La Digue island, Seychelles. Seychelles La Digue Island: what to see

Even among amazing beautiful islands The island of La Digue in the Seychelles archipelago stands out for its beautiful landscapes, which often seem simply unreal, they are so flawless.

This island, unspoiled by human intervention, appears to its guests in the form in which it existed hundreds, and maybe thousands of years ago.

Staying here creates a feeling of complete isolation from the outside world, which is dominated by the latest technologies and the economic crisis.

It is here, surrounded by truly pristine beauty, that you can forget about the bustle, rush and stress of everyday life.

La Digue is the fourth largest island in Seychelles in terms of size and population density, ahead of only Mahe, Praslin and Silouette.

At the same time, the island is somewhat inferior to them in terms of the level of civilization, since there are no enterprises here, and even the road network is represented by only one dead-end branch.

However, this does not mean that tourists will not be able to receive a fairly high level of service and a comfortable stay here.

Due to the fact that the tourism industry in La Digue is the only source of income for the population, excellent conditions have been created for accommodation, food and entertainment for foreign guests.

The territory of La Digue Island extends 3 km wide and 5 km long in the western part of the Seychelles archipelago.

The nearest large island is Praslin, located only 6 km away, the distance to Mahe Island is 43 km.

You can get to La Digue either by boat or by helicopter from the same Praslin and Mahe.

The island's population is about 2.5 thousand inhabitants, the bulk of whom live in the town of La Pass.

This locality It can hardly even be called a village, it is so small. However, there are several shops, a police station and other municipal buildings.

In addition, there are also settlements on the island: La Reunion and Union. All of them are located in the western, most populated part of the island. In addition to the service sector, the local population is engaged in agriculture, namely the cultivation of coconut and cinnamon plantations.

The landscapes of La Digue harmoniously combine the pinkish beaches of the coast, the virgin a tropical forest the central part of the island and granite cliffs and boulders scattered throughout its territory.

Main mountain range La Diga - Mount Ni d'Aigle, whose name translates as “eagle's nest,” occupies a significant part of the island.

Its peak rises 300 m above sea level.

The main natural attraction here are large granite boulders, which under the influence of water and monsoon winds have acquired unusual shapes.

Pink at dawn and crimson-red at sunset, they add a fantastic quality to the surrounding landscape, creating the feeling of being on another planet.

Despite the fact that La Digue was discovered by Arab travelers in the first half of the first millennium, the island began to be developed only in the middle of the 18th century.

La Digue was mapped in 1744 Indian Ocean navigator Lazarus Pico. For its granite rocks of a reddish hue, it received the name Red.

In 1768, a French expedition landed on its territory, sailing on the sailing ship La Digue, in whose honor the island received its modern name.

From this period, the settlement of the island by settlers from India and European colonialists began.

The graves of the first inhabitants of La Digue, who sailed here from Reunion Island, are still preserved in the northern part of the island.

In addition to these graves, the cultural and historical attractions of the island include the art gallery, which is located in La Pass. Its size is as small as everything else on La Digue.

Also on the island there is a Creole house, in which certain scenes from the film “The Return of Emmanuelle” were once filmed.

In general, the nature of La Digue has inspired and continues to inspire creative people, and just tourists who come to sunbathe on the local beaches.

You can start exploring the island from, which local residents called the most beautiful place on Seychelles.

Its name is translated from French as “source of wealth.”

However, no treasures are buried here; its main treasure is its unearthly beauty.

Against the backdrop of green palm trees and the azure ocean, red granite rocks look especially bright, and their bizarre contours are especially sharp.

Only in this bay you can see so many incredible piles of stones of different sizes and amazing shapes.

In the coastal bends of the Source d'Argent there are several long and not very large beaches, but they are all quite narrow, their width does not exceed several meters.

No less picturesque than Source d'Argent is Coco Bay, but its beauty is of a slightly different kind.

It represents the classic shore of a desert island, as most people see it in their dreams.

The snow-white, crescent-shaped beach, sandwiched on both sides by steep cliffs and surrounded by dense tropical greenery, harmonizes perfectly with the ocean waves rolling onto the shore.

In the west of the island there is one of the protected areas of La Digue - national park Union Estate (L'Union Estate).

Here, giant Aldabra tortoises, whose age can reach 150 years, live in specially equipped enclosures.

Within the park is a huge granite formation called Union Rock. The area of ​​this sloping hill, polished by time, is about 1 hectare.

In addition to exploring the local attractions, Union Estate offers its guests such activities as horseback riding along the shore and watching how the locals process coconuts into copra and coconut oil.

Another reserve, La Diga, located in its eastern part, was created specifically for the purpose of protecting paradise or Seychelles flycatchers, which live only on this island.

The reserve itself is miniature, like these rare birds, but its territory contains many interesting representatives of the local flora and fauna. Among them are flying foxes, huge snails, strange insects, as well as a variety of tropical flowers and huge trees.

The beaches of the island are different from others Seychelles beaches with its pink sand, which is given to it by the smallest particles of granite.

The largest beach on the island is Grande Anse; Anse Cocos and Petit Anse beaches are also popular among tourists.

The coastal water temperature is comfortable for swimming throughout the year.

However, from April to October, when monsoon winds blow on the island, quite high waves rise here, which can be dangerous not only for beginners, but also for experienced swimmers.

The rest of the year, the water of the Indian Ocean is clean and clear, making it ideal for fishing and diving.

La Digue has all the facilities to practice these two sports.

You can fish both from the shore and on a rented boat directly in the ocean.

Since in many places the island is surrounded by a coral reef, the water is quite calm.

Therefore, divers can easily enjoy the underwater world of La Digue Island, which is represented by a wide variety of marine fish, shells and more than 100 types of corals.

Due to the fact that there is only one road on the island, and it is not paved, but paved with stone, automobile transport on La Digue it is practically absent.

La Digue has restaurants serving both Creole and European cuisine. It is worth considering that all establishments accept orders only until 22:00, after which you can only order drinks. The cuisine is dominated by seafood dishes.

It is worth visiting the La Digue Island restaurant, which is located in the hotel of the same name.

This restaurant is located on the territory of the L’Ocean hotel. The tables are located on a large terrace, which offers a simply enchanting panoramic view. It is probably included in the price of the dishes, since the prices here are quite expensive.

The restaurant is located near Source D’Argent Bay. There are very tasty Creole dishes (sea creatures, poultry, meat). But the speed of preparation leaves much to be desired.

The cafe premises are a large hut under palm leaves. Inside, instead of the floor, there is sand, and tables and chairs are replaced by large and small stumps. The signature dish of the establishment is the core of a cabbage palm with rice.
People often come here to quench their thirst with cool drinks. Hot drinks are free.
Also, the desserts here are very tasty. Every Sunday the cafe serves Buffet with seafood. This pleasure costs only $10.

The cafe has very reasonable prices, and from the terrace you can see neighboring island Praslin. Be sure to try the vanilla ice cream.

Popular dishes:
- soup from sea reptiles;
- bat meat;
- octopus with coconut curry;
- coconut pudding with vanilla.

Beaches of La Digue

This beach on La Digue several times recognized as one of the most best beaches in the world. It can be seen on most souvenir postcards. Entrance to the beach is paid - about $8.
On the beach there is a restaurant, cafe, grocery stores, and souvenir shops.
Green palm trees, azure ocean, white sand and red granite rocks growing from the water - all this makes the beach truly a piece of paradise.
But this fabulous place has its drawbacks. The main trouble that can await you here and on other local beaches is sea ​​urchins. You should be wary of them while swimming. Also, due to its mega-popularity, there are a lot of tourists on the beach.

Very picturesque beach, having the shape of a crescent. Here you can often see filming for advertising or cinema.
Warm waters of the Indian Ocean on one side and tropical greenery on the other, and on the side a beach framed by rocks.

If you want to feel like you are desert island, then you should visit this beach.
About a kilometer of snow-white sand, reminiscent of powder, tall palm trees and quiet surf guarantee this.

Attractions La Digue

A local landmark is the 18th-century Creole-style house where the film Emmanuelle was filmed. Now, the President of the Seychelles lives in it. It is located near national park. Among the religious monuments on the island there is the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady. It was built more than 100 years ago. The temple is located near the port.Also, a special place in historical heritage occupied by the graves of the first colonialists, which can be seen when visiting Cap Barbie.

The ancient architectural monument has been perfectly preserved to this day.

In the northern part of the island there is a beautiful cape, which is surrounded on both sides by bays. Palm trees, breadfruit trees and large ferns grow here. The cape can be reached via the only road. Very often you can see artists and divers in this part of the island. The former paint pictures with beautiful landscapes, while the latter study the underwater world.

Union Estate Park is located in the northwestern part of the island. An ancient colonial building has been preserved here, where the famous film “Emmanuelle” was filmed.
Near a high granite mountain there is a farm with giant turtles. Also, in the park there are coconut and vanilla plantations. Everyone can see the process of making coconut oil and visit the Plantation House, which was built in the French colonial style.
In the park, tourists are offered horseback riding (cost: $10).

Granite Boulder is a giant rock that formed after magma cooled, even in the early stages of the Earth's development. Its age is about 750 million years.

The park is open every day, from seven in the morning until five in the evening, the ticket price for adults is $5, admission for children is free.

From this mountain there is an amazing view of the entire island. You can get to the very bottom by bicycle. There is also a small restaurant where you can relax before climbing up. True, you don’t need much effort to climb, just desire and comfortable shoes.

This national park is home to rare tropical birds - flycatchers. It is also the symbol of the island. This is the only reserve in the world where these birds live in the wild.
It is very difficult to see these birds of paradise - they are too shy. But still, you can see tropical plants and other inhabitants of the park. The reserve is located near the Nid d'Aigle mountain.

The island is great for activities aquatic species sports Spearfishing, yachting, diving and surfing are very popular. There are about 30 sports centers on Lag Digue, where you can choose any kind water entertainment to your taste.
For those who want to take a tour of the island, they offer to do it by cart or helicopter. Such adventures will not always remain in your memory.


On the island, shopping can hardly be called an important event. There are very few shops here, mostly grocery stores. For basic shopping, the local population goes to the capital of the state - Victoria.
Most of the purchases will be souvenirs from local residents.

Popular souvenirs:
- coconut (special permission required);
- earthenware products;
- Creole spices.

La Digue Island stands out for its incredible beauty. Amazing landscapes sometimes they seem just a mirage. On some beaches, due to the red granite rocks, the sand takes on a pink tint. It is these beautiful views that attract many photographers from different countries world to take fantastic pictures of this earthly Eden. Almost complete isolation from the outside world allows you to relax 100% during your vacation.

You can get to the island of La Digue from Fr. Mahe and Fr. Praslin. It’s more convenient to get there from Praslin, it’s much faster and cheaper. If you get from Mahe by catamaran, then you will have a stop along the way at Paraslin, and then La Digue (or the second option, from Mahe to Praslin by plane, and then by ferry to La Digue). There is another option, to fly by helicopter, but it is not at all budgetary. There is only one catamaran going to the island of La Digue - Cat Cocos(previously there were two of them, they probably couldn’t withstand the competition), and we actually sailed on it. A catamaran departs from a small port.

Cat Cocos are very comfortable catamarans that can accommodate a huge number of people. Many people write about motion sickness, but we did not observe such problems (maybe because the ride is only 15-20 minutes).

You can buy tickets for catamarans directly at the port. The tickets look very interesting, they are not at all standard for us - they are quite weighty signs that you give when boarding the ferry.

Ferry tickets are not cheap, for example, a round trip ticket from May to Praslin was only 2000 rubles. cheaper than a plane ticket, and the travel and fuss time is several times longer! That is why we flew from May to Praslin by plane.

As you sail to the island, there will be stunning views ahead of you along the way.

As soon as you arrive and get off the catamaran ashore, local businessmen are already waiting for you - they rent bikes and offer to rent a bike from them. Decide on bicycles and be sure to bargain with them, as well as carefully check the condition of the bike, in some places we were offered such terrible bicycles that you couldn’t even ride 2 meters, let alone the entire island. Don't be afraid to ride the bike you're planning to rent, There is no need for embarrassment here! You will ride around the island all day on this bike, and if it is inconvenient, then visiting the island of La Digue will be torment for you, not pleasure! Bicycles can be chosen with or without a basket at the back, or, for example, with 2-3 seats (convenient for a family: mom, dad, child). You need to take at least one of the bicycles with a basket, because you will put all your things there, including your backpack. We took one with a basket, the second without.

We leave and begin to explore the island. The island is very small, you can actually go around it all on a bicycle! Part of the island is impenetrable jungle and rocky, so you can drive across the island in a crescent. Ride your bike and watch the very beautiful scenery around, stop at the beaches to snorkel or just swim and sunbathe, and move on.

Important! Think about the clothes you will wear when going to the island of La Digue; during the season in the Seychelles the sun is very aggressive and we burned several times, although my skin is not prone to burning at all. And this is taking into account the fact that we applied the maximum protection factor - SPF 30. Then, watching the Europeans and their red faces and backs, we realized that we were not alone... almost every 2, and maybe all, went with burnt body parts and sunbathed under umbrellas! Keep in mind that you ride bikes mainly in open areas and therefore get sunburned very quickly. Take sunscreen with you and reapply it often, and it is advisable to cover your head with something.

This the only island on which we saw a huge turtle, which, without fear or timidity, lay in the middle of the road and slept! At first I didn’t believe my eyes, and then we thought for a long time that she had died and tried to resuscitate her, in the end, having revived the turtle a little, we had a photo shoot with her and scratched her neck to the fullest, after which we went on to explore the island!

The Seychelles is famous for its ebb and flow, many beaches are not swimmable, due to ankle-deep water and solid corals in the water! Therefore, not all beaches will allow you to swim. We found a stunningly beautiful beach, which is located at the bottom of the road and there are not many tourists there. It is perfectly suited for snorkeling and there is such a view from there... mmm beauty and that’s all, the beach is framed by the famous Seychelles boulders. By the way, it turned out to be one of the most picturesque on the island of La Digue.

In the Seychelles, snorkeling is not as rich as in Egypt, so after swimming and sunbathing we went on to explore the island.

One beautiful landscape gives way to another, and so on throughout the island.

There is also such a cute Catholic church on the island.

The main gathering place for all tourists on the island is Union Estate Park - there is an entrance fee. There is a small cemetery (the graves of the first inhabitants of La Digue), a small copra production facility, a corral with turtles and horses, Emmanuel's house (now this house belongs to the President of the Seychelles) and beautiful bay Anse Source D'Argent, which is in almost all guidebooks.

Copra- dried oily endosperm of coconut palm nuts. A fusible oil is extracted from copra

Be careful, the catamaran picks you up from 18-19 hours, and local shops and cafes stop working quite early, immediately think about when and where it is better to have a snack so as not to go hungry.

On the way back, before boarding the catamaran, we witnessed a certain procession of local residents, they in wigs and painted greeted the catamaran, sang loudly, shouted something and had fun, and here they were.

Finally, a few photos in the evening twilight.

Interesting Facts about o. La Digue:

  • The island is home to a bungalow where scenes of the 1977 French film Farewell Emmanuelle were filmed.
  • The island of La Digue has a population of just over 2,000 people.
  • In 1768, a French expedition landed on its territory, sailing on the sailing ship La Digue, in honor of which the island received its modern name. From this period, the settlement of the island by settlers from India and European colonialists began. The graves of the first inhabitants of La Digue, who sailed here from Reunion Island, are still preserved in the northern part of the island.

La Digue Island in the Seychelles is amazing place, which is practically untouched by man, with beautiful beaches, simply stunning views and tranquility!!! If you are in the Seychelles, I definitely recommend visiting it!

Thank you all for your attention, Lena was with you, contact me first name, you can read my other reviews .

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The island of La Digue in the Seychelles is a tiny and cozy corner of paradise, a favorite place of famous film directors and photographers who come here from all over the world. From the minute you arrive on the island of La Digue, you have the feeling that time has stood still here, and the locals are extremely hospitable and friendly.
The area of ​​the island is only 10 square meters. km, so transport here is represented by several pickup trucks, carts, four taxi cars and hundreds of bicycles, which is more than enough for a population of 2000 people. The best way to get around here is considered to be regular walking.
At the service of travelers are pleasant and comfortable hotels, luxury hotels, and a travel agency. The excellent quality road that encircles the island looks fabulous, bordered on both sides by tropical vegetation.
The first settlers on the island in 1798 were Bourbon exiles who resisted the transfer of their native land to the British. Today, La Digue in the Seychelles has a very developed infrastructure: there are restaurants, bars, hospitals, and rental shops.

The village of La Pass is located in the west of the island, where the majority of the local population is concentrated. This is where ferries from Praslin land daily. La Pass has a tourist office and many hotels, and from the pier you can easily walk to any hotel.

Parallel to the shore is good road with tropical plants on the sidelines. Having driven along it in a northerly direction, vacationers will reach Anse North beach, after which the road turns around and passes several rocky coves. During the southeastern monsoons, the sea becomes too turbulent. But from Anse Banana Bay through La Digue Island there are hiking trails where you can find quieter coves.

How to get to La Digue island

The atoll is connected with the rest of the islands of the archipelago by regular ferry crossings, therefore, there will be no problems with how to get to La Digue. From the pier, to central city On the islands of La Pass, ferries depart daily to Praslin, which takes 30 minutes, and Mahe, which takes about 3 hours.
If you want to travel individually, you can charter a motor boat or a small boat, which the natives will kindly provide you with. For our dear guests, the delivery service to any point in Seychelles by private helicopter is always relevant.

Attractions La Digue

There is a lot to see in La Digue; you can take a tour of the local attractions on foot or on a two-wheeled horse. The length of the route is only 3 km, where you will meet:

  • majestic old castle Chateau Saint-Claude, built in the colonial style at the beginning of the 19th century;
  • exclusive La Veve nature reserve, where amazing birds - paradise flycatchers - nest on Indian almond and taymak trees;
  • in the Seychelles, La Digue is one of the suppliers of high-quality vanilla; the spice is grown on the Union estate. Here is also the oldest building in Seychelles - the planter's house, from which you can immediately get to the stunningly beautiful coast;
  • romantic beach with huge boulders - Anse Sure d'Argent, popular place for sunset wedding ceremonies.


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What to see on the island of La Digue

Regardless of whether you come to La Digue Island for your entire vacation, for a week, or you are just passing through for just 1 day, we will help you choose the most interesting places. There is something to see here - for example, attractions, beaches, you will find information about each place with us: from opening hours to detailed description with photos. Below is a list best places on the island of La Digue, based on the ratings and reviews of users of our site. You, too, can take part in the formation of the ranking of places by leaving your review and rating. This will help our future users choose what interesting things to see on the island of La Digue.

Day excursion to La Digue Island from Praslin Island (- previous part of the review about the Seychelles)

How to get to La Digue from Praslin Island

- arrive at the pier Cat Cocos(see map of Praslin Island)
– you buy water and chips at the nearest general store so that the 15-minute ferry ride won’t be boring.
– after that, park your car in front of the entrance to the pier and buy ferry tickets at one of the ticket offices.

For some reason, the cashiers ask about the return departure time from La Digue Island.
We didn’t know when we would go back, so we assumed that the last ferry would be at 17:00.

Map of La Digue Island

Unfortunately, I forgot the name of the ferry company - there are several of them in the Seychelles.
There are direct ferries from Mahe to La Digue, and there are direct ferries from Praslin to La Digue

Having gone “there” you can’t go wrong - board your ferry, and back you need to pay attention to the name of the ferry so as not to leave for Mahe.
Ferry tickets cost 400 rupees return

Travel time from Praslin to La Digue is 15 minutes - the island itself is visible to the naked eye.
Upon arrival in La Digue, I recommend renting bicycles right at the pier - there is only one road on the island, the island itself is small and one of its parts is actually a national park.

That’s where we go – to the national park – and the first thing we do is jump into the saddle and push the pedals.
Renting two bikes for the day cost 300 rupees, or just under $30.

After leaving the port, you need to turn right and drive straight all the time in one place, keeping to the right - you will hit the barrier of the national park.
The guard at the entrance asked for 150 rupees from each person to visit the park.

Our path takes us through an enclosure with turtles trying to mate in full view of tourists on the way to the most photographed beach on La Digue: Anse Source D'Argent

Beach Anse Source D'Argent

The beach is beautiful.
Lots of weddings.

We found a ceremonial structure that had not yet been dismantled: an arch with flowers.
After the photo shoot, the newlyweds retire to their bedchambers - there are a lot of hotels on the island.

You can view prices and book through the hotel booking site: 31 hotels on La Digue island with reviews and instant booking without prepayment.

The sea in the Source D’Argent area is shallow - however, everything is visible in the photos and videos.

People wander waist-deep in water along a special path between corals with access to a “clearing”
The water here is clear and schools of fish are visible, so people in masks dart around underfoot.

Video from La Digue Island

The beach is bordered by rounded rocks and has several bays.
As a rule, newlyweds try to occupy the most secluded ones. But not for what you think - they just make a demobilization photo album.

After we lay in the water, we can drive to the other end of the island and to another beach.

Grand Anse Beach

This beach is not for swimmers - there are red flags and warnings about treacherous currents.
But people still jump on the waves, and the waves here are sharp

4.91 /5 (11 )