Phuket with children is much better. The nicest beaches in Phuket - a virtual trip to the paradises of Thailand

Good day to all!

Phuket for me, this is the place where you can taste many exotic fruits, soak up the sun, swim in the warm sea, ride elephants, feed the monkeys, find adventures on your head and take a break from worries.

I decided to write this review for those who are going to go to Phuket in the near future and want to find out something about him.


We rested in Phuket a month ago in October 2017 with a family (me, husband and daughter 3 years old) for 12 days / 11 nights. The voucher cost us 117,000 rubles with breakfasts: direct flight by Aeroflot without transfers from Moscow to Phuket (almost 10 hours by plane), tour operator Coral Travel... Prior to that, we flew to Thailand (to Pattaya) with Biblio-Globus in January 2013, they met with orchids, gave backpacks as a souvenir, Korel did not have this, I liked Biblio-Globus more, although Coral Travel did not disappoint.


Phuket has its own new small airport, usually vacationers fly here, but besides it, they also fly to Krabi airport, from which it takes longer to get to hotels in Phuket. At the airports of other countries, the meeting travel agencies are located in the building at the exit from the airport, but at the Phuket airport, tour operators expect tourists with signs on the street. We did not expect this, first searched the entire building, and only then went out into the street and finally saw the coveted Coral Travel sign.

We lived in a hotel Kata Country house 3 * near the Kata beach, it took about 2.5 hours to get to the hotel by gazelle, during the day there were traffic jams on the street, we got back faster.


The tour operator gave us free local SIM cards at the same time (mini, micro, nano, ordinary), there was initially a little money to call Russia or Thailand if necessary. You can top up the balance on these SIM cards in 7-eleven shops (Seven Ileven), which are everywhere. We didn't use SIM cards much, as there was free internet in the room, we talked with loved ones via Skype, Viber and Vkontakte.


I recommend going to Phuket with large bills of 100 and 50 dollars, the exchange rate in this case is higher. This does not apply to euros and rubles. How much money to take for Phuket? It all depends on how you want to plan your vacation, whether you will go on excursions or just lie stupidly on the beach. We took all our savings, as we spent in August on the train to Spain, we had little money.

We changed money in exchange offices on the street, looked at where the rate was higher, and that was why they changed it.

Local currency is baht. At the moment, 1 baht is approximately equal to 2 rubles. In 2013, 1 baht was equal to 1 ruble, that is, prices have doubled for Russians, although in fact they have not changed much.


- "To Phuket with a child? You're crazy, 10 hours on a plane, humid climate. Do you need it?"

This is how our friends and acquaintances told us before the trip, they also asked again whether we would definitely take our daughter on vacation or fly together.

And my husband and I replied that the three of us, the voucher was bought, we were waiting for the flight.

Daughter endured the flight perfectly, most of them were asleep, she has already visited many places with us, she again asks to Thailand. We still live in St. Petersburg, and not in Moscow, first got to the peregrine falcon, then took the metro in Moscow, got to the Aeroexpress, got to Sheremetyevo airport and only then flew to Phuket.

The climate is right for my daughter, I felt great, there were no health problems, unlike Spain (the whole trip did not come out of the snot, and there was also a temperature).

The only thing is that my daughter got prickly heat from the heat, but we have her all the time in hot countries, even in Russia in the summer in the heat.


We arrived in Phuket at the end of the rainy season in mid-October. Dry season months are counted from November to March, a rain season officially from mid-April to October.

What is the rainy season? This does not mean at all that it will rain every day, and all day long. During our vacation in Phuket, it never rained, the weather was +30 both day and night. But when we rested in Pattaya in January in the dry season, there were rains, but they were short-lived, they walked like a wall for 15 minutes and after a couple of minutes it felt like there was no rain.

We must be afraid of the other - the sea is storming, yes it is so stormy that while swimming, you can easily drown.

In October, a red flag was hung every day, it was forbidden to swim, but people did it anyway. The sea was very warm, only crazy waves. Every day I read on the Internet that people are drowning in Phuket, this is not surprising, only for surfers it's beauty.

We also swam, did not swim far. On the first day, the sea took my sunglasses and did not return it, it was difficult to find something with such waves. My daughter was afraid to swim when the sea was stormy, she liked the pool more. So if you are traveling out of season, choose at least a hotel with a swimming pool.

By the end of October, the sea calmed down, there were almost no waves, it was immediately obvious that the dry season was coming.


They are sandy, we could not even find a single pebble, there were almost no shells, perfect sand. And I'll write right away that I do not recommend choosing hotels for rest on Patong Beach - this is a very dirty beach, it will be expensive for you to travel to other beaches (400-800 rubles one way).

Our hotel was located between two exits to Kata Beach and Karon Beach, if desired, could be reached on foot. Karon Beach and Kata Beach are beaches where there are many Russian tourists, so there will be no problems with the language barrier. And the beaches themselves are somehow divided, where there are many Russians, and where there are few. I know that Kata Noi beach is also considered good, read reviews about other beaches.

I personally would again choose Kata Beach for relaxation and go again to the hotel in which I was resting.

A little about the beaches.

Less waves during the rainy season at the exit to Kata Beach on the border with Karon. This is past the "stinking river" (tourists call it that behind the eyes), you can find stories about it in other reviews about hotels, in the evening there may be a smell, so swimming at sunset is better on Karon, but in the morning Kata Beach is excellent.

And there is also an exit to the Kata beach near the hotel with elephants (as a landmark), we liked it less here, the waves were more. We went here only once.

Karon- this is a beach where it is windy and waves, but there is such crisp sand that you will not forget and gorgeous sunsets. Almost every day we went to admire them. I remember these moments with a sinking heart.


There should be no problems with it, since tourists for them are money, their earnings. We met positive guys or I'm just lucky to have them, they love children very much, everyone will greet and smile. Later my daughter got used to it and waved to everyone and smiled. In Russia, only grannies pester with conversations on the streets.

But I didn't really like the tourists. Not a single Russian helped or offered help to move the carriage over the top of the iron pins (in one place on the street it was impossible to drive in another way), once only a German helped. Russians were easy to recognize by their red burnt faces and white clothes (they sell white shirts from the sun all around).

I do not recommend getting close to transvestites, they are easy to recognize - they are usually very beautiful girls in high heels with large eyelashes and eye-catching clothes, the beauty is unreal, their appearance cannot be distinguished from the female sex. You can meet them in Patong, but we haven’t seen beautiful ones, we didn’t go to the show in Phuket. But in Pattaya it was possible.

I'll tell you a story that the guide told us, said it was true. Two Russian guys hung out with two transvestites all evening, at first they took them by the arm and walked along the beach, bought drinks for them, laughed, made fun of them, nothing special. And then the tranvisitites billed them for their services, so much so that the Russian guys could not pay it for all they wanted. Then the travestites beat a Russian tourist to death with the heels. Since then, transvestites have a heel height restriction. Educational, I think.


I recommend eating them! We have not seen such an assortment of exotics anywhere else, the prices allowed. We bought a lot of all sorts of things. There was a refrigerator in the room, they ate every day and took them with them to Russia. Just do not eat a lot at once, otherwise problems may arise with the stomach.

The most delicious fruits: mango!!!, I liked it very much sapodilla, papaya(it is not for everybody, but be sure to try it too). If you haven't tried coconuts, then a lot of them are sold on the beach, buy at least once. We have tried dragon heart, herring, anno, longkong, longan, passion fruit, rambutan.

Prices for fruits in the photo are in baht. For example, mango costs 100-200 rubles per piece, sold by weight (70-100 baht per 1 kg), coconut 50 baht (100 rubles), dragon's eye 80 baht per 1 kg.

We usually spent 2 thousand for the purchase of fruit, then we ate for 3-4 days.


I liked the Thai massage so much when I went to Pattaya on the River Kwai, so I decided that in Phuket I would definitely go to it. In the end, everything turned out not as planned.

Upon arrival on the first evening, we went to massage parlors, compared prices, all about one. I still have the brochures with prices.

Thai massage - 300 baht (600 rubles) per hour, foot massage - 300 baht (600 rubles) per hour, body and leg massage - 400 baht (800 rubles). So many different types massage, you can click on the photo, zoom in and take a closer look, there are various cosmetic procedures.

It seemed to me that there was such unsanitary conditions all around. The most decent salon outwardly was this one in the photo with red sofas, located not far from our hotel. And the feeling that there were not many people there, it turned out that the opposite was true. On the ground floor, foot massages and some facials were performed, and on the second floor there were a huge number of people who were getting body massages. This salon has a very high cross-country ability.

I decided to do a full body and face scrub for myself, and on other days to come for a massage. My husband was given Thai foot and body massage. The procedures were not bad, but there were so much air conditioning that after visiting the salon in the morning I got a cold on my face (boil), it did not go away due to the heat until the end of the rest. And my husband brought some kind of dirt under the nail during the massage of the feet, the finger festered. After all this "happiness", we did not dare to go to the massage parlor anymore.

I am not dissuading anyone, I am just telling how it was with us.


Coral Travel and Biblio-Globus, most likely all other tour operators always include in the tour free sightseeing excursion... It included a visit to a snake farm, a honey factory, a latex factory, a jewelry factory, a real estate agency (this may not be part of ours). There, of course, you will be offered to buy various Thai goods, as well as give something to taste. I still advise you to go to it, since the time of the excursion does not last long and you will remember it, no one will force you to buy something.

I tried Thai honey, propolis extract in pure form(almost numb), delicious dried fruits, coconut oil, royal jelly (I wanted to buy it, but it was very expensive).

Paid excursions

On the street, the same type of excursion is offered everywhere, the tour operator has more choice.

My daughter really wanted to be photographed with the tiger, it was possible to go, but the prices are expensive, you have to pay to enter the cage of each person (from 900 to 1300 baht), even if he himself will not be photographed. We didn't go.

The tour operator offered a lot of things, especially I remembered: Show Fantasy, which got into the Guinness Book of Records and the most common excursion to the islands of James Bond, Krabi and Phi Phi.

We bought a tour in Phang Nga province... It included: riding on elephants, visiting the Stomach of the Elephant Cave, the Monkey Temple and other temples, tasting exotic fruits. It cost about 4000 rubles per adult. That's not bad, but if you compare it with an excursion in Pattaya to the River Kwai (there is a common thing), then Kwai is 1000 times better.

From Phuket, almost all tourists come with colored ribbons on their hands, they are knitted by monks for desires during excursions and holidays. If you see, know that the person most likely was in Phuket.


Few! The zoo is terrible. Even the guides discouraged us from going there. There used to be one tiger there and he died.

I believe that the main attraction is big white buddha, it is visible from almost every point of the coast of Phuket, as it is located on a hill. We visited it ourselves and for free. I wrote a review about it.

If you want attractions - take excursions, but most often you will need to go outside Phuket closer to Pattaya or to the islands.


The locals in Phuket do not walk, even the poorest family must have a motorbike. Exactly because of this reason public transport in Phuket, almost none. Tuk-tuk is here for the price of a taxi. There are only "buses" to Phuket Town, but what to do there? From it workers go to work in hotels and back. If there are many days, then you can go to Phuket Town for a ride, we didn’t.

Taxi / tuk-tuk prices.

At the hotel, tourists agree among themselves to go to one or another cheaper beach or to the Buddha on a tuk-tuk (like 10 people fit there).

The prices are as follows: drive from Karon to Kata Beach 200 baht (400 rubles), from Karon to Patong 400 baht (800 rubles), from Karon to Phuket Town 550 baht (1100 rubles), from Karon to the airport in Phuket 1000 baht (2000 rub).

At night we drove from Patong to our hotel on Kata beach in a normal taxi, even with Russian songs for 400 baht (we bargained a little, called our price).

Motorbike rental

Many tourists rent motorbikes, which makes it cheaper to travel. The price is 250 baht (500 rubles) per day, you still need to buy gasoline, return as much as was in the tank. On the street they ask for a deposit for a motorbike or a passport, at the hotel they did not ask for this.


In Phuket, you need to watch out three troubles - food poisoning which are not uncommon here, road traffic accidents(rent of motorbikes and cars), cold due to air conditioners.

We did not rent motorbikes and cars, we traveled on foot, once by taxi.


Take funds with you from food poisoning(smectu, enterol, rehydron), funds from allergies(fenistil gel, suprastin tablets), be sure to take iodine and patch, paracetamol on temperature, means for a cold due to conditioners (nose drops, throat spray). I also took miramistin, it came in handy.

In Thailand, you can buy medicines, but they are expensive and will not always be able to accurately help, for example, iodine is terrible, but in Russia you already know exactly what you need to buy at a pharmacy.

Purchase in advance tanning products, since the sun is scorching and one cannot do without protection.

Pharmacies in Phuket are not public, but private, I do not trust any of them (and the guide said so). Prices are higher than in the markets, there may be counterfeit products. There is one only state pharmacy in Phuket Town, there should be genuine products, but I didn't want to go there. And supposedly the products are not faked on the farms, but the prices are exorbitant.


Soap, cosmetics (coconut oil, face masks, scrubs, whitening toothpaste), fruits, souvenirs. But about tea, which is sold on every corner, be careful. First, buy yourself a briquette, drink it yourself, and then take it home.

Regarding the poisoning, Russian women on the beach came up to me twice and asked one question: where do we go to eat with a small child, since they were poisoned and are afraid for the children. I will tell you the secret of how we avoided poisoning in Phuket - we took with us a small 2-liter multicooker and cooked it for our daughter, we were calm about her stomach. In theory, it is forbidden to cook in the hotel, but we did it in secret. After the food was cooked, they put the multicooker in the suitcase.

Children with a small child lived nearby, they had a double boiler, they also cooked. We took rice, buckwheat, pasta with us, and other products could be purchased at wholesale supermarket Macro , including fresh meat, bread, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, mayonnaise, ketchup, rice in bags if necessary (buckwheat is hard to find in Thailand).

My daughter only ate in a cafe once during the entire rest, in Patong they ordered pilaf for her, did not poison herself. Myself and my husband went to restaurants several times, took food in makashniki on the street, there were no stomach problems.

I'm not trying to scare you, it's just that if you are driving without children, then of course there is no point in taking a slow cooker, but with children you have to be afraid of poisoning.

Delicious local and very popular beer - Chang (Chang).

The tour operator praised us russian cafe Chekhov, I think they pay him extra for this. If you read reviews about him on the Internet, then there will be a lot of positive ones, since they give a discount for a positive review in this cafe, there is a bonus discount system, attract customers so that they go constantly.

We came there once in the evening at about 21.00, there were a million people, there was nowhere to sit, the cafe was small, the tables were occupied, we waited 30 minutes, so the tables were not vacated, we went to another cafe.

It was called Brillit, they ate and did not get poisoned, everything was fine with the stomach. There was a cafe near the hotel. Pizza cost 350 baht (700 rubles), national soup tom yam - 150 baht (300 rubles), they also took beer, 1 bottle - 140 baht (280 rubles), additional 1 beer and salads were free (special offer).

The prices for food in other eateries are preserved in the photo.


There are many night markets in Phuket, there are those that usually work 2 times a week, and there are those that work every day. Next to our hotel there were 2 pieces on Kata, but we also went to Karon for night and usual, well, we went to Patong. I recommend going to everything within walking distance, on Karon night market I really liked it.

3 magnets for 100 baht (200 rubles).


Everywhere 7 Eleven and Family Mart- good shops where you can buy water, cosmetics, tanning products, laundry detergent, plaster, something from food: chocolate, dried fruits, bread, yoghurts, sausage in briquettes, chips, beer and the prices are normal. I completely trust these shops, my beloved: 7 Eleven and Macro.

There was also a shop not far from our hotel Tesco Lotus, the assortment is somewhat similar to Macro, there are vegetables and fruits.


I would also like to tell you about him. Patong is an area near the beach of the same name (areas in Phuket are named depending on the beaches on which they are located).

I will dispel the myth that is it possible to walk from Kata Beach and Karon Beach to Patong ?!

This can only be done the most headless people since the traffic from Karon to Patong on the highway is crazy, there are no sidewalks. I do not advise anyone to do this.

You can skip this part of the review if you are in a hurry.

We tried to walk to Patong from Kata Beach once. It was at 17.00, we left the hotel when it was still light with a stroller... The distance from our hotel to Patong was about 10 km. We reached Karon at about 18.00 and it was already dark. We asked tourists who live on Karon whether it is possible to walk to Patong, everyone answered categorically NO.

We decided to take a chance. We walked around the lake, there were sidewalks, they even laughed that we would get there anyway. As a result, the sidewalk suddenly broke off, they wanted to turn back, but they saw people walking. We asked them if it was possible to go further, they answered that it was possible and necessary to use flashlights on the phone, otherwise they could bring down cars and motorbikes. So we did, armed ourselves with flashlights and went on. It turned out that people are walking from the hotel, it is on the mountain and every time they have to get to Karon (horror). Not a single living soul farther on foot did not meet.

The fuel truck driver shouted at us: "Taxi?"... I had never received such an amount of adrenaline, every minute we could be hit by cars, it was very scary, but there was no turning back, it was even worse to turn around, on the one hand there was a frantic stream of traffic, and on the other there were some thorny and iron bush bushes. The daughter slept in the stroller all this time and did not suspect that her parents were cuckoo. It is a pity that I did not record the video, it was not up to him.

We passed 3/4 of the way, there was still a little more and local Thai girls drove up to us on two motorbikes, taking dirty linen to the hotel. They asked where we are from and where we are heading to English language... Our conversation did not go further, they did not understand each other. We said goodbye to them and walked on, but suddenly they returned already without underwear and said they would give them a lift. My daughter and I got on one motorbike, and my husband on another along with a stroller and we drove off. We rode around Patong for an hour, looked at everything, I asked the Thai woman, like we had already arrived, it was time to drop us off, and she replied no. An hour later, they brought us to some other beach and dropped us off, we told them to take us back to Patong, sat down again and drove off. These girls were not local, apparently they did not know where we needed to, they did not understand us well, but they really wanted to help. Finally they brought me to Patong, I already thought that they would ask us a lot of money now, but no, they said "Free" (free).

I took a souvenir photo with these beauties. I say hello to them, but they are unlikely to read my review. That's the kind of Thai hospitality. Good guys are Thais!


He is less impressed with the arbitrariness than how we got there. Once you can go for the sake of interest in the evening.

Patong is a big area, it seemed to me. The bulk of the entertainment is on main street Bangla Road next to Jang Ceylon mall. There is also a market, but the prices are not at all lower and similar goods are sold.

Bangla Road- this is a parody of Volkin Street in Pattaya, only it is smaller in size, they sell any rubbish, discos, sports bars are few, there are girls of easy virtue, I have not seen beautiful transvestites and they have not sold cockroaches (maybe it was not the season yet).

together. For families with children and for lazy rest, it is Phuket - appropriate place(Koh Samui, other islands). Although adventure on your head can be found everywhere. The disadvantage of Pattaya is dirty beaches and the sea, you have to go swimming on the islands (it's inconvenient with a child), but cheap public transport, you can see a lot of things on your own.


Phuket is an island with different beaches, good and bad for relaxation.

Phuket is big village... Compared to Pattaya, there are almost no attractions in Phuket, there is only the sea, the sun, expensive cafes, expensive transport (tuk-tuk for the price of a taxi), massage parlors, markets, a couple of large shops and a large selection of various fruits.

Phuket is a tourist paradise where money flows like a river. For Russians, Thailand has become an expensive pleasure in recent years due to the rise in the dollar and the fall of the ruble.

RESULTS for Phuket Island in Thailand


1) Wonderful weather, warm day and night;

2) Clean warm sea, if you choose a normal beach;

3) A large selection of exotic fruits at the best price;

4) Exotic;

5) A good place for families with children;

6) If you have money, you can go on many excursions.


1) There is no normal budget public transport (tuk-tuk for the price of a taxi);

2) The high cost of excursions and eating in a cafe will not be cheap;

3) There are few attractions in Phuket itself, you need to travel outside or to the islands;

4) Very frequent poisoning;

5) There are no pedestrian crossings, and the transport driver is always right (his advantage).

Output... Not a day has passed since I have not remembered Phuket and Thailand, I want to go there again, I would gladly move for permanent residence, but only income does not allow it.

It was more interesting for me to relax in Pattaya than in Phuket, but I would love to go to Phuket again for a vacation with a child, even ready right now and without hesitation.

If you still have questions, ask, I will try to answer them.

All goodness and successful travels closer to the sea!

The island of Thailand Phuket has a huge number of beaches, but not all of them are suitable for families and children. We have included in the top 10 Phuket's best beaches for families with children.

Opens the top ten best beaches Phuket, suitable for families with children. This is one of the longest beaches, with a length of about 11 km. Mai Kao meets the demands of privacy and an almost complete lack of infrastructure. It territorially belongs to the Sirinat National Park, so there are no buildings on the shore, noisy water activities are prohibited. Few hotels are located at a distance of at least 50 m from the coast. This beach is often called "airport", because from it you can clearly see how planes take off and land in International airport Phuket.

The beach is perfect for families with children. Comfortable, calm and even a little wild Nai Yang is located thirty kilometers from Phuket, to the north of the island. For those who like to have a rest as a “savage”, perhaps even in a tent, this is the most suitable place. Nai Yang Bay, fenced off from the sea by a coral reef, will help you feel the unity with nature, enjoy the beauty to the fullest. A vacation on this Phuket beach is a vacation in national park, an area of ​​ninety kilometers. And all of this is mangrove forest, which is a unique ecosystem. Mangroves, the wonderful smell of the sea, unique views - all this awaits visitors here.

It is also quite suitable for families with children. Considering that Bang Tao Beach is located in the bay, the sea is always calm here. The width of the beach, like the length, is impressive, especially at low tide. The sand deserves a special mention - it is golden and fine here. The sea near the beach is mostly shallow. However, in some places the depth is decent, so you need to be careful. The entry into the sea is long, about 15 m. In the morning, Bang Tao is in the shade - it is created by casuarin trees growing along the entire beach. This continues until about 11 o'clock, after which the hot sun begins to reign here.

Included in the list of the best beaches in Phuket for families with children. It is small and cozy. There are relatively few people when compared to Kata. The coastline is wide. There is very little natural shade, in the central part it is literally a couple of places from the trees and on the left side of the mountain. The length is about 700 meters. Along the edges of the beach, sand imperceptibly flows into the reef chain, becoming a favorite spot for divers. In rare coastal stone formations you can contemplate the life of crabs. Due to the small size of the bay in the water area of ​​the beach, there is no strong navigation, which is also a plus for tourists. Covered with very fine white, clean sand, the water is azure and clear. Kata Noi is south of the rest of the beaches, therefore less crowded. Since it is more distant, you can find people sunbathing topless on it. Since it is at a dead end, there is no noise from the streets and the city.

One of the best beaches in Phuket is well suited for families with children. Knighton is located on site National Reserve, therefore, everything is fine here with the ecology: there are a lot of greenery and trees around, you can take a walk in the forest. There are no water activities on the coast itself. There are sun loungers and parasols along the entire length, but they stand in only 1-2 rows at a fairly large distance from each other.

It is considered one of the best beaches in Phuket, which is ideal for families with children. The coastline is flat and is just under 700 m long, while the width is not much more than 50 m. During the daytime there are sun loungers on the beach, but there are not so many of them. The fact is that Nai Harn is a favorite place for family picnics not only for tourists, but also for the Thais themselves. However, even in the high season, the abundance of vacationers does not irritate the eyes. The beach area is ideal for relaxation. There is a whole standard set of establishments here: cafes, restaurants, bars, sports grounds, souvenir shops, but they do not spoil the view much. After all, Nai Harn is surrounded on both sides by palm groves, creating the feeling of a paradise lagoon of dreams.

great for quiet rest with kids. This beach is not small, its length is about 2 km, while it is very narrow in width (20-30 m). For a long time Kamala was quiet and calm place... It served as a marina for fishing boats and for the rest of the Thais. There were very few tourists on it. However, in recent years more and more elderly people have chosen this quiet and peaceful place as a second home. It is understandable, all the benefits of civilization are at hand, while at the same time the sea is at hand. In addition to those who moved here, there are now a lot of package tourists. The sand on Kamala is white, like grains of salt. There are many hotels on the beach line, and the beach area next to them belongs to them. Accordingly, the quality of the sand and the purity can vary significantly.

Opens the top three beaches for families with children. Patong with a wide white and yellow sandy strip is located on the western side of the island. Phuket and has a length of 4 km. The curved beach strip is framed on both sides by rocky outcrops, which makes the landscape more fabulous. Immediately, behind a sandy strip in lush vegetation, various buildings are buried: private houses, markets, entertainment venues, hotels and much more.

Takes the second line in the list of the best beaches in Phuket for families with children. Surin is less than a kilometer long, with impressive stones in the water at the edges. Wide, but in the season densely packed with sun loungers under umbrellas, up to five rows, they do not add space to the beach. The ebb and flow are not as pronounced as in neighboring Bang Tao, the water does not go away for tens of meters. The sand is fine, light, yellow or almost white, depending on the lighting. There is no silt, the water is clear, the color is very beautiful, azure. Combined with white umbrellas with frills fluttering in the wind, it creates a festive atmosphere. During the season, sweepers with brooms go to Surin all the time, there are waste baskets. It's very neat and clean here.

Phuket's best beach for families with children. This is a fairly large beach in Phuket with a length of about four kilometers, with a wide coastline, where in high season you can find your own corner for relaxation, among a large number of tourists. This is one of the most popular beaches among tourists. different countries the world. In Karon, Thailand, you can find tranquility, entertainment and well-deserved rest. It is also famous for its quartz sand. The very same sand that is used in the hourglass. It crunches very interestingly underfoot and by its noise perception it resembles the sound that is emitted when walking on creaky, dry snow.

A family vacation in Phuket is almost an ideal choice for those who want to travel to Thailand with a child (especially with a small one). Better location it is difficult to find in the country, there are practically no shortcomings here. True, the choice of the beach where you will live plays an important role.

We will analyze in detail this issue, as well as all the pros and cons of rest on the island of Phuket.


1. Easy to get to.

This indicator is especially important for those with small children. There are direct flights from Russia to Phuket. Minibuses and taxis are delivered from the airport to the beaches. The nearest ones (Nai Yang, Naithon) can be reached in 10 minutes. It will take more time if you are on the central ones (Patong, Karon, Kata) - 40 minutes. It takes about an hour to get to the southernmost (Nai Harn). For comparison - to Pattaya from the airport take about 2 hours by bus, to Koh Chang - 5 hours (plus another ferry), to the beaches of Ao Nang and Railay in Krabi spend 3-3.5 hours by taxi from Phuket, to Lanta - 5 h, to Koh Samui you generally have to make a transfer to a local flight. The worst option is Koh Phangan. There, first you need to fly to Koh Samui, and then go to the pier and take a ferry to the island.

2. The sea.

Whoever goes to Phuket on vacation, of course, wants the child to swim in the clear sea. On the island, this indicator is at a high level, except that in Patong it is worse (but much better than in Pattaya).

3. Well-developed infrastructure.

If you are traveling to Phuket with a child, then you can be sure that everything you need for your child is here: baby food, medicines, toys, strollers, cots, all sorts of things for swimming (inflatable rings, inflatable houses, etc.) ... Most beaches have pharmacies and clinics. The transport network is well developed, there are many roads, so it won't take you long to get to the doctor or the store. But here you need to choose the right one, which we will talk about in the next paragraph.

4. Beaches.

To make your holiday with a child in Phuket not hassle and enjoyable, you need to seriously approach the choice of the beach. We will briefly give a description of each in the context family vacation.

Patong is the most popular and noisy beach. There are a lot of people, including those on the coast. However, the beach is wide and your child will have enough room to splash in shallow waters, build sand castles, etc. The infrastructure is most developed here - there is one of the largest shopping centers on the island - Jangceylon with the Big C and Robinson hypermarkets, as well as the Mario Zone for children. You can buy everything there - diapers, baby food, toys, and strollers! There are a lot of pharmacies. The main thing in Patong is to settle away from where there is a rumble of music coming from the bars at midnight. This place is a training ground for adult games, not for children. Minus Patong is the dirtiest sea on the island.

Karon, Kata, Kata Noi - these three beaches are located one after the other, are located close to each other and are considered the most popular for families. Unlike Patong, it is calm here, the infrastructure is well developed (pharmacies, shops), although there are no shopping centers and hypermarkets (you can go to Patong for them - only 10-20 minutes and you are there). The first two beaches are very long, so there is plenty of free space for children to play. There are not very many people.

Rawai is not suitable for families with children. In fact, this is not a beach, since there is practically no sand. There are plenty of fishing boats on the coast and in the bay.

Nai Harn is a pretty nice place, calm, but the infrastructure is not particularly developed, although there are pharmacies and shops in the village, which is a 10-15 minute walk from the coast. From here, a city bus runs to Phuket Town for 50 baht. And already there is a lot of everything: both hypermarkets and clinics. The ride is 40-50 minutes.


1. High prices.

Rather, we can say that they are high in comparison with Pattaya and Bangkok, but rather low in comparison with Moscow and others. major cities Russia. The only thing that saddens is the sky-high prices for a taxi: up to neighboring beach can rip off 300 or more baht. Hotels are also somewhat more expensive than in other resorts and there are almost no hotels on the 1st line, because most of the beaches have an asphalt road near the beach.

2. Climate.

From May to November, the sea is often restless, the waves are very high, so there can be no talk of any child's bathing. It is better to exclude a family vacation with a child in Phuket during this period, since it is quite possible that during the entire vacation you and your child will not be able to swim in the ocean. Red flags are hung everywhere, prohibiting entry into the water. Naturally, there are no jet skis and other entertainment at sea. Read more about.

Hotels in Phuket for families with children

We are often asked if there are hotels in Phuket that are focused on families with children. We answer: yes, there is! For example:

Most have shallow pools with water slides, playgrounds, children's rooms, special menus and small chairs in restaurants. A cot for a child is provided, with the smallest babysitters while you are on excursions or in the shops. Almost everywhere there is a doctor and a nurse (I mean hotels, not Thai guesthouses).

Fun for kids in Phuket

Occupies an area of ​​22,000 sq. m and consists of several zones: Africa, Asia, America, Antarctica, Ancient world... More than 15 rides and water slides.

6. Show Fantasy.

An entertaining show with modern special effects and stunt tricks. The show employs over 500 artists, 50 elephants and several dozen other animals.

7. Zoo.

In addition to the usual acquaintance with animals, shows with monkeys, elephants and crocodiles are held every day.

8. Active entertainment.

Bananas, jet skis and motorcycles. Suitable for teenagers. There are almost all beaches.

9. Others.

You may also be interested in other entertainments - Butterfly Garden, Orchid Garden, waterfalls, carting, trips to.

The green island of Phuket, sailing like a ship in the Andaman Sea, known since ancient times to all Dutch, Portuguese, French sailors and merchants, today is again a place of attraction, only this time - tourists loaded with children, bags and suitcases.

And this is understandable, because the island is incredibly popular for its wide fabulous beaches filled with snow-white fine sand, sparkling against the backdrop of blue water. Moreover, the sand is melodiously crunchy, like a real snowball in the cold, only here it will never melt.

Famous and adored by everyone beach places- Kata and Karon. Children feel great here, building white castles out of sand.

Karon is more majestic and extended. If on Kata the sea shimmers from blue to turquoise, then on Karon it is of a delicate emerald color. A few more beach recommendations:

  • a little to the west of the youthful and crowded Patong beach is Freedom Beach, this paradise will appeal to everyone - white fine sand, 500 meters of a secluded tropical paradise
  • Nai Harn beach - if not to live, then be sure to at least visit. One of the best beaches on the island - the surroundings are buried in greenery, there are many trees around, there is a temple and a pond nearby.

The desire for adventure, entertainment and new knowledge, which is characteristic of children of all ages, will be fulfilled if you visit.

When going to the island with the children, you need to remember in time that from May to October-November, very high waves rise along the coast of the island, unusually beautiful, but they do not allow children to swim. Dry and comfortable season for holidays in Thailand - from October to the end of April, at this time there are no heavy rains. The climate in Phuket, just like in Pattaya, is comfortable and warm all year round but always wet. Children, more often than not, endure the change of seasons easier than we, adults. You should be careful only with the sun - it is very strong here, creams with spf filters should always be at hand, a similar situation with hats.

There are many pharmacies and clinics in Phuket, so if the children do not immediately acclimatize, you can always solve any problems.

Various cafes and restaurants will offer you a huge assortment of dishes of both European and even Russian cuisines, and directly Thai, adapted for vacationers with children (less spicy or mild in general). Fruits and freshly squeezed juices, which are sold in a rich assortment all year round at every corner, will add some variety to the daily menu.

In terms of nutrition, you don't even have to adapt - you can find small grocery stores everywhere.

And for large-scale gastronomic shopping, you should go to large shopping centers (Big C, Jung Ceylon, Central Festival). Here the assortment of baby food, baked goods, all dairy products, high-quality cooking, diapers and other necessary attributes of rest with children is in the assortment.

So, we present to your attention our rating best hotels Phuket for families with children:

PGS Hotels Casa del Sol 4 *

1 of 5

Flowers, bubbling water, quiet music. Calming, serene atmosphere, in the evenings - no noise from violent parties. Before the trip, it is possible to ask for a room with a special sliding partition, a baby cot and a mandatory potty, which is very convenient when arriving with babies. For the parents' peace of mind, a special net is attached to the balcony so that the child does not fall out between the rods. Everything is provided here for the little visitors: a pool - "paddling pool" with a wide water slide; a small playground where children play with sand and play on a swing; special chairs for children in the hotel restaurant; exciting activities - modeling, drawing and animation in the morning by the pool; fish ponds; pool bar with wonderful fresh juices and fruit smoothies; daily cartoons in the cinema with free drinks and popcorn; bright and elegant club "Pegy" with closed playgrounds, where children will have an interesting time under supervision, while their parents relax, enjoying such rare precious hours in private; funny children's discos; excellent tennis tables and rackets for older children.
Catering is thought out for the little things. Breakfasts are plentiful and delicious. There are cereals, milk soups, omelets and scrambled eggs, potatoes in various forms, yoghurts, muesli, preserves, syrups, jams, muffins, all sorts of Viennese waffles, toasts, pasta, sausages. Many people feed three-year-olds with afternoon tea, lunch and dinner right here in the hotel restaurant - it's delicious and profitable. Soups are prepared differently every day. And hot dishes change too - they offer chicken and pork, fish and squid. A large number of cold cuts, side dishes, there are always fruits (up to 8 types) and pastries. Prices for lunch and dinner are quite affordable. The room has a kettle and microwave.
The hotel is well located. The beach is a seven-minute walk, and all the amenities for shopping and a pleasant pastime - shops, cafes, exchange offices, massage parlors, taxis. All hygiene products such as shampoos and creams can be bought very cheaply. Very tasty ice cream is sold next door at 7eleven. If the smallest tourists suddenly have prickly heat, local cream and Systral powder will help one, two, three times. Russian food can be fed to kids at Spice House, where our Russian Cheburashka stands at the entrance. In the Orchid cafe (Orchid), the dishes are mild, inexpensive and tasty. Nearby there are Buffalo Stake House and Cafeopera Live. The closest of the beaches is the wonderful Kata, here there is sand, and pebbles, and there are not too many people.

Le Meridien Phuket Beach Resort 5 *

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This garden hotel literally falls in love with many guests. Here, without worrying, they let the children go for a walk throughout the territory. At the entrance there are attentive guards. Breakfasts - Swedish, hearty: cereals, oatmeal, pancakes, eggs in various forms, yoghurts, pastries, ham and cheese slices. Many restaurants: they work both in Swedish and on request. Wonderful children's menu, very cheap, up to 3 years old - generally free. Stunning evenings with different themes, wonderful cuisine and entertainment are organized. A huge swimming pool, where there are many different zones - lagoon, children's, sports, jacuzzi.
A club with a garden, a small town and slides for children to play, where they are left for a long time.
The purest white beach. The place is located in a lagoon surrounded by wonderful mountains, so the beach looks cozy and mysterious. There are cafes with a menu for children, fruit bars, and a pavilion where children are given massages that make them feel delighted. An elephant named Valentin, who knows how to play the accordion and dance, often walks on the sand. He is allowed to be fed and stroked.
The entertainment program for guests is rich and thought out for everyone. Here and tennis, and water aerobics, golf and basketball, bows for "Robin Hoods", climbing wall, football, volleyball. Internet in the lobby, library, near the pools, in the cafe is free. The airport is approximately 50 km away.

Naithonburi Beach Resort 4 *

1 of 4

Beautiful, calm and quiet in this charming corner of the world for relaxing with children. Luxuriously decorated area among wonderful greenery, through which mysterious lanterns shine in the evenings. Nice and friendly staff.
The local restaurant offers a decent European menu, you can safely feed the children with dishes without spices and exotic octopuses. For dinner - pumpkin puree soup, pasta, pizza, bolognese, any kind of meat, meatballs, ice cream. Water and bread are free. And the prices are quite adequate. The breakfasts are great for all ages with dairy dishes, a bunch of cereals and sweets, fruits, juices, beans, sausages and a variety of pastries. The chicest and most delicious mango shake is only here.
The sea is two minutes away at a sluggish pace. The beach, where towels are issued at the entrance, is well-groomed, clean, sandy. Right there, for complete pleasure, beer, shower, and cool free water in coolers.
The hotel has two swimming pools - for adults and children, around - sea sand, fountains and different "beauty". In the season of big waves, you can spend time comfortably here.
Trusted by many cafes, where they offer tasty meals to both parents and children - "Macarona" (you can overeat), "Vivan", and also "Coconut" - it is right on the beach. To eat in Russian and take a walk, you can and even need to visit Spice House at the Festival ( wonderful place), where food is like mom's at home.
If adults want to hang out and have fun, then all these delights are just around the corner.
The disadvantages of this wonderful place are only in the lack of baby food for crumbs up to two years old. And all the purees must be packed and taken with you. Pampers are sold in a nearby store, but a little expensive.

Centara Grand West Sands Resort & Villas Phuket 5 *

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Wonderful hotel right in the Mai Khao Beach Nature Reserve. Only 15 minutes to the airport. The rooms have two TVs with a Russian channel, cartoons are mandatory. The area is spacious with a mini-club for toddlers and teenagers, swimming pools, basketball and badminton courts and, most importantly, a water park.
Hearty varied breakfasts - omelets, pancakes, indispensable sausages, various types of potatoes (especially tasty - in sauce). Soups are excellently prepared - you can safely feed the kids. The children willingly eat rice with vegetables without hot spices, divinely delicious buns, cakes, cheesecakes, raspberry jam. An abundance of fruit, even the Dragon's Eye is available. You can easily feed your child with lunch in two versions - according to the menu (there is a special for children) or on buffet where he gets what he wants. The portions are huge. You can gorge yourself on one salad.
In the water park, children willingly eat a hot dog called "little monkey", milkshakes. Every day a fun event is held in one of the restaurants, and parties with a buffet in Swedish and music are organized next to the pool. An unusually beautiful show of "playing with fire" gives great pleasure.
Near the hotel there is excellent food in the Red Mango cafe. If you come with the kids, they give you a table next to the TV and turn on "Masha with the Bear." For the guys: French fries, dumplings, fried sausages, spaghetti, slicing pineapple and watermelon - "free of charge". Parents love the unusual Tom Yam Majito cocktail.
In the free club for children there are interesting slides, a sandbox in the open air, and inside, where the coolness remains, there is a dry pool, paints, toys. Animators are engaged with children. But there is also a private room where kids lie on soft pillows and watch cartoons. Slot machines are on the second floor. Children's pools right there near the club, with music and animators. The guys here are a complete expanse.
The beach is long and clean. There are enough sun loungers by the sea, but many spread towels under the trees. There are often high waves in the morning. The bottom becomes uneven, so it is better not to leave babies alone. By noon, the bottom levels out, the water becomes clear, in which the children watch the fish and little turtles. Near the beach there is an adult pool, where games, water aerobics, and scuba diving are offered. The water is very warm in the large circular pool.
The water park is free and largely replaces the sea. Convenient slides for children of any age. Around the river gurgles, along which you swim straight into the terrible mouth of the monster, from which the children simply squeal with delight.
If the children get sunburned, they ask the administrators for Aloe Vera leaves. They are brought from the village. Its juice will relieve both fever and pain in half an hour.

Kata Sea Breeze 3 *

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There are always a lot of positive emotions about the hotel. From the airport, the journey will take a little over an hour. Meets a huge, well-groomed oasis of serenity, flowering and fragrance. In clean, spacious rooms, a bath, slippers, multi-colored towels (blue towels are taken to the beach) and other joys. If you need a crib for your baby, they will be given out free of charge. You can always buy everything you need for kids at the 7 eleven store (50 m to the right). In the evenings, the bars have loud music, so if you come with crumbs, you should take rooms in the buildings away from them.
Breakfast is satisfying enough, there is everything, but no bacon (which is perhaps only a plus). It is also not very diverse with baked goods - toast, butter, three types of jam. The food is good in the restaurant, you can take the usual and very interesting themed dinners. Food for children over two years old is not a question. For very tiny ones, it is better to take mashed potatoes with you. There is delicious quality milk in local shops. Outside the hotel, children can easily be fed their usual food in a cafe where European dishes are everywhere. It is worth pampering them with a signature Thai dessert - chopped bananas, mangoes, pineapples in a "envelope" made of thin dough, which are cooked right on the street, sprinkled with chocolate or syrups. Nearby there is a market where prices are very, very pleasant.
As many as seven pools, two of them with a half-meter depth - for children with slides and a comfortable water temperature. There is a jacuzzi in two pools - you can take the children and please them with tickling bubbles. The warmest pool with a gentle slope is next to the bar, closer to the reception. Towels, umbrellas, sun loungers - free of charge. But after seven in the evening, they turn on the purification of water with bleach, so you need to be careful with children with allergies.
There is a playroom, a small outdoor cinema, a large sandbox filled with toys.
Kata Beach is 5 - 7 minutes on foot. The sea is azure, clean, if you go at the right time - you can not be afraid of stormy waves.

Holiday Inn Resort Phuket Mai Khao Beach 4 *

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Luxurious huge territory with well-groomed lawns, fragrant flower beds, singing birds. From the airport - less than half an hour. One pool for adults, one for little tourists with warm water and a smooth entrance to the depth, which is convenient for the smallest children. There is a kids club with a large comfortable playpen filled with multicolored soft balls, many different constructors, toys, game consoles. Children willingly spend whole days here with friendly girls-animators who teach them how to sculpt, paint with colored sand.
Another "golden" place - a real grove, where they hide from the scorching sun, lie in a hammock, play volleyball. Nearby there is a mini market with drinks and fruits. And right behind the trees stretched wonderful beach, to which it is worth flying through half the ground. There are no sun beds, but they are not needed on such a clean, fine sand. It is necessary - they give towels, rugs - it is convenient!
The sea is like warm steamed milk, only blue. The bottom is even and sandy everywhere, but it is better to keep babies and toddlers away from the surf line - quite high waves often "come". No jellyfish are visible in the water.
If you walk with the older guys along the surf, then in 45 minutes you can reach the airfield. Do not forget - take water and thoroughly smear the child with ointment from the sun. The boys are wildly delighted when heavy Boeings take off right above them.
Breakfast is a standard assortment. But the dishes are delicious, fresh and hearty. They even cook porridge. Pleasant variety of desserts and pastries. Fine dinners and lunches. They offer a children's menu (prices are very reasonable). The central restaurant serves buffet meals four nights a week. Younger guests eat for free on these evenings, pay only for drinking.
Outside the territory, you can walk to the cafe "Mama" (to the right of the hotel). Outwardly - not presentable, but in fact - the food is excellent, delicious fruit cocktails. Soup named "Tom Yam" in "Mom" willingly gobbles up everything from small to large. The main thing is to say "miraculous" words no spicy (no spices).
Relevant for adults - absolutely everywhere there is free WiFi. Even on the beach he catches. Login and password are given immediately upon check-in.
There is a large children's area with fountains and a special coating where there are balls, boards with drawings of Disney characters. V family rooms- two rooms, two bathrooms with children's soap accessories. Children's bedding, two balconies with sofas and tables, two TVs, DVDs, a game console.

Sunwing Resort & SPA 4 *

1 of 6

Clean green spacious area. There is where to run, admire the wonderful compositions of natural stones, flowers, plants. Three minutes to the sea, and at night you can hear his whisper. Beautiful beach with a smooth descent and sand that does not burn delicate children's feet. Warm clear sea. Loungers are paid (sometimes they take money, sometimes they don't). All the pleasures can be purchased right there: massage, fruits, pancakes, toys, inflatable mattresses, tunics and sun hats.
Breakfast is Swedish - for every taste and preference in portion sizes. The waiter escorts you to the desired table by the room number and immediately offers tea and coffee. There is both hot and cold milk for the guys. Cocoa, apple, pineapple, orange, tomato juices. Hot pancakes, croissants with jams, maple syrup. Yoghurts of four types. Nuts, candied fruits, raisins, muesli, flakes. Fruit salads. Two types of omelettes. Chicken in batter. Eggs and boiled and fried with bacon. Boiled potatoes and stewed with vegetables. There are many different soups with additives that are put to taste: meat, noodles, vegetables, poultry, spices. Lunch at the hotel restaurant with Russian menu. Food adapted to European cuisine - not spicy. An abundance of seafood. The selection of meat and fish dishes is large and the portions are huge. Unusually delicious cocktails that children drink in liters. For lunch and dinner for the kids in the Lolo & Barney buffet, all the food is free: barbecue, potatoes, chicken, vegetables, fruits - an abundance. Pay for drinks only.
There are many pools with different depths, there are also slides. In the evenings they are cleaned, in the morning they are cleaned again. Every day they hold "entertainments" for children and parents. The kids mini-club has classes in drawing, modeling, pirate games with a treasure hunt and a prize in the form of toys and fruits. The hotel has a small shop with milk, water, bread, cigarettes and other little things. There is a Tesco hypermarket nearby, a very picturesque bazaar opens nearby, where you can find everything!
The rooms are great with huge towels, lots of pillows. Bed linen is cleaned and changed daily. The air conditioner blows, hot, cold water flows. All kinds of shampoos and pastes - no restrictions. There is a kettle, plates, mugs, tea, coffee, cream.
From half past nine in the evening until the morning - absolute silence. For adults, all the entertainment in Patong. The airport is 30 km away.

Nai Yang Beach Resort 4 *

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From the airport - 20 minutes. It feels like you were settled in a tropical garden - well, the hotel is very green, friendly, kind. Everything is equipped in the rooms, children are provided with separate beds. There are 3 channels in Russian. White linen. The towel is a bunch. Coffee maker, tea. Well-groomed plants are tightly intertwined and perfectly absorb heat, squirrels jump through the trees, and birds sing among the foliage from dawn to dusk. Children really enjoy spending time at the enclosures where the turtles live. There are swimming pools - 3 pieces (large, shallow, with a jacuzzi, with a fountain). There are enough sun beds.
The kids have something to feed at breakfast: delicious yoghurts, muesli, milk, pancakes with honey, fish, potatoes. There are a lot of fruits, eggs - in various forms, meat, ham and sausages in slices. True, there is no pastry, but the toast bread is very tasty, butter, jams. The food is different every day.
To the clear sea and sand - 5 minutes at a leisurely pace. Smooth entry into the water is convenient for kids, the ebb is not felt. Children with a squeal catches crabs running along the shore. A sunbed with an umbrella is paid.
There are many cafes nearby, Russian dishes in the Fiesta restaurant.

Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa 5 *

1 of 5

From the plane ladder to the room - about an hour. The area of ​​the hotel is huge - guests are transported by a small shuttle bus. The rooms are spacious, the baby's bed is wide. Everything you need for complete comfort is available. Audibility is zero. The cleaning is perfect. Both a bath and a shower are at once - it is very comfortable with a child. There are four pools, both with a jacuzzi and a two-tiered marvelous waterfall. Two have water slides for children. In the evenings, the place looks charming - fabulous, lights flicker in the thickets, pools are illuminated, live music pours.
For children - a lot of interesting corners where you can play and hide - large ponds and beautiful ponds. Peacocks are walking everywhere - the children are delighted. Excellent breakfasts: everything is Swedish and changes daily, a huge amount of first-class pastries.
For the little ones, there is a playroom and a playground where they are left to play with the nannies while their parents relax in seclusion. There is table tennis and a gym.
The beach is a beautiful clean Karon with extraordinary soft sand. And on cloudy days - the weather is velvet, the scorching sun is hiding, the sea is warm, the breeze is light - children run around without fear of sunburn - beauty! Towels from the pool - free of charge, sun loungers, umbrellas on the beach - for a fee. By the pool - everything is "for nothing".

Tri Trang Beach Resort by Diva Management 4 *

1 of 5

It takes about an hour to get to the place of peace and romance. The hotel buildings descend in tiers to the sea. An elevator takes you up to the rooms, so going up with the kids under your arms is not a problem. This heavenly place is located in quiet bay indescribable beauty. Here - snow-white, fine as flour, sand, there is absolutely no excitement. A coniferous-palm grove stretches along the coast, so the evening air is filled with simply stupefying aromas and birdsong. Everybody swims all day until evening. At low tide, the sea leaves, but near the coast there is an opportunity to splash in the water. Compared to Pattaya, the sea in Tri Trang is transparent, incredibly clean and gentle. Adults and teenagers enjoy swimming with masks.
There are three pools with different depths, shapes and décor. Wi-Fi catches everywhere, you can walk from the sea to the pool and at the same time - chat without stopping.
The breakfasts are gorgeous, and the kids can be fed heartily: chicken sausages, mashed potatoes, ham, red beans, white bread in an egg, pancakes with jam, porridge with milk, bananas, watermelon, pineapples, red hairy fruit, a bunch of stewed vegetables and many dressings, a variety of scrambled eggs, buns, toast with butter, jam, juices, milk, cereals, pastries. The hotel operates on systems breakfast, half board (breakfast + dinner), full board (breakfast + lunch + dinner).
Three days a week - discos, entertainment with a fire show, karaoke.
The rooms are large with a huge bed, bright, there are armchairs and a table on the balcony. Everything in the room is prepared for tea and coffee. In order not to chill the child, watch out - the air conditioner should be in the "drying" mode, not "cooling".

Sunwing Kamala Beach 4 *

1 of 7

The hotel is wonderful, one of the best for families with children in terms of price-quality ratio.
Breakfasts: hot milk, oatmeal, chocolate, cornflakes, cocoa, omelets, poached eggs, noodles and vegetables with meat, beans, miso soup, two types of cheese, sausages and bacon, salad dressings. Of course - yoghurts, pancakes, different pastries, a lot of fresh juices and fruits. Come a minute before the end of breakfast - everything is there, or they will put in more. The service provides free meals for the child if he or she has lunch or dinner with a parent. For children there is meat, sausages, minced meat with spaghetti, cutlets, chicken or fish, fries, vegetables, salads, fruits.
On the ground floor, there are special Happy baby rooms for parents with newborn babies. From the room there is direct access to the pool and a separate area with sun loungers. In the room there is a cot, a pot, a highchair, a stroller, a playpen, a changing table, a small bathtub. The microwave is convenient for sterilizing nipple bottles.
Everything is provided for children to the smallest nuances: playground, wall bars, all sorts of "entertainments" with an excellent team of animators. In the playroom (there is air conditioning), babysitting girls are busy with the children. Children's discos, shows with tricks.
To the sea - a path under the shade of trees. The beach is clean, the bottom is flat and shallow. A sunbed complete with an umbrella - for a fee. Fun on the water - "cheesecake", motorcycles, "banana".
Food outside the hotel - with the kids it is better to go to the Danish cafe "Anderson", for children the dishes are very tasty.
The airport is about 45 minutes.

Of the worthy economical and medium-price options, where everything necessary for the child will be present, we note the following additionally.

What picture is presented to you if you are going to go on vacation with children? Warm gentle sea, a long strip of beach, you bask in the shade of palm trees, and your children are building a sand castle. The Thai island of Phuket is simply made for families: hotels with children's entertainment, attractions for toddlers and excursions for teens. Today I will tell you how to spend your time and what to visit in Phuket with children.

Phuket beaches and children's hotels

An important role in resting with a child is played by the choice of a beach and a hotel, where there would be a kids club or a playground. It is worth paying attention to which kids will like because of the shallow entrance. suitable for families with teenagers who love deeper sea and water sports. On the beaches of Nai Harn and you can sunbathe and swim with the whole family, and in the evening stroll to the nearest restaurants. Fans of a relaxing holiday should pay attention to Surin and Nai Thon, there are not many people here, but there is enough infrastructure. Read my selection of children's hotels in Phuket.

Coming to Phuket with children, it is worth visiting local parks and excursions. And here there are already questions for you: what does your child like, what is he hobbies for, what will he be interested in? Maybe your blonde daughter is dreaming about horseback riding, and your restless little son likes surfing and water skiing? As a teenager, it was difficult to lure me to rest by the beach and the sea, trips along ancient cities with castles, active sports, amusement parks with roller coasters and diving courses. Below I give a list of attractions and excursions that, in my opinion, are worth considering for families with children.

Fantasea Park and Show

The Fantasea amusement park and show will appeal to children from 3-4 years old. On the territory of the village itself there are many shops with souvenirs, attractions in which, having shown dexterity and accuracy, you can win toys, in the tiger kingdom you will see white tigers, in the pond - giant catfish and colorful carps, and between dinner and a show, children can feed elephants or ride them.

Siam Niramit Park and Show

Another cultural village, where houses of different Thai styles are located, where traditional handicrafts are presented, real goats and buffaloes stand in corrals, and villagers prefer to have fun at the floating market with dancing and music. It will be interesting for you and your children to take pictures with painted umbrellas, in Thai costumes, in Phi Ta Khon masks, see how figures for the shadow theater are made, how batik is painted and much more.

Golf at Dino Park

A restaurant for the whole family is located on Kata Beach. In Dino Park you can not only have lunch or dinner, but also play mini golf. Unlike regular adult courses, the design is inspired by Jurassic Park and the Flintstones cartoon. 18 holes is not a lot, and not a little. And the most exciting thing is dinosaurs all around. After a fun game, grab a bite and relax by the waterfall at Dino Park Restaurant.

Phuket Adventure Mini Golf

If you live in a hotel on the northwestern beaches, then going to play golf on Kata Beach is a long way off. A great solution is to visit Phuket Adventure Mini Golf on Bangtao Beach, near Arinara Hotel Bangtao Beach Resort. The 18-hole course is suitable for both children and adult beginners. After the game, stay in the restaurant for traditional Thai dishes and a children's menu: pasta, pizza, burgers.

Seashell Museum

Many kids love to collect seashells. You can view a rich collection of beautiful and unique shells in the Sea Shell Museum. There are both exhibits from Thailand and the rarest shells from Europe and New Caledonia. Some of them are over a hundred million years old.

Phuket Zoo

Phuket aquarium

Phuket Aquarium is located at the Biological Research Center for Marine Life at Cape Panwa. Your children will be happy to see colorful reef fish, sharks, cuttlefish, seahorses, eels, crabs and other inhabitants of the underwater world, and a ray floating in the underwater tunnel directly overhead will make you gasp with delight. Recently, a contact pool was opened in the aquarium, where those who wish can touch starfish, sea cucumbers and other bottom living creatures.

Bird park

Great fun for the whole family is the bird park. Firstly, there is a show with feathered artists three times a day, where your children can participate. Secondly, on the territory of the park you can see colorful parrots, imposing peacocks, a brooding rhinoceros and even funny ostriches. Thirdly, you can take pictures with some of the birds, and feed some of them directly from your hands.

Botanical Garden

The chic botanical garden in Phuket has a lot to turn around for little ones and things to see for older children. Lots of plants, flowers, gardens in different styles, a fish pond, a waterfall and hundreds of funny statues. Here you can even visit a small butterfly park, as well as take pictures with colored parrots.

Tigers in the Tiger Kingdom

You and your children can get acquainted with little tiger cubs and big tigers in the Kingdom of Tigers in Phuket. Babies up to 140 centimeters in height are allowed only to the tiger cubs, while older and taller children are allowed to take pictures with adult tigers.

Dolphinarium in Phuket

Adorable dolphins and seals welcome you to the show at the Phuket Dolphinarium. Your kids and you will be delighted with the tricks of the nautical artists. After the show, you can take pictures and swim with the dolphins.

Splash Jungle Water Park

Fun at the water park located on Mai Khao Beach will surely bring joy to you and your children. In addition to slides for adults, there is a real water paradise for toddlers with a large flipping barrel, fountains and slides. You will also be delighted by a lazy river, a real sauna in the form of a yurt, a wave pool and much more.

Upside down house Baan Teelanka

This is real fun fun for the whole family. An ordinary house with a living room, a nursery, a kitchen, only everything in it is upside down, even the fish swim in an inverted aquarium. There is a labyrinth garden next to the house, where your children can run freely in search of a way out.

Lemonade club

The main task of the family club is to combine leisure for adults with active and educational entertainment for children. While your child is frolicking in the pool with slides or jumping on a trampoline, you can sunbathe on a sun lounger, visit the sauna, spa treatments, Pilates or dance. The club organizes fun birthday parties for children of all ages. On weekends pass animation programs and game quests that will captivate children for a long time.

Rawai park

The island of real children's entertainment Rawai Park is located in the very south of Phuket, near the promenade of Rawai Beach. For the little ones, a playroom with toys, a labyrinth, slides, carousels, a trampoline, and a climbing corner has been prepared. Older children will be able to play mini-football, basketball, climb a climbing tower and jump on trampolines. In addition, for children from 2 to 14 years old there is a water park with slides and fountains. While your child is frolicking in the park, you can sunbathe on the sun loungers in the green area or have a snack in the cafe.

Sheep farm

At Dairi Hut Sheep Farm, your kids can hand feed, ride a horse and pet llamas. This farm is not located in Phuket, but in the province of Phang Nga, not far from the island.

Surfing Surf House

On Kata Beach, close to Kata Hotel Beach Resort, an artificial surf site has been opened, where you can ride the waves every day, regardless of the weather. Those who decide to step on the board for the first time will be helped by an instructor, while professionals will feel free. If you don't want to ride, there is a restaurant serving Thai and European cuisine. Another surf site has opened on the first line of Patong, opposite the immigration office. Book your rides with discounts when buying online.

Big Buddha Temple

One of the most famous temples in Phuket is located high on a hill. Big Buddha, 45 meters high, can be seen from many of the southern beaches of the island. In addition to the impressive temple, an amazing panorama of the Andaman Sea and the south of Phuket opens from the hill.

3D Museum

Phuket Town has an unusual museum. It presents humorous copies of paintings by famous artists, of which visitors become a part. Be sure to take your camera with you, otherwise the meaning of visiting the museum will be lost.

Phuket Orchid Farm

Orchids are very popular in Thailand. Their flowers are used in hotels, restaurants and spas for decoration. You can see how exotic beauties are grown at the orchid farm. There is also an opportunity to purchase orchids for export from Thailand and issue all the certificates.

Observation Decks

Mining Museum

Shooting range in Phuket

For those who like to shoot on the island of Phuket, several shooting ranges are open: on Patong in mall Jung Ceylon, on the road from Chalong Ring to Kata Beach, on the road from Patong Beach to Kathu District, Thalang District. You can shoot from various types of weapons, starting with a bow and crossbow, ending with a 45 caliber colt, shotguns and rifles.

Monkey mountain

In Phuket town, next to Khao Rang, on the monkey hill, better known as Monkey Hill, you can not only admire the panorama of the island, but also chat with the tailed beasts local residents... Monkey Mountain is quite popular with Thais in the evenings, dozens of athletes jog to the top and come back. Despite the abundance of people around, safety measures should be observed: do not anger the monkeys, do not stroke them, and do not use a flash.

Wakeboarding and water skiing

Learning to ride a board or water ski is easy. Wake park instructors will help you with this. Today there are two parks on Phuket Island: Anthem Wake Park in Thalang area and Phuket Wake Park in Kathu area.

Cashew nut factory

Phuket has its own cashew nut factory, their shops are located in the Chalong and Thalang areas. It will be interesting for you and your children to see how these amazing nuts grow, the processing process and taste cashews with all kinds of additives and cashew apple lemonade.

Horseback riding

Would you like to go horseback riding right along the beach? Such entertainment can be offered to you in the Laguna complex on Bangtao Beach. In addition to their equestrian club, there are two more in Phuket: Crazy Horse on Nai Harn Beach and Phuket Riding Club on Rawai Beach.

Karting in Phuket

For those wishing to feel like Michael Schumacher and get behind the wheel of a racing car, Phuket Island offers two racing tracks. They are located opposite each other on the road from Patong Beach to the Kathu area. Skiing is recommended for children from 8 years of age, and there is a possibility to choose a single, double kart or a special model for children.


Unusual entertainment in the form of a huge ball rolling down the hill is suitable for you and your children from 6 years old. The site is located a two-minute drive from Patong Beach, on Kalim Beach. The point of zorbing is that you are inside a ball rolling down a hill. If you have never participated in such an attraction, the instructors will tell you the safety rules. Please bring your swimwear and towel.

Flight of the gibbon

By analogy with the cable car in Pattaya, such attractions began to be called a household name "Flight of the Gibbon", although in Phuket the names are completely different: Flying Hanuman, Flying Fox, Zipline Adventure, Jungle Xtrem Adventure. Parks differ in the length of the obstacle course, the presence of cableways, height and length cable cars, which are fixed right between the trees, and the number of platforms. Great fun for adults and children from 4 years old. ...


You do not need a license or other documents to drive an ATV. And your child can drive an all-terrain vehicle from the age of 8, younger children will be able to ride as passengers. A sea of ​​laughter, excitement and adventure await you on your trips through the real jungle and mangrove thickets. Don't wear white clothes!

Elephant trekking

You can ride elephants and feed them bananas on mainland excursions. There are also elephant camps on Phuket Island, where it is better to go on your own. Check the reception for the nearest camping site. ... The elephant park is especially popular, where you can look at the good-natured giants in their natural habitat. They do not ride them there, but you can swim or wash an elephant. Book a discounted excursion online.

Transvestite Show

It seems to me that in our time it is difficult to surprise someone with transvestites. Especially in Thailand. There are several transvestite shows in Phuket, the most colorful and spectacular are Simon Cabaret on Patong Beach and Aphrodite in Phuket Town.


There are several bowling clubs on Phuket Island. I can recommend three of them: Jung Ceylon Mall on Patong Beach, Big C Mall in Phuket Town and Graceland Hotel.

Phuket waterfalls

If you want to see the multi-tiered impressive waterfalls, then it is better to head to the neighboring province of Phang Nga. But even Phuket has its own small waterfalls: the Kathu Waterfall in the Kathu area, Tonsai Waterfall in the Thalang area and Bang Pae Waterfall in the northeast of the island.

Racha Island

If you decide to go on a sea excursion with young children, pay attention to the island of Racha. It is located 15 minutes from Phuket, which is not that tiring. Your little one will be delighted with colorful fish and white sand, from which it is so pleasant to build castles.

Sea canoes in Phang Nga bay

An excursion to Phang Nga Bay is suitable for families with children from 3 years old. On big ship You will be taken to the islands and cliffs where you will be transferred to inflatable canoes. Careful rowers will show all the beauty of the bay, its caves and lagoons. Here you can see wild crab-eating monkeys, mangroves growing right in the salt water, and funny mud jumpers.

Chalong Temple

The famous Phuket temple is located in the Chalong area. Here you and your children can get acquainted with the traditions of Thai Buddhism, see golden statues and painted walls, look at the territory with observation deck pagodas.


An active full-day rafting excursion is suitable for children from 4 years old. Programs vary and may include a visit to a Thai temple, elephant trekking, quad biking, and a cable car.

Diving in Phuket

Snorkeling on the surface looking at colored fish and corals is one thing. Scuba diving, on the other hand, is completely different. Completely different emotions and sensations. Adults and children from 8 years old can try the first dive.

Phuket Playgrounds

In many shopping centers there are special corners for children, where you can leave them while you immerse yourself in the world of shopping. Play complexes for the little ones are represented by slides, stairs and pools with balls. You can find them in shopping centers: Big C and Tesco Lotus in Phuket Town, in Jungceylon on Patong Beach. For kids older entertainment represented by slot machines, car racing simulators, quests and other computer games. In my mobile guide you will find more kids clubs and playgrounds. Download it from the links or for Android.

Baby food in Thailand

For many parents, the issue of child nutrition is important. Just want to calm down, in Phuket there is where to feed the baby. There are Russian restaurants on popular beaches, and many Thai establishments serve familiar European food. If your child has begun to master complementary foods, fruit and vegetable purees, as well as infant formula can be bought in large shopping centers. Not all formulas and cereals are suitable for your children. For conservatives in food, I recommend taking everything you need with you. Supermarkets 7-11 sell yoghurts and milk. You can buy kefir and cottage cheese at the Villa Market mall in Chalong and Laguna area.


Enjoy your holiday with children in Phuket!