Praslin island Seychelles vacation. What is a must-do in Praslin? Border and visa control

Is Praslin. Also note that Praslin is exactly the place where the sea coconut Coco de Mer grows. The shape of its fruit resembles a human heart. According to legend, Adam took this fruit from Eve’s hands.

Beaches of Praslin Island

Most famous beaches This zone is considered to be Cote d'Or and Anse Lazio. The latter occupies a leading position and is shown in the photo below.

Its location is on the northwestern side of the island, which does not have a coral reef. But it is worth noting that the bay of Anse Lazio beach on Sundays is very popular among residents neighboring islands and at this time it is crowded. This beach will also delight you with an excellent restaurant. 2.5 km away is the so-called “wild” beach, which is called Anse Georgette (below in the photo).

Anse Marie Louise beach is located in the east of the island. When the tides come, water begins to form in this place. natural pool. And another secluded place can be found here - this is Anse Consolacion beach.

To the west there is an excellent beach called Grand Anse where you can enjoy your morning sunbathing. But swimming will be very difficult due to the shallow depth and the proximity of corals, which are covered with algae, right to the shore.

Praslin Island Hotels

It is also worth telling about the small bay of Anse Kerlan. Its shore is framed by scythe palms and other interesting tropical plants. In 1999 The Lemuria Resort hotel was opened here and acquired the status of the most luxurious hotel in the Seychelles (if you do not take into account the private Frigate Island).

Sights of Praslin

Now let's talk about the entertainment, attractions and excursions that Praslin can surprise you with.

Firstly, national park Valee De Mai, in other words, “May Valley” will open for you about 7 thousand Coco de Mer palm trees, which are recognized as unique. Black Parrot (black parrot) feels very comfortable among these palm trees.

Secondly, in the west of the island of Praslin there is a farm called “Black Pearl”, and you can easily guess the specialization of the farm from the name.

Diving on Praslin Island

Diving enthusiasts will be very interested in visiting the national marine park on Curieuse Island. They will be able to admire the coral garden with their own eyes.

Let's talk more about diving in Praslin. Here you can visit three diving centers - Whitetip Divers, Bleu Marine and Octopus. All centers dive in the best coral spots on the island. You may also be offered a combined excursion, which will include diving in the outer islands of Seychelles.

What is a must-do in Praslin?

And finally, we’ll tell you about a few things that you simply must do while on Praslin Island.

1. Try a very unusual fruit - sea coconut.

2. Stop by and experience the beauty of the May Valley National Park.

3. Go diving in beautiful coral reefs.

4. Watch the sunset on Anse Lazio beach.

Well that's it, have a nice holiday, we hope you enjoy this wonderful island Praslin.

6.5k (74 per week)

O. Praslin ranks 2nd in size and in terms of tourist attendance among 33 inhabited islands Seychelles archipelago. Here you can see nature in all its splendor, the rarest flora and fauna, and the Vale de Mai National Park located on the territory of the atoll and other natural attractions, one of a kind.

Natural features of Praslin

The area of ​​Praslin is 38 sq. km., while the island quietly houses the famous rain forest, which has not changed its appearance for millions of years. The symbol of Seychelles also grows here - the coconut palm “coco de mer”, on the branches of which you can see a black cockatoo, blue pigeon, balbal and other rare birds. The landscape of the island is flat, with smooth transitions to the shore, so beach holiday especially popular here. As elsewhere in the Seychelles, Praslin is characterized by the absence of pronounced seasonality, the ocean here is quiet due to the close location of the coral reef, and the average annual temperature ranges from +24 to +29 degrees.

How to get to Praslin

Like almost all of the Seychelles, Praslin can be crossed from end to end in less than 1 hour.
There are two ways to get here:

  • by air- by Air Seychelles airlines, from an airport near the capital Victoria, ticket price is approximately $200;
  • on water- by ferry Mahe - Praslin or by small boat, this option will be cheaper and will take about an hour.

Praslin Airport is located in the western part of the island, near the picturesque Grand Anse Bay. The terminal buildings are made in typical island architecture and were reconstructed in 2001. The island receives 20 flights from the archipelago every day.

Things to do in Praslin

Despite the compact size of the island of Praslin, every vacationer will find something to their liking. Beach recreation is most in demand here, for which the most convenient conditions have been created. The coastal area has unique bays with white silk sand and incomparable beaches: Gold Coast, Anse Georgette, Anse Marie Louise, Anse Consolacion.
In 1999, the most luxurious hotel on the island of Praslin and Seychelles, Lemuria Resort, opened on Anse Kerlan beach.

Sights of Praslin

The tourist infrastructure is represented by small cozy hotels, lodges, guesthouses, and B&B hotels. The area is ideal for divers; here it will not be difficult to find scuba rentals and experienced scuba diving specialists who will guide divers through the exotic wilds of coral “gardens”.

Praslin has a lot to see: the May Valley State Park, included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Local residents are proud of the observatories of the University of Copenhagen and Uraniborg. Travelers will not pass by the delightful Grunetal Bridge, and for those who want to visit Praslin on their own, we can recommend the Black Pearl farm, the name of which fully corresponds to the type of its activity.


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What to see on Praslin Island Regardless of whether you come to Praslin Island for your entire vacation, for a week, or you are just passing through for 1 day, we will help you choose the most interesting places . There is something to see here - for example, attractions, beaches, you will find information about each place with us: from opening hours to detailed description

with photos. Below is a list of the best places on Praslin Island, compiled based on ratings and reviews from users of our site. You, too, can take part in the formation of the ranking of places by leaving your review and rating. This will help our future users choose what interesting things to see on Praslin Island.

general information Whether you arrive to Praslin by air or sea, it will immediately become clear to you that the second largest inner island

On the island you can find accommodation for every taste and budget. There are many excellent restaurants and cafes here, as well as many excellent roads. To feel like a real islander, take advantage of the shabby buses, where your neighbors will be cheerful children and cheerful grandmothers.

The main attractions of Praslin are the Val de Mai valley, a unique primeval forest where coco de ter palms grow, and the luxurious Anse Lazio beach, located in the north. From Praslin you can take a walk to the islands of Curieuse, Cousin and Arid - excellent places for nature lovers.

Val de Mai

The area of ​​the Val de Mai valley is 19.5 hectares. The valley is located in the eastern part of Praslin island. In 1984, the valley was included by UNESCO in the list of World Heritage of Humanity. This is the only place on the planet where coco de ter palms and other endemic plants grow.

The length of the route is about 1 km. It is best to take a walk in the morning when it is not so hot. The walk will take about 1 hour.

1. Login

Walk up a few uneven steps to the entrance where tickets are checked. This is necessary to ensure that no one stays in the valley overnight. A small kiosk near the entrance - perfect place to relax and get into the appropriate mood. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the valley. You may see rare birds such as black parrots or tenrecs scurrying busily under the trees. Open: 8.00-17.00. Paid entrance. Bus: No. 61 from Baie Santa Anna, Grand Anse and Cote d'Or. The stop is located near the tourist center. If you come with your own car, you can leave it in the parking lot opposite the center.

The road goes up. At the fork, turn right at the North Trail sign. The path will lead you to the edge of the forest.

2. Fire barrier and edge

Here you will see young coco de ter palms sprouting from the ground. They have leaves on long petioles, but no stem. Marker E on the right is a fire barrier. It was created in 1990 after a strong fire, during which many palm trees died. The barrier consists of fire-resistant Kalis dipap trees and other ornamental and fruit trees. Continue north and the path will lead you to marker C at the granite boulders. Listen to the babbling of invisible streams and move on. At the next marker, turn left onto Cedar Trail (Cedar Path), which will take you to the palm forest.

3. Palm forest coco de ter

In this primeval forest you will feel like you are in another world. Giant fan leaves cover the sky. The only sound is the rustling of palm leaves in the wind. Many palm trees are over 200 years old. They thrive in fertile soil fertilized with fallen leaves. Note the long catkins of the male palms and the massive oval nuts of the female palms. The weight of the nuts reaches 20 kg. Female palms are shorter than male ones.

At the next marker, turn left and follow the trail marked “Cedar Path.”

4. Cedar trail

On the right you will see a small stream with a rocky bottom. This stream and several others merge to form a waterfall. The waterfall, which is located 400 m southwest of Val de Mai, supplies water to the entire western coast. Look closely and you will see freshwater crabs and transparent shrimp. Moths and bright dragonflies flutter over the water.

Follow the Cedar Trail and turn left onto the Center Trail.

5. Central path

To the right of the Central Path is a ravine where magnificent pandanus grow. Some palms coexist peacefully with philodendrons, but this is a weed that is mercilessly destroyed. Depending on the season, you will see flowering fruit and ornamental trees. The valley is home to endemic birds such as sunbirds, blue pigeons, black parrots and bulbuls. Follow the Central Path to the exit of the park.

Beaches of Praslin

Anse Kerlan, Petite Anse Kerlan, Anse Georgette

Three beaches are located on the northwestern tip of Praslin. From September to February, sea turtles lay their eggs here. Anse Kerlan is the longest beach, a flat strip of white sand with smooth boulders, bordered by takamaka trees. To the north are the luxurious villas of the Lemuria Resort hotel. Nearby is a small secluded beach called Petit Anse Kerlan, where the hotel's boat station is located. From here you can follow the coast to Anse Georgette.

The Lemuria Resort has the only 18-hole golf course in the Seychelles. If you are a hotel guest, you can stroll along the golf course, admiring the streams and lakes, and come out to Anse Georgette. If the hotel is not full, you will be allowed to enter. But it is better to clarify this in advance. From the golf course it's a 20-minute walk to a plateau with stunning views of Cousin and Cousin's private island. The 15th hole offers stunning views of Anse Georgette.

North-west coast of Praslin, 4 km west of Grand Anse airport.

Anse Lazio

This picturesque bay is the quintessential Seychelles beaches: soft fine sand, crystal clear sea, smooth granite boulders, wind-bent palms and takamaka trees along the beach. Travel magazines are full of raves about this place. Shooting for fashion magazines is constantly taking place here. In the 1980s the film “Castwrecked” was filmed on this beach based on the book by Lucy Irwin about life on desert island. Weekdays are a great time for swimming, relaxing and snorkeling. On the beach there is good parking and two restaurants. Anse Lazio is located 800m northwest of Anse Boudin, on the north coast of Praslin. Buses go from Val de Mai through Baie Santa Anna and Cote d'Or and stop at Anse Boudin. From here you can walk to the beach in 15 minutes. If you don't want to walk, you can take a taxi.

Anse Marie-Louise

Anse Marie Louise is the most picturesque of the eight beaches on the south coast, from Grand Anse in the west to Baie Santa Anna in the east. You will enjoy spending time on this wonderful beach, swimming in the ocean or having a small picnic. You need to turn off the main Grand Anse road before the road starts to climb steeply towards the Chateau de Feuilles hotel near Pointe Cabris. The hotel is a great place to relax, have a drink and admire the magnificent views. South coast of Praslin, 8 km southeast of Grand Anse.

Anse Possession

Anse Possession is a beautiful deep bay with many small coves. The bay is closed by Curieuse Island. In 1768, the French declared Praslin their possession and commemorated this fact with a lead plaque. An English naval officer tore down the sign and installed his own in its place. Today it is a quiet, relaxing resort with several hotels. The beach is a great place for a picnic. To the east, on Anse Petit Cours beach, is the La Reserve hotel. In 2004, the hotel was completely destroyed by the tsunami and reopened after restoration in 2006. Three kilometers northwest of Anse Volbert on the Côte d'Or.

Baie Sainte Anne

This small fishing village is experiencing a real renaissance. A very promising reclamation project is being implemented here - the artificial island of Eva is being created. This will allow the coast to cope with the growing flow of passengers and cargo ships with Mahe. Tourists arrive at the pier located in the southern part of the bay, and from there they take taxis and buses to their hotels. This is a great place to experience the relaxed pace of tropical life and chat with fishermen and locals at the market. The narrow beach is bordered by trees that provide pleasant shade. The village has several banks, shops and the only hospital in Praslin.

Southeast of Praslin. Buses run between the beaches of Cote d'Or, Val de Mai, Petit Anse and Baie Santa Anna without a schedule.

Cote d'Or or Anse Volbert (Cote d'Or or Anse Volbert)

Main tourist beach Praslin - 2 km of snow-white sand, shallow sea and picturesque palm trees - a real paradise for families with children. The main life takes place in Anse Volbert - a small town with many hotels, inns, shops, restaurants and casinos. The town is completely surrounded by tropical vegetation. When the southeast monsoons blow, southern shores The islands are covered with algae, and tourists flock here. You can take a boat trip to the islets of Chauvet Souri or Saint-Pierre, or spend a day on Curieuse, Cousin or Arida. In some places you can rent a bicycle. North coast of Praslin, halfway between Anse Possession and Anse Matlo.

Grande Anse

Grand Anse is a small, lively resort, similar to Baie Santa Anna and Cote d'Or. Most tour operators are based here. You can get here from the airport in a few minutes. The resort offers affordable accommodation - from hotels to small guesthouses. characteristically Seychelles atmosphere. As elsewhere in Praslin, there is little entertainment here on Friday and Saturday. local residents All ages go to the Breeze Cafe (tel.: 233-454) to refresh yourself and then head to night club Oxygen in Bai Santa Anna.

From Grand Anse, buses go to Val de Mai in the center of the island or to the south coast, where the beaches of Anse Citron, Anse Bateau, Anse Saint-Sauveur, Anse Takamaka, Anse Cimetiere, Anse Bois de Rose and Anse Consolacion are located. Is not the best place for swimming, but the golden sand and smooth brown boulders are very picturesque and deserve your attention. The Indian Ocean Lodge in Grand Anse and Coco de Meg in Anse Bois de Rose offer their guests free delivery to the beaches of Cote d'Or. This service is especially popular from May to September, when the southern shores are covered with algae . South coast, 3 km east of the airport in Amity.

Neighboring Islands

Aride Special Nature Reserve

The area of ​​this island is 68 hectares. Best nature reserve located on granite islands, where you can see many sea and rare endemic birds, unique plants. In 1973, the northernmost of the granite islands was purchased by chocolate king Christopher Cadbury and given to the Royal Conservation Society, creating a true natural paradise.

In good weather, boats moor at La Cour beach. Getting to the beach is not easy - there is no pier on the island, and tourists have to jump into boats to get to the shore. Carefully pack everything valuable in film, wear shorts or swimsuits and stock up on durable, comfortable shoes, as the paths on the island are steep, uneven, and even slippery after rain. Take water and something to eat with you - there are no cafes or restaurants on the island.

The island is managed by the Environmental Conservation Society. One of the caretakers is always on duty tourist center, where the hiking trail begins, passing through a coconut plantation and village and leading out to the coast. Check out the rare Seychelles warbler, which was once on the brink of extinction. After 29 birds were transported from Cousin Island to Arid, these birds are no longer in danger of extinction. To the west the trail becomes very steep, but here you can see the burrows where wedge-tailed petrels live.

The guide will show you the local cucumber, which blooms only at night, and Wright's gardenia, a flower that grows only on this island. Famed musician George Harrison planted Wright's Gardenia in the Mahe Botanical Gardens in 2000, but the plant died shortly after his death. Not a single attempt to transfer gardenia to other islands has been successful. Gardenia flowers are white, and the petals are covered with thin pink streaks.

Arida is home to a huge number of lizards, and birds sing here all year round. From March to November, lesser terns and sooty terns can be seen on the island; From April to August, roseate terns appear, and during the rest of the year you will encounter three unique Seychelles bird species - sunbirds, blue doves and magpie warblers, as well as giant frigatebirds and red-tailed phaetons.

On La Cour beach you can swim, snorkel or have a small barbecue (this service is offered by tour operators). The reef is home to hundreds of fish, but be aware of strong currents.

45 min by boat from Cote d'Or. The excursion is offered by various tour operators and some hotels. The island is managed by the Society for the Protection of the Islands. Tel.: 321-600. Open: Sun, Wed. Excursions from May to September are arranged depending from weather conditions.

Cousin Island Nature Reserve

The area of ​​Cousin Island is 28 hectares. A visit to this reserve is one of the most popular excursions in Praslin. From Bai Santa Anna you will reach the island in half an hour, the journey from Cote d'Or will take a little longer. The ships stop quite close to the shore, and tourists are ferried to the island in small boats. During disembarkation, you will inevitably get your feet wet, so it is wise will wear shorts or swimsuits, and pack cameras and other valuables in plastic bags.

On Cousin you will be met by a guide who will lead you on a half-hour tour. The reserve is managed by Nature Seychelles. This is a true paradise for bird watchers and naturalists. Here you can see some of the rarest birds of the Seychelles, including the Seychelles warbler, which was recently listed as a critically endangered species. Cousin is also home to Magpie Warblers, Seychelles Foodies and Madagascar Doves. During the southeast monsoon, little terns appear on the island, and white terns can be found here all year round.

Before the Royal Conservation Society purchased the island, Cousin was a coconut plantation. Currently, wild cotton, papaya and castor beans can be seen here. The only tracks in the sand are those of geckos, centipedes, giant tortoises and two species of skinks. Hawksbill turtles lay eggs on the beach from October to March.

Catamaran excursions are offered by Masons Travel. Catamarans depart from Bai Santa Anna. The excursion includes lunch, a visit to Curieuse, swimming on the islet of St. Pierre and a fee for crossing to the islands. Tel.: 288-777.

Cousine Island

This tiny private island is located south of Cousin. Newlyweds who are looking for complete privacy love to come here. Even Sir Paul McCartney vacationed here. There can be no more than ten people on the island at the same time, who live in four colonial villas on the beach. The main attraction is bird watching at the private sanctuary, home to five endemic bird species, or snorkeling and discovering colorful marine life.

Tel.: 321-107. Private transfer from Mahe airport or from Praslin.


Curiosity is located in a marine park. It is separated from the northern tip of Praslin by a strait only 1.5 km wide. The French named the island Rouge (Red)- the red soil can still be seen today. But since the French ship Le Curieuse replenished its water supplies on the island in 1768, much has changed. Lepers once lived here. The ruins of houses where the sick lived can be seen in Anse Saint-José. The house where the doctor from Praslin lived, who treated the unfortunate until 1965, is now occupied by an information center.

The path that starts from information center, walks through a mangrove swamp, past an abandoned pond in Larai Bai, where turtles, once considered a real delicacy, were kept. Today, Curiosity is home to giant tortoises, descendants of the inhabitants of Aldabra. Turtles are under strict protection. They lay their eggs on Grand Anse beach. Scientists protect babies until they are able to live independently wildlife. Masons Travel Praslin offers excursions to Curieuse with lunch on Cousin and swimming in the marine park off the island of St. Pierre. Tel.: 288-777.

The legislation of the Seychelles has approved a pleasant law, according to which any person can relax freely and unhindered on any beach, including on the beaches of any hotels. Good beaches can be found almost throughout the entire circumference of the island. And its dimensions are very small, 11 by 4 kilometers.

The best beaches in Praslin are located in the northwestern part of the island. This is the famous “Gold Coast” of Cote d'Or (Cote d'Or, and another name is Anse Volbert), and Anse Lazio beach. The access to the ocean here is not covered by a coral reef, and the waves can be noticeable. On weekends, these places popular with guests from the capital island of Mahe. wild beach Anse Georgette, located nearby.


When deciding which beach to choose on Praslin, visit Anse Marie Louise for a try. It is located in the east of the island. When is the most high point high tide, a natural salt pool is formed on the shore, surrounded by sand. In the east of Praslin there is another nice beach for those who like privacy. This is Anse Consolacion.


Grand Anse Bay is more suitable for those who like to sunbathe. Here the corals come close to the shore and are covered with algae. Swimming is inconvenient and simply dangerous, you can get hurt.


The bay and beach of Anse Kerlan is decorated with coconuts and evergreen bushes, and is protected from winds and storms by two rocks. This is a very small beach, it belongs to one of the hotels on the island, Lemuria Resort.

And remember that in a day you can walk around almost all the beaches of the island, trying each of them on your own.

  • Last minute tours to Seychelles
  • Praslin is one of two places in the world where the sea coconut "coco de mer" grows (the second - Curieuse - is also found in the Seychelles). This nut is a symbol of the Seychelles; it has become famous throughout the world due to its unusual shape and size: coco de mer is very similar to a woman’s buttocks and weighs more than 20 kg.

    Locals call the island “Prale”.

    Despite its high-profile status as the “second largest island of the archipelago,” Praslin is so small that you can cross it in less than an hour.

    How to get to Praslin

    Praslin Hotels

    Lodges, guesthouses, B&Bs and traditional inns abound throughout the small island and await guests.

    Entertainment and attractions in Praslin

    IN national park Val-de-Maie ("Valley of May"), included in the List World Heritage UNESCO, there are more than 7,000 unique coco de mer palms and a rare black parrot. On west coast there is the Black Pearl farm, the specialization of which is precisely defined by its name. Divers on Praslin will be interested in the Curieuse Islands National Marine Park with its wonderful coral “garden”.


    Three diving centers on Praslin: Octopus, Bleu Marine and Whitetip Divers offer dives in the island's spectacular coral surroundings, as well as combined diving excursions to the outer Seychelles islands.

    6 things to do in Praslin so that the trip is not in vain

    1. Try the famous heavenly fruit of a very bizarre shape - sea coconut.
    2. Wander around the local Valee De Mai national park.
    3. Dive with scuba gear into the “abyss of sea waters” (ocean in our case.
    4. Admire the sunset on Anse Lazio beach.
    5. Climb to the top of Mount Zimbabwe.
    6. Visit Curieuse Island, which was once a leper colony, and feed the huge turtles there.

    Praslin and Northeast Islands

    • Where to stay: In numerous hotels to suit every taste of the island