Behavior of people during the sinking of the Titanic. British commission of inquiry

One of the oldest plants that man has ever eaten is celery, and even then they knew about its benefits. After all, the very first mentions of it date back to the 2nd century BC. The ancient Egyptians considered it a medicine that “saves from ailments and adds strength,” and the spicy aroma of celery was used to decorate houses on holidays to drive out evil spirits.

Botanical description

Celery is a herbaceous plant (biennial or perennial) belonging to the family umbrella. Representatives reach a meter in height, have a thickened fusiform root, branched grooved stem, pinnately dissected, shiny leaves and small greenish-white flowers, forming umbrella inflorescences. Fruit– round, slightly flattened on the sides, up to 1.5 mm long.

The plant prefers moist soils, grows both on sea coasts and in marshy areas of Europe, spreading all the way to Asia Minor, and is found on South Coast Crimea. Flowering period is the second half of summer.

The most famous species is celery is fragrant , which is a fairly common vegetable crop.

Benefits of celery

The general positive properties of all parts of the plant include:

  • treatment of kidney and liver diseases;
  • removal of sand and urate stones from the kidneys;
  • removal of uric acid from the body;
  • removal of bad cholesterol;
  • for beauty and prolongation of youth;
  • healing from heart and vascular diseases;
  • relieve irritation and eliminate stress;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • combating various skin diseases and allergies;
  • increasing tone and improving well-being;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • enveloping property;
  • cancer prevention;
  • treatment of malaria;
  • treatment of urticaria.

Beneficial properties of celery root

Due to its beneficial properties, literally all parts of celery are used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking, but special nutritional value is contained in the root this wonderful plant, which has very tender and aromatic pulp. Celery root is so beneficial that it is often compared to the healing properties of ginseng.

Celery is especially important for lovers of meat products containing a large number of uric acid. The plant removes this substance from the body, thereby saving from many health problems.

Recipes with celery

Celery is most often used to make low-calorie salads. There are a huge number of different recipes for every taste: with vegetables and fruits, boiled eggs and cottage cheese, lean meat and chicken fillet.

Salad "Day"


  • one boiled carrot;
  • one cucumber (fresh);
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 1 packet of yogurt (natural).

How to cook:

Cut all products and mix with yogurt.

Salad "Spicy"


  • celery stalks – 2–3 pcs.;
  • raw carrots – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • 10% cream – 1 tbsp. l.


Grate everything, pour in honey and cream, mix well.

Borscht “Dietary”

Celery is very popular in the form of light and tasty soups for weight loss.


  • celery stalk – 3–4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes (fresh or canned) – 5 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • cabbage - half a small fork;
  • bouillon cube (vegetable) – 1 pc.

Let's prepare it like this:

Cut vegetables into cubes. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, boil, add bouillon cube and vegetables. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Soup "Tomato"

And this recipe should appeal to lovers of tomato juice.


  • tomato juice – 2 liters;
  • celery root – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • cabbage – 200 g;
  • green beans – 3–4 pcs.;
  • greens, crushed garlic - to taste.


  1. Chop the vegetables, put them in a saucepan and pour in tomato juice.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook (stirring constantly) over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Then cover with a lid, reduce heat and cook for another 10 minutes.

If you have a desire to stay healthy and vigorous for as long as possible, improve your mental and physical activity, lose weight, or give up bad habits, then remember that an amazing plant rich in beneficial properties will always help you with this - celery.


Celery for health

Benefit or harm?

Due to the healing and medicinal properties of celery, it is often used in folk medicine. It contains such a unique set of minerals, vitamins, proteins and acids that can slow down the aging process of the body and ensure the stability of its cells.

Celery greens are often used to treat nervous disorders as they have calming properties. Those who eat this plant during the day are guaranteed healthy sleep.

The essential oil found in the stems and roots of this plant stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Celery is recommended for older people because it can improve water-salt metabolism. The juice of this plant can be used for gastrointestinal diseases, urolithiasis, diathesis, and allergies.

Helps get rid of many skin diseases and cleanses the blood by regularly drinking the juice of the plant's roots. Celery juice also helps with ophthalmic diseases.

The plant has another very important property, namely, it enhances diuresis. With its help, decay products are removed, the kidneys are washed, and lower blood pressure is normalized. For those who have swelling, the root vegetable will help get rid of them. This property of celery will help with infections of the genitourinary system and inflammation of the joints.

In pharmaceuticals and perfumery widely used celery seeds containing healthy oil.

Salt, which is rich in organic sodium, is obtained from the roots of the plant. It helps the body absorb nutrients.

Raw celery has a lot of beneficial properties that help with rheumatism, stomach diseases, bladder diseases, and obesity. Juices and salads made from peeled root vegetables cleanse the body of toxins and maintain good health. Just two tablespoons of celery will provide the body with one hundred and fifty percent of the daily dose of vitamins.

Drinking celery juice with a tablespoon of honey before meals will improve digestion, suppress appetite and strengthen the immune system.

This amazing root vegetable is included in many tablets. to combat excess weight. There is a diet based on celery. Those who have already used it are very pleased with the results.

According to some researchers, celery can prevent the development of cancer cells.

Indispensable plant for men. It is useful for those who suffer from prostatitis. It is recommended to actively consume the root vegetable because of its effect on the functioning of the prostate gland and improve its blood supply. In this case, the stems and roots of the plant are used. Celery has a good effect on libido and potency in men.

How to choose celery?

When choosing a plant, you should try to choose a vegetable with strong leaves that are bright green in color. The vegetable should shine slightly and smell pleasant.

When choosing root celery, preference is given to with smooth skin firmer and less knotty root vegetables. They can be quite heavy for their size, but the greens on top should not be withered or yellowed.

Such root vegetables will be easier to clean and there will be less waste.

You should choose very carefully. Its old petioles can turn out to be very fibrous and tough, so eating them without cleaning will not be so tasty. The plant must have straight stems and bright green fresh leaves.

Before you start cleaning the stems of the plant, you should rinse them under warm tap water. Then remove the tough streaks and fibers with a vegetable slicer or a sharply sharpened knife.

Eating the root vegetable or how to eat celery

Well-washed, completely peeled roots are added to dishes.

Root vegetables are usually not stored for a long time. It is important to buy a vegetable so that it lasts in the refrigerator no more than a week. The root vegetable should be stored wrapped in a plastic bag, in a container with water, in the refrigerator. In order to extend the shelf life of the root vegetable, it is worth wrapping it in foil.

Because of its specific aroma and spicy taste, celery is not very popular among our compatriots, so it is not surprising that many have no idea how to peel celery, and does it make sense to do this at all, or is it permissible to eat stalks and root vegetables unpeeled?

How to properly prepare celery root vegetables for consumption

If, after reading it, you decide to include it in your diet, it would be a good idea to immediately learn how to properly peel celery, so as not to spoil your first impressions of this amazing vegetable plant. After all, with the right approach, celery can become your indispensable assistant in the kitchen: soups with the addition of roots become richer and more aromatic, grated fresh root vegetables give salads a tart taste, stalks go well in salads with seafood and make vegetable stews tastier. In addition, celery produces wonderful freshly squeezed juice, the healing properties of which are extremely high!

There are usually no problems with celery greens - it is enough to rinse it under the tap and finely chop it to add to soups, main courses, sauces, salads, or to decorate cooked dishes with delicate leaves. But we will look in more detail at how to peel root and stalk celery.

Video about proper cleaning of celery

So, are you holding a large, scary-looking, gnarled celery root vegetable in your hands for the first time and don’t know which way to approach it? In fact, there are no special tricks on how to peel celery. But to make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin. In terms of weight, they may seem quite heavy for their size. The greens remaining on the top should be green, not yellowed or withered. Such root vegetables will be much easier to clean, and there will be less waste during cleaning.

To make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin.

It’s worth noting right away that it is necessary to peel root vegetables; only completely peeled, well-washed roots are added to dishes.

How to peel celery roots:

  • first of all, the root crop should be thoroughly washed, and then the top of the root and its lower part should be cut off with a knife;
  • celery roots are quite large - half or a quarter of one root may be enough for you to prepare one dish, so for convenience, cut the root into the required number of parts and put those that are not needed in the refrigerator;
  • from those parts that you are immediately going to use for food, carefully remove the skin with a sharp thin knife or a vegetable peeler;
  • scrape out all the recesses and cut out dubious places on the white pulp;
  • the spongy parts have no taste, so they can also be cut out immediately;
  • now all that remains is to rinse the peeled parts of the root vegetable and use as you wish: grate, cut into small cubes, large pieces, strips, slices, etc.;
  • Pour cold water over the chopped pieces to prevent them from darkening.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

If you plan to eat celery root for the purpose of losing weight, you should not cut out the spongy parts - they are coarse dietary fiber, the processing of which the body spends a lot of energy.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

Petiole celery - is it worth peeling, and what is the best way to do it?

Conflicting opinions can be heard regarding celery petioles: some argue that the stalks must be peeled before eating, others limit themselves to only washing the petioles in running water, without bothering to clean the stalks. So, is it necessary to peel celery?

Video about cleaning celery stalks

It all depends on what petioles you come across in the store. For example, in young stems growing inside a bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous - without preliminary cleaning, eating them will not be so tasty. Therefore, you should carefully select petiole celery in the store: the plants should have fresh, bright green leaves and straight stems, but if some leaves and petioles are missing, this may mean that the celery is stale. It is best to buy unwashed celery if possible, because it tastes better than stalks that have been washed before sale.

In young stems growing inside the bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous

Before peeling celery stalks, rinse them under the tap with warm water. After this, you should carefully remove the fibers and hard veins from the surface of the petioles with a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler.

On the night of April 14, 1912, the largest and most luxurious liner in the history of mankind was rushing towards the shores at full speed. North America. Nothing foreshadowed the death of the Titanic. An orchestra was playing on the upper deck in a gourmet restaurant. The richest and most successful people drank champagne and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

There were no signs of trouble

A few minutes later the lookout spotted an iceberg. And a little later, the Titanic, a gigantic ship, will collide with a drifting iceberg, and after some time it will all be over. Thus begins the great mystery of the big ship. The next day the sinking of the Titanic will become a legend, and its history will greatest mystery 20th century.

International sensation

The very next morning, the office of the Titanic owner's company was stormed by dozens of newspaper reporters. They wanted to know where the Titanic sank and demanded clarification. Relatives of passengers on the ocean liner were outraged.

A short telegram from Cape Reis reported: “At 23 o’clock local time the most big ship"Titanic sent a distress signal." Company President Luster Whites reassured reporters: “The liner is unsinkable!” But the very next day, all the world’s newspapers were full of sensational messages: “The safest Titanic (ship) in the world sank in the icy depths Atlantic Ocean. On the fifth day of his tragic flight The liner took 1,513 lives."

Disaster investigation

The sinking of the Titanic shocked both sides of the Atlantic. The question of why the Titanic ended up at the bottom haunts us to this day. From the very beginning, people wanted to know in detail what the cause of the sinking of the Titanic was. But the court’s decision read: “The liner hit an iceberg and sank.”

The Titanic (the size of the ship, by the way, was very impressive) died from a banal collision with an ice floating block. It seemed incredible.

Alleged versions of the tragic death

The end to the history of this disaster has not yet been set. Fresh versions of the death of the Titanic arise even today, a century later. There are several plausible assumptions.

Each of them deserves close attention. The first version says that another sunken liner lies on the Atlantic bottom. It sounds like science fiction, but this version of the death of the Titanic has real grounds.

Some researchers argue that it is not the sunken ship Titanic that lies on the ocean floor, but its double, the Olympic liner. The version seems fantastic, but it is not without evidence.

Ocean Monster of Great Britain

On December 16, 1908, the firstborn was laid down in Belfast - the steamship Olympic, later the Titanic (the size of the ship reached almost 270 meters in length) with a displacement of 66 thousand tons.

Until now, representatives of the shipyard consider it the most perfect project that has ever been implemented. The ship was as tall as an eleven-story building and spanned four small city blocks. This ocean monster was equipped with two 4-cylinder steam engines and a steam turbine.

Its power was 50,000 horsepower, 10,000 light bulbs, 153 electric motors, four elevators, each designed for 12 people, and a large number of telephones were connected to the liner’s electrical network. The ship was truly innovative for its time. Silent elevators, steam heating, a winter garden, several photo laboratories and even a hospital with an operating room.

Comfort and respectability

The interior was more reminiscent of a fashionable palace than a ship. Passengers dined in a luxurious Louis XVI-style restaurant and drank coffee on a sun-drenched veranda with climbing plants. Bridge games were played in spacious hallways, and high-end cigars were smoked in soft smoking rooms.

The Titanic had a rich library, a gym and even a swimming pool. These days, a business class ticket on the Titanic would cost $55,000. The liner became the flagship of the White Star Line company.

Almost the same in terms of comfort and technical specifications The Olympic liner lost the championship without a fight. It was he who was to become the star of transatlantic flights. But frequent accidents made him an outsider, and endless fines, lawsuits and repair costs only added to the managers' headaches.

Unsolved version

The decision was obvious: to send instead of the battered Olympic, which did not have insurance policy, the new insured Titanic. The history of the ship "Olympic" was very unrepresentable. However, just by changing the signs on the liners, which were as similar as two peas in a pod, several problems could be solved at once. The main thing is the payment of insurance in the amount of one million pounds, which could improve the financial affairs of the company.

Small accident, big money, job done. People shouldn't have been hurt, because the liner is unsinkable. In the event of an accident, the ship will drift, and ships passing by on the busy ocean route will pick up all the passengers.

Strange behavior of passengers

Main real proof This unprecedented scam is believed to be the refusal of 55 first class passengers to travel. Among those who remained ashore were:
  • John Morgan, owner of the liner.
  • Henry Frick, steel magnate and partner.
  • Robert Breccon, US Ambassador to France.
  • Famous rich man George Vanderbilt.

The mystery of the sinking of the Titanic has indirect confirmation of the version of the insurance scam, namely strange behavior Captain Edward Smith, who, by the way, was the captain of the Olympic during her first voyages.

The Last Captain

Edward Smith was considered one of the best commanders of his time. Working for the White Star Line, he earned around £1,200 a year. Other captains did not earn even half of this money. However, Smith's career was far from rosy. Many times the ships he steered got into all sorts of accidents, ran aground or burned.

It was Edward Smith who commanded the Olympic in 1911, when the uninsured ocean liner I got into serious accidents several times. But Smith managed not only to avoid punishment, but even get a promotion.

He became the captain of the Titanic. Could the company's management, knowing about the captain's previous mistakes, assign him to the Titanic, and even just for one voyage? Could she use incriminating evidence on the captain in order to fire a man who brought huge losses to the company in case of disobedience with a scandal?

Perhaps the captain was choosing between a shameful write-off just before retirement and participation in a scam invented by his superiors. It was last flight for Edward Smith.

What was the first mate thinking?

Another inexplicable mystery about the sinking of the Titanic is the strange behavior of William Murdoch, the first mate. Murdock was on watch the night of the accident. When he received a message about an approaching iceberg, he gave the order to steer the ship to the left and engage reverse, which is strictly prohibited

Is it possible that the first mate made a mistake and this is the reason for the death of the Titanic? But Murdoch had already encountered a similar situation and always did the right thing, pointing the ship's nose at the obstacle. In all navigation textbooks, this maneuver is described as the only correct one in this situation.

On that last voyage for the Titanic, the chief mate acted differently. As a result, the main blow fell not on the bow, where the strongest part of the ship was, but on its side. Almost a hundred meters of the starboard side opened up like a tin can.

The Titanic, whose sinking story is told in less than ten seconds, was practically dead. This is exactly how long it took to pronounce the death sentence on the largest and most beautiful ship in the world. Why did Murdoch make a fatal mistake? If we assume that he, too, was in collusion, then the answer to the death of the Titanic is found by itself.

What were the ship's owners hiding?

Today it is impossible to prove the version of the insurance scam, the White Star Line company was closed, the Olympic ship was scrapped, and all documentation was destroyed. But even if we assume that the sinking of the Titanic was not rigged, then there was probably some human error involved.

Key to the Mystery Box

Many years have passed since the Titanic sank. The ship's story, however, continued in 1997, when the key was sold at a London auction for one hundred thousand pounds sterling. He opened only one box on the Titanic, but it was this key that was not on board the liner that fateful night. A chain of strange circumstances, a series of fatal coincidences and simply human negligence accompanied the superliner from the very beginning to the end of its first and last voyage.

Well, the item sold for fabulous money at a London auction was an ordinary key to an ordinary box. It contained the only equipment with which it was possible to recognize the danger threatening the ship - binoculars.

Forgetful first mate

The thing is that locators appeared only in the 30s of the last century. And at that time its functions were performed by the human eye. From the very high point on the ship, the sailor continuously looked forward as the ship progressed. An airliner weighing 66 thousand tons, traveling at a speed of 45 km/h, has very low controllability, and the sooner the lookout notices the danger, the greater the chances of avoiding it. Ordinary binoculars were the only help.

For unknown reasons, Chief Mate Blair was removed from the ship at the last moment. Frustrated, he simply forgot to give his replacement the key to the box where the binoculars were kept.

Meeting with an unusual iceberg

Those looking ahead had to rely only on their own vigilance. They noticed the iceberg too late, when it was almost impossible to change the situation. In addition, this iceberg was different from the others; it was black.

During the drift, a huge block of ice melted and turned over. The iceberg, which had absorbed tons of water, became dark. It was incredibly difficult to notice him. If that fatal iceberg for the Titanic had been white, perhaps the watchmen would have seen it much earlier. Especially if they had binoculars.

"Titanic": the story of the sinking, the beginning of events

But the strangest thing is that the ship’s command could have learned about the possibility of a collision with an iceberg much earlier than the lookouts reported it.

Radio operators, the voice and ear of the Titanic, repeatedly received messages about ice floes drifting in the area. An hour before the lookout noticed the iceberg, the radio operator of the steamer California warned of possible danger. But on the Titanic the connection was rudely cut off.

Even earlier, a few hours before the collision, Captain Edward Smith personally read three telegrams warning about ice floes. But they were all ignored.

Officer Murdoch could have broken the chain of human miscalculations by giving the fatal order: “Full back! Left hand drive." In the event of a head-on collision of the Titanic with an iceberg, there would have been much more time to evacuate passengers. Perhaps the ship could have stayed afloat.

Human negligence

Then the mistakes followed one after another. The evacuation order was given only 45 minutes after the collision. Passengers were asked to put on life belts and gather on the upper deck near the lifeboats. And then it suddenly became clear that the Titanic had only twenty lifeboats that could accommodate no more than 1,300 people, 48 lifebuoys and pith vests for each passenger and crew members.

However, the vests were useless for the northern regions of the Atlantic. A person who fell into cold water died from hypothermia within half an hour.

Prophetic predictions of a science fiction writer

Immediately after the disaster, the whole world was shocked by an incredible coincidence. The date of sinking of the Titanic is April 15, 1912. And fourteen years before the tragedy, the unknown London journalist Morgan Robertson finished his new novel. The science fiction writer spoke about the voyage and death of the huge transatlantic liner Titan: “On a cold April night, at full speed, the ship ran into an iceberg and sank.” Moreover, the science fiction writer pinpointed the exact location of the sinking of the Titanic.

The novel turned out to be prophetic, and the science fiction writer was dubbed the Nostradamus of the 20th century. There really were a lot of coincidences in the book: the displacement of the ship, its maximum speed, and even the number of propellers and lifeboats.

Moreover, a few years later, the writer published his new novel, in which he predicted war in the USA and Japan.

Another coincidence: a copy of the book about the ship “Titan” was on the ship with one of the firemen. The sailor read it during the first days of the voyage, and he was so impressed by the plot that in one of the ports he simply ran away. And this was not the only crew member to escape from the Titanic.

It remains a mystery: either everyone who escaped had read the book before, or they had more compelling reasons.

Testimonies of eyewitnesses to the tragedy

Immediately after the sinking of the Titanic, special commissions were created in England and the United States to investigate its causes. Surviving passengers spoke of a loud bang that they heard after the collision with the iceberg. It was like an explosion. According to one version, a fire was raging in the liner's coal bunker.

Some researchers believe that it started even before the Titanic left port, while others are confident that the fire broke out during the voyage.

A little bit of history

Britain was being transformed by the technological revolution. Beginning in the 30s of the 19th century, steam-powered merchant ships began to cross the Atlantic. The technology proved promising, and the kingdom's admiralty concluded that steam would make the sailing fleet obsolete.

When reports appeared in London that tests of a steam engine were already underway in France, which had also entered the struggle for naval supremacy, the British had no choice but to accept the challenge. At first, large paddle wheels were used, which were installed on opposite sides of the sides.

The first replacement for the paddle wheel appeared about ten years later, in the 40s of the 19th century. Shipbuilders have come to the conclusion that a propeller is much more efficient than a wheel. It was only after its invention and placement under the bottom of the ship that steam propulsion became a decisive advantage.

But in most cases it remained experimental developments; sometimes the innovation was used on warships. Steam engines became widespread only in the 20th century, and coal was the only fuel for a long time. In the future, the transition from coal to fuel oil will be a step to the next level of development.

But in the days of the Olympic class superliners, ships with an internal combustion engine were as rare as a steam engine in the first half of the 19th century. Be that as it may, the fire on board should not have affected the life of the ship and its passengers. There could be no emergency incidents on the liner, this is the Titanic.

Further developments

Captain Smith ordered the bunker in which the fire was raging to be localized. Due to the lack of oxygen, the fire should have died out, the problem would have resolved itself. A fire on board is a good enough reason to drive the liner with all your might to the nearest port. But when the Titanic hit an iceberg, it ripped open the ship's hull, and oxygen entered the bunker. There was a powerful explosion.

Many years later, after an underwater study of the remains of the ship, this version gained additional arguments. A huge fault runs exactly where the coal compartments were located.

For the first time, a version of the fire appeared on the pages of American newspapers even before the surviving passengers and crew members of the Titanic were delivered to New York. Without factual material, but using only rumors, newspapermen invented the most incredible stories about the tragedy.

In any case, when the stokers were interrogated, they denied that there was a fire, although it would seem that after the disaster they had nothing to hide. On the other hand, according to some accounts, Captain Smith went down to the boiler room and ordered everyone to remain silent about the burning coal.

We don’t yet know what actually happened to the giant liner. The Titanic, the story of whose sinking has become the subject of documentaries and feature films, will always be of interest to future generations.

New version about the death of the liner

The nature of the Titanic's fault not only fuels the theory of a fire in the hold, but also allows some researchers to make an unexpected assumption.

The liner sank another ship. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new secret weapon was tested in the seas. Perhaps the Titanic was hit by a torpedo.

The version seems unusual, but the facts of the fracture and torn edges, which could have resulted from a torpedo attack, force us to take it seriously. If the Titanic was nevertheless torpedoed, one can only hope that someday researchers will get to that part of the ship, the study of which will help shed light on this version.

Titanic in port

When the largest ship of its time was launched in 1912 - passenger airliner The Titanic, the shipbuilder called it "virtually unsinkable." It was the word “practically” that played a cruel joke on this ship. On the fifth day of the journey, during its first voyage, the ship, departing from the British port of Southampton to New York, collided with an iceberg and sank 3 hours later. Of the 2,229 crew members and passengers, only 713 people were saved. Since that time, the ship has been surrounded by various stories that are in one way or another connected with its death.

The start of the voyage was already unsuccessful

Witnesses of the Titanic's launch claim that tradition was broken - a bottle of champagne was not broken on the side of the ship. It is now difficult to say whether the owners of the liner were not superstitious people, or whether they wanted to maintain the image of the ship’s unsinkability, but the fact remains.

Construction of the Titanic.

When the Titanic left the port of Southampton, it almost collided with the American liner New York. It was possible to avoid a collision literally at the last minute, and the liner continued sailing.

The interiors of the liner were striking in their splendor, and the service was luxurious.

A ticket on the liner to a first-class cabin cost several tens of thousands of dollars in modern money. It was especially emphasized that on the first voyage of the Titanic there would be 10 millionaires on board, and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of jewelry and gold would be stored in safes. In terms of luxury, comfort and service, the liner was comparable to the most expensive hotels. The interiors of the “special cabins” were made in eleven different styles of the Italian and French Renaissance, Dutch style, Adam style, etc. The Titanic had 7 km of promenade decks and corridors.

Passenger ticket for the Titanic. April 1912.

Products for the liner's restaurants were ordered from all over the world: oysters from Baltimore, fruits from California, coffee from Brazil, ice cream from New York, cheeses from Europe, teas from India. On board the Titanic, when it set off on its first and last voyage, there were 44 tons of poultry and meat, 27 thousand bottles mineral water and beer, 35 thousand eggs, 5 tons of sugar and 40 tons of potatoes.

Titanic interiors.

The higher the ticket price, the greater the chance of salvation

According to statistics, the bulk of the passengers who escaped traveled in second and first class. In particular, out of 143 women who sailed first class, only 4 died and only because they refused to get into the boat. In third class, more than 50% of the passengers died (the language barrier played a significant role in this), and about 25% of the crew members died.

Newspaper publication about the sinking of the Titanic.

Social stratification was also observed after death. The ship sent to search for the bodies of the dead only picked up the bodies of those who sailed first class.

Edward Smith - “Captain of Millionaires” and other heroes of “Titanic”

The captain of the Titanic was Edward John Smith. For the English naval officer, who had 30 years of captain's experience, this was the first and last transatlantic voyage from old Europe to the New World. 15 April 1912 Edward John Smith together with his ship, without even making an attempt to escape. His body was never found.

Edward Smith - captain of millionaires.

There were heroes among the passengers too. Jack Thayer, a 17-year-old boy, helped people get into the boats, but was in no hurry to get on. When the ship sank, the young man dived into the cold water and was able to survive by climbing onto an overturned boat. He returned home a hero, the whole country was talking about him. But Jack Thayer became one of the surviving Titanic passengers who committed suicide.

The managing director spared money on boats

Joseph Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star Line, is the man who decided not to place additional boats on board the liner to save money. If he had not spared money, then everyone who died could have been saved. This circumstance was further aggravated by the fact that, despite the captain’s order “children and women first,” he took a seat in the boat and survived the disaster. And already on the Carpathia, on board of which 706 rescued people were brought on board, Ismay was accommodated in a separate cabin, while everyone else huddled on tables and on the floor.

Rescue of Titanic passengers.

A violin from the Titanic was auctioned for $1.5 million.

According to witnesses, the musicians of the orchestra in the Titanic restaurant played until the last minutes of the life of the liner, and went under water with it. There were no survivors among the musicians.

Musicians from the Titanic orchestra.

The body of the orchestra leader, 33-year-old British violinist Wallace Hartley, was found 10 days after the sinking of the ship. Strapped to his chest was a violin, the inscription on which indicated that the instrument had been given to him by Maria Robinson, his fiancée. The instrument was handed over to the girl. And she donated it to the British Salvation Army. For a long time, the violin was considered lost, and they started talking about it again only in 2006. Research was carried out for 7 years, and only after that it was announced that the instrument was original. In 2013, Wallace Hartley's violin was Henry Aldridge & Son for $1.5 million. The buyer wished to remain anonymous.

The true love story of Ida and Isidore Strauss

Ida Strauss was the only Titanic passenger who did not board the boat because she did not want to be separated from her husband, co-owner of the largest supermarket chain Macy's. “We lived a lot together. Where you go, I go,” the woman said.

Ida and Isidore Strauss.

Ida Strauss gave up her place on boat No. 8, intended for first-class passengers, to her maid. She also gave her her fur coat, saying: “I don’t need it anymore.” The Strauss couple sat on the deck in chairs holding each other's hands, and with their free hand they waved to those floating away. “They were calm,” eyewitnesses said. The maid was able to survive, outliving the Titanic and her owners by 40 years.