Montserrat population size. School encyclopedia



Since 1995, the volcano has been erupting intermittently, but people have somehow learned to live next to it (though 2/3 of the country has banned economic activity). There is a volcano observatory on the island Montserrat Volcano Observatory(MVO), which constantly measures volcanic activity, and a complex civil defense system. The island is divided into zones marked with letters (A, B, ...) with different statuses; the observatory, based on observations, assigns a “danger level” from 1 to 5 (currently the “danger level” is 3). Depending on the “level of danger”, certain activities are allowed or prohibited in different zones: somewhere you can live and do whatever you want, fearing only ash falling from the sky and Caribbean cyclones; somewhere you can live for those who already live, but be prepared to evacuate; No one except specialists is allowed to be somewhere. Every house usually has a silent battery-powered radio, through which an evacuation alert can be transmitted at any time - in a sense, an analogue of our radio point (whose main purpose, as we know, is civil defense and emergency alerts)

Most of the island (zone V), regardless of the level of danger, is always closed to normal human life

The EC$20 note still features the government house of Montserrat:

Some houses in zone V look completely intact, but after a few cyclones and a few years, their roofs will first collapse, and then trees will grow through the roofs

Light and fragile volcanic pumice is easily washed away by tropical rains. Erosion is destroying Plymouth much faster than any pyroclastic flows

Scientists see a pier cruise ships: by the ridge of concrete blocks dividing the frame horizontally in half, and by the remains of some port structures at the bottom of the frame, you can guess its original length. All the rest of the sand is further into the sea - “ new land", from the brought volcanic eruption or ordinary mudflow rock

Scientists see a power plant: they say there are intact generators left inside, and although it is not clear how much time has spared them, there is a plan to dismantle them and restore them in a new location

Been here before old airport Montserrat. Nothing left

Scientists see a boulder almost the size of a floor on the roof of a house:

This stone rolled down from a volcano: it is 5 floors high

Everything below the cliffs is new land, which was formed by eruptions over the past 15 years

The dome of the volcano is hidden by a cloud in which sulfur fumes are thickly mixed. The smell is truly hellish

This is not a landing or hovering: the helicopter flies at 120-200 km/h, 5-7 meters from the ground. The pilot says that any helicopter pilot is taught this, because such flights (close to the ground and objects) are one of the main niches for the use of helicopters. “There are airplanes for flying at high altitudes and away from obstacles.” Helicopter flights are almost always visual, only very large and/or cool machines are equipped for instrument flights

People left the “zone”, but the animals remained and went wild. A special Montserrat pastime is hunting wild sheep and goats in the “zone”

The sulfur erupted by the volcano oxidizes and, mixing with water, spills onto the ground as acid rain - this is why there are so many dead trees here

The house on the left clearly shows how he was buried pyroclastic flow almost to the level of the 2nd floor, but nature managed to take its toll, everything was already overgrown with lush greenery. Gullies are formed when volcanic sand, brought pyroclastic flow washed away by the rain

But I didn’t walk along this river valley near Plymouth. pyroclastic flow, and an ordinary mudflow: when a cyclone floods the Caribbean with water, the streams wash away volcanic material and carry it down to the sea

In the valley there used to be a Montserrat golf club, a bridge over a river and a suburb of Plymouth with the most expensive real estate on the island. Now it's all buried under a 5-meter layer of volcanic sand

Nowadays, volcanic sand is mined here, transported to the port on dump trucks, loaded onto barges and exported to neighboring countries. Caribbean countries- volcanic sand concrete requires less cement

Plymouth again:

If you look closely at the roof of the workshop, you can see that it is all covered with sand

Plymouth mon amour

IKEA? Mega? Auchan?

Water stadium?

Hotel 5*

As elsewhere in the Caribbean, many sugar cane mills remain from colonial times:

Plymouth stood on a cliff, but now, due to eruptions, beaches of brown sand have formed around it

This is zone B, people can already live here. House of the main Montserrat oligarch:

There is only one hotel and several guest houses in the country, which are owned by local residents, and a campsite where you can stay with a tent. The standard type of accommodation is bed and breakfast. IN resort hotel The price includes the right to use the swimming pool and sun loungers. The level of service is acceptable.


Montserrat is a small volcanic island in the Caribbean. Until 1995 it remained common resort place, until a real disaster happened: the eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano. Two-thirds of the island is covered in ash, houses are abandoned, roads are destroyed, the entrance here is closed for another 10 years. From a tropical paradise, this place has turned into an abandoned country. Of course, there is life here, tourists still come here to enjoy the deserted beaches and untouched nature.

Human-created values ​​sank under layers of ash. Therefore, the main attraction of the island is its “natural” side, that is amazing nature, beautiful hills and endless forests. True, access to the most picturesque part of the island and the coast is prohibited, since it was very badly damaged by the Soufriere eruption.


The philatelic bureau of Montserrat can to some extent be attributed to the main local museum. Very interesting place for tourists, even for those who are not particularly interested in brands. The country still issues its own stamps, organizes exhibitions of unusual postal attributes and a host of other exciting events.

Climate of Montserrat: Tropical. Slight seasonal temperature fluctuations.


Most of the beaches are located on the northern part of the island. A distinctive feature is black, volcanic sand. The volcano is still active, so the flow of tourists is not so large. But there is an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful, deserted coast. There are plenty of such places on the island.


Rest here is contemplative. Not on the island shopping centers, nightclubs and any attributes of beach fun. Rare tourists are left to their own devices here; there is no organized leisure here. If you are looking for privacy, Montserrat is a good place to stay. You can watch birds and walk in the mountains.

There are good opportunities for activities active recreation: cycling, diving and trekking. You can also see the abandoned capital of Plymouth from a boat or helicopter. A few years ago, tourists were allowed into the city itself, but now the rules have become stricter, because the volcano is still active.

Montserrat area:: Volcanic island, predominantly mountainous, with a small coastal lowland.


An airport appeared in the country only in 2005. The old volcano destroyed and for 8 years the country was without an airport at all. Only flights to Montserrat charter flights from neighboring Antigua and Barbuda and Guadeloupe. The country has its own airline, Fly Montserrat.

There is only one main road on the island. Due to the small size of cars, cars are rare here; local residents ride motorbikes or bicycles. You can rent a bike and ride around the picturesque forests to your heart's content.

Standard of living

After the volcanic eruption, two-thirds of the country's population was evacuated, and the same part of the island was closed to visits and any economic activity. The eruption was a tragedy for local residents (only 19 people died): they lost their jobs, their homes, and the island - its tourist popularity and any prospects for a peaceful future.

Currently, local residents are engaged in agriculture (growing sugar cane, bananas, citrus fruits), raising livestock and serving a few tourists. The volcano's activity is gradually decreasing, and local residents are gradually returning to the island they left in 1995.

Montserrat is the safest country in the Caribbean for tourists. The number of crimes here is minimal, but still, do not forget about basic security; pickpocketing is possible.

Montserrat has resources like:: None.


Until 1995, the capital (and also the only city) Montserrat was Plymouth. After the volcano wiped it off the face of the earth, there were no cities left at all. Settlements countries resemble one-story America. The capital functions on the island are performed by the village of Brades, where 1000 people live.

Travel notes, day 25

Montserrat was unremarkable island state, a British overseas territory until tragedy struck in 1995. On June 25, 1995, the catastrophic eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano began. Most of the country's inhabitants were evacuated, the capital was covered with ash and completely destroyed by lava. Almost 20 years have passed, but even now most of the island is closed to visitors, roads are destroyed, hundreds of houses stand abandoned. The country still does not have a capital, but there is one road, 2 gas stations, 4 restaurants and as many as 6 churches.

Montserrat is of interest to those who like to walk through abandoned cities. Here, looters did not have time to plunder the houses that residents abandoned 20 years ago. Expensive clothes are still hanging on hangers, food is in the refrigerators, and newspapers dating back to June 1995 can be found on the coffee tables. A terrible sight, of course.

01. These small planes fly to Montserrat.

02. I approach my plane and the pilot meets me. That's it, no more passengers! The pilot talks about the plane and recommends taking the correct side on board to make it easier to film.

03. Getting ready for the flight). It’s very cool, of course, when you buy a ticket for $100 and fly alone.

04. Here, in fact, is Montserrat. Rocky, rough, no beaches.

05. Now the island lives off tourists. People come here to watch birds and hike in the mountains. In general, if you are interested in solitude, Montserrat is probably a good place. There is nothing here: no clubs, no restaurants, no expensive hotels. The main thing is that there are no people here! But there are a lot of all kinds of animals, mountain paths and beautiful forests.

06. The capital as such no longer exists. Now the temporary administrative center is the village of Brades in the north of the island


08. People live in small villages, many houses are abandoned.


10. That's the whole capital.

11. Bus stops have sponsors who then place advertisements there.

12. Beach with volcanic sand.

13. Let's move on. There is only one road on the island, so don't get lost. Soon the road begins to deteriorate and signs appear indicating a restricted area.

14. There are abandoned villages along the road.

15. No entry) Ahahahaha. When has that ever stopped us?

16. Rivers of milk flow along the roads with the smell of hydrogen sulfide, just like in Iceland.

17. Here is a picture of the eruption: you can clearly see how the volcano destroyed half of the island. On the right is the former capital of Plymouth, on the left is the former airport.

18. This is what the capital looks like now.

19. Only the roofs of the tallest buildings stick out from under the lava. The volcano slept for 400 years. Eruptions continue to this day.

20. There is no legal way to get into the city. There are boat and helicopter tours. You cannot walk around the city, as there is still a danger of an eruption.

Since 1995, the volcano has erupted intermittently. The island has a volcanic observatory, the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO), which constantly measures the activity of the volcano, and a complex civil defense system has been developed. The island is divided into zones marked with letters (A, B, ...) with different statuses; the observatory, based on observations, assigns a “danger level” from 1 to 5 (currently the “danger level” is 3). Depending on the “level of danger”, certain activities are allowed or prohibited in different zones: somewhere you can live and do whatever you want, fearing only ash falling from the sky and Caribbean cyclones; somewhere you can live for those who already live, but be prepared to evacuate; No one except specialists is allowed to be somewhere. Every house usually has a silent battery-powered radio, through which an evacuation alert can be transmitted at any time - in a sense, an analogue of our radio point (whose main purpose, as we know, is civil defense and emergency alerts)

21. The former colonial capital looks like this


23. This is what this place in the center looked like before 1995

24. And this is how it is now.

25. Luxurious villas line the hills around the capital

26. They are all abandoned.

27. Previously, this was the most expensive real estate on the island.

28. Over time, the roofs of houses collapse

29. For 20 years, nature has reclaimed space for itself. Some houses can no longer be entered.


31. There is no one here now.

32. Inside there is a bed and a hole in the roof. For 20 years, water dripping from the roof burned through the bed like acid.

33. Surprisingly, the villas were not looted at all! The houses have TVs, furniture, and household appliances

34. Golf clubs

35. Someone took everything during the evacuation

36. Someone - only the most valuable.

37. Empty houses look creepy. It always seems that there will be some corpse lying in the next room.

38. There’s been food in the refrigerator since ’95

39. Nobody even touched the cutlery.

40. Nice furniture

41. It is clear that people were in a hurry to leave this place. Someone forgot a suitcase with clothes. For 20 years this suitcase has been lying here and no one has touched it. Everything would have been stolen from us long ago. It’s strange why the looters didn’t reach these houses?

42. Hats

43. There are still expensive clothes hanging on the hangers.

44. Even a toothbrush was left in the bathroom under a layer of volcanic ash

45. Someone's bedroom.


47. Magazines and cassettes from 1995.

48. Some rooms are well preserved.

49. And somewhere the roof fell in and plants took over.

50. Walking through an abandoned city is difficult. The roads are destroyed.

51. Nature is returning very quickly, and soon the city will completely disappear.


53. Love Montserrat!

54. There used to be an airport here.

Some more photos of Plymouth from a helicopter. The author of the photographs is Dmitry Malov. Here is his report.








Currently on southern part The islands are prohibited from entry and entry, violators are caught and fined. So don't get caught! Although why go here if not to walk around an abandoned city, I don’t know. The affected half of Montserrat is expected to remain uninhabited for at least another 10 years.

Entire trip:
Day 1: San Francisco, USA
Day 2: Carmel Valley, USA
Day 3: Apple, Facebook, Google, USA
Day 4: 17 Mile Road, Sunset in SF, USA
Day 5:

Island on the N. arch. Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea. Discovered in 1493 by Columbus and named Montserrat in honor of the Catholic monastery of Montserrat, located on the mountain of the same name in Spain. Name from Spanish Monto Sagrado sacred mountain.… … Geographical encyclopedia

MONTSERRAT- British possession on the island of the same name, part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago. The territory area is 102 km2. The population (estimated for 1998) is 12,828 people, including over 1.3 thousand foreigners, average density... ... Cities and countries

MONTSERRAT- (Montserrat) General information Official name Montserrat. An overseas territory of Great Britain on the island of the same name in the West Indies, in the Lesser Antilles group. The total area is 102 km2, the population is 4.5 thousand people. (2001).… … Encyclopedia of countries of the world

Montserrat- island in the north of the arch. Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea. Discovered in 1493 by Columbus and named Montserrat in honor of the Catholic monastery of Montserrat, located on the mountain of the same name in Spain. Name from Spanish Monto sagrado sacred mountain... Toponymic dictionary

Montserrat- (Montserrat), a British possession on the island of the same name in the West Indies, in the Lesser Antilles group. Area 101 km2. Population 12.2 thousand people (1978). The dominant religions are Protestant and Catholic. Official language … … Encyclopedic reference book "Latin America"

Montserrat, o.- (Montserrat) Montserrat, an island in the West Indies, one of the Windward Islands; pl. 102 sq. km, 12,000 people (1988, evaluation); official language English; Ch. city ​​Plymouth. Visited by Columbus in 1493. and was named after the Benedictine... ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

- (Montserrat) an island in the West Indies, part of the Lesser Antilles; possession of Great Britain. Area 98 km2. Population 12 thousand people. (1971). Administrative center Plymouth. The main occupation of the population is the cultivation of cotton, bananas... Big Soviet encyclopedia

- (Montserrat) is in the West Indies, a possession of Great Britain. The first Antigua stamps with the name overprinted. o va issue. in 1876. In 1880 ed. stamps with a portrait of the Queen and the title. colonies, 1917 19 military tax stamps, 1932 first commemorative stamps,... ... Large philatelic dictionary

Montserrat- 1st female name, the name is Montserrat 2nd human island in the Antillean archipelasis... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

Montserrat- (Montserrat)Montserrat, mountain, in Catalonia, N.E. Spain, N.W. from Barcelona, ​​on which stands a famous Benedictine monastery, founded in the 2nd century. It is believed that the image of the Virgin Mary located in it was carved by St. Luke and brought... Countries of the world. Dictionary


  • Montserrat Caballe. Casta diva, Robert Pullen, Stephen Taylor. The monograph by American authors about the world-famous Spanish diva attracts with its thoroughness, thoroughness in presenting the material, scrupulousness in collecting all kinds of...
  • Montserrat Catharsis of the Victim, Hellwald A., Khmelnitskaya T.. To cope with recently experienced stress, Montserrat Edelstahl, on the advice of a psychologist, goes to a resort in Indian Ocean. A wonderful atmosphere, imbued with romance, and next to...

Montserrat is a Caribbean country. It is an island in the Caribbean Sea, southeast of Puerto Rico. The total area of ​​the state is 102 thousand km. Coastline has a length of 40 km.

Montserrat Map

Basically, the territory of the country is an island of volcanic origin, the terrain is mostly mountainous, there are areas of small coastal lowland. The island consists of three main volcanic centers of different ages. It is famous for its coral reefs and caves that line its shores. Montserrat's climate is tropical, with slight daily or seasonal temperature fluctuations.

Montserrat, like many isolated islands, is home to some exceptionally rare species of plants and animals. Curvy rainforests and fruit trees, namely mango, papaya, coconut and banana, represent the flora of Montserrat. Bougainvillea, orchids, ferns and hibiscus also grow here. Maple, walnut, white pine and linden are also abundant on the island. Many species of terrestrial and migratory birds live within tropical forests, such as the oriole. A huge number of species of amphibians and reptiles live on land and in the coastal waters of the island. Natural resources not found on the island.

The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. The head of government is the prime minister. The Executive Council consists of the Governor, the Prime Minister, 3 ministers, the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance. The monarchy is hereditary. The governor is appointed by the monarch.

Administrative division: 3 parishes. The capital of Montserrat is Plymouth. Other big cities: Salem, Geralds, Cork Hill, St. John's Village.

The country's population is 5215 people, the predominant population is: Africans (88.4%), mixed (3.7%), Spaniards (3%), whites (2.7%), and East Indians (1.5%). Official language is English. Religion: Protestants (67.1%), Roman Catholics (11.6%), Rastafari (1.4%), others (6.5%). The average population density is approximately 126 people per square kilometer. Average age: for men - 30.9 years, for women - 31.9 years. Urban population: 14.2%. Average life expectancy: for men - 75.48 years, for women - 72.24 years. Literacy: 97% men, 97% women.

Heavy volcanic activity that began in July 1995 put a damper on the island's small, open economy. A volcanic eruption in June 1997 led to the closure of the airport and seaports, causing further economic and social dislocation. The agricultural sector continues to suffer from a lack of suitable land for farming and crop destruction. The economic outlook depends largely on volcanic activity and public sector construction activity. Half the island remains uninhabited. In January 2013, the EU announced a $55.2 million aid package to Montserrat to boost the country's economic recovery and emphasize public financial management, public sector reforms and prudent economic management.

Exported goods: fish, clothing, hot peppers, cattle. Export partners: USA,