OpenStreetMap to help cyclists. How to plan a cycling route? Get directions from and to

Wondering how to get to Peshkom in Moscow, Russia? Moovit helps you find The best way get to on foot from the nearest stop public transport using step-by-step instructions.

Moovit offers free maps and real-time navigation to help you find your way around the city. View schedules, routes, opening hours, and find out how long it takes to get to Walking in Real Time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to Walking? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Voronezhskaya Street 30; Zyablikovo; Yasenevaya Street 43; Yasenevaya D.43; Voronezhskaya Street 36.

You can get to Peshkom by bus, metro, train or minibus. These lines and routes have stops nearby: (Bus) Bus - 275, Bus - 298, Bus - 299, Bus - 704, Bus - 704K, Bus - T67 (Metro) Metro - 10, Metro - 2

Want to see if there is another route that will help you get there faster? Moovit helps you find alternative routes and times. Get directions from and directions to Walking easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make getting to Walking easier than ever, which is why over 460 million users trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. Including residents of Moscow! No need to download a separate bus app or subway app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the latest bus and subway timetables.

#1 walk 34.020300,68.494540 Chaki Wardak, Maidan Wardak, Afghanistan

By car: -- (-)

#2 Moscow 55.755787,37.617634 Tverskoy District, Moscow, Russia Tverskoy District, Moscow, Russia

Air distance: 3,377.77 km
By car: -- (-)

More details about the route

#1 walk Chaki Wardak, Maidan Wardak, Afghanistan جغتو, ميدان وردگ, افغانستان Latitude: 34.0203 34° 1" 13.080"" N Longitude: 68.49454 68° 29" "" E Local time: 15:38 (17.12.). (Asia/Kabul)

By plane: 3,389.71 km (4h 29min)

The flight distance between the nearest airports on foot (KBL) - Moscow (SVO) is 3,389.71 km. This means that the flight time will be about 4h 29min. Similar flight routes: KBL → VKO. KBL → DME. AZ3 → SVO. AZ3 → VKO. AZ3 → DME

Azimuth: 325.16° (NW)

The geographic point of the walking segment - Moscow is at a distance of 1,688.89 km from both of these places in a azimuth of 325.16°. It is located in the region of Kazakhstan, Mangystau Region, Beyneu (Kazakhstan, Mangistau region, Beyneu district).

Distance: 3,377.77 km

The shortest distance (by air) on foot - Moscow is 3,377.77 km.

The shortest route on foot - Moscow according to the route planner -. Driving time approx. You will travel half the way in.

Time difference: -1.5h

The time difference between walking (Asia/Kabul) and Moscow (Europe/Moscow) is -1.5 hours. This means that it is now 15:38 (12/17) in walking and 14:08 (12/17) in Moscow.

#2 Moscow Tverskoy District, Central Administrative Okrug, Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia Tverskoy District, Central administrative District, Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia Latitude: 55.755787 55° 45" 20.833"" N Longitude: 37.617634 37° 37" 3.482"" E Local time: 14:08 (12/17). (Europe/Moscow)

How is distance calculated?

To calculate the distance between two points (walking and Moscow), their names are converted into coordinates (length and latitude). For cities, regions, and countries, their geographic centers are used. To calculate the distance, the haversine formula is used. BA%D0%B2%D0%B0

Get directions by car

This service allows you to quickly get directions between any cities

Russia and Abroad, and immediately see it on the map.

The route planner is useful for everyone who travels by car - truck drivers,

travelers, clients and managers of cargo transportation companies.

Why do you need a distance calculator?

Look at which cities will pass the route . you can decide in advance

a place to stay for the night.

You will see the approximate fuel consumption for the entire trip and be able to estimate financial

You will know how long you will spend on the road.

How to get directions by car?

First you need to set the starting and ending points of the route. In the calculator

The calculation has two fields - “city from” and “city to”. Enter in the appropriate fields

In the “fuel consumption” field, enter the corresponding characteristics of your car

(in liters per 100 kilometers). In the “fuel price” field - average price gasoline,

with which you fuel your car.

This data is needed to calculate the total fuel costs for the entire trip.

In the “additional distance calculation settings” tab, you can specify more

- “Bypassing countries” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified countries.

The function is especially useful when international transport. Allows you not to stop by

to the territory of countries with a visa regime and avoid customs inspections.

- “Detour of cities” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified

cities. If you do not want to pass through a certain city, enter its name in

- “Detour routes” - exclude the specified routes from the calculation.

- “Through cities” - the function allows you to navigate a route through a specific

city ​​or cities, even if they lie outside shortest path.

- “Speed ​​on the road” - there are 4 types of roads - territorial,

regional, highway, motorway. You can exclude one from the calculation

or several types.

You can plot a route by car in one of two modes:

The shortest route is the minimum distance from one city to another;

The fastest route - the minimum travel time (only

After you have set all the conditions, click the “calculate” button.

On the map that appears, the route will be marked with a thick red line, and everything lying on

the city's paths are marked with red markers.

The calculation results are presented in the form of a table, which shows the length of the entire path, the time in

trip, total fuel consumption and the amount this fuel will cost.

The table also contains a list of all cities through which the route is laid, with

division into regions and countries.

The results obtained can be printed on a printer and taken with you on the road instead

atlas. If you have the ability to access the Internet in your car (for example, through

satellite or cellular network), you can check the route and correct it in

depending on the circumstances.

Please remember that the calculations use average data. That's why

The results obtained are only indicative values ​​and not exact figures. %D0%B0%D1%80%D1%88%D1%80%D1%83%D1%82_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D0 %BC%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B5

Distance between cities

When is distance calculation useful?

Free calculation of distances between cities shows the exact distance between cities and calculates the shortest route with fuel consumption. It may be required in the following cases:

  • The distance calculation service helps to plot a route for a car traveler, for example, for summer holiday with your family or when planning a business trip by car. Knowing the gasoline consumption and the average price per liter of fuel, it is not difficult to calculate the obligatory financial costs of the trip.
  • For a truck driver, calculating the distance between cities allows you to plot a route on the map when preparing for a long trip.
  • The distance calculator is useful for the shipper to determine the mileage and, in accordance with the tariffs of the transport company, estimate the cost of cargo transportation.

How to use distance calculation?

In order to calculate a route between cities, start entering the name of the starting point of the route in the From field. Select the desired city from the contextual tool drop-down. By analogy, fill in the Where field and click the calculate button.

On the page that opens, the route will be laid out on the map, the starting and ending settlements will be marked with red markers, and the route along the road will be shown with a red line. Above the map the total length of the route, travel time and fuel consumption will be indicated. Below this information there will be a summary table with detailed information about the route and sections of the route: type of road, estimated length and duration of each section of the route.

The resulting route can be printed or, by changing some parameters, the calculation can be repeated. In additional settings, you can specify transit settlements, as well as adjust the estimated speed on roads of each type. Below the additional settings there are data entry fields for the fuel calculator. Enter in them the current fuel consumption of your car and the average price of 1 liter of fuel. When re-calculating, this data will be used to calculate the required amount of fuel and its cost.

Other routing methods

Perhaps the simplest alternative is to open a road atlas and plot a route on the map by eye. Then, by rolling a curvimeter along the route, you can get the approximate mileage. Estimating travel time will be more difficult: to do this, you will have to divide the route into fragments with the same class of roads and measure the sum of the lengths of the fragments of each class. Further, knowing the average speed for each class of roads, it is easy to calculate the time by dividing the distance by the speed.

If you don’t have a curvimeter at hand, you can use a ruler. Place the zero mark of the ruler at the starting point of the route and move the ruler, tightly adjoining it to the curves of the road.

You can also calculate the distance between cities using tables that are published in atlases and reference books. This is quite convenient for routes starting and ending in major cities. Small settlements, as a rule, not in the tables.

Algorithm for calculating the distance between cities

Route calculation is based on an algorithm for finding the shortest path in a weighted road graph (Dijkstra's algorithm). Distances are determined using exact satellite coordinates of roads and settlements. The calculation is the result of computer modeling, and models are not ideal, so when planning your trip route, do not forget to include a reserve.

There are several approaches to determining the distance between cities:

  • distance by road includes the length of the highway and the roads connecting it to the city;
  • straight line distance. or whatever they call it bird's eye view, is characterized by a shorter length, but is practically less valuable, because travel usually takes place on roads.

In our calculations distances between cities are taken using roads .

Total length – 29 km

Picturesque embankments – great option for a pleasant bike ride around Moscow. The route begins from Nagatinskaya embankment. Let's go to Novospassky Bridge, where we go to the other side. We continue the trip to the Ustinsky Bridge. There you will have to get off the bike for a while and go down the stairs. No more obstacles will appear until the end of the journey. But there will be excellent views of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Luzhniki Stadium. Then we fly along the Novodevichy, Savvinskaya, Smolenskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya embankments. We end the trip in the pleasant Krasnaya Presnya park, or you can get to Moscow City and look at the skyscrapers.

Cycling route “Museon–Victory Park”

The length of the route is 16 km.

An equipped dedicated cycling route starts from Muzeon Park. Then we go to the park named after. Gorky, where you can stay for a while, go on attractions or just ride along the park alleys. The path continues to the Vorobyovy Gory, from where excellent views open up. We pedal another couple of kilometers and get to Victory Park, where the bike path ends.


The length of the route is 12.5 km.

VDNH is one of the most interesting places Moscow. Here you can drive through the pavilions, watch exhibitions, or go to some festival. The cycling route passes through the Botanical Garden with an area of ​​540 hectares, then you can admire the original rock garden, ride through Ostankino Park and get to Ostankino TV tower. We end our trip near the Ostankino estate, where you can relax and sit by the pond.

Bicycle path in Izmailovsky Park

You can have a great time riding around Izmailovsky Park. There is an equipped bicycle path with signs that will prevent you from getting lost. We start the route from the sports ground near the College of Industry, Hospitality and Management No. 23. On the way, we stop at Terletsky Park, admiring the beauty of the Izmailovo estate and the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. One of iconic places route – Izmailovsky Kremlin. Here you can linger a little and go on a detailed tour. You can finish your journey by reaching the desired metro station: Izmailovskaya, Partizanskaya or Shosse Entuziastov.

Cycle route “Moscow-City–Crimean Bridge”

Total length – only 12 km.

Simple and interesting route in Moscow is suitable even for beginners. The path begins from Moscow City, from the Taras Shevchenko embankment. We will drive all the way along the right bank of the river, repeating its bends. We drive along Vorobyovy Gory and Andreevskaya Embankment to Neskuchny Garden. You can stop here and relax in the shade of the trees, or drive a little further, reaching Gorky Park. There is definitely a lot of entertainment and opportunities for have a wonderful holiday. The finishing point of the route is the Crimean Bridge.

South East Cycling Route

This route is loved by professionals. There are many slopes and climbs along the way, so you won’t get bored. We start moving from the Maryino metro station. We drive through the city streets and turn towards Borisovsky Ponds. Then you can slowly drive along picturesque bodies of water and get to the Kapotnya district.

Park named after Gorky

Riding around the park is a pleasure. Even if you don’t have your own bike, you can rent one. The route passes through numerous alleys of the park. Ideal for a leisurely drive on a pleasant summer day.

Central route

The length of the route is 9 km.

You can explore many Moscow sights while riding a bicycle on this route. The bike path starts on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard. From here we go towards Pushkinsky Square, drive past the Moscow Government building, stop at New Arbat and go to the Patriarch's Ponds. Here we can take a short break and move on to the M. Bulgakov Museum. Next to us are the Aquarium Garden, the Satire Theater, and the Theatre. Mossovet and Sadovo-Triumphal Square. We end the journey in the Hermitage Garden.
The route is not difficult, but it is not suitable for everyone, since most of the way you will have to drive along a busy road next to traffic.

"Ustinsky Square-Park Sokolniki"

The length of the route is 7 km.

We start from the Bolshoy Ustinsky Bridge, along which we cross the river and end up in Ustinsky Square. From here we drive along Yauzsky Boulevard, then along Pokrovsky, and then along Chistoprudny. We drive along the Boulevard Ring and head to the Turgenevskaya metro station. We turn onto Academician Sakharov Avenue and head towards the Komsomolskaya metro station. We continue moving along Krasnoprudnaya Street and further along Rusakovskaya. We get to the Sokolniki metro station and finish our journey in the park.
By the way, in Sokolniki Park itself there is also a bicycle path. Here you can leisurely stroll along the alleys and enjoy the surrounding greenery. And if you don’t have any strength left, then just stop for a picnic.

Cycling route through Bitsevsky Park

The length of the route is 7.5 km.

If you like to ride in nature, then the best place in noisy Moscow - Bitsevsky Park. This vast forest area is perfect for a pleasant drive among trees, fragrant herbs and beautiful scenery. Please note that there is no special bike path in the forest, so unprepared bikers should be especially careful. And in any case, it is better not to accelerate too much.
Here you can build your own route and choose any path you like. The map offers one of possible options length 7.5 km.

Routes are a very important matter. The joy of cycling depends on where and how we go. Previously, routes were planned on a paper map in pencil, with a curvimeter and an officer's ruler. Now dozens of applications, services and mobile solutions are coming to our aid, from which there is no escape.

The cycling world is quite small, so there are few specialized services and programs. Most of the serious developments are universal - like the products of the world giants Google, Yandex and Baidu or Navitel maps for motorists.

However, different offers are convenient in different ways, to do this we will review several services, identify their pros and cons, and note whether a cyclist should use them. First, let's look at what a bike route is and how it is used, and then we'll go through different types services.

Cycling routes

To begin with, why are we planning a route? Several directions:

  • Cycling tourism– when the path is an end in itself, you should overcome it and enjoy both the load and the beauty. This is where experience comes first, not apps. Human participation in planning is very important.
  • Walks– here, on the contrary, the route should be planned automatically, indicating the points you want to visit. The service will automatically build the optimal path with minimal costs strength
  • Movement– the requirements are twofold: on the one hand, the cyclist most likely knows the area better than any service, and on the other hand, perhaps the destination is new and automatic routing will be needed.

In addition to planning a cycling route, there is also a part of gaining experience. Previously, again, cycling enthusiasts exchanged atlases with marked interesting maps, now the easiest way to do this is with the help of online services.

The second most interesting task is recording GPS tracks for subsequent analysis of your movement. We are talking, rather, about athletes and tourists, because it is important for them to know which elements of the path were simple and which had problems. Nobody canceled the competitive part either. Many sections are measured, and real self-organized competitions take place along them to see who can overcome the section the fastest.

Online maps

The most popular and accessible type of service, perhaps for most, is online maps. There used to be Google Earth and a few older alternatives that weren't widely used. Currently, cards from world giants have become a part of our lives, and here's why:

  • always accessible map of any area;
  • actual information about infrastructure and travel options;
  • quick measurements and changes in your own maps;
  • discussion and sending of the drawn route.

Yes, in online maps the main thing is “drawing”. Those. services are becoming a replacement for the paper map on which we draw our route using our own heads. It is worth noting that many services are developing towards sociality and navigation, but are lagging behind their specialized competitors. However, most of the “competitors” end up using OSM, Google or Yandex as the basis for drawing maps.

The first service worth talking about is OpenStreetMap. Slightly overloaded cards are the quintessence of freedom in modern world. All maps of this resource are compiled and verified by users. Thousands of people around the world mark objects, their changes and properties, and monitor the relevance of information.

For cyclists, OSM will be useful in the sense that these maps reflect not only roads and residential areas, but also many attractions, and, most importantly, infrastructure for cyclists. There are quite a lot of them among activists, which is why maps are so useful for us.

The popularity of Google Earth is gradually declining, but maps from Google are becoming more and more popular. Satellite images, databases of establishments, fast work and wide social opportunities - everything attracts cyclists to the global corporation. Google Maps makes it easy to draw your route, and even easier to store and share it.

An additional, and very significant, advantage is the ability to lay out a route, both pedestrian and road, between any points. Not long ago a new feature was announced. Now Google Maps can plot routes for cyclists, taking into account awkward turns and bike paths.

However, navigation from Google is still inferior to specialized services and even to its Russian competitor, Yandex.

“Our answer to Google” - Yandex.Maps is actually even slightly superior to the global corporation. And maps from Yandex are good for two reasons:

  1. Completeness of data about Russia and the CIS - any other services, including Ovi and the Chinese, not to mention Google, are poorly aware Russian villages and country roads. They are simply not on the maps. Yandex meticulously demonstrates all the primers and even paths, second only to OSM in completeness.
  2. Really good navigation. Although it is automotive and does not take into account elevation changes, the logic that builds navigation routes in Yandex is excellently developed.

In addition, Yandex maps can be used as a source for Yandex.Navigator with voice prompts along the way. At Google, you will have to use additional applications from third-party developers for this.

GPS tracks

A big greeting from professional athletes and car enthusiasts – these are GPS tracks and services for storing them. Navigation used in cars is a fairly old product, and already twenty years ago, recordings of trips - so-called GPS tracks - were in use.

Nowadays, services have moved far beyond simply storing information from a GPS navigator. They offer a whole range of services:

  • building statistics based on the trip record;
  • planning a trip (i.e. planning a route, which is what we need);
  • exchange and cataloging of different routes.

As you can see, in addition to the mapping function, track services offer us a lot of interesting things, which is why they are especially interesting. Since we are considering building paths for cyclists, we will consider the corresponding services.

Perhaps the largest site for storing and discussing various cyclist tracks. A huge number of downloads in Europe and America, good coverage in Russia and a large number of Russian-speaking users. Part of an association of several track sites including cycling, running, moped and even roller skating enthusiasts.

The route planning is very convenient for the cyclist. An elevation graph is automatically generated, from which you can determine the upcoming load.

There are no problems with the social component either - all routes can be public and discussed. The catalog itself is convenient and allows you to choose a track according to the desired parameters - riding style, total duration of the journey.

To record and follow the route, there is an application of the same name - an almost full-fledged navigator. Perhaps, from the track storage section, Bikemap.Net is the leader today.

A spinoff from OpenStreetMap uses the OSM map, supplemented with layers of real GPS tracks of cyclists. A beautiful map of Europe gives us an idea of ​​where this service is especially popular. Unfortunately, there are practically no fans of it in Russia, despite the very rich functionality and the ability to lay out routes taking into account the elevation map and bicycle paths.

It should be noted that the system has a huge number of intercity tracks, i.e. it is used for very practical purposes - to learn how to most effectively travel between cities by bicycle. Actually, for have an interesting trip on two wheels in Europe you won’t find a better service.

A very old and reliable track storage service from Germany. A huge database of covered tracks throughout Russia may appeal to many “old school” cyclist tourists, but these days a weak native application, outdated design and unclear operating logic scare off more users than they attract.


If GPSies is a service without an app, then MyTracks is a great app without an intrusive service. We record and analyze routes. Of course, we are not talking about any route construction.

Sports trackers

For sports trackers, maps are far from the most important thing. But, realizing that the majority of health-conscious users will cycle, run or hike in the mountains, application manufacturers include a route component in their composition. Typically this is a contract with Google or OSM, and further use of functionality similar to GPS track storage.

Unfortunately, a dedicated tracker with routes for cyclists has not yet been made, and the tracks are laid according to automobile or pedestrian rules, occasionally with priority for bicycle paths, but nothing more.
There are a huge number of sports applications. We will analyze only those of them that the author of this article had a chance to use.

One of the most serious and comprehensive services for sports. A huge amount of input data, interesting calculations and statistics. A universal application and universal web service allows you to conveniently use one application for all types of activities, and a strong social component allows you to attract friends.

The disadvantages include the heaviness of the application - with each update, the requirements for hardware increase (especially for available RAM), and the rapid consumption of battery life.

The application lays out routes quickly and well, navigation with a voice assistant works perfectly, but the route is laid out by a car.

Similar to Endomondo, but with separate applications for each activity. They are not particularly different, but they are a little more convenient to use on smartphones. The application, just like its competitor, loves expensive hardware and works using its full capabilities. Navigation features are quite standard.

I'm pleased with the service. It not only shows the most detailed analytics, but also allows you to plan a route taking into account altitudes, other routes, the results of the cyclist and other cyclists on different sections. This service is an excellent record and route manager with good social capabilities.

Perhaps, for the demanding cyclist, MapMyRide is the best choice.

Strava doesn't seem to be the market leader, but the app is very, very good. Regular Google navigation, a simple interface and trouble-free operation even on weak smartphones – that’s Strava’s specialty. A decent tracker without unnecessary features, which is popular with hundreds of thousands of users.

The latest releases from Strava are adding a social component to discussing routes and competing over segments, which is good news.


Modern driving directions apps have come out of the automotive world and are still as closely related to it as possible. In the cycling part, the most interesting developments are in terms of sports trackers. In essence, we can say that if you are an “old school” cyclist and you need good map without unnecessary interactivity, OpenStreetMap, Bikemap and Google will be the best assistants. Bikemap and OpenCycleMap will help modern professionals, while simple amateurs are best off using one of the sports applications.

The routing capabilities in all of these programs are very similar and quite old. This is a layout on a map taking into account roads. The emerging improvements in connection with heights and bike paths are still more of a research and development project than effectively used functions. Trend recent years– sociality, competitions and discussions of routes. These new products are worth using, although they are very indirectly related to effective planning.

Create a route. How to get from and to. Calculation of distances between cities by car, car. Get directions on the map from and to between cities. Create a route by car using points on the map from several points. Fuel calculator. Calculation of the route on foot or by bicycle.

Create a route by car using points and print it out. The online navigator will help you create a route, calculate the walking distance on the map, plot the route from and to, you will find out how much walking you need to walk from point A to point B or calculate the distance of the route from point A to point B, you can also plot the route through one additional point , through which your route may possibly pass. You will be able to map the route, calculate the distance and time and see the data of this route directly on the map, it will also show you the weather at the place of arrival, the fuel calculator will calculate gasoline consumption per 100 km. After clicking on the "Calculate" button, a description of the route will appear on the right, essentially a text navigator: if you selected an additional route point, the navigator will divide its sections and calculate the distance in each section, and also calculate the total distance (kilometers) from the point of departure to the point destination will also display travel time. The online navigator will show you how to get from and to by car in Moscow, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm from point A to point B. You can create a route several types, depending on the method of transportation, for example, on foot, by car, by transport (bus, train, metro), by bicycle (this method does not work well in Russia due to the lack of bicycle paths). To do this, you need to select a method from the drop-down list and you can easily get directions and find out how to get to your destination. Here you can find out how to get there by car, get directions and calculate the distance

How to get there, get directions by car to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, Volgograd, Saratov, Krasnodar, Tolyatti, Tyumen, Izhevsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Yaroslavl, Makhachkala, Tomsk , Orenburg, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Astrakhan, Ryazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Penza, Lipetsk, Kirov, Tula, Cheboksary, Kaliningrad, Kursk, Ulan-Ude, Stavropol, Magnitogorsk, Sochi, Belgorod, Nizhny Tagil, Vladimir, Arkhangelsk, Kaluga, Surgut , Chita, Grozny, Sterlitamak, Kostroma, Petrozavodsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Yoshkar-Ola, Novorossiysk