New transport routes.

You can also plot the route manually, armed with a map, pencil and ruler. But if you find yourself on the route planner page, then another, often more convenient option is possible - planning a route online, one of which is offered to you on our site.

There are two types of route planning: manual and automatic.

  • When laying manually, you put a number of points on the map that form an arbitrary route.
  • With automatic compilation, you need to specify the starting and ending points, and our service itself will plot the optimal route, calculating shortest way taking into account traffic rules and the current traffic situation.

On the compiled route you will see everything car roads and nearby intersections, which will be very useful for motorists and travelers. A map with a route in the city of Moscow will allow you to plan your route and prevent you from getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

To create a route on a map of the city of Moscow, enter the starting point in the first field of the form presented below and the ending point in the third field. Then indicate how you will travel to your final destination by clicking on the appropriate button - “Car”, “On Foot” or Public Transport.” After that, click on the “Show route” button.

Not only guests of the capital, but even Muscovites themselves sometimes do not know what transport to use to make the trip as comfortable and as fast as possible. Here you can find educational information for readers about the types of ground transport in Moscow.

In addition, information is provided on what is the best way to get from one district of the capital to another.

About types of street public transport

It’s worth listing all the types at once:

  • trolleybus,
  • bus,
  • minibus,
  • monorail,
  • tram,
  • light metro,
  • Moscow Central Circle (MCC).

As you can see, there are many options for traveling around Moscow. In addition, when purchasing a travel ticket with a large number of trips or having a Troika card (a special plastic card on which the required number of trips is recorded at the user’s request), you can travel by any type of ground transport in Moscow. The exception is minibus taxis, where payment is made separately regardless of the availability of benefits or travel cards.

What is the best way to get there?

It is clear that there are many options, but there is a caveat: using a specific route may either turn out to be unprofitable, or the trip will take too long. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to study the features of each type of ground transport in Moscow.


A trolleybus is an electric vehicle that travels on roads along with cars and trucks, as well as buses and minibuses. It is most convenient to use it if the desired street or metro lies along its route.

Sometimes you have to abandon it in the following cases: traffic jams and congestion on the roads, frequent breakdowns of current collectors (“horns”) from contact wires.


Buses go everywhere, replacing trolleybuses and trams. In addition, unlike these two modes of transport, it has more degrees of freedom. This means that it can turn into another lane if there is an obstacle ahead. Largest quantity ground routes belong specifically to buses.

Minibus taxi

The most comfortable and fastest form of transport. As a rule, minibus drivers strive to get to their destination faster. In addition, it is always possible to bypass an emergency area or a traffic jam without difficulty.


A monorail is an electromagnetic track laid along an overpass. Several small trailers move slowly along such a road at a speed of no more than 40 km/h.

The monorail, unlike a minibus, is the slowest type of ground transport in Moscow. The only advantage is that you can look at the city streets from above, from a height of about the third floor of a residential building.


Another type of ground vehicle which, like a trolleybus, moves using electricity. But it moves along railway tracks laid along the city streets. It's good to use if there is no alternative. In addition, in some areas they are laid separately from the highway, which allows you to avoid congestion and get there faster.

Light metro

It belongs to the Moscow Metro, but unlike it, it runs on the surface and not underground. The light metro is available to residents of the Northern and Southern Butovo districts.


The Moscow Central Ring is a railway that has a radius of half the radius of Moscow from the center to the Moscow Ring Road. Similar to commuter service. In addition, it is the property of JSC Russian Railways. It is good to travel along the MCC if you need to get from one extreme district of the capital to another.

Below is an approximate map of Moscow ground transport.

We wish have a good trip and the lowest costs when moving around the city!

More than three dozen new urban bus routes are preparing to open this year in Moscow. The plans of the capital's transport workers for the coming months will not let passengers get bored. For many destinations, carriers have yet to be selected and government contracts concluded with them. Mosgortrans will be responsible for the remaining new products.

“New model”: everything according to the old rules?

The largest number of route openings is expected in August-October 2018, when carriers selected based on the results of competitions will be able to begin operating. A little over two years after the auctions for servicing 211 routes, there is a need to close coverage gaps in several more directions. They can be divided into four groups: “working on mistakes”, “new social”, “New Moscow” and “new connections”.

On December 28, 2017, the Moscow Government signed Order No. 763-RP “On concluding long-term government contracts for the provision of transport services to the population on routes for regular transportation of passengers and luggage by car in city traffic." An additional 8.88 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes in the next five years. (2018 – 608.53 million rubles, 2019 – 1,723 million rubles, 2020 – 1,762 million rubles, 2021 – 1,747 million rubles, 2022 – 1,820 million rubles and 2023 – RUB 1,220 million). It is precisely these amounts that the State Institution “Transport Organizer” will be able to operate under the leadership of the Moscow Department of Transport, announcing auctions for the right to service new routes.

Like last time, carriers on the routes will work for five years. More precisely, their provision of services should end 2,009 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the government contract. At the same time, they must start the route no later than six months after signing this document and then carry out transportation for 1,826 days. It is planned to compete between carriers for 29 routes, on which 197 buses will operate (145 large, 18 medium and 34 small).

First of all, they decided to “work on the mistakes.” The first five “one route” competitions were announced the very next day after the above-mentioned order was signed - December 29, 2017. The remaining 24 routes were distributed among three competitive proposals announced on January 30, 2018.

The maximum initial price of contracts for all eight purchases announced by the Transportation Organizer in December-January is 7.646 billion rubles. More than a billion rubles allocated under the same order remain “in reserve” for now.

"Work on mistakes"

Not in all directions, after the launch of 211 routes according to the rules and the subsequent cancellation of “minibuses”, it was possible to eliminate the shortage of transport capacity. In some places, the move was to “squeeze” the maximum number of flights from the capabilities of existing contracts (increasing the volume of transportation by 10%). In some places the routes were modified to the point of being moved to other areas of the city, in others Mosgortrans was called in for help. And yet there were areas in which we had to think about opening additional routes. Which, however, in many ways are very reminiscent of the old ones. This group includes seven routes.

  • № 324 “Metro station “Park Pobedy” – 2nd Mosfilmovsky Lane” ();

5 small class buses. Opening hours: daily from 6:30 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15-20 minutes, at other times up to 30 minutes. Route: st. Barclay, Kutuzovsky Avenue, Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street, 2nd Bryansky Lane. (only to the metro station "Park Pobedy"), pl. Kievsky railway station, Berezhkovskaya embankment, Vorobyovskoe highway, Mosfilmovskaya st., st. Pyryeva.

  • № 333 “Fedosino Street – Yugo-Zapadnaya Metro Station” ();

9 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:30, on weekends from 7:00 to 23:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 10 minutes, at other times - 20-30 minutes. Route: st. Sculptor Mukhina, Chobotovskaya st., Borovskoe highway, Ozernaya st., Michurinsky prosp., Nikulinskaya st., st. Pokryshkina, ave. Vernadsky.

  • № 449 “Perovo station – Cherkizovskaya metro station” ();

15 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:30, on weekends from 6:30 to 0:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 9 minutes, at other times 15-20 minutes. (in the evening – 30 min.). Route: Kuskovskaya st., st. Plekhanov, Zeleny Ave., Novogireevskaya St., Federative Ave., Svobodny Ave., Bolshoy Kupavensky Ave., 15th Parkovaya St., Shchelkovskoe Highway, Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya St.

  • No. 456k“8th microdistrict Mitina – Seryogin Street” ();

9 middle class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:30 to 23:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 23:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, at other times 20-30 minutes. Route: st. General Beloborodova, Dubravnaya st., Pyatnitskoye highway, Volokolamskoye highway, Leningradsky prospect.

  • No. 551k“Veterinary Academy – Semashko Hospital” ();

6 small class buses. Opening hours: daily from 6:00 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, at other times 20-30 minutes. Route: st. Young Lenintsev, st. Academician Scriabin, Volgogradsky Prospekt; st. Marshal Chuikov and st. Young Lenintsev (only to the Veterinary Academy), Volzhsky Blvd., Krasnodonskaya St., Stavropolskaya St., Novorossiyskaya St., Krasnodarskaya St., Sovkhoznaya St.

  • № 580 “Platform Chukhlinka – Samarkand Boulevard” ();

8 small class buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 10-12 minutes, at other times 15-30 minutes. Route: st. Konovalova, st. Mikhailova, Yasnopolyanskaya st., 1st Veshnyakovsky Ave., st. Papernika, Ryazansky prospect, st. Vostruhina, st. Khlobystova, Tashkentskaya st., Tashkentsky lane, Samarkandsky blvd.

  • № 974 “3rd microdistrict of Novokosin - Metro Cherkizovskaya” ().

20 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 1:30, on weekends from 5:30 to 0:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 7 minutes, at other times 15-20 minutes. (in the evening – 30 min.). Route: st. Nikolay Starostin, Novokosinskaya st., Gorodetskaya st., Nosovikhinskoe highway, Ketcherskaya st., st. Stary Gai, Veshnyakovskaya st., Svobodny prosp., Bolshoi Kupavensky pr., 15th Parkovaya st., Shchelkovskoe highway, Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya st.

Route № 333 prepared to support the route № 330 "Fedosino Street - Yasenevo Metro" on the busiest section from the Novoperedelkino district to the nearest metro station along its route. In addition, it will allow you to get from Novoperedelkino to Yugo-Zapadnaya faster, since it will go straight along Borovskoe Highway without entering the Solntsev microdistricts along Aviatorov, Volynskaya and 50 Letiya Oktyabrya streets.

Route № 324 on the section from 2nd Mosfilmovsky Lane to Kievsky Station will relieve congestion on the route № 320 , which here completely coincides along the route, being its semi-express version. However new route will become longer, reaching the Victory Park metro station.

Route № 580 will combine two problem areas served by routes No. 51k And 410 .

The letter "k" in the route number No. 456k It’s not deceiving – it’s really just a shortened version of the route № 456 (from the Mitino area to the middle of Leningradsky Prospekt). Route No. 551k not so simple: it will strengthen the route № 551 on the middle section of the route, but its ends are located somewhat away from the line of the “old” route.

Two new routes ( №№ 449 And 974 ) until the summer of 2016, they worked quite successfully in a different format - as “minibuses” No. 249m And 274m. Unfortunately for the passengers, they went to the “pilot area” of Izmailovo, in which, during the implementation transport reform they tried to make do with Mosgortrans alone, compensating to a minimum for the unique transport connections it did not service.

Routes No. 324, 333, 456k, 551k, 580 are additions to routes No. 51k, 320, 330, 410, 456, 551. In order to put things in order with transportation in the areas where they travel together, it would be nice to re-calculate the need for transportation in 2021 (after the expiration of the contracts concluded in 2015-2016) and revise the routes. But new contracts are also planned to be concluded for the “traditional” five years. This means that after three years, contractual obligations will not allow us to create optimal routes from scratch.

"New social"

Several routes with sometimes intricate routes will be open for communication local residents with social facilities (clinics, public service centers and others). They will continue the line " WITH“-routes, of which there are already 12 after last year’s changes, and by the end of this year there will be at least one and a half times more. The number of buses provided for them should be enough to ensure “social” traffic intervals - every 20-30 minutes.

  • No. C13"St. Novatorov - St. Innovators" ();

2 large class buses. Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 20:30. Average movement intervals are 30 minutes. Route: one-way ring – st. Novatorov, st. Obrucheva, st. Academician Volgina, st. Miklouho-Maklaya, st. Academician Oparin, st. Samory Machel, Leninsky Prospekt, st. Innovators.

  • No. C14"Etc. Karamzin - MFC Tyoply Stan" ();

3 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 7:00 to 21:00, on weekends from 8:00 to 20:00. Average movement intervals are 30 minutes. Route: st. Inessa Armand, Golubinskaya st., st. Paustovsky, Litovsky Blvd., st. Rokotova, Solovyiny pr.; Sevastopol Ave. (only from Karamzin Ave.), st. Aivazovsky, Tarusskaya st. (back – Yasnogorskaya st.), Novoyasenevsky prosp., st. Teply Stan, st. Academician Varga.

  • No. C15"St. Losinoostrovskaya - MFC Yaroslavsky" ();

7 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 22:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, at other times up to 30 minutes. Route: Anadyrsky Ave., Minusinskaya St., st. Comintern, st. Menzhinsky, st. Pilot Babushkina (only from Losinoostrovskaya station), Pechorskaya st., Yeniseiskaya st., st. Menzhinsky, Shokalsky Ave., Zarevy Ave., Shirokaya St., Ostashkovskaya St., MKAD, Yaroslavskoe Highway (also back along Prokhodchikov St. and Roterta St.), Malyginsky Ave., st. Prokhodchikov (back also along the Yaroslavl highway).

  • No. C16“9th microdistrict of Kozhukhov - Kosinskaya factory” ();

4 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 21:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 21:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, at other times - up to 30 minutes. Route: Lukhmanovskaya st., st. Rudnyovka, Saltykovskaya st., Svyatoozerskaya st., Lukhmanovskaya st., Kosinskoe highway, Saltykovskaya st., Kaskadnaya st., 4th Poselkovy Ave., Zlatoustovskaya st., st. Sverdlova, st. Mikhelson (back - Leninogorskaya St.), Poselkovaya St., Bolshaya Kosinskaya St.

  • No. S17“Kravchenko Street – Ochakovo Station” ();

7 large class buses. Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 21:30. Average movement intervals: 15-20 minutes. Route: ave. Vernadsky (return via Kravchenko St.), st. Udaltsova, st. Koshtoyantsa, Olympic Village Ave., Nikulinsky Ave., st. Academician Anokhin, st. Pokryshkina, Nikulinskaya st., Projected passage 1980, Bolshaya Ochakovskaya st., st. Lobachevsky, Aminevskoe highway, Ochakovskoe highway, Stroykombinat Ave.

Another “social” route will open in New Moscow.

"New Moscow"

The road infrastructure received from the Moscow region turned out to be so cumbersome and lagging behind the capital’s standards that even after five years they did not manage to improve it everywhere. If passenger cars have gotten the hang of driving on roads even with a temporary crushed stone surface, then regular bus transportation You can't run it in such conditions.

This was partly the reason why city “minibuses” remained in New Moscow - after they were canceled in “old Moscow” and Zelenograd. And residents of the villages of Evseevo and Kuvekino still remember how in “regional” times there was a “minibus” from them to Vatutinki and the Teply Stan metro station. As it turned out later, she worked without the necessary permits. But it was not possible to organize a new route “according to all the rules”: it is necessary to reconstruct and expand several kilometers of a road that is not the most strategically important. Nothing will change in transport accessibility these villages in 2018. But others will be lucky.

For the first time in history, bus service will be provided to several settlements Ryazanovskoe settlement. Buses will also reach Promyshlennaya Street on the outskirts of Troitsk, as well as to the nearby village of Puchkovo. The village of Shelomovo will receive connections with the village of Kyiv and the stations Bekasovo-1 and Bekasovo-Sortirovochnoye. Commercial minibuses connecting the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, Moskovsky, village. Mosrentgen and South Butovo with shopping center“MEGA Tyoply Stan” will be replaced by large-class buses operating according to the approved city tariff menu.

  • № 301 "Promyshlennaya st. – Troitsk (Shopping center)" ();

4 large class buses. Opening hours: daily from 6:00 to 22:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, at other times up to 30 minutes. Route: Promyshlennaya St., Kvantovaya St., Krasnaya Pakhra, Kaluzhskoe Highway, Fizicheskaya St., Solnechnaya St., Oktyabrsky Prospekt, Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya St., Akademicheskaya Sq.

  • № 302 “Troitsk (microdistrict “B”) – Puchkovo” ();

2 small class buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 0:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, at other times up to 30 minutes. Route: st. Police Colonel Kurochkin, p. Puchkovo, Troitskaya st.

  • № 305 “Rassudovo – Zverevo station” ();

4 middle class buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 23:30. Average movement intervals are 20-30 minutes. Route: village. Rassudovo, st. General Donskov.

  • № 306 “Bekasovo-1 station – Bekasovo-Sortirovochnaya station” ();

3 small class buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, at other times up to 30 minutes. Route: Bekasovskaya st., Kyiv highway, village. Kyiv, Kyiv highway, Central st., Fevralskaya st., Central st.

  • № 307 “Krekshino state farm village - Kokoshkino station” ();

4 small class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 23:30, on weekends from 6:30 to 23:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, at other times 30-60 minutes. Route: village. state farm Krekshino, Ozernaya st., village. Krekshino, Borovskoe highway, Zheleznodorozhnaya st.

  • № 308 “Krekshino state farm village - Krekshino station” ();

2 small class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:30 to 23:30, on weekends from 7:00 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, at other times 20-30 minutes. Route: village. state farm Krekshino, Ozernaya st., 1st Zheleznodorozhnaya st.

  • № 446 “MEGA Teply Stan shopping center – Solnechnaya st., 13” ();

10 large class buses. Opening hours: from 6:30 to 0:00. Average movement intervals are 15-30 minutes. Route: MEGA Teply Stan shopping center, Projected passage 139, st. Hero of Russia Solomatina, Institutsky Ave., st. Admiral Kornilova, Kyiv highway, Projected passage 5258, Projected passage 5259, Projected passage 5562, Valuevskoe highway, st. Khabarova (back also Raduzhnaya St. and Raduzhny Ave.), Solnechnaya St.

  • № 485

14 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 1:00, on weekends from 5:30 to 0:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 10 minutes, at other times 12-30 minutes. Route: MEGA Teply Stan shopping center, Projected passage 139, pos. Mosrentgen, Projected passage 139, st. Hero of Russia Solomatina, Institutsky pr., Proektiruemy proezd 133, Proektiruemy proezd 134, st. Admiral Kornilov, Kyiv highway, Leninsky prosp., prosp. Vernadsky.

  • № 509 “Station Shcherbinka – Erino” ();

4 small class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 6:00 to 0:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 30 minutes, at other times 60 minutes. Route: Butovo deadlock, Novostroevskaya st., st. Stepana Erzi, Staronikolskaya st., Ostafevskoe highway, Troitskaya st., Ryazanovskoe highway, pos. Factories named after 1 May, Mostovskoye, Razdolie, Armazovo, Rybino, Central St., pos. Erino.

  • No. 509k“Station Shcherbinka – Mostovskoye” ();

2 middle class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 22:00, on weekends from 6:30 to 21:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 30 minutes, at other times 60 minutes. Route: Butovo deadlock, Novostroevskaya st., st. Stepana Erzi, Staronikolskaya st., Ostafevskoe highway, Troitskaya st., Ryazanovskoe highway, pos. Factories named after 1 May, Mostovskoye.

  • № 953 "MEGA Teply Stan - Metro "Yugo-Zapadnaya"" ();

6 large class buses. Opening hours: weekdays from 6:30 to 1:00. Average traffic intervals are 10-12 minutes, in the early morning and late evening hours 20-30 minutes. Route: MEGA Teply Stan shopping center, MKAD, Leninsky prosp., prosp. Vernadsky.

  • № 967 “MEGA Teply Stan shopping center – Butovskie Alley microdistrict” ();

11 large class buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:00 to 0:00. Average traffic intervals are 12 minutes, in the early morning and late evening hours 20-30 minutes. Route: MEGA Teply Stan shopping center, MKAD, Kulikovskaya st. (back – Proektiruemyi proezd 680), st. Polyany, Skobelevskaya st., blvd. Admiral Ushakova, Venevskaya st., Yuzhnobutovskaya st. (back also Proektiruemyi proezd 875 and Admiral Lazarev St.), Buninskaya Alley, st. Admiral Lazarev, Projected passage 653, st. Academician Semenova, Projected passage 941, st. Alexandra Monakhova.

  • No. C18“Novovatutinsky prospect. – Novovatutinsky Avenue."().

3 middle class buses. Opening hours: daily from 6:30 to 22:00, on weekends until 21:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, at other times 30 minutes. Route: one-way ring – Novovatutinsky Prospect, Charoitovaya St., Kaluzhskoe Highway, Ofitserskaya St., st. Dmitry Ryabinkin, 1st Vatutinskaya st., Kaluga highway, Charoitovaya st., Novovatutinsky prosp.

Along the route No. C18 bus traffic was organized before the competition, extending the route for this purpose № 891 "Metro station "Teply Stan" - Novovatutinsky Avenue." Along its old route, some buses continued to operate under No. 891k. After opening the route No. C18 route № 891 will be able to straighten, connecting the village. Vatutinki with " Tyoply Stan» without checking into the microdistrict. New Vatutinki.

Apparently, simultaneously with the opening of routes in New Moscow at regular rates №№ 306, 307, 308, 446, 485, 953, 967 similar minibuses will stop operating №№ 22, 50, 46, 1011, 953, 967 . Commercial carriers will be “asked” to leave directions that are duplicated by existing Mosgortrans routes, - №№ 304, 398, 433, 504, 512, 521, 531, 577, 590, 592, 600, 804, 882, 887, 895, 952, 985 .

The fate of the routes is less clear №№ 53, 522, 548, 885, 894 and №№ 1, 2, 4 in the area of ​​Shcherbinka station, because they are not repeated by either existing or planned city Moscow routes at regulated tariffs.

New bundles

Several more new routes are responsible for the formation of additional transport connections in “old Moscow”.

  • № 300 "Belovezhskaya st. – Metro “Petrovsko-Razumovskaya”” ();

20 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:30, on weekends from 6:30 to 0:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 8 minutes, at other times 15-20 minutes. (late evening – 30 min.). Route: Belovezhskaya st., st. Tolbukhina, Zaporozhskaya st., st. Kubinka, st. Bozhenko, Yartsevskaya st., Krylatskaya st., st. Nizhniye Mnevniki, st. People's Militia, st. Alabyan, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya st., st. Lines of the Oktyabrskaya Railway (back also - Lokomotivny Ave.).

  • № 325 “Matveevskoye – Metro “Ramenki”” ();

4 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 22:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, at other times - 20-30 minutes. Route: Veernaya st., Matveevskaya st., Aminevskoe highway, st. Lobachevsky, Michurinsky Avenue.

  • № 327 "Metro station "Rokossovsky Boulevard" - Metro "Rokossovsky Boulevard"" ();

3 large class buses. Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 21:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, at other times - 20 minutes. Route: one-way ring – Ivanteevskaya st., Otkrytoe shosse, Losinoostrovskaya st., Permskaya st., Losinoostrovskaya st., Otkrytoe shosse, Ivanteevskaya st.

  • № 523 “5th microdistrict of Northern Butovo - Butovo Station” ();

6 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:00, on weekends from 6:00 to 0:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 12 minutes, at other times 20-30 minutes. Route: Starobitsevskaya st., Starokachalovskaya st., blvd. Dmitry Donskoy, st. Academician Glushko, st. Polyany, Skobelevskaya st.; Venevskaya st. (only from the 5th microdistrict of Northern Butovo), Projected passage 666, 1st Mirgorodsky lane.

Using a route № 327 The industrial zone on Permskaya Street will finally receive direct communication with the nearest metro station, which opened more than a quarter of a century ago. The Northern and Southern Butovo districts will be connected by another route - № 523 , providing transportation to the Butovo station, through which one of the first two lines will pass. Route № 300 together with the converted one, it will provide direct communication along most of the North-Western Expressway, including the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel. Thanks to the route № 325 the capital's Matveevskoye district will receive a connection with the Ramenki metro station, which opened last year.

The metro is still being dug, but the routes have already been drawn

The number of Moscow metro stations will definitely increase this year. But information about changes in public transport routes will be made public closer to the opening dates of new lines. However, two changes in the operation of city routes are planned taking into account the unfinished Okruzhnaya metro station, the launch of which, according to optimistic forecasts, will happen in the spring of this year.

Route No. 24k“VDNKh Hotels – Maryina Roshcha Metro” in the direction of Maryina Roshcha will depart from the hotels along the designed passage 1564A and Gostinichny Proezd, where the Okruzhnaya Metro stop is planned, then leaving on Gostinichnaya Street and then on its usual route.

And the bus route No. 677k will not remain at the metro stations and the Vladykino MCC, having been reduced to the Okruzhnaya station. However, the turn will be made along a new route - through Lokomotivny Ave., Station St., Gostinichny Ave., Gostinichnaya St., Stantsionnaya St. with the introduction of the “Metro Okruzhnaya” stop.

It is possible that a change in the trolleybus route will be timed to coincide with the opening of the metro. № 36 “VDNKh (southern entrance) – Beskudnikovsky Lane.” Its route should go along Dmitrovskoye Shosse to the final stop “Dmitrovskoye Shosse, 155”. At the same time, he will leave Seligerskaya Street and Beskudnikovsky Lane with the boulevard. At the end of the year, it is planned to produce electric buses in this direction, and the infrastructure for its service is being prepared taking into account the new route.

The first electric bus routes

Started by Mosgortrans, with a positive pace of developments, should culminate in the appearance of the first passenger lines serviced entirely by a new type of rolling stock. According to the calendar schedule for the delivery of new equipment, serial samples should arrive in Moscow in September-November 2018, and the total number of operating electric buses should reach 300 units by the end of the year.

In the tender documentation you can find the numbers of 20 routes that are going to be served by electric buses as early as 2018. Taking into account their routes, the installation locations of charging stations for ultra-fast charging have been determined.

Eight of these routes are now trolleybus routes:

  • № 7 "Metro station "Park Pobedy" - Cinema "Udarnik"";
  • No. 34k"St. Kravchenko - Kyiv railway station";
  • № 36 “VDNH (southern) – Dmitrovskoe highway, 155”;
  • № 42 "Rizhsky Station - Metro Dynamo";
  • № 73
  • № 76 "Kholmogorskaya st. – Metro "VDNKh";
  • № 80 “6th microdistrict Bibireva – Ostashkovskaya street”;
  • № 83 "Ussuriyskaya st. – Metro "Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad"".

Another twelve are bus services, but four of them were previously served by trolleybuses:

  • No. T25"Ave. Budyonny - Metro "Lubyanka"";
  • № 31 "Ostashkovskaya st. – Metro "Bibirevo";
  • № 33 “VDNKh (southern) – Vladykino metro station”;
  • № 53 "Metro station "Bibirevo" - Metro station "Vladykino"";
  • No. T88"Ave. Budyonny - Komsomolskaya Square";
  • № 107 “Metro station “Filyovsky Park” – Platf. Matveevskaya";
  • № 649 “Yasny Ave. – Ostashkovskaya St.”;
  • № 705 "Abramtsevskaya st. - Metro "Bibirevo";
  • № 778 “Rizhsky Station – Spartakovskaya Square”;
  • № 832 "Krylatskoye - Sports Center "Krylatskoye"";
  • B"Garden Ring" (inner);
  • B"Garden Ring" (outer).

Trolleybuses or buses?

The Moscow Department of Transport has approved changes to the register of city regular transport routes, according to which trolleybus services should be replaced by bus services on several routes. There is no urgent technical need for this, because the installation of the contact network, provided for by the reconstruction project, continues on Tverskaya Zastava Square.

In addition to the routes extended at the beginning of autumn, trolleybus routes №№ 20 "Serebryany Bor - Belorussky railway station», 70 "Bratsevo - Belorussky Station" 82 "MPS Hospital - Belorussky Station" and 56 “Bazovskaya Street – 2nd Lesnoy Lane” will also be able to reach Tverskaya Zastava without changing the mode of transport. The restored contact network will also allow the resumption of trolleybus service on the route № 18 . However, it is still unknown whether trolleybuses will travel along Tverskaya Zastava.

The feasibility of extending the route № 82 to Tverskaya Zastava generally raises questions. At one time, it was organized as a replacement for the tram line removed from Leningradsky Prospekt and 1st Botkinsky Proezd. Due to traffic conditions, the connection between the area adjacent to the Botkin Hospital and Leningradsky Prospekt is only possible with an extended U-turn under the Tverskoy overpass. Extending this trip by an extra kilometer with several traffic light objects on the way will only worsen the conditions for transporting passengers for which the route was created at one time. At the same time, the connection between Tverskaya Zastava and Leningradsky Prospekt and the beginning of Volokolamsk Highway is provided by routes No. m1, N1, 456, 904, 904k, to which the route can also join No. 70 (T70).

Echoes of "My Street"

The bus route should be operational approximately in April. № 216 "Luzhniki Stadium (south) - Krasnopresnenskaya metro station." Its route will pass along the embankments of the Moscow River, reconstructed in 2017, taking into account the organization of regular passenger traffic. Buses will travel along Novoluzhnetsky Prospekt, Luzhnetskaya and Frunzenskaya embankments, st. Khamovnichesky Val, Luzhnetsky and Novodevichy Ave., Savvinskaya, Rostovskaya, Smolenskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya embankments, pl. Free Russia, Konyushkovskaya st. and st. Zamorenova. Four medium and large class buses are planned to operate on the route. Passengers will be received by new stops “Novodevichy Cemetery”, “Novodevichy Monastery”, “Novodevichy Prospect”, “Savvinskaya Embankment”, “Moskovsky Silk”, “2nd Lane”. Workers", "Bogdan Khmelnitsky Bridge", "Smolenskaya Embankment" and "Novoarbatsky Bridge".

Even more routes for the MCC

In the coming weeks, it is likely that the issue of transporting passengers to the Likhobory MCC station will be settled. The new access road (Projected Passage No. 490) was in a high degree of readiness back in the fall of 2016. However, until now the movement of buses along it has not been organized. In the year and a half that has passed since the inclusion of bus routes to the Likhobory station in the city register, one of them, without working even a day, managed to change its number. "Virtual" route No. 123k“Metro station “Petrovsko-Razumovskaya” – St. Likhobory" assigned № 323 , under which he will start working. It will take place along Lokomotivny Prospekt, st. Oktyabrskaya Lines railway, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya St., 4th Novomikhalkovsky Ave. and Proektiruemye Proezd No. 490.

From the “NAMI” stop you should move to the Likhobory station and the final stops of bus routes №№ 22 "St. March 8 – NAMI” and 139 "Metro station "Vodny Stadion" - NAMI."

The bus route was restored on December 26, 2017 after the opening of the reconstructed White Stone overpass № 75 still does not call at the stop "Belokamennaya Station" provided by the register between the stops "Training Center of the Ministry of Health" and "Yauzskaya Alley". Unlike Likhobor, there are no positive developments in the construction of an access road to the MCC station.

One can only guess whether another “frozen” route connected to the MCC will start operating this year - № 47 "Metro "Technopark" - ZIL station." Road construction in the area of ​​​​the ZIL built-up territory is being carried out quite actively. But whether everything will be ready to launch buses here, only time will tell.

Two more routes long ago approved by the Moscow Department of Transport could improve communication with the MCC stations Rokossovsky Boulevard and Lokomotiv. Their non-operation can only be explained by organizational reasons of the carrier - for example, a shortage of buses or drivers. The road conditions along their routes are not satisfactory: any of the roads they use are already used by other public transport.

The first is the route № 783 "Kamchatskaya street - Metro "Rokossovsky Boulevard"". Its route will pass along Khabarovskaya, Baikalskaya and Irkutskaya streets, 2nd Irtyshsky passage, Montazhnaya street, st. Nikolai Khimushin, Tagilskaya st., Otkrytomu sh. and Ivanteevskaya st. 10 large-class SUE Mosgortrans buses should operate here.

The second is a semi-express bus route № 941 “Kamchatskaya Street - Metro “Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad””, which is planned to run along Khabarovskaya Street, Shchelkovsky Highway. and Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya street. with intermediate stops “Khabarovskaya Street, 20”, “Altaiskaya Street”, “Baikalskaya Street”, “Khabarovskaya Street”, “Metro Shchelkovskaya”, “Kaloshino”, “PO Sokol”, “Metro Cherkizovskaya” and "Khalturinskaya street". 16 Mosgortrans buses of large and extra large classes should be on the route.

From Tverskaya Zastava to Kurkino

The bus route to Tverskaya Zastava was extended last year № 905 according to previously approved plans, it should extend beyond the Moscow Ring Road. Instead of the terminal station that was once built “in an open field” in the area of ​​the 75th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, it will reach the residential area of ​​Kurkino. The new section of the route will run along the Leningradskoye Highway, MKAD, Proektiruemye Proezd No. 6699, Novokurkinskoye Highway. and Sokolovo-Meshcherskaya st. Here the semi-express route will follow all stops along the route - while on Leningradskoye Shosse and Leningradsky Prospekt buses pick up and drop off passengers only at junction stops.

How long can you expect changes?

For the twenty-nine new routes on which competitions are currently being held, carriers have not yet been identified, and this information is not included in the city register of routes. That is why passengers cannot use them yet. It is necessary to wait for the completion of the competitive selection, the conclusion of the government contract and the fulfillment of the preparatory conditions provided for by it.

The situation is different with approved routes for which the carrier has long been known, and this is the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans. A whole group of routes either operate along old routes that the registry has already abandoned, or do not operate at all (routes №№ 783, 941 ).

Back in 2016, changes to bus routes were adopted №№ 76 And 803 in the area of ​​the VDNH metro station, which would make it possible to bring the stops closer to the vestibule of the VDNH metro station. Instead of the final station “VDNH (northern)”, the register of routes provides for a new terminal on Kosmonavtov Street. And the route includes Ostankino Passage and Mira Avenue instead of Prodolny Proezd. In fact, for almost two years now, Mosgortrans has been ignoring the routes established by the register, and passengers are not receiving the promised and desired service on many routes.

Meanwhile, the route registry should reflect up-to-date information about current regular transportation routes. From the moment the changes are approved (or the date of entry into force of the changes is announced), carriers are required to work according to the new parameters. And to indicate intentions and long-term plans, there is the concept of planning documents for regular transportation. With its help, you can resolve all possible conflicts between long-term plans and the current one. route network, indicating the timing of the planned changes and the necessary procedures for the start of transportation.

However, Moscow, unlike other regions, has not yet mastered such a format. As a result, it is extremely difficult to figure out where the carriers themselves drive in violation of the routes, working according to old schemes, and where, on the contrary, the bold plans of the Department are not supported by the necessary road conditions. Only one thing remains clear: passengers on many routes do not have the opportunity to use routes that exist only “on paper.”

Among the Moscow tram routes, the registry of city routes also plans changes, about which TR. ru. The exact dates have not yet been announced, and in general it is unknown whether they will fall in 2018.

Let's consider an important topic for our capital - public transport and all the nuances relating to it.

What types of transport can you use in Moscow? The choice is great: ground transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams, minibuses), underground metro and elevated monorail, railway trains and even there is an option to travel by water, although it is used only for entertainment purposes.

It is also important to note that there is a division into urban and commuter transport, and since the first serves Moscow, and the second, respectively, the region, it should be remembered that the tariff and method of payment depend on this.

Now more details!


Fast and Affordable

The most common and indispensable option for moving around Moscow. By the way, the Moscow metro is also considered one of the most beautiful in the world! In addition, its length is very large (333.5 km in total) and it continues to increase. So it’s quite possible to spend two hours underground, getting from different points of the city. And this is the fastest option available!

It is unlikely that you will be able to pass by the metro entrance; apart from the bright red large letter “M”, your attention will be attracted by the huge passenger flow.

It's difficult to get confused here. The metro layout is clear and accessible, largely thanks to the ring line, which connects all other lines.

When crossing and exiting the city, you just need to carefully read the signs, which are located literally everywhere, including the floor and ceiling.

An undoubted advantage of the Moscow metro is free wi-fi. So, if you urgently need to connect to the Internet, feel free to go down to the subway. If you need long access, the ring branch is at your disposal;)

Opening hours

The metro operates from 5:30 to 1:30. Each station has its own opening time. It varies around half an hour. You must enter the metro and have time to transfer to the desired line before one in the morning, since at this time all entrance doors are closed and the last train departs from each terminal station.


In order to go down to the metro, the easiest way is to buy a “Single” ticket. It is called that because it allows you to travel not only on the subway, but also on buses, trolleybuses and trams, which is, without a doubt, very convenient!

A ticket for one trip, which can be purchased both at ticket offices and from vending machines, will cost you 50 rubles, for two - twice as much. You can spend them within 5 days, then the card will become invalid. And then another pleasant system comes into play: the more trips you buy, the cheaper the travel costs! True, the next figure is only 20 trips. But if you often use transport and stay in the capital for at least a week, such a purchase is worth thinking about. You can ride on it for 90 days, and it costs 650 rubles. Thus, one trip costs 32.5 rubles! Clear savings.

But what if you definitely can’t spend 20 trips, but want to save money? Take Troika! You buy a card at the cash desk, leaving a deposit of 50 rubles; you can top it up at any machine. And, voila, your travel on the metro and monorail costs 32 rubles, and on everything ground transport(except commercial) – 31! When you leave, return the card to the cashier and receive your 50 rubles deposit. But if you take the “Troika” with you with a positive balance, then within 5 years you will still be able to travel the entire balance on your next visits to the capital!

In addition, there is a system of unlimited trips all on the same “United”. For a day the cost of a ticket is 210 rubles, for 3 days - 400, in general, you can take it for at least a whole year for 18,200. Again, the question is about benefits.

There is another cunning system. It's called "90 minutes". Allows you to make one trip by metro and an unlimited number of transfers by ground transport during this time. One trip costs 60 rubles, two - 120.

In general, you can carefully study all these tariffs at each cash register!

  • Since there are usually several exits from the metro, ask in advance which car from the center you need - the first or the last. Once you board the desired carriage, you will be closer to your exit;
  • Remember the cars from which it is closer for you to get out into the city or it is more convenient to change trains if you are using the same route. This will significantly save your time;
  • I also highly recommend avoiding rush hour! Perhaps there is someone who likes to feel the full power of our people, who smoothly carries you in and out of the car, even when you don’t need it, but I think there are only a few of them. So it’s better to postpone your trip to an earlier or later time if you suddenly realize that you are entering a period of “bacchanalia”. Namely: morning hours on weekdays - from about 7 to 10, and evening hours - from 6 to 8. This advice applies to all transport in general. Well, if you still have a bloody nose and need to be somewhere at this time, then use either the metro or electric trains - here you have the least chance of getting stuck in a traffic jam;
  • A male voice announces stations towards the center, a female voice - from the center. On the ring line, a man's voice sounds when moving clockwise, and a woman's voice sounds counterclockwise. This knowledge will help you find your way if you suddenly find yourself on a train without looking exactly where it is going;
  • And, of course, take care of your things! Pickpocketing is such a common phenomenon that it would seem that it is not worth repeating, but they happen with enviable regularity. Of course, you don’t need to see everyone as a potential thief, but it won’t hurt to be a little more vigilant.

Ground transportation

Buses, trolleybuses and trams

It’s not for nothing that I combine these three types of transport, because, despite the presence or absence of “horns”, in this case their essence is the same and the payment too :)

When boarding, a ticket for one trip can be purchased directly from the driver for 50 rubles. Or use “United”, purchased at the metro ticket office. You can also buy a ticket at the bus stop from a kiosk (if there is one), which will be very prudent on your part, since entry is only through the front door and everyone who has to take tickets from the driver will significantly delay the always rushing queue.

Every stop is announced in the salon, so you won’t miss it. I especially like how this happens on Berezhkovskaya embankment (not far from the Kievsky railway station) - the intonation with which the announcements are made evokes a lot of positive emotions! By the way, if you have time, I advise you to visit those regions. Nice place. You can end up there if you want to visit the Novodevichy Convent or decide to take an excursion to Mosfilm!

Night routes

There are 11 night routes of ground urban transport in Moscow.

Night ring trolleybuses No. "Bk" and "Bch" (passes through the areas: Basmanny, Tagansky, Zamoskvorechye, Yakimanka, Khamovniki, Arbat, Presnensky, Tverskoy, Meshchansky, Krasnoselsky) run every 15 minutes, other night routes operate at 30-minute intervals .
For the convenience of passengers in the city center, radial buses and trolleybus No. 63 arrive at a stop on Lubyanka Square, where you can make a transfer.
The fare does not differ from daytime fares. Working hours are approximately the same for everyone - from 23:30 to 5:30, or around the clock.

Buses of the Moscow region

But here we already have our own system! Fares are completely different and depend on how far you are traveling. You can check the cost with the conductor, who will serve you inside the bus and tell you the right stop! City payment cards (“Troika”, “Ediny”) are not valid on these routes! In addition, it has its own Strelka travel card. It costs 200 rubles, of which the collateral value is 80, and 120 goes to your card. The most convenient way to replenish it is through bank card directly in the Strelka application on your smartphone (kiosks at bus stops sometimes do not have such a service). If necessary, you can also return it and get the security deposit back, however, you will have to provide a receipt or a printout from the website confirming the fact that you topped up the balance no earlier than this month. In general, there are more problems with the suburban Strelka than with the Moscow Troika, but it will save your finances significantly.

Minibus taxi

When I first arrived in Moscow, I was very surprised why minibus drivers were so eager to invite passengers to join them. After all, if I’m not on the same path, then I definitely won’t go with him. And then I realized that they have high competition. Both with other similar routes and with city buses.

A clear advantage, perhaps, is that it is the fastest land-based commercial mode of transport. And in terms of money, travel within the city will cost 25-35 rubles, that is, no more than a one-time purchase of a bus pass. They will take you out of town at different rates. Usually it is around 40-70 rubles.

Both old low gazelles and modern wide Fords drive along the routes. And the drivers are invariably those who belong in Formula 1, so don’t expect a smooth road. But I repeat - but quickly :)

Opening hours

Again, it all depends on the specific route, but from 6:00 to 00:00 any day you can go 100% to various points of the city.

All routes in your pocket

As for the routes themselves, I strongly advise you to install the application on your smartphone Yandex Transport, if you haven't done so already. The program allows you to monitor traffic online and operates not only in Moscow.

Honestly, the first 10 minutes after I installed this program, I watched with wild delight as circles with numbers moved across the screen and then this trolleybus/bus/tram/minibus rushed past me!

Very convenient when there is no exact timetable at a stop! By the way, in general, at many stops there is a board where the bus/trolleybus number and the number of minutes before it arrives at the stop are written.

This application also builds various route options that can be saved for the future.

In general, an extremely indispensable assistant for any passenger!

Overground transport, or monorail

The Moscow monorail transport system is an overpass above the ground, along which a rare train slowly glides. It consists of only one line and is subordinate to the metro, so the same “Troika”, “United” and all cards are valid here as on the regular metro.

This wonderful “reverse metro” is located in the Telecenter area, so if you are planning an excursion to Ostankino Tower, a walk around the All-Russian Exhibition Center or just somewhere near the Timiryazevskaya station, I advise you to take a ride on this unique transport! There will be a lot of impressions, that's for sure! It’s especially great in the evening to drive past the sparkling Cosmos Hotel and admire the main tower of our country stretching into the sky! Moreover, the entire journey will take you from end to end a maximum of 20 minutes.

Monorail stations are open for passengers to enter from 6:50 to 23:00.

Electric trains

This is truly excellent railway transport! He saved me more than once in various situations. For example, electric trains run almost 24 hours a day (sometimes you can board them at three in the morning, but generally they run from about 5 in the morning until one in the morning). Another joyful difference of this type of transport is that students get a 50% discount on travel.

It’s worth using the train not only when you need to cover a long distance outside the city, but also to travel within the city, especially if there are stations nearby at point A and point B of your trip.

Step-by-step instruction

Be that as it may, there are many nuances that are worth knowing. Let's look at the whole path in order.


You can buy a ticket at the box office or purchase it yourself from a machine. On rare platforms in the area there are no ticket offices due to low passenger traffic; in this case, you buy a ticket from the controller on the train, naming the station from which you are traveling.

It is important to note that if you know the time of the train you need, it is better to arrive at the station in advance, because there may be queues at the ticket office. Moreover, if you are a student, cashiers love to look at your student ID for a long time.

The most important part of the ticket you receive is the bottom part with the barcode! Under no circumstances should it be wet or wrinkled, otherwise you will not be able to pass through the turnstiles installed at the entrance to and exit from the platform. So we bought a ticket, passed the turnstile and carefully hid it in the most secure pocket. If necessary, you will have to present it to the controller. The main thing is not to throw away your ticket before you go through the turnstile at the exit of the station you need! Otherwise, you will have to pay two or even three times more just to buy an exit ticket.

The ticket itself gives you the right to travel from station to station throughout the day. He is not tied to time. Therefore, you can immediately take a ticket for the return journey.


If this is a train station, then there will be many ways there. But in front of each there is a board where the departure time and the final stop of the train are written, as well as a list of stations that the train will pass through without stopping. The latter is worth paying special attention to. In addition, all trains are constantly announced. So information is everywhere, the main thing is to perceive it.

If this is an ordinary station, then there are at least two tracks and each also has a sign with the indicated direction. But I usually check with the box office which platform I should go to.


And now you are already in a cozy orange or blue (depending on your luck) interior. Before departure, the final stop and stations at which the train will not stop will be announced, so if you make a mistake, there is still a chance to run out of the train :)

Stations are announced, although sometimes very quietly or unclearly, so keep your ears open.

Controllers keep order. All they need is to see your ticket. On some routes they are rare guests, and in some places you will have to show your ticket three times.


Now in Moscow they are actively fighting against “hares” and almost every station already has ticket offices and turnstiles, but if you somehow magically find yourself on a train without a ticket, here are some tips on how to play "Run away from the controller" ;)

  • do NOT sit in the outer carriages in order to be able to move several carriages ahead from the impending danger;
  • The surest sign that this danger is too close is a long line of young people, marginalized people and other representatives of the “rabbit clan”, moving from the next carriage in the direction of the law-loving controllers. You should join their formation and go so many cars ahead that the chase does not have time to catch up with you to your station;
  • if the inspectors “drive” you into the last carriage, then many do a dangerous trick: during a stop at the station, they run from this carriage to the previous one, which has already been checked by the inspectors. I DO NOT recommend doing this, because it is really dangerous. True, the driver in this survival game is always on the side of the rabbits - it’s better for a careless stowaway to avoid a fine than to get run over by a train, so he won’t close the door in his face;
  • extreme case. Having missed all opportunities to escape from them, the controller asks you to show your ticket. Sometimes a number will pass with an old ticket blatantly displayed. Personally, I did this twice and it worked both times :) Otherwise, you will simply have to pay the full fare. In response to a refusal, for some reason the controllers take the hares to the last carriage, where, apparently, they disembark them (why exactly through the last carriage - I don’t know). One way or another, in case ticketless travel faces a fine, which is calculated depending on the kilometers and the type/class of the car. Therefore, it is better not to bump into controllers, and even better to buy a ticket in advance.

I’ll devote a couple of lines to another advantage of electric trains: the presence of a toilet in the first carriage, which can sometimes be very useful! Also, with a ticket purchased at the station, you can enter the public toilet in the station building for free.

How to get to the airport

If trains arrive at stations located on the ring metro line, then all three Moscow airports are located outside the city.


The most common and reliable option. It travels from the center to the airport itself in just half an hour (or a little more - depends on the airport, but the time is fixed), and since this is a type railway transport, no traffic jams threaten you. Very comfortable, fast, on time, but quite expensive - 470 rubles (420 when purchasing on the website or through a mobile application), and a child’s ticket will cost 130 rubles. When traveling with children, you must have a copy of the child's birth certificate confirming his age.

They go every half hour from 5:30 am to 1:00 am. But there are breaks of an hour, so it’s better to check in advance so as not to get into a very unpleasant situation and urgently look for other ways, as happened to me once.

You can get to Vnukovo Airport from Kievsky Station, to Sheremetyevo from Belorussky, and to Domodedovo from Paveletsky. Each of these stations has specialized ticket offices, waiting rooms and platforms. Signs will tell you how to get to this area (even in the metro).

Electric train

And now a little life hack - few people know that Domodedovo Airport can be reached from the same Paveletsky station on a regular train! Moreover, you lose almost nothing in comfort, only in time - the train covers the same distance in just over an hour. But the ticket price is only 123 rubles! And if you are a student, then generally 61.5! These trains run from half past five in the morning, and the last one leaves around 11 pm. So what is it the best option in case you need to get to Domodedovo. It’s a pity, however, that you won’t be able to get to Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo in the same way.

Minibuses and buses

They have one obvious disadvantage - the likelihood of getting stuck in a traffic jam. However, you can safely use this transport during the daytime on weekdays and on weekends.

Buses have a schedule, but also have many scheduled stops, which can make travel times longer. But in some places the usual city payment system operates (I once went to Sheremetyevo using the “Unified” system).

But minibuses will get you there much faster than a bus, so if you don’t have a carload of time with a small cart, it’s better to take a minibus! For this they will charge you from 70 to 150 rubles.

Working hours are approximately the same from 4:30 am to 00:30 am. Without traffic jams, you can get there by minibus in half an hour.

  • When heading to Sheremetyevo, you should take a minibus at the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station: No. 949, the first car from the center, or at Planernaya: No. 948, the first car from the center. There is only one exit to the street. Opposite the exit there are bus and minibus stops.
  • You will be taken to Domodedovo from Domodedovskaya station: No. 308. The last car from the center. In the underground passage, turn right to the end of the tunnel. If you climb the stairs and look around, you can immediately see bus stop.
  • In Vnukovo, minibuses start mainly from Yugo-Zapadnaya: No. 45, the first car from the center, in the underground passage to the right, from the passage up - along the left stairs. Stop near the metro exit. You can also get there from the new stations: Salaryevo has one exit to the city. City bus stops No. 611 are located 15 meters from the metro exit. Directions to the Troparevo metro station - exit from the last car, into the underground passage to the right, then to the right along the stairs and straight along the street. City bus stops No. 611k are located 10 meters from the metro exit. From Rumyantsevo - exit from the last carriage. City bus stops No. 611 are located 15 meters from the exit.

In addition, signs in the form of stickers at the station will help you get out of the metro to the stop.

Again, you won’t pass by the minibuses - the most expressive name of the airport will be displayed on the windshield, and next to you you will see an actively inviting driver. All you have to do is make yourself comfortable in the cabin and wait for departure, which occurs when it is full.

For those who still go not by minibus, but by bus, their stops are located there.


Very expensive and ineffective, because no one is safe from traffic jams.

If you decide to use the services of a taxi driver, then prepare two thousand of our domestic rubles. Even if you are geographically close to the airport and you have to drive a maximum of 15 minutes by car, you will still pay at least 800 rubles - I tried it.

Water transport

As I said at the very beginning, it is used only for entertainment purposes, but it is always pleasant to walk along the Moscow River on a boat, so let’s consider this type of transport.

The ships operate from April to October and have fixed routes.

In the center of Moscow:

  • Kyiv railway station - Ustinsky bridge - Kyiv railway station;
  • Vorobyovy Gory - Goncharnaya Embankment - Vorobyovy Gory;
  • Park of Culture - Krasnokholmsky Bridge - Park of Culture;
  • Tretyakovsky Pier - Kremlin - Tretyakovsky Pier.

Local routes:

  • Route Kolomenskoye - Brateevo - Maryino. It is actively used to deliver residents of the districts of the same name to the recreation area and the historical complex Kolomenskoye. There are only round trips from the Kolomenskoye pier lasting 1 hour.
  • Routes Trinity-Lykovo - Strogino and around Serebryany Bor.
  • Route to the recreation area “Bay of Joy” on the Klyazma Reservoir on the motor ships “Raketa” from Severny River Station.
  • Route along the Khimki Reservoir without landing on the shore.
  • And you can take a circular route along the Moscow River from the pier at the Ukraina Hotel.

There are unusual types of walks with lunch or dinner, excursion programs, as well as the opportunity to celebrate certain holidays on board the ship!


  • Ticket for a walk to any pier in one direction: price for an adult - 550 rubles, for a child from 6 to 13 years old - 400 rubles, children under 6 years old - free.
  • A full-day ticket with the opportunity to take a walk throughout the day with an unlimited number of boardings and disembarks: price for an adult - 900 rubles, for a child from 6 to 14 years old - 500 rubles, children under 6 years old - free.
  • Ticket for a two-hour circular route Kyiv Station - Kyiv Station: price for an adult - 650 rubles, for a child from 6 to 14 years old - 450 rubles, children under 6 years old - free.

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket offices at the piers on the day of departure. Motor ships for a walk with stops lasting 1.5 hours depart every 25 minutes from the Kievsky railway station - from 12-00 to 20-00, from Novospassky Bridge - from 11-30 to 19-50. Changes in work schedule are possible due to weather conditions or for technical reasons.

By the way, on Sparrow Hills in the summer beautiful girls can unexpectedly await good discount for a ticket from gentlemen from the staff from the ship, just to recruit passengers and, of course, give you pleasure!

Well, perhaps, with this wealth of knowledge, it won’t be difficult for you to move comfortably around Moscow and plan your time and routes wisely! ;)

Anything to add?

Search and create public transport routes that are optimal for you FROM your location to the desired street or house, as well as car, bicycle and walking routes for walks.

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Public transport By car Bicycle On foot

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Route on the city map.

Are you asking how you can walk or get to a certain street or house in Moscow? The answer is very simple, find your optimal route around the city using the trip planner on our website. Our service will find for you up to 3 options for travel around the city of Moscow FROM your address to your destination. On the route diagram, click the more details button (the start icon) and go to detailed description travel options. For all routes, travel times will be shown, taking into account traffic jams, bus and minibus numbers.

Popular routes:

  • FROM: Moscow, Levoberezhnaya street 4 to 7 - TO: Moscow, Petrozavodskaya street 19 a;
  • FROM: Moscow, Aviakonstruktora Milya Street, 14 - TO: Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway, Balashikha station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Vykhino platform - TO: Kazan direction of the Moscow Railway, Ukhtomskaya platform;
  • FROM: Moscow, Sumskoy proezd, 2A - TO: Kazan direction of the Moscow Railway, Shatura station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Bolshaya Andronyevskaya Street, 20 - TO: Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway, Moscow-Tovarnaya-Kurskaya station;

Users of our site often ask, for example: “How to get from the bus station to the hospital?” and so on. We decided to make your search easier optimal route for everyone in need.

Driving along a pre-designed route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for directions on the road and turns.

Using the trip planning service, you just need to enter the beginning and end of the route, then click the “Show route on the map” button and you will receive several route options. Choose the most suitable one and start moving. Four route planning modes are possible - urban public transport(including minibuses), by car, by bicycle or on foot.