Koh Samet is a great place for a relaxing holiday! Ko Samet, Thailand. Samet island reviews, photo and map of beaches Samet island in Thailand

Two years ago, at the same time, I already wrote in the format “one day -, but I never had a chance to post it.
I'm correcting the omission. Today is about the beloved island of Samet, which we haven’t been to for a long time, but it turns out to be just as beautiful.
So, February 15, 2015.

I wanted to leave at 8 in the morning, but going to bed at 3, it’s stupid to expect that you can easily get up at 7.
It's hard to get up in the morning, the alarm clock has been ringing several times.

Samet Island is only 85 km from Pattaya. The road towards the city of Rayong, along the Sukhumvit highway to Bangkok.
It makes no sense to talk about how to get from Pattaya by car, because if you are driving yourself, it’s easier to turn on the navigator, since
turns are not so obvious that I'm afraid to simply confuse you.

We leave the house, on the clock 9:43

On the way we stop at the gas station, which I wrote about. There is a good one, but today we only need coffee + gas station.

I had to make one more stop, Dasha vomited. Shouldn't have eaten ice cream. I already forgot that she can get sick in the car, this happens extremely rarely.

We drove up to Banpe Pier, from which ferries go to. There are several of them in Rayong, but everyone needs Banpe, because ferries run regularly from it, and from the rest -
just a couple of times a day.
The ferry runs every hour, according to the schedule. But in reality - how it will turn out. Arriving at 11:17, we left immediately, in splendid isolation, because at this time people are gathering on the way back.
Extract from hotels, etc.

Here is the pier from which ferries go to Samet and back on the map:

A ferry ticket to Samet Island costs 50 baht one way, they sell it both ways, it's easier. Car parking right there. Also 50 baht, only per day.

We moored. We are met by such a terrible aunt-monster:

I decided for a long time which beach to go to, this time we got to Samet for the day, without spending the night.
As a result, at the last moment I decided to go to Ao Prao, the same beach we usually visit. It also has a hotel about which I wrote.
The beach is wonderful, the bay, crystal water and almost zero people, but I still regretted it a little, because it was probably worth walking along other beaches that I had been on for a long time or had not been at all.
By the way, the beaches on Koh Samet are ALL good.

To the right of the exit from the pier, there is a parking lot for regular tuk tuks that will take you to any beach.
Here are the prices:

from 10 to 70 baht per person, depending on the distance. Prices are nearby - this is if you rent a tuk tuk as a whole. Do not forget that you will most likely have to pay the whole tuk tuk back, because such a flow of people
as, for example, on Koh Lan - no, the people simply will not gather.

excursions on Koh Samet and tour bureau - vizarans from Koh Samet and buses to Bangkok photo

Another sad story is the entrance fee to the island of Samet. Since this is a national reserve, you need to pay for entry. The prices are here:

If not for the Thai rights, it would have come out quite weighty, 200 baht per person. And so, they took us like Thais, and the children are generally free.
According to Thai rights, the entrance to Samet is 40 baht per adult and 20 per child.

It makes no sense to shove like me into the very distance, you can easily plop down on the nearest one.
There are obvious advantages in the form of developed infrastructure, lower prices and transport accessibility. The bay of Ao Prao Beach is, of course, a dead end. Walk from there
it will not be possible to reach other beaches with a stroller and children - sharp stones hug the bay from both sides.

What to do on the beach? Swimming and sunbathing of course!

Masha lay in the shade and still burned out, such was her skin. Well, Dashon and my husband and I sculpted castles and wandered along the beach.
We stumbled upon such a huge starfish:

Rolling down the slide on the playground:

Of course, we rode on a swing, how could we do without them ???

The cafe at the hotel has the same prices as 2 years ago. But there have been changes for the better in the hotel itself: a swimming pool appeared, the buildings were updated, they painted there, they decorated it here,
in general - good!
Deal of the Day - Cocktail of the Day for 109 baht plus 3 for free. Cocktails are not God knows what, but it will do in the heat!

Overview of Koh Samed

We tell you about the island from our own experience. We have twice rested on Samed. The first time we stayed for 3 days, the second time for 5 days. We swam on all the beaches several times, visited all the lookouts, walked between the beaches on foot and rented a motorbike. We explored the entire island on our own.

I can’t even believe that after one year (in total) of living in Pattaya, we just now got to Samet. Every third tourist, on a package trip, visited Samet, and we all postponed our trip. It is for the best, because today we found Koh Samed in season and in sunny weather.

Hotels on Koh Samet

  • Larissa Samed Resort
  • Lima Coco Resort
  • Sidewalk Boutique Hotel
  • Blue Moon Samed
  • Samet Ville Resort
  • Vongdeuan Resort

All hotels in Ko Samed

Paid entrance to the island: how to get in for free

On the island is located national park Khao Laemya national park, so the entrance fee is 200 baht per person (children 100 baht). The ticket is valid for 5 days. But consider that the entire time of your stay on the island, since the dates are not particularly looked at.

Payment is not at the pier, but closer to SaiKeo beach. Tribute is collected by soldiers in this arch in the photo below. The checkpoint is located at the end of the main street near two 7-Elevens.

By what logic they stop tourists and check tickets, we did not understand. If you are traveling with luggage or taking a tuk-tuk taxi, then with a probability of 99% you will have to pay for the entrance. Also, everyone who arrives on a speedboat pays for entry, controllers are suitable to pay for tourists right on the beach.

There are at least 3 ways how not to pay. Read on!

This place collects an entrance fee

How not to pay for the entrance to the national park on Koh Samet

  • Option 1. Pass with a smart view of the beach, like you've been here for a long time. We did this all 3 days on our first visit to the island and did not pay for entry. But it's like a lottery, they can make you pay at any time.
  • Option 2. Bypass the checkpoint on the left. There is now a road blocked for travel, but you can go on foot. Just before the checkpoint, turn left and go around it from behind. In this case, you will not be noticed.
  • Option 3 - how to pass a checkpoint on a bike and not pay. You need to drive behind the checkpoint, and not through it. To do this, from the pier, go not along the main road, but into a detour. We drove like this for 5 days and the soldiers never noticed us. Google maps doesn't show this road, but it's there.

The beaches of Koh Samet

The beaches on Koh Samet were liked even by picky people like us

There are downsides, of course, but in general, swimming is super. And if you are lucky with the weather, it will be a perfect island vacation! And we agree with many opinions that Ko Samed takes its blue water. Of course, it is not as blue as it is on, but it is seriously different from the nearest islands of Pattaya.

All sights of Samet are free. See points on the map below:

Koh Samet Map

Map of Koh Samet in Russian with beaches, attractions and other useful points:

Ko Samet on the map

Prices for Koh Samet

Prices for Koh Samet practically do not differ from prices in other cities of Thailand. At 7-Eleven, some products cost 2-5 baht more. For example, a small bottle of water is not 7 baht, but 10. Beer Chang and Singha are also 3-4 baht more expensive than on the mainland. In general, do not go broke on products

As for restaurants, food prices do not differ from tourist cafes in Pattaya. We had lunch and dinner in different restaurants and always fit in 350-400 baht for two for 2-3 dishes and 2 drinks. That is, for $ 10 together you can eat a hearty meal here.

Our lunch on Ao Phutsa beach for 390 baht

There are also more expensive restaurants. For example, on Ao Prao beach we had lunch for 700 baht. But there are no ordinary cafes, only restaurants.

For the most budget travelers there is also something to eat. In the central village there are several macaroons with kebabs for 10 baht. There are soup and noodle shops where prices are around 50 baht per dish. Well, in 7-Eleven you can always eat inexpensively on Ko Samet (ready-made meals for 30-40 baht, which will be warmed up at the checkout).

On the central beaches you can see fruit and chicken vendors. They walk with a yoke with a barbecue. You can eat delicious and inexpensive food right on the beach. The prices are acceptable.

Coconut on the beach - 50 baht

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience in this article

Is it worth going to Koh Samet

Already now there is a ready answer to this question. And here's what we'll tell you. If you are in Pattaya and just want to swim in the sea, while being delighted with, then you don’t have to come to Samet.

We read reviews of tourists that Koh Samet is the same Koh Lan, only further and more expensive. This is not entirely true, of course, but there is some truth in this. The main beach of Sai Keo is very reminiscent of Lan. I think such reviews are written by tourists who never went further than Sai Keo.

But if you want even bluer water, even whiter sand and the possibility of solitude without crowds of tourists or Chinese, then you are on Samet. Samad has its own atmosphere and it's good here. The main thing is not to go to the central beach, but to go swimming to distant ones - Ao Cho, Ao Wai, Ao Prao.

  • Read our latest review:

One of the beaches on Samet

Infrastructure and photos of streets

Koh Samed is now a fairly developed island. Public transport is available in the form of green tuk-tuks. However, they most often operate as taxis. Several 7/11 shops, local mini-shops, cafes and restaurants.

You can rent a bike from 300 baht per day. About the experience of riding a bike around the island. The roads are now well paved. There is even a sidewalk on the main street!

Staying here for 2-3 weeks is generally easy.

How to get to Koh Samet

Most tourists come to Koh Samed from Pattaya. The distance from Pattaya to Samed is about 70 km. The easiest way to get there is with group transfer. Such a transfer costs from 550 baht per person round-trip. The price includes a minibus from the hotel to the ferry and a ticket for the ferry.

It is more convenient to travel from Bangkok on your own. You will need to take a bus from the Ekkamai bus station, which will take you directly to Ban Phe Pier. At the station, tickets are sold at the window with the inscription "Koh Samed".

  • Read more:

Koh Samet reviews

Having studied Koh Samet, we concluded that it is much better than Koh Lan and does not look like him at all. Crowds of tourists and Chinese only on the central beach. But if you just walk 300 meters to the side, behind the mermaid statue, you will already find yourself on a less crowded beach.

And if you go to distant beaches, such as Ao Prao, Wongduen or Ao Wai, then you will see a completely different Ko Samed.

Write in the comments if someone was on Koh Samet, which beach did you like the most? And which of the islands near Pattaya do you think is better - Ko Samed, Koh Chang, Koh Lan?

Hotels on Koh Samet

Where to stay on Koh Samet good beach? We have already told you about the beaches in the article, so choose from your preferences. If you want to be quieter, see the distant beaches of Ao Prao, Ao Wai, Tien. If you want more fun and crowds of tourists do not bother, check in at Sai Keo and Ao Hin Khok.

Our selection of hotels will help you choose a good hotel on Koh Samet: - Hotels on Koh Samet from 2200 THB

  • Round-trip transfer for two 500 * 2 = 1000 baht
  • Hotel for 2 nights - 2200 baht
  • Meals in a cafe - 1800 baht
  • Food at 7-11, water, something to eat - 650 baht
  • Other expenses for trifles - 30 baht

TOTAL: 5680 baht ($170)- so much we spent for two for a trip to the island for 3 days and 2 nights. Meals in the cafe 2 times a day. We had breakfast on the way to the beach with warmed food from 7-Eleven and coffee (150 baht for two for breakfast).

For lovers of calm and quiet rest on the sea coast great option may become the island of Samet, which is located 7 kilometers from the mainland. Geographically, the island is 200 kilometers away from Bangkok, and 100 kilometers from Pattaya. The name Samet comes from the tree of the same name, which is common throughout the island and belongs to the healing plants of the world.

Topping the list of things to do on Koh Samet is visiting national parks, which occupy more than 3/4 of the entire territory of the resort. Here is the most beautiful and virgin park Mi Koh Samet, which is part of the larger Thai reserve - Khao Laem Ya. That is why the entrance to the territory of the resort is paid for all citizens. The cost of an adult ticket is 200 baht, a children's entry will cost 2 times cheaper.

The largest length of the island is only 8 kilometers. Around Samet there are several small islands that are administratively part of it. Samet itself belongs to Rayong province and is located in the heart of the Gulf of Thailand.

On the island of Samet, in addition to enjoying the tropical forests, you can have a great time on the snow-white and clean beaches of the Siam coast. Over the past 10 years, the number of tourist infrastructure facilities has noticeably increased on the island, as well as the level of service has improved.

On the island of Samet, you can not only soak up the white sand beaches, but also do other exciting things, including:

  • water sports activities such as diving, snorkelling, sea ​​fishing;
  • ecological tourism, which consists of visiting the national park, walking on ATVs, bicycles and motorcycles;
  • photo shoot in lush tropical forests or on the beaches;
  • thematic excursions for tourists, which are built on the legends of hidden treasures on the island of Samet;
  • the northern part of the island resembles a traditional fishing village, here you can see the pier, the temple and the monastery.

The best beaches

The beaches on Samet are located in the west and east of the island. But eastern beaches the longest and widest. The sand on the island is so pure that it is used in the manufacture of glass High Quality. Among the most popular and inhabited by tourists beaches of Koh Samet are the following:

Hat Sai Kaew is the most popular, crowded and party place on the island. Its length is more than a kilometer, and its width reaches almost 30 meters. There are many restaurants, bars and other resort entertainment.

Ao Phutsa has a completely sandy coast and a smooth entry into the sea. This beach is perfect for families with children, the place here is quite calm and secluded.

Wong Duean is located in the eastern part of the island of Koh Samet, where most of the sea transport arrives from the neighboring mainland. The beach offers numerous hiking and boating options, including the popular offshore fishing.

Ao Wai attracts guests with its daily fire shows, which take place in the evenings at the base of beach restaurants. The coast combines sandy areas with stone ones. On the beach there are bars, restaurants and massage parlors.

Ao Kiyo- This is a beach that is located on the territory of the most expensive resort area of ​​the island of Samet. Here are the best conditions for recreation, as it is less crowded, the cleanest and not affected by the chaotic development of the coast.


There should be no problems with choosing accommodation on the island, since the hotels here are located in in large numbers, as well as many offers of accommodation in guest houses. Hotels in most cases are made in the form of bungalows and small houses, which are located in close proximity from the sea - at a distance of 20 to 50 meters.

Starting from the third coastline the island is built up with guest houses, which have a two-story and three-story layout. Here you can book accommodation inexpensively, especially if you do it in advance. The guesthouses offer rooms from 500 baht per night with many amenities, including TVs and air conditioning.

It is best to book the hotel in advance if your trip is planned on a high day. tourist season from the end of November to March. The most profitable way to do this is on the Hotellook website, as you can find great discounts on it. Koh Samet has several good hotels that match the price and quality:

  • Paradee Resort 5 * is located just 1 minute walk from the central beach, surrounded by numerous tropical palm trees. Its rooms offer lovely views of the Gulf of Thailand and the nature of Koh Samet. There are several villas on the territory of the hotel, each of which has its own pool, mini-bar, terrace and relaxation area.
  • Samed Pavilion Resort 4 * is located a 2-minute walk from Ao Phai Beach. There are few rooms in the hotel, a large outdoor pool with a terrace, a bar and a restaurant, as well as free internet access are available for guests on the common area. This is a great alternative to the first option for those who want to get a high level of comfort for less money.
  • Barbados Terrace 2* is an excellent option for those who are looking for affordable accommodation for their holidays. The level of hotel decoration, guest service and comfort can be compared with our 4-star hotels Black Sea coast. Each room at the hotel has a TV, refrigerator and air conditioning.


Since the territory is almost completely included in the list of specially protected parks of the world, it is possible to move around the island of Samet only by bicycles, motorbikes and motorcycles. Several hotels in the resort offer to rent motorbikes at a price of 400 baht per day. Before the paved road was laid on the island, transport in the form of ATVs was popular, now it is more of an entertainment in the jungle.

In 2015, a large paved highway was laid across the entire territory of the island, from which sand paths already go to the beaches of Samet. Popular is the movement on songteo, with which you can move from one beach to another. The price is most often fixed and depends on the distance. On average, the cost of a songteo ranges from 15 to 65 baht per person per trip.

Such a songtheo is a route, the schedule of which can be seen on the posters of each beach of Koh Samet. If you want to travel alone or with your company, you can call a songthaew as a taxi. Then the cost will be considered for the entire car and will range from 100 to 700 baht, depending on the route.

How to get there?

Koh Samet in last years becomes a favorite place for those tourists who rest in Pattaya. You can get to Samet from the capital of Thailand, as well as from Pattaya in the following ways:

  1. There is a daily bus service from Bangkok. The minibus will take you to the Bang Phe pier, which will take about 2 hours. Next, you need to get to Koh Samet by speedboat or ferry. The cost of the trip and its duration differ. In 15 minutes, the boat will take you to the central pier of Samet.
  2. Only 1 hour takes expensive from center of Pattaya to the Bang Phe pier, which is located in the very south of the mainland of the Rayong area. After arrival, you can transfer to a double-deck ferry, which will take you to the pier of Koh Samet for a small cost. Travel time will take about 40 minutes, during which time you can enjoy the magnificent scenery.

Samet Island on the map

On this map you can see the exact location of Koh Samet in Thailand.

Samet Island is perfect for tourists who want to combine a pleasant beach holiday with active entertainment. On the island you can enjoy a beach holiday and see its main attractions.

Samet Island in Thailand - we decided with friends to go to rest from Pattaya for three days. In general, we love to relax in Phuket, but three days not enough for Phuket, so we chose the nearby island of Koh Samet.

Many viewers ask us if it is worth going to Samet, and if so, is it better to do it on your own or go with a tour?

Samet Island in Thailand - how to get there on your own

After reading dissatisfied reviews about excursions to Samet (tourists wrote that there was little time for a beach holiday, it was impossible to really relax, everywhere at a gallop), we decided to get on our own. We were lucky because we went with our friends by car. This is the easiest option.

First we drove to the pier in the village of Ban Phe in Rayong, and there we rented a speedboat for everyone for 1900 baht. On the boat, we just swam to the beach we needed. We got back in the same way.

Samet Island in Thailand - our reviews

Travel time on the road is about an hour and a half and plus 15 minutes on a speedboat.

Samet is located 6.5 km from the mainland of Thailand, you can get here not only by speedboat, but also by ferry. Travel time by ferry is 30 minutes, the fare is 50 baht. Ferries run once every 20-40 minutes.

To be honest, we would never have thought that Samet has such great beaches. Like in Phuket! The island is not small and has about 10 beaches. Sasha and I filmed everything. So if you want to see them, then watch the video below.

Blue water, white sand, beauty. The only thing is that we were not very lucky with the weather. It rained. In the low season on the islands, this is a common occurrence. But, you see, there is also something beautiful in the rain ...

Prices on Samet - how much did the rest cost us

Prices on the island are overpriced compared to Pattaya. Coconut 60 baht, and in Pattaya 20. Alcohol is also expensive, knowledgeable people buy it in Makro in Pattaya and take it with them to Samet. Food in cafes is also more expensive, but if you search, you can find inexpensive places on the beach with good service, such as this cafe on the beach, where we celebrated the anniversary of our acquaintance.

Housing is expensive. For 3 days in a poor guesthouse far from the sea, we paid 3600 baht. Guesthouses of this level in Pattaya cost a maximum of 500 baht per day.

In general, for 3 days of rest, we spent 8000 baht. Fortunately, there are practically no other entertainments on the island, except for eating in a cafe on the seashore in the evening, otherwise they would have spent more. You see, in some ways the lack of entertainment is good, but by and large it is bad, because without them, young people are bored. Eat and sleep. So not interesting.

General impressions and conclusions

We believe that Koh Samet is suitable exclusively for beach holiday. For those who need beautiful nature, the sea and nothing else. The place is perfect for relaxing adults who are tired of the hustle and bustle big city. Samet still seemed boring to us, compared to Pattaya and Phuket. We do not really like to lie on the beach all day, so for us Samet for a maximum of three days. In general, the place is very beautiful and picturesque. Luxurious beaches will now remain a bright spot in our memory for a long time, despite the bad weather.

On the island, we filmed every day of our lives, plus evening gatherings in a cafe, so if you plan independent trip on Samet, be sure to watch our videos below, they will help you see and experience more on the island and spend less.

Samet does not have its own airport, so traveling by fairy island begins with the first step taken on the southern soil of Thailand, regardless of the chosen flight and the city indicated in boarding pass. There are several options for building a route, you need to start from the desired type of travel - on your own and with adventures or reliably and quickly. The difference is only in the amount of the budget planned for the road. The path to Samet includes several types Vehicle, in addition to the plane: a bus or a taxi and, of course, a ferry from the pier. There are no big difficulties with the transfer in Thailand, since the schedule is respected with almost no errors.

If you prefer maximum comfortable rest without the need to run with suitcases from a bus stop to the port, spend time waiting for the next transport and learn to navigate the map in record time short time, that is, a great option - you can use the transfer services of any travel company. The very first search query in the browser gives a lot of options, depending on the starting point - for example, a trip from Pattaya will cost 5-10 USD (200-300 THB, Thai baht), which includes a transfer from your place of residence to the pier of Rayong Province and a fast boat or ferry to the wonderful Koh Samet. The cost is indicated taking into account the round trip - you will be taken from the island jungle to civilization on any convenient day!

Well, I chose the adventure option, of course, so the story of the trip turned out to be extremely entertaining.

By plane

So, first of all, you need to get to the Kingdom. As you know, this direction is in great demand among tourists, so the choice of airlines and possible routes is surprisingly large. It is great if the vacation is planned in advance, because it remains to decide on the dates of the trip, and the search for profitable tickets is carried out automatically. You can compare ticket prices. The easiest way to get to Ko Samet is from Bangkok or Pattaya, let's see what options there are?

Flights from Moscow

Direct flights to Bangkok fly daily from the capital, the average cost of which is about 500 USD (28,000 RUB, the price is for a round-trip ticket). Transportation of passengers to azure shores carried out by such airlines as Aeroflot, S7, Jet Airways, Thai and several other little-known companies. The selection is quite impressive!

While getting to Suvarnabhumi airport(Bangkok) is not difficult - 9 hours of flight and you can enjoy year-round summer drinking coconut juice, getting to Pattaya is not so easy. Alas, on the way to U-Tapao (Pattaya) you have to overcome up to 3 transfers, which stretches the range of travel time for an unlimited number of hours and automatically makes the trip almost twice as expensive!

Therefore, I recommend catching the excellent offers of numerous airlines for Moscow-Bangkok flights. And then there is a wonderful opportunity to see the famous capital of the Kingdom, and before the long-awaited vacation on the paradise island, get to know the colorful Bangkok! Or stop in no less colorful Pattaya, which is located halfway to the coveted Koh Samet, which, in general, we did - it was decided to stay for a week in Pattaya.

So, depending on the city of arrival, we will build a further route.

By train

I automatically want to write about the fact that you can’t get on the train, but ... There is such an option, and, moreover, it is quite real. Why not? - not an island, let's try to trace.

One of the possible transport lists will look like this: - Chita - Zabaikalsk - Manchuria - - Kunming - Jinghong - Thailand. As a result, we need to apply for a Chinese visa and spend about 200 hours of our precious time on the road. Accordingly, for travelers from the northern capital, the road will be extended by a couple of hours. It is also worth noting that this trip will not differ in cheapness. Let's go back to the best option.

By bus

So, we found out that it is most convenient to get to the miracle island from Bangkok or Pattaya. Well, or include both of these wonderful cities in the itinerary, consistently moving towards Samet. But, despite the chosen option, the starting point is the same - we need the port of Ban Phe, which is in the province of Rayong. A map with all the marks of the cities and the port we need is above.

  • From Bangkok. Finding a bus station in Thailand is not difficult: at least there are stops at the exit from the airport, at bus stations or at main street Bangkok Sukhumvit Road. The required bus departs from the Ekamai bus station. The easiest way to get to it is by elevated metro BTS SkyTrain, the station of the same name is literally a hundred meters from the station. The advantage of the metro is that heavy traffic is not related to this type of transport. The trip will cost no more than 2.5 USD (80 THB). Buses from the bus station run every 40 minutes, it is enough to indicate the final stop when buying a ticket - Rayong province, Ban Phe port - and spend 2.5–3 hours in a comfortable air-conditioned vehicle. A ticket will cost around 3.5–5 USD (122–170 THB).
  • From Pattaya. The bus to Rayong departs daily from the fairly large North Station (Nua Bus Station). It can also be caught at any stop on Sukhumvit Road (in Thailand, it is customary to simply go to a convenient section of this main highway and take a bus at the nearest stop). in the direction of travel, the ticket price is about 2 USD (70 THB), and, of course, we will be at the port much faster - the trip will take about 2 hours.
  • From Rayong. The pier can be reached from anywhere in Rayong province by local tuk-tuk for a nice price of 1 USD (30 THB).

Transport from funny name"Tuk-tuk" (also called songteo) is an analogue of the Russian minibus, only adapted to the local climate. Outwardly, this is the most budgetary (trip from 0.3 USD (10 THB)) public transport resembles a small truck, with benches along the body. Catching a songthaeo is very easy - you need to vote at the roadway, but in general, drivers have a habit of honking at the sight of pedestrians, inviting them to ride. There are no specific stops, you need to warn about them yourself by pressing a special bell (as a rule, they are located above your head, under the roof). You can ride not only in the back, sitting on the benches, but also standing on the steps.

By the way, it is worth remembering that in the evening a tuk-tuk turns into a taxi and the cost will be much higher - from 3 USD (100 THB)!

By car

Many travelers prefer to travel on vacation by rental car or taxi. Of course, both options can serve as a way to quickly find yourself on the pier, where we are so eager to get.

  • A little about car rental - the cost depends on the chosen company, on average - 28 USD (1000 THB) per day. You can view offers from world famous companies or compare prices. But, of course, you should, well, think very carefully about the decision to drive in Thailand. The advantages here are obvious - the minimum number required documents, a fairly reasonable price and freedom in choosing a route. But the cons are sometimes hidden, like the fact that Thai drivers are not the most accurate people, which is worth the only rule of parking wherever your heart desires and the generally accepted ignorance of some signs! Well, left-hand traffic is not the most convenient thing for Russian drivers. In general, it is not enough to be an experienced driver, the utmost caution and a great desire not to make adventures in this part of the journey are important. And you need to take into account the fact that in Thailand there are segments of the so-called " toll roads» - 0.2-1.6 USD (5-40 THB). Although, the quality of these roads more than compensates for this possible inconvenience. The road from Bangkok will take up to 3 hours, I marked several routes on the map. In this case, it will not be difficult to get to the pier on your own, for ease of movement, you should stick to the movement along the main highway Sukhumvit Road.
  • Well, if you have an impressive amount of luggage, a number of children that is not inferior to it, or comfortable conditions are a priority, then it makes sense to opt for a taxi that will drive up to Bangkok airport and air-conditioned will take the whole company to the pier for 40-70 USD (1500 -2500 THB) or to your residence in Pattaya for 30-40 USD (1000-1500 THB) - and the same 2-3 hours on the way. There are an unprecedented number of taxi services, cars differ in color and level of comfort (which of course affects the price). Keep in mind that it will be cheaper to use the online application or choose a taxi yourself (congestion and official stands are everywhere - at shopping centers, at bus stations and at airport exits).

By ferry

We are at Ban Phe Pier, half an hour drive from the unearthly beauty of the island. From Rayong to Koh Samet can be reached by ferry or speedboat. You can buy a ticket right there at the pier. If you have chosen the aforementioned option of traveling with the help of a travel agency, then most likely the ferry is included in the price and will be waiting for its tourists at the pier at the specified time. Ferries run daily from 06:00 to 17:00, the cost pleases - 1.5-2 USD (50–70 THB). A high-speed boat will reach the end point twice as fast, but will cost those who wish 30-40 USD (1000-1500 THB). Although the picture that opens up from the ferry is mesmerizing, so, in my opinion, you can take your time.

The price range is indicated depending on the beach you need on the island. The ideal option would be to get around Samet on your own and choose a place you like. Given the small size of the island, it will take a couple of hours to explore the main beaches. But in the company of children or suitcases, it will not be very comfortable to make long walks. In this case, it would be wise to decide in advance on the place where the ferry will take you.

On the map, I marked the route of the upcoming trip, and the dotted lines lead to all the available piers of the island.

I remind you that Samet is a national park, therefore, a fee is charged at the entrance - 6 USD (200 THB).


Samet - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow - 4

Kazan − 4

Samara − 3

Yekaterinburg − 2

Novosibirsk 0

Vladivostok 3

When is the season. When is the best time to go

It is believed that Samet is the most comfortable island in terms of temperature and weather conditions. It really is! The weather is always fine here, and possible rains are notable for their short duration. So do not pay attention to the frightening statements about the low season - you can safely go to conquer the island. Indeed, at a time when the Andaman coast can really flood into summer months, over Samet shines bright sun, the temperature is around 28–32 C°, and the sea pampers guests with warm water - 27–29 C°.

So, the conclusion is as follows: the weather is always good, and the long rainy season, typical for Thailand, bypasses this place. And I was convinced that this is true! The only sign of bad weather is waves and, as a result, sand rising from the bottom, due to which the water loses its inherent transparency. There is a possibility of jellyfish appearing in the sea at the end of September, but not necessarily. Apparently, the marine inhabitants act according to their mood, as happened in my case. By the will of fate (or because of a great desire to see the sea surface as soon as possible) I ended up on the island of dreams in that very rainy season - we were met by dark clouds and a ten-minute drizzle and this is a single manifestation of the so-called off-season. But look at the photo, doesn’t such a landscape compensate for slightly soaked clothes?

Koh Samet is recognized as one of the most beautiful islands Kingdoms (which is very easy to verify), therefore it is quite popular among the local population. Thais go to the island on Friday evening and stay all weekend to take a break from industrial Bangkok and bustling Pattaya. It is worth considering this fact when choosing days for a trip. And in view of the fact that in the "off season" (from May to October) and the tourist influx is significantly reduced, there is a great opportunity to enjoy the surrounding beauties in almost complete solitude, believe the traveler who has seen a lot of deserted beaches - an indescribable spectacle of masterpieces of nature!

Koh Samet - monthly weather


Koh Samet - monthly weather

What are the prices for holidays

Everywhere on the net there is information that prices are higher on Koh Samet than on the mainland. And this is true, which is quite logical, given the cost of transportation. For example, a taxi on Samet costs from 6 USD (200 THB), Tuk-Tuk from 2 USD (60 THB), the cost depends on the distance.

As for housing, the same cannot be said - again, returning to our story of renting a wonderful bungalow (we did not expect such a pleasant price tag!). The cost, of course, depends on the beach, the time of your trip (remember the well-established concept of “season / off season”) and various promotions that happen when early booking. The average cost of housing on different beaches of the island is as follows:

  • East coast (beaches of Had Sai Keaw, Ao Phai, Ao Wong Duean, Ao Cho) - 850 USD (30,000 rubles) for 7 nights for 2 adults (breakfast included);
  • South of Samet (beaches of Ao Karang, Ao Wai and Ao Kiew Na Nok) - 830 USD (29,000 rubles) for 7 nights for 2 adults (breakfast and a view of a flowering garden are included);
  • North of the island (Na Nai Pier, Nah Dan Public Pier, Ao Pa Cha, Laem Yai beach) - 830 USD (29,000 rubles) for 7 nights for 2 adults (here, by the way, they will also feed for the specified amount);
  • West coast (Ao Prao beach) - 900 USD (31,000 rubles) for 7 nights for 2 adults (breakfast and the right to tell everyone about wonderful holiday on the steepest beach of the island);

I also did not notice a significant difference in the cost of food - the problem is in an extremely limited number of supermarkets (hint - you will find a couple in the northern part of Samet). But there are cafes and restaurants under every palm tree (in the literal sense) and you will find any - from cheap traditional Thai pancakes for 1 USD (30 THB) to oysters in white wine sauce with truffles, which will cost more. My friend and I, who managed to find the freshest Seafood in all establishments, gave no more than 6 USD (200 THB, main course and ice drink) for lunch.

By the way, I was very surprised by the lack of ATMs, the search was successful only in the territory local residents- all in the same place, in the north of the island. Frankly speaking, best advice for travelers - withdraw and exchange money in advance before the trip to Paradise Island. Since in shops, souvenir shops and some cafes they prefer not to get involved with such an achievement of modern society as a terminal, and they shake their heads in preparation at the sight of an outstretched plastic card.

As for the numerous excursions, there are quite a lot of companies offering to diversify your vacation - information about them is available in any hotel, since there are no agency offices on the island. You can also choose an excursion on the beaches, on the very east coast. They are easy to find - we carefully look at the signs with picturesque photographs that demonstrate all the advantages of various marine activities. Agencies offer similar options with a slight difference in details, the cost will be the same almost everywhere:

  • Study trip around the island - 10 USD (400 THB);
  • Meeting the sunset, including visiting several beaches and observation points, will cost the same 10 USD (400 THB);
  • Night fishing will cost a little more - 15 USD (500 THB), but you will definitely take the catch with you!
  • And for 17 USD (600 THB) you will be taken to 6 islands close to Samet (the duration of this excursion, which, by the way, is popular with tourists, is as much as 5 hours).

Main attractions. What to watch

Although I expected only calmness and tranquility from the trip, which you get immediately when you see the local beauties, I still decided to find out about the sights. While searching for information about this, I mainly came across confident reviews of my predecessors that there was nothing to look at on Samet. I can honestly say that it is not!

Of course, when compared with Samet, for example, the capital of Thailand, the result seems obvious. Endless museums, markets and architectural monuments Bangkok, few cities can outshine. But we are looking at just an island in the Gulf of Thailand, and there are a lot of interesting things here: a Buddha temple, observation platforms (am I tired of my sunsets yet?), a local village, the famous statue of a prince and a mermaid - at small island have their own secrets.

Top 5

On the glorious Samet, there are many opportunities to make your day unforgettable, without having to incur significant financial expenses.

Beaches. Which is better

The pride of Ko Samet is, of course, the beaches. During the rest on this wonderful land, I never had to doubt my choice of the island. All beaches, without a single exception, delight, the differences are entertainment and the number of vacationers. The map shows all the beaches, and I will tell you about the main ones.

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

Almost every corner of the Kingdom has a statue of a Big Buddha, and Samet is no exception to the rule, although here the Buddha is relatively small. In front of him is an altar, where they bring incense and make offerings in the form of wreaths.

The Buddha is in the territory temple complex, so you can admire the two-story temple. There is also a small fish pond in the fenced area.

It will not be difficult to find this entertaining place, you should take Had Sai Keaw beach and one of the piers where ferries come from the mainland - Nah Dan Publik Pier as a landmark.

An ordinary asphalt road leads to the complex, on both sides of which there is a real village of local residents. It was quite interesting to look at the life of the islanders.

nearby islands

Not far from Samet are even smaller uninhabited islands, which can be reached by speedboat in 10 minutes. As a rule, tourists are brought here for a variety of recreation and water activities. This excursion is one of the most popular among the guests of Koh Samet and its cost is approximately the same in all travel agencies- around 17 USD (600 THB) per person for a 5-6 hour trip through small wonderful islands. As a rule, for such a trip you will be shown as many as six different islands, most of which are famous for their clean beaches and untouched nature, but Ko Kudi and Ko Ta Lu have distinctive features, therefore they are more famous.

  • Ko Kudi- uninhabited island national park, therefore, the entrance for visitors from Samet will not require an additional fee. white sand beaches, the absence of stones near the shore and a convenient entrance to the water make Kudi attractive for beach relaxation. The purpose of the visit is definitely snorkeling - the opportunity to swim with a mask and snorkel. As a bonus, there are several observation points from where a wonderful sea panorama opens.
  • Ko Ta Lu- is paired with Kudi, most often excursions are held to both islands. A distinctive feature of this lovely place is an interesting natural feature - a stone arch washed by sea waves. The underwater world is distinguished by its richness, the fish swim almost near the shore, especially in rocky areas.

Both islands are worthy of a couple of hours, at least for blissful lying on the beach under palm trees and enjoying the amazing clear water.

Food. What to try

On Ko Samet, the gastronomic issue is taken very seriously, otherwise it is not clear why the number of establishments exceeds the number of tourists. There is no clear division into budget and expensive restaurants. The price range is about the same - 6 USD (200 THB) for two will make you full and satisfied. Popular beaches abound with all sorts of cafes - from Ao Karang to Ao Pa Cha itself, the question of finding food will definitely not arise. Each hotel on the coast has its own restaurant, even in an empty one. hotel complex You will be well fed - I checked it for myself.

If you prefer to buy food in stores and cook yourself, then you will have to get to the local village or Na Nai Pier, where the two largest supermarkets are located. And basically, only small shops and fruit stalls come across all over the island.

Seafood is absolutely everywhere, a lot, tasty, inexpensive. And traditional Thai pancakes (these are pancakes made from rice flour with a crazy variety of toppings that are cooked in front of you) will not have to be looked for for a long time - during the daytime baking pancake carts hide under palm trees along the coast, and after dark they drive out onto the sand. To be honest, we were delicious everywhere, you can find everything your heart desires - freshly brewed coffee, desserts, fish and other delicacies. Probably, any food will seem tastier if you look at the water surface.

In general, on this island, the service and gastronomic diversity fully justifies the opinion that local kitchen is original. You will definitely find your favorite among something very traditional, for example:

  • Few people have not heard of Thai tom yame- the unique taste of this spicy soup will be remembered for a long time. There are a lot of varieties of this dish, for those who prefer meat or vice versa - a vegetarian option, there is something of their own.
  • Of course, incomparable fruit! I believe that tasting an endless list of fruits should be part of the program. They can but buy in any shop by the road, on the beach (here they will be chopped and in a convenient cup), in supermarkets and restaurants.
  • Seafood grilled, as part of salads, along with noodles or rice - the freshest and most delicious in any form. It was Thailand that made me a fan of squid and shrimp.

Read more about Thai cuisine at.

Safety. What to watch out for

You should not expect any special dangers on Samet - I traveled in the company of my fearless girlfriend, with whom we went around the island up and down. And night walks were a familiar ritual for us. Thais are a welcoming people who are accustomed to sleeping in a hammock outside. So I looked rather strange with my habit of bolting the bungalow door and hanging the windows at night.