Marseille on the Russian map of France. Detailed, detailed maps of Marseille with the ability to download or print

On one of the central streets of Marseille there is a comfortable Hotel Hotel Rome et Saint Pierre, which also attracts guests with its non-standard design in the style of yesteryear. All hotel rooms are unique, they were decorated in vintage style. Some of the walls in the rooms are decorated with bright wallpaper with floral patterns; some rooms were decorated with antique furniture made of noble wood. With historical accessories...

For honeymoon many couples choose a hotel Grand Hotel Beauvau Marseille Vieux Port, this grand hotel is part of the MGallery Collection and is considered one of the best not only in the city, but also in the country. Couples at the hotel have access to wonderful double rooms with a large high bed. Some of the romantic rooms have been decorated with antique furniture, and guests will also have the opportunity to choose…

The port city of Marseille is a real pearl of France. The cultural and historical center of the country and a beautiful resort attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

Marseille is located on the shores of the Mediterranean, in the Gulf of Lyon. You can often hear its second name – “gate of the east”. The most important port of France connects Europe and Asia by sea.

The population of Marseille is approximately 1 million people. Arabs, Greeks, Africans, Jews and many other representatives of other countries united in one city. Partly, it is the mixture of such different cultures, peoples, and traditions that attracts tourists.

Marseille is a city with a subtropical climate. Winters here are mild and summers are warm. July and August are best for beach holiday, as they are considered the hottest time of the year. The air temperature at this time reaches +27…+30℃, and the water warms up to +28℃.

The cityscapes will enchant even the most experienced tourist. Flowing and hot sands, emerald shady gardens, as well as the sea will appeal to the taste of an experienced traveler.


Marseille is rich in attractions.

In kiosks with periodical literature, which can be found on almost every street in the city, you can purchase a map with attractions marked on it and descriptions of them. We will also get acquainted with the main tourist sites in the article.

Chateau d'If

The 16th century fortress was originally used as a defensive structure. However, for most of its history it served as a prison for especially dangerous criminals. During its entire existence, not a single prisoner was able to leave the walls of his captivity. This has given rise to many legends that add a dark mystery to the already eerie place.

Despite everything, the castle museum remains very popular today. Of particular interest to tourists are the exhibitions of cameras of two characters – the man in the iron mask and the fictional Edmond Dantes from the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas.

  • Also here you can see the places of imprisonment of real prisoners, including famous political and cultural figures of France.
  • The Château d'If is located at Embarcadere Frioul If, 1 Quai de la Fraternite.
  • It is open every day except January 1 and December 25.
  • During the spring-summer period (from May 16 to September 16), the museum can be visited from 9:30 to 18:10, and on other days from 9:30 to 16:45.
  • The entrance fee for an adult is 5.5 euros, and for children it is free.

A discounted category of tourists will visit the museum for 4.5 euros.

Old Port (Vieux Port) A landmark of Marseille with a centuries-old history. Today it is aimed at pleasure, excursion or private boats.

But in the past, the old port was the basis for freight and passenger transport.

Bright and lively, it is open to tourists at any time of the day or night. Here you can watch fishing boats and admire sunsets. Many coastal restaurants will delight you with excellent fish dishes. You can get to the port on foot from the metro station of the same name.

Chateau Borreli

In the 18th century, a wealthy family of merchants and shipowners built their park on the grounds. After their line was interrupted, the castle and park became the property of the municipality. Since then, these landmarks have become public places. Today Boreli Park is favorite place

for walks of guests and residents of the city. On its territory there are several gardens, as well as a botanical garden. In its place, the authorities established a museum of decorative arts, faience and fashion, by visiting which you can fully get an idea of ​​the cultural trends of the past.

  • The museum and park are located at 8 Avenue du Parc Borely 13008.
  • The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Monday is a day off.
  • The entrance ticket costs 6 euros.

Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Garde

Located on a hill whose height reaches 150 m. The hill is considered the most high part Marcel. From its height there is a stunningly beautiful view of the city.

In 1931, a statue of the Madonna and Child, 11 meters high, was installed here. It is her who the residents of Marseille consider their patroness. The Romano-Byzantine cathedral and its nine-meter bell tower will make an indelible impression on its visitors.

  • The Basilica can be seen for free at Rue Fort du Sanctuare.
  • Opening hours: 7:00-18:15 (October-March) and 7:00-19:15 (April-September).

Museum of Fine Arts (Musee des Beaux-Arts)

One of the oldest museums in France. Works of art from Italy, Spain, and France are collected here. More than 8,000 paintings and sculptures are presented in the exhibition halls.

  • The address of the palace in which the museum is located is Eduard Stefan Street 7.
  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00, except Mondays.
  • Every first Sunday of the month admission is free.

Abbey of Saint-Victor de Marseille

An ancient religious landmark of Marseille, which was built in the 5th century. Since then it has been destroyed and restored.

The monastery played a significant role in the cultural and spiritual life of France. Today, a functioning church and a crypt with sarcophagi, which are decorated with carvings and inscriptions, are open to tourists.

  • You can visit the abbey every day from 9:00 to 19:00 at Marseilles, Rue Abbaye, 3.
  • The cost of visiting the sarcophagus for any tourist will be 2 euros.

Arc de Triomphe of Porte d'Aix

One of the main attractions of Marseille. It is located at the beginning of the old road leading to Aix-en-Provence.

The arch is an almost perfect square. Each of its sides is approximately 18 meters. The arch depicts battle scenes of the French army, and it is dedicated to all the victories that the French won in these battles.

You can visit the attraction 24 hours a day and for free at the address: Place Jules Guesde, Marseille 3e Arrondissement.

Cathedral of Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille

A religious landmark, which is one of the largest in Europe. The cathedral is recognized as a National Monument of France.

This 19th-century structure attracts tourists with its luxurious interior design, many statues of saints and intricate mosaics against a backdrop of bright marble.

  • From the cathedral grounds you can admire amazing views of the port.
  • You can visit the attraction almost every day at the address: Place de la Major, 13002.
  • Tuesday-Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:30 to 17:30.

Friday-Sunday from 14:30 to 18:00.

City Hall of Marseille (Hotel de ville de Marseille) Located in historical center

cities. This 17th-century building can rightfully be considered one of the oldest in Marseille.

Made in the Baroque style, it has been well preserved to this day. The second and third floors are still occupied by the offices of the mayor's office and city officials. On the first floor there were always trade pavilions. Notable feature

  • The town hall can be considered the absence of stairs connecting the floors. You can get to the top from the building located at the back. A stone bridge leads from it to the town hall.
  • You can see the attraction for free at the address: quai du Port, 13002.
  • On weekdays the museum is open from 8:00 to 16:00, on Saturdays from 9:00 to 12:00.

Closed on Sunday.

Museum of the History of Marseille (Musee d'histoire de Marseille)

It consists of the museum building itself and the Garden of Ruins park. The entire history of the port city is presented here.

  • Each of the halls is thematic - symbolizes the era of formation and development of Marseille: from the ancient Greek hall to exhibitions of contemporary art.
  • The most exceptional finds in this museum can rightfully be considered the remains of a Roman ship and an ancient Greek boat.

The museum can be visited daily, except Mondays, from 9:00 to 19:00 at 12, rue Henri Barbuss.

Entry cost is 3 euros. Garden of Ruins (Jardim des Vestiges) Mysterious landmark of Marseille. It was discovered in the 60s during the construction of a new

shopping center

. Due to the historical importance of the find, it was decided to create a park in this area, which was given the name Garden of Ruins.

  • Its total area is about 10,000 square kilometers.
  • In the park you can see ancient monuments, ruins from defensive structures and the remains of defensive fortresses.
  • Garden address: 12, rue Henri Barbuss.
  • You can visit it almost every day (Sundays are closed) from 9:00 to 19:00.

Ticket price for adults is 2 euros.

The palace building houses an observatory and museums natural history and Fine Arts, a zoological garden, a complex of fountains and a triumphal arch with two colonnades.

Longchamp is a true decoration of French Marseille, which never ceases to surprise and delight guests and local residents.

  • The palace is open to the public for free at 4e Arrondissement.
  • In summer, opening hours are from 11:00 to 18:00, and during the rest of the period - from 10:00 to 17:00.

Museum of Natural History (Musee d'Histoire Naturelle)

The museum is more than 200 years old. During this time, he acquired extensive collections: paleontological, botanical, zoological and the smallest, which contains exhibits found during archaeological excavations in Marseille. The “Provencal” collection will show specimens of local flora and fauna.

  • The entrance fee will be 6 euros.
  • You can visit it from 10:00 to 18:00 from Tuesday to Sunday.
  • Monday is a day off.
  • Address: palais Longchamp, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille, near Longchamp metro station.

Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (Musee des Civilizations de l’Europe et de la Mediterranee)

Demonstrates the history of the peoples of the Mediterranean.

It is a museum complex consisting of three objects. The first one is on the territory of the former pier and is half under water. The second museum object is located in the former fortress of St. Jean and is surrounded by a beautiful park. The third exhibition collection is located in an ultra-modern building, where modernity and history harmoniously combine.

  • All three objects are located nearby, at the same address: Promenade Robert Laffont (Esplanade du J4), 7, Musee des Civilizations de l’Europe et de la Mediterranee.
  • The museum is open every day except Tuesday.
  • In summer, working hours are from 11:00 to 19:00, and in winter - from 11:00 to 18:00.
  • Entry cost 9.5 euros.

Calanques (les calanques)

A natural landmark of Marseille, which was formed more than 120 million years ago. They are limestone cliffs interrupted by deep bays.

The calanques were given the status of National natural park. The unique eco-system of the park is very carefully protected by French law. You can see the incredible beauty by hiking with a guide or using a pleasure boat.

What to see with children?

Each of Marseille's attractions is unique.

In parks, cathedrals, numerous museums, castles and fortresses there is a lot of interesting and exciting things for both adults and the youngest tourists.

In the port city, there are many entertainment options for vacationers with children. For example, where there is a wide variety of attractions, as well as rope park, climbing wall and many attractive places for walking.

In the Park of Figures (French: Le Parc de Figuerolles) children will be able to visit a mini farm, where they will be told how to care for animals and will be allowed to feed some of them. There are interesting and unusual landscape and sculpture compositions here. You can have a small picnic on one of the sites.

If you want to take interesting photos on vacation, you can go to family Entertainment Center Sensas Marseille. It houses various play and upside-down rooms. Puzzle lovers can go through quest rooms and then arrange a memorable photo shoot.

Little travelers will be interested in visiting and examining the skeletons of prehistoric animals, seeing ancient fossils and learning something new about human evolution.

Families with children will find it useful to go to the Garden of Ruins and stroll along the shady alleys among the antiquities.

It will also not go unnoticed. In addition to permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions are also often held here. There are a lot of shows and performances for children. Most of them are often free.

It is quite obvious that Marseille will not let any traveler who comes to visit the city get bored. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews from tourists who have appreciated the beauty and hospitality of the pearl of France.

In the second largest French city More than 850 thousand people live there. Marseille's residential areas are located in tiers on the coastal hills.

Weather in Marseille

Marseille has a Mediterranean climate. Winter is mostly sunny and mild, which does not exclude moderate cold in some years. Snow rarely falls. Summer is hot, also with almost no precipitation. Their predominant part falls in rainy autumn, which comes early, without a transitional period. velvet season. In contrast to autumn, spring comes into its own gradually. At this time of year, cold northwest winds - the mistral - often blow.

The water temperature of the Gulf of Lyon, on which Marseille is located, exceeds 20°C from June to October, reaching a maximum in August. The swimming season is most comfortable in June, when there is still no heat characteristic of July and August. Best time for visiting the city for educational purposes - spring and early summer.

The most popular beaches of Marseille are located in the Prado seaside park. Breakwaters protect them from the waves. The entrance to the water is gentle, which is convenient for families with children. In the city center there is Plage des Catalans, and on the north coast there is Corbière beach. You can go down to it via a stone staircase made right in the rock. This beach is the most picturesque.

What to see in Marseille in 1 day

Travelers in Marseille never get bored - the city has a lot interesting places. Their choice depends on the time available to the tourist. For your very first acquaintance, you can use the services of a two-story tourist bus Open Tour, which covers tourist attractions in an hour and a half.

The traveler can explore the sights at his own pace, without a group. A ticket purchased for 19 EUR can be used throughout the day by boarding sequential buses along the route. Unfortunately, they are closed in January.

Marseille is an essential stop (usually for a day) on Mediterranean cruises. Recommendations for such tourists can also be used by ordinary travelers who have only one day at their disposal.

From the Marseille port cruise terminals to the city center (8 km) the best way to get there is by free bus, taking tourists to Place Joliette. It operates at convenient times - from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with 30-minute intervals. However, during the high season you can not use it on all days - on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (from December to March - only the last two days).

On other days, tourists will have to walk along a green pedestrian path to the exit of the port, where bus stop. Bus number 35 will take you to Place Joliette for 1.5 EUR. Another alternative is a cruise company transfer.

Near Place Joliette there is Old Quarter Le Panier, which is called the Montmantre of Marseille. A walk through its streets will allow you to feel the bohemian atmosphere of this area. In its center at 2 Rue de la Charité there is a prominent three-story building of a former almshouse that existed in the 17th century. at the Carmelite monastery. It houses a cultural center and interesting museum archeology of the Mediterranean, a visit to which will have to be postponed until a longer visit to the city.

The tourist lives not only on spiritual food. The popular bistro Cafe de la Vieille Charite offers refreshments. It is also worth trying the famous Pastis - aniseed vodka, the recipe of which includes about fifty plants and spices.

To the south of the Old Quarter of Le Panier is Vieux Port - the Old Port, in the area of ​​​​which, at Promenade Robert Laffont, there is a completely unique Museum of Mediterranean Civilizations. It is recommended that you take the time to visit it. In summer, one and a half hour excursions are held here. After the museum, you can try the famous Marseille fish soup Bouillabaisse in one of the port fish restaurants.

The further path lies to the main Marseille attraction - the Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica. You can get there by tourist bus for 7 EUR, or by bus number 60.

The Basilica of Our Lady of the Guardian was built in the 19th century. on a hill, and is the architectural dominant of the city. Above the square 41-meter tower is a bell tower, topped with a gilded figure of the Virgin Mary and Child, 11 meters high. It is visible from everywhere. From the roof of the cathedral there is a stunning panorama of Marseille.

Not all tourists know that there is a restaurant in the basilica called L'eau Vive. The waitresses there are nuns of the Travailleuses Missionnaires de l'Immaculée order. They serve simple healthy food at reasonable prices. Here you can continue the bouillabaisse lunch you started. The basilica is open from 7 to 19-20 hours, admission is free.

After this, the tourist should decide on the last point of his first acquaintance with Marseille. It could be the castle Château d'If (If), known from the novel by Alexandre Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo", or the famous Provençal fjords - Calanques (calanques). In both cases, you first need to return to the Old Port.

From the Belges pier of the port, daily excursions to the Château d'If are organized on the Frioul-If-Express boats from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost of the trip is 10 EUR, and the last return to the port is at 18:30. The tours are synchronized with the opening hours of the castle, for which you need to pay an additional 5 EUR to enter. Edmond Dantes and the Iron Mask once suffered in ancient dungeons. From the island you can photograph the coastal panorama of Marseille, and in the summer you can sunbathe on a special platform.

Lovers natural beauty would prefer to spend the last 2-3 hours in Marseille on an excursion to National Park calanques Card Maritime boats depart from the Old Port. Travelers, paying 20 EUR - 30 EUR, will see bays cutting through rocky shores, mountains, cliffs, gorges, wild beaches. The opening landscapes are considered one of most beautiful places France. When sea ​​excursion All this is viewed from the water, without landing.

Under particularly favorable conditions (for example, having a Marseille friend with his own car), you can have time to visit two other outstanding sights of Marseille.

Majestic building Cathedral Cathedrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure harmoniously combines Romanesque and Byzantine styles. Its cathedral walls are made of white and green marble. The interior also has a two-tone color, and is decorated with mosaics, sculptures and bas-reliefs.

The exquisite palace complex of Longchamp (Longchamp) is very good. Beautiful building palaces, fountains, sculptures, colonnades create a festive mood. In the courtyard there is an observatory and a zoo.

Theaters and museums of Marseille

Marseille - interesting city for lovers of art and educational tourism.


The Marseille Opera House has been known since the end of the 17th century. A century later, a professional troupe appeared here. At the beginning of the 19th century. The theater stage hosted the premieres of Verdi’s operas “Il Trovatore” and “Rigoletto”. In 1919, the theater burned down almost completely, with the exception of the central colonnade of the facade. It was restored in Art Deco style by local architects. Performances take place in an auditorium with 1,800 seats, decorated with marble, painting and gilding. Many world celebrities have performed here. Address - 2 Rue Moliere.

Marseille is the birthplace of two great choreographers - Marius Petipa and Maurice Bejart. Naturally, there is a ballet theater here Ballet National de Marseille, which has national status. Its main repertoire is modern dance, the founder of which was Isadora Duncan. Address - 20 Boulevard de Gabès.

Museum of Mediterranean Civilizations

European civilization began in the Mediterranean. The first people on the continent appeared here, crafts, writing, culture, and art spread from here. The Mediterranean region is characterized by a diversity of peoples - settlers or conquerors, cultures and religions. They all left traces of their stay in Marseille. It can be called more of a Mediterranean than a French city.

In Marseille there is the only and very interesting Musee des Civilizations de l’Europe et de la Mediterranee in the world. The extensive collection of the Museum of Civilizations is distributed between two buildings. Most of the exhibition is on display in building J4 at Promenade Robert Laffont. There was once a ship pier here. The second room is the rebuilt Fort Saint-Jean, located nearby - at quai du Port, 201. This fort was built in the 17th century. and defended the port. Nearby, on one of the squares of the Old Town, there is another museum building - its research center.

The exhibition in J4 is called “Mediterranean Gallery”. It includes 4 sections:

  • “The Birth of Agriculture. The Appearance of the Gods,” dedicated to ancient civilizations;
  • “Jerusalem” as a city of three world religions;
  • “Citizens and Responsibility” - the emergence and organization of states;
  • "Outside known world", dedicated to navigation in the Mediterranean and beyond.

In the former fort of St. Jean demonstrates the exhibition “Rest Time”, consisting of three sections:

  • "Periods of life";
  • “Seasonal holidays;
  • "The emergence of free time."

Surrounding the fort building is the “Garden of Migration” - a continuation of the exhibition under open air, which tells about the Vikings, Crusaders and other peoples who visited the Mediterranean region at different times.

The museum is truly unique in terms of the variety and completeness of the exhibits on display in both buildings. Here you can see an early Christian lamp, a pilgrim’s cloak, a troubadour’s lute, a Jacobin’s weapon...

Besides permanent exhibitions, interesting exhibitions, performances and concerts are regularly organized.

The museum is open every day from 11 to 19 (in winter until 18) hours. Closed on Tuesday. Admission ticket costs 9.5 EUR. You can get to the museum by metro, getting off at Vieux-Port or Joliette stations.

Museum of Mediterranean Archeology

The Musee d'archeologie mediterraneenne can be considered a specialized continuation of the Museum of Civilizations. As noted above, it is located at 2 Rue de la Charité, in the building of a former almshouse.

The museum collection is divided into 3 parts:

  • "Ancient Egypt", representing objects of everyday life from ancient times to the period of Coptic Christians;
  • "Classical Antiquity", which tells about Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Rome, Etruria;
  • "Local Archaeology", showing the results of excavations around Marseille, including a 5th century exhibit. BC e.

The museum is open daily, except Mondays, from 10 to 18. Ticket price is 5 EUR. You can enter for free until 13:00 on Sunday. You can get here by metro by getting off at Joliette or Republique-Dames stations.

Borely Museum

The Musée Borely united three previously independent museums - earthenware, modern art and contemporary fashion.

In the faience collection, visitors can see items that are very diverse in time, place of creation and purpose. Among them, real works of art stand out, created according to sketches by the outstanding French artist Nicolas Poussin.

The exhibition of decorative art is dominated by paintings by artists of the 20th century, of which the most famous are Kandinsky and Picasso. An interesting collection of ceramics, glass and furniture in the Art Deco style. A separate section, “Exotic Collection,” presents Asian decorative art.

On display former museum Modern fashion displays about 7 thousand samples of fashionable clothing of the last century and 30 thousand accessories for them.

The Borely Museum is located in the 18th century palace of the same name. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden, which is more than a century older than the palace.

Address - Chateau Borely, avenue Clot Bey. From the Old Port you can get there by bus number 83 to the Parc Borely stop. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. all days of the week except Monday. You need to pay 5 EUR for entry.

Transport in Marseille

Intracity transportation is carried out by several types of transport.

The main passenger flow is transported by buses. It is not easy for a foreigner to navigate their routes. In addition, the service cannot be called comfortable. Buses that are overcrowded during peak hours often violate their schedules, at which time pickpockets operate on them.

The total length of the Marseille metro tracks is 20 km, with 28 stations. They belong to one of two lines - “blue” or “red”. You can change from one line to another at the busiest station, Saint-Charles.

The sea tram is a convenient way to travel from the Old Port area to the L'Estaque bay of the elite 16th quarter. A ticket costs 5 EUR.

For a long stay (a week or more) in the city, purchasing a subscription for 13.7 EUR is justified. It gives the right to unlimited use of all types of transport for 7 days. Pass XL tickets costing 5.4 EUR and 10.8 EUR are valid for one and three days, respectively.

For 13 EUR you can purchase a subscription for 10 trips on the metro or bus. A single ticket costs 1.6 EUR, and a ticket purchased from the driver costs 1.9 EUR.

How to get to the city

You can get to Marseille by plane or train.


The international Aéroport de Marseille Provence is located 27 km from Marseille. There are no regular flights from Moscow, but charters are organized here in the summer. Airline France periodically introduces direct flights here from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. On its website you can track their availability or choose an option with a transfer. The most popular of them are offered by airlines:

  • Brussels Airlines via Frankfurt;
  • Lufthansa via Frankfurt;
  • Alitalia via Rome;
  • Iberia via Barcelona.

Marseille airport is actively used by the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair. Young people with a minimum of luggage can track offers with very significant discounts on his website.

From the airport to Marseille you can either take minibus for 9 EUR, or on a regular one, paying an order of magnitude more.


The Gare de Marseille Saint Charles train station is also a busy transport hub. High-speed trains go here:

  • from Paris airport Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (3.5 hours);
  • from Paris Gare de Lion train station (3 hours 20 minutes);
  • from Lyon (1 hour 40 minutes);
  • from Nice (2 hours 20 minutes).

Tickets to intra-European destinations can be ordered in Russian on the French website railways. It is recommended to do this in advance, since buying a ticket at the station before departure will cost at least twice as much. Marseille train station is located in the city center, so travelers will not incur additional costs.

Where to stay

The majority of local hotels are located between the Old Port and railway station. Prices in most hotels are moderate. They are higher in hotels near the sea.

  • 5-star Hôtel Intercontinental and Le Petit Nice, approximate price per night: 400 EUR - 800 EUR;
  • 4-star Grand Hotel Beauvau and Radisson Blu Hôtel, approximate price per night: 150 EUR - 200 EUR;
  • 3-star Hotel le Corbusier (and Edmond Rostand), approximate price per night: 60 EUR - 80 EUR;
  • guest rooms Les Chambres de l’Abbaye, approximate price per night: 100 EUR - 110 EUR.

The geographical position of France and developed infrastructure make the country one of the most popular destinations for tourism and travel. Every year, millions of tourists come to France, who replenish the budget, contributing to the wealth and prosperity of the country. It is part of the European Union and has a currency - the euro.

Among all the cities, it is important to highlight Marseille. It is an important economic center in the south of France, due to the presence of one of the world's largest ports. The city is also rich in attractions and architectural monuments, which are known not only to the French, but throughout the world.

Cities of France

The country has many popular cities for tourism in the central part; they are rich in history and historical monuments. There is a wonderful one in France Cote d'Azur, where you can relax, sunbathe and swim. There is a region of Provence, in which each locality is famous for a certain craft. You can visit tourist centre- Paris, without a visit to which not a single tour of the country is complete. It is recommended to visit principalities that are not part of France, but are closely connected with it, these are Monaco and Andorra, where there are also many interesting things to see.

City information

Marseille (France) is the economic and business center of Provence and south coast. Works here largest port in Europe. Marseille appeared on the map of France in 600 BC. An ancient people lived on the territory - the Phocians, who belonged to the Greeks. Due to its favorable location, the province began to develop rapidly. Even in the Roman era the settlement remained partially independent. Since the Crusades, Marseille has experienced rapid growth as a transit port. In 1481 it became an official part of the Kingdom of France. The city suffered greatly during the bubonic plague in the 1720s, when nearly half the population died from the disease. Was one of the most major centers resistance during World War II.

Marseille city in France

Climate and weather

Marseille has a Mediterranean climate and has mild winters and hot summers. Winters in the city are very warm, practically never reaching temperatures below +7° C. But sometimes they are frosty, and snow occasionally falls. In summer, precipitation is very rare, it is stuffy and hot. Autumn begins early for this type of climate; almost from the end of September there is frequent rain and the temperature gradually decreases.

The best time to visit Marseille for sightseeing is from mid-spring to mid-summer. And for the purpose of swimming and beach holidays, you need to go in the summer season.

How to get there

Marseille is located on a hilly area that separates it from the rest of France. The coast is rich in rocky bays and clean beaches, which are found throughout the Cote d'Azur.

Marseille France map

Important! The water in the vicinity of Marseille is not the cleanest, this is due to the presence of the port. For a beach holiday, you need to go to specially equipped places outside the city.

Getting to the city is not difficult, since the country has a very developed transport infrastructure, there are several ways to travel:

  • airport. 27 kilometers from settlement settled down international Airport Marseille Provence. It is the second largest after Paris, and almost all tourists arriving in the region fly here. You can get to Marseille by regular bus, taxi, use a transfer or rent a car;
  • transfer. When arriving for tourist purposes, transfer is usually included. If not, then you can find a special counter and contact the managers;
  • Taxi. To order a taxi, you need to go to a special window and select the type and class of the car;
  • car rental. The most convenient and fastest way allows you to conveniently inspect all objects of interest. There are many car rental companies at the airport and city;
  • bus. From the airport and along the entire coast it is very developed bus transport, There is a large number of flights and directions, you can choose your own and comfortably get to the right place;
  • metro. Marseille has its own metro network, which makes it easy to get around the city.

Note! A reusable metro card is much more profitable than paying for each trip separately.

The cityscapes will enchant even the most experienced tourist. Flowing and hot sands, emerald shady gardens, as well as the sea will appeal to the taste of an experienced traveler.

Marseille is rich in attractions and tourist sites. To see everything, you need to stay here for at least three to four days. Among the main ones are churches and cathedrals, many museums and several beautiful gardens and parks.

Marseille (France) attractions:

  • Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Garde. Local residents stuck with the name Good Mother, since the basilica is considered the guardian of the city. The structure was built in 1864 on the site where there was previously ancient fortress. The style of the building is neo-Byzantine, the architect was Henri-Jacques Esperandier. It is located on a hill in a high part of the city, making it one of the most prominent buildings. It has a crypt decorated with beautiful mosaics and statues of the Virgin Mary and Child. It is the most popular and visited place in Marseille;

Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Garde

  • Museum of Fine Arts. Located in a beautiful old building. Ideal for art and painting lovers;
  • Castle If. Located 4 kilometers from the city in the sea on an island. It is a fortification structure to protect against attacks from the sea. It was built in 1531. In the 16th century it began to be used as a place of detention for especially dangerous criminals. Now it is a museum and architectural monument. Known for Alexandre Dumas' novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Today is very popular place among local residents and tourists, has shops selling souvenirs and cafes with beautiful view to the city and the sea;
  • Jardin du Faro garden and palace. The palace and beautiful garden were built under Napoleon III. Nowadays, numerous city services are located here. Perfect place for lovers of nature walks.

Marseille hosts many festivals and celebrations. For example, in April you can visit the “Holy Music” festival; in August there is a festival dedicated to the music and culture of the living diasporas. In October, it is recommended to visit the “Southern Fiesta” and the contemporary art bazaar. For many centuries, water competitions have been held in July, which attract a lot of spectators and are very popular.

  • During the French Revolution, Marseille chose the side of the Republicans. After the victory, the French anthem became known as “La Marseillaise”;
  • it is noteworthy that Marseille is located at the same latitude as the Russian Sochi, so the cities have a similar climate and temperature regime;
  • Marcel is shown in many films, among which are all parts of Taxi, 22 Bullets and The French Connection.

Marseille stands out among other cities in France for its culture and traditions. Tourism is developed due to the presence of many interesting attractions. Recommended for visiting to learn about history and enjoy a beach holiday.