On the territory of Izmir was an antique city. What to do in Izmir or how to inspect the entire Aegean region of Turkey in a matter of days

Tourist replies:

If the will of fate will bring in Izmir and want to meet this city in closer, then I want to talk a little about what to see and where you can go.

The first thing that probably can rush into the eyes, this is towering over Izmir the fortress Cadifekale, which means a velvet castle. It was built by Lisimach, who was one of the subordinate Alexander Macedonian, still in the fourth century BC and served as a defensive structure for a long time. The centuries-old history of this fortress is quite interesting and diverse. One of the stories says that in the Cadifela Romans was tortured to death in 155 BC, the local bishop polycarp, whom they first tried to burn, but the fire did not touch the saint, after which he was simply brazed. The Church of St. Polycard is considered the oldest in the territory of Izmir. The walls of this fortress did not have few events and battles, one of which occurred at the beginning of the fifteenth century, after which the Cadifela was captured by Tamerlane. In the 16th century, the city and the fortress were conquered by the Turks. Next to the fortress, the remnants of the water tank remained, which was built yet by the Romans and has long supplied the city with water. During the first excavations on the territory of the fortress, a huge number of underground caasemates was found, but later they were chosen by various garbage. There is Cadifela and the Church of St. Polycarp at Konak, KadiFekale.

The era of Alexander Macedonsky includes the Market Square of Agora, which is in the Quarter of Namazhy. The market square played an important role in the life of the residents of the ancient Smirns, where various buildings were located as trading pavilions. However, after a strong earthquake, all the buildings were destroyed. In the second century of our era, at the time of the Roman emperor, Mark Avrellius Building Agora was anew. During the excavations of the first half of the last century, many statues and fragments of various sculptures of Ceres, Diana and Neptune were discovered. In 1996, excavations were resumed again, and partially continue to this day. Visiting Agora You can see the remnants of the gate, the preserved columns of buildings and fragments of sculptures.

Be sure to visit the central square of Izmir, which is called Konak Maidani. In the center of the square, a clock tower is installed, which is also called Kulesi Sat and is one of the symbols of Izmir. It was built over a hundred years ago by architect from France, Raymond Charles Pere and has 25 meters in height. The clocks that decorate the tower presented the emperor of Germany Wilhelm the second.
The area is considered one of the main tourist areas of the city, since in addition to the exit to the Izmir bay, where other urban attractions are located here, such as the Archaeological Museum, which contains the exhibits found during Smirns and Pergam's excavations. On the two floors of the museum, marble sculptures, amphoras and sarcophages, glass, bronze and ceramics are exhibited. Also here you can see the statues of Artemis, Pomadon, Demeters made of marble. Near the Museum of Archeology, the building of the Museum of Ethnography is located, where homemade utensils are exhibited, carpets, copper, fabric, and national costumes of different periods. Immediately recreated interiors of ancient pharmacy, typography and Ottoman houses.

On the square near the mansion of the governor there is an eight-marched mosque of Yahala, that is, the "coastal", which was built on the money of Aisha Hanoe, the wife of a rich in Izmir of the landowner Katipzade Mehmed-Pasha in the eighteenth century. And here is the Museum of Fine Art, where the paintings of modern artists of Turkey and the Museum of Contemporary Art are exhibited. As you can see, this area is comprehensive interest not only among tourists, but also the locals, so it is always crowded and lively.

For guests of the city, especially Muslim religion, it will be interesting to visit the largest and old Hisar mosque, which was built back in the 16th century. The architecture of the construction in the form of columns supporting the dome of the mosque and small dome around the main, causes considerable interest.

It is also worth visiting one of the favorite seizites of the city in which the Park of Culture and Leisure is. Here on the square about thirty hectares, various children's and golf slopes, tennis, parachute tows and pools are located. There is even a small zoo, an archaeological museum and the Museum of Agriculture. You can spend the leisure by visiting the theater or the summer cinema, however, the repertoire of that and the other will be in Turkish. If you get in the period from August 20 to September 20, you can become a visitor to the International Izmir Trade Fair, which is held annually during this period of time for over eighties. Here, with its products, representatives from all over the world are coming out, so it is of great interest and wears the status of international. A variety of cultural events and festivals are often held in the park, especially during the Fair, for more visitors to attract. In the park located on the territory of the park and restaurants you can have a pleasant time, tasted with national Turkish cuisine and various drinks. And the pearl of the Park of Culture and Leisure is rightfully considered a picturesque artificial lake with an island. By the number of vegetation, the park is considered one of the most green places in the city.

And perhaps finally, it is worth visiting the Assancer's lift, which is in the Jewish quarter and connects the lower streets with the upper. This lift was built over a hundred years ago by Nessim Levi, a rich local Jew. One of the elevators, as with the moment of construction, works at the expense of steam. The height of the lift is 51 meters and the restaurant is located on the upper terrace, where you can have a pleasant time and admire with the height of the surrounding beauty. Houses in the Jewish Quarter were restored and on this moment appear before tourists in the form in which it was originally built.

Of course, this is not all places in Izmir, which are interesting for visiting, but in my opinion those that I listed deserve attention in the first place. I think that no one will regret the time spent but inspection of the sights of Izmir, one of the ancients and beautiful cities Turkey.

Is the answer?

Smyrna and Izmir - brutal turns of history.

The Turkish province of Izmir is the reacted name of its strictly Greek name - Smyrna. Until 1922, the Christian and Jewish population prevailed here in the region. There was no Turkish majority and in the city itself. Turks called him "Gijar Smirna". The city was absolutely cosmopolitan and secular. The company worked 36 printing houses, 30 casinos, 57 hotels, one and a half hundred schools, there were many pharmacies, hospitals, beer, 15 newspapers and magazines went out.

In 1915, it was Smirna who became the place of the Armenian Genocide. Of the 2.1 million in the Ottoman Empire, it was waveled on the Acecs of Neemetsky diplomats at least 1.5 million, but all the greeks and the Greeks and Jews and Bulgarians. In 1919, the city was taken by the Greeks and the civilian population died again, the truth is not in such terrifying scales (1 thousand years). And 1922, when the Turks returned, the city was again a massacre (25 thousand dead) and then the Armenian and Christian part of the city simply set on fire. The remains of the non-Muslim population about 200 thousand from Smyrna deported. But it's all in the past. In 2013, the money of private investors was renovated and transferred to the Catholic Church Cathedral of St. John. There are 7 Christian churches here.


Resting in the heart itself is definitely not worth it. But not far from Izmir, but not in the city itself, there are excellent beaches. These are three plots: kuşadası, çeşme and alaçatı. The first is located near the port of yachts and cruise ships. The second on the eponymous Peninsula, here many Turks live all summer, running out of the city. And the third is considered ideal for surfing, there is pretty windy.

Modern Izmir: Industry and Face modern Turkey.

Today, Turkish Izmir is a rapidly developing city with a 3.5 million population. It is considered the most modern and least religious city. By the way, more than 90% of the population lives in the cities in Turkey. The rates of fertility are high and therefore a lot of young people. In Turkey, school education is transferred for 13 years, there is a minimum wage of approximately 3.5 euros, and if the pace of development is not interrupted by the religious government, the country will be released in the first few of the most developed countries of the East. Compared with neighboring Greece, Izmir leaves much best impression About the country and the hardworking of its inhabitants! Getting to Izmir is the easiest all airlines. In addition to state, there are many budget private airlines in Turkey, airlows fly here. But the city itself is huge and densely selected.

Modern quarters, quarters of villas, industrial area and port, multi-storey quarters and historical Center "In general, this is a huge megapolis. In Izmir, an exhibition complex is working, a huge cargo port, there is an industry and a huge brewery of EFES. There are 6 universities, among which the famous Aegean University. The city is a good metro and subway system. From the whole country, the Izmir is connected by the system road roads. This is important, as the basis of archaeological attractions are outside the city and there is better to buy tours. An alternative can be a car rental.

What to see in the heart itself.

However, in Izmir, there is a tourist where to pass time. In the city, the ruins of Greek lie market Square Agora, and not far from central Square Konak Maidani Archaeological Museum with archaeological finds From Ephesus and Pergama. There are active Muslim temples, for example Khizar. First of all, this is the eastern bazaar Kemeraltı, on which tourists love to buy golden baubles. Famous Turkish baths are also worthy of visiting in Izmir.

The main attraction of Izmir is a city in different angles.

Important entertainment in the city is a view of the city itself. In the city itself there is still a tower with a public elevator ASANSÖR. At the beginning of the century, it was posted for charity, one Jewish banker to alleviate the rise from one street to another. Near the university there is a TELEFERIK cable. Look at the city well and with the elevation of Belkahve. Excellent Turkish cuisine is waiting for tourists near the alpine lake Shpertal. But look at the city and the bay even better walking in ancient fortress Cadical. About the fortress already told on the portal and it makes no sense to repeat. Sometimes tourists are having to look at the places of salvech çamaltı or on the lake Karagol on Mount Yamanlar.

Turkish leather products.

It is impossible not to say about leather products, as the trips to the factories are no less popular than religious and archaeological attractions. This is ordered by sewing from Turkish skin many world brands. However, the quality of sewing and skin is conditionally about seven different categories and you need to understand very well in the skin, even if you buy products right in the factory.

Ancient Greece - the ruins of cities and the perfectly preserved Ephesus.

Tourists ride in the surroundings of Izmir not only for the sake of the city itself, Turkish skin, inexpensive gold in the bazaar or food. The fact is that here the concentration of antiquity monuments and Christian shrines. Of the seven churches of the apocalypse, there are two, 75 km to Ephesus and 105 to Pergam. The altar and many other Germans were taken to Berlin and the museum on the island of museums and is called Pergamon. And Friedrich the second gave the Turks clock, they still installed on the central square of the city. So from 2 possible excursions Ephesus will be more interesting. There are still ruins of the Ionian city. Clauses near the town of Urli, Ionian Fawkey, the ruins of the Tesos, the ruins where Orakl Appolna Clall lived, just 20 km the famous rock reliefs, the ruins of the Eyes Skoring the Tower (Tempel) of Artemis.

Christian shrines near the Zhurzok.

There are two General Gathered Catholic Sensions House of the Virgin Mary and the grave of St. John on the site of which in Ephesus is the basilica of Justinian. Her remains are inside the Turkish fortress.

Despite the fact that both the ruins of Ephesus, the Tower of Artemis, the grave of John and the house of the Virgin Mary are located around the exercise, everything is increasing enough without a car or excursion and if you choose one, then it's more interesting to finitely. Ephesus. But all these objects are certainly worthy of a separate conversation.

Ancient Izmir is in the west of Turkey and is the third largest city in the country. In Izmir is also the second after Istanbul, the Turkish port, which goes on east Coast Aegean Sea. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 11.973 km².

Izmir - oldest citylocated on the territory of modern Turkey. Earlier - greek city Smyrna. Izmir more than once passed from some rulers to others, possesses richest history, starting another 3 thousand years before our era. The population, until 1922, was mainly Greek and Christian. Despite the fact that the city was under the Board of the Ottoman Empire, the government loyally belonged to the inhabitants of the Inovier. Everything changed the 1922 massacre when the indigenous local residents They were sent or killed, and the city became almost Muslim.

Izmir - beautiful city. Its location itself among the mountains on Aegean coast Already opens the view of the traveler unforgettable landscapes. Greek influence here is visible in everything, and first of all, in architectural monuments.

Sights of Izmir can be divided into 2 categories: from the ancient era of antiquity, and modern outstanding buildings and structures. From the Middle Ages in the heritage of modern Turkey there were very few monuments.

The Architect Quintilius dedicated this building to the Emperor Adrian. Elegant vaults of once beautiful buildings can now only resemble the original version of the temple. The posts on which the statues of the Great Times were supposed to be, and elegant frescoes and thumbnails were laid off from time to time. The greatness has retained only columns and a magnificent arch at the entrance.

Ancient Pergami

The lost capital of the Pergham kingdom. It was invented by parchment, after the import of the Egyptian papyrus was forbidden. This monument ancient architecture He could have chosen, but all fixed the random find of the architectural element in the Middle Ages. After that, a large archaeological company unfolded at the location of the discovery, thanks to which any tourist can be able to admire the majestic architectural monuments.

House of the Virgin Mary

At the top of a high hill there is a place to visit, haraided the pilgrimage on serpentine by 365 meters above sea level. It has been established that in this modest house the last days spent Mary Mary. Seven meets the amazing pacification of this place. They come here to pray and, it is believed that the desire to be mounted at the chapel will be fulfilled.

Genoese fortress

One of the few testimonies of the magnitude of the Ottoman Empire, which has come down to our time. Built the fortress of Sultan Bayazet II, ruling in the XIV century. The fortress was used as the most important military point that protects against the Knights of the Island of Rhodes, which regularly made raids in these parts. In the 17th century, the fortress was badly damaged, but already in the 19th century it was reconstructed, having placed a military garrison there. Until our time, the fortress reached the museum of archeology.

One of the largest Turkish cities is Izmir. In addition, this is an industrial center of the country. The history of the city is quite saturated. So, there are a lot of sights. The main of them are listed in today's article. Also described about the most important events that took place in the last century in the city of Izmir (Turkey).


Another name of the city is Smyrna. According to historical information, the first people appeared here in the third millennium BC. We will not tell about the oldest period in the history of the Turkish city, but we will turn to the events related to the sunset of the Ottoman Empire. Izmir and to the ancient times, and in the Epoch of the Middle Ages, the powerful governors of neighboring states have repeatedly conquered repeatedly. The population as a result was formed quite motley. At the same time, by the beginning of the 20th century, the Christians here were the majority. Muslims who lived in other cities of Turkey, this fact confused. With contempt, they called the Izmir "Invalid Smirnaya".

In war, which ended in 1918, Turkey suffered defeat. The contract was concluded. Smirna was supposed to go to Greece. Turkish nationalists who lived in other regions of the country did not recognize the terms of the agreement. In August 1922, they broke into the city and arranged a mass massacre. Most of the Greeks and Armenians were destroyed. The remaining alive sought to leave the city rather, which was also devoted to the Muslims of the Muslims.

Such is the story of Izmir, the attractions of which, however, almost do not remind her tragic pages. Before talking about cultural monuments, it is worth bringing one more interesting facts. One of the most famous literary works at all times is the poem of Homer Odyssey. Ancient Greek poet is also the author of the "Illiada". A little known about the life of an ancient writer, but according to one of the versions, his homeland is Smyrna.


Translated from Turkish this word means "elevator". Among the sights of Izmir have quite interesting mosques, museums and other ancient buildings. The asian serve is not the most beautiful of them, but certainly the most memorable. Nothing like that in another Turkish city will not meet. On the outskirts of the metropolis is not uncomplicated by various hills heights. As Cana is an interesting attraction in Izmir. It originated at the beginning of the XX century in strength geographic features locality. Unusual building connects two blocks, one of which is located on a hill hill.

Archaeological Museum

It would be strange if there was no such landmark in Izmir. The history of the city began a few millennia ago, during this time several civilizations changed, each of them left behind the trail. The museum has been working from the twenties of the last century. Artifacts found on the territory of the ancient Smirns and its surroundings are stored here.

In the museum building, many interesting unique expositions, one of them is outdoors. Already at the entrance to the museum, attention is attracted to an unusual mosaic, which depicts flowers and animals. Incredible impression The antique image creates, if you look at it from above, from the second floor balustrade.


Residents of megapolis do not surprise similar attractions. In Izmir, however, 80 years old there is a zoo equal to which is not in most of the European cities. A significant role has played a favorable climate that allows us to use natural natural barriers. There is more than one and a half thousand species of animals and birds. According to evaluation international Organizationresponsible for the state of zoos, the one is in Izmir, is the best design and design sample.

World of fairy tales

In fact, this place is called different among tourists differently. Namely the museum of toys. But the word "fairy tale" primarily comes to mind at the sight of the amazing variety of souvenirs, miniature American cars, German teddy bears, Italian dolls and, of course, the characters famous in the whole world.

The first collection here appeared quite recently - in 2010. For such a short time, the organizers managed to collect several hundred toys. Exhibits created in the 20th century are dominated. In the museum of toys, for example, you can see a porcelain doll made in Germany back in the thirties.

Another rare girl is a horse on a stick. What is her destination, the modern child will not immediately understand. Nothing like this has been done on the factories for a long time. The toy, which is included in the collection of the Museum of Izmir, was created in 1800. The interior of the premises is pretty proseted, to what the attention is paid, of course, few visitors. After all, the "toy" collection is able to interest not only the child, but also an adult.

Konak Square

There is an area in the eponymous area, in its most lively part. With the title "Konak" there is also a governoric mansion. What can I tell about this area in Izmir?

When it comes to similar attractions, they remember primarily the buildings nearby. On the one of the most famous Turkish areas There is a mosque of Yala, built in the middle of the XVIII century. In the very center - the tower designed by the architect Raymond re and erected in 1901. It is called Kououli Saat. The tower was created in Mauritan style. Its height is 25 meters.

This is a rather unusual structure. In the lower part of it, fountains are mounted, and the clock mechanism donated by the German Kaiser once, works more than a hundred years. Kulesi Sat Magnifier The Tower of Couxi surprisingly survived with a firebed by Turkish nationalists in 1922. Other city attractions: Agora, Cadifcale Fortress, Museum of History and Art.

He cooked Greece and approached Izmir.

In Izmir, we went for a long time in a long and wide bay. On the mountainous shores in the neck of this bay and lies Izmir. Seagulls flew over our vessel. The sea was calm and majestic. Weather, despite the middle of November, almost summer, sunny, but not hot.

From Izmir for the cruise participants, an excursion was organized in Ephesus. But we were already there, so we decided to devote time to familiarize yourself with the city.

The city of Izmir Big (3rd city of Turkey with a population of 2.8 million people) and is located on the site of the ancient Greek Smirns, one of large cities antiquities. The city by legend is founded by the queen of Amazons named Smyrna 3 thousand years ago. But from those times little remained. So much stormy story survived the city. And his earthquake was repeatedly destroyed completely.

Now this is a modern megalopolis with the subway and diverse industry.

We arrived at the port, quickly got off the ship and went on the embankment. Our goal was the local archaeological museum.

On the embankment ataturk, we went for a long time, but did not regret it. The embankment is landscaped, the sea is looking clean (but only on appearance - you can not swim in the city), there are few people.

Passed along the area of \u200b\u200bthe republic, Jumucheye in Turkish, with an indispensable monument ataturk.

On the way, they changed 20 euros to 60 lire in an ATM device. Caught Turks helped us in this.

Watched a fun scene. Elderly Turkish in a long dress and a dark scarf fed a cup of bread. When the boob ran out, she looked out the chips from the package into the sea. An empty package went there. Although the urns stood nearby.

And so on the embankment purely. Dogs, it is important broadcasting on the embankment, have yellow tags in the ears. This means that this is not stray dogs, but taken into account and received documents.

The sea with us was purified from garbage using a special large stitch.

According to Viaduk, arranged above the wide motorway, came to the Konak Square.

On the square there is a clock tower of Kououli Sat, which is a symbol of the city.

Sat Kulesi

Watches that regularly show time so far, the Turks presented the German Kaiser. And Sultan in response presented a lot of ancient marbles. So it seems that Sultan estimated his friend Kaiser: "I have a German friend. Good, only rustic. I am not a good stones for him, and he is such a wonderful clock. " Once the 25-Timest Tower, built in 1901, was high, but now it seems miniature on the background of modern building.

Nearby is a miniature mosque of Konak Jamia, decorated with blue tiles.

station of the Izmir metro

park next to Konak Square

Archaeological Museum

We admired these symbols of Izmir and went to the Archaeological Museum. By the underpass, it came to the place where it is designated on the map. Yes, here to find the entrance to it turned out not so simple.

archaeological Museum Izmir

At the prompts of the local woman came to another museum - Fine arts. Turks, ministers of the museum, we were delighted, and on the question: "How to get into the archaeological museum?", Answered: "Here is the museum, go to us, what's your difference!" Maybe they didn't speak at all that, but there was no meaning.

We approached, finally, to the archaeological museum, only on the back side. Through the fence we see some sarcophages, the remains of the columns.

But - not a single little man. According to the faint paths, along the roadway without a sidewalk, they reached the entrance. Bought a ticket for 10 lira.

The museum is good, the building is new, the illumination of the exhibits is arranged competently. Only there are almost no people in it almost.

Although when we left, led schoolchildren on a tour.

Market Keecelli

The Keemalt Market in Izmir takes the whole quarter.

Although we passed it on tangential, but something bought something. Prices seemed much lower than in Istanbul.

Well, and bought a glass of fresh pomegranate juice. When we were in, I really liked it. There he cost from 3 to 4 lir. And here is just a half.

While I bought, some old man came up. Asked how much I am. I admitted. He is in Loman Russian: "speak Russian?" I'm in response: "Well, of course. On what I still talk! " I look, the seller returns me my money and 2 glasses of juice pours. I did not understand, and the seller explains that the old man pays for me. Here is such an attitude in Izmir to the Russians. True, it was before the incident with Su-24.


Agora is second place after the archaeological museum that we wanted to see in Izmir.

There are ancient agora and pointers, and the Turks showed the road.

Agora ticket costs 5 lire. This is a relatively small fenced space, which focuses what remains of the ancient Smirns.

There are few, mostly columns and some basements with vaulted ceilings, but there were not allowed there during our visit.

Honestly, the marble columns are underlying - a messy sight. It is felt that monuments of ancient culture are on the periphery of the interests of the Turks. It is good that schoolchildren are found in the Archaeological Museum. Although it is not known how artifacts are presented to them. ancient civilization. Maybe they say: "Look, children, what disgrace was going on on this earth before Muslims came here."

Agora's inspection did not take much time, and we went on.

Izmir Authentic

For agor, authentic Turkish quarters begin. And I liked this part of our walk most of all. Homes here are low, the streets are narrow, often braided with wild grapes. People sit on the streets, children play. Immediately trade, and industrial, and meat, and any other. Immediately, Harchevni offers to visitors a bad snack. Real, Non-Unistical Turkey.

It should be noted that many streets in Izmir have no name, and on the map are marked by numbers. However, you quickly get used to such numbers.
A little wandered and even shouted on these quiet streets and went to the railway station.

izmir railway station

Park of Culture

And from there - to the Park of Culture (right as we in Soviet years). Passed through it. Good park, beautiful, with ponds, alleys, attractions and catering. From our almost no different. Isn't the palm trees instead of lip grow.

The park saw a small crowd of refugees, probably from Syria, consisting of men, women and children. They are raster and confused, do not dressed warmly warm, drag some things. Where are they wandering? A police officer approached them, something asked. And lagged behind.

Boulevard Kumhuyet.

Park passed and found themselves in a modern high-rise area, like everything modern areas Modern cities with shops, offices, macdonalds and other. The crowd is not much different from Europe. Just that there are many women in black headscarves and long dresses. But now there are many people in Europe.

But the sympathetic Boulevard Kumchuyet (Boulevard of the Republic). It stretches in parallel Embankment Ataturk Faces.

And now I was already jealous of the port with rising above it cruise liner Maniac.

We visited almost all tourist objects of Izmir. From the most important were not in the Kedifkale fortress (or velvet fortress), in the old Jewish quarter (the Turks at one time she was sheltered by the Jews expelled from Spain) and on Roman aquedels (but they are far away).

Izmir is not tourist centerbut I liked him. Just live in it, probably not bad. Yes, and see what. Especially in this city, maybe you will not go, but visit him during a cruise with an approach for one day - just right.

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The Genoese Fortress, located in the very center of Czech, was built in the XIV century. In those years, the rules of Sultan Bayazet II, which built a fortress to protect against Rhodes knights. After the assault on the Venetians, in the XVII century, the fortress was strongly injured and was destroyed, but after some time it was restored. Military garrison was placed here until 1833.

Now there is an archaeological museum. In the exhibition of the museum, the findings obtained during the excavations of the ancient city of Eritrea. And in the open theater, located here, an international music festival is held in the middle of the summer.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

This old one architectural monument dated by the V century BC. He is popular Moz Among tourists - after all, his ruins have been preserved to the present day. The temple dedicated to Artemis is included in the list of 7 miracles of the world.

The King Crop from Lydia was engaged in financing the construction of the temple, and Hersiphron and his son Methagen performed architects. The temple was a structure of a 51 meter width, 105 meters long and its colors height - up to 18 meters. Total temple decorated 127 columns. In the new temple, Artemis statue was installed, made of ivory and gold. Also inside the temple there were many paintings, statues, reliefs.

To date, only one recovered from the fragments of the column remains from the majestic temple.

And what sights of Izmir did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Temple of Artemis Efesse

The temple of Artemis Efesse is one of the 7 wonders of the world of antiquity. Once he was located in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus - is attached to the Turkish city of Selchuk. The huge, incredibly beautiful, delightfully decorated the temple was built in the 6th century BC, in honor of the deeply revered then the goddess - the patroner of all living on Earth - Artemis. The greatest masters worked on the sculptural decoration of the structure Ancient Greece, the main statue of the goddess erected from ivory and gold.

However, as the legend says, in 356 BC, on the birth night of Alexander Macedonsky, madman named Herostrat, wants to glorify, set fire to a magnificent building. At the beginning of the 3th century before our era, the temple was fully restored to the means of the Great Command. But in the 1st century of our era, he was looted and destroyed. The foundation and debris of the ancient buildings were discovered only in 1869. Now at this place is the only column that managed to restore from the found fragments.

the anniversary of Abdulhamid II is on the throne. Directly the hours themselves were presented to the German emperor Wilhelm II (the years of the Board 1888 - 1918). The entire design of the tower is sustained in the style of the Ottoman Empire. The base of the tower has four fountains.

From 1983 to 1989, in Turkish banknotes, a nominal 500 lir was depicted with a clock tower surrounded by palm trees.

It seems that in Izmir everything is focused on the tower with a clock ... And everything is just near it and meet. Romantic Mysterious Tower Building is standing in the center of Konak Square. The mosque of Camii is located nearby. On the square is always full of pigeons, and people resting on the benches can feed them straight out of their hands. Numerous tourists have the opportunity to make here just unique photos. Especially the fabulously clock tower looks at night when it is highlighted by multicolored lights of the lanterns.

Library Celsa

The Library of Celsius was built in the period 114-135 in honor of Tiberius Julia Celsius - Roman Proconsula, who had a versatile formation and a rich horizon. The Library of Celsius is the second largest after Alexandria and is a vertex of Hellenistic architectural thought.

The library burned down in the III century when attacking is ready, having existed for about a hundred years. To this day, only the facade of the building came out, remotely resembling theatrical scenery. The length of the facade is 21 meters, in height - 16. The lower tier of the facade decorate the sculptures of "virtue", "knowledge", "wisdom", "thoughts". On the left side of the facade there are statues of the slaves of the Mazeus and Mithridate - architects of this magnificent library, which received freedom from the hands of Emperor August after the construction of the library.

Mount Sipil

Mount Sipil, or Sipuli-Dag, - the sprog of the mountain chain, referred to as Homer. Mountain is famous for its complex rope, resembling an image of nations that gave birth to Son. Sipil, like other sons of nagob, was killed by Apollo arrows. Nioba, distracted from grief, turned into a stone - so tells the legend.

Mount Sipuli-Dag was broken by a powerful earthquake on separate parts-clocks. Also the earthquake was destroyed ancient capital Monya (Lydia), rich in gold, - Tanthalid, located on the slopes of the mountain.

Cracks and settlements of Mountains SIPIL indicate that the vulcanic activity of the mountain has not yet ceased. But today the mountain range is calm and safe, and is popular with tourists.

Warehouse walls at the Virgin Mary's house

The house of the Virgin Mary is located in the nightingale mountain (Bulbul Dawa) at an altitude of 358 meters above sea level. Next to her house is its monument, as well as a wall of desires.

It is known that last years Motherod's life was held here, in Ephesus. Also in this place the Apostle John wrote his gospel.

Numerous pilgrims attend it holy place, put candles, gain holy water from the springs and, of course, leave their cherished desire on the wall.

The wall is an unusual building in its appearance, which is completely covered with scraps of fabrics, sheets of paper, napkins and other materials on which believers write their desires. Once a week, the remained wishes are burned, and the ashes are dispelled in the wind.

It is believed that the mysterious desires must come true.

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Zoo in Izmir

The zoo in Izmir can be called unique in its own way. It allows visitors closer to get acquainted with the life of animals and the habitat familiar to them. There are practically no cells and enclosures in the zoo. Here you can experience an incomparable delight of animal observation in wildlife. The extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe zoo is thickly planted with shady trees and beautiful shrubs, here is present a large number of Ponds. For children there are many children's playgrounds. There is also a children's zoo, where children can stroke and consider such animals as rabbits, donkeys, horses and goats. There are two cafes in the zoo, in which you can always buy something to have a snack, and it is delicious and inexpensive.

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