Walked around the world. A virtual trip to the most interesting places on the planet

The webcam will allow you to visit both inside and outside the National Aerospace Administration: you will walk through the launch sites, see how the spacecraft and the main engines of the shuttle are assembled, and you will find yourself in the Museum of the Apollo 14 space module that visited the Moon.

2. Coliseum(Italy)

This camera will invite you to wander through the remains of the legendary Roman stadium, where 3000 gladiators could fight at the same time. The Colosseum is over 1900 years old and is still open to the public.

3. Palace of Versailles(France)

Palace of Versailles- an example of how they lived in grand style French kings... The splendor of the palace made such a strong impression on Peter I that after visiting him he conceived the construction of the famous ensemble in Peterhof. The webcam will guide you through the territory of the palace and the park area, where 3600 courtiers lived at the same time.

4. Taj Mahal(India)

Taj Mahal is a symbol of Shah Jahan's love for the wife of Mumtaz Mahal, sung by poets. The webcam can be zoomed in so much that it will be possible to see the floral ornaments and the finest Arabic script that adorn the walls of the palace.

4. Galapagos Islands(Ecuador)

This webcam will offer you a lot of fun: dive into the depths of the blue lagoon and see fur seals, walk around the island and get a closer look at huge turtles and unique birds - frigates with a bright red throat pouch.

Internet giant Google has opened a virtual door to its holy of holies - data centers. The webcam will guide you through the places where the Internet is stored.

7. The White house(USA)

This webcam will invite you to visit the official residence of the President of the United States. You will walk the red carpet, peep in a large number of rooms and see the atmosphere in which the American chapter works.

8. Diagon Alley

The Google Wizards will guide you down Diagon Alley from the Harry Potter movie. You will see the scenery and see the sights of the street with the full feeling of being on the set yourself.


This is the first aircraft to appear on Google Street View. And for a reason. The world's richest people travel on board the Emirates A380. It remains only to turn on the camera.

10. Everest base camp(China-Nepal)

A unique place that is not worth talking about, but it is better to see everything with your own eyes. The mountain air is breathtaking.

11. Wilson Island(Australia)

The Great Barrier Reef is like an outlandish forest with its flora and fauna. You can see him with your own eyes right now.

12. CERN(Switzerland)

CERN (European Organization for nuclear research) is the world's largest physics laboratory. This is where the Large Hadron Collider is located. With the help of the camera, you can see all the details of this grandiose structure from different angles and visit any point in the center. Everything takes on completely different shapes and sizes when you look at the collider with your own eyes.

13. Islands of Indonesia

Did you know that you can travel without leaving your home, without leaving your workplace? And all you need is your computer and Internet access. Until recently, we could not imagine that such a thing was possible. Of course, it is better to see new cities and continents with your own eyes, walk the streets, listen to the pronunciation local residents, try national dishes, wander through museums. But, this is not always possible. This is where virtual travel will help us. 10 virtual travel services

In addition, not all interesting places on our planet are available for travel yet. Underwater world or the top of an Icelandic waterfall. Walk into the stratosphere. Low flight over the rooftops of Paris in real time. It all seems impossible. But, virtual tours, maps and satellite communication give us the opportunity to participate in these tempting adventures.

Let's see how the technology has progressed over the past few years. We offer you an overview of the best programs and services for virtual travel. Where to go - decide for yourself, but do not limit yourself. There are more opportunities than meets the eye.

Panoramas 360cities.net

360cities.net shows us the world in 360 degrees. These are gorgeous detailed panoramas. Tens of thousands of photographs, very detailed images from all over the world. By the way, not only ours. There is data from the rover, so we can visit Space, look around at another planet.

You can take a walk around London, shake your head in all directions at the top of Nepal. Any of your wishes can come true, virtual travel is fast and free. In some images, the resolution is so high that you can see people's faces in the windows of houses. Can you see yourself somewhere?

Google Photo Tours

More recently, the streets of GoogleStreetView have fascinated travelers. Now this does not surprise anyone, but Google has come up with something more interesting. Photo tours allow you to take a walk around the most interesting places on the planet. For example, walk the Taj Mahal or climb the Eiffel Tower. Paris, London, Dubai are waiting for you right there.

There are non-standard tours for connoisseurs of protected areas. For example, salt mine in Wieliczka, climbing the Chichen Itza pyramid (Mexico). Explore all the tours, there are unexpected offers. Even the descent under the water.

Do you want to ride in Russia? Then you are on RusMap.net, which also uses Google services. This way, you can easily plan a real trip by looking at the upcoming route in advance. Then your real trip will be easier, more enjoyable and less unpredictable. Especially if you are going to Big city with an intricate street system.

Google Street View app

Let's not forget the good old Street View that even fits on your phone. The app is available for Android and iPhone.

By the way, it is not necessary to use it only in an emergency, when someone gets lost. Are you on the subway? Get distracted by the panoramas of other cities, walk around the center, turn into small side streets. Venice, Paris, Barcelona, ​​Europe and Asia are all available at the touch of a button.

Such walks can last as long as you like. Or, just remind yourself of your summer vacation by running one more time along the familiar street of your beloved city.

Panoramas Yandex

Yandex keeps up with Google. From a bird's eye view, you can admire the cities of Russia. For example, St. Petersburg is well represented. Here is Palace Square in all its details, a walk along Nevsky. You can even ride through the channels if you wish. By the way, these maps are more descriptive. You can view the map and panorama at the same time.

Please note that Yandex is developing successfully. There is not only Russia, but almost the whole world. Try all the possibilities for fast travel or preparation for your trip.

Air Pano

Air Pano is an amazing and brilliant project. It was not easy to implement it, but the team coped 100%. And this is not the limit. Everything is realized thanks to spherical aerial panoramas.

All that to you to be seen filmed in high definition, - here the company showed itself from the best side. Very detailed, thoughtful shots. You rotate the panorama, viewing the smallest details of the geographical object.

How is it done? Anything that flies can be equipped with a camera. Balloons, planes, drones ... Different angles, different vision of the same objects. This creates a spherical panorama. And you can scroll it with the mouse as many times as you like.

This is how the northern lights, glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, tropical islands and Mountain peaks... It is difficult to get here on foot, but by air it is quite accessible. So, you have a great opportunity to wonder what is happening on the Bromo volcano or the island of Java.

Many panoramas are supplied not only with the names of objects, but also with descriptions. So it's also educational.

Youtube 360 ​​Video Files

Another interesting service in our piggy bank is 360-degree video. So we sailed around Venice, for example. The boat slowly sails past the Doge's Palace, goes around the Venetian lagoon, glides along the route. Look for such videos on Youtube, Air Pano.

Video travel on Vimeo

Time-lapse photography can work wonders. You can easily verify this if you use this service.

On vimeo.com there are hundreds of interesting video compilations... With their help, you can get the necessary dose of inspiration for planning a new trip. Real, of course. All the most romantic, interesting, distant, mysterious corners of our planet with slow-motion mode. Here is the Golden Gate Bridge, Norwegian sunsets and the northern lights, the golden pagodas of Myanmar. Don't miss the updates, as they regularly add to the vimeo.com collection.

Virtual museums

We have already written about world-class museums, which you can visit without leaving their home.

Google Global Project. The idea is great: to unite all museums, large galleries, exhibition centers into a global network. From anywhere in the world, you can travel through the halls, see the expositions of the most interesting cultural and scientific centers the world.

Already over 60 objects all over the globe took part in the project. Another global project Art Project.

There are tens of thousands of paintings and works of art in the Google "base". The main thing here is detail. You can see every brushstroke of the famous painting. For example, Van Gogh's Starry Night. We bet that even if you see her with your own eyes, you will not be able to examine her in such detail, approach her the way you want?

All the most interesting museums world want to take part in the project. Already today you can take free virtual tours of the Louvre, Acropolis, British Museum, Doge's Palace.

ISS webcam

Now it's even more interesting! We can go to space. The ISS also has cameras that broadcast everything that happens in outer space. Who knows what we might even notice there. Broadcast always online so you always stay up to date with the latest news from orbit.

Everything happens slowly, but sometimes this is how you need to observe our blue planet. There are interruptions in communication, but, you know, these are already interplanetary technologies. The most interesting thing is the spacewalk of astronauts. Of course, you won't find it every day, but such video broadcasts will be a pleasant surprise.

Webcams around the world

To see what's happening right now in the Maldives, New York or a nearby city, just find the nearest webcam. They are everywhere now.

Earthcam.com has a huge collection of webcams from all over the world.

On the site a-russia.ru you can admire the corners of the Crimea and Russia. Plus many more locations around the world.

On the slopes of the mountains and the most famous routes, in the center of world capitals, on the islands of any seas. It is very convenient. Don't believe in the weather forecast? See for yourself how things are right now at your final destination. Traveling becomes easier, travel preparation shifts to new level... You often have to struggle to find a camera with a good signal, but it's worth it.

A young project, perhaps for the first time in Runet, has fully realized the idea virtual excursions... You walk through an unfamiliar city, listen to the guide and turn your head wherever you want - all this is now possible on the "Virtual Travel" website!

"Virtual journeys" - "virtual travel"

The craving for travel comes to us gradually. In childhood we read Jules Verne, in our youth we watch films about distant countries, and then - various "Clubs of film travels". So gradually a passion for the exploration of the world arises in us.

Site Virtual-journeys.com- one of the links in this chain. Here you can take an online trip to the many tourist capitals of the world and get the same experience as real tourist: see the most important sights with a fascinating story from the guide.

You can make "virtual travel" in two ways. Moving around Google street view runs automatically and the tour can be watched like a normal video. But you can also interfere with the process (the Google panorama remains interactive) - direct your gaze in any direction, zoom in and out of the image. And all this - under the fascinating explanations of the guide.

London at Virtual-journeys.com

"Virtual tours" provide the maximum approximation to a real walk through the city streets; it's hard to say where you can see something more spectacular.

There are 19 cities of the largest tourist caliber in the "cage" of "Virtual Travel" so far. Their number is gradually increasing, and if this continues, the site will take away a lot of customers from the publishers of paper guidebooks.

Beautiful Florence

Multilingualism is noteworthy Virtual-journeys.com... Of course, Russian is enough for us; but it is still impressive that tours are offered in ten languages, including Japanese and Korean.

If you encounter any inconveniences in your online journey (perhaps the voice of the virtual guide will tire you), take into account that, on the other hand, here you are guaranteed good weather and will not be threatened by a sea of ​​people from Chinese tourists.

World Entertainment Capital Las Vegas

Even though the site "Virtual Travel" appeared only this summer, it has confidently headed for the elite of travel projects on the Internet using Google services. Which will not be a sin to remember:

  • - virtual excursions from Google on the best museums in the world (but without a guide)
  • - interesting places on planet Earth
  • - interactive time-lapse video based Google street view
  • - interesting geographic game