Mystical places of Crimea. The most unusual places in Crimea: photos and reviews of tourists

In Crimea, there are amazing, truly unique, mysterious places that amaze with their beauty.

All travel lovers should definitely visit these places.

Tulip fields

In the village of Yantarnoye there is an agricultural workshop number 55, which is engaged in the cultivation of tulips. To get into it amazing place you must first go to the office of this enterprise, and obtain a special permit there. In the fields, which are only three kilometers from the village, scarlet, yellow, pale blue and pink tulips grow. This place especially attracts the attention of couples in love.

Temple of Laki village

The Greek settlement of Laki is located in the Bakhchisarai region. Once this village was completely burned, and the inhabitants were destroyed. The only building that has survived to our time is the church named after St. Luke. It is half destroyed, but even in this state it is used for the service.

Taraktash trail

It originates in the Crimean Observatory on Mount Ai-Petri and is not in vain recognized as the most beautiful trail of the entire Crimean peninsula. The Taraktash trail reaches Yalta. The descent along it can not be called difficult. Interestingly, in some places of the trail there are steps. There are beautiful views all along the way.


This name is stone city, spread over the expanses of Bakhchisaray. In the fifth century, this city was considered a religious and shopping center Today only ruins remain. But even they were able to save the energy of well-being and prosperity.

Vorontsov Palace

Near the Crimean mountain Ai-Petri is the Vorontsov Palace built in the first half of the 19th century. This is an amazing monument of history and culture, built from diabase and perfectly fitting into the natural landscape. AT this moment this palace is used as a museum for permanent and temporary exhibitions. Today, prices for holidays in Alupka are quite affordable, and a visit to this place will allow you to see not only the Vorontsov Palace, but also have a great rest on the sea.

Cemetery Balta-Tiymez

This is an unusual place that not every tourist dares to visit. It is located in an oak grove. It is filled with ancient monuments that have been covered with moss over the years. According to old legends, the roots of oaks are associated with the dead, and only when the crown rises high, the soul of the deceased leaves the earth.

Crimean nuclear power plant

This is an unfinished nuclear power plant in the village of Shchelkino. Its construction began actively, but the work was completely stopped after the disaster that occurred in Chernobyl. This is a mysterious place that among the locals has received a bad reputation. It turns out that the directors did not stay here for a long time. Not more than six months later, they left their high post and went to the "yellow house".

Ghost Valley

There are many mysterious places in Crimea. A few kilometers from Alushta, on the southern ridge of Demerdzhi, there is the Valley of Ghosts. There are many legends about this place. AT bad weather in the fog you can see a lot of things here, and therefore visiting this valley is not recommended for travelers with a weak psyche.

Date Rock

In the eastern part Crimean peninsula in the direction of Sudak, you can visit the Dating Rock. This place is one of the most romantic places in Crimea. There is a rock, the height of which is 782 meters, above the Panan Uzen gorge.

Skelsky menhirs

In the Baidarskaya Valley, not far from the village of Rodnikovoe, there are ancient places of worship. They were made a very long time ago from marble-like limestone.

Valley of the Sotera River

To see the amazing stone mushrooms and other beauties of this valley, you will need to drive 16 kilometers east of Alushta. Many scientists believe that these mushrooms, whose height is 4-6 meters, are a work of art of nature itself.

bay of love

This name is given to a small bay, which is located in the Alushta region, or rather in the village of Rybachye. There will be no difficulty in finding it, since it is located right under the lighthouse. This name was given to the bay for its remoteness from the beaches, which makes it possible to be in love alone with each other.

Crimea, a favorite vacation spot for tourists from all over the post-Soviet space. Every year, people from all over the CIS and even the world come to this beautiful land. Unique festivals, state events and all this here in Crimea. And how nice, after a sultry and hot summer, on a winter evening, go to a restaurant of Crimean cuisine in Kyiv, on Independence Square and drink Crimean herbal tea and look at big map Crimea to remember their tourist routes.

And how many legends go about the Crimean land? Indeed, there are quite a lot of anomalous zones and mysterious places on this earth. Of course, it is necessary to separate real information from false information all the time. Unfortunately, along with true information, there are a lot of ridiculous hoaxes that spoil the whole picture of the unidentified and only push the layman away from the truth.

The well-known ufologist, researcher of the unidentified and anomalous from the city of Simferopol, Anton Anfalov, is engaged in the anomalies of the Crimea. He told about some interesting and unusual anomalous places in the Crimea.

Let's start with the city of Simferopol. Why from this city? Yes, because the entire main flow of transport from Ukraine and Russia begins in this city. Arriving in Simferopol, tourists go further: to Yalta, Alupka and other resorts of the peninsula. So! Under the city of Simferopol there is a whole network of underground tunnels and communications of ancient origin.

The researcher notes some entrances that are now blown up, covered up, closed:

  1. Vernaya Cave near the village of Dubki has long been blown up. Erased from all cards!
  2. Cave of the Snake near the village of Levadki, 3rd floor - filled up! Cave of the Serpentoid Serpents.
  3. Cave in Petrovsky rocks, st. Vorovsky, Simferopol - part is used as an underground shelter of the Ministry of Emergencies, the rest is blown up and covered up!
  4. Entrance at the Lugovskaya hospital, st. Lugovaya-drift - tunnel. The entrance is closed.
  5. Under the old cemetery at St. Titov - fenced on all sides!
  6. Near st. 51st Army - a thermal anomaly on the ground!

There are bases not only under the Crimean mountains, but also under the flat, steppe part.

Anton says that he knows at least two such:

  • North of the village of Kotelnikovo (Krasnogvardeisky district, near the North Crimean Canal); the witness is V.A. Zdorov, he saw a lot of things there when he worked as a watchman;
  • Near the village of Sary-Bash (north-east of the village of Susanino), under the Tana-Bash hill. There is a long tunnel, partly at the base of the fault, from the Simferopol region. Further, the tunnel goes to the area of ​​Melitopol - Stone Grave, with a branch under the area of ​​Genichesk"

He also mentions the Kara-Dag complex in the Eastern Crimea, which is located in the body of an ancient volcano. The main lair of the last representatives of the Serpentoid race. "The shape of the complex is a pentagon (pentagonal niches connected by straight tunnels). In the center there is a huge vertical shaft-shaft with a diameter of about 80 m (up to 100 m), from above it narrows. The neck of the mine is now closed - encapsulated, under the top of Mount Svyataya. Underwater entrances - through caves, used by sea "Snakes" (snakes are intelligent!).Entrances under water are protected by infrasonic protection.Because of this, scuba divers cannot penetrate there.

At the Kara-Dag complex in the upper part of the mine, the intersection of tunnels. On the lower side is a base station on the main tunnel (The tunnel was converted from a fault. They often did this - they equipped faults for tunnels). T tunnels from Kara-Dag depart towards Feodosia and Sudak, there is a direct tunnel between Kara-Dag and Demerdzhi-Chatyr-Dag. Another tunnel departs towards the monastery of Surb-Khach, branches there, the branch goes to Mount Agarmysh and further towards Belogorsk.

System of ancient serpentoid serpents, race "Great Poloz".

The list of the main underground deep man-made objects near the Crimea:

  1. The Temple of the Golden Cradle is the last Arian complex. To the north of Mount Chernaya, in clastollite. Center of the Crimean nature reserve.
  2. Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) - a transshipment recreation center, plus a repair base. In the laccolith.
  3. Mount Boyka, district grand canyon Crimea - a plant for the production of thorium and rare earth elements. On the basis of the buried Mountain Crimean volcano. In the body of the volcano (drilled leg and volcano vent).
  4. Cape Aya is a settlement of "Atlanteans"-giants - amphibioids (limited population).
  5. Ai-Petri Yayla, especially the west of the Yayla - underground cities, factories, complexes, residential and technical premises. On the basis of the buried Mountain Crimean volcano. in the body of a volcano.
  6. One of the entrances is the western rocky wall of Mount Lysaya or Chavush-Kaya. Near Trapan-Bair - the so-called. Susaninsky forest.
  7. Under Mount Mogabi is one of the nodes of the system.
  8. Under the Iograph ridge above Yalta is the entrance to the tunnel-junction.
  9. Uch-Kosh gorge above Yalta, northern part - entrance to three tunnels at once, node.
  10. Inside the mountains-laccoliths near the cities of Alushta-Seraus, Uraga, Chamny-burun, Chamny-dag, Deve-dag, etc. - a network of technical complexes, underground facilities, tunnels, etc.
  11. Inside Mount Kastel (plagiogranite body) near the city of Alushta - an ancient base, a node - the intersection of tunnels. On conservation. The entrance is direct to the main branch tunnel.
  12. The cavity under Mount Demerdzhi (to the north of the "Valley of Ghosts") - unlike half a dozen near Castel, is still actively used. Node-crossing of tunnels, incl. direct entrance to the main tunnel.
  13. Mount Pakhal-Kaya (Bald Ivan) - cavity, entrance (practically not used).
  14. Laccolith near the village Fishing - entrance, cavity, used.
  15. Mount Chatyr-Dag, Tent-mountain, a large underground cavity-lake, a system of underground lakes, a large node - the intersection of tunnels, the base - is used.
  16. Paleovolcanoes Lozovsky, Petropavlovsky and others are located near Simferopol. Used. The node of the underground system of dwarf Reptilians-Amaargi.
  17. The Bodrak paleovolcano, near the villages of Prokhladnoe (Mangush) and Trudolyubovka - a node of the underground system of the same Reptilians - is used.
  18. In plagiogranites and diorites south of the partisan reservoir - a node of the underground system of the same Reptilians - is used. Tee - tunnels go in three directions.

There are legends about the underground rumble and vibrations from underground in the Crimea.

Specifically, this was observed and observed, according to A. Anfalov, in the most different places Crimea - where the underground objects of our web are located, namely, a low-frequency, clearly man-made, constant underground rumble (although it is periodically heard, not constantly, but from time to time) at the following points:

  • Mountain-base Ayu-Dag (bear) - drowned out by the noise of the surf; as well as on the stones at Pushkin's grotto in Gurzuf (vibration was felt); in Partenit - shaking railings near the embankment, all these are signs of technogenic activity of the Ayu-Dagsky complex;
  • Mount Boyka;
  • Gorge Uch-Kosh over Yalta (low-frequency vibration, felt by the body);
  • Ridge Iograph over Yalta (+ glow);
  • The village of Khadzhi-Sala near Mangup, the valley below Mangup mountain - the vibration of the earth is periodic, the water in the bottle was shaking, it could not calm down even in a state of complete rest);
  • Lozovsky paleovolcano near Simferopol, plus the Petropavlovsky volcano - two different people (V.A. Zdorov and Victor (also Victor) Sikilinda) described the rumble and vibration. A rumble, like from a subway passage. Almost constant hum. Was active until about 2001-2002. Healthy assures that the rumble is still periodically felt there.
  • Village village Pink near Chatyr-Dag - rumble, etc.

In total, it buzzes in at least 13 places, because under the Crimea - now there are 13 main power crystals in underground rooms, when an energy force field of the Merkaba type is turned on - it gives resonance through the rocks. Previously, there were more crystals, they were dismantled in a number of places. The ufologist reports that under the Crimea, there is a very large and highly branched underground system, similar to a web. Part of the ancient World Tree project.

The "Drevo" itself is an ancient, now filled-in water-receiving deep mine abeam the Caucasian coast of the Russian Federation. From there there are a lot of tunnels with water.

The main underground bases near the Crimea - there are 3 of them:

  1. Temple of the "Golden Cradle" (encapsulated) bio-energy-resonance healing complex of the Hyperboreans (Arian-Rus), in the clastollite north of Mount Chernaya. Crimean nature reserve(in the center of the reserve).
  2. Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) - transshipment and repair base, UFO parking lot, in laccolith.
  3. Boyka Mountain (on the basis of the buried Crimean Mountain Volcano) is an underground plant for the production of thorium (UFO nuclear fuel) and REE - rare earth elements from monazite sands mined at the bottom Sea of ​​Azov. A variety of raw materials are imported and pumped there, including fluorine water from under Mount Bytkha (near Sochi) is pumped aboard a UFO, and a deep channel has been laid through which water from the Black Sea, rich in hydrogen sulfide, is pumped from a great depth and this hydrogen sulfide is extracted for the processing of monazite sands (it is used to make sulfuric acid, which is needed for the production of thorium).

The canal runs in the Koreiz-Gapsra area under Mount Mogabi and further down Mount Boyka. The plant near Boyka was built in the leg of a buried volcano drilled from the inside. Depth - starting from the mark of 300-500 m below sea level, from above - a powerful cover of limestones, conglomerates, sandstones, etc.

These three main bases are underground. In addition to these three bases located in a triangle, there are other underground cavities and objects under the Crimea. Crimea is the territory of the Hyperboreans, a piece of Ariana (Oriana) or Russ-boreals. There used to be 7 sacred islands here: RA, HA, OM, TE, TEO, SI, HEO.

There were 40 pyramids with different vibrations. Now almost none of it remains on the surface.

Anton Anfalov refutes information about underground pyramids in the truest sense of the word.

Further, the researcher writes about the last object that remained - the underground temple of the "Golden Cradle". It is located in a clastollite to the north of Mount Chernaya in the Crimean Reserve, where they are not allowed to go there just like that (and you can’t even penetrate underground), the depth is just below sea level, on top there is a limestone cover.

All entrances to the Temple were closed after its desecration and devastation about 3,000 years ago. Now all moves are encapsulated. The object is techno-magically protected, encapsulated. The last techno-magical legacy of Ariana (Hyperborea) in the Crimea. Silver springs of healing water are connected with this Temple, and there are several of them in the area.

Crimea is also a territory of reptilians, which, as you know, live underground (undersized Amaargs are purely terrestrial reptiles, also serpentoids different types). There used to be more serpentoids, they were cleaned up, they all hid underground, but sometimes they come up to hunt dolphins, etc.

Information about the anomalous zones of Crimea was provided by Anton Anfalov. Researcher of anomalous phenomena Simferopol.

There are places on the planet that are completely inexplicable. Like Stonehenge in England, the Bermuda Triangle in Atlantic Ocean. Throughout the history of the development of mankind, many paradoxical things arose in nature, manifested themselves in the creations of human hands. Sometimes the line between the worlds seems so thin in such places that you just have to touch it - and the familiar reality will be replaced by amazing scenery beyond understanding. A mystery attracts, and always attracted a person. The unknown attracts like a magnet. And a person is trying to find out what is hidden behind the mysterious veil of this or that place, to bring to light its terrible secret.

The Crimean land in terms of mysteries, perhaps, is the leader on the planet. Not surprising. The peninsula is located in such a geographically convenient place that numerous peoples tried to settle here. Many, like Krymchaks, are no longer in sight. Greeks and Slavs are still alive and well. Everyone who came here brought his own energy, which was absorbed by the fertile Crimean land.

Little by little, the peninsula was overgrown with so many legends and traditions that it became attractive to travelers and tourists by its very name. Indeed, in Crimea, almost every stone is associated, if not with the historical past, then with folk fiction. In which, as you know, there is a large share of truth. And the number of mysterious places on the peninsula just rolls over. If it is impossible to visit everything at once, it would be wise to stop at the number nine. Also mysterious in terms of numerology and magic.

Cape Meganom

The southeastern tip of the Crimean peninsula has long become a place of a kind of pilgrimage for esotericists. They say that here you can recharge the energy of the earth itself. However, not all so simple. Meganom does not always please with a positive charge. Signals about the direction of energy lines are yellow rings on the grass. When they fade, it is better not to approach them: people during this period feel bad. When the color returns, you can come here again for health and longevity.
In Greek, Meganom means Big House. However, on the deserted rocky shore, in the nearby steppe, nothing of the kind is observed. Not like modern settlements with their civilization. Even excavations have shown that people did not settle here in ancient times. But why, because there are plenty of settlements on the rest of the coastal territory ?!

There are a couple of ghosts on Meganom. According to the testimonies of those who stayed here for the night, random travelers are visited by a boy. Persuades him to follow him, which is not worth doing. Those who succumbed to the requests of the child find themselves in the sea. Some die. And on the cliff of one of the local rocks at dusk, a lamb bleats. This is despite the fact that animals avoid this area. Generally.

Crimea, who still does not know, is in the band of seismic activity. Disturbing peninsula and still. True, small fluctuations, displacement of rocks. Witness of the formation of the Crimean geokora - volcano Kara-Dag. It is not for nothing that he was nicknamed the Black Stone in translation from the language of one of the local peoples. Staying within the array is not for the faint of heart. One Roaring Grotto is worth something! Before an excursion to it, tourists are warned about the loud sounds made by water in an underwater cave. To a tourist who is not aware of the peculiarities of the area, it may seem that some kind of sea monster lives in the grotto.

Or maybe he really lives. Have you heard of the Karadag sea serpent? It is quite possible that this is not a story from those told by the night fire. In the vicinity of Kara-Dag, dolphin carcasses were repeatedly found with wounds inflicted by powerful huge jaws. This despite the fact that local sharks - katrans - more than a meter don't grow up! And in the documentary evidence of the times civil war there is a recorded fact that an armed detachment constantly patrolled near Kara-Dag in order to protect the population from a monster supposedly coming out of the water and attacking people.

Kara-Dag. Author: Insider - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Is it true - Kara-Dag reliably hides its secret in the depths of the Black Sea. Scaring away those who want to dive for the truth with a loud roar of water in the grotto. Be that as it may, the “relative of the Loch Ness monster” has not yet been discovered, and since ancient times people have settled at the foot of the Crimean volcano.
But the anomalies of the magnetic field (most likely due to deposits of magnetic ore in the mountains) - found undoubted evidence. One of the rocks is called Magnetic. And in some places, the compass needle rotates around the axis of the mount, not intending to point to the North.

Valley of Ghosts

There are no deserts in Crimea, but mirages are a common occurrence here. Especially - in the Valley of Ghosts near Demerdzhi. Why exactly this name? So you can see anything on the mountain. Plus, the features of a warm, humid climate that causes frequent fog - and a lot of things can be seen in a heap of rocks. Sometimes the pictures are beautiful, sometimes they take on a frightening shape. Yes, and without fog in the Valley of Ghosts, you can easily imagine anything in the rocks that pleases human imagination. These are not just stones. They seem to be deformed, taking their own, special forms for everyone who wants to get an impression.

Valley of ghosts in Demerdzhi. Author: Dmitry Sklyarenko, CC BY 3.0,

There are many legends about the rocks among the local population. Like, these are the silhouettes of people killed by the evil Blacksmith. And the Blacksmith himself, turned to stone, stands in the valley. One has only to look closely - and you can see the acting characters of the legend with your own eyes.
Another feature of the place is that it loses its orientation in time. It seems that he entered the Valley of Ghosts about 10 minutes ago, and half an hour has already passed.

white rock

Ancient people, close to nature, knew where to establish their settlements. In the Crimea, the site of primitive people turned out to be in the Belogorsk region. On White Rock. The convenient location, on a hill, above the valley of the Ak-Kaya River, made it possible to protect oneself from enemies and helped in hunting. A mammoth or other large animal driven onto a “plateau” fell off a cliff. Here is a glorious booty with small losses.

White Rock. Author: Aydar Daminov - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Yes, yes, in ancient times mammoths lived in the Crimea - in the museums of the peninsula, one often comes across either a tusk or a skull of this fossil animal. And large boulders scattered in the foothills, according to research, were brought here by a glacier.
Today in beautiful place They don't hunt, they shoot movies. The decoration is very chic.


People also settled in the southern part of the Bakhchisarai region. Only from III to V century. Later, there is no evidence of Mangup as a prosperous city. People left, leaving rocks and houses carved in stone. The silence of the place is amazing. According to eyewitnesses in the winter in dead city glowing neon balls appear from time to time. Soar for 10 minutes in the air - and dissolve without a trace.

Mangup. Author: Kaira - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

And at night, tourists, archaeologists excavating Mangup are disturbed by a local ghost. The boy, whose parents died during the invasion of the Turkish army, asked the rocks for help. They hid the child. And now he wanders around the city crying, trying to find his parents. With the first rays of the sun, vision evaporates. Returning again at night.

Most of Crimea is steppes. And they were occupied by the steppe nomadic peoples. After themselves they left mounds, mounds, Scythian stone women yes menhirs. The latter are considered places of power. And not in vain. You can check it by visiting near Sevastopol in the village of Rodnikovsky.

Skelsky menhirs. Photo:

True, only 2 vertical stone pillars remained from the Crimean "Stonehenge". They, according to esotericists, stand in an unfavorable energy zone, transforming it into a positive one. Touching the stone with your fingertips, you will definitely feel a tingle and feel warm.

Crimean dolmens

Places of power, as they are called, arose in different regions of the planet. In Crimea, at the place where positive energy came out of the earth, a dolmen was erected: a kind of construction of four almost square slabs with a transverse stone crossbar on top. If you want to feel its beneficial power, you are welcome to Mount Koshka. There is only one such in Crimea. With the outlines of an animal lying down by the water. With a double top like ears.

Crimean dolmen. Photo:

It is believed that dolmens are built to facilitate the transition to other worlds. Possibly parallel. The dream of modern science fiction. An ordinary person, not even fond of esotericism, feels a surge of strength at a dolmen, finds reasonable solutions to problems that have long tormented him, answers to vital questions.

In addition to Mount Cats, Mount Bear is known in Crimea. Ayu-Dag, which is not far from Artek, is known to tourists according to legend. Do you know that semi-mythical events are also associated with the mountain, for which historians are still looking for explanations?

Ayu-Dag in the evening. Author: AnnaPerederiy - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Allegedly, here, on Cape Partenit, there was a temple of the cruel goddess Virgo, who was worshiped in the Crimea by the Scythians and Taurians. The place of stay of Iphigenia in Taurida is described by many writers of antiquity and retold by modern ones. There's just no evidence yet. The location of the temple is covered in darkness, and this mystery has not yet been solved.


Lucky Crimea with extraordinary mountains. Ai-Petri- not an exception. At first glance, the mountain is the most ordinary. Just separates South coast from the foothills. Well, still stops the cold western and northern winds to the peninsula, keeping its warm Mediterranean climate. Looking more closely, the tourist discovers another mystery. The mountain conducts the energy currents of the earth through itself, preventing them from mixing from the side of the sea and the steppe.

Mount Ai-Petri, Author: - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

Abnormal phenomena in the mountain range - more than enough. For example, in the valley of the Wuchang-Su waterfall, you will definitely feel dizzy. Is it only from a change in pressure, to which far from all people are subject? In the Drunken Grove, where the trees are bent in the most unthinkable way, it is dangerous to stay for a long time. It all starts with a feeling of discomfort, ends with a mental disorder. If you climb to the top of Ayu-Dag and face the sea, you can make a wish. If the Crimean land deigns to condescend to a request, then it will fulfill it.

This is Crimea: every step is a mystery. Perhaps you will be able to lift the veil over another Crimean secret. So it's up to you to decide whether to take the next step.

Crimean peninsula in Last year not deprived of media attention. However, almost no publication described unusual places Crimea, giving preference to political events. We will not bore the reader with reports latest news. We are much more interested in the mysticism of the Crimea and unsolved mysteries this peninsula.

Secrets of an abandoned nuclear power plant

In the Crimea, not far from the city of Shchelkino, there is an unfinished nuclear power plant. The authorities lost interest in this object after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The decision to stop construction work was made in 1989 due to the deteriorating economic situation. The station was slowly being pulled apart into colored and black scrap.

photo from google maps

Today, the Crimean NPP enjoys a very bad reputation. This place was loved by occultists and satanists. Other grim ceremonies are also held on the wreckage of the unfinished reactor. Why does the abandoned station attract adherents of mystical cults? Does the gloomy atmosphere of the place contribute to this, or are there any other reasons? So far, these questions remain unanswered.

Missile mines "object 100"

As those who are interested know, the landscapes of the Crimean peninsula were used for filming some scenes of the series. In particular, Yalta and the seaside town of Sudak received the director's attention. However, Crimea is famous not only for its beautiful landscapes and numerous sanatoriums…

photo from google maps

In the 1950s in Crimean mountains mines for anti-ship missiles were built near Balaklava. The base was named "object 100". It was a completely autonomous facility, with food, water and fuel supplies, filtering units and advanced engineering. Theoretically, the base could continue to perform its function after a nuclear strike.

"Object 100" has not been functioning for a long time, and the marauders took out all the remaining valuables from there. infamous mystical place acquired after several disappearances of people. The locals have several theories about this. There is a version that a secret laboratory is now located on the site of "object 100", whose employees kidnap people for experiments. Some argue that UFOs can sometimes be seen above the former missile silos.

Desecrated Graveyard

Near Central market Simferopol has an old churchyard. This is one of the few objects left after numerous reconstructions of the metropolis. You can recognize the cemetery by the Church of All Saints, which was built back in 1864. Some of the graves of the Old Russian cemetery were dug up by looters hunting for valuables. But this fact is not of interest to lovers of mysticism.

In a remote part of the cemetery, you can find an old Gothic temple. Its walls are covered with pentagrams and magic inscriptions made in black and red paint. Presumably, these messages are left by occultists during night rituals. So those who are interested, or to gain the abilities of a witch, should visit the Simferopol churchyard in the dead of night ...

Sinister Grotto

In the southeast direction of the Crimean peninsula, you can find underwater caves of the Kara-Dag volcanic massif. Scientists believe that these natural formations go into the depths of the once extinct volcano. The depth of the largest grotto exceeds 70 meters. This is a very mysterious place with an indescribable gloomy atmosphere.

photo from google maps

The poet-philosopher Homer mentions in his works about the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead, located in Cimmeria (the southeastern territories of Crimea). Crimean local historians believe that the philosopher could have in mind exactly the Roaring Grotto of Kara-Dag Mountain.

Crimean Stonehenge

This title can be claimed by Cape Meganom, which is famous for its "power rings". By these "rings" are meant strips periodically appearing in the grass, up to 50 cm wide. An unusual anomaly can be observed from a bird's eye view.

It is quite possible that they have nothing to do with the appearance of the Crimean Stonehenge. Some believe that the cause of the anomaly was the magnetic field that appeared after an underwater test of a nuclear bomb. There is another version - Crimean ufologists claim that unidentified flying objects regularly appear over Cape Meganom.

Crimea can be safely called one of the most interesting places in the world. Unique nature, rich story, monuments at almost every step - this is only a small part of what is on the peninsula. It’s simply impossible to see at least a small part of all this even for a long vacation, but there is a way out. Check out the list of the most unusual places in Crimea in order to pay attention to them first of all.

In fact, a trip to the Crimea is a great opportunity not only to enjoy and admire the beauties of the peninsula, but also to spend an excellent, and most importantly, memorable vacation. Surely many people have a question, they say, what are these unusual places in the Crimea? Let's talk about the wonders of the peninsula. Many are not written on the first pages of guidebooks, and some are not mentioned at all.

Description of unusual places in Crimea

A small preface. It would be possible to make something like a top of the most unusual places in Crimea with a photo, but this would not be entirely fair, because each is unique in its own way, has its own characteristics, its own history. It would be wrong to conduct a comparative analysis. Therefore, do not take this article as a rating. We will try to mention only some wonderful corners.

Cape Meganom

Cape Meganom can be considered one of the most beautiful and unusual places in Crimea. Its history began in ancient times, when the Greeks lived here, but in this particular place there has never been a single residential building or building. This is explained as follows: according to history, the ancient Greeks believed that the river Styx flows here, along which Charon transports the souls of dead people to the kingdom of the dead, where Hades rules.

However, time does not stand still, and now there is practically nothing left of the river, only a wide gorge reminds of what it was like. Also, according to legends and traditions, it was in this place, near Mount Megan, that Odysseus made his journey to the kingdom of the dead.

Where is the cape and how to get to it

The cape itself is located in the vicinity of the city of Sudak, between the Alchak mountain and the Bugaz valley. East End the cape is mountainous and goes into the sea, and the western one is lower, has various ravines, hills and many terraces.

There are two ways to get here: by private car and by bus. Roadside signs will help you stay on track. By car, before reaching Sudak, you should turn towards the military camp, and from there there is only one road - to the lighthouse.

As for the bus, you need to buy a ticket at the bus station before Sun Valley. You should get off at the Meganom stop, after which you will have to travel 5 km on foot to the coveted cape.

Shuldan Cave Monastery

The monastery can be safely called one of the most interesting and unusual places in the Crimea. It is located not far from Sevastopol in a rock above the Shulskaya valley. The chapel of the monastery is visible to the naked eye, especially on the road towards the village of Ternovka. From the Tatar language, the name of the monastery can be translated as "Echoing".

According to history, the monastery was founded around the 8th-9th centuries by runaway Byzantine monks, during the period when the iconoclasts came to power. At the beginning of the 11th century, Shuldan was expanded and a new baptistery appeared in it.

Today, hermit monks live here, who preferred to fence themselves off from harmful temptations and temptations. Pilgrims and tourists are also allowed here. If necessary, the monks are always ready to provide the traveler with lodging for the night in one of the cells.

As for the chapel, which rises on top, it was erected relatively recently. Drug and alcohol addicts took part in the construction, and the monks themselves took care of their treatment.

How to get there

There are two ways to get to the monastery: through the Shul valley or from the side of the medieval Eski-Kermen, where, by the way, the film "9th Company" was filmed.

This place is able to amaze anyone, and not only with its beauty, but also with many other things. Here you can calmly think about your past, present and future, communicate with people who have lived in this place for more than 10 years, improve your spiritual level and, perhaps, rethink some life positions.

By the way, due to the fact that the monastery is located on a hill, the sounds from its belfry "hang" in the air for a very long time, filling the entire valley, so the name "Echoing" is fully justified.

Ghost Valley

Another unusual place and attraction in the Crimea is the Valley of Ghosts. It is located in the Alushta district, not far from the village of Radiant. The reference point is from its foot to the village about 1 km. In any case, the stone pillars, so to speak, are immediately visible, and it is simply impossible to drive past the valley.

The Valley of Ghosts is notable for the fact that the wind always blows here, and as a result of resonance, amazing sounds can be heard. There have been cases when this phenomenon had a detrimental effect on people with a weak psyche and an unstable nervous system, so this should be taken into account.

As for the "pillars" themselves, they were formed thousands of years ago by natural means. At first they were ordinary blocks of stone, but constant winds did their job and continued to give the desired shape. The final result was not entirely unambiguous, and among the people who have been here there is an opinion that nature decided to just play a joke.

The place is unique. It is especially surprising how pines that have been growing here for a very long time could take root on the tops of some rocks. Photos are striking in their beauty.

Bear Mountain

The next unusual and reserved place in the Crimea - or, as it is also called, Bear Mountain. The definition of "reserved" is mentioned for a reason, because the mountain really is an area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 4 km 2.

A lot is said about Ayu-Dag. Some argue that the mountain constantly attracts the attention of UFOs, others that this place has a bad reputation and it is highly discouraged to stay there for the night. Well, there is some truth on both sides.


Today you can find a lot of articles, videos and comments from people who describe in detail how they saw UFOs in these parts. Flying saucers are especially common in summer. This information is confirmed by local residents, who themselves have repeatedly seen strange phenomena in the sky above the mountain.

Many believe that such a strange interest is explained by the fact that under the mountain there is a secret passage through which they get to their base, located inside Ayu-Dag. So far, no one has been able to confirm or refute this information, but attempts to dive downhill continue to this day.

anomalous places

In addition to UFOs, there are anomalous places on the mountain where, as the locals say, there are faults in the crust and energy flows from there. In such places you can heal your health. There are a lot of reviews from people who, having got to the Bear Mountain, began to feel much better, and all the pains from various injuries that were present almost instantly disappeared.

But there are other stories about anomalous places. They are associated with spending the night on the mountain. There are repeated reports of tourists being thrown off cliffs at night. With what it is connected, still no one can say. Fortunately, such cases are rare, but even those who spent the night 1 time on the mountain prefer not to stay here for the second night.

By the way, not everyone knows that Ayu-Dag is a failed volcano. The mountain consists entirely of igneous rock and is of great interest to scientists.

There are just a huge number of plants, and with many varieties. It is also easy to meet those that are listed in the Red Book and are of great value. As for animals, there are also enough of them here, so you should not be surprised if a hare, badger or fox runs past.

Way up the mountain

You can get to Ayu-Dag either from Yalta or from Alushta. The ideal stop is a turn towards the Artek camp, but not every driver stops there. In any other case, you will have to get off at the "Cemetery" stop, immediately after Gurzuf, if you go from Yalta, or at the "Lavrovoe" stop, if the path lies from Alushta. In both cases, you will have to walk to the same turn for about 800 meters.

Temple of the Sun

The next unusual place worth visiting in Crimea is the Temple of the Sun, or the Crimean Stonehenge. It is located next to Laspi Bay, which can be reached either by private car or by bus. Further from the stop you need to go along the path that goes down. Then there will be a fork in the path, but you can go along any road, because all paths lead to the temple, only the travel time is different. The shortest path is marked with a blue sign. Also, if you follow it, it will be possible to replenish water supplies in the local source of Yalyn-Chur.

The exact date of the formation of the temple of the Sun is unknown, but it appeared as a result of the collapse of the top of Mount Ilyas-Kaya. Seven huge stone blocks collapsed down and accidentally formed the shape of a flower. Hence, the temple has another name - "Stone Flower".

Places similar to the temple of the Sun are usually called places of power, since they are directly related to the energy of the cosmos. Whether this is true or not, no one knows, but the fact that the Crimean Stonehenge is an unusual place is a fact. Strong energy is also explained by the fact that here, more precisely on the top of Mount Ilyas-Kaya, the Greeks built Orthodox church St. Elijah, so this is a place prayed from antiquity.

Mostly people come here to find answers to their questions, make a wish, heal their body and soul. Indeed, there are many reviews that after visiting the temple of the Sun, a person was cured of a particular disease, or his dreams come true.

Asking for something is the right thing to do. First of all, you should clear your mind of all bad thoughts and clearly concentrate on what you want. It is very important that the request does not bring harm to anyone, because everything can turn against the person asking. And the last - do not rush anywhere.

There are many legends about the temple. Here, for example, is one of them. In Soviet times, secret and classified research on the topic of anomalous activity was carried out here. The results were kept in the strictest confidence for a long time, but after the collapse, the data was published. It follows from them that the experiments did not bring any results, however, there are references to two groups that disappeared without a trace that were present there.


In the Middle Ages, it was the real cave city and at the same time a fortress. All this is located near the village of Zalesnoe. It takes about 35-40 minutes to get here from Sevastopol. Mangup has been one of the most unusual places in Crimea for many years, and for good reason, because there is definitely something to see here.

The first thing that catches your eye is the fortress that has survived to this day, located on the top of a mountain at an altitude of 583 m. Inside you can find springs, of which there are only 15, and two of them - male and female, which serve as places for pilgrims.

As for history, the first mention of the settlement of this place appears already in the III-IV centuries of our era. Since then, the fortress has been constantly expanding and, due to its location, was considered impregnable. In the 7th century, Mangup became part of the Khazar Kaganate, but was later recaptured. From XI-XIV the fortress was called Theodoro and was the capital of the Byzantine principality. This period is considered the best in the history of Mangup, but at the same time there is very little information about it.

One of interesting places on Mangup is the Holy Annunciation monastery, which is located at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level. People have been living here for a very long time, there is a small farm. The ascent to the monastery is not too difficult. On the way, you can drink water from the local holy spring.

There is a cross at the very top of the monastery, and the views that open from there are simply magnificent. The photos that you see in our article are beautiful, but they are not able to convey all the feelings and emotions that overwhelm the person who is there.

one more popular place on Mangup is Maiden Lake. Most people come here to relax, have a picnic or barbecue. For these purposes, the coast is equipped with special gazebos. There are also several food outlets. local cuisine. During the drought, you can see how part of the altar is shown from the lake. ancient temple which was flooded. You can also ride a boat or a catamaran on the lake.

It does not do here without mysticism. locals, pilgrims from the monastery and some tourists claim that there are some white balls on Mangup that appear absolutely suddenly. In most cases, they do not carry any harm and practically do not react to a person. It is also impossible to catch them, so the mystery of the balls remains a mystery to this day.


Our story about the most unusual places in Crimea is coming to an end, although in fact there are many more of them. The whole peninsula is one big Sight which makes any tourist fall in love with it. When planning a trip to the Crimea, be sure to visit its beautiful corners.