Monuments of Bakhchisarai. I'm going to Bakhchisarai: what attractions and entertainment await tourists here

Greetings, friends!

Did you know that while walking through this area you will have to unravel the mysteries of history and get acquainted with the secrets and customs of ancient peoples? But I hope that by the end of your vacation you will be able to figure out who the Karaites are and in whose honor Chufut-Kale is named, and You won’t get lost in an underground well, straying from the group.

In today’s review of “Attractions of Bakhchisarai Crimea” I will try to take you through the most exciting and popular corners of this city and its surroundings. After all, you should already know about Bakhchisarai itself from my .

Usually, I start such articles with a review of museums, but in Bakhchisarai any excursion object can safely be classified in this category, even if it is not officially called that.

There are 5 monasteries in Bakhchisaray and the surrounding area, which you can visit on your own or with a tour. All of them are located on the territory of historical and cultural reserves of national importance.

Holy Dormition Monastery

This cave monastery, amazing in its beauty and significance for Christians, receives the most reviews from tourists.

They say that when you are on its territory, you feel an inexplicable inner peace and reverence that you involuntarily lower your voice to a whisper when communicating with other people.

There are a variety of legends and tales about the history of its origin, but the accepted statement is that It was founded by Byzantine monks back in the 8th century.

The Holy Dormition Monastery is active and the monks living there are still working on its restoration and maintenance in proper form.

Its uniqueness lies, firstly, in the fact that it was carved out of a rock mass, secondly, it was not destroyed during numerous wars and persecutions, and thirdly, they do not charge money for rituals here, as in city temples and churches .

It is located almost 3 km from Bakhchisarai, near the Maryam-Dere gorge. You can get here on foot, by bus or by your car. Information boards and signs with arrows are placed everywhere. Read more

Address: st. Basenko, 57

Visiting hours: from 7.30 to 19.00 daily.

Chelter-Koba or cave lattice

This monastery is also a cave structure. There are spacious temples with columns, small cells located in several tiers, traces of the altar and font. And the road to it leads through a gorge and thickets of bushes.

Unfortunately, this monastery was destroyed in 1475, and in our time it served only as a museum for a long time. But in 2003, work on the restoration of the temple and cells was successfully started in given time services are held there.

Full version of the story this place can be heard on the tour. The monastery is located 1.5 km from Bakhchisarai and belongs to the village of Bolshoi Sadovoy, Eski-Kermen is located nearby.

Cave city or ancient monastery of Kachi Canyon

Most often this place is called a cave city; once upon a time there existed cave monastery, church, wineries, necropolis. This area is classified as a protected area historical heritage Bakhchisarai.

A tour of the grottoes will take you to the monastery of Anastasia the Pattern Maker, where the monastery has a beautiful garden. But pilgrims and tourists come here to the beaded temple, and to get rid of diseases at the holy spring.

This place is located 8 km from Bakhchisarai, between the villages Predushchelny and s. Bashtanovka right in the cliffs. You can also get there by bus, but you will have to walk a little more than a kilometer from the Predushchelnoye stop.

Visiting hours: from 9.00 to 19.00

Holy Annunciation and Shuldan - male cave monasteries

Two more monasteries, which are open to tourists, and there is something to see there, are located at a greater distance from Bakhchisarai than those described above.

The Holy Annunciation Monastery is located slightly below the Mangup plateau, and the road here is quite tricky. The novices of this monastery live in complete unity with nature, without accepting the benefits of civilization - electricity and communications.

The monastery is located 23 km from Bakhchisaray, near the village Ternovka and village. Zalesnoe on the southern slope of Mangup.

Only 3 km separates this monastery from another cave monastery - Shuldan. It is also active, where monks are engaged in the restoration of the ancient monastery.

Excursions are organized to these attractions, in groups, it will be possible to get here simpler and more interesting.

Architectural historical monuments of Bakhchisarai

The most significant and luxurious building in Bakhchisarai was and will always be. Behind the large gates, in a spacious and well-groomed area, a whole complex of different buildings awaits you.

You will see how the rulers lived, where they received guests, in which chambers they rested, and where they prayed.

There is also a functioning Khan-Jami mosque, an armory "Falcon Tower" , premises and indoor garden of the harem, bath complex, ancient cemetery.

In addition, colorful exhibitions await you in each room, and mosaics, frescoes and paintings will amaze your imagination. And of course, the famous fountain of tears, near which groups of tourists linger a little longer than at other objects to take a photo as a souvenir.

Currently, a major reconstruction is taking place on the territory of the Khan’s Palace as part of the Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020.” The restoration of 16 objects of the palace will require about 1.6 billion rubles.

Address: st. Rechnaya, 133

Visiting hours: 9.00-18.00

Price: up to 500 rubles , depending on the selected program and preferential category citizens.

Secrets of the cave city

cave city, which was a well-protected, fortified settlement. It is also called a fortified city.

From the moment of its foundation and ownership by different peoples, the city bore many names, but the life of the Karaites in this fortress determined the final name - Chufut-Kale, which translates as a Jewish or Jewish fortress. And the whole point is that the Karaites did not have the right to leave this city to settle in other places.

Today, when you visit Chufut-Kale, you will see the remains of city buildings and some preserved objects. These are Karaite temples, a residential estate in which a museum has now been created, and other premises.

What will definitely impress you is this Tik-Kuyu - a saving well-cache .

This secret structure was discovered only in the late 90s, and it took 3 years to completely clear it.

The well has a spiral descent with steps, which at the base reaches 5 m and leads to water reservoirs, where the entrance to the tunnel was also discovered.

If you are planning a trip to Crimea and have doubts about how much it might cost? , which will easily answer your question and help you plan your vacation!

In search of the first Khan's palace

Another memorable excursion will take you to Devlet-Saray - a palace complex where the capital of the Crimean Khanate was originally located. By the will of Khan Mengli Giray, a mausoleum, a religious school, a mosque, a khan’s palace and a palace of justice, and baths were built here.

Not all of these buildings have survived, but in the premises of the theological school - Zynjyrly madrasah, they even opened a Crimean historical Museum"Lariches" . In this museum you can see authentic manuscripts and various valuables that are related to the Crimean Khanate.

This complex is located in the village. Staroselye, former Salachik.

Address: st. Basenko, 57

Entertainment and relaxation for the whole family

Good to know

There are still quite a few interesting places in the vicinity of Bakhchisarai that you can also visit on your own.

These are cave cities - and Bakla, and valley of the sphinxes on Mount Uzun-Tala 5 km from Bakhchisarai, and Martian lake in the village Rocky with matte blue water, where there is a campsite for auto tourists on the shore.

Dear friends, as you see, small Bakhchisaray with its vast and unique excursion program more than compensates for the lack of sea and beaches.

It’s definitely worth going here, but one day is definitely not enough for you!

Do not forget subscribe to my blog , read new articles and useful materials. Wish good walks, see you soon!

- the famous “garden-palace”, a real pearl of Crimea, located in the foothills of the peninsula. Unusual, incredible beautiful city- owner and custodian ancient history. Below we will consider the most important attractions of Bakhchisarai, photos with descriptions with addresses and coordinates are attached.

Khan's Palace - an outstanding monument of the East in Crimea

  • Address: Rechnaya street, 133.

is a magnificent monument, absolutely unique and the only example of a Crimean Tatar palace in the world. It was erected in the 16th century, remaining for a long time the residence of the Girey dynasty. The ensemble was conceived as a place comparable to the Garden of Eden, but located on earth. The architectural implementation of this difficult task was 100% successful: the palace square, the Khan's mosque, the harem, the garden, the fountain of tears - each building participates in creating a special, unique atmosphere.

The Fountain of Tears is a favorite place for photos among tourists in Bakhchisaray

  • Address: st. Rechnaya, 133.

There are many attractions on the territory of the Khan's Palace, but one of the most famous is the glorified A.S. Pushkin. There are many fountains here, but this one attracts a huge number of tourists. One of the legends of its creation says that it was built in the 18th century on the orders of the stern and cruel Khan Crimea-Girey, who greatly missed his beloved who died early. The master who created the memo managed to expose the grief that was tearing the khan’s heart into an eternally crying stone. Only a few attractions of the city of Bakhchisarai have such energy as this one.

Holy Dormition Monastery - a reminder of the Byzantine era

  • Coordinates: 44°44′42″N (44.745112), 33°54′37″E (33.910276).

Scientists are still arguing about the time frame for the appearance of this unusual attraction. Presumably, it appeared in the 8th century and was one of the oldest monasteries of Byzantine monks. The amazing structure is located in the gorge, right on a steep cliff. There are many legends associated with it, one of which tells about the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God. Today the complex is operational; on its territory there is a holy spring, where those who wish can take water with them.

Church of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

  • Address: Sovetsky lane, 2.

The sights of Bakhchisarai of a sacred nature are extremely important on the Crimean peninsula. The list of these includes. It was erected in 1913 - in honor of the tercentenary of the House of Romanov, but in 1917 it suffered the fate of many sacred places - the temple was used as a stable, as a granary, and later there was a cinema here. In 2003, restoration was carried out at the expense of parishioners; today, the ancient sky-blue shrine awaits parishioners again.

Takhtali-Jami Mosque - the main shrine of Islam in the city

  • Address: Rosa Luxemburg street, 7.

The building of the mosque, which has simple and strict outlines, is visible from almost anywhere in the city; not everyone can boast of the sights of Bakhchisarai. It was built in 1707 by the daughter of Khan Haji-Selim Geray and has retained its original oriental flavor to this day. Its name can be translated as “wooden mosque,” ​​which is explained by the fact that wood was used as the basis for the construction, lined with stone blocks on the outside. - one of the few operating mosques in Bakhchisarai.

Sphinxes of Churuk-Su - a mysterious reminder of the surrounding area

  • Coordinates: 44°45′3″N (44.750833), 33°53′18″E (33.888333).

The small river Churuk-Su flows through the entire town. In its valley there is a stunning natural monument that is a must see - the stone Sphinxes. The name of the attraction was not chosen by chance - these limestone formations, looking like tall pillars of the most bizarre shapes, really are somewhat reminiscent of the man-made Sphinx. You can take great photos here, and the unusual natural sculptures offer a wonderful view of the surrounding area.

Mangup-Kale: description of the most beautiful cave city of Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44°35′46″N (44.596105), 33°48′4″E (33.801063).

At the very top of the inaccessible Mangup Mountain they located, which once bore the name Theodoro. The first settlements on this site arose in the 3rd-4th centuries, and in the Middle Ages the impressive size of the fortress aroused respect for its power among all its neighbors. Before the capture by the Turks, Mangup-Kale was the capital. The last inhabitants left it in the 18th century. The citadel, the remains of defensive walls and casemate caves have survived to this day. Amazingly interesting events are held in this historical corner. As you can see, the sights of the surrounding area of ​​Bakhchisarai are no less interesting.

Chufut-Kale - the former residence of the Crimean khans

  • Coordinates: 44°44′28″N (44.741097), 33°55′24″E (33.923416).

Many tourists come to Bakhchisaray for the famous attraction, located 2.5 km from the city. During the Middle Ages it was a powerful and impregnable residence of the Crimean khans. After the founding of Bakhchisarai at the beginning of the 16th century, the khan and his entourage left Chufut-Kale and moved there. Only the Karaites remained in the settlement, who were forbidden to settle in the new capital. Today you can see the remains of its former greatness ancient fortress, explore Karaite temples and the well-preserved Mausoleum of Tokhtamysh’s daughter, dating back to the 15th century.

Kachi-Kalyon – an interesting cave monastery

  • Coordinates: 44°41′41″N (44.694668), 33°53′14″E (33.887101).

The very first mentions of settlement in this area date back to the 4th century, and in the 8th-10th centuries. a monastery was founded and operated here. On the territory, in a small grotto, there is a spring to which powerful healing properties have long been attributed. Its uniqueness was that people of different religions came here - everyone considered this place to be holy. Today it is empty, none of the buildings have survived, you can only see the remains of cave temples and collect water in that very spring.

Miniature Park – all the interesting places of Crimea at a glance

  • Address: Lenin street, 4.

New, but already very popular interesting place Bakhchisarai is the largest in Crimea. It contains all the architectural and historical monuments and attractions of the peninsula, made on a scale of 1:25. In just an hour and a half you have the opportunity to see Yalta, Alushta, Bakhchisarai itself and many other cities.

We hope that the sights of Bakhchisarai discussed above, photos with descriptions, will be useful to you. Secrets and legends, the charm of the Old Town attract a huge number of travelers here, so why not join their number?!

What to see in Bakhchisarai in one day on your own - Bakhchisarai Palace, Crimea in Miniature Park, Assumption Cave Monastery, Cave City Mangup-Kale, Chufut-Kale. It would be enough.

Any tourist coming to Crimea on vacation should definitely visit Bakhchisarai. Most often people come here on their own or on a one-day excursion, because there is no sea in Bakhchisarai, although there is something to see. The city is filled with rich medieval history and was the capital of the Crimean Khanate, which existed from the 15th to the 18th centuries.

The name of the city means "garden-palace". There are many architectural and historical attractions in Bakhchisaray and its surroundings that everyone should visit. The city is conveniently accessible by car on the road to the western resorts of Crimea. If you come to, then you can get to Bakhchisarai in an hour.

Let's consider what you can see in Bakhchisarai in one day on your own, attractions, photos with descriptions.

Travellinka's branded maps can be downloaded to your phone; they lay out routes around Crimea without the Internet. The maps indicate attractions, beaches, hotels, cafes.

Excursions in Bakhchisaray

To be honest, I really don’t like excursions with a huge number of people, when they bring you a whole “car”, let you out for half an hour to quickly examine something, and then back again. But there is individual excursions in Bakhchisarai, where the cost can be divided among your company (the payment for the entire excursion is fixed, that is, it can be 1 person, or it can be 5). And if there are 5 people, then the price will need to be divided by five. The result is almost the same as in group excursion, only there will be 5 of you, not 50. This is the difference.

What to see in Bakhchisarai in one day on your own: palace

The hallmark of the city, which you can see in Bakhchisaray in one day, is, of course, the Bakhchisaray Palace, built in the 16th century by Hadji Giray.

is a symbol of Crimean Tatar architecture and culture, about which poets wrote poems, composers dedicated music and monarchs admired. Here you can visit the Historical Department and Art Museum

The cost of visiting is 300 rubles. for adults, 130 rub. for schoolchildren. many exhibitions are closing.

Sights of Bakhchisaray photo with description: “Crimea in miniature”

In second place from the list of what to see in Bakhchisarai in 1 day on your own - Park "Crimea in Miniature". It was made in the likeness of a miniature park in Holland. Only in Holland are all the world's attractions collected, and in Bakhchisarai all the attractions of Crimea are collected. There is a similar park in Alushta, but there it is 2 times smaller. The copies are made on a scale of 1:25 and are completely identical to the cultural and historical landmarks themselves.

Also in the “Crimea in Miniature” park in Bakhchisarai there is a good petting zoo, so visitors with children like to come here. You can see pelicans walking around the park. The ticket costs 400 rubles. for adults, 200 rub. for children visited under 3 years old are free.

What you can see in Bakhchisarai: Assumption Cave Monastery

The next attraction of Bakhchisarai, photo with description - Assumption Cave Monastery. It is located in the Maryam-Dere gorge. Everyone who goes to Chufut-Kale passes this place. Acting of indescribable beauty Orthodox church is located on a hill in the mountains. The monastery is also called the “Crimean Lavra”, to which thousands of pilgrims flock every year. This is a quiet and secluded place where you can escape from everyday life and enjoy the architectural creation of our ancestors. There is a spring near the monastery where you can get water.

Cave city Mangup-Kale

Another attraction in Bakhchisarai in Crimea, photo with description - Cave city Mangup-Kale. This city is located on Mount Mangup at an altitude of over 500 meters, 25 km from Bakhchisarai, not far from Khoja-Sala. This is the largest cave city in Crimea. Unique ancient buildings and a fortress have survived to this day. The city itself is poorly preserved (only the foundations remain), but you can see the cave structures. Now you can see the citadel, churches, monasteries, and administrative buildings. From a height of half a kilometer above sea level, picturesque views of the mountain landscape and surrounding area open up.

Crimea, Bakhchisaray: attractions, photos with description of Chufut-Kale

Cave city Chufut-Kale- another attraction of the area 2.5 km from the city, which can be seen in Bakhchisarai in one day. Chufut-Kale is ancient fortress Fulla, where fierce battles were fought centuries ago. The history of Chufut-Kale ended in the 19th century, when the last inhabitants left here. The city consists of 150 caves that can be observed today. To see the city you need to climb the steps. And along the way you will find shops with Crimean and Tatar souvenirs.

Of course, there is no transport going up. When you get up, beautiful views of the Ashlama-Dere valley await you. You can see Chufut-Kale at any time of the year on your own or with a guided tour. The ticket costs 200 rubles. for adults and 100 rub. for children. If you go on your own, it is better in the afternoon, because in the morning crowds of tourists arrive with excursions.

Sphinxes of the Karales Valley

On the Uzun-Tarla hill near the village of Zalesnoye there is one of the attractions of Crimea - Sphinxes of the Karales Valley. It seems that once a person tried to create sculptures from the white rocks located on the hill, but in fact this is a creation of nature. They were called sphinxes because of their bizarre shape, reminiscent of living creatures with a head. One of the natural sculptures resembles a hut. The height of these boulders reaches 10-15 meters.

What else to see in Bakhchisarai in a day

This is far from full list What to see in Bakhchisarai on your own in 1 day. In the city and its surroundings you can visit the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, the cave city of Kachi-Kalyon, the Martian Lake, the Suatkan waterfall, the cave city of Kyz-Kermen, Lake Shirokiy Yar, the “Iron” rock between Kuibyshevo and Vysokoye - a place known to everyone, as it is depicted in the beginning of the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus". If you want to completely immerse yourself in the plot of the classics of Soviet cinema, you can visit donkey farm "Miracle Donkey".

Cafe in Bakhchisaray

The list of what to try and see in Bakhchisarai in 1 day includes traditional Tatar cuisine. Cafes and restaurants are worth visiting in Bakhchisaray. You can try it here lagman, manti, shurpa soup, baklava. You can eat on a budget in the canteen from 250 rubles. Dinner at a Bakhchisarai restaurant will cost from 1000-1500 rubles.

Beautiful city in Crimea Bakhchisarai. What to see in one day on your own, attractions, photos and descriptions - you now know. The historical uniqueness of Bakhchisarai, as the capital of the Crimean Khanate in the period from the 15th to the 18th centuries, is unusually high. Bakhchisaray is the bearer of a unique culture and age-old traditions of the Crimean Tatar people, and getting to know this place should be interesting to everyone who goes on vacation to Crimea. The sights of Bakhchisaray are difficult to see in a short period of time, so if possible, stay in the city for a couple of days.

The site presents all the sights of Bakhchisarai, Crimea, theaters, museums, streets, architectural monuments, temples, cathedrals, galleries, bridges.

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    0 m to city center

    The park was opened quite recently, in 2013. It covers an area of ​​more than 2 hectares, making it the largest miniature park on the peninsula. It contains more than 50 architectural sights of Crimea in a compact size (scale 1:25). Conventionally, “Crimea in Miniature” can be divided into 3 sectors:
    1) the miniature park itself;
    2) a park for children. Here children are presented with characters from various cartoons;
    3) mini-zoo. Here you can see the following animals: piglets, goats, peacocks, llamas, ostriches, peacocks, nutria, lambs.

    0 m to city center

    The area of ​​the Khan's Palace occupies more than 3 hectares. Once upon a time, parades were held in the center of the rectangular-shaped courtyard. Opposite the palace itself is a huge Khan's mosque, painted by the Iranian master Omer back in 1763. The Khan's Palace was once founded by Sahib I Giray, the Crimean Khan. And it was dated 1532. The most ancient element of the architecture of the palace can be called the “iron” doors leading to the Ambassador’s garden. And in the premises of the palace there are currently museums of culture and life of the Crimean Tatars.

    0 m to city center

    Mount Tepe-Kermen is located seven kilometers from Bakhchisarai, not far from the ancient settlement of Kyz-Kermen. Its height is 544 m. The name Tepe-Kermen translated from Crimean Tatar means “hill-fortress”. The upper tiers of the mountain were occupied by a medieval fortified city. The settlement includes about 250 caves, and the area of ​​the city is no more than one hectare. The city existed in the period approximately VI-XIII centuries.

    0 m to city center

    In the village of Zalesnoye there is a unique farm where visitors can meet Somali and Nubian donkeys. For lovers of a relaxing “green” holiday, this is an excellent option. In this mini-zoo you can not only admire, but also ride donkeys surrounded by the beautiful nature of Crimea. It is believed that the biofield of horses and dolphins has a beneficial effect on human health.

    0 m to city center

    The city of Bakla was founded around the fifth century. It is the northernmost cave city of Crimea. The foundation of the protective wall and the remains of the quarry have survived to this day. These and other fortifications indicate that the city was part of the Byzantine defense. It is interesting that in this city, under the walls, there is an underground tunnel, the purpose of which scientists know nothing about.

    0 m to city center

    Mausoleum of Eski - Durbe belongs to historical monuments Tatar-Crimean architecture from approximately the Middle Ages. This ancient monument itself is comfortably located on the Crimean peninsula. It happens that such durbes are also called the Mausoleum of Azis. Historical fact tells us that Bakhchisarai was once considered the capital of the Crimean Khanate, and its suburbs were called Azis. This Mausoleum is located not far from the Khan's Palace. Historically, the construction of the Mausoleum took place much earlier than the palace, around the 15th century, which is why it is also called the “Old Mausoleum”.

    0 m to city center

    Chufut-Kale is a very famous cave city. It was located on a mountain plateau and overlooked three valleys. Nature took care of the inaccessibility of this place. And man, making an effort, strengthened it with fortifications. Archaeologists believe that this is a Byzantine fortress from around the 6th century, and historians prove that the structure is closer to a later period, dating from the 10th - 11th centuries. The city itself was first mentioned in the 13th century. Its name was then Kyrk-Or, which means “Forty Fortifications”. And the first Crimean Khan, back in the 15th century, adapted this city for his new fortified residence. Subsequently, the city was intended as a place of imprisonment for noble captives.

    0 m to city center

    The mosque made of planks (in Turkic: Takhtaly Jami) was founded on the banks of the Churuk-Su River and built using a unique technology. The construction of the building was completed at the beginning of the 18th century (indicated in 1707) by Bek Khan Sultakhani, who was the daughter of Khan Selim 1 Geray. The Muslim shrine was built using a unique technology: the frame was made of wood, and the openings were filled with stone. People called it a mosque made of planks. It has a rectangular shape, the minaret is located in the northwestern corner. Hip tiled roof (hipped). The minaret is visible from anywhere in the city.

    0 m to city center

    On the initiative of the society for the preservation of architectural monuments of Russia in the city of Petrograd, on March 31, 1916, the Bakhchisarai circle was created, the leader of which was the historian and ethnographer Usein Bodaninsky. Already in 1917, thanks to him, the National Museum Crimean Tatars. At that time the museum was located in the Khan's Palace.

    0 m to city center

    The Holy Dormition Cave Monastery was founded in the 8th century by migrant monks on the slope of the Maryam-Dere gorge. There are many legends about the formation of the holy monastery. According to one of them, the miraculous icon of Hodegetria appeared on the Assumption Rock, which in an unimaginable way ended up on the rock from the Sumel Monastery (city of Trabzon, Turkey). And no matter how many times people took her, she still ended up in a certain place. It was decided that this Holy place and here it is necessary to found a monastery.

    0 m to city center

    Catherine II often made voyages around historical territory Northern Black Sea region for the purpose of inspecting cities annexed during the Russian-Turkish war. When at the end of the 18th century (1787) she decided to make a voyage to new lands, the ruler of the Tauride region Vasily Vasilyevich Nechuy-Kokhovsky decided to lay out distinctive road signs in the form of columns (steles). His idea was approved by His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin. The decision to install the columns was entrusted to the same Nechuy-Kokhovsky. Milestone columns were installed every mile, and special steles were installed every 10 miles. It was decided to give them a name: “Catherine’s Mile”.

    0 m to city center

    On the basis of the historical and architectural complex Devlet-Saray, the private museum “Lariches” was opened in 2011. The Devlet-Saray complex was founded at the very beginning of the 16th century by Mengli Giray, the second Khan of Crimea, not far from Bakhchisaray, near the village of Salachik (today Staroselye). In addition, the Khan's palace, Zynjirly madrasah, a bathhouse, a mausoleum and a palace of justice were built. The tomb of Hadji Giray (in Turkic dubre - mausoleum) is the most ancient building of the complex. The Zinjirly madrasah and the tomb have survived to this day in their original form, the rest of the buildings were destroyed by time and wars.

    0 m to city center

    The cave fortress city of Chufut-Kale has always been famous for its ability to withstand long sieges, mysteriously receiving water supplies from a mysterious storage facility, as the besiegers thought. The secret about the Tik-Kuyu well was kept and disguised for a very long time, then, when it was no longer needed, it simply lost its strategic significance. And it was discovered in the late 90s - early 2000s in a cave city.