim in the Finnish Baltic. But if you are one of them, then you may like the sea and lake beaches in the following cities:

  • Helsinki
  • Tampere
  • Åland Islands
  • Lappeenranta

We will tell you about holidays in Finland on the water in this section.

The best ski resorts in Finland

Finland cannot boast of a large selection of black pistes, high slopes and interesting descents, but they are comfortable and well equipped ski resorts There are a lot of them with affordable prices in the country. There are about 80 ski centers in Finland. We will list the ten best of them.

  • Vuokatti
  • Kuopio
  • Kuusamo-Ruka
  • Pagliacca
  • Saariselka
  • Tahko
  • Ukkohalla
  • Ellivuori

Read more about ski holiday in Finland in this section.

By the way, a quarter of Finland’s territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle, where the sun does not rise above the horizon during certain parts of the year. The northern lights are observed here 200 times a year. The season lasts from August to April.

But you are most likely to see it in clear weather from October to March. There are several ways to monitor northern lights, but one of the most romantic is the glass igloo hotel in Lapland. By the way, there is a belief that children conceived during the glow of the auroras will have a happy fate.

Visit the Åland Islands, a fishing mecca. Also very popular and sea ​​fishing. Many people stop for fishing in Imatra, near Lake Saimaa.

You can always find the best deals for flights and accommodation in any city in Finland on.

You know, there are such picture cities that somehow miraculously appear in our minds by themselves. A certain collective image from illustrations for children's books, frames from vintage commercials, episodes of famous films, old postcards and photographs...
But there are real images of such cities. They are the ones who end up in all these drawings, frames, episodes and postcards. And when one day you find yourself in such a place and your memory begins to pull out small visual fragments from its bins, you begin, without noticing it, to be delighted.
Perhaps this is the pleasure of contemplating, seeing, being among all that was once only visual images.
I screwed it up, I’m surprised myself)
In fact, all these lyrics arise in the head for a reason. Just recently I visited a very beautiful place, which I personally singled out for myself as the most beautiful city in Finland.
This is the town of Porvoo, the oldest city in the country after Turku. There is an absolutely stunning old district here, in which time has stood still for at least 100 years. Old wooden houses and warehouses, vintage shops and cobblestone streets... even some cars and people from the middle of the last century.
Porvoo is a ready-made backdrop for classic films, some of which, by the way, were filmed on these streets. I wonder if you can guess the most famous of them?
At the very end of the post I will name it)

2. You may have seen the city of Porvoo more than once in photographs or postcards. This is the view: the river and red wooden buildings on the shore. They are business card Vorvoo is the most famous cityscape.
These are former port barns. Once upon a time, back in the late 18th century, they were painted red in honor of the arrival of King Gustav III of Sweden in the city.

3. The city of Porvoo was founded almost 800 years ago. As I already said, this is the oldest city in Finland after Turku. Somehow it happened that Porvoo became something of a bohemian corner of Finland. At different times, many famous Finnish artists and poets lived and worked here, including Johan Ludwig Runeberg, author of the Finnish anthem.
Porvoo is located 50 kilometers east of Helsinki. In summer, a small boat sails here from the Finnish capital. Porvoo is not a coastal city in the true sense of the word. It is located on the banks of the Porvoonjoki River, several tens of kilometers from where the river flows into the Gulf of Finland. The river runs right through the center of the city and along one of its banks and lies this very old Porvoo, which is suspended 100 years in time.

4. Historically, Porvoo was important shopping center, therefore, in its coastal barns goods and exotic delicacies brought from distant countries were stored, and in numerous shopping shops on the streets you could buy something that could not be bought in the rest of Finland

5. Many of these shops have survived to this day. And you can still buy things there that you can’t buy in the rest of Finland. True, now these are not overseas goods but local vintage goods and souvenirs

6. Virtually every old house on the streets historical district Porvoo - a trading shop or restaurant. True, not all of it, but part of it. The owners live in another part of the house. This area did not become exclusively popular, but remains an ordinary residential area. Today its population is about 700 people and many houses have “Private” signs hanging on them so as not to be disturbed by tourists.

7. Trade shops are adjacent to the most ordinary residential buildings and this has its own charm - you don’t feel like you’re in an ethnopark.

8. Showcase of a chocolate store.

9. Toy store display

10. Of course, they sell Moomins here...

11. ... and simple souvenirs

12. I really like the design of local souvenir shops!

13. Coffee shop. By the way, coffee shops and restaurants are another calling card of this old area.
In general, for food lovers, Porvoo is the number one city in southern Finland. Back in the 19th century, residents of Helsinki specially came here to taste delicacies in local cafes and restaurants.

14. Every street is a texture, every gateway is a paradise for a photographer


16. Old Porvoo is one big museum under open air. Residential area, there is not a single shop or tavern here

17. And this is the main square of old Porvoo. Here, on the contrary, everything is commercial and offers delicious food. But it was the same 100 years ago. Area is area


19. As I already said, there are many private households here that are guarded by “Private” signs and gentle little dogs.

19. It is interesting that in Porvoo a large percentage of residents are Swedes, which is eloquently evidenced by the names on the door signs. There are even some signs in two languages ​​- Finnish and Swedish.

20. In the courtyard of one of the houses

21. Haven’t guessed yet what famous film was filmed in these places? Remember)

22. Summer in Finland

23. Figures on residents’ windows

24. And in the yards

25. Stone residential building. Awkward, but beautiful in its own way



28. At the top of the city hill, a local landmark is the cathedral. It was built in the 15th century. In 1809, it was here, in the Porvoo Cathedral, that the Borgo Diet was held. At a meeting of the Sejm in the presence of the Russian Emperor Alexander I, the broad autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland was approved. Over its long history Cathedral burned five times. The last fire was quite recently, in 2006. After reconstruction, the cathedral reopened in 2008.

29. Monumental bell tower of the cathedral

30. These are the cars you see on local streets.

31. A hill with an arboretum rises above old Porvoo.

32. From here you have a panoramic view of Porvoo. It is this view that is depicted in many famous paintings by Finnish artists.

33. Bank of the Porvoonjoki River

34. Boats near former port hangars

35. Now there are restaurants and just residential buildings


37. Yes, you didn’t remember the movie?
"For Matches" by Leonid Gaidai. In the film, the city is called Joki, and its real prototype is the Eastern Karelian city of Joensuu.

When winter sets in, many people start thinking about Lapland, and these thoughts, in turn, force them to switch to Finland. And now you are already planning your trip to this wonderful country. If you have friends in Finland, then your trip will definitely be unforgettable, as you will always know where to go, where to go from there and what to look out for. However, even if you go to Finland on your own, you will still not be disappointed, as there you can find incredible wonders of nature and architecture. In most cases, Finland is associated with winter and snow, as well as with the capital of the country, the city of Helsinki. However, this does not mean that there is only one city in the country. The point is that there is enough settlements which have their own attractive sides, rich history and other characteristics that may surprise you. Find out where you should go if you find yourself in Finland. This country is often undeservedly deprived of attention, since it borders on Sweden, which is much more widely known in the world. The same applies to the world of tourism, in which Sweden is one of the most popular countries, while Finland does not actively attract tourists. But that doesn't mean there's nothing to see there. This can only mean that you will feel much more comfortable, since here you are unlikely to see crowds of people with cameras. And this is already a big plus.


Lapland's capital and Santa's home is a great base from which to begin exploring the wilder parts of this most remote province (and also tell Santa what you really want). This city is located on the Arctic Circle, and this fact alone is exciting and makes you want to go there even more. Accordingly, you can visit this city in both winter and summer, and you will be surprised at how much it differs from one season to the next. This, by the way, can be said about almost every city in Finland.


This ancient city is cultural and historical capital one of the most beautiful regions of Finland, Savo. It is located on Lake Saimaa and you will definitely find something to do here. The city is also great place to begin exploring Finland's seemingly endless water networks. You can do this either on foot or by boat, but one thing is for sure: you will not be bored, and you will take with you a sea of ​​impressions and dozens of incredible photographs.


This medieval town is located not far from Helsinki, and if you are traveling to the capital, then you should definitely stop by here. Historical Old city boasts a large number of traditional, brightly painted houses to look at endlessly. Porvoo is also known for its large number of interior design shops and is also a favorite destination for Finnish artists.


Mariehamn is the capital of the autonomous province of Åland, and this is where you should start exploring the thousands of skerries and islands, enjoying their untouched nature.


One of the most Finnish ways to spend time is to visit the sauna. If you visit the city of Salla, you can have the most authentic sauna experience. You can warm up to the max and then go skinny dipping in the crystal clear, icy waters of the lake. Salla is in Lapland, so it won't come as a surprise that there's plenty to do here besides the sauna. Therefore, you should definitely stay here for a couple of days to catch everything.


The city of Vaasa was located six kilometers to the south, but in 1852 it burned to the ground. Today the ruins of the old city are part of national park, and you can explore them freely. Interesting fact: Vaasa is a bilingual city, almost a quarter of the population speaks Swedish. Nearby you will find the Soderfjarden crater, which was formed due to a meteorite hitting the Earth millions of years ago, so this is also a place worth visiting.


Oulu is one of the northernmost cities in the world, and it is also very attractive place for tourists in winter. If you want to see the Northern Lights, there is no better place. But it is still recommended to travel outside the city to avoid light pollution, which is inevitable in every city.


This city is located at the southern tip of Lake Saimaa. An interesting fact is that it was founded by Queen Christina of Sweden. He is known for being very popular tourist destination V summer months just because of the proximity to the lake. If you want to visit the Russian city of Vyborg, then you can easily get to it from here.


Turku is the oldest city in Finland and one of the most important in Finnish history. If you want to dive into Finnish history, culture and traditions, then you should definitely visit this city.


If you visit Tampere at least once, you will definitely want to return. It has an unforgettable small town atmosphere and you can have access to everything you dream of in a couple of minutes. It is best to visit this city in winter, as then you can experience huge amounts of snow. Or you can visit in the summer when it gets quite hot, the sun doesn't set for very long and you can head to one of the nearby lakes.


Naturally, no list of Finnish cities would be complete without the capital, right? Summer is best time to visit this city. The capital is vibrant, you'll always find something to do, and the added bonus is that you'll never be far from nature. Of course, it is recommended to start exploring Finland with a visit to its capital, since here you can soak up the Finnish spirit, and then go to smaller cities, each of which has its own characteristics, be it an ideal place for admiring the northern lights, hot saunas, cultural attractions or rich history.

No matter how Russian immigrants look at Finland, this country is close and even dear. At one time, Finland generally existed as part of Russia. Today the state has the status of a sovereign territory, and the living conditions of Finnish citizens can be envied even in Western Europe. A country with virtually no corruption really looks interesting for those looking for a new way of life. Like any country in the world, Finland has its pros and cons.

Migrants in Finland: numbers, growth

According to the latest statistics, the number of immigrants who have entered for permanent residence is 4% of the country’s population, which is about 240,000 people. In addition, approximately 160,000 foreign residents are present in the country temporarily or hold dual citizenship.

...More often than others, requests for a residence permit are sent by citizens of Russia. Common reasons for the request are: family connections (43%), employment (32%), education (22%)…

Migration increase in Finland recent years increases. The average figure for this indicator is fixed at 500–600 immigrants for each year. A significant part of this figure is due to labor migration. Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese and, of course, Russians come to work for the Finns. However, at the same time, the number of emigrants is increasing rapidly.

Standard of living in Finland compared to Russia

If you look at the world ranking, the country has been in the TOP 20 in terms of living standards for many years (in 2018 - 15th place). Actually, this is already a distinctive feature of the country when compared with Russia, which in 2018 took 49th place in the ranking of living standards.

The standard of living in Finnish is a peculiar phenomenon. On the territory of the country there are practically no reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials like in Russia. There is one wealth - the forest, which the Finns manage extremely wisely and rationally. Meanwhile, Finland is actively involved in high technology and has moved far ahead in this area.

Naturally, in such conditions, ordinary people - citizens of the country - can live conveniently and comfortably. The Finnish government actively supports and controls the life of citizens. For example, the quality of food products is assessed with the participation of 18 special expert commissions. For comparison: in Russia there are only 4 similar commissions.

Video: first impressions of life in Finland as an emigrant from Russia

The following moment looks random against the background of absolute Finnish prosperity:

…2014 was the last year for 789 Finns who committed suicide. The causes of suicide were poverty, unemployment, depression, alcoholism, and living alone. In 25 years, suicides have been reduced by half. The 1990 record was 1,500 suicides. The positive development is due to measures taken to make it easier for people with mental disorders to receive treatment and medication. The attitude of others towards the mentally ill has changed for the better...

Educational field

The Finnish educational model is reminiscent of the Russian (more precisely, Soviet). This is not surprising, since, being in the past part of Russia, the Finns borrowed all the best from the field of Soviet education and, as a result, brought primary school to an exemplary level. Today the Finnish school (the prototype of the Soviet one!) is considered one of the best in the world.

Video: impressions of a Russian student about a Finnish university

Finnish education is free for all levels of study. Russian immigrants take advantage of this moment. A significant part of them arrive in the country specifically for the purpose of studying. The country's higher education institutions are valued for the quality of their teaching. Universities that stand out in particular are:

  • Helsinki;
  • Turku;
  • Aalto.
  • Oulu;
  • Lappeenranta;
  • Finnish Academy of Arts.

All of the listed educational institutions, and, in particular, the last university on the list, are very popular among immigrants from Russia and other countries.

Analyzing the school and family environment, it is worth noting the peculiarities of raising school-age children. The rights of the child are jealously protected by the state. If parents cross the permissible threshold of upbringing, they thereby violate the rights of minors. And this is a serious article of the law, which is immediately applied by the authorities. There are no such rules in Russia. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to judge. But the difference in the lives of citizens of the two countries is obvious here too.

Work and salary

Working in Finland is as attractive a goal for Russian labor immigrants as studying is for students. High earnings of up to 3 thousand euros per month are a tasty morsel. The Finns pay decently even for the work of unskilled workers. But it’s quite difficult for an immigrant to get a good job and big income.. The unemployment rate among Russian immigrants is 30%, while that of unemployed Finns is just over 8%.

A highly paid position requires a residence permit. Mandatory knowledge of the Finnish language is rule No. 1 for specialists. If the requirements are met, the Finnish side is happy to hire Russian immigrant professionals in the field of construction, agriculture, and Internet technologies. Russian immigrants without qualifications remain in demand as servants in the hotel sector and medical institutions.

In terms of wages, Finns are slightly behind the leading countries of the European Union. There is a significant difference in wages depending on the sphere and type of activity of enterprises. Thus, in state-owned enterprises, labor remuneration is often higher than in private firms. Surprisingly, staff over 65 years of age receive higher salaries compared to younger workers. Russian life here is different from Finnish.

A striking feature of the Finnish labor market is the small difference between the incomes of rich and poor. In Russia, a manager of some raw materials company earns a million rubles a month, and a mechanic at a factory earns 15 thousand. For Finns, figuratively speaking, a manager’s salary is 4 thousand euros, and a factory mechanic’s salary is 2 thousand euros.

...Finland does not allow sky-high income gaps. Company managers earn only two to three times more than ordinary workers. This factor has a strong effect on the crime rate, which in Finland is the lowest in the world...

Pensions and benefits

The country guarantees a decent level of social protection for the poor, pensioners, children, the unemployed, and young mothers.

The list of social support is impressive:

  • supplement to earnings for each child;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of children;
  • compensation for housing maintenance for pensioners;
  • disability payments;
  • benefits for unemployed people;
  • and a number of other positions.

Pension provision provides for the payment of a labor pension accrued based on the results of work activity. In addition to the labor pension, the following may be paid:

  • national pension;
  • pension payment to immigrants;
  • disability pension;
  • old age pension.

…The minimum pension (national pension) for single pensioners is 496 euros. Family pensioners are paid 436 euros (1st category municipality) and 400 euros (2nd category municipality). You can only receive a full national pension if you have lived in Finland for 40 years. Recently, a special resettlement allowance was established for elderly immigrants (over 65 years of age and having lived in the country for more than 5 years). The benefit amount is the same as the national pension...


If a labor pension is assigned based on actual age - 63 years, then an old-age pension is assigned to persons whose age has reached 68 years. The average pension amount is 1,500 euros. In this case, pension accruals are taxed.

...Russian immigrant pensioners are paid the social minimum. True, the purchase of medicines is paid for by the social service. A pensioner goes to a pharmacy, buys medicines there at his own expense, and then the money is returned to him. Pensioners can have eye surgeries for free - cataracts, glaucoma, etc. Social services also help pay for housing if the pension is small...



Medical care in Finnish is clearly characterized by such an indicator as life expectancy (79.7 years). Another significant criterion for the quality of medicine is newborn mortality (1.3 per 1000 births). Both indicators indicate that Finnish medicine is at a high level.

The healthcare system is built on the basis of government institutions with the involvement of private doctors. Wherein private sector is under strict state control. Medical services are paid. True, going to public clinics provides compensation. Therefore, citizens spend no more than 20% of the total cost on treatment.

About Finnish tax policy

The country's tax policy is a clearly separate topic from the discussion of the social benefits of Finnish society. Separate because thanks to taxes, all the people's benefits of Finland are called into question. If in Russia the same pensioners are exempt from taxes on real estate or on vehicle, Finnish pensioners pay in full.

The amount of income tax is set individually for each category of commune (regional area). territorial division). It could be 20% tax or 36%. Any additional income received is taxed at a rate 1.5–2 times higher. Thus, compared to Russia, the Finns have also succeeded here, but not for the better.

How many Russian migrants live in Finland

According to official information, Russian migrants make up 1% of the country's total population. Just over 60 thousand people in digital equivalent. By ethnicity, it is the third largest community in Finland. There are two Russian communities, different in their principles of origin. One is migrants of the old generation who settled on Finnish soil before the 90s. The other is a new wave of migrants that began arriving in the early 1990s.

Until 1996, the flow of new Russian immigrants was practically unregulated. Immigrants from the sub-ethnic group “Ingrians” rushed into the country. According to available data, there are about 25 thousand of them today. Later, the Finns tightened the requirements for the criteria of Finnish origin, plus they introduced mandatory knowledge of the Finnish language. And today, Russian immigrants (with the exception of tourists) can no longer cross the border of Finland unless they pass the IPAKI test with level A2 (language test-exam).

Are Russians treated well today?

The attitude is quite favorable. However, there are problems of discrimination against Russian-speaking immigrants in terms of their employment. This topic was raised even at the level of the Council of Europe. The European Commission of Human Rights noted serious violations. The Finnish authorities quickly responded to the comments and even initiated the creation of a Fund for the Support of Russian Culture. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to notice the pronounced Russophobia among the indigenous inhabitants of the country.

...The Finns don’t understand why Russians think that over the last 10-15 years they have become beggars? Has anyone seen Russians with their hands outstretched on the Finnish porch? Finland and Russia are brought closer together by their neighborhood, but existing stereotypes force us to perceive our neighbors inadequately...

Travelers will definitely enjoy Finland. Before you go there, it's worth finding out where the popular resorts and various amusement parks, as well as their operating hours. If you go at random, with the intention of figuring it out on the spot, it won’t be the same at all.

First of all, since you are going to Finland, visit the Finnish part of Lapland and start from its capital - Rovaniemi. We remind you that Lapland is the birthplace of Santa Claus, and therefore there is a Santa Park here, which begins its work in the summer on June 18.

Rovaniemi is considered the unofficial birthplace of Santa, and therefore the most famous winter resort in Finland. If you want to learn more about nature and life within the Arctic Circle - in the capital of Lapland you have the opportunity to visit a research center science Center, with fascinating exhibitions and intelligent guides.

Next you can go to the city of Kuusamo. This city gained fame due to the fact that it is located in a large national reserve Oulanka. Five thousand and a bit ponds and lakes and a large number of Other natural attractions make this reserve a paradise for nature lovers.

If you are an amateur skiing, twenty kilometers from Kuusamo there is the Ruka resort. Here you can try about thirty slalom slopes, as well as special trails equipped for beginner skiers and children. The season starts in October and ends in May. Forty-one kilometers of ski slopes out of three hundred and sixty are illuminated at night, making it possible to enjoy the descent without unnecessary fuss during the dark hours when the slopes are empty.

Don't forget about the capital of Finland - Helsinki. Three large museums are open to the public here.

"Atheneum" - here is a collection of Finnish and foreign art from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries. You will see a huge amount of Western European painting, porcelain and silver objects in the Sinebryuchov Museum of Fine Arts. And if you want to get acquainted with the work of Finnish artists of the sixties of the twentieth century, welcome to the Kjasma Museum of Contemporary Art.

In fact, you can talk about Finnish attractions and vacation spots for a very long time. This one is cold northern country tourists are always welcome. Many comfortable hotels in any, even the smallest town, are ready to welcome visitors and accommodate them with maximum comfort, because the Finns, although phlegmatic, are very hospitable. Finland is not the only country where you can see beautiful snow-covered landscapes, there are many other destinations: .

Travel beckons us with new acquaintances and adventures. However, in order to make it as comfortable as possible, the traveler needs to find out as much as possible about the place of the upcoming trip. Today in our article we will talk about amazing city Helsinki. About which hotel in Helsinki will be beneficial for an elite tourist and which for a budget tourist, what vacation spots are there, what...

I want to relax both in summer and in winter time when the ground is covered with snow and the air temperature drops below zero. Finland is equally suitable for holidays at any time of the year; guests are always received here with great pleasure. The main value of this country is unique nature, which is guarded with all responsibility and presented to tourists in all its glory….