Population of san tome. African island state of sao tome and principe

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SAN TOME AND PRINCIPE, Democratic Republic Sao Tome and Principe, Island state in western Africa. Capital - San Tome (60 thousand people - 2009). Territory - 1.001 thousand sq. km. Administrative division - 7 districts. Population - 183.2 thousand people (2012). Official language - Portuguese. Religion - Christianity. The monetary unit is good. National holiday - July 12 - Independence Day (1975). Sao Tome and Principe has been a member of the UN since 1975, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) since 1975, the African Union (AU) since 2002 and the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Geographical location and boundaries.

Located in the Gulf of Guinea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean off the western coast of Central Africa (300 km from the coast of Gabon and 400 km from Nigeria). Includes islands: Sao Tome (836 sq. Km), Principe (128 sq. Km), located at a distance of about 150 km from each other, and the small islands of Rolas and Pedras Tignosas.

State flag.

A four-color panel of alternating horizontal stripes of the same size - two green and one yellow (in the center). The yellow stripe shows two black five-pointed stars. On the left, along the entire height of the panel, a red triangle is depicted.


The islands are of volcanic origin. The relief is mountainous, with volcanic cones. Mountains occupy 2/3 of the territory of Sao Tome Island, and on Principe they are located in the southern part. The coastal plains are in the west of Sao Tome and north of the Principe. The highest point of Sao Tome Island is Pico de Sao Tome (2024 m), Principe Island is Principe Peak (948 m). There are many shallow bays on the coast, inaccessible for entry by large ocean-going ships. Length coastline- 209 km.

The climate is tropical marine. Its formation is influenced by the air masses of the Atlantic Ocean, mountains and swamps of the coastal regions. Average annual air temperature in the plains - + 26 ° (Celsius), at an altitude of 700 m above sea level - + 20 ° High peaks covered with snow. In the hottest month (January) the air temperature in the plains can rise to + 30 °, and in the coldest month (July) it can drop to + 20 °. The rainy season is October-May, dry (gravana) is June-September. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the southwest and in the central mountainous regions of Sao Tome (3500-5000 mm). The river network is well developed. The large rivers of the Sao Tome Islands are Agua Grande and Io Grande, the Principe Islands are Agulias, Banzu and Papagayu. The rivers are fast and rapids. The population is provided with fresh drinking water.

Forests cover 32% of the territory (2001). The flora of the islands includes about 560 plant species, but 19.4% of the species are endemic in Sao Tome and 12.7% in Principe. Rainforests survived only on mountain slopes at an altitude above 900 m above sea level. Peach and citrus trees also grow on the slopes of the mountains covered with dense thickets of tall kapim grass. On the coasts, at the mouths of rivers - mangroves... The coastal areas are home to bananas, mangoes, almonds, cocoa trees, coconut trees, oba (giant tropical trees), papaya (melon trees), cinchona and breadfruit trees. Since 1990, a forest conservation program funded by the European Union has been implemented on Sao Tome Island. Animal world not rich. The forest is home to the African civet (spotted and striped animal), wild boars, weasels, bats, bats and macaque monkeys. Reptiles include the black cobra, many species of lizards, and chameleons. The avifauna is diverse: sunbirds, many species of parrots, turaco, hawks, etc. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes are widespread throughout the territory. The coastal waters are rich in fish (shark, barracuda, flying fish, sea bass, needlefish, tuna). There are many shrimps, lobsters, land and sea crabs, as well as oysters.


Most of the population is concentrated on Sao Tome Island. Population density - approx. 183 people for 1 sq. km (2012).

The average annual population growth is 1.996%.

Birth rate - 37.02 per 1000 people, mortality - 7.93 per 1000 people.

Child mortality is 51.83 per 1000 newborns.

The average life expectancy is 63.49 years (62.27 for men and 64.74 for women). (All figures are as of 2012).

It was formed from Bantu-speaking Africans, mestizo forrus (descendants of mixed marriages of Portuguese and African colonists), Angolarish (descendants of Angolan slaves), as well as contract workers from Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique and their descendants. 1.5% of the population are Europeans, mostly Portuguese. In addition to Portuguese, the Forro language (a local Portuguese-based Creole) and several dialects are spoken. Big cities: Nevis, Santana, Santo Amaro and Trindade (São Tomé Island), Santo Anthoño (Principe Island).


Christianity is professed by 90% of the population (the majority are Catholics - 83% of the population) - 2002. The spread of Christianity began in the middle of the 16th century. Part of the indigenous population adheres to traditional African beliefs.

State structure.

Parliamentary republic. According to the current constitution (1990), the president is the head of state and the supreme commander in chief of the armed forces, and is elected by parliament for a 5-year term. Has the right to be elected for a second term. The Council of Ministers is appointed by the President on the proposal of the Prime Minister. Members of the National Assembly (55-seat parliament) are elected for 4 years.

Chief of State: President Manuel Pinto da Costa (since 3 September 2011).
head of government: Prime Minister Patrice Emery Trovoada (since 14 August 2010).

The judicial system.

The judicial system is based on the Portuguese customary legal system.


Military service (2.5 years) is compulsory. The status of the armed forces was legislatively enshrined in 1993 (in 1992, the army and the police were reorganized into two police formations: one to maintain public order, the other to investigate crimes). In the late 1990s, Portugal provided active assistance in the technical re-equipment of the army.

Foreign policy.

Diplomatic relations with the USSR were established on August 9, 1975. There are no diplomatic representations on either side.


Agrarian country. It is one of the poorest countries in Africa, one of the largest per capita consumers of foreign aid.

The republic's economy is directly dependent on foreign aid. Receives financial assistance from the IMF under the HIPC (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) program for the poorest countries with high external debt. In 2001, international creditors wrote off US $ 200 million (83% of the country's external debt). Despite a drop in world prices for cocoa beans and an increase in fuel prices, in 2001 GDP growth increased by 3% (due to a 45% increase in cocoa beans exports).

The US and Nigeria are interested in the development of oil fields found in 2002 (its reserves are estimated at 6-11 billion barrels). The latter was actively involved in the exploration of oil fields and is estimated to receive 60% of the revenues from oil production.

GDP (official rate) in 2011 was US $ 248 million.

Per capita in 2011 was US $ 2,300.


Arable land makes up 2% of the territory. Half of the economically active population is employed in agriculture. The basis of agriculture is the cultivation of cocoa beans. Bananas, legumes, cinnamon, coffee, corn, cassava, papaya, peppers and soy are also grown. Natural and climatic conditions make it possible to collect two or three harvests of vegetables per year. Livestock development is hampered by outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis and African swine fever. Poultry farming (chicken breeding) is developing. Fishing is focused on the domestic market (fish catch in 2001 - 4.02 thousand tons).


Processing: textile, woodworking, sewing and agricultural processing enterprises (production of palm oil, soap and beer). There is an increase in production in the construction sector.

International trade.

Imports significantly exceed exports. The volume of imports in 2002 amounted to USD 24.8 million, exports - USD 5.5 million. 80% of exports are cocoa beans, copra (dried coconut kernel), bananas, coffee and palm oil. Export partners - Netherlands (30.1%), Poland (11.8%), Canada (9.7%), Germany, Philippines and Spain (7.5% each), Belgium (6.5%), France and Portugal (4.3% each) - 2002. The bulk of imports are petroleum products, mechanical and electrical equipment, Food. The main exporters are Portugal (51.4%), Germany (10.1%), Great Britain (7.6%) and Belgium (6.3%) - 2003.


58.8% of electricity is generated by hydroelectric power plants (Guega, Contador).


There is no railroad. Total length highways is 320 km, of which 218 km are paved (2002). There are 3 airports. Regular air links with Portugal, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. In 1992 modernized international Airport in San Tome. The merchant marine fleet consists of 24 ships. Ports: Nevis, Sao Tome and Santo Antho.

Finance and credit.

The monetary unit is good (STD) = 100 senimos. The exchange rate of the national currency in December 2003 was: 1 USD = 9636.3 STD.

Administrative device.

The country is divided into 7 districts (districts).

Political organizations.

A multi-party system has developed: Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe - Social Democratic Party, MLSTP - SDP (Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé et Príncipe - Partido Social Democrata, MLSTP - PSD), chairman. - Manuel Pinto da Costa; Açcão Democrática Independente (ADI) Leader - José Fret Lau Chong; "People's Party of Progress", NPP (Partido Popular do Progresso, PPP), leader - Francisco Silva; “Party of Democratic Unity - the“ Thinking ”group, PDE-GR (Partido de Convergência Democrática - Grupo de Reflexão, PCD-GR), chairman. - Arzemiro dos Prazeres.

Trade union associations.

National Organization of Workers of Sao Tome and Principe (Organizacão Nacional de Trabalhadores de São Tomé e Príncipe, ONTSTP). Founded in 1989. Secretary General - João Tovares.


Primary education is compulsory (4 years). It is received from the age of six. Secondary education (7 years) consists of two cycles - 5 and 2 years. In 1997, the OPEC Fund for International Development financed the construction of a polytechnic institute. In 2000, 579 teachers taught in the 71st elementary school and 20.3 thousand schoolchildren studied, in 10 secondary schools - 414 teachers and 8.4 thousand students, respectively. In 2001, 93.67 thousand people were literate. (49.19 thousand men and 44.49 thousand women).


Malaria, tuberculosis and yellow fever are widespread, and there are AIDS patients. Medical personnel are trained abroad.

Press, radio broadcasting, television, Internet.

The government weekly Diário da República (Gazeta Respublika), Labor (Labor), Notícias (Novosti) and others have been published. The news agency STP has been operating since 1985. Press (STP-Press), radio (since 1958) and television. In 2002, there were 9 thousand Internet users.


Foreign tourists are attracted by the pristine beauty of nature, volcanoes, distinctive culture and colonial architecture. The tourist season is limited due to prolonged rains, and strong currents make the sea unsafe for swimming. The underdevelopment of tourist services is compensated by low prices. In 1992, the tourist complexes Bombom (Principe Island) and Santana (Sao Tome Island) were opened. The hotel "Miramar" in 1995 was rented by investors from Germany for a period of 20 years.

In 2000, tourism revenues were $ 9.9 million. In 2001, the influx of tourists increased by 25% (7.2 thousand people). 30% of tourists are Portuguese, 15% are French. Visa regime. Most hotels and taxi drivers accept US dollars. Currency is exchanged in banks and large hotels; there is a black market for currency. Bargaining in private stores and markets is appropriate. Tipping is accepted (10-15%) in the service sector. It is prohibited to import and export products from the skins of wild animals, as well as products from gold and silver without declarations. Sightseeing: Cathedral of the 16th century. in San Tome, the National Museum in Fort San Sebastian on the outskirts of the capital, the former mansion of the first President of Angola A. Neto, Praia das Sete Ondash ("Beach of Seven Waves" - the best place for swimming on the island of Sao Tome) , Trindade, the waterfall of San Nicolaos and the extinct volcano Pico de Sao Tome.

Architecture, fine arts and crafts.

The architecture of the cities is done in the Portuguese style. The buildings in villages and on the outskirts of the city are wooden, built on piles, the roof is laid from boards or palm leaves. The art of wooden round sculpture (carved figures of people and animals) has been developed. Original lamps made of coconut shells, which local artisans decorate with national ornaments.


National literature began to be created in the second half of the 19th century. in Portuguese based on folklore. Later, works in the Forro language appeared. The founder of national poetry - C. da Costa Alegre (first collection Poetry published in 1916). Prose has been developing since the 1930s (collection Mary from the city(1937) F. de Almeida and others). Contemporary writers and poets: Alda do Espírito Santo (author of the text of the national anthem), Franço Costa Alegre, Albertina Braganza, Carlos do Espírito Santo (novel Memories of the present, 2001). Olinda Beja and Rafael Branco belong to the younger generation of writers.

Music and theater.

The traditions of folk dance are preserved: d "zhambi, ussua (the dance is similar to the European mazurka), tesha (common on Principe Island), bliga play dance. For several decades the vocal and instrumental ensembles "Africa Negro", "Sangazuza" and "Untuesh" have performed with great success. An indispensable attribute of holidays and celebrations is the traditional theatrical pantomimes of Dansu Kongo, Puita and Sokope (all age groups, and some of the participants are dressed in ritual costumes), as well as theatrical musical performances of the stlev and tlundu. The theater is semi-professional. The modern theater group "Pau pretu" ("Black stick") is popular. The Chiloli folk theater staged plays based on medieval European texts, one of them - Tragedy of the Marquis de Mantua and Emperor Charlemagne... The name of the modern actor and director Miguel Hurst is widely known.


Colonial period.

The history of the settlement of the archipelago has not been completely studied. The first Europeans to land on the islands (1470-1471) were Portuguese navigators Pedro Escobar and João Gomes. The exploration of the island of Sao Tome (named after Saint Tome) by the Portuguese began in 1493, and the island of Principe (named after one of the heirs to the Portuguese throne) - from 1502. The colonists laid the foundation of the city of San Tome and began to grow sugar cane imported from Madeira Island.

In 1522 the islands were declared the possession of Portugal. On the sugar cane plantations, slave labor was widely used, brought mainly from Angola. During the 16th and 17th centuries. Dutch and French pirates established their control over the islands for a certain period. Slave demonstrations forced many of the colonists to leave the archipelago. In 1753 the seat of the colonial administration was transferred to Principe. For nearly 400 years, Sao Tome and Principe served as a staging area for slave ships en route from Africa to Brazil (called the "islands of death" by slaves) and merchant ships en route from Portugal to India. From 1800 on the islands began to grow coffee, and from 1822 - cocoa beans. In 1852 administrative center became Sao Tome again. Slavery was officially abolished in 1869, but actually existed here until 1875. The authorities began to encourage the influx of new settlers of "counterattacks" - contract workers from Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique (from 1901 to 1928, 100 thousand people arrived in Sao Tome). Their living and working conditions equated them with the position of slaves. In 1951, the archipelago was declared an "overseas province" of Portugal. In response to the mass refusals of the population in 1952-1953 to work for the Europeans, the authorities burned villages and arrested the rebels. In 1963, 90% of the workers went on strike. The first political organization, the Committee for the Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe (CLSTP), was established in 1960. Since 1972, it has campaigned for independence under the name Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe (ACLM). In August 1974, Portugal recognized the islands' right to self-government.

A period of independent development.

On July 2, 1975, the independent Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe (DRSTP) was formed. The first president of the country was the leader of ACCESS, Manuel Pinto da Costa. The government took a course on a non-capitalist path of development. Economic transformation was complicated by the massive departure of skilled Portuguese administrators, civil servants and most of the contract workers. Under pressure from the IMF, in 1987 the country embarked on structural adjustment programs (Structural Adjustment Programs). On September 10, 1990, a new constitution was adopted, which consolidated the multiparty system and limited the presidential tenure to two 5-year terms. In November 1990, ACL was renamed the Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe - Social Democratic Party (MLSPP - SDP). Miguel Trovoada won the multiparty elections in April 1991. Following the recommendations of the IMF and the World Bank, the government embarked on austerity course. In October 1994, the former ruling MLSTP party, the SDP, won the parliamentary elections. The 1996 presidential elections were held in two rounds, as a result of which M. Trovoada was re-elected for a second term (52.74% of the votes). In 1997-1998, demonstrations and strikes of civil servants took place in the capital, dissatisfied with wage arrears and a 140% increase in fuel prices. In the presidential elections on July 29, 2001, a 59-year-old entrepreneur Fradique Bandeira Melu de Menezes won a victory out of five candidates from the Independent Democratic Action Party (IDA) (56.3% of the vote). After the parliamentary elections on March 3, 2002, 24 deputies represent the MLSTP-SDP in the National Assembly, the “Reasoning” group (PDK-GR) - 23, and the Ue-Kedadzhi coalition (a bloc of five parties) - 8.

Sao Tome and Principe in the 21st century

In the parliamentary elections in March 2006, the coalition "Party of Democratic Unity - the group" Reflection "and" Democratic Movement of Forces for Change "managed to retain their positions (23 seats). The Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and the Social Democratic Party of Principe won 20 seats, and the Independent Democratic Action 11. The Ue Keadji coalition did not receive sufficient popular support to take seats in parliament.

In July 2003, an attempted military coup was prevented.

In the summer of 2006, F. Menezes again took the presidency, having received 60.58% of the vote in the elections.

His main rival, Miguel Trovoada, from the Sao Tome Liberation Movement of the Social Democratic Party Principe, received 38.82% of the vote.

In July 2011, Manuel Pinto da Costa took part in the presidential elections for the second time. He ran as an independent candidate and won the most votes in the first round, but failed to achieve the required majority. In the second round on August 7, he defeated the representative of the ruling party E. Santo Carvalho.

During the election campaign, Manuel Pinto da Costa focused on the need for political stability and promised to address the country's widespread corruption.

Lyubov Prokopenko

Sao Tome and Principe- an island state in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Africa, 250 kilometers from the northwestern coast of Gabon. It consists of two islands - Sao Tome and Principe, the distance between which is about 140 km - and 6 more smaller islands.

By area (1001 km²) Sao Tome and Principe is the smallest of the African states, not counting Seychelles... Also Sao Tome and Principe is the smallest Portuguese-speaking country in the world.

The relief of both islands is mountainous, as they are part of an extinct chain of volcanoes, which also includes the islands of Annobon to the southwest and Bioko to the northeast, as well as part of Equatorial Guinea, and volcano Cameroon on west coast Africa.

The size of the island of Sao Tome is 48 km long by 32 km wide. On this island is the capital of the state, the city of Sao Tome. Principe Island is 6 by 16 km in size. The highest point of Sao Tome Island is Pico de Sao Tome (2024 m), Principe Island is Principe Peak (948 m).

The equator passes slightly south of the island Sao Tome, very close to the island of Rolache.

Rivers flow along the slopes of the mountains of the islands, the largest of which are Agua Grande and Io Grande on Sao Tome, as well as Agulhas, Banzu and Papagayu on Principe.

Sao Tome and Principe climate

Sao Tome and Principe climate- tropical marine, hot and humid. The average annual temperature is + 26 ... + 27 ° C. In hot months, especially in January, the temperature usually exceeds +30 ° C, and in the coldest month (July) it can drop below +20 ° C.

Most precipitation (up to 5000 mm) falls in the southwest of Sao Tome, the least (up to 1000 mm) - in the lowlands in the north. The rainy season lasts from October to May. The wettest month is March, when it rains 8-12 hours a day.

The best time for the trip - June-September, the rest of the time the islands are hot and rather humid.

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Population of Sao Tome and Principe- about 163 thousand people (2009).

Main peoples: Creole-speaking mestizos - 84.6%, Fang-speaking people of Bantu - 9.5%, Sao Tome Angolars - descendants of black slaves from Angola, Creole-speaking - 3.7%, Portuguese - 1.9%.

The dominant religion is Catholicism. The country has a strong position of European Catholic missionary work, which largely determines one of the highest literacy rates in Africa (more than 67% of residents have a minimum primary education).

The official language is Portuguese (French and English are also common).

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Currency can be exchanged at banks or large hotels, as well as at street money changers. Taking into account the fact that it is good, the currency is extremely unstable, the black exchange market is more developed in the country than the official one. The difference in the rate can reach 25-30%. As a rule, exchange on the street is safe, and cases of deception and fraud are rare. However, the usual precautions should be taken, the bills received should be counted carefully, and large amounts of cash should not be kept in places easily accessible to pickpockets.

Most hotels, large shops and taxi drivers accept US dollars and Euros for payment.

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Communication and communications

Telephone code: 239

Internet domain: .st

How to call

To call from Sao Tome and Principe to Russia, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 239 - subscriber's number.

To call from Russia to Sao Tome and Principe, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

mobile connection

There is an airport tax of $ 20, which must be paid before departure in hard currency (dollars, euros). The tax does not apply to domestic flights between the islands.

Last changes: 10.05.2013

General information

Official name - Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe... The state is located in Central Africa. The area is 1,001 km 2. Population - 163,000 people. (for 2009). The state language is Portuguese. The capital is Sao Tome. The monetary unit is good.

The state is located on the islands of volcanic origin Sao Tome, Principe and a number of small islands in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of the African continent. The length of the coastline is 209 km.

The climate is equatorial, constantly humid. On the island of Sao Tome - transitional to tropical, with rainy and dry seasons. The average temperature is about + 26 ° С, the annual precipitation is 1,000-2,000 mm. The rains are especially heavy in August-September.


Both large islands the countries are distinguished by mountainous terrain. This is a consequence of the fact that they are links in a chain of extinct volcanoes, which includes neighboring islands, some part and a volcano, towering on the west coast of Africa.

In medieval times, there was a law according to which any subject of the king could study Africa and discover new lands: at his own expense, of course. In 1470, the merchant Fernand Gomes took advantage of this law, acquiring this right from King Afonso V the African, during whose reign Portugal actively began to engage in the slave trade. Gomes equipped two sailing ships, hired crews, and on December 21, 1471, he discovered an uninhabited island in the Gulf of Guinea, almost at the equator itself. Since it was the day of the holy Apostle Thomas (in Portuguese - Sao Tome), the island was named after him. Soon a second island was discovered, later named Principe, or Prince's Island, in honor of the heir to the throne, who received a substantial share of the income from the sugar trade produced on the island.

A permanent population appeared on the islands at the end of the 15th century, when the local governor Alvaro di Caminha received a rich gift from King João II: Jews and convicts convicted or expelled from Portugal by the Inquisition were given to him. But white slaves alone were few, and di Caminha won the right to acquire black slaves on the continent. When the number of workers increased, the first sugarcane plantations were created. The volcanic soil of the islands turned out to be amazingly fertile, the area of ​​plantations grew. The work in the fields was laborious, and the colonialists began to import more and more black slaves. Already in the XVI century. the islands became the main supplier of African sugar.

At the same time, the conversion of slaves to the Catholic faith began, for which in 1533 Pope Clement VII created a separate bishopric of Sao Tome and Principe, whose rights were so broad that the power of the bishopric extended to the coast of the entire Gulf of Guinea.

With the development of the economy of the American colonies, where sugar production was cheaper than on the African islands, local sugar refining became unprofitable. From the second half of the 17th century. Sao Tome becomes a staging post for slave ships sailing between America and Africa.

By that time, the power of the Portuguese had weakened, so the Dutch East India Company began to exploit the islands, although formally they remained the possession of Portugal. The Dutch found a way to use the abandoned cane plantations: they began to grow cocoa here.

By the beginning of the XX century. the islands of Sao Tome and Principe remained the largest cocoa producers in the world.

Although slavery was abolished here in the middle of the 19th century, the treatment of workers by planters was extremely cruel.

Remaining in the possession of Portugal, the islands changed their status twice more: in 1935 they became a colony, and in 1951 they became an overseas province of Portugal.

Periodic disturbances among plantation workers became so widespread that in 1972 Sao Tome and Principe was granted wide autonomy, but led by a Portuguese governor. It took another three years of struggle for the full independence of the islands to be proclaimed in 1975.

Sightseeing in Sao Tome and Principe

National park About located on the islands of Sao Tome and Principe. It occupies about thirty percent of the territory of this small African country. Here you can see the hills and lowlands, overgrown with dense rainforest, mangroves and savannah areas. In 1988, experts included the forests of Sao Tome and Principe among the most biologically interesting regions of Africa and the whole world. About 700 species of plants grow here, one hundred of which are found only on these islands, 28 unique species of birds live. Obo National Park was established in 1993 to protect this amazing natural treasure.

Sao Tome- picturesque small town on northeast coast main island. Lying along the shores of the bay, this city is full of Portuguese colonial buildings and superbly manicured parks and gardens. The city center is small enough that you can walk around in a couple of hours. Must visit the local 16th century cathedral and National Museum at 400 years old Forte San Sebastian on the peninsula 1.2 km. from the city center.

Estate of Agostinho Neto with more than 30 colonial-style rooms that carry both the aura of colonial times and the revolutionary spirit of the first president. Old quarter Santo Antonio is an enchanting hiking destination and showcases a piece of the island's history through its buildings and narrow shady streets. To the north of the city lie stunningly beautiful landscapes, but unfortunately, few shores suitable for swimming. Civilization seems to dry up around the northern part of the island, where magnificent baobabs grow among the picturesque hilly terrain and tiny rock massifs. Poetically named Praia das Sete Ondes(Seven Waves Beach) 12 km. south of the city is one of the best places for sunbathing and swimming on the island.

Natural mystery is very popular Boca de inferno, which in translation means "the mouth of Hell". A place in the rocks, from where a stream of sea water rushes high, creating a powerful fountain. The spectacle is dramatic when a cascade of water crashes against black rocks.

Trinidad- a small town on the island of Sao Tome, which is often used as a starting point for hiking trails around the island. The most interesting among them is the route to the extinct volcano Pico de Sao Tome (2024 meters). Not far from the city there is a beautiful Cascades-San Nicolaos waterfall.

Sao Tome and Principe Cuisine

The national cuisine of Sao Tome and Principe is unusual and tasty. It includes both traditional Arabic dishes and specific local ones.

The most famous dishes are meat porridge with couscous vegetables; tandjia - spicy marinated beef with lemon juice and spices.

The inhabitants of the island are very fond of fish, which is abundant here. It is often served with baked bananas and breadfruit. Among the favorite dishes are: flying fish, snails, shellfish.

For dessert, tropical fruits are served. The island is very rich in them.

Sao Tome and Principe on the map

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Greener and more untouched by human intervention than even nearby Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe Islands are also safer and more beautiful than most countries on the African mainland. The nature of the islands, with the exception of extensive cocoa plantations, has retained the same appearance as before the arrival of a person here, and a picturesque volcanic landscape with an abundance of rocky cliffs and picturesque headlands going into the azure waters of the ocean, recalls the blessed Canary Islands or exotic Seychelles... Here, without undue stress from the "hordes" of organized tourists, you can get acquainted with the original culture, which is a "hot" combination of Creole, African and Portuguese roots with a light Latin style and rhythm of life. Snorkeling near pristine shores or climbing ancient, and therefore low, volcanoes or watching the amazing life of birds that are not found anywhere else in the world - the best pastime on this tiny piece of land in Atlantic Ocean... Lush jungle, clear waters and the colonial architecture of the Portuguese style, incredibly natural in its combination with local landscapes, make rest here a real rest for the soul and body, and some underdevelopment of the tourist service only gives the rest a certain advantage and is absolutely not burdensome due to low prices. North Sao Tome very beautiful and full of the strange charm of extinct volcanoes, which resemble huge pillars, some of which exceed 600 m, as if "growing" right out of the jungle. The coasts are lined with white sandy shores and have beautiful and clear waters.

Sao Tome is a picturesque small town on the northeastern coast of the main island. Lying along the shores of the bay, this city is full of Portuguese colonial buildings and superbly manicured parks and gardens. The city center is small enough to walk around in a couple of hours. Must visit the local The cathedral 16th century and National Museum at 400 years old Forte San Sebastian on the peninsula 1.2 km. from the city center. You must also not miss Estate of Agostinho Neto with more than 30 colonial-style rooms that carry both the aura of colonial times and the revolutionary spirit of the first president of Angola. Old quarter Santo Antonio is an enchanting walking area and showcases a piece of the island's history through buildings and narrow shady streets. To the north of the city lie stunningly beautiful landscapes, but unfortunately, few shores suitable for swimming. Civilization seems to dry up around the northern part of the island, where magnificent baobabs grow among the picturesque hilly terrain and tiny rock massifs. Poetically named Praia das Sete Ondes (Seven Waves Beach) 12 km. south of town is one of the best sunbathing and swimming spots on the island.

A breathtakingly beautiful hole in the rock massif Boca de Inferno ("Mouth of Hell") near the beach is one of the most popular local attractions. You can also take excursions to the many coffee and cocoa plantations near the city, which the locals are very proud of and sincerely claim to grow the best coffee in the world. Trinidad on the island Sao Tome is also a very pleasant city. Here you can visit the waterfall Cascades San Nicolaos close to the city or use Trinidad as a starting point for hiking around the island. The route to the extinct volcano is especially attractive Pico de Sao Tome(2024 m.), The most high point on the island, from the top of which an absolutely amazing view opens up. Principe- very small island... Since visitors to the island are rare, you will attract a lot of attention from local residents, therefore, universal adoration and indulgence of all the whims of the tourist will be guaranteed.

San Antonio- the capital of the island, with colonial architecture similar to Sao Tome, only more modest, and the very size of the buildings here seem to be some kind of toy. This town itself is large European village, and therefore all those hotels that are here are somewhat reminiscent of country guesthouses, which gives San Antonio a very patriarchal and cozy look. There are no special attractions in the vicinity of the city, but the very nature of this place, almost absolute silence (except for the sounds of the mighty "breath" of the ocean) and peace, are conducive to a leisurely and leisurely pastime on the beach or in the shade of palm groves, as well as diving, which, although not provided with a high level of service, are attractive by the unique underwater world of these places.

I'll start from afar. In 2009, before my trip to Mexico, I purchased a guide to this country from Konstantin Gensh (a pseudonym for writer). The guide was not quite ordinary, in places, one might say, hooligan. Was useful on the road. From which I fell in love. Upon returning to his homeland, he drew attention to other guidebooks of the author and slowly bought them up. The most interesting for me was the guide to Central Africa from Gensch. I reread it from cover to cover, and more than once. The countries of the region were one more dangerous than the other (CAR, DRC, Angola). But among this “dense forest” I have singled out one “pearl” - the island state of Sao Tome and Principe. It was the safest, most exotic and inexpensive. In the end, my dream to get (and check everything on the spot) came true in August 2013.

Square in front of the administration building in San Antonio, Principe Island

As a result, the warmest memories remained after a two-week stay. We went together with my wife, it was ours Honeymoon... I liked it very much: especially Principe Island. The nature of the islands is beautiful, the beaches are deserted. Residents are friendly. Food prices are not high. I will give useful information for other travelers: they rented a modest accommodation at a price of 30 to 60 euros per night, but not terrible. The visa was made through the migration service http://www.smf.st/virtualvisa/ Now, as I understand it, you only need a scan of your passport (<1Мб) и заполненная анкета. Когда заполняли мы - вместо скана паспорта, требовалось электронное подтверждение бронирования жилья. Делал его через booking.com - но в последствии отказался от брони, ибо на месте можно найти более дешевой способ проживания.

Now for flights: if you have a Schengen visa, it is easier to fly through Lisbon. In addition to the Portuguese TAP (http://www.flytap.com/), the San Tomi company STP (http://www.stpairways.st/) offers favorable prices - 598 € in 2 ends (I do not know if all fees are included ). A small plane from STP flies from Sao Tome to Principe: and tickets are bought through the website!

At the same time, we flew in a different way:
1) Bought for 579 € tickets Moscow-Casablanca-Praia (round trip) from Moroccan Airlines (http://www.royalairmaroc.com/).
2) Then from Praia (capital of Cape Verde) we flew by Angolan Airlines (http://www.taag.com) to Sao Tome for 300 € (round trip). The planes of 2 airlines are in excellent condition. There were no delays. In addition, we got acquainted with the island of Santiago in Cape Verde. The visa is issued at the airport upon arrival for 25 €. I liked Cape Verde very much too. It is more European. But the pearl of the whole trip was undoubtedly Principe - there are very few such corners on our planet! When buying tickets, Praia Sao Tome had problems when buying through the airline's website, eventually bought through the aggregator site http://www.onetwotrip.com

Upon arrival at the Sao Tome airport, they presented the entry permit sent to us by the migration service and a certificate of yellow fever vaccination. No other measures were taken to combat tropical diseases. They took repellents with them, for fear of mosquitoes, carriers of malaria. But as it turned out, the risk of contracting malaria from Sao Tome is minimal. We were told about this by Dr. Jose Prazeres, who received his medical education back in the Soviet Union and spoke excellent Russian. All patients with malaria received a full course of treatment at the expense of the state. Plus, the control over the newcomers is carried out, whether they are sick with malaria. Mosquitoes are only carriers of the disease; in the absence of sick people, they have nothing to tolerate. The only danger we faced during the trip: I was bitten by a sand flea on the heel, because everywhere I walked in shales on my bare feet. To prevent such a bite, you need to use socks.
In terms of accommodation, we spent the night in three places:
1) In Sao Tome (capital) at Casa Turistica Elitineide in rooms for 30 and 35 €. Simple yet comfortable accommodation next to the soulful Papa Figo pizzeria.
2) On Principe in San Antonio (capital of the island) in Residencial Palhota for 55-60 €. Accommodation is simple, but another alternative is the expensive 210 € Bom-Bom.
3) In the south of the island of Sao Tome lived in the Jalé Ecolodge for 50 €. Great eco lodges, I recommend. In addition to your own beach and walking in the woods, you can go boating to the island of Rolash, through which the equator passes!
Useful link with a list of available accommodations: http://www.saotomeprincipe.eu/stp_info/stp_hotels.htm

We learned Portuguese before the trip. Both my wife and I speak basic Spanish, it was interesting to figure out how Portuguese differs from Spanish. We also listened to ten audio lessons from Pimsleur and bought a small grammar book. As a result, they were able to communicate with the locals in Portuguese, sometimes inserting some Spanish or English words. English was understood by a few. But ... we met two San Tomians (doctor and engineer) and two Angolese (pilots) who studied in the Soviet Union and speak Russian well!

And now a few photos to explain what we liked about this small island state so much:

1. Sleepy streets of the capital at noon:

2. Embankment of the Gulf of Guinea:

3. The building of the former station, earlier a narrow-gauge railway was laid from here, allowing to transport goods around the island:

4. Now in the former station building there is an art cafe:

5. One of the evenings was lucky enough to get to a local concert. The girl in the photo mentally sang the songs of Caesaria Evora:

6. Cathedral of Sao Tome:

7. On the embankment of the capital:

8. Center of the capital. Sao Tome was our staging post on our travels around the country, stayed here three times:

9. Streets of the capital. Unfortunately, the sidewalks are falling apart:

10. Gas station in the center of the capital:

11. Old yellow taxis:

12. Central market of the country:

13. Freshly caught fish:

14. Local vegetables and fruits:

15. After a day in Sao Tome, we board a propeller-driven aircraft and fly to Principe:

16. Farewell look at Sao Tome:

17. We fly up to Principe. In the photo, the expensive resort Bom Bom for 210 €:

18. Immediately upon arrival at Principe, a picturesque view opens up:

19. San Antonio - capital of Principe:

20. Curious girls in San Antonio, Principe Island. They mistook us for Portuguese because of our skin color, they were not even embarrassed by our ignorance of the language:

21. Small fashion boutique:

22. People on Principe live in a simple but spiritual way:

23. Children in Porto Royal, Principe:

24. Banana Beach, the most famous beach in Principe:

25: Our friend Wonderlei. He was our self-called guide. He is holding a postcard brought from distant Siberia:

26. Wild forests and beaches of Principe Island. Great place for ecotourism. Studied on foot. But local drivers willingly gave us a lift, met a lot of good people ...

27. Typical dwelling, Principe:

28. Another house, Principe:

29. Happy wife: these coconuts were presented to us by a local peasant. As if I read our thoughts! The water ran out and was very thirsty ...

30. African children grow up quickly, the girl herself is 5-6 years old at most, and she already has a sister behind her:

31. Children on Principe are very friendly, as well as adults:

32. Our "restaurant" on the Principe. Temporarily put together structures for a city holiday. A dinner for two cost 5 €, it necessarily included seafood (fish, octopus), vegetables, local beer or Portuguese wine. Moreover, they cooked deliciously!

33. Hardware store in Principe with everything you need:

34. And a little bit south of the island of Sao Tome:

35. Old boat near Porto Alegre:

36. Selling vegetables in the villages:

37. Peak of Sao Tome seen on the road:

38. Also on the way to the south we saw many picturesque bays:

39. Territory of the Jalé Ecolodge. Our comfortable retreat for three nights:

40. Papaya and carambola grew in our garden. We collected the fallen one, diversifying our diet:

41. For one day we sailed to the island of Rolash, through which the Equator line passes:

42. The beautiful beaches of Rolash:

43. Island on the Horizon - Sao Tome:

44. Memorial site in honor of the Equator line:

45. Another view of Sao Tome from Rolasha:

46. ​​On Rolache there is an all-inclusive hotel Pestana Equador Rôlas Island Resort:

47. Well-groomed area of ​​the hotel:

48. Deserted beaches of Sao Tome. Great opportunity to swim nude:

49. On the last day of my stay in Sao Tome, I also had a chance to go to the "Hope" festival. Upon learning that we had arrived from Russia, we were invited to the concert for free. We listened and watched the main creative teams of the country:

A beautiful state - Sao Tom and Principe. We remember him with pleasure ... on long Siberian evenings!