Show italy on the map. Tourist map of Italian resorts in Russian

We present to your attention a detailed map of Italy in Russian. But before looking at it, a few words about the state itself.

Italy is a country with a population of more than 60 million people, located in southern Europe and the center of the Mediterranean. It occupies the southern slopes of the Alps and the entire Apennine Peninsula.

For a long time, this region has undoubtedly been an earthly paradise for tourists from all continents.

Interactive map of Italy

Below is an interactive map of Italy in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Italy is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to a map with the names of objects, you can look at Italy from a satellite if you click on the “Show” switch satellite map" in the lower left corner of the map.

Map of Italy with cities and resorts

Below is a map of Italy with cities and resorts. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

You were presented with the most basic and detailed maps Italy, which you can always use to search for an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Detailed map of Italy in Russian. Map of cities, regions and islands on interactive map Italy. Show Italy on the map.

Where is Italy located on the world map?

Italy, beauty of the Mediterranean region and queen of the European tourism industry, is located in the heart of the Mediterranean in Southern Europe.

Where is Italy on the map of Europe?

The country occupies the entire Apennine Peninsula, as well as a small part Balkan Peninsula, Padan plain and the southern slopes of the Alpine mountains. In addition, Italy owns large islands Sicily and Sardinia, as well as a number of small islands.

Interactive map of Italy with cities

In relatively small Italy there are more than 8 thousand settlements urban type, among them there are many that you cannot do without visiting. First of all, this is ancient Rome with masterpieces of medieval and Byzantine culture, Salerno with its unique archaeological parks, Syracuse and its ancient Greek monuments, Florence and its largest collection of paintings in Italy, Venice - a city on the water, Milan, and the eternally romantic Verona.

Islands of Italy on the map

Island tourism in Italy is very popular, and it has several varieties. Among the Italian islands there are both entire island regions (Sicily or Sardinia) and classic small islands (Elba, Pantelleria, Capri, Ischia, Gorgona, Capraia, Pianosa, Montecristo and some others). There are other types of islands in Italy, such as lake islands (Borromean Islands) or even city islands (Tiberina Island in Rome).

Regions and provinces of Italy on the map

Italy is divided into twenty regions: Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Piedmont, Liguria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Venice, Tuscany, Molise, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo, Lazio, Umbria, Appuglia, Sardinia and Sicily, which in turn include one hundred and ten provinces as administrative-territorial units.

Geographical position of Italy

The geographical position of Italy is quite advantageous from all points of view - it is located at a large crossroads between West and East. In the north, by land, Italy borders several countries: France, Switzerland, Austria and Yugoslavia. In the south, very close to the country is the African continent. Italy is washed by four seas: Ionian Sea in the south, Adriatic in the east, Ligurian and Tyrrhenian in the west. The geography of Italy is very diverse. Here are the majestic Alps, which protect the country from the cold northern winds, and the Padan Valley with its almost Russian autumn landscapes and sad fogs, and the Apennine Mountains, reminiscent of the foothills of the Caucasus, and the magnificent Italian islands, With snow-white beaches and picturesque views. Geographical coordinates Italy: 42°50′ N and 12°50′ E.

Italy (Republic of Italy) is located in southern Europe and borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. In addition, it has internal borders with the Vatican and San Marino. The country's area is 301,230 km2.

On the map, Italy occupies the territory of the Apennine Peninsula and has a peculiar “boot” shape. Also, the area of ​​the country includes southern part the Alps, the Padan plain, the islands of Sardinia, Sicily and a number of other small islands.

Based on the 2011 census, the total population is 60,813,326 people.

The largest cities in Italy are Milan, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Turin, Genoa, Florence, Bologna, Catania, Bari and Venice. Italy is divided into regions, which in turn are divided into provinces.

The country has an excellent network of railway and road interchanges. External transport of people and goods is predominantly carried out by sea.

The official language of the country is Italian.
Until 1999, the Italian lira was in circulation in the country, but today the country has completely switched to the Euro currency.

See where Italy is located on the world map:

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Italy can safely be called a country that has no equal in the number of tourist attractions. Suffice it to say that 60% of all European cultural values ​​are located on its territory. In the list of objects world heritage UNESCO Italy is in first place with 49 sites. You need to come here for a long time to give yourself a holiday that will stay with the tourist for the rest of his life.

The largest cities and regions are marked on the map of Italy. On our website you will find brief information for each city. If you are traveling around the country by car, then read the information about.

Major cities of Italy on the map

Rome on the map of Italy

Numerous attractions Eternal City It is best to view it in chronological order - from antiquity to the Middle Ages, then the Renaissance. General "antique" tourist ticket includes a visit to the birthplace of the city - the Palatine Hill with its surrounding impressive ruins, the majestic Colosseum amphitheater and the Forum - the main square ancient Rome. Here you can see the altars of Saturn and Vulcan, the Curia of the Senate, the House of the Vestals, the sanctuary of Vesta, and the tomb of Romulus.

Expert advice! If you don’t want to waste time in line, then buy this ticket at the Forum, not at the Colosseum.

Among the buildings of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Piazza Navona with the Egyptian obelisk, Palazzo Pamphilj and the Church of St. Agnes on it, Piazza di Spagna with the huge “Spanish Steps” Scalyanta di Spagna, the Trevi Fountain with Neptune on a chariot, ancient castle of Castel Sant'Angelo.

In the center of Rome there is a state, the main attraction of which is the Cathedral of St. Peter's on the square of the same name.

The appearance and, especially, the interior decoration of the main Catholic church in the world are simply stunning. The main altar of the cathedral, under a magnificent dome designed by Michelangelo, is built over the tomb of the apostle, whose statue is to his right. The most famous sculpture of the cathedral is the famous “Pieta” by the great Florentine.

Such masterpieces are open to tourists in the Vatican palace complex visual arts, How The Sistine Chapel with frescoes by Michelangelo, Stanzas by Raphael, and museums.

Expert advice! Try not to let the beauty of the Eternal City dull your vigilance. There are a lot of pickpockets in Rome, especially in crowded places. have a bad reputation bus routes towards the Vatican, especially - No. 64. Women should beware of motorcyclists snatching bags at speed.

Gourmets should keep in mind that in order to have a tasty and inexpensive meal, you need to choose establishments where the main visitors are local residents (away from crowds of tourists).

There is a lot of interesting material on Rome on our website, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it:

Milan on the map of Italy

The pride of the second largest city in Italy, Milan, is the magnificent Gothic.

Climbing onto the roof, you can see the turrets and sculptures up close. From here you can enjoy a beautiful panorama of different sides of the city. The square also contains the buildings of the Royal and Northern Palaces and the Arc de Triomphe.

Next to the cathedral is the Victor Emmanuel II passage, which houses one of the most famous shopping galleries in the world. Shopping lovers should not forget that Milan is the center of Italian fashion. This is where the leading design houses and boutiques of Italian fashion are located. The Quadrilatero della Moda district is an example of this.

Expert advice! Keep in mind that from 14:00 to 16:00, as throughout Italy, most establishments are closed for the afternoon rest - “siesta”.

Milan is also the capital of opera. Who hasn't heard of the famous La Scala theater? All opera stars of the last two centuries sang on its stage.

The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is decorated with the famous fresco by Leonardo da Vinci “The Last Supper”. Tickets to visit must be purchased in advance.

Naples on the map of Italy

Naples is located at the foot of Vesuvius on the banks of the picturesque Gulf of Naples.

On its slopes are the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Neapolitans consider themselves an ethnic group separate from the rest of Italy. This city is the birthplace of pizza and famous Neapolitan songs, as well as... organized crime. There are several hundred churches in the city. Stand out are the Cathedral of St. Januaria - the heavenly patron of the city and the church-monastery of St. Clara. The Archaeological Museum of Naples is considered one of the best in the world.

Expert advice! As you admire the stunning views of the Bay of Naples, hold on tight to your wallet!

Florence is one of the most beautiful cities peace. The birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dante and Machiavelli is an authentic museum under open air. The city can be called the capital of the Italian Renaissance. The most outstanding artists of that era lived and worked in the city - Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Boccaccio, Michelangelo, Donatello, Brunelleschi and many others.

In the city center there are two squares - Cathedral (Duomo) and Signoria. Among the statues in Piazza della Signoria is Michelangelo's David, and in the magnificent Palazzo Vecchio(Old Palace) is located in the municipality of Florence. Florence's Cathedral Square is famous for its temple complex, containing the grand church of Santa Maria del Fiore, Giotto's 84-meter-high bell tower and the Baptistery of San Giovanni.

The main attraction of the city is the Uffizi Gallery. Its collection contains paintings from the Renaissance - paintings by Giotto, Titian, Raphael, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Piero della Francesca, Botticelli, Duccio and other famous artists. The museum has many antique sculptures and a unique collection of self-portraits of famous artists. In the most beautiful hall of the gallery, the Tribune, paintings are exhibited: “The Holy Family” by Michelangelo, “The Adoration of the Magi” by Botticelli, “Portrait of Pope Julius II” and “Madonna with the Goldfinch” by Raphael.

IN Royal Palace Palazzo Pitti houses the Palatine Gallery with paintings by Raphael, Titian, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Rubens, Van Dyck and others, as well as museums of silver, porcelain, carriages, and costumes. Not far from the palace there is a beautiful landscaped park – the Boboli Gardens.

And in Florence there is the grandiose Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the massive dome of which is clearly visible from anywhere in the city, the Gothic Basilica of Santa Croce, where Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, Galileo, Machiavelli and Rossini are buried. The list of attractions of this beautiful city is far from exhausted. But, as they say, better time see…

Expert advice! If you like ice cream, visit Gelateria Cillo in the center of the Old Town (Via De’Neri, 51/r). The choice is huge, very tasty, you can try different varieties, and the hostesses speak Russian.

Venice on the map of Italy

Venice is built on 122 islands, which are connected by 400 bridges. Role public transport are performed by gondolas, vaporetto water bus and motor boats. The most popular route goes along the Grand Canal.

The charm of a unique city on the water complements architectural ensemble central square San Marco. On it there are columns of St. Mark and St. Theodora, the Doge's Palace and the magnificent San Marco Cathedral. Not far from the square there is a parking lot of gondolas, where you can take a memorable trip along the famous canals of Venice.

The facades of the Cathedral of San Marco are richly decorated with sculptures, columns, carved stone and mosaics.

Among the latter, the “Last Judgment” and mosaics on the history of the creation of the cathedral (the work of Venetian masters) stand out. The marble Gothic cornice amazes with its finest stone carvings. Above the main entrance to the temple there is a bronze quadriga: according to one version, it was created by the great ancient Greek sculptor Lysippos.

The interior of the cathedral, striking in its splendor, is decorated with numerous mosaics on biblical themes. In the center of the temple there is a Venetian shrine - the “Golden Altar” with the central majestic figure of Christ. On the doors of the altar there are images of saints and emperors framed in gold and precious stones.

Expert advice! Overview group excursion the very narrow Venetian streets are inconvenient.

In most restaurants, cafes and bars prices for local residents and foreigners are twice as different. But if you politely speak at least a few words of Italian, you will be served almost at the local price list.

There are many more cities in Italy

The limited scope of the article does not allow us to talk about other cities, which also have a lot of interesting things. You will find information about them in our other articles. We hope that the information about the cities reviewed has awakened in you a desire to visit the Mecca of tourism - beautiful Italy.

Italy is European state, which is in southern Europe. Italy is part of the European Union and represents comfortable spot for trade and economic relations in a geographical aspect.

Map of Italy. Geographical characteristics

A detailed map of Italy includes designations not only of cities and regions, but also of other objects: rivers, lakes, mountains. WITH geographical point From a perspective, Italy is located on peninsulas (it occupies the entire Apennine Peninsula and the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula) and islands (for example, Sardinia and Sicily). Italy is on the coast Mediterranean Sea, its area is 301 thousand km 2.

It borders the following countries:

  • France;
  • Switzerland;
  • Austria;
  • Slovenia.

There are also borders within the state with San Marino and the Vatican.

Italy differs from other countries in its extensive coastline, its length reaches 7600 km. The state did this not only popular resort, but also a promising place for the development of trade and monetary relations.

Italy on the world map: geography, nature and climate

The geographical structure of the territory where the Italian Republic is located today is distinguished by the presence of volcanoes. Etna – active volcano, whose height is 3340 meters. It is located on the island of Sicily, surrounded by the landscapes of the Calabria region. Among the volcanoes of the Aeolian Islands, Stromboli and Vulcano are popular. Among extinct volcanoes Vesuvius, which is located near Naples, stands out. Experts believe that this volcano will still be active, so it should be feared.

The map of Italy in Russian includes the names of such popular rivers as:

  • Brenta;
  • Renault;
  • Adige;
  • Piave;
  • Livenets.

The northern part of Italy has an abundance of river channels, which is why there are the most rivers here. Italy is a country on water, and therefore maritime transport, which makes it possible to float along rivers, is very well developed here.

The source of water on the territory of the Italian state is also lakes, of which there are about one and a half thousand. Most of them are mountain lakes, the area of ​​which is insignificant. These include Lugano, Como, Garda (the most big lake in Italy), Iseo. The lakes are located near citrus and olive groves.

The relief of the state is represented mainly by mountainous terrain, which occupies about 50% of the entire territory. The height of the hills and mountains, which make up almost half of the country's area, starts from 702 meters. At the same time, the plains account for less than 25%.

The highest point in Italy is Mont Blanc, located on the southern slopes of the Alps. mountain range called the Alps is divided into the following parts:

  • Ligurian;
  • Primorskie;
  • Grayskie;
  • Bergamo;
  • Julian;
  • Dolomite;
  • and some others.

In addition to the Alps, Italy has the Alennine Mountains and the Calabrian Apennines.

Italy on the world map is a large European country that has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. It is comfortable to be here most of the year, as the Alps “protect” the state from the northern and western winds. The climate in the northern part of the country (near the Alps) is continental.

In central Italy, temperatures rarely drop below zero, and the average summer temperature is +23 degrees Celsius. South coast has an average annual temperature of +18 degrees Celsius, which makes this area optimal for recreation at any time of the year. Maximum temperatures reach +40-45 degrees Celsius in the Sardinia region; minimum - up to -20 degrees Celsius, in mountainous areas.

Map of Italy with cities. Administrative division of the country

A map of Italy with cities in Russian allows you to clearly see exactly how the country is divided. Italy consists of 20 regions, each of which has its own characteristics. Moreover, five of the 20 regions have a special autonomous status and others (different from Italian) official languages. This is due to the residence of national and linguistic minorities in this territory. The administrative-territorial structure of Italy means that in each region there are governments and city councils that are engaged in self-government. One of largest cities states are:

  • Rome– the capital, the largest city in area. It is located in the central part of the country, located on a river called the Tiber. Rome is the administrative center of the Lazio region.
  • Milan- a city that is the most popular in the northern part of the country. Its area is second only to Rome, and its population exceeds 1 million. Milan is administrative center The largest region of the country is called Lombardy.
  • Naples- the administrative center of the Campania region, located near the Gulf of Naples, near the island of Ischia. Naples is located in the south of the state, it heads the province of the same name.

A map of Italy allows you to understand geographical location state, with its relief and with climatic conditions. This information can be used both to broaden your horizons and to independent trips to Italy.