Park attractions in the USSR (25 photos). Abandoned Soviet attractions An attraction in the form of a rotating dish

Without history and technical descriptions. Just feelings...

This happened once every few months, more often in the summer... For exemplary behavior and excellent grades, or when someone came to visit us with children, a holiday began... You look forward to the weekend as something special, since your parents PROMISED to take you to the park!

Any landmark for an amusement park is, of course, the Ferris Wheel, or popularly the Ferris Wheel... Every time you look at it with mixed feelings - it’s so HUGE... creepy... Many people were afraid of heights, and my parents told me to wait until I turned 14! So I waited until I was 14 with fear and delight!

The Ferris wheel is the King of attractions... Silently looking at the whole city...

I think everyone has heard about the horror story that someone you know is sure to get stuck on the Wheel, and if this happens, then no one will get you out of there for a very long time... So you will sit in the booth and crow :)

I had many favorite rides. The first one is Orbit. We called it Chamomile...

When the Orbit accelerated, its roar resembled the sound of a plane taking off jet plane... The vibration of the seat tickled the whole body... Adrenaline took over as I dived down... My legs touched tree branches...

A light version similar to Orbit...

Boats, of course! An adequate partner was needed to try to make the “sun” and hear the employee’s swearing!

Colors according to preference. The most interesting thing was to BRAKE! Strike the stand and hold on tight to the handrails due to the impact...

Illusion. In our words, “vomit”. I haven’t been to every park, I think only to major cities. We did not have…

Chain carousel (“Chain”). One of my favorites! You can swing and touch your neighbor with your feet, which cannot be done in Orbit :) Or you can spit at your hated classmate sitting behind you))

For smaller ones - “Sun”. I don’t know how the little ones felt on it, I never had a chance to ride it, I grew up by that time

Cabin Boy is also for small children, but I managed to do it too! Characteristically swayed like cutting through the waves

"Fun Hills" for all ages

Where would we be without the legendary children's Carousel! We called them “Horses”

What was the most important thing for the boy on the rides? Of course this is...

Ram everyone indiscriminately!

And naturally, the legend of our time is the Moskvich pedal car. I don’t remember how much it cost to ride it... But when I once couldn’t fit into it because I had grown... That was my first disappointment in life!

I also remember this “Rocket”

Finally, a couple of photos with happy faces! There was an atmosphere of absolute childish happiness in the park...

And this is what most parks have turned into now... A sad picture...

A bygone era...

Although now there are much cooler attractions, THESE WERE SPECIAL...

I came across a photo - an attraction "Flying People" which appeared in the park by 1935. At the end of the 40s, it was cheaper than all other attractions - 10 kopecks, or five times less than one metro trip. The session consisted of 5-6 flights in an arc of 180 degrees - so that about half the time spent on this attraction was spent upside down.

Attraction "Flying Men", 1935

In general, in the USSR, until 1959, the production of attractions was carried out by cooperative industrial cooperatives and small semi-handicraft workshops.

Everything changed on May 9, 1959, when by order of the Local Industry Administration Krasnodar region on the basis of small semi-handicraft enterprises of the city industrial plant and cooperative industrial artels "Metalist" and "Red Kuznets", a decision was made to found the first Yeisk mechanical plant in the USSR "Attraction".

Despite the primitive base and the small number of workers for such a plant - a little over three hundred people - here short time They founded production, and a year later Attraction was given the status of an enterprise of union importance." (c)

"Yeysk Mechanical Plant "Attraction" - during the Soviet period, it was a monopolist in the country in the production of park attractions; the plant's products could be seen in every city park of the Soviet Union. The plant reached its peak capacity in the late 80s, producing 1,500 attractions per year, operating more than 1,000 Human. "

Delovaya Gazeta: “On April 11, 2013, Yeisk JSC Attraction began producing new types of products – children’s play complexes, towns and playgrounds, as well as outdoor sports equipment and exercise machines.

1959- the “Aerial Carousel” design is being developed, which is considered one of the very first attractions. Based on this model, a number of other, more complex carousels have been created.

"Aerial carousel" - a carousel whose seats are suspended on chains or metal rods to a rotating structure" Encyclopedic Dictionary

1959 The first attraction with a lifting rotation, “Turning Airplanes,” was designed.

The legendary attraction consisted of two two-seater airplanes mounted on booms. Due to the traction force, the planes rotated in a circle around the column. And they not only rotated, but also changed height.
It was a thrill ride and children under 14 were not allowed.

Many never managed to fly on these planes - by the 80s, these attractions had disappeared virtually everywhere.

1959 The legendary swing “Dead Loop” or “Nesterov’s Loop” was developed rotating around a horizontal axis.

It is on them that in the film “I Walk Through Moscow” the heroine of actress Galina Polskikh, Alena, asks a swindler to ride in order to detain him until the police arrive.

A counterweight is attached to one end of the axle, and a two-seater aircraft is attached to the other. A motor is installed in the nose of the aircraft, which accelerates the propeller and the aircraft begins to rotate around a horizontal axis. These attractions also practically did not reach the 80s.

1959 - “View Wheel” designed- the first production model mastered by Soviet industry. Dada, the one that still stands in our Park =)

1960 - the “Children’s” carousel was developed designed specifically for preschool children.

This is everyone's favorite carousel with horses, elephants, lions and other animals.

1960 The “Chain” carousel was designed.

It is made in the form of an openwork umbrella with a diameter of 8 meters, from which 20 single seats are suspended on chains.

1962 The Spiral attraction is developed(carousel of complex rotation). This attraction is a metal structure with which you can move along the turns of an ascending and descending spiral in a complex movement.

This is stated by the administration of the amusement park, citing the fact that none of the visitors who were forced to hang in the air the day before made any complaints. The “rocket” broke down at the moment when 10 people were “flying” in it, that is, all the seats were occupied. Usually, after lifting, the ride's gondola begins to spin at high speed, with a movement radius of 102 meters. On Wednesday evening, the Rocket's cable suddenly snapped.

This unplanned stunt was filmed by an amateur cameraman. There were a couple of hours left before the closure of the Wonder Island amusement park when the fastening of the colossal Rocket carousel at the height of a 20-story building at a rotation speed of 75 kilometers per hour broke. The protective automatic system immediately turned off the power supply, but the rod moved by inertia for several more minutes. 10 people found themselves in a very dangerous situation.

Vladimir Prokofiev, eyewitness: “The Rocket was just flying, and the rear cable of this rocket broke. It hung and hung. But the people were silent, then laughter and screams were heard.”

But the park employees were not amused. People were very lucky that the gondola turned upside down. People hanging face down from their seat belts would be more difficult to evacuate. The rocket was lowered quite quickly. The park staff managed to cope even before the emergency services arrived. But it was not possible to put the gondola down. Stepladders were required. Among the passengers of the ill-fated rocket were children. Seva Batalin was the last to be rescued; he was sitting in the bow.

The people gathered around the scene behaved extremely correctly. They sympathized and encouraged the passengers of the ill-fated “Rocket”. And when it was all over, they thanked the rescuers with applause.

The director of “Divo-Ostrov” invited all the victims and their relatives to her office. She calmed them down, gave them tea, apologized and explained to them what had happened.

Tatyana Vasyutskaya, director of the amusement park: “The cable did not break, the fastening where the cable is attached jumped out. But the cables there are good, with an 11-fold margin of safety, and they withstood the “Rocket” - two cables, as you can see, lowered it calmly.”

According to the director, the attraction was purchased in Austria only two years ago, and there were no complaints about its technical condition. A commission from the manufacturer has already been called to St. Petersburg, which will try to establish the cause of the accident.

This is not the first incident at amusement parks. In 2008, on another attraction there was also a cable break - the technical director of Divo-Ostrov, who did not ensure that the operating instructions were translated into Russian, was sentenced to 8 months probation.

The statistics so far show one thing: there are no completely accident-free attractions. People in Moscow remember well how they removed people from the Ferris wheel at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. Ufa residents are generally accustomed to similar situations - there is an attraction there that has already broken down three times in two seasons. Each time people had to be filmed from a height.

The risk is significantly higher if the amusement park moves from city to city and everything is installed on site, often in a hurry. Two years ago, when the carousel of the Tula amusement park touring in Veliky Novgorod collapsed, 11 people were injured. Even trampolines that are inflated on city holidays are fraught with danger; there have been cases when children were taken directly from the playground to the hospital - in Severodvinsk and in the St. Petersburg Divo-Ostrov park.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Real lovers thrills A parachute jump is hardly surprising anymore. They are ready to travel even to the other side of the world to tickle their nerves.

We are in website We have selected 12 of the most breathtaking attractions in the world, the mere sight of which will already get your adrenaline pumping!

Insanity, USA

The name of this carousel translates to "madness" and it is the tallest carousel on the planet. It is located at an altitude of about 300 meters and is mounted 20 meters from the edge of the roof of one of the skyscrapers. The carousel is a structure with open cabins for passengers, which rotates at a speed of 60 km/h at an angle of 70°. By the way, all passengers face down to the ground during rotation.

X-Scream, USA

The X-Scream attraction is located on the roof of the hotel, 350 meters high. It looks like a trailer into which passengers sit. Then he accelerates, drives 8 meters beyond the roof, stops abruptly and suddenly dives down. Screams and screams are guaranteed.

Big Shot, USA

The Big Shot ride is located in the same hotel and is considered the tallest ride in the world. A platform with seats around the entire perimeter is attached to the tower spire. The platform shoots upward at great speed and then freefalls. If you love the feeling of your heart jumping out of your chest, you'll love it here.

White Cyclone, Japan

The highlight of this attraction is that it is made of wood, and is also one of the longest roller coasters: the length of the path with dizzying climbs and spiral descents reaches 1.7 km. The height of the attraction is equal to the height of a 15-story building, and the speed of the wooden trolleys can exceed 100 km/h.

Giant Canyon Swing, USA

The attraction in the form of a giant swing is located on the slope of a cliff at an altitude of 400 meters above the Colorado River. The swing seats 4 passengers and swings 112° above the horizon at a speed of 80 km/h. Finding yourself in high point, extreme sports enthusiasts can gaze at the almost endless cliff opening below them. According to the creators of this attraction, none of the visitors decided to ride the swing a second time.

EdgeWalk, Canada

Those who think they are not afraid of heights have simply never been to Toronto. Here you can take a walk on the site, which is located on the 116th floor of the television tower. You can walk around the edge for 30 minutes observation deck without handrails or barriers. The only safety precaution is a safety harness with a cable.

Insano, Brazil

Just looking at this water slide will take your breath away. After all, riding along it means descending from the height of a 14-story building at incredible speed, almost at a vertical angle. And all this in 5 seconds! The descent from the slide ends in a large pool, where extreme sports enthusiasts can catch their breath and come to their senses.

Takabisha, Japan

Takabisha is the coolest roller coaster in the world, on this moment They are also a record holder in size. 1,000 meters in 1 minute and 52 seconds and 7 sharp turns. And in some sections of turns, the cabin even breaks away from the rails and moves, sliding along a magnetic levitation.

Zip World at Penrhyn Quarry, UK

On the Zip World at Penrhyn Quarry rope ride, extreme sports enthusiasts accelerate to 161 km/h at an altitude of several hundred meters, and the flight itself lasts 2 minutes. I wonder if visitors have time to enjoy the beautiful view of majestic mountains and a mesmerizing emerald lake?

Outdated attractions fascinate with their specific beauty. They are filled with their own special energy. Looking at them, you can imagine how adults and children once rested on them. How they brought joy and good mood to people.

Now Soviet-era attractions in Country park are in very poor condition. Almost abandoned. Rusted, with peeling paint, in places overgrown with grass and bushes. Small and partial cosmetic repairs only emphasize their depressing condition. I don’t know if they can be called abandoned, but they are clearly not being used for their intended purpose. All the rides are “classic”; these can be found in parks in almost any city.

1. Autodrom

“Cars”, “cars”, “electric cars” - whatever they were called. One of my favorite childhood attractions. Many people probably loved to ride small electric cars and feel the adrenaline rush from collisions with a neighboring electric car.

The canopy on the site was dismantled long ago.

It looks like the fence was painted not long ago.

2. Swing boats.
Attraction for the entertainment of adults and children. Two people needed to use it.

If you tried hard, you could swing just above the horizontal plane. The feeling is simply unforgettable.

The brake was a long bar that rose from below when the caretaker pressed the lever and the swing rubbed against it and gradually stopped.

A tight rope - so that the swing is not used.

The only attraction with a warning sign.

3. "Cabin boy"

A small boat that can take kids on a ride as if on real sea waves.

Mine last flight a “ship” was made around the lighthouse a long time ago.

4. "Orbit" light version. If memory serves, it was called "Bell"

Carousel for children from 3 to eight years old.

When boarding, you had to fasten yourself with chains to your seats. When moving, the seats leaned back a little and swayed smoothly.

5. "Orbit"

For adults and children over 10 years old. It was especially cool to ride on such a carousel - the rotation is accompanied by simultaneous rise and fall. This movement is ensured by an arrow that changes the angle of inclination up to 45 degrees.

We sit down in the chairs, lower the protective hoop, the carousel disk spins, everything cracks and creaks. Go.)

6. "Surprise"

A kind of centrifuge. Children from 16 years old and adults up to 50 could use it.

For proper operation, it was important that visitors were evenly distributed around the circle.

The maximum boom lift angle is 65 degrees.

7. "Fun slides"

"Fun slides" is a family attraction for all ages. Reminiscent of a roller coaster, but with much less extremeness.

Monorail system.

Bushes are already sprouting in full swing on the site.

8. "Wheel of Review"

The Ferris Wheel appeared in the park in the late 80s and early 90s. Its height is about 25-27 meters.

Now it is in a deplorable state.

Some of the cabins have no roof, some lack seats. Seat absolutely terrible.

It's amazing that the plant that produced these rides in the USSR is still in operation.