The train that works for a couple. What is a penalty for a short-free passage? Formation of freight trains

Train preparation begins directly from the inspection and immediately after its arrival from the previous flight. The examiners on external and internal equipment determine which cars will be able to go on the road, and which need to be pulled off. The composition is disbanded and equipped again. It is allocated for serving brigade. For some trains, the next flight "on holiday" is allocated for about a day or a little more, others have been ready after five hours.

Preparatory work in the depot

Technical inspection (TO-2) perform electricity brigades, repair of running parts and internal equipment and workshops to repair wagons-restaurants.

Equipment team works in advance drawn graphics. Everything necessary for recovery is in warehouses. The bosses of trains and conductors are constantly exchanged documentation with the storekeeper-inventory. Information about the remaining unused bedding sets, tablecloths and other train utensils are entered into the database. Thus, the new needs of the car and the composition as a whole are formed.

Before sending, the train is charged with water. The conductor thoroughly checks, besides its presence and health of the crane, also the level of fuel, the contents of the aid kit, the availability of handrails, locks, input and transition sites, the presence of seals on stop valves and emergency exit drive handles, the presence and health of the fire and other internal equipment.

Checking the operation of the brake system and the chassis is carried out, which, together with the assistant, controls the work of technical specialists. All disadvantages are eliminated by their first requirement.

Each compound is enshrined the Commission, which ultimately checks the readiness for sending. In its composition: Representatives of the depot, sanitary and epidemiological service, the apparatus of traffic safety auditors.

Before starting the movement, all employees involved in its provision must necessarily pass.

Departure of the flight

Dispatcher, removing the readings of the control devices on the central apparatus, making sure the freight of the shooting sections (when changing the route - run), sets the departure route, and then performs the actual translation of the arrows and open the output traffic light.

When the signal is resolved, the driver with the assistant perform the "Minute of Willing Minute" regulations. It passes in the form of a dialogue, in the process of which the assistant reports about:

  • Presence travel documents and warnings form;
  • The inclusion of safety devices and radio stations;
  • Handbrake leave;
  • Availability of certificates on brakes and tailing car;
  • Indications of locomotive traffic lights;
  • Pressure in brake and pressure highways;
  • Testimony of the output (route) traffic light;
  • Set speed of the route;
  • On the end of the time of parking and the absence of stop signals on the way.

In fact, job descriptions for the preparation for the flight include a huge number of different operations, and those that are named are only a small product of huge work, which are done by Russian Railways employees so that passengers reach the destination on time and without problems.

Because the title is about fuel for trains, and under this term, according to the intelligent dictionary of Vladimir Dalya initially fell and carts harvested by horses, and followed each other, in particular with a wedding ceremony, representing a single "wedding train." The value of the last word comes from the Russian word ride. In this case, the fuel for horses served oats.

With the development of new techniques, the same V. Daly has and new definitions of the word "train" appeared. Now all the wagons that were clicked between themselves were under this definition, which was already a single composition driven by steam locomotive. Efron and Brockhauses, which were: the first Russian, and the second German origin, publishers, went further. They made another condition for the word "train" - this is a quantitative and qualitative composition of traction units in such a composition. Thus, all the same cars appeared, linked among themselves, which necessarily led the locomotive, delivered in the head of such a "caravan".

When the grand transport has lost its value, as the transport of a long-distance message and remained only as a transport unit in a city drawing, the value of the word "train composition" People began to apply only to railway.

In the future, the meaning of the word was repeatedly changed and complemented by new technical terms, including the definition of the presence of identification and light signals, lizing the technical tools, negative conditions that could be treated under this value.

Subsequently, exceptions have emerged that could not be considered and called the "train", starting with road transport.

The offensive of the locomotive era came to us in the nineteenth century and fearfully "reigned" on the railways of the world to the middle of the twentieth century, until the first diesel locomotives appeared on a massive scale, and then electric locomotives.

Based on the name of the first steam locomotive machines on the railway, then the work of their engine was provided by steam, and for its production it was necessary fuel, and it was a famous coal. Somewhat later, in areas where oil production was made, heavy fuel fuel was used for locomotive locomotives. But still, on the scale of our Russia, in the territory of European countries and in the American continent initially fuel for the locomotive served only coal. In the Lyuhaynoya rnealing days, as well as during the period Civil WarIn engine fireboxs, wood or peat was burned, sometimes dried fish were used as already at all exotic fuel. In the locomotive locomotive, a tender served as storage of coal fuels. In such a car were stored and stocks of water. On locomotives that have no such tender, all their coal fuel and water stored on the steam locomotive itself. For this reason, such a modification of the locomotive was called the "steam tank".

Solid fuel burned in a boiler firebox. To ensure its combustion, a grate grid was used. Waste as slag and ash collected, in the so-called, ash bar, pre-passing through a sieve of a special lattice.

With the help of a large number of heat and smoke pipes, heat exchange took place and water was heated in the boiler, forming that the pair that was sent directly into the steam machine, which is to ensure the movement of locomotive, activating the crank-connecting mechanism, which is eventually transformed into the rotational movement of the locomotive wheels.

It should be noted that engineers-creators of the locomotive miracle walked very difficult way, inventing their car. Initially, they rely more on their intuition than specific calculations.

The technique that was improved could serve people for a long time. In this case, engineers were on the right track, being in a constant creative and technical search, including new types of fuel. For these purposes, enthusiasts offered to learn how to burn coal dust correctly, which could largely increase the coefficient of useful fuel used by charcoal. At the same time, the flue volumes could not increase. But all these proposals were only theoretical calculations, without having a solid practical soil. As a result, coal dust did not serve as fuel, since the inventors did not achieve the operational reliability of the dust units of steam locomotives. Consider the combustion process of coal mass, including coal dust, precisely, at high temperatures, failed. Therefore, this variety of fuel refused.

After that, the ERA of the search and the creation of additional equipment began to increase the efficiency of coal fuel used. Thus, the first "duplexes" stokers appeared, which provided the two-sided flow of solid fuel in the firebreaker. The SSR was similar to the locomotive modifications "IP" and "FD".

American inventors offered steam locomotive, so-called mechanical devices: "Pashers", which successfully produced a breaking of aggressive coal directly in the tender. As a result, already loosened fuel through the conveyor, was served directly to Stroker.

In the twentieth century, transport units appeared in the form of diesel locomotives, which had already diesel fuel for power plants. It could be directly a diesel engine or a gas turbine was installed. True, the train composition of the wagons continued to be heated with the coal for a long time.

Then the first electric locomotives appeared, which was initially consumed as fuel

Electric DC power. Subsequently, gradually began to move to the use of already alternating current. This type of transport units has proven itself as environmentally friendly transport. The emission of harmful substances has declined significantly.

About how our homeland is immense, you learned in childhood, in the lesson of geography. And then you hit her head to drive her all on the train in 6 days. Beginning is good, the journey will come out informative. But here is the furnishings in Pause-de, in which you are sitting, of course, Spartan: no bath or even a shank shower, wenged food in clearly overestimated prices in the restaurant car, dangerous neighbors and many other little things. Now we will tell how to go through it with minimal losses.

Do not wear

From the moment you stepped in the door of the car, about the usual you water procedures We'll have to forget. To maintain a human face, throw in a dry shampoo bag. This idol acts extremely simple: you disseparate it on your hair from the distance of an elongated arm, wait a couple of minutes, while the absorbent (than dry shampoo is) capers the particles of dirt, fat and dust with your hair, and carefully combat it. The same clean, as after an ordinary shampoo, your head will not become, but it is a worthy compromise for the time of the trip. And do not use it every day, it will not benefit the scalp. The item is the second - wet wipes to wipe the particular odorous places of your body. Choose those on which "for intimate hygiene" is written, they will dry your skin less than others.

Do not get lost

Ticket, passport, policy of compulsory health insurance and cash always carry with you. First, in the trains steal. Secondly, in any PE, this particular set will help you cope with the situation. For example, you got squeezed on the platform somewhere in Ulan-Ude and the composition went without you. Go straight to duty at the station, present passport and ticket. If the train went earlier than it was supposed to (it happens if the composition does not fit into the schedule), you are required to transplanted into the next one. And if you agoned the departure myself - Well, at least you will be returned part of the ticket price. And the sooner you will report on the situation that has arisen, the closer to you to go beyond your luggage: things will leave the staff of the nearest station.

What we go

If you already gathered on this train to go, it does not hurt something about him. Here are some facts that you can shine in front of a pretty fellow traveler:

1. Copyright train "Russia" No. 2/1 (namely the same is the composition of the composition, kiving from Moscow to Vladivostok and back) went on its first flight on September 30, 1966.

2. The composition takes 9259 km, and this is the longest railway route on the planet. Time on the way is 6 days plus-minus hour.

3. The composition passes through 14 regions, 90 cities and 8 time zones.

4. In the way the train passes 65 stops. The shortest is just 1 minute, for example, Bogotol and Achinsk. The longest - half an hour (it is possible to exit legs, say, in Khabarovsk and Belogorsk).

5. In addition to the company "Russia" on the route there is still without a mammant express train Under the number 100E. Tickets for it are cheaper, which affects the quality of the finish and, probably, the courtesy of the wiring. And he goes for 19 hours longer and makes the whole 126 stops.

Do not stick where

The frequency in the outlet you will find in your coupe (if you are not going to a reserved seat, of course), - 200 Hz, it is designed for electric shavers. We stick into her your phone or laptop - and do not complate the sweat, that they broke down. For portable equipment in each car installed, and a common outlet - next to it you need to shamefully stand and watch your device if it is charging.

Pour in satisfaction

In order for the food that you took with you, it remained for a long time without a refrigerator for a long time, you need to comply with two conditions: minimum contact with air and moisture. It is clear, the product itself should not be perishable, so forget about the cottage. But with another important source of protein - meat, everything is already better.

The first option is to bake, for example, pork with spices. Here is a recipe from the cook and leading culinary programs on NTV Konstantin Zhuka:

1. Take pork clipping (grams 700), rinse with cold water and cut all visible fat from it;

2. Make a hole in the clipping holes and let 10 cloves of garlic (if the teeth are large, cut them along and straightened);

3. Slice meat with olive oil, dense sodium salt and pepper (take on the tablespoon of that and the other, it is natural preservatives; you can still add any fragrant herbs to your taste), then tightly wrapped in foil;

4. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, bakes 1.5-2 hours. Ready! Such a dish even in warmth will last two days.

The second option is to put meat to the state of chips. This is, of course, not a full dinner, as in the case of baked clippings, but such food will not determine the week, or even longer:

1. A piece of pork or beef in a 600 grams. Nash stripes - so thin, as you can (pieces you can additionally repel so that they are still thinner);

2. Six marinates: 5 tbsp. l. Sugar, 4 crushed garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. l. UKSA-CA, 5 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 1 tbsp. l. Ground coriander. Place in marinade meat and send it to the refrigerator at least 4 hours, and better - by 8;

3. Put on the baking paper tray, lay the pieces of meat on top and baked in the oven at 100 degrees 45 minutes so that all moisture leaves the chips.

It is not necessary to be limited to these two recipes. You can fry or bake any meat or bird, the main thing is that the product remains at least the moisture (and do not forget to generously salt and pepper, but so that the dish is still edible). Tightly pack food in a foil or food container and do not use the food film - without a refrigerator bacteria in it will be frozen very quickly.

What is when ended baked pork? Canned beans will help you: beans, nuts, actually beans, etc. Search for already ready-to-eat and reinforce them, right from the bank. Bean is full of slow carbohydrates - your body will re-cook them half a day, and you are not hungry. Stew ignore, and it is better to take a few cans of children's puree from fish and meat. Taste, of course, nasty, but it is the most dietary food, without preservatives and taste amplifiers.

If you got into trouble

1. All routed on the train travels the police outfit. So if you missed your things - go to them. Not that they differed something from all other policemen who have seen earlier, but at least these guys have the right to walk on cars and coupe and checking passengers - whether which of them are in that very crucible for you Signed personally James Hatfield.

2. Report a bad well-being conductor - he will take action. You will be taken to the first station, where they will be transmitted to the ambulance on which you will go to the nearest hospital. Seeing your passport and policy of the OMS (you wear them with you, how did you agree?), People in white coats will be obliged to save you. Good news: How come to yourself, you will be banned in the next train for free, next to Vladivostok. But for this you will need to demonstrate the cashier at the station not only your ticket and passport, but also a certificate from the hospital, that you really had.

Trains are one of the most important types of transport all over the world. Millions of passengers travel daily by railways, and no one is surprised that you can buy a train ticket on the site, without leaving the house, and take the train, simply presenting the conductor e-ticket (boarding coupon) on paper (A4 format) or mobile device screen and document certifying the Passenger Personality (Electronic Registration). It often happens only passports.

Although the trains appeared much earlier than the car and especially air transport, but in fact the emergence of the railway communication is the case, it can be said recent. Another 200 years ago, no one could imagine that soon people would be able to travel for any distances without the help of horses. The same applies to cargo transportation and delivery of mail: only railways were able to create a single transport system in vast territories, Europe, Russia, which significantly affected the development of the economy. So, when and where was the very first train in the world, and what was his speed?

Modern train

The trains prototype, very primitive, can be called trolleys that began to be used in the XVIII century in Europe. Between certain items, for example, a mine and village, wooden bars were laid (Lenzhni), who performed the role of modern rails. On them and rushed back and back trolley moving by horses or ... people. At the end of the XVIII century, single trolleys began to combine iron rings among themselves to increase traffic efficiency. These are such short compositions of several loaded trolleys, transported along wooden rails with horses, and became a prototype of those trains that are used in our time.

Russia is slightly lagging behind England. The first cargo train with locomotive traction was launched in 1834, and already in 1837, the Tsarskoyerel railway was built and opened, at which passenger trains were kiced at a speed of 33 km / h. The honor of creating the first Russian locomotive belongs to the brothers Cherepanov.

First steam locomotive

In 1804, the English Engineer-inventor Richard Trejetic demonstrated the first steam locomotive in curious viewers. This design was a steam cylindrical boiler to which the tender (wagon with coal and a place for the stir) and one car in which they could have rummaged. The first steam locomotive did not cause much interest among the owners of mines and mines, who just wanted to interest the Tretevik. Perhaps it is essentially a brilliant invention ahead of his time, as it often happens. The high cost of materials for the manufacture of rails, the need to create all the parts of the locomotive manually, the lack of funds and qualified assistants - all these negative factors led to the fact that in 1811 the Trejetic scored his work.

First cargo train

Using the drawings and the developments of the teaching, many European engineers began to actively create and improve various types of steam locomotives. Since 1814, several models were designed (Blucher, "Billy", "Killingworth", etc.), which were successfully exploited by the owners of large penny and mines. The first cargo trains could carry about 30-40 tons of cargo and developed the speed to 6-8 km / h.

First trunk train

On September 19, 1825, on the first public railway between Darlington and Stockton, the first train was held, managed by his creator George Stephenson. The train consisted of a locomotive "Movement", 12 cargo cars with flour and coal and 22 cars with passengers. The mass of the train along with the cargo and passengers was 90 tons, the speed of its movement in various sites is from 10 to 24 km / h. For comparison: today the speed of passenger trains is an average of 50 km / h, and high-speed trains, such as Sapsan - 250 km / h. In 1830, the highway Liverpool Manchester was opened in England. On the day of the opening, it passed the first passenger train, which included a postcard - also the first in the world.

Quite often I go on trains far follow And it's not very, I try to notice something useful for myself, the necessary, comfortable, and here you caught such a wonderful post, adding my comments, I decided to make a sample useful Soviets And secrets about how easier / more convenient to ride in trains. Use! -)

1. Interrupted route. Any person can get away from the train at the station, stay there for a while, and go along the same ticket Dal, but already on the other train.
The stop in the way is really possible up to 10 days, one once in any city on the way as you liked. Just within 4 hours on arrival, you need to approach the station administrator and make a special mark in the ticket, when you follow the "Purchase" ticket, you may have to pay extra money, but not much. There are categories of passengers that such stops can do more than one, disabled and accompanying their faces and veterans and several more categories of beneficiaries.

2. Side sites, near the toilet. In a second-class car, all the famous "side, near the toilet" are places 37, 38.
If the door clap and there is no passage!
So the sideways near the toilet.
This place is cursed, pass everything.
Do not take a place for thirty-seven at the box office!

3. Sockets. The outlets in the placentar are located near the boiler, opposite the toilet with no working part, in the second and eighth coupe film Wagon (39-40 and 51-52). In the coupe between 3 and 4 coupe and between 7 and 8 coupe in the corridor. If they do not work - just ask the conductors to turn them on.

4. Buy place in double coupe. Standard wagon 54 places, but after the introduction of compulsory provision of passengers with linen, the reserved floor has become two places less. 53.54 places are given to conductors. In the coupe cars, the conductors took the coupe into 2 places and assigned them numbers 37-38, and the first coupe with places 1-4 was seized from turnover. This scheme works only on trains by following 36 hours, and only on Russian Railways. Buying ticket B. compartment carriage Try to buy space 37-38, you will go almost like in St.

5. Refrigerator.In every car there are two "winter refrigerators", each of them is a volume of 150 liters, (before there was an emergency stock of fuel for titanium and heating system, then with the widespread introduction of electrical installation, the place remained empty, and the instructions remained, so that there was a sudden nishtyak From new electrical technologies), so all fragrant products can be asked for conductors to clean there, without forgetting about the remuneration.

6. Reserve tickets at the checkout. In each train, there are so-called "reserved places", they are called "Personal NP Reserve", two places in the coupling cars and three in the placentar. Usually they do not go to open sale, but are issued to those who travel on business trips from the state. structures or on funeral.

7. Luggage. Of course no one picks up 80 percent of people who violate the rules of luggage provisions, which say: that manual sting and luggage can be 36 kilograms (in St. 50 kg) by weight and 180 cm. By the amount of the perimeter (length + height + Width). In long-distance trains to the established norm of transportation hand luggage The passenger can carry baby carriages, kayaks, bicycles without a motor disassembled and packed.

8. Head of Train. NP - King and God on the train, while the train on the way he does not submit to anyone (even Yakunin), but it is subject to all without exception - both conductors and electromechanics. You can find the head of the train like this: this is the jewel car closest to the car. NP or B. office room NP, or in the first coupe (coupe NP), or moves along the train. But even if he shakes his train, find it easy, on the train one way, look for a person with two (on branded trains Three) stars on the pursuit. One star is also the boss, but only called PEM (train electromechanics) at night replaces NP. If the outside to identify the wagon in which the NP is driving - along the antenna, made in the form of a long wire stretched over the roof of the car.

9. Electronic registration.If passed electronic registrationThe ticket can be printed no later than an hour before the departure of the train. Then the lists fall to the wiring and the ticket will not be printed. Obviously, this is done to exclude the opportunity to pass a ticket, but go through the list from the conductor. Accordingly, it works and vice versa - you can register online at no later than an hour before departure, otherwise the ticket purchased on the Internet needs to be printed in the terminal or at the checkout.

10. The key. Three-trackey key, they can be opened and close the intervatory doors and toilet, as well as windows. But be careful if you catch - they can remove from the train. This key can either purchase the "expedition" or take away from the elevators.

11. Shower.There is a shower in the toilet ceiling, closed on the same three-way key. In the summer, it is quite possible to wash, as the tanks on top and water heats up well.

12. Music in the wagons. It depends on the personal preferences of NP, so you can not guess, you can get to Kadyshev with Mikhailov, and it is possible on Beatles with Queen.

13. Windows. Try not to buy tickets to the rooms with numbers 9-12 49-50, 21-24 43-44, there is a deaf window.

14. Bed. If you do not pay the bed, then you can not use the mattress with a pillow. You are not obliged to collect and rent a bed (unless of course this is not your goodwill the guide of the conductor) in the duties of the conductor it is indicated: to remove bedding after disembarking passengers; In exceptional cases, the consent of the passengers is allowed to remove bedding no earlier than 30 minutes before arrival at railway station disembarking passengers.

15. If there is no ticket. If you take a ticket for a passing train, for example, from the city "A" to the city "B", but there are no tickets, then take the next hottest station "C", and "O" Miracle! Tickets are! "This is connected with the reserve under settlementsJust come out earlier and that's it.

16. RZD - "Rejoice, I drove alive" - \u200b\u200bthis is how jokes about the abbreviation themselves railway workers and conductors themselves.
Remember about these tips and let the train brings you only pleasure! -)

p.S. add who else something say-)