“Bigfoot Museum” in Adygea (or a fake about the skulls of creatures from the collection of the secret SS society in Adygea). Mysterious alien skulls and a Nazi chest with the Ahnenerbe emblem were discovered in Adygea (Video) “Water of Life” from Ritsa

Incredible discoveries still happen today. Perhaps the news that recently appeared in the Russian media will seem to some like a scene from a movie about Indiana Jones, but there is documentary evidence for it. And scientists have yet to say their weighty words on this matter. A suitcase with the Ahnenerbe emblem and two skulls of unknown creatures were discovered in the mountains of the Caucasus region of Adygea.

In addition to the suitcase and skulls, the researchers also discovered a German map of the territory of Adygea, which was drawn in 1941. Experts were amazed at the accuracy and completeness of the display of objects on this map. The Ahnenerbe was probably the most secret society in the SS structure and was engaged in the study of the occult and supernatural forces on Earth. According to researchers, it is likely that the SS men were interested in the secrets of ancient dolmens and large quantities radioactive substances present in the region known as the Kishinsky Canyon.

However, researchers believe that the SS may also have been looking for gold from the Kuban Rada that was lost somewhere in the region during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923). Historians know quite a lot of details about the Wehrmacht operation codenamed Edelweiss, during which on the Elbrus peak, the most high mountain in Europe, located in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria in the Russian Caucasus, fascist flags were installed. However, the purpose of the mysterious expedition to the mountains of Adygea remains a mystery, as does the connection between the mysterious suitcase-chest, its contents (which were not disclosed), as well as two anomalous skulls that have nothing to do with humans.

The Ahnenerbe officially investigated the archaeological and cultural history Aryan race. This institution conducted experiments and sent numerous expeditions around the world, trying to prove that mythological Aryans ruled the world in the distant past. The name Ahnenerbe itself means “Heritage of the Ancestors”.

Ahnenerbe researchers wanted to know about everything related to the mysterious and unknown on our planet. They undertook several expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica and the Caucasus and were interested in the UFO phenomenon and the possibility of absolute power.

Today it is well known that Nazi Germany actively participated in the development of new types of weapons that were capable of changing the course of the war. That is why more than 300 specialists from various fields worked in Ahnenerbe, all of whom were brilliant scientists with excellent scientific knowledge. Interestingly, only a few people know that several years before the start of the war, mountain road specialists from the German Military Construction Organization offered to help the USSR build a road between Pitsunda (a town on the Black Sea coast) and Lake Ritsa in Abkhazia. Allegedly, this was undertaken within the framework of international cooperation. After completing the work, the German specialists were found dead, their car fell off at a turn into the abyss. And through the tunnels they built, tourists still travel to Lake Ritsa.

As it later turned out, the construction of this strategic road had very mysterious reasons. It turned out that hydrologists from Ahnenerbe established: the composition of water taken from a source located in a cave under Lake Ritsa is ideal for creating human blood plasma. “Living water” from Abkhazia was transported in silver containers, first to the coast, then by submarine to Constanta, and finally by plane to Germany. There were even plans to build submarine tunnels leading from the sea to Ritsa, but these plans were thwarted by the war.

Today it is known that the 49th Mountain Corps of the Wehrmacht, which climbed Mount Elbrus, remained in the Adygea region. In the valley of the Belaya River near the village of Dakhovskaya there was a Westland SS regiment, and between the Pshish and Pshesha rivers the Germania tank regiment was stationed. In the fall of 1942, the 3rd Squadron of the 14th Reconnaissance Group arrived at Maykop Airport, which included a twin-engine FW-189 reconnaissance aircraft, which was equipped with advanced spy equipment and was considered a flying secret laboratory.

This was more than enough to protect the secret research that the Ahnenerbe may have been conducting in the mountains of Adygea. “The Wehrmacht headquarters was located in Maikop, from where the command of the entire German military campaign in the Caucasus was organized. In the autumn of 1942, there was no permanent military defensive line in the Adygea mountains and there is evidence that German units went deep into the mountains. It is also not clear why troops were deployed to Mount Przekisz in August 1944, when the front line had already advanced far to the west. What deeds detained the Nazis on Mount Przekisz is a mystery to this day.

Many people believe that the Nazis were interested in dolmens - prehistoric structures that the Germans considered the buildings of the Atlanteans, as well as "gates to parallel worlds." Even today, people still talk about unusual events happening in this area. Russian media also recently wrote that in a cave on Mount Bolshoy Tkhach almost two years ago, a group of researchers led by ethnographer Vladimir Melikov found mysterious skulls. According to Melikov, the owners of the skulls did not resemble any creature known to man, but they walked on two legs.

The most mysterious feature of the skulls was the absence of a skull and jaws, as well as unusually large eye sockets and some kind of horns. Some researchers immediately began to claim that these were the skulls of the mysterious ancient Anunnaki. It is possible that similar remains were discovered by researchers from Ahnenerbe, who considered them the remains of visitors from the stars, gods and creators of the human race. Today, one can build various versions and guesses, but the truth is that the skulls and objects found in Russia will remain one of the most mysterious discoveries made in the last decade.

Foreign researchers became interested in the find: skulls of unknown creatures and a chest with the emblem of the most secret SS society, the Ahnenerbe, which dealt with occult sciences and otherworldly forces.

In 2013, an interesting find was brought to the Belovodye ethnographic complex, located several tens of kilometers from Maykop in the village of Kamennomostsky - two skulls with horns and a secret suitcase of SS occultists, discovered in one of the caves on Bolshoi Tkhach.

A full-color German map of the territory of Adygea, made in 1941, was also discovered there. Scientists were surprised by the extraordinary accuracy and completeness of the objects marked on it by the Nazis.

Journalists from the British tabloid Express were primarily interested in the unusual skulls. They do not fit any known animal, and there is a series of holes where the mouth would be. In addition, the facial bone of these skulls is flat, like that of higher primates.

It is noted that paleontologists have not been able to establish the identity of these skulls. Experts admitted that they had never seen anything like this before, and as at least some explanation they suggested that these could be sheep skulls that had lain for a long time in a water stream with sand and were severely deformed. However, they were unable to explain how, in this case, completely identical changes could occur on two skulls.

Meanwhile, mythologists claim that the “owners of the skulls” are the Anunnaki of Ancient Sumer. These are horned deities whose name is interpreted as “coming from heaven.” In the Sumerian epic they participated in the creation of the world.

British journalists suggested that these finds could serve as “evidence of a Nazi connection with aliens or Ahnenerbe attempts to summon demons.”

So what was the secret organization of Nazi Germany “Ahnenerbe” doing in the mountains of Adygea and how is this connected with the mysterious skulls?

“A spacious brown chest with a leather handle and the emblem of the Ahnenerbe secret society on the lid was brought to me by an elderly local resident,” Vladimir Melikov, the owner of Belovodye, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta journalists. “He is a real hermit, he lives in a dugout in the forest, but no one knows where exactly.”

"Ahnenerbe" is translated as "Heritage of the Ancestors", the full name is "German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Heritage of the Ancestors". This organization existed in Germany in 1935-1945 and was created to study the traditions, history and heritage of the so-called Germanic race.

The secret SS organization employed 350 specialists with excellent education and academic degrees. They researched everything mysterious and unknown, made expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica, the Caucasus, sought contact with UFOs, trying to obtain the secret of absolute power and new types of weapons.

Few people know that several years before the start of the war, German mountain road specialists from a military construction organization offered their assistance to the USSR in the construction of the Pitsunda - Ritsa road. Later it turned out that they built the strategic road for a reason: hydrologists from Ahnenerbe determined that the composition of the water in karst cave under Lake Ritsa is ideal for the production of human blood plasma.

It is not clear why troops landed on the Przekisz ridge in August 1944, when the front line had already gone far to the west? What things did the Nazis not manage to complete on the Pshekish ridge, the Bambaki plateau and Mount Bolshoy Tkhach? Is this connected with the research of specialists from Ahnenerbe?

According to researchers, the Germans were interested in dolmens, considering them “the buildings of prehistoric Atlanteans” and “the entrance to parallel worlds,” since strange artifacts are discovered in the Caucasus with enviable frequency.

For example, in the Borjomi Gorge in Georgia, scientists excavated three-meter-tall skeletons of people of an unknown race.

However, the most mysterious find on this moment It is the unusual skulls with horns that remain.

Melikov notes that the structure of these skulls indicates that the creatures moved on two legs.

“Other oddities include the absence of a skull and jaws. Instead of a mouth there are several holes located around the circumference. Unusually large eye sockets, from which there are two branches in the form of horny growths. Moreover, the facial bone is flat, like that of anthropoids,” he said.

Researchers suggest that Hitler's occultists sought contacts with similar creatures, whose homeland is considered to be a hypothetical planet of the solar system with an elongated orbit - Nibiru.

Based on materials: ridus.ru

Skulls of unknown creatures found in the Adygea mountains, which were allegedly first discovered by members of the German Ahnenerbe society during World War II, are most likely the remains of buffaloes or aurochs, the head of the mammal laboratory of the Paleontological Institute told 360. A. A. Borisyaka Alexander Agadzhanyan. The TV channel publishes a recording from the site of the discovery of bones and artifacts of the Third Reich.

The first reports of mysterious finds in the area of ​​Mount Bolshoi Tkhach appeared about two years ago - then speleologists brought two unusually shaped skulls to the director of the museum located in the Belovodye ethnographic complex, Vladimir Melikov. According to them, they found the remains in one of the caves, about 100 meters from the place where the belongings and maps of members of the Ahnenerbe expedition, a secret organization that for 10 years had been studying the traditions, history and heritage of the Germanic race and development of new types of weapons. The scientists who were part of it made many expeditions in search of the secret of absolute power, including to Adygea.

Inquisitive minds rushed to connect the findings with the secret experiments of Nazi doctors and even with aliens, while not a single skull was submitted for examination, which only contributed to the growth of rumors. As a result, reports began to appear about “skulls from the fascist chest.” However, even then scientists tried to bring down the mystical wave, explaining that the discovered remains resembled a deformed skull of a ram (senior researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS) or a poorly preserved skull mountain tour(paleozoologist, member of the Omsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society Alexey Bondarev).

This time the findings were presented by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Honored Traveler of Russia Ivan Bormotov. The shape of the found remains seemed “interesting” to him, but he risked making assumptions regarding their identity. This was done for him by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alexander Agadzhanyan, to whom the 360 ​​TV channel approached for comment.

“The photographs clearly show that the bone remains “from the chest in Adygea” belong to large bovids, representatives of the order Artiodactyls. Most of all, they resemble fragments of buffalo skulls, which are still common today in peasant farms in the North Caucasus and Azerbaijan. From an archaeological point of view, this material may be of some interest. However, for its accurate diagnosis it is necessary to show it to specialists - anatomists, zoologists, paleontologists,” said the head of the mammal laboratory of the capital’s Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Exposing FAKE about"Skulls of unknown creatures from the collection of the secret SS society found in Adygea", which was suffered by hundreds of shit sites

A few tens of kilometers from Maykop - in the village of Kamennomostsky - there is the Belovodye ethnographic complex, popularly nicknamed the "Bigfoot Museum". Casts of huge footprints allegedly left by a mysterious creature are kept there, and even his cave dwelling is reproduced. According to people in Adygea, over the past ten years in the republic people have witnessed the appearance of Bigfoot eight times. And in the legends of the Circassians there is a character named Mezlenuk - Forest Half-Man, who is often depicted as a one-eyed ape-like creature with a wedge-shaped bone on his chest.

Belovodye was founded by dentist Vladimir Melikov. In addition to the museum, on the territory of the complex there is a park of exotic plants near a spring where animals live, a swan pond, a restaurant and a hotel.

Plaster casts of footprints unknown creature- the most famous exhibit of the museum. These footprints were discovered on the slopes of the nearby Meshoko ridge by local children in 1998. Huge footprints stretched in a chain for one and a half kilometers and led to the stream. It was for this find that even famous traveler Nikolai Drozdov, who later admitted that he had no doubt: Bigfoot lives in Adygea.

Among the unusual exhibits are two skulls of a creature unknown to science and a chest with the emblem of the Ahnenerbe, one of the most secret societies under Hitler’s SS, which dealt with occult sciences and otherworldly forces. Researchers believe that the SS men were probably interested in the mysteries of the ancient dolmens, which they considered “the buildings of prehistoric Atlanteans” and “the entrance to parallel worlds.” Also among the options are an increased natural radioactive anomaly in the area of ​​​​the Kishinsky Canyon or the gold of the Kuban Rada, lost in these parts during the Civil War.

Other finds include a full-color German map of the territory of Adygea, made in 1941. Scientists were surprised by the high accuracy and completeness of the objects marked on it. The museum also contains a dinosaur egg and embryo, an ax from the times of Ivan the Terrible, an ancient sword, ancient stone millstones, a bear skull, a bison head, fragments of a dolmen, etc.

Most of the exhibits were brought to the museum local residents, Vladimir Melikov himself finds something, and many of the artifacts are of interest to scientists and specialists.

According to the owner of Belovodye, Vladimir Melikov, the chest was brought to him by a local resident who lives in a forest dugout. On its lid you can see the official Ahnenerbe emblem and the inscription Besondere Bekl, which roughly means "Special Investment". The man also found a German first aid kit with medicines from those years, binoculars, and Nazi boots. Other rare finds include a full-color, accurate German map of the territory of Adygea, made in 1941.

Continued at the end of the post!

"Ahnenerbe" is translated as "Heritage of Ancestors", the full name is "German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Heritage of Ancestors". The organization existed in Germany in 1935-1945 and was created to study the traditions, history and heritage of the so-called “German race”.

“Scientific societies made expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica, the Caucasus, sought contact with UFOs, trying to get the secret of absolute power,” noted Ivan Bormotov, associate professor of the department of economics and enterprise management at Maikop State Technological University, international class guide, honored traveler of Russia. .

According to him, more than one fact is known about the presence of German troops in Adygea - in Maykop, in the valley of the Belaya River, between the Pshekha and Pshish rivers.

“This was more than enough to secure secret research, possibly carried out by the Ahnenerbe in the mountains of Adygea,” says Bormotov. “Maykop was the headquarters city of the Wehrmacht units. From here the command of the entire German military campaign in the Caucasus was exercised. In the fall of 1942 in the mountains Adygea did not have a continuous line of defense, and we know of the facts of the penetration of individual German groups deep into the mountains."

According to the researcher, it can be assumed that the Germans were interested in dolmens, considering them “the buildings of prehistoric Atlanteans” and “the entrance to parallel worlds.”

“Perhaps the SS men were interested in an increased natural radioactive anomaly in the area of ​​​​the Kishin Canyon,” the scientist suggested. “Or maybe they were simply looking for traces of someone who had disappeared in civil war a convoy with the golden treasury of the Kuban Rada in the triangle Khodz - Novosvobodnaya - Bolshoy Thach?

As for the two unusual skulls, speleologists brought them to Vladimir Melikov after working in one of the caves on Bolshoi Tkhach. When he began to study the skulls, he discovered that these were the remains of neither animals nor humans.

"The skull has a characteristic finger-thick round hole in the lower part of the head. This is the base of the spine. And its location indicates that the creature moved on two legs. Other oddities include the absence of a skull and jaws. Instead of a mouth, there are several holes located along circles. Unusually large eye sockets, from which there are two branches in the form of horny growths, and the facial bone is flat, like that of anthropoids,” Melikov said.

Photos of the finds were sent to paleontologists in Moscow. They admitted that they had never seen anything like this before and assumed that the ram’s skulls had been in a water stream with sand for a long time and were severely deformed.

Researchers believe that such finds could also fall into the hands of the SS men who were hunting for unusual artifacts.

“We can build all sorts of versions and guesses, but the artifacts found in the mountains of Adygea make us think,” Bormotov concluded.

In the mountains of Adygea, two skulls of a creature unknown to science and a chest with the emblem of “Ahnenerbe” were discovered - perhaps the most secret society under Hitler’s SS, which dealt with occult sciences and otherworldly forces.

According to the researchers, the SS men were most likely interested in the mysteries of the ancient dolmens and the increased natural radioactive anomaly in the Kishin Canyon area. They could also hunt for the gold of the Kuban Rada, which was lost in these parts during the Civil War.

Other finds include a full-color German map of the territory of Adygea, made in 1941. Scientists were surprised by the high accuracy and completeness of the objects marked on it.

Artifacts, naturally, interested specialists. After all, if many details of the Wehrmacht operation codenamed "Edelweiss", during which at the very high mountain Europe Elbrus in Kabardino-Balkaria, standards with fascist symbols were installed, historians know, what was this secret organization of Germany doing in the mountains of Adygea?

Find in the forest

To shed light on a series of finds and try to sift fiction from fact, RG journalists went to the village of Kamennomostsky, located several tens of kilometers from Maykop. It is here, in the Belovodye ethnographic complex, that the mysterious skulls and the secret briefcase of the SS occultists are kept. All this can not only be seen, but even touched.

A spacious brown chest with a leather handle and the emblem of the Ahnenerbe secret society on the lid was brought to me by an elderly local resident,” says the owner of Belovodye, Vladimir Melikov. - He is a real hermit, he lives in a dugout in the forest, but no one knows where exactly. This is an old friend of mine who often brings rare things to the museum, for example, “Edelweiss” binoculars and a German first aid kit with medicines from those years. Once he offered fascist boots, he said that he still had 20 pairs... Then I thought: maybe the old man had discovered a hiding place in the forest? Moreover, all the finds were in good condition. Matches, for example, start a fire now. Maybe even a whole cache? Finding such a place is a rare success.

...We look at the lid of the chest, on which the official Ahnenerbe emblem is clearly visible. The typeface is stylized as runes. The inscription Besondere Bekl itself means roughly “Special Investment”. So what did they need in these places?

"Ahnenerbe" is translated as "Heritage of Ancestors", the full name is "German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Heritage of Ancestors". This organization existed in Germany in 1935-1945 and was created to study the traditions, history and heritage of the so-called "Germanic race".

The secret SS organization employed 350 specialists with excellent education and academic degrees.

They were engaged in the study of everything mysterious, unknown in the world, made expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica, the Caucasus, sought contact with UFOs, trying to get the secret of absolute power, explains Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the Maikop State Technological University, an international-class guide , Honored Traveler of Russia Ivan Bormotov. - Hitler's Germany was actively developing new types of weapons that could turn the tide of the war. Ahnenerbe employed 350 specialists, experts with excellent education, excellent scientific careers and academic degrees.

Few people know that several years before the start of the war, German mountain road specialists from a military construction organization offered their assistance to the USSR in the construction of the Pitsunda-Ritsa road: supposedly out of international motives. By the way, after completing the work, the German specialists died tragically - their car fell into the abyss at a turn. And numerous tourists still travel to Ritsa through the tunnels created by the Germans.

"Water of Life" from Ritsa

It became clear later that they built the strategic road for a reason. It turned out that hydrologists from Ahnenerbe determined that the composition of water taken from a source located in a karst cave under Lake Ritsa is ideal for the production of human blood plasma.

“The “living water” from Abkhazia in silver canisters was delivered first to the sea, then by submarines to the base in Constanta, and then by plane to Germany,” continues Bormotov. - There were even intentions to build a tunnel for a submarine from the sea to Ritsa. But these plans were interrupted by the war.

As for Adygea, it is known that the 49th mountain corps of troops with Wehrmacht mountain rifle divisions, which climbed Elbrus, were in Maikop. In the valley of the Belaya River near the foothill village of Dakhovskaya, the SS regiment "Vesland" was located, and between the rivers Pshekha and Pshish the tank regiments "Germany" and "Nordland" occupied the defense.

Hydrologists from Ahnenerbe have found that water from a cave under Lake Ritsa is ideal for the production of human blood plasma

In the fall of 1942, the 3rd German reconnaissance squadron of the 14th reconnaissance group (PZ), which included twin-engine FW-189 reconnaissance aircraft, was based at the airfield in Maykop. They were equipped with the most advanced reconnaissance equipment at that time and were, in fact, flying laboratories.

This was more than enough to secure secret research, possibly carried out by Ahnenerbe in the mountains of Adygea, Bormotov believes. - Maykop was the headquarters city of Wehrmacht units. From here the command of the entire German military campaign in the Caucasus was exercised. In the fall of 1942, there was no continuous line of defense in the mountains of Adygea, and we know of facts of individual German groups penetrating deep into the mountains. Thus, three fascists were captured and shot near a large dolmen in Guzeripl. Another group rushed to the village of Kisha and the bison park to destroy the bison, but the animals were driven to a safe place. It is not clear why troops landed on the Przekisz ridge in August 1944, when the front line had already gone far to the west? What things did the Nazis not manage to complete on the Pshekish ridge, the Bambaki plateau and Mount Bolshoy Tkhach? Is this connected with the research of specialists from Ahnenerbe?

According to the researcher, it can be assumed that the Germans were interested in dolmens, considering them “the buildings of prehistoric Atlanteans” and “the entrance to parallel worlds.” They can be understood because scientists periodically find strange artifacts in the Caucasus. For example, there were reports in the press that in the Borjomi Gorge in Georgia, scientists unearthed three-meter-tall skeletons of people of an unknown race.

Perhaps the SS men were interested in the increased natural radioactive anomaly in the Kishin Canyon area, the interlocutor continues. - Or maybe they were simply looking for traces of a convoy with the gold treasury of the Kuban Rada that disappeared during the civil war in the triangle Khodz - Novosvobodnaya - Bolshoy Thach?

Skulls of the Gods

About two years ago, speleologists brought Vladimir Melikov two unusual skulls with horns, which they claimed were found in one of the caves on Bolshoi Tkhach. In appearance, they resembled the remains of animals, maybe even very ancient fossils. But when he began to carefully examine the findings (after all, he used to work as a dentist), he literally got goosebumps.

Look at the characteristic finger-thick round hole in the lower part of the head,” Melikov points to one of the skulls. - This is the base of the spine. And its location indicates that the creature walked on two legs. Other oddities include the absence of a skull and jaws. Instead of a mouth there are several holes located around the circumference. Unusually large eye sockets, from which there are two branches in the form of horny growths. Moreover, the facial bone is flat, like that of anthropoids.

The Germans were interested in the dolmens of Adygea, considering them “the buildings of prehistoric Atlanteans” and “the entrance to parallel worlds”

Indeed, the artifacts look unusual. Even if you compare it with the skull of a bear that lies nearby. There is a great temptation to believe that you are holding the remains of some alien in your hands. Photos of the finds were sent to paleontologists in the capital, but they just threw up their hands. They only admitted that they had never seen anything like this before and cautiously hinted: maybe the ram skulls had been in a water stream with sand for a long time and were severely deformed? Miracles, and that's all. If we assume the deformation, then it was synchronous - after all, the oddities are repeated on two skulls at once.

Researchers believe that such finds could also fall into the hands of Hitler’s “magicians” who were hunting for unusual artifacts.

By the way, mythologists, looking at the finds, immediately identified it. These are the Anunnaki of Ancient Sumer, horned deities whose name is interpreted as “coming from heaven.” In the Sumerian epic they participated in the creation of the world.

American writer of Azerbaijani origin Zecharia Sitchin identifies the Anunnaki with the inhabitants of Nibiru, a hypothetical planet in the solar system with an elongated orbit. According to astronomical calculations, it appears in the visibility zone once every 3.6 thousand years. As Sitchin writes, during this period the inhabitants of Nibiru descend to Earth and come into contact with the aborigines, that is, with us.

We can build all sorts of versions and guesses, but the artifacts found in the mountains of Adygea make us think, - said the famous traveler Ivan Bormotov in parting.

Igor Vasiliev, candidate of historical sciences, employee of the research center of traditional culture of the state Kuban Cossack choir:

Activities of Ahnenerbe in the Caucasus - known fact. This secret organization was mainly interested in the Liebrus region and the dolmens and ancient Alan settlements discovered in the vicinity... Most likely, the Germans were looking for confirmation that these artifacts were the work of the ancient Aryans or Goths, for example, who settled in these places. Moreover, dolmens were also found in German lands. Probably, the Caucasus could have been considered by German occultists as, let’s say, a more accessible version of Tibet, where they were also looking for various “miracles”.

If we consider “Ahnenerbe” as a kind of cultural and historical phenomenon, then its upper layer is a kind of folhistoria (a fashionable literary and journalistic direction of pseudo-scientific research), as well as a systematization of field research materials on the topic of pagan rituals and mystical practices. Often such science was directed along nationalist channels and pursued propaganda goals in the psychological warfare that the fascists waged in parallel with military campaigns.

In general, the funny finds that researchers constantly stumble upon may hide the work of the serious Ahnenerbe inventors in influencing the human psyche and his worldview, both technical and propaganda. It is likely that some of these developments are already being used in the civilian sphere, for example in advertising.

By the way

In the summer of 2015, in the Elbrus region, treasure hunters found another Ahnenerbe suitcase with a skull of strange origin, presumably belonging to a huntsman from the German Edelweiss division, a ring, as well as a whole set of fascist military uniforms. The ring depicts the profile of a soldier in a mountain cap, to which oak leaves are attached. Below is an edelweiss flower. And last year, in the same places, local residents reported that they had unearthed the burial of two hundred bodies of German rangers, who were probably covered by an avalanche many years ago.