Lake Gek Gel Azerbaijan. Colored lakes of the world - from Gyok-Gel to Tivu-ata-Polo

LLC "Boutique Winestyle", INN: 7713790026, license: 77RPA0010390 dated November 5, 2014, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 52Retail Winestyle LLC, INN: 7716816628, license: 77RPA0012148 dated April 26, 2016, Moscow, Leningradskoye sh., 72, floor 1, premises. IVа, room. from 1 to 5Vainstyle LLC, INN: 7715808800, license: 77RPA0010437 dated November 14, 2014, Moscow, Skladochnaya st., 1, building 1Store Winestyle LLC, INN: 9717017438, license: 77RPA0012229 dated 06/08/2016, Moscow, st. Lyusinovskaya, 53, floor 1, room VILLC "Red Winestyle", INN: 9717049616, license: 77RPA0012971 dated March 23, 2017, Moscow, Entuziastov Shosse, 74/2, floor 1, room VGreen Winestyle LLC, INN: 9718061246, license: 77RPA0013267 dated 08/04/2017, Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya street, 25, building 1, first floor, room 1, rooms 1 to 9Rose Winestyle LLC, INN: 9718046294, license: 77RPA0013315 dated 08/24/2017, Moscow, Mira Avenue, 70, floor 1, room No. IV, rooms 1 to 4Nice Winestyle LLC, INN: 7716856204, license: 77RPA0013269 dated 08/04/2017, Moscow, Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya street, 13/15, basement, room VII, rooms 1 to 3Soft Weinstyle LLC, INN: 7719485100, license: 77RPA0014417 dated March 22, 2019, Moscow, Izmailovsky Boulevard, 1/28, floor 1, room. I, room 1, 2, 2A, 3-5Soft Weinstyle LLC, INN: 7719485100, license: 77RPA0014437 dated 04/04/2019, Moscow, Osenny Boulevard, 20, bldg. 1, 1st floor, room. 275, room 1-5 Products are shipped to legal entities in accordance with current legislation.

Tasting notes


Cognac is light golden in color.


The harmonious, full, soft taste of cognac is filled with well-developed but subtle notes of vanilla, chocolate and oak. The aftertaste is pleasant, warming.


The aroma of cognac contains shades of ripe fruits, fragrant flowers, vanilla and sweet spices.

Gastronomic combinations

Vintage cognac "Gek-Gel" KB has been produced since 1948. It owes its name to a high-mountain lake in Azerbaijan, which is a local landmark. The drink is made from cognac spirits aged in oak barrels for 6 to 8 years. A glass filled with Gek-Gel cognac reflects the radiance of the sun, the wisdom of centuries, the fragrance of the south and the warmth of the hands of winegrowers and winemakers. "Gek-Gel" was awarded 3 gold and a silver medal.

About the manufacturer

Products JSC "Mosazerwinzavod" has long enjoyed constant success in the alcohol market. The company was founded in 1925 as an association of wine warehouses "Azvintrest". The main type of product produced at that time was bottled wine, since glass containers were in short supply, and its processing required time and manual labor. In 1974, the technical re-equipment of the plant and the rapid expansion of production capacity began. By 1985, the product range included 25 items, including dry, strong, dessert wines, ordinary and vintage cognacs. During the fight against alcoholism, some of the plant’s equipment was dismantled, and some was repurposed for the production of non-alcoholic products.

After the collapse of the USSR, the plant was transformed several times and in 1999 it became a closed joint stock company. Having survived several crisis years, gradually, thanks to investments in technical equipment, "Mosazerwinzavod" began to be reborn. To date, the main problem has become the sale of products in the regions of Russia, which greatly affects production volumes. The quality of Mosazerwinzavod products deserves special attention: the high prizes it received, a collection of gold, silver and bronze medals, diplomas from domestic and international exhibitions and competitions speak for themselves. In 2014 for high quality cognac and vodka, the Administration of the President of Russia allowed the use of its trademark and the coat of arms of Russia on Mosazerwinzavod bottles.

To the question: What “colored” lakes do you know? given by the author Neuropathologist the best answer is the Five Flower Lakes in Jiuzhaigon National Park (China) are known to many for their clear turquoise water. The photograph clearly shows trees lying on the bottom.

This volcanic lake in Flores acquired a bright turquoise color thanks to single-celled algae and bacteria.

Algae can change the color of lake water to the color of hot chocolate.

Lake Blanca in Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Park, Washington (USA). The color of the water of this lake resembles the color of sea water.

Yamdrok Tso is translated from Tibetan as “turquoise lake”. This artificial lake, formed during the construction of a dam, is located at an altitude of more than 4500 meters above sea level in the Tibetan mountains

Deep red lake on the Sanetsch pass in Switzerland.

Big salt Lake in Uyuni (Bolivia). The red color is caused by a large number of microscopic organisms living in the upper layer of water and the crust of salt.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What “colored” lakes do you know?

Answer from Kairat[expert]
salty and fresh, for example Lake Balkhash is half blue and the other half green

Answer from Sit[active]
Lake Dalneye in Kamchatka

Answer from freshly salted[guru]
A lot on geographical map so-called "colored" lakes. These lakes really have the most diverse, unusual shades of water: red, crimson, blue-green, blue, yellow, white and even black.
Such lakes are scattered throughout to the globe. Let's name just a few of them and try to explain the reasons for their unusual coloring.
IN Carpathian mountains near the village of Sinyak, not far from the city of Svalyava Transcarpathian region Ukraine, at an altitude of 700 m above sea level, Lake Sinyak is located. Sulfur compounds dissolved in it give the water an intense blue color.
There are especially many such lakes in the Caucasus Mountains. So, not far from Lake Ritsa there is a small blue lake. Another blue lake is located in the Chersky Gorge of Kabardino-Balkaria. It amazes with the bright blue-green color of the water, reminiscent of a solution of copper sulfate. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and a large number of hydrogen sulfide, which is supplied to the lake by underground springs.
The national poet of Azerbaijan, Samed Vurgun, called Gek-Gel Lake (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge, “the Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but quite deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which are supplied by numerous streams.
There are many white lakes on the globe. In Russia alone, up to 20 lakes have the name “White”. Many of them are located among forests and numerous rivers and lakes of the Vologda region. It would seem that the lake is like a lake, but when on its rather large water surface, with an area of ​​1125 sq. km, the wind raises the waves, it seems to be covered with white lambs. Indeed, at this time, eroding the clayey shores of the lake, the water acquires a whitish color.
On the island of Kunashir ( Kurile Islands) there is a milky-white lake of even more intense color. The lake is boiling. It has been established that it is filled with a concentrated solution of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, and hot volcanic gases rise all the time from its bottom, which heat the water to a boil.
White, but not boiling, lakes are known on the Indonesian island of Java and on the Japanese islands.
In the south of European Russia, Western Siberia and Central Asia there are many lakes with purple-red water color. During sunset, they change their color somewhat and seem to resemble bowls filled with molten gold. This type of lake includes, for example, the famous salt lake of the Lower Volga region - Elton (translated from Kazakh Altyn-nur means “golden lake”).
Near Astrakhan there are “raspberry” lakes. They differ not only in color, but also in their unusual raspberry-like aroma. That is why once upon a time the salt, which was extracted from these lakes in the amount of 100 poods annually, was considered the best and was supplied exclusively to the table of Empress Catherine II. Painted in a pale pink or orange color, which, however, soon disappeared in the sun, it retained a persistent aroma of raspberries or violets. Such properties of the salt of these lakes are explained by the presence of small salt-loving red crustaceans, Artemia, in their waters. As they die and decompose, they give the salt its unique odors. These crustaceans are a favorite delicacy of flamingos.
Lakes with water from pink to bright red are also known in the sands of the Karakum desert in the Uzboy riverbed, as well as in Western Siberia. The widely known Raspberry Lake is located on the territory of the Kulunda steppe, in the south of Western Siberia. But it’s not just its color that makes it stand out among the thousands of local lakes. The fact is that in the water of this lake everything is born and grows all the time... stone. As it turned out, the water in Raspberry Lake is saturated with magnesium salts, and the underground springs that feed it contain soda. When mixed, these solutions form a mass that immediately turns to stone.
In some cases, purple bacteria are the culprits behind the pink color of water in lakes.
It's a pity that you don't have comments enabled

Answer from Shatoon[active]
Baikal is transparent :)
In winter you can stand on the ice and watch the fish swim

Answer from Condorita[guru]
Even here in Belarus there are so many colorful lakes.
There are 36 lakes with the name Beloe, for example. Of course, the water is not white, but very clean and transparent (at least it should be like that, but alas... not always anymore)
There are about 15 lakes called Chernoe - these are mostly swamp lakes with a high content of humic substances.
There are 3 lakes named Krasnoye. But the name has nothing to do with the color of the water - it means “Beautiful” from ancient Slavic. In Belarus there is another analogue of this name - Lake Chervonoye (or Prince Lake) in the Zhitkovichi district of the Gomel region
There are 2 lakes called Blue. The water in them (in one of them - I was there) is dark blue. A lot of hydrogen sulfide (naturally a lot).
There is Lake Goluboye or Golubino.
Of course, I won’t rewrite the directory “Lakes of Belarus” (I compiled it, by the way)...
Here's more from the "web" (for a snack)
The national poet of Azerbaijan, Samad Vurgun, called the “Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness Lake Gek-Gel (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but sufficient deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and a large amount of hydrogen sulfide, which is supplied by numerous streams.

Near Astrakhan there are “raspberry” lakes. They differ not only in color, but also in their unusual raspberry-like aroma. That is why once upon a time the salt, which was extracted from these lakes in the amount of 100 poods annually, was considered the best and was supplied exclusively to the table of Empress Catherine II. Painted in a pale pink or orange color, which, however, soon disappeared in the sun, it retained a persistent aroma of raspberries or violets. Such properties of the salt of these lakes are explained by the presence of small salt-loving red brine shrimp in their waters. As they die and decompose, they give the salt its unique odors. These crustaceans are a favorite delicacy of flamingos.
And the most colorful lake is in Australia. Its water changes color several times a year - the water is yellow, then blue, then red. And even orange, which depends on the iron content in the water. This is Topo Valley.
There are “colored” names and lakes not only here, but also in the USA and Canada
In Canada and the USA these names sound like Black Lake ( Black Lake), Brown Lake (Brown Lake), etc. Ontario, from the group of the Great North American Lakes, in the language of the Iroquois Indians - “beautiful, wonderful”.

Answer from Alyonk@[guru]
Some geographical names although of foreign origin, in translation they also mean color. For example, Cape Verde in Africa means "Cape Green", the island of Greenland - " Green country", the Black Forest mountains, from which the Danube River originates, - "Black Forest", the Karatau mountains in Central Asia - "Black Mountains", Mount Mont Blanc in the Alps - " White Mountain", the Yellow River in China and the Sarysu in Central Asia are "yellow", and the Song Coy in Vietnam, the Red River and Colorado in the USA are "red" rivers, etc.
But there are especially many so-called “colored” lakes on the geographical map. These lakes really have the most diverse, unusual shades of water: red, crimson, blue-green, blue, yellow, white and even black.
The national poet of Azerbaijan Samad Vurgun called the Gek-Gel lake (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge, “the Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but quite deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which are supplied by numerous streams.
There are many white lakes around the globe. In Russia alone, up to 20 lakes have the name “White”. Many of them are located among forests and numerous rivers and lakes of the Vologda region and are now part of the Volga-Baltic waterway. It would seem that the lake is like a lake, but when on its rather large water surface, with an area of ​​1125 sq. km, the wind raises the waves, it seems to be covered with white lambs. Indeed, at this time, eroding the clayey shores of the lake, the water acquires a whitish color.
Near Astrakhan there are “raspberry” lakes. They differ not only in color, but also in their unusual raspberry-like aroma. That is why once upon a time the salt, which was extracted from these lakes in the amount of 100 poods annually, was considered the best and was supplied exclusively to the table of Empress Catherine II. Painted in a pale pink or orange color, which, however, soon disappeared in the sun, it retained a persistent aroma of raspberries or violets. Such properties of the salt of these lakes are explained by the presence of small salt-loving red brine shrimp in their waters. As they die and decompose, they give the salt its unique odors. These crustaceans are a favorite delicacy of flamingos.

Colored lakes of the world - from Gyok-Gel to Tivu-ata-Polo |

Some geographical names, although of foreign origin, also mean color when translated. For example, Cape Verde in Africa means "Cape Green", the island of Greenland - "Green Country", the Black Forest mountains, from which the Danube River originates, - "Black Forest", the Karatau Mountains in Central Asia - "Black Mountains", Mount Mont Blanc in the Alps - “White Mountain”, the Yellow River in China and Sarysu in Central Asia are “yellow”, and the Song Coy in Vietnam, the Red River and Colorado in the USA are “red” rivers, etc. But there are especially many so-called “colored” lakes on the geographical map. These lakes really have the most diverse, unusual shades of water: red, crimson, blue-green, blue, yellow, white and even black. “Colorful” lakes are scattered all over the globe. Let's name just a few of them and try to explain the reasons for their unusual coloring. In the Carpathian Mountains near the village of Sinyak, not far from the city of Svalyava in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, at an altitude of 700 m above sea level, Lake Sinyak is located. Sulfur compounds dissolved in it give the water an intense blue color. There are especially many such lakes in the Caucasus Mountains. So, not far from Lake Ritsa there is a small blue lake. Another blue lake is located in the Chersky Gorge of Kabardino-Balkaria. It amazes with the bright blue-green color of the water, reminiscent of a solution of copper sulfate. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and a large amount of hydrogen sulfide, which is supplied to the lake by underground springs. The national poet of Azerbaijan Samad Vurgun called the Gek-Gel lake (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge, “the Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but quite deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which are supplied by numerous streams. Lake Pukaki.
This lake can be characterized by its own separate color, calling it laziness-blue, due to the microparticles in the water. It is located on South Island in New Zealand. Pukaki was formed by melting glaciers 16-18 thousand years ago, which still feed it. Therefore, the water temperature in the lake rarely exceeds seven degrees above zero Celsius. The origin of the lake's name is not known for certain. According to legend, it was discovered by Raikaihaitu and given the name Pukaki, which translated means “Bound Waters.”

Laguna Verde.
Laguna Verde is a salt lake located in the southwestern High Plains of Bolivia in South America. Its name already speaks for itself - translated from Spanish the lake is called the Green Lagoon. This name appeared for a reason, the shade of water is really green. The lagoon is adjacent to the huge Linkancabur volcano, and the beautiful color is caused by the presence of minerals and harmful sediments, including copper, calcium, arsenic and pigs. Despite such an abundance of substances harmful to living organisms, plankton and bacteria survive well in the waters of the alpine lake Laguna Verde.

Bande Amir is a chain of six turquoise lakes located at an altitude of 3000 meters in the Hindu Kush mountains in central Afghanistan. The lakes are separated by rocks made of limestone tuff, which saturates the water with carbon dioxide and gives it a corresponding bright blue color. In 2008, Bande Amir became Afghanistan's first National Park.

Colorado Lagoon.
The Colorado Lagoon is a shallow salt lake in South America with an average depth of only 35 centimeters. The water there is not blue or turquoise. And you can’t call it transparent. Depending on the time of day and temperature, it changes its color from blood red to purple. The lagoon's unusual hue comes from tiny algae that produce carotene to protect against strong ultraviolet radiation. This place is a nesting place for 200 species of birds, as well as the rarest species of flamingos.

Moraine Lake.
Moraine Lake was also formed as a result of melting glaciers. It is located in Banff National Park, Canada. The unusual blue color of the water is caused by special particles contained in the melt water of glaciers. There are many routes around the lake tourist routes and trop. The only danger may be grizzly bears, which are found here quite often. However, visitors to this picturesque place They can also explore Moraine by boat.

Kelimutu Lakes.
These three lakes are located in a volcano on the island of Flores, which in turn belongs to the Indonesian East Lesser Sunda Islands. Vulcan in last time erupted in 1968, after which it shows no signs of activity. After the eruption, depressions formed in the magma in which water accumulated, forming, in this case, three lakes. Over the years, they have changed color from black to turquoise, red and green. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of dissolved minerals of various types in the water and chemical reactions between them, resulting in the multi-colored Kelimutu.

Lakes of Jiuzhaigou.
The Jiuzhaigou Valley in China is rich in many beautiful colorful lakes. The secret of the “variegated” shades is due to the fact that their water contains a huge amount of calcium carbonate. During the interglacial era with a relatively warm climate, calcium carbonate in the water did not harden, it flowed away with the water and about 12 thousand years ago began to come to life and settle on obstacles. Many years passed, and these amazing clear lakes appeared in Jiuzhaigou. Locals They call them Haiqi, which means “Son of the Sea.”

Plitvice Lakes.
Plitvice Lakes are one of the most famous attractions of the Croatian National Park. The waters of the Korana River, flowing through the limestone, have deposited travertine barriers over thousands of years, forming natural dams that in turn created a ridge of picturesque lakes. There are 16 of them in total and are located near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are known for their unique flowers. Each of the lakes has its own shade of water, depending on the amount of minerals and mineral content in it.

Cognac “Gek-Gel” is a Russian product with Azerbaijani roots. Introduced in the 50s at Mosazervinzavod, this drink has survived to this day, despite numerous crises that befell the plant, and pleases cognac lovers with a balanced, aged taste.

Cognac with a poetic name

The tradition of winemaking in Azerbaijan dates back thousands of years. Favorable climatic conditions, the cultivation of local grape varieties made this country in the 70-80s. 20th century flagship of the USSR grape production. After the crisis period of the anti-alcohol campaign, the grape stock suffered significantly, and now Azerbaijani companies are working hard to return to their former glory. This is facilitated not only by the expansion of local production, which is aimed at creating fine wines, but also by selected grape spirits, which are sent to Moscow, where the JSC Mosazervinzavoda creates exquisite cognacs from them, including Gek-Gel.

Among the line of vintage cognacs of the Moscow plant in 1948, the fragrant and harmonious cognac “Gek-Gel” was born. Its warming sound of flowers, chocolate, and golden glow are reminiscent of sunny Azerbaijan. Cognac "Gek-Gel" is named after the "Pearl of the Caucasus" - blue lake, as follows from the Azerbaijani language. This picturesque body of water, which the poet Samad Vurgun described as the “queen of lakes” of Azerbaijan, appears on the cognac label. The drink received a soft, balanced taste, which brought it 1 silver and 3 gold medals at international tasting competitions.

Life of Azerbaijani wines in Moscow

CJSC Mosazervinzavod went through a difficult journey: it practically went bankrupt, but was revived and became a progressive enterprise, whose effectiveness was confirmed many times by winning prizes.

Azerbaijani wines began to be bottled in Moscow when the Azvintrest wine warehouse complex was organized in 1925. During this period, most of the work involved in preparing bottles and packaging goods was done by hand. Accordingly, in order for costs to be recouped, wines were sold through a grocery chain, where wine was poured directly into customers’ containers, because glass containers were in short supply. 70s breathed in new life into production: transportation of wine in tanks across railway. At the same time, the technical renovation of the plant began. By 1985, the organization’s capacity was already 1,400 thousand deciliters. They produced not only vintage cognacs (Gek-Gel, Baku, Moscow, etc.), but dry and dessert wines. However, the anti-alcohol campaign also affected this developing production. A huge area of ​​vineyards was liquidated in Azerbaijan. The Moscow plant, in order not to reduce its activities, repurposed itself to produce soft drinks.

The 1990s are a period of decline. Mosazervinzavod, which switched to a rental form of ownership and then became a limited liability company, experienced problems with the supply of raw materials and insufficient equipment. By 1997, he was virtually bankrupt. At the same time, the management of the enterprise was replaced. Bayramov Elman Bayramovich became the director, thanks to whom the glory of Gek-Gel cognac was revived again.

Revival of the success of Mosazerwinzavod

They say about Elman Bayramovic that he is a person who knows how to quickly solve problems. Of course, for Mosazerwinzavod Bayramov became an iconic figure, because he not only raised the plant to its feet, but also revived the taste of Azerbaijani cognacs for Russian and international connoisseurs of the drink. A native of Kirovabad (Ganja), he knew more than anyone else about the prospects of Azerbaijani winemaking. Elman Bayramovich served in Soviet army, studied in Moscow, where he later worked in the police. But in 1977, Elman joined the ranks of entrepreneurs, and at the beginning of his activities, his acquaintance with the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev provided great support. Aliyev set Elman Bayramov the task of restoring the neglected enterprise and bringing Azerbaijani cognacs among the leaders in the Russian market. The head of the country needed a proven, energetic person who was not afraid of difficulties. Elman Bajramovic was the one who confidently approached this role. Under his leadership, the plant was repaired, its technical base was updated, and a hot bottling line was launched. As a result, a new batch of small-volume skates and a souvenir collection appeared.

In 1977, Mosazerwinzavod won a competition to supply its cognacs in honor of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. In 2000, when Yuri Luzhkov visited Baku, he noted Elman Bayramov as the best head of Moscow production. Thanks to the fruitful work of the director, today the plant is becoming one of the leaders in the cognac industry, and its products have been awarded many Russian and international diplomas and awards.

“Gek-Gel” cognac is the result of the hard work of Azerbaijani winemakers who collect selected grapes, from which skillful Moscow blending specialists create an aromatic drink aged 6-8 years.

Gourmets appreciate real cognac in the Gek-Gel drink:

  • use of special Azerbaijani grape varieties;
  • using an old and proven drink recipe;
  • 6-8 years of aging in oak barrels;
  • elegant taste with hints of chocolate and oak;
  • a rich bouquet of aromas of fruits, flowers and sweet spices.

One of the largest, deepest and most beautiful lakes in Azerbaijan, called Goygol, is located near the northern part of the high-mountain ridge Murovdag at the very foot majestic mountain Kapaz. This peak is included in mountain system Lesser Caucasus and is its highest point.

Short description

Lake Goygol is located in the west of the country. Its total area does not exceed 0.8 square meters. km, reaches a length of 2.8 km, and a width of only 800 m. Above sea level, it rises more than 1.5 thousand m. The lake is of the drainage type and flows into large river Shamkirchay. This reservoir belongs to National Park Azerbaijan, which bears the same name - Goygol.

Education and nutrition

It is worth noting that many unique reservoirs are located on the territory of a state such as Azerbaijan. Lake Goygol is a crater, formed during a large-scale earthquake that occurred back in 1139, as a result of the fall of mountain peaks. That is why the minimum depth in this reservoir is at least 25 m. The largest depression reaches 96 m. This depth determines that the temperature of the lake water, even at the height of summer months never rose above +19 o C.

Lake Goygol in Azerbaijan, a photo of which can be seen in the article, is fed by annual snowmelt and precipitation, as well as by inflowing small rivers, mountain and underground springs. The water here is surprisingly always quite clean and transparent, which allows you to see the bottom of the reservoir even from the most deep depressions. And perfectly mineralized water serves as an excellent aid for irrigation and drinking.

What awaits tourists?

Lake Goygol has a very interesting story, and the preserved local attractions of those times serve as a venue for excursions for visitors. From the very beginning of the 19th century, these lands went to the colonists and Germany, who on August 22, 1819 completed the construction of the current city-museum of Helenendorf (now called Hanlar). Surrounded by mountain ranges and incredible natural views, every vacationer who comes to this amazing lake resort can visit several attractions of historical significance. Tourists will be able not only to enjoy the picturesque views of the surrounding area, but also to fully experience the beauty of the cleanest air.

There are many places for tourists to visit during their holidays. For example, the beautiful and great Lutheran Church, the construction of which dates back to 1854. Several bridges of different sizes, from which excellent views of the unique natural landscapes and, of course, Lake Goygol itself. The ancient Temple of Gabriel, built in the mid-19th century in the small village of Shahriyar. tall towers and even a mausoleum. Not to mention the sights presented by nature. In total, several excursion routes, where everyone can go with a guide to explore the culture, landscape, history and local flora and fauna.

Meaning and Use

For the local population, Lake Goygol with architectural buildings different eras, stretching along the entire district, has not only historical value, but also industrial and economic value. Irrigation is carried out precisely thanks to this source of water, starting from mid-spring and ending in late autumn.

Electricity supply to local villages is also provided by lake water. Developed tourism infrastructure, several roomy hotels for tourists and interesting entertainment bring considerable income to this region.

Resort area

In the most picturesque corner of Azerbaijan, there is excellent air filled with minerals, which is ideal for the treatment of respiratory tract and asthma in people. And the magnificent views delight the eye of any tourist who comes to this resort area to Lake Goygol. Hotels located in close proximity to the pond, always ready to accommodate guests. They offer different rooms costing from 1.5 thousand rubles per night. These are Ramada Plaza Gence, Afra Hotel, etc.

This area is truly worthy of a visit, as even famous Azerbaijani artists painted pictures from it, the lake and its surroundings are so beautiful. And world-famous poets wrote and dedicated poems to him.

Flora and fauna

The shores of the lake are covered with thick grass, alternating with small forests. In total, in the area of ​​Lake Goygol you can see 76 varieties of trees and 347 types of herbs, including medicinal ones. Dense forest thickets hide many representatives of wild fauna: ferocious bears and wild boars, graceful roe deer and fast nimble deer and jackals, funny porcupines, badgers and even lynxes. Due to low temperatures, few people live in the lake itself, in particular trout. You can safely go fishing with a fishing rod both from the shore and on a boat, and getting a trophy won’t take long.

At some point in time it was strictly forbidden for tourists to visit protected area in order to protect representatives of local flora and fauna from the harmful influences of humans. But in this moment the territory of Lake Goygol is one of the main health resorts and resorts located in the west of the country, where lovers come quiet rest from all over Europe.