About the country of Laos: geography of Laos, history, culture, weather, cuisine and entertainment. Laos is located in Southeast Asia, in the center of the Indochina Peninsula

Laos is in South East Asia, in the center of the Indochina Peninsula. The country's territory stretches over several climatic zones- impenetrable jungles and fertile valleys, rocky mountains and mysterious caves, picturesque rivers and waterfalls. Such a variety of landscapes allows you to come up with a lot of interesting options for spending time in Laos.

Laos has three distinct seasons, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Best time The cool season to visit the country is between November and February. By November, the rains have usually stopped, all rivers are navigable and roads are passable. The hot season, from March to May, can be very dry, but in mid-April, when the New Year is celebrated, from 14th to 16th April, accommodation can be difficult to find. During the rainy season, from June to October, nature is at its most beautiful and lush.

The resorts of Laos are vibrant islands of civilization in a land of rugged mountains and fertile river valleys. The mountainous nature of the relief predetermines the isolation of individual areas and complicates communications with the outside world. In the Mekong River valley among forested mountains is the pearl of Indochina - the city of Luang Prabang. The ancient capital of Laos and former royal residence only became open to tourists in 1989. This one is beautiful picturesque city has a quiet, old-world charm. In 1995, UNESCO included Luang Prabang on the World Heritage List.

Laos was anciently known as "Lang Sang", which means "Kingdom of a Million Elephants". This name was given to the country by King Fa Ngum after the reunification of the country in 1353 AD. Since then, this mysterious country, access to whose territory was very difficult until the end of the 20th century, has acquired the aura of the most unusual state in Southeast Asia. Many ancient temples, rich culture, a wide variety of peoples and ethnic groups, huge tracts of tropical forests inhabited by millions of exotic inhabitants, a picturesque mountain landscape - these are the main attractions of the country.

Situated on the banks of the mighty Mekong, Vientiane is a city full of surprises. Here you can find rice fields and vegetable gardens hidden behind tree-lined streets. French colonial architecture sits harmoniously next to gilded Buddhist temples.

The ancient royal city, surrounded by mountains and dense forests, is located on the northern bank of the Mekong. Luang Prabang has retained the tranquility inherent in the old east. Colorful markets, diversity of peoples and tribes are especially striking in the early morning, when nature comes to life, and local residents They rush to do all the most important things in the time allotted to them by the sun. All this, combined with the city's unique cuisine and strong French colonial heritage, makes Luang Prabang a pearl of Indochina that sparkles for every tourist who comes here to admire its beauty.

We recommend that you visit Laos, either as part of an organized group or with an individual professional guide. The only one in Laos international Airport, in Vientiane (Vientiane's Wattay International). There are no direct flights from Russia. You can fly through Bangkok or Hanoi.

Approximately 500 kilometers north of Vientiane, in the great bend of the Mekong, between the confluence Great River and Nam Khan, and Mount Phousi, lies the most Old city Laos and its ancient capital- Luang Prabang (in Russian sources it is called Luang Prabang). For more than 800 years, the city was the capital of first the largest principality in the region - Lan Sang, and then the entire Liao kingdom, until in 1563 King Setathirat moved his residence to Vientiane. The city received its modern name in the middle of the 14th century, in honor of the golden statue of Buddha - Phabang ("holy") and the word "luang" - "royal". Now Luang Prabang is known as the largest cultural and historical Center country, included in the list in 1995 World Heritage UNESCO, as the most beautiful city Laos and the center of one of the most picturesque areas of the country. But only 20 thousand people live here.

The city has many monasteries and temples from the period between the 16th and 20th centuries (66 pagodas, 32 of them are perfectly preserved to this day), unique collections of art samples and a most valuable collection cultural heritage countries. The most valuable historical and cultural monuments include the royal monastery of Wat Xieng Thong, decorated with frescoes and mosaics, or the “City of Golden Temples” (gg.) - the most beautiful of all religious buildings in Luang Prabang and the largest monastery in the country. Also interesting is the National Museum in the building of the former Royal Palace(gg.) with a unique collection of objects from the era of the Lang San kingdom, a masterpiece of Laotian architecture - located on Phousi Hill ("Holy Hill"), the Tat Chomsi Pagoda (1804, restored in 1994), to the foot of which a narrow stone staircase of 328 steps leads , a statue of Buddha sitting in the shade of the sacred champa tree near the walls of Tat Chomsi, the “footprint of the Buddha” of Wat Phra Bath Nyi, the monastery of Wat Wisun (now the Museum of Religious Art) south of Phousi Hill, the nearby giant stupa Tat Makmo or Wat Wisunalat ( "Watermelon Stupa", 1503), the monasteries of Wat Pha Mazathat and Wat Akham, Wat That Luang (1818, it contains urns with the ashes of kings and members of the royal family), dedicated to the last Laotian king, "Golden Stupa" within Wat That Luang, the Wat Tat monastery in the old goldsmith district of Ban Wat Tat, as well as the residence of the Buddhist clergy - the Wat Mai or Suwannabhumaham monastery (1821).

On the banks of the Mekong is the "Red Chapel", a beautiful Quaker service mansion, and on the other bank is the Wat Long Khun monastery. Not far from Tat Mak Maw lies the village of Ban Lu or Ban Phanom (2.5 km from the center of Luang Prabang) - a recognized center of traditional local crafts. A good place To start your city tour, visit the Dala Market, where you can see the full range of local products and food products, as well as the nearby market for traditional Hmong clothing. 25 km north of the city, on the banks of the Mekong, lie the Pak U caves, in which there is a whole complex of statues and bas-reliefs depicting Buda in all his forms. The most interesting caves here are literally filled with Buddha images of all styles and sizes - Tham Ting or Tham Leusi ("lower cave") and Tham Theung or Tham Prakachai ("upper cave"). Just down the river is the small village of Ban Sang Hai, known as one of the best distilling centers in the country. Also noteworthy are the picturesque cascade of Kuang Si waterfalls, located 30 km south of Luang Prabang, as well as the sacred caves of Pakaew (25 km north of the city).

Decades of war have led to the almost complete isolation of northern Laos. But these same reasons preserved the amazing local way of life, which virtually disappeared in neighboring countries Oh. The green hills and mountains of the north are saturated natural objects and are inhabited by distinctive tribes - carriers of ancient cultures, including the Hmong, Mien and Akha. But in these same areas lie the borders of the notorious “Golden Triangle” - one of largest centers growing opium. The main points of attraction here are the colorful city of Huai Xai with its monasteries Wat Chom Khao Manilat, Wat Kaew Phonsavan Thanar and Wat Khon Kaew, the resort town of Xieng Kok in the upper reaches of the Mekong, the Provincial Museum in Luang Namtha, a good trekking area around Muang Sing with its monastery Wat Sing Jai , gold mines in the Bokeo region, as well as many Akha and Hmong villages. The northeastern regions of Laos are one of the least visited areas of the country. These lands were subjected to severe bombing and shelling during the Second Indochina War, but retained most of their natural and historical monuments. Here you can see extensive system Pathet Liao caves in the Viang Sai area, which were used as headquarters and barracks for the forces of the liberation movement of Laos and Vietnam (almost 100 caves were equipped with a whole underground city with developed infrastructure), the beautiful and deep Nam Nuun river valley, the strikingly beautiful cliffs along the Nam U River at Nong Kyau, the hot springs of Bo Noi and Bo Yai (52 km north of Phonsavan), the picturesque village of Ban Liao and the beautiful Siang Khuang plateau.

But, undoubtedly, the main attraction of the north-eastern part of the country is the famous Dja Valley - a wilderness area between Phonsavan and Xieng Huang. Several hundred stone urns of unknown origin and purpose, collected in five groups, are concentrated on the plain. These huge structures, the largest of which weighs 10.6 tons, were carved about two thousand years ago from hard stone, which, by the way, is not found in the surrounding area. Recent excavations have shown the presence of extensive underground burials on the plain. And the craters remaining from numerous bombings of this strategically important area give the landscape of Jah a completely unearthly look.

Bounded by Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, the southern regions of the country are divided into two zones - the western lowland region adjacent to the Mekong, and the mountainous eastern region lying within the Bolaven Plateau. Pakse Pakse is the most important market town and major border point, the most Big city south, its commercial and transport center. The city is quite young - it was founded by the French in 1905 to control a large transport hub on the Mekong (in these places the river reaches its greatest width along its entire length). Its attractions include the Wat Luang temple on the Se Don River embankment, the Champasak Palace built by the last prince of Laos (1974, now a hotel), the Provincial Museum with a fine collection of decorative works from the pre-Angkorian period found around the city, a picturesque Chinese community building, and a large Oriental Market, Public Park and Mekong River Fish Farm. Champasak 40 km from Pakse is the famous town of Champasak - the former capital of the Chenla kingdom and one of ancient cities countries. Around the city you can find the UNESCO World Heritage site of the ancient ruins of Wat Phou (VI-XII centuries, 8 km southwest Champasak), a whole network of streams and channels that form a labyrinth of the islands of Si Phan Don ("Four Thousand Islands"), among which the most interesting are the islands of Don Khon, Don Dhet and Don Khon, which are literally teeming with tourists from neighboring countries. Also in the Si Phan Don area is one of the main natural attractions of the region - a large population of the rare Irrawaddy river dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris).

Champasak 40 km from Pakse is the famous town of Champasak - the former capital of the Chenla kingdom and one of the oldest cities in the country. Around the city you can find the complex of ancient ruins of Wat Phou (VI-XII centuries, 8 km southwest of Champasak), included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, a whole network of streams and channels forming a labyrinth of the islands of Si Phan Don ("Four Thousand Islands") , among which the most interesting are the islands of Don Khon, Don Dhet and Don Khon, which are literally teeming with tourists from neighboring countries. Also in the Si Phan Don area is one of the main natural attractions of the region - a large population of the rare Irrawaddy river dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris).

In the east of the region, the fertile highlands of the Bolaven Plateau separate the Mekong Valley from the Annamite mountain ranges that form Laos' border with Vietnam. Dominating the regions of Champasak, Salawang, Sekong and Attapu, the hilly plateau has an average height of about 600 m. Numerous rushing rivers rush off the plateau in all directions, plunging under the canopy of lush forests, and forming more than a hundred spectacular waterfalls, some of which are over 100 meters high. m. Most of the plateau area is practically unexplored by tourists from Europe, but is well known to travelers from Southeast Asia. Many distinctive tribes live here, some of the best coffee in the world is grown here, and here is the ancient center of Mon-Khmer culture, whose monuments are still awaiting exploration.

Capital - Vientiane (17º59´ N, 102º34´ E) 1 Area: 236.8 thousand km² 2 Population 5 million 620 thousand people. (2005 census data) 3, 23% - city dwellers 4. Major peoples: Lao predominate: Laolum (lowland Lao) 68%, Laoteng (upper Lao) 22%, and Laosung (upper Lao) 10%. 5 Official language: Lao, also the official alphabet is Lao 6; many speak Thai and French 7 The political system is a people's democratic state, where all power belongs to the multinational people from all walks of life, and the key role is played by workers, peasants and intellectuals (Article 2 of the Constitution) 8 The head of state is the president, elected by parliament with a majority of 2/ 3 votes 9 (since June 8, 2006 - Chummali Sayason) 10 Head of government - prime minister, appointed by the president with the consent of parliament 11 (since June 8, 2006 - Boisson Buafavan) 12 Parliament - unicameral National Assembly (115 deputies, in the VI convocation) 13 Telephone code Time difference with Moscow: +3 hours during summer time in Russia, +4 hours during winter time 14 Monetary unit: kip, or Lao PDR kip (Designated LAK according to the ISO standard); $1 = 8081 LAK (Purchase rate cash bills in denominations of $50 or more); 1 = LAK (Purchase rate for cash notes in denominations of 50 euros or more); 1 Chinese Yuan = 1189 LAK (Cash RMB purchase rate of any denomination); 1 Thai baht = LAK (Buying rate for cash baht of any denomination); 1 kip = Vietnamese dong (Dong rate for electronic money transfers.); 1 pound sterling = LAK (Purchase rate for cash pounds sterling of any denomination); 1 Australian dollar = 7739 LAK (Purchase rate for cash Australian dollars of any denomination); 1 Canadian dollar = 7761 LAK (Purchase rate for cash Canadian dollars of any denomination); 1 Japanese yen = LAK (Purchase rate for cash Japanese yen of any denomination); 1 Swiss franc = 8148 LAK (Purchase rate for cash Swiss francs of any denomination); (official currency purchase rate at) 15 Exchange rates on the market are slightly higher than the official ones; large purchases in Laos are measured in Thai currency - baht. Internet domain zone.la 16 Official informational portal: National Assembly Place in the instability ranking 44 (out of 177 in 2010; in 2009 44th place out of 177; in 2008 40th place out of 177; in 2007 44th place out of 177; in 2006 40th place out of 146) Relatively unstable state 17

March 8th - International Women's Day March 8th movable date in mid-April - Pimai, Laotian New Year; a 3-day moving date is celebrated in March - Bunphavet, a holiday of reading the history of "Phavet" and fortune telling; 3 days are celebrated, a moving date at the end of April-May - Bunbangfai, the rocket festival; a moving date at the end of April-May - Visakha Busa, the birthday and enlightenment of Buddha; as well as his achievement of nirvana May 1 - Labor Day May 1, a moving date in October-November - Loikathong Water Festival; celebrated in Vientiane, as well as the provinces of Vientiane, Savannakhet and Champasak) Vientiane December 2 - National Day, anniversary of the proclamation of the Lao PDR (1975) December 2 is a flexible date in mid-late December - Hmong New Year; celebrated in the provinces of Oudom Xay, Xiang Khouang, Luang Prabang and Vientiane

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    Lao People's Democratic Republic

    Area: 236.8 thousand km2. Wat Sisaket Vientiane Laos

    Population: 4 million 966 thousand people (1998).

    Official language: Lao.

    Capital: Vientiane (290 thousand inhabitants, 1996).

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    The state is located in Southeast Asia, in the center of the Indochina Peninsula. It borders on the south with Cambodia, on the northwest with Burma, on the west with Thailand, on the north with China and on the east with Vietnam. The territory stretches for more than 1000 km from north to south, and its width from west to east is 140 - 500 km.

    The country is multinational. About 70 nationalities live in Laos. According to ethnocultural, linguistic and geo-economic characteristics, three groups are distinguished: Lao-Lums, lowland Laotians (Lao-Thai language) - 60% of the inhabitants; Lao-Teng, Upper Laotians (Monkhmer languages) - over 30%; Lao-Sung, peak Laotians (Miao-Yao languages) and others - 10%. They have their own customs, beliefs, languages ​​and way of life. By the features and color of clothing, headdress, hairstyle, even by the name of a Laotian, you can find out about his belonging to a certain nationality, place of birth, and marital status. The Lao-Lums build houses on stilts, while the mountaineers place them directly on the ground. Farmers live in large families (usually a village of several houses).

    Religious beliefs are reflected in literature, art, folk medicine, and calendar holidays. Many people talk about this archaeological finds, and ancient manuscripts on palm leaves preserved in monasteries. Folk holidays are celebrated with dancing and singing. Theatrical performances with masks depicting animals, good and evil spirits, are accompanied by colorful fireworks. National antagonism is practically absent. The state Lao language has not yet become an interethnic means of communication. Natural average annual population growth is 2.5% (1998), life expectancy is 51 years, infant mortality is 104 (per 1000 births). A literacy campaign is underway.

    Vientiane (“City of the Moon”) was founded in the 10th century. Modern city stretches for several kilometers along the left bank of the largest river on the Indochina Peninsula, the Mekong River: buildings of modern architecture and many buildings of the colonial period, stupas, Transport of Laos, pagodas. The most famous pagoda - That Luang - is depicted on the country's coat of arms. Vientiane is a commercial, industrial, financial, cultural center, the most important hub of land, river and air transport routes. There is a ferry crossing and a highway bridge across the Mekong and Wattay International Airport.

    The second most important city of Luang Prabang (over 50 thousand inhabitants) is the center of the province of the same name. Here is the former residence of the kings, which became national museum. It is famous for dozens of ancient pagodas, the suburbs are famous for their sacred phots with Buddha statues, as well as handicrafts made of silk, silver, and wood. There is an airport. Other cities are Pakse, Savannakhet, Khammuan, Siang Khouang with a population of 10-15 thousand. This administrative centers the most developed areas of the country, trade and transport points with access abroad.

    Tourism is a young developing sector of the economy. Tourists are attracted by the ethnographic originality, amazing natural beauty and original cultural monuments antiquity. The year 2000 was declared the “Year of Visit to Laos”.

    The mountainous terrain predominates (peak Bia - 2820 m). In the south and extreme west there are lowlands and low plateaus. There are many mountain and lowland rivers subject to summer floods. The largest river is the Mekong. The climate is subequatorial, monsoon. There are two clearly defined seasons: rainy hot (from May to October) and Valley of the Jars, cool dry Laos (from November to April). Even in the “cold” months, the temperature rarely drops below +18° C. Forests occupy more than half of the territory, but slash-and-burn agriculture causes enormous damage to them. The fauna is typical of the Indo-Malayan zoogeographic zone. Elephants are protected; hunting them is prohibited.

    From the middle of the XIV - XVII centuries. (four “golden” centuries) on the site of Laos there was a powerful state of Lan Xang - the “Kingdom of a Million Elephants”. This City of Golden Temples Laos was a period of independence, flourishing economy and culture, and the adoption of Buddhism (which became the dominant religion of the country). The next 200 years (from the end of the 17th century) were a period of disunity in Laos and the almost complete loss of its sovereignty. Since 1893, Laos has been a protectorate of France (French Indochina). In 1945, Laos was proclaimed an independent state of Pathet Lao (Country of Lao). In 1960 it began Civil War, which ended with the proclamation of the Lao PDR on December 2, 1975.

    Laos is a presidential type republic. The highest legislative body is the unicameral Supreme People's Assembly. According to the constitution, the leading role in the political system belongs to the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (the only party in the country).

    The state religion is Hinayana Buddhism (Sanskrit lit. - small vehicle) - one of the two main directions of Buddhism (personal improvement). Buddhism is practiced by 70% of residents; animism (Latin ashta, attiz - soul, spirit; belief in the existence of souls and spirits) - 28%; Christianity - 2%.

    about country

    This is the most mysterious country of the three former French colonies of Indochina. The former name of Laos - Lan Xang - translated means “Kingdom of a Million Elephants”, which is why today Laos is called the land of elephants and smiles. Stunning with its natural beauty, centuries-old history and strong spiritual traditions, Laos remains a true “pearl” of Southeast Asia.

    Traveling to is a unique opportunity to discover many new, interesting and unexpected things, to get acquainted with a completely different culture and traditions, to visit unique historical sights, to see ancient architectural monuments, and to admire the untouched natural beauty.

    It is landlocked, which, however, does not reduce the interest of Western tourists in this country. Until 1988, Laos was closed to foreigners; long isolation has contributed to the fact that today here you can see the traditional life of the South-East in its almost “untouched form”, as if traveling back in time many years ago. Mountain villages still maintain traditional subsistence farming, and the country's largest cities, Vientiane and Luang Prabang, amaze with their leisurely lifestyle and provincial charm. Many stunning temples, each of which is distinguished by its unique beauty, a harmonious combination of Lao architectural traditions and the French colonial style, lively and colorful markets, lines of Buddhist monks in bright clothes leisurely strolling along the streets - all this forms the unique appearance of Laotian cities. Time flows slowly in Laos; the measured and calm lifestyle of the local population sets the mood for a relaxing, spiritual and contemplative holiday.

    It is considered the cleanest ecological zone in Southeast Asia and is famous for its pristine nature, beautiful landscapes, an amazing combination of rocky mountains, picturesque rivers and impenetrable jungles, magically beautiful waterfalls, tropical forests inhabited by exotic inhabitants. The country has 17 reserves and environmental protection zones, scattered throughout almost the entire country.

    Lovers of environmental, educational and extreme tourism There are many interesting ways to spend time in Laos: rafting and kayaking on deep rivers, trekking through the mountains and villages of numerous ethnic minorities, cycling through picturesque surroundings, rock climbing, exploring caves, riding elephants through the jungle. This country is a real find for adventure lovers.

    Despite the true tradition of Laos, the attitude towards the tourism industry here is very serious, although there are indeed few tourists, which gives this country a special charm and attractiveness. IN tourist centers countries - Luang Prabang and Vientiane - are pleased to welcome guests to hotels of various levels - from economical to high-class luxury hotels. Restaurants serving traditional Laotian and Thai cuisine, as well as international cuisine with strong influences from French culinary traditions, open their doors to their customers every day. The service, although it seems a little leisurely, which fully reflects the mentality of the local population, is in fact amazingly responsive, attentive and helpful. The people of Laos are extremely hospitable and friendly, and there are smiles and peace all around.

    Lovers of unusual shopping will find many interesting handicrafts in Laos at very reasonable prices. These are a variety of souvenirs made of wood, leather, carvings, natural silk, embroidery, wicker furniture, silver, traditional clothing and much more.

    A trip to will be one of the most vivid tourist experiences; it will not disappoint and will not leave even the most experienced traveler indifferent. This is a country that you can’t help but fall in love with at first sight. It should be noted that Laos is perfect for visiting as part of combined tour with other countries - for example, with Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, which will add a special zest to the trip, making it even more diverse and unforgettable.

    Laos, full name Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a state in Southeast Asia with the capital Vientiane. It borders on Thailand in the west, Vietnam in the east, Cambodia in the south, Yunnan Province in China in the north, and Myanmar in the northwest.

    Flag Coat of Arms President Boun Nyang Vorachit Capital Vientiane Official language Laotian Largest cities Vientiane, Pakse, Savannakhet, Luang Prabang Form of government one-party republic President Boun Nyang Vorachit Vice President Phankham Vibhawan Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith

    Population Population Democratic Republic in 2013 amounted to 6.77 million people; share of urban population 33%; The population growth rate in years will be 1.3%, life expectancy will be 66 years for men and 69 years for women. According to the average forecast, the country's population will be 11.6 million people by 2100. A significant portion of the population is concentrated along the Mekong River and in particular near the capital. The mountainous regions in the north and east of the country are sparsely populated. 95% of the country's population lives along the border with Thailand.

    Administrative division Laos is divided into 16 provinces (Khveng), a capital prefecture and a metropolitan municipality. The provinces are divided into 140 districts consisting of communes.

    Geography Laos is landlocked. The territory of Laos is covered with dense forests, the landscape consists of low hills and mountains; the point with the highest altitude is Bia (2830 m). The Mekong River flows along the border of Laos with Thailand and Myanmar; the border with Vietnam is separated by the Truong Son Mountains. Laos is predominantly a mountainous country. The climate is subequatorial monsoon, characterized by dividing the year into two seasons: the summer rainy monsoon period from May to October and the winter dry period from November to April. There are no very large cities in Laos, except for the capital Vientiane. Other relatively large cities are Luang Prabang (50 thousand), Savannakhet (since 2005 Kayson Phomvihan) (70 thousand) and Pakse (90 thousand inhabitants).

    Foreign trade Laos exports ($1.4 billion in 2008) timber, coffee, electricity, tin, copper, gold. The main buyers are Thailand (35.4%), Vietnam (15.5%) and China (8.5%). Imports ($2.3 billion in 2008) industrial products, fuel, and consumer goods. The main suppliers are Thailand (68.3%), China (10.4%), Vietnam (5.8%). Opium smuggling was estimated to be worth up to $4 million a year in the 1960s.

    Laos is a land of rugged mountains and fertile river valleys. The lands along the river banks, suitable for irrigated agriculture, have long been inhabited and developed by humans, and the residents mountain slopes and peaks have to reclaim land, burning the forest for crops. The mountainous nature of the relief predetermines the isolation of certain regions of Laos and complicates their connections with the outside world. The most inaccessible and underdeveloped part of the country is Northern Laos. Rocky mountains, cut by deep gorges, reach a height of 2000 m here. The mountains, which have undergone severe erosion, are composed mainly of limestone, clayey and crystalline shales. The Pu Kum ridge (2000 m) in northwestern Laos forms the natural Khammouan, interesting as an area of ​​classic karst topography. In the east, the plateau turns into the Truong Son Mountains, ancient, heavily destroyed, dissected into separate blocky massifs. Some passes, such as Ailau and Mu Gia, lie at an altitude of only about 400 m. Maximum height mountains in Central Laos 2286 m. The western slopes of the Central Laos plateau descend in gentle steps to the Mekong Valley. Here, south of the Khammuan plateau, the vast Savannakhet Valley with flooded rice fields stands out. In Southern Laos, the main breadbasket of the country, the Chuong Son Mountains transform into low but rather steep plateaus, surrounded by alluvial fertile lowlands in river valleys. The Boloven plateau, composed of sandstones and basalts, reaches its greatest height (1200 m).

    Minerals of Laos Laos has significant reserves of a number of minerals. Currently, tin ore deposits have been explored (metal content up to 60%). Iron ore reserves (magnetite and hematite with metal contents up to 60–65%) in Laos are estimated to account for two-thirds of Southeast Asia's total resources. Deposits of copper ore, coal, lead, zinc, antimony, gypsum, manganese, limestone, potash, table salt, platinum, and precious stones (sapphires, rubies, etc.) have also been explored. Alluvial placers of gold and silver are numerous. The development of deposits of tin ore, gold, and precious stones is underway.

    Climate of Laos The climate of Laos is tropical, monsoon. The regime and direction of the winds determine a clear change of two seasons: dry, cool from November to April, when cold northern and northeastern monsoons invade from the continent with almost no precipitation, and humid, hot from May to October, when warm air masses from Indian Ocean bring with them tropical downpours and high temperatures.

    Vegetable world Laos More than half of the country's territory is covered by forests. The slopes of the mountains of Northern Laos are covered with evergreen subtropical forests, changing at an altitude of 1500 m to mixtures of oak, pine, and chestnut. The plateaus of Central and Southern Laos are dominated by light-colored monsoon deciduous forests. Wet rainforests characteristic of the valleys of Southern Laos and the Chuong Son Mountains. Valuable and rare tree species have been preserved in virgin forests: pink, black, sandalwood, and ironwood. Teak forests occupy a significant area in northwestern Laos, along the Mekong; On the Xiang Khouang, Kham Mouan and Boloven plateaus, beautiful timber pine grows. In addition to valuable wood, forests also provide varnishes and resins.

    Animal world Laos The fauna of Laos is extremely diverse and unique; many species of animals that have already been exterminated in other countries are still preserved here. Laos combines animal species characteristic of tropical and temperate climates. Numerous monkeys (gibbons, macaques) and prosimians live in the jungle, and also predators: tiger, marbled panther, Tibetan bear, palm marten in the thickets of palm trees, in the valleys and mountain gorges swamp lynx. Large ungulates include wild banteng and gayal bulls and wild boars. The forests are inhabited by cobra snakes, pythons, etc. There are many parrots, peacocks, and ducks. In Southern and partly Northern Laos there are significant herds of elephants. Many of the listed animals are of commercial importance. Hunting is prohibited only for elephants; they are tamed and used for carrying loads.