Rhodes Island: Top Attractions. The best Russian speaking guides of Rhodes Rhodes travel guide with attractions in Russian

Beaches of unearthly beauty, ancient cities and castles with rich history, unique culture, comfortable hotels and low prices - this is what attracts tourists from all over the world to Rhodes. Are you ready to see this unique island? Then you came to the address: we studied it inside and out and compiled for you a guide to Rhodes, where you will find the most detailed, useful and interesting information... Make yourself comfortable, close the search engine, the journey begins here and now.

Travel guide to the island of Rhodes (Greece) in Russian: beaches, attractions, prices, weather and much more.

Our guide to the island of Rhodes is the ultimate useful information, which we managed to put in one article. She will help you plan your trip to Rhodes from and to, choose the best beaches and attractions, book hotels, estimate the cost of food, entertainment, etc. Here you will find links to our other articles, which describe in more detail everything you need on your trip. Don't forget to bookmark our Rhodes travel guide so you can always come back to it when planning your vacation.

Let's start our guide to Rhodes with a small historical background. Rhodes is one of the largest islands in Greece, occupies the fourth place in the country in terms of area. The population is 115 thousand people, of which almost half (50 thousand) live in the capital of the island, the city of Rhodes. Together with Kos, Patmos, Symi and other islands, Rhodes is part of the Dodecanese archipelago. It is located much closer to Turkey than to mainland Greece: from the port of Rhodes to Turkish Marmaris in a straight line - only 50 km, while to Athens - as much as 450. Rhodes is washed by two seas at once: the Aegean in the west and the Mediterranean in the east.

So lucky geographical position for centuries made Rhodes a tasty piece of sushi for a wide variety of civilizations. Back in the 16th century BC here the Minoans from Crete ruled, then the ancient Greeks, Persians, Byzantines, Arabs, again Persians, again Greeks... Since ancient times, Rhodes was a part of Byzantium, until at the beginning of the XIV century it was captured by the Knights Hospitallers. For two centuries the island became the main residence of the knightly order, and the city of Rhodes in the north of the island became its capital. It was then that the most important historical sights of Rhodes were built, which have survived to this day: the Palace of the Grand Masters, the Street of the Knights, the Rhodes fortress, etc.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Rhodes was captured by the Turks. The Ottomans owned the island for almost 400 years, in 1912 they were replaced by the Italians, and in 1948 Rhodes "returned home", becoming part of Greece. Now can you imagine how many bloods are mixed in the inhabitants of Rhodes and how many cultures and civilizations have left their traces here, which are visible literally at every step? Already for the sake of this it is worth moving to go to this amazing island! But there are also dozens of stunning, mind-blowing beaches for every taste: for tourists with children, and for divers, and for windsurfers ... All this makes the island of Rhodes one of the most popular among travelers. different countries, including Russia.

Socrates Street in the city of Rhodes is the real soul of the island. Here the Greek, Turkish and knightly heritage of Rhodes merged together.

Weather in Rhodes and when is the best time to go

Rhodes is one of the most southern islands Greece. therefore the holiday season lasts longer here than on many other islands... Most of the local hotels are closed in winter, as well as in March and April, and since May 1, in honor of the day of solidarity of the proletariat, the shock workers of the resort labor Fr. Rhodes in a single impulse throws open the hospitable doors of holiday homes and boarding houses. The air temperature in May is just ideal (from 22 to 29 degrees), but the water in the first days is still cool, but by the middle or the end of the month, as a rule, it gradually warms up to a comfortable + 20 ... + 22. However, local belief says that on the beaches of all-inclusive hotels, the water is always warmer. We do not know whether this is true or not, but for some reason there are more bathers there.

July and August are the hottest months in Rhodes in all senses. At this time, there is the hottest weather, the warmest sea, the largest number of tourists and, accordingly, the highest prices for tours, hotels and air tickets. So-called The "middle season" in Rhodes is June, September and early October when the sea is still (or already) very warm, the streets are not so stuffy, the prices are not so high, and the crowds are not so big.

From mid-October, the weather in Rhodes gradually deteriorates: it rains more, waves rise, temperatures drop and most hotels close until the end of April. However, even in winter, many tourists go to Rhodes. From November to March, life on the island calms down and there is a unique opportunity to get around the sights of Rhodes without the tourist crowds. Yes, you cannot swim at this time, but for leisurely walks along ancient cities winter + 14… + 16 are very comfortable.

How to get to Rhodes from Moscow, Athens, from other islands of Greece and from Turkey

Rhodes is one of the most popular islands Greece, it's easy to get here, including from Russia. But first, do not forget (or any other Schengen area). There are direct regular and charter flights from Moscow to Rhodes, charters fly from other cities (including St. Petersburg). Read more about how to get to Rhodes from Russia in our article:

You can get to Rhodes from Russia not only on your own, but also on a package tour, because along with Crete it is one of the most popular islands among Russian package tourists. Tour packages to the island of knights from Moscow in the "middle season" cost from 550 euros, from St. Petersburg - from 700 euros (since the ruble exchange rate often changes, the cost is given in foreign currency). You can find out prices in rubles for the dates you need, as well as choose and buy a tour to Rhodes. It automatically compares the offers of all Russian tour operators and finds the best prices.

From other islands in Greece, Rhodes can be reached both by plane and by ferry. At the same time, it is sometimes possible to fly to Rhodes from Athens or from Crete not only faster, but also cheaper than getting by sea. But from some cities in Turkey to Rhodes and back you can get by ferry very quickly and inexpensively. Details, prices and useful links - in our article:

Rhodes' connection with Turkey is very strong. And not only the ferry. In the photo - the ship that brought us from Rhodes to Turkish Marmaris.

Where to stay in Rhodes: an overview of the resorts and cities of the island

Rhodes is very big Island, it stretches 77 km from north to south and 35 km from west to east. There are dozens of cities and towns, many of which are located by the sea, each with its own pros and cons, beaches and attractions. Some are more popular with tourists with children, others - for windsurfers, others - for those who like to have fun, and others - for supporters of a calm measured holiday ... Which resort in Rhodes is right for you? You will find the answer to the question in our article:

There are many resorts in Rhodes and they are all different. Our travel guide to Rhodes will help you choose optimal place just for you.

Rhodes hotels on booking sites

There is a huge number of hotels in Rhodes for every taste and budget - from small family pensions to large all-inclusive complexes. When booking hotels in Rhodes, we advise you to consider three main things.

1. The most popular resorts among Russian tourists are Faliraki, Lindos, and the city of Rhodes. In many hotels in these cities (especially in Faliraki), as well as in street travel agencies and shops, the staff speaks Russian.

2. It is worth searching and booking hotels in Rhodes not only on the well-known Booking.com, but also on other booking systems. The most convenient way to do this is with the help of special search engines. Our favorite hotel search engine is Hotellook.com... It automatically compares prices across all booking systems and finds the best options.

3. If you want to save money, book all-inclusive hotels or self-catering apartment hotels. And there is nothing paradoxical here. It's no secret that prices in cafes in Rhodes often bite. This is where you will need three meals a day in an olincclusive room or a refrigerator with a stove in the apart-hotel. In which, by the way, it is not at all necessary to sweat for hours at the stove: even a cup of coffee with sweets on the balcony of your room will cost you much less than in the most ordinary cafe. And if you aim at more complex dishes like scrambled eggs or boiled sausages ... Products in shops in Rhodes, by the way, are quite inexpensive.

Attractions in Rhodes and its capital

For most tourists, the main attractions of the island of Rhodes are its beaches. But apart from them, Rhodes has a huge number of natural and architectural attractions that must be visited if you are going to this island. Therefore, the main task of any tourist is to select from a huge number of attractions those that you most want to see.

The main historical sights of the island are located in its capital, Rhodes. Knights Hospitallers, Byzantines, Turks, Greeks - different civilizations lived here for centuries, and each left behind a lot of interesting things. That is why the center of Rhodes city is literally packed with interesting sights. You will find a detailed story about them in our review:

But no matter how beautiful Old city, outside of it, too, there is (and very much even there!) What to see. Natural treasures of the Valley of the Butterflies and Seven Wonders Park, the ancient walls of Kamiros and the Acropolis of Lindos, stunning views of Monolithos and the breathtaking attractions of the Rhodes Water Park ... you will find photos in this article:

The sights of Rhodes can be explored independently by public or rented transport, or you can go on an excursion. Choose the most interesting programs, you can find out prices and book an excursion in Rhodes on the website where local Russian guides offer their services:

Everything you wanted to know about exploring Rhodes with a rented car in our article:

Prices for food, hotels, entertainment, etc.

Rhodes is an island not only large but fertile. The climate here is less arid than that of many neighbors in the Aegean Sea, everything grows, blossoms and reproduces. Therefore, at least there is no need to bring food here, which is why the prices for food in stores are quite reasonable. Cafes and restaurants, of course, are not cheap, but this is the case everywhere.

Here are some examples of prices in Rhodes:

  • Apples in the store (1 kg): from 1 to 2 euros
  • Cheese in the store (1 kg): from 6 to 12 euros
  • Juice in the store (1 l): from 1.5 to 2.5 euros
  • Pork pulp in the store (1 kg) from 5 euros
  • Mythos beer in the store (0.5 l): from 1.4 euros
  • A bottle of wine in the store (0.7 l): from 5 to 15 euros
  • Greek salad in a cafe: from 7 to 10 euros
  • Omelet in a cafe: from 3 to 7 euros
  • Gyros (Greek shawarma) in a cafe: from 2.5 to 5 euros
  • Moussaka in a cafe: from 9 to 13 euros
  • Wine in a cafe (0.7 l): from 7 to 25 euros

Hotels in Rhodes are also cheaper than on many other islands in Greece. Here's how much it costs to stay at the island's popular resorts in June, September or October. Links lead to Booking, where you can check prices for the dates you need:

More detailed information on the topic "how much in Rhodes" awaits you in our article:

In Rhodes, even in a cafe, you can eat inexpensively. But only if you are satisfied with gyros for breakfast, lunch and dinner 🙂

The most beautiful photos of the island of Rhodes

And finally our guide to Rhodes will decorate best photos this island that we brought from a trip to Greece... And although in this article you have seen a lot beautiful photos, Rhodes is a place that you want to admire forever.

You will find even more beautiful pictures of the wonderful island in our photo galleries:

This concludes our guide to the island of Rhodes in Greece. We tried to make it as informative as possible, but if something was missing for you, then leave feedback: we will definitely answer all questions in the comments. Happy travel to the most interesting island Greece!

And if suddenly you still have doubts about whether it is worth going to Rhodes, then here is an unequivocal answer to this question. Rather, five answers at once:

It is worth climbing to the Acropolis of Lindos in order to see one of the best landscapes in Rhodes - the "Bay of the Heart" (St. Paul's).

Rhodes is the most romantic island in Greece!

In the last article, I have already told in general, but in this speech I will talk about the most interesting sights of Rhodes.

I will show you cool places on the island, its extraordinary beauty bays, beaches, observation decks, preserved medieval towns, monuments ancient civilization, and even places of power.

So if you are going to spend your vacation in Greece, then this article about the sights of Rhodes with all the marks on the map is just for you 🙂

So let's go!

The city of Rhodes with the same name with the island, which is also the capital, was built by the Knights Hospitallers. The streets are lined with cobblestones, old houses, palaces and churches, a fortress and gates have been preserved.

The Old Town itself is included in the list of the World cultural heritage... By the way, the Rhodes fortress is the longest in Europe - 4 km, and to get to the city center you need to go through 11 fortress gates. On the lawns along the wall, you can see cannonballs, they reached the fortress, made potholes, but did not pierce it through and through.

We really enjoyed walking around the Old Town, which is quite atypical for an old woman in Europe, more like an eastern town, with winding labyrinths of streets. We have not been to Turkey, but they say that it is very similar to a Turkish town with arrows of minarets and Turkish houses with traditional balconies.

The Suleiman the Magnificent Mosque is one of the few structures of the Turkish period that have survived to this day.

And the most photographed objects in the town are Knights Street

and the Palace of the Grand Masters.

Just outside the gates of the Old Town, there is also the pleasant port of Mandraki,

with the Italian Church of the Annunciation, with very beautiful internal interiors, atypical for the Greek churches.

We lived only 5 km from the town, once, during a morning jog along the sea, I just ran to the port) Here, at the entrance to the harbor, there is an old lighthouse and 2 symbols of the city - the Rhodes deer and deer, they stand opposite each other on columns friend, and a little further - medieval mills.

It is worth coming to the town of Rhodes even just to watch the sunset or dine in one of the many restaurants,

and then, of course, walk along its streets, watch the locals.

Local residents have a tradition - every evening to put up chairs near the house and just sit, look at passers-by or gossip about something with neighbors.

Ancient Kamiros

From the ancient town of Kamiros (IX century BC), only the ruins of tiny houses, temples and the like of streets and squares remain, palaces are only half restored.

If you have a wild imagination, then you can safely go to Ancient Kamiros to wander among the ruins, vividly imagining how the ancient Greeks once lived here.

Well, we found a couple of good ones here. marine species, and for general information, we also walked a little among the ruins 🙂

Mount Tsambika in Rhodes is sacred, at its top there is a monastery of the same name, to which a staircase of 307 steps leads. This is a pilgrimage path that especially believers overcome on their knees.

The church has its own legend - once upon a time, here on the top of the hill, the Greeks discovered the miraculous icon of the Holy Mother of God, which belonged to the Church of Cyprus, and no matter how much they tried to return the icon to its place, it kept coming back here. As a result, a small church was built for the icon.

And the miraculous effect of the icon is due to the fact that even childless couples who are trying in vain to have a child, having visited this place, always received a long-awaited gift. Now this miraculous icon is kept in the monastery at the foot, but the ritual - to climb the hill and light a candle is still preserved.

Well, from the top of the hill there is a stunning view of the bay and a long sand beach Tsambika.

Valley of Petaloudes or Valley of the Butterflies

The Valley of the Butterflies is a pleasant park in a narrow gorge, with numerous walkways and moss-covered steps, which are especially good to walk along in the sultry heat, hiding under the shade of Styrax trees.

In summer, there is a unique opportunity here - to see tens of thousands of bear butterflies in one place, which flock here every year to the smell of fragrant resin and hang in bunches on the stones

and trees.

I can't say that butterflies are beauties, you won't immediately notice them, they are masters of disguise 🙂 and it is rather their number that amazes me, the very fact of such a huge cluster in one place. There are several waterfalls and streams in the park, the breath is fresh, in general, you can safely lay half an hour, or even an hour, for a walk along the gorge!

Mount Filerimos

A path along a cypress alley with numerous bas-reliefs, along which you can climb highest point the mountains, crowned with a huge 17-meter cross (which once could also be climbed), were nicknamed "The Way of Calvary", because the distance is equal to that which Jesus walked carrying his cross.

The place reminded us of a mountain with a cross 🙂

Do not repeat our mistake - if the sky is hazy, then it is worth postponing the visit for the evening, especially since there should be a stunning sunset view from this mountain.

Well, on a clear day with good visibility, you can clearly see 2 Greek cities- resort Ixia and ancient Ialyssos. We were during the day, so, alas, we did not experience delight at the sight of the subtle outlines of cities.

But as a bonus, they ran after peacocks to their hearts' content, there are darkness of them here, yes, and we got into the mating season, when they fluff up their tails 🙂

And of course, lovers of ruins will appreciate the preserved ancient ruins of the ancient town of Yalis, with the ruins of the temples of Zeus and Athena, as well as knightly castles with frescoes and the Church of the Virgin Mary.


The stunning white ancient town of Lindos is considered typical Greek,

and definitely a must visit!

As many tourists as here are difficult to see elsewhere in Rhodes, it is very popular place both among travelers and among locals.

This ancient town at the foot of the hill dates back to the 6th century BC. NS.,

and has survived to this day,

it is pleasant to walk here as well as along the narrow picturesque streets of the city,

so go up to the ancient Acropolis and walls knight's castle, from where a stunning view of the heart-shaped lagoon with azure water opens up - St. Paul's Bay.

This is perhaps the most beautiful bay on the island, according to legend, the Apostle Paul stopped here on his way to Jerusalem, therefore the bay is named after him. The small church in this bay is extremely popular for wedding ceremonies.

And you can climb the hill with the Acropolis both on foot and on donkeys, we preferred the first option, at the same time we looked at the handicrafts of local craftswomen at the same time.

I don't really like ruins, but if they are located somewhere on a mountain, then we will definitely go up there.

Because the views from the hill are such that it will take your breath away!

If there is no haze, then you can see not only the city at the foot and the neighboring sandy beach with a bay where you just want to freshen up, but also endless expanses, including the bay of St. Peter and neighboring islands.

After a walk around the Acropolis (by the way, it is the second most important after Athens),

we went downstairs, and in the old town had lunch in one of the kind taverns, I don’t even remember which I liked more - the very view and atmosphere of the restaurant or fresh seafood in it 🙂

In this place, there really are 7 springs, small streams that gush out of the ground and form a lake. Interest among tourists, however, like ours, is another object in the neighborhood - a dark narrow tunnel, which just leads to this very lake.

Every second tourist wants to tickle the nerves and go through the tunnel. The fact is that the tunnel is completely dark, and you need to walk through it barefoot, finding yourself ankle-deep in cold water, it is not recommended to use telephones and flashlights, so as not to disturb the atmosphere and the mysteries of the legend.

2 beliefs are connected with the tunnel, after passing through which, you can choose to either rejuvenate for 10 years, or get rid of 7 sins. We also went through - I don't know, probably rejuvenated 🙂

Well, behind the tunnel, if you walk a little to the side along nature trail, you can see a beautiful artificial waterfall.

Kallithea Springs (Baths of Kallithea)

Once upon a time there were healing springs here,

now it is just a pleasant natural complex with the former name Kallithea Springs,

where you can swim in crystal clear water, sunbathe on sun loungers and have a snack in a cafe.

In general, the nature in the area is simply amazing, especially for the sea cliffs.

The ancient marble pavilions have been restored so that you can hide from the hot sun in their shade and coolness.

Anthony Quinn Bay

This bay is named after a real person - the famous actor of the last century, writer and artist Anthony Quinn. The film "The Cannons of the Isle of Navarone" was filmed in the bay with his participation, but the Greeks themselves fell in love with Anthony Quinn for the movie "Zorba the Greek", in which the actor performed a Greek dance, and the melody of which became a hit. The film "The Greek Zorba", by the way, won an Oscar.

At the end of filming, the actor rented a house in a picturesque bay, and then bought it in order to stay here for a long time. The government was very pleased with the presence of the star, or rather, the effect that his presence had - the bay began to attract tourists / fans of the actor like a magnet, so it was decided to give the bay the name of the actor.

I am sure that even if Anthony Quinn did not live in this bay, and it would have been called somehow differently, tourists would have chosen this place anyway! Firstly, the bay itself, framed by bizarre rocks, like natural place- very picturesque, the water changes its color from turquoise to sapphire during the day, secondly, it is easy to get here - there is public transport to the nearest resort towns, from which you can already walk to the bay on foot.

Now Anthony Quinn Bay is one of the most beautiful and pleasant beaches on the island - the purest water, the bay is protected from waves and wind, there are sun loungers, umbrellas, showers and a cafe.

Ostrich farm

There is a place in Rhodes that is definitely worth a visit, especially if you are relaxing on the island with children - this is an ostrich farm

and a mini zoo next to it.

At the entrance you can buy bags of corn kernels and feed the ostriches - this is the main entertainment. At the same time, only 2-3 of the calmest males are allocated for feeding, who eat neatly from their hands, while females are generally not allowed to visit tourists, because they often behave inadequately)

On the farm, ostriches are settled in families - one male and 2-3 females live in the pen. Males are quite aggressive and if you place two adult males together with a female, then they will fight for their status until the last, until one of them dies. But in general, ostriches, it turns out, live quite a long time, about 60-70 years.

Ostriches are raised for meat and eggs. They lay eggs at the age of 2 to 35 years, and hatch each about 40 days, and they use young individuals for meat, up to 1 year.

One ostrich egg weighs about 2 kg, it is enough for about 10 omelets. The farm also has a restaurant where you can taste omelets, steaks and ostrich cutlets. There is also a souvenir shop where you can buy all sorts of crafts from the shell, and also on the farm you can see the world's largest rosary, also made from eggs, of course, they lie under the glass)


Most of the vineyards of Rhodes are located around Mount Attaviros, at altitudes of up to 800 m. In the highlands, the white variety Atiri is grown, and the red variety Mandariya (Amoriano) is cultivated in the plains.

Both those and other vineyards can be visited in order to taste / buy various wines as a gift, or simply to dine overlooking the endless vineyards.

In summer, the grapes are still unripe, so we couldn't eat fresh fruits from the bush 🙁

If you see some kind of local production, be it a soap factory, a honey farm or a ceramic workshop, do not hesitate, you can look everywhere, see and ask the craftsmen.

The Greeks are friendly enough, well, they will bite you))

As a rule, all workshops and farms have their own shop where you can buy their craft products.


There is another attraction of Rhodes on the island, which we, alas, did not reach, called "the kiss of two seas". Yes, that's right, because having arrived here, you can swim in two seas at once - the Aegean and the Mediterranean.

This place is located on the very southern promontory Rhodes, and a huge sandy spit separates the seas. The place was chosen by kiters and surfers. I really love these places!

So, for us this is at least one significant reason to return someday to the island of Rhodes.


Excellent beaches, well-developed infrastructure, extensive excursion program, the most picturesque places of the island - all this makes Rhodes one of the most popular tourist destinations Greece.

You can travel around Rhodes both on public transport, and on a rented car or motorbike, then the choice is yours.

The latter options will undoubtedly make your vacation more varied and more mobile. We saw all the places described in the article, moving by car, the roads and traffic on the island are normal. On the way, we discovered and visited several interesting places, where initially they did not plan to visit 🙂

Rent a car in Rhodes

We looked for a car for rent in several places: firstly, we asked on the spot (since the car was not needed on the first day of arrival, we did not book in advance, although we usually do this), but either there was nothing free, or the prices were higher, or insurance conditions were worse.

We also made a selection good hotels in different price categories next to great beaches.

A selection of hotels in Rhodes

Budget Good Luxury
  • Saint Amon Hotel
  • Paul "s Garden Studios
  • Castello del Cavaliere
  • Vergina sun
  • Rea Hotel
  • Villa Olive Grove
  • Bay view
  • Helios Aparts
  • Johannes Apartments
  • Mediterraneo
  • Anelia Boutique Apartments
  • Kastri Boutique Beach
  • Rodos palladium
  • Esperos mare
  • Kouros Exclusive
  • Atrium Palace
  • Blue dream
  • Porto angeli
  • Sentido port royal
  • Kolymbia sun

See all hotel options in Rhodes

You can rent a house in Rhodes from locals using the Airbnb website .

A lot of useful information about Greece - where to go, what to do, what to see, etc. can be found on the website Greek National Tourism Organization.

Favorable flights to Rhodes

Have you been to Greece or specifically to Rhodes? Do you like the island? If you managed to visit Rhodes where we were not, write in the comments, thanks to you, the list of attractions in Rhodes will turn out to be even more complete!

The Greek island of Rhodes was popular beach resort back in the early XX century. A sufficient number of first-class hotels, equipped beaches and comfortable infrastructure have always attracted large flows of tourists. Today Rhodes proudly maintains its reputation as one of the most visited Mediterranean islands.

However, Rhodes has more to offer beach vacation... Its history goes back thousands of years. Monuments of Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the period of the Ottoman Empire and Italian rule are perfectly preserved here. Among the picturesque valleys of the island are scattered charming Greek towns, as if frozen in time under the gentle Mediterranean sun. In the colorful taverns you can fully enjoy local cuisine, for which the best and only fresh products are used.

The best hotels and hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see on the island of Rhodes?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

The Rhodes fortress was built in the 13th century by the knights of the monastic order of St. John, better known as the Order of the Hospitallers. The walls of the building have grown on the site of the ancient acropolis. In the 15th century, the castle was considered one of the most impregnable fortresses christian world. The ring of stone walls was more than 4 km long. Inside is the Palace of the Grand Masters, erected on the site of the Temple of Helios. Only the walls of this castle have survived to the days.

Inside the walls of the Rhodes Fortress lie the medieval quarters of Rhodes, erected during the reign of the Order of St. John on the foundations of the buildings of the Ancient era. 10 gates lead to the territory of the old city, located along the perimeter of the fortress wall. The streets of the medieval city are lined with cobblestones; knights once lived in the powerful walls of the preserved buildings, a hospital and administrative offices were located.

Street of the Knights is located on the territory of the Medieval City of Rhodes. It starts at the gates of the Palace of the Grand Masters. Mainly on this street are the houses of the "languages" - the national groups of knights who came to Rhodes from different countries. For example, there was once the House of French Knights and the House of Spain. In the Middle Ages, Knights Street also housed the stables of the order.

Lindos is one of the oldest cities on the island, founded in the 10th century BC. The local antique Acropolis is second only to the Athenian in importance. The local temple of Athena Lindia was once visited by Alexander the Great, and in the 1st century A.D. NS. the apostle Paul visited here. All city buildings are painted white. The ancient houses are many hundreds of years old, but according to the law, new buildings cannot be erected in the city in order to preserve its historical appearance.

The ancient harbor, which has been the main port of Rhodes for 2.5 thousand years. At the entrance to the port there are two stone columns, on which in the 3rd century AD. NS. leaned a giant 36-meter statue of the Colossus of Rhodes (now there are figures of deer). On the stone breakwater there are three medieval mills, preserved from the times of knights, and the fortress of St. Nicholas.

In the past, the fort was part of the defensive system of Rhodes. It is located on the edge of a stone breakwater - a breakwater built in the Antiquity. First, in the 15th century, the central tower of the fortress was erected, which was named the "Tower of Mills". A few years after the Turkish siege in 1480, the structure was surrounded by a moat and walled. Today, there is a lighthouse on the territory of Fort St. Nicholas.

The Acropolis of Lindos is one of the most significant architectural monuments in Greece. It is located on a cliff overhanging the sea. The first pagan temples appeared here in the 5th-4th centuries. BC. The main sanctuary of the Acropolis is a temple dedicated to Athena Linda, who was considered the patroness of the island. Many buildings have survived quite well to this day, so tourists can contemplate not only ruins.

The Acropolis is located on the hill of St. Stephen, where today is the Monte Smith Park. It consists of a stadium, an amphitheater and the remains of the temple of Apollo the Pythian. According to the excavations, the first buildings appeared here in the III-II centuries. BC NS. In the era of Antiquity, sanctuaries of the gods, public institutions, and theaters were located on the territory of the Rhodes Acropolis. The main artifacts were discovered as a result of excavations from 1912-1945.

The stadium is located on the territory of the Rhodes Acropolis. It was built in the 2nd century BC. It hosted sports competitions dedicated to the sun god Helios, who, along with Athena, was considered the patron saint of the island. It should be noted that the Rhodes athletes were among the strongest in ancient Greece. They constantly won prizes in competitions and earned numerous awards.

Ancient city in the north-west of the island, one of the most powerful cities of Rhodes, which flourished in the 5th century BC. Kamiros maintained economic ties with Asia Minor and the mainland Greek city-states, actively developed agriculture and minted his own coins. In the 3rd century A.D. Rhodes was hit by a devastating earthquake, as a result of which the inhabitants left Kamiros, and the city fell into decay.

The hill on which one of the best viewing platforms Rhodes. From here you can see the ancient city of Ialyssos and the resort of Ixia. Also on the top and slopes of Filerimos are the ruins of the ancient Greek temples of Athena and Zeus and picturesque Christian cathedrals of the 15th-18th centuries. In the 16th century, a monastery of the Mother of God was built on the mountain, where the miraculous icon created by the Apostle Luke was placed. At the entrance to the mountain, there is an 18-meter concrete cross.

The exact date of the construction of the monastery is unknown. The miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary has been kept here since the 15th century. It is believed that she helps childless couples to conceive a child, so the flow of pilgrims to this place never dries up. Tsambika Monastery is divided into lower and upper ones. On the territory of the lower monastery there is a temple with an icon, an Orthodox museum, a cafe and a souvenir shop. The upper part of the monastery is located on the top of a hill, offering a magnificent view of the Tsambik beaches.

The temple was built in the XIII century, it is located in the center ancient city Lindos. Over the next centuries, the church was reconstructed more than once, one of the large-scale restorations was carried out under Pierre de Aubusson, Grand Master of the Order of St. John. The interior of the temple was renovated in the 20th century during the domination of the Italians in Rhodes. The church has a very picturesque snow-white facade, which contrasts sharply with the bright red tiled roof.

The Jews settled in Rhodes more than 2.3 thousand years ago, but the first synagogues began to appear already in the Middle Ages. Kahal Shalom is considered the oldest synagogue in Greece, it was built at the end of the 16th century and worked until the 30s. XX century, before the arrival of the fascist dictatorship. The Jews were expelled from the island, and the synagogue was abandoned. Today, the synagogue has opened its doors again, but only for a tourist season when a sufficient number of tourists come to the island.

Saint Nektarios is a fairly revered figure in the Greek Orthodox Church despite the fact that he was canonized relatively recently. It is believed to help the sick to heal from ailments. A small temple in his honor was built at the expense of pilgrims. The church was built in the classic Byzantine style. The facade of the building has an unusual terracotta shade and is decorated with graceful columns.

The temple is located in the center of the small village of Xian, which is 65 km away. from Rhodes, on the slope of Mount Akramitis. The temple was built in the XIV century from natural stone. Along the edges of the main façade are two symmetrical clock towers, and the building's roof is covered with red tiles. The church interiors are luxurious, the ceiling is decorated with magnificent frescoes and gilded.

The museum funds exhibit an extensive collection of artifacts found during excavations on the island. Many of the exhibits are more than several thousand years old. One of the most valuable items in the collection is a statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes, dating from the 1st century BC. The sculpture is made of Parian marble. Also in the museum there are statues of gods created in the 6th-5th centuries. BC.

A 15th century castle built by the Knights of the Order of St. John. Like most similar structures of that time, Monolithos was built for defensive purposes. The building justified its purpose - in the entire history of its existence, the castle has never been taken by storm. Now the building is in a very neglected state, as over time it has undergone serious damage.

Defensive structure of the 16th century, erected during the reign of the Hospitallers. The castle was built in the Venetian style. Due to its convenient location, a panoramic and very convenient view opens from the walls, which made it possible to observe the enemy's maneuvers. After the siege in 1480, the castle was badly damaged. The knights of the order decided to restore it later, but as a result of the defeat in the struggle for Rhodes, these plans were not destined to be realized.

The park is located a few kilometers from the center of Rhodes. It is considered the world's oldest landscape park and one of the main attractions of the island. It is not known exactly when Rodini was founded, but during the Roman Empire, the park was already a popular place for walking and relaxing. On its territory, parts of the Roman aqueducts have been preserved, century-old cypresses and pines grow here, there are also small lakes.

Thermal springs located in Kallithea - resort village, which is located near the city of Rhodes. The bathing complex was built in 1928 as part of the development of the tourist infrastructure on the island. The building of the baths was built according to the project of P. Lombardi, in our time it is considered valuable architectural monument... The baths operated until 1967, after which they were closed for 40 years. The reopening took place in 2007.

Natural landmark near the village of Kolimbia, located on the way from Rhodes to Lindos. Seven Springs is a network of small streams and springs that gush directly from the rock and form a lake with the purest drinking water... The area itself is quite picturesque, as it is located among a relict forest overgrown with pines, cypresses and plane trees. To get to the lake, you need to go through a small tunnel.

Conservation area located about 27 km. from the city of Rhodes. Lush green vegetation grows in this area, waterfalls beat, numerous streams merge into small lakes. Even in the hottest weather, long-awaited coolness can be found here. In summer, thousands of motley butterflies arrive in the valley, causing the entire landscape to be covered with a bright colorful carpet. The place is considered unique not only in Greece, but throughout Europe.

The farm is home to over 120 ostriches, as well as deer, camels, birds, donkeys and goats. For the entertainment of visitors, riding on huge birds is organized. As in all similar places, the farm has a shop where customers are offered products from various parts of the ostrich. A local restaurant serves this poultry for lunch and an omelet made from huge eggs. The farm is located near the village of Petaloudes.

A picturesque piece of coastline with golden sand and the purest azure sea. The beach is located near the village of Haraki. Agati is popular with tourists with children due to its fairly gentle descent into the sea. The beach has a developed tourist infrastructure with taverns, sun lounger rental and other services. "Agia agati" in translation means "holy purity."

A beach located at the foot of Mount Tsambika, the surroundings of which are considered the most beautiful places in Rhodes. The beach has a fairly long sandy strip; it is distinguished by the increased purity and transparency of the sea. To services of tourists - numerous cafes, sports centers and entertainment. Quite a popular pastime is quad biking in the vicinity of the beach.

The cape is located in the southernmost part of the island and is connected to Rhodes by a narrow sandy isthmus. In winter, the waters of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas flood this passage, and in summer they retreat to form a magnificent spit of sand that is used as a beach. Cape Prasonisi is a popular destination for kitesurfers and windsurfers.

The bay of Agios Pavlos is located near the ancient Acropolis of Lindos. It is believed that in the 1st century A.D. here the apostle Paul landed. There is a beautiful sandy and pebble beach, equipped with all the necessary infrastructure. The natural ledges of the surrounding rocks serve as springboards for diving. In honor of St. Paul, a small snow-white church was erected on the territory of the bay.

The bay is one of the most picturesque places in Rhodes. It is named after the actor E. Queen, who was popular in the first half of the 20th century. In the 60s. the actor acquired a piece of land and settled on the territory of the bay. According to another version, it is believed that the authorities of Rhodes were so pleased with the presence of the star that they granted him land for perpetual use in exchange for the creation of a cinema center on the island. But Quinn did nothing and had to leave.

A popular amusement park located on the territory of the resort town of the same name. The water park has areas for children of all ages, so even the smallest visitors are safe. Near the complex there is a beach, many shops, restaurants, souvenir shops. In the high season, there is always a large influx of tourists in the water park, which is why queues form at the slides.

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Rhodes is one of the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea. Its area is 1398 km². The Administrative Center is the city of the same name, located in the northeastern part of the island. Rhodes has a long and full of events history. It was here that the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes was built, which could not withstand the earthquake.

From 1309 to 1522, the Knights Hospitallers lived on the island, who were forced to leave Rhodes after months of siege by the troops of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Only in 1948 the island again became part of Greece.

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Popular on the island

The most popular attractions on the island are:

  1. Rhodes fortress.
  2. Mandraki harbor.
  3. Acropolis in Lindos.
  4. Suleiman Mosque.
  5. Valley of the Butterflies.
  6. Rodini Park.
  7. Synagogue Kahal Shalom.
  8. Walls and gates of the city of Rhodes.
  9. Orfanidou street.

Lovers nightlife be sure to visit the clubs of Orfanidou Street, where you can see the performances of local singers and artists.

Since Rhodes is known as a seaside destination, it is worth highlighting the most beautiful beaches of the island:

The most popular is the Prasonisi beach, which is divided into two parts by a sand spit.

There you can see unique phenomenon, when the sea is raging on one side of the spit, and calm on the other.

Should I go?

Rhodes is a must-see when traveling in Greece. You need to visit the island separately to see its picturesque mountains, sandy beaches, monuments ancient greece and the Middle Ages, to stand in the place from where Suleiman the Magnificent led the siege of the city, to feel the spirit of freedom-loving and unconquered Greece.

Weather in Rhodes

The island is almost always sunny and warm. Even in November average monthly temperature+ 20-21C. The largest number precipitation falls in the winter months. Thanks to this, you can fly to Rhodes both in spring and autumn, and almost never see rain.

When traveling to Rhodes, it is better to plan the route in advance and book tickets so as not to get stuck at one of the transit airports or switch from one mode of transport to another.

You can get to Rhodes by ferry or plane. Ferries of the following companies go to Rhodes:

  • Blue Star Ferries;
  • Anek lines;
  • Dodekanisos seaways.

Blue Star Ferries operate from the following cities:

Anek lines ferries operate from:

  • Tilos;
  • Kalymnos;
  • Kastelorizo;
  • Spit;
  • Leros;
  • Nisyros;
  • Patmos;
  • Simi;
  • Halki;
  • Lipsey;
  • Agatonisi.

There is also a sea connection with the Turkish city of Bodrum, served by ferries from Sealine LTD.

The island's airport accepts flights from many European capitals, but there are no direct flights from the airports of CIS cities. Therefore, it is possible to get to Rhodes by air only with 1-2 transfers. The total duration of flights will be from 7 to 28 hours.

Transfers on the way of the island can be at:

  • Athens;
  • Thessaloniki.

Transfer and taxi services in Rhodes

Get from the airport or seaport to the hotel, as well as to move around the island using special buses provided travel companies or by taxi. A bus transfer can be arranged in case of traveling with a large company (from 8 people) to one or several nearby hotels.

If you need to get 1-7 tourists it is better to take a taxi.

Below is the cost of a taxi ride from the airport or seaport to various settlements islands:

From airport Direction From the port
Price in EUR (from where or where) Price in EUR
30 Afandou28
44 Charaki (Haraki)44
25 Faliraki20
48 Gennadi45
21 Ialyssos18
21 Ixia18
44 Kalathos44
25 Kalithea20
48 Kiotari45
15 Kremasti20
33 Kolymbia30
25 Koskina20
48 Lardos45
44 Lindos44
48 Pefkos45
75 Prassonissi75
44 Pylon44
22 Rhodes town18
19 Tholos28
44 Vliha44

The cost of a bus transfer will be 2-3 times lower, but such a trip must be booked in advance via the Internet.

Should you rent a car?

You need to rent a car in Rhodes only if the time of stay on the island is limited to 1-2 days, but you want to see everything beautiful corners islands. You can rent a car in Rhodes via the Internet, even before your trip to the island.

The rental price will be:

  • for an economy class car - 30-50 euros per day;
  • for a middle class car - 50-90 euros per day;
  • for an executive class car - 90-200 euros day;
  • for SUVs and minibuses - 90-200 euros per day.

What do you need to rent a car?

To rent a car, you must have:

  1. the passport;
  2. international driving license;
  3. age not less than 21 years;
  4. driving experience of at least 1 year;
  5. a bank card with sufficient funds to block the franchise.

Traffic and parking features

When traveling on the roads of the island, remember that:

  1. Greek drivers don't always follow the rules therefore, all attention is on the road.
  2. Most gas stations close at 19.00, you need to have time to refuel before this time.
  3. Parking is paid only in the cities of Rhodes and Lindos (1,5 and 3 euros at one o'clock).
  4. Paid parking lots are indicated.
  5. Greek police officers are not allowed to collect fines on the spot, they must be paid at the bank.
  6. When paying a fine in the first 10 days after receipt of the receipt, its size is halved.
  7. You can only park on the street if there are blue and white markings.

There are large car parks near the port and airport, but they are located far enough from the main attractions of Rhodes.

Get travel medical insurance

Ordering an inexpensive transfer - taxi on the island of Rhodes

Communication services on the island

The island has landline and mobile telephony. The following mobile operators operate:

  • Vodafone;
  • Wind;
  • Frog;
  • Cosmote.

To start using the services of one of them, you first need to buy a number, and then the operator's SIM card. You need to call Russia (Ukraine, Belarus) by dialing the number in the international format. A minute of conversation with the homeland will cost 2-7 euro cents depending on the operator chosen.

In order to use the services of public telephones, you need to buy a special card for 5 or 10 euros... A minute of conversation with relatives will cost 2-3 European kopecks. When calling from a landline phone, you need to dial 0007 before the network code.

Rhodes Accommodation

Rhodes has hotels of all categories: from 2 to 5 stars. Hotels in the city are slightly more expensive than in the villages.

On average, spending a day in a hotel in Rhodes is:

  • at 2* - 30-50 euros;
  • at 3* 45-60 euros;
  • at 4* 70-100 euros;
  • at 5* 120-400 euros.

In most hotels in Rhodes, regardless of class, the following services are available:

  • free wireless Internet within the territory of;
  • cooling by air-conditioned rooms;
  • eating in a restaurant (cafe);
  • drinking drinks at the bar;
  • use of the pool.
  • beach;
  • spa center;
  • fitness center;
  • guarded parking;
  • conference room.

In all hotels on the island, the staff speaks English and performs their professional duties well. Both in 2 * and 5 * hotels, the quality of services will satisfy the most demanding traveler.

Rent a car on the island of Rhodes

Rhodes Restaurants

In the restaurants of Rhodes you can taste the following cuisines:

Most of the restaurants on the island are not ready to accept large groups of tourists due to their small capacity. Prices in cafes and restaurants are democratic.

Lunch in one of them will cost 10-50 euros, depending on the location, assortment and sophistication of the dishes. In small rural cafes, food is always cheaper than in large city restaurants, but at the same time it is not inferior in quality.

Holidays in Rhodes with children

It is better to rest with children in hotels of higher categories (4-5 *), since they have:

  • special playgrounds;
  • mini-clubs;
  • the opportunity to use the services of nannies;
  • the ability to put a baby cot in the room.

The restaurants of these hotels have special tables for children and a children's menu.

You can show children in Rhodes:

  1. Aquarium in the city of Rhodes.
  2. Passage Park in Rhodes.
  3. Children's park in Atayon.
  4. Mini water park in Ialyssos.
  5. Valley of the Pelatoudes Butterflies.

It is better not to go to churches with children, since not everyone can stand the service. Despite the relatively small number of attractions that are pleasant to visit with a child, holidays with children in Rhodes will be pleasant for both them and their parents.

Rhodes is the fourth largest and most sunny island Greece. Despite the rapid development of mass tourism, not only all-inclusive holiday lovers come to Rhodes, but also independent travelers. We spent 9 days in Rhodes, rented a car, rented an apartment. Everything you need to know about Rhodes with sightseeing map.

How and when to go to Rhodes

Most popular resorts Rhodes with links to hotels: Faliraki, Kalithea, Lindos, Ixia, Ialyssos. The capital city of Rhodes has a wide range of accommodation, entertainment and nice beach... Rhodes Accommodation

We chose Stegna Bay, Bella Vista Stegna apartments. Stegna is a picturesque place on the Mediterranean coast of Rhodes near big city Archangelos.

Rhodes beaches

Most vacationers come to Rhodes to swim and sunbathe. There are more than 35 beaches in Rhodes that have been awarded the Blue Flag for the livability and cleanliness of the sea. The longest beach (5 km) is located in tourist center Faliraki. Sandy beaches stretch one after another: Ialyssos, Ixia, Rhodes, Kalithea, Kolimbia. All of them have a smooth entry into the sea and are good for families with small children. A small beach in the rocky bay of Ladiko - Anthony Queen has long ceased to be a "secluded place".

On the East coast Rhodes I liked the beaches of Tsambika and Agati the most. In Lindos beautiful beach overlooking the Acropolis. In the southeast, there are long pebbly beaches of Kiotari and Gennadi. Cape Prasonisi is located at the southern tip of the island, where currents and winds converge. Despite the wide sandy strip, there are more wave riders than bathers in Prasonisi.

The beaches on the Aegean side are less visited. We came to the pebble beach of Glyfada near the Monolithos fortress. There is a shallow sandy beach next to Ancient Kamir; sun loungers are provided for guests of the coastal tavern free of charge. Resting on western beaches Rhodes, you can admire the sunset.

Rhodes landmarks

Attractions of Rhodes on the map

A free map of Rhodes can be taken at any cafe or hotel, guidebooks in Russian are sold for € 5. All the attractions of Rhodes in one day.

Rhodes town. Medieval town Rhodes is listed world heritage UNESCO. A walk inside the fortress walls takes half a day: the Palace of the Grand Masters, Street of the Knights, the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, squares with fountains, churches, mosques. On the central street Socratus there are shops and cafes. You can park your car for free in the Mandraki port along windmills... Where, according to legend, the Colossus of Rhodes once towered, now there are statues of a deer and a deer.

Lindos or Lind is located in the southeast of the island, 50 km from Rhodes. They go to Lindos Shuttle Buses and pleasure boats. Since Lindos is a very visited city, it is better to arrive early (there are problems with parking, a lot of people on the beach and in the Acropolis). The ancient city of Lindos is built on a 116 m high elephant hill, to get to the main attraction - the Acropolis, you have to climb up the narrow streets. Tired tourists are offered to ride a donkey. In the Acropolis, a card is given along with the ticket. Top opens beautiful view to the sea and the bay of the Apostle Paul.

Kamir... The large-scale ruins of the ancient Dorian city of Kamir are located on the west coast of Rhodes. The place is open, it can be very hot in summer. After exploring the archaeological site, it is pleasant to cool off on the Kamiros beach.

Monks on Mount Felirim

With the temple of the Virgin and antique Ialyssos (Triad) with the remains of temples are located between the city of Rhodes and the resort of Yalis.

Castello Castles Kritinia and Southwest Rhodes are the best spots to see the sunset.

Agia Tsambika monastery is one of the most visited in Rhodes. The lower monastery stands on the main road from Rhodes to Lindos, the upper one is on a hill. You can go only part of the way, the other 300 steps need to be walked. It is believed that the Tsambikskaya Mother of God helps in childbirth. Above, there is a panoramic view of the coast and Tsambika beach.

Natural attractions of Rhodes: Valley of the Butterflies, Seven Springs (Epta Piges), Mount of the Prophet Elijah... People come here to take a break from the sun in the shade of trees among the greenery.

Food and souvenirs of Rhodes

The products typical of Rhodes are best bought where they are produced - in small traditional villages.

In a mountain village Siana make honey. Flower, temyanovy and pine honey is used in the manufacture of desserts and added to yoghurt. Xi'an also produces a strong grape drink called soyma.

Rhodes is famous for its wine. Rhodes Muscat has been known since ancient times, the most popular grapes in Rhodes are Athiri and Amoriano. The best of dry white wines "Ilios" and "Grand Maitre", dry red "Chevalier de Rhodes". We tasted and bought Rhodes wine in a highland village Ebona.

Dishes typical of Rhodes are served in taverns. Chickpea meatballs, lamb meat, melekuni dessert, a large selection of fish and seafood dishes.

Traditional Rhodian souvenirs - ceramics, carpets, leather shoes, silver jewelry, icons. Ceramic workshops are located on the road to Lind, weaving and handicrafts are carried out in Archangelos and Afandou... In the city of Rhodes, you can buy absolutely everything: from souvenirs to clothes of famous brands.

From Rhodes to neighboring islands

Rhodes is the central island of the Dodecanese, from which it is easy to get to the neighboring islands. Tickets for Greek ferries on the FerriesinGreece website.

Simi Island is 21 nautical miles from Rhodes. Pleasure boats to Symi leave every morning from the port of Mandraki (Rhodes). Ticket price from € 15. The route includes a visit to the Paranormitis Monastery and a stop at the picturesque port of Ano-Shima.

Sunset overlooking the island of Halki

Halki island very small and not so visited. It can be reached by boat from the town of Skala Kamirou. Several times a week, regular ships call on Halki.

Day cruises from Rhodes in season are performed by the ferry company Dodekanisos Seaways: Sima, Tilos, Kastelorizo, Nisyros, Marmaris (Turkey). It makes no sense to go to the island of Kos one day. After Rhodes we moved to where we spent the remaining 5 days.

Rhodes is ideal for beach and family vacation... Rhodes has a long season, a well-developed tourist infrastructure, many attractions and interesting places. Prices are high in Rhodes, but you can find inexpensive accommodation, rent a car and explore this large sunny island on your own.