Presentation on the topic "7 architectural monuments of Russia."

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Text content of presentation slides:
ArchitecturePrepared by primary school teacher N.S. Prokhorocheva Architecture is the art and science of building, designing buildings and structures, as well as the totality of buildings and structures itself. An architectural monument is an immovable object of material and spiritual creativity that has national or international significance. Architectural monuments. Roman Colosseum The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater of the Roman Empire, an outstanding achievement of architecture and engineering of its time. Most Grand Theatre in the world could accommodate from 50,000 to 80,000 spectators. Built in 70-80 AD. e., the Colosseum is an object World Heritage UNESCO. Taj - MahalTaj Mahal in Agra - a huge mausoleum from white marble, built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. The most spectacular feature of the Taj Mahal is the marble dome that tops the mausoleum. Its height is 35 meters, as is the length of the base. The top of the famous dome is decorated with a lotus flower. Santa Maria del FioreConstruction of Santa Maria del Fiore began in 1296 and ended in 1436. This is the most beautiful cathedral of Florence and the symbol of the city, its main attraction. The basilica is one of the largest churches in Italy, and until the modern era its dome was the largest in the world. But also on this moment it remains the largest brick dome ever built. The Jeronimos Monastery is the most beautiful of the most ancient monuments in Portugal. This monastery is one of a series of “must visit” attractions in Lisbon. You can go inside and see the huge room of the temple, beautiful and majestic. Modern architecture. 17-storey “White Tree” from the Japanese architect So FujimotoThe project will be implemented in Montpollier - one of largest cities in the south of France. The name Dancing House was earned by its unusual design, namely the pronounced style of deconstructivism. Chuckling, Prague residents call these towers "Ginger and Fred", in honor of the famous dancer Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The towers really resemble a dancing couple. One of them curves beautifully. This is Ginger in a flowing dress. The second one stands straight, denoting Fred. The Krzywy Domek building (which literally translates as “crooked house”) was built in 2004 by the architectural bureau Szotynscy & Zaleski in a popular shopping area. The building was recognized as the best architectural invention in Poland. In Dubai - largest city United United Arab Emirates On January 4, 2010, the opening of the tall building in the world - Burj Dubai, whose new name is Burj Khalifa. The height of the Burj Khalifa is 828 meters. The Capital Gate building, which precedes the entrance to the capital of the United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi, was included in the Guinness Book of Records as “the building with the greatest slope in the world.” Creative work: Draw a building that, in your opinion, could become an architectural monument .

Rybnikova Elena
Outline of the lesson “The ancient city is a wonderful city”


« An ancient city - a wonderful city»

1. Full name (fully) Rybnikova Elena Nikolaevna

2. Place of work MBOU NOSH-DS "Hope"

3. Position Educator

4. GCD subject "Cognition : formation of a holistic picture of the world” with integration into educational fields "Communication", "Fiction", "Physical development", "Music".

5. Class Preparatory group

6. Topic and lesson number in the topic « An ancient city - a wonderful city»

7. Basic tutorial -

Goals and objectives:

To consolidate an initial understanding of the history of the emergence and development of Moscow;

Expand children's understanding of Moscow;

Continue acquaintance with historical center Moscow - the Kremlin, Red Square; with the most famous architectural monuments in Moscow, and throughout the world, the Bolshoi Theater and the State Tretyakov Gallery;

Introduce children to Russian national culture;

Promote the development of aesthetic taste.


Table 2.

No. Lesson stage Name of ESM used

(indicating the serial number from Table 2) Teacher activities

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, demonstration) Student activity Time

(per minute)

1. Introductory 1 Conversation with children,

Slide show

(4,5,6,7) Conversation with the teacher,

Examination of visual material 10 min

2. Main 1 Game tasks for children,

Slide show

(8-20) Game exercises,

Physical education minute,

Reading poetry

Examination of visual material 15 min

3. Final 1 Direction of the re-enactment,

Conversation with children

Slide show

(20-26) Participation in the performance.

Conversation 10 min

Table 2.


No. Name of resource Type, type of resource Information submission form (illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.) Hyperlink to a resource that provides access to the ESM

1 presentation ESM presentation Presentation 1 « An ancient city - a wonderful city»

Preliminary work: Looking at paintings about Moscow, reading stories and poems, listening to music, getting to know the flag and coat of arms of Moscow, historical monuments, with the history of the emergence of Moscow, “Artistic creativity (drawing)» "Moscow Golden Domed".

Equipment: Personal computer, multimedia projector, books about Moscow and Moscow historical museums.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part

Russia is a huge country. Our Motherland is rich in forests, rivers, seas, cities. Main Russian city – Moscow. Moscow is the capital. In the old days they said "Capital City".

Today we will talk about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. People from all over the world come to Moscow to admire its beauty. So today we will take a tour of our capital, (slide 4)

Moscow has its own flag, anthem, and coat of arms. Coat of arms is a distinctive sign cities. The coat of arms of Moscow depicts a warrior-horseman in a cloak and on a horse. The warrior kills the snake with a spear, and the horse tramples it with its hoof. The horseman is Saint George the Victorious, he is considered the patron saint of Moscow, (slide 5)

Moscow- ancient city, ancient. Many years ago, on the site of Moscow there were large forests where animals lived; rivers in which there were a lot of fish. People began to settle here, and many small villages were formed. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky decided to unite these villages - after all, together it was easier to fish, hunt animals, and defend against enemies. This is how Moscow appeared. In September, Muscovites celebrated the birthday of their loved one cities, (slide 6)

The city that Dolgoruky built

In the middle of deep forests,

Grandchildren lifted up lovingly

Above others cities.

(V. Ya. Bryusov)

Consider with children the illustration of the monument to Yu. D. Dolgoruky.

And now, children, we will go to Red Square, visit the Kremlin and Alexander Garden (slide 7).


Did you like it here?


Yes, I liked it.


Moscow is beautiful, there is a lot in it interesting places. Now we will see the most famous sights of our Capital.

Blitz survey:

1. the most famous theater in Moscow on the building of which there is a sculptural composition "A Man in a Chariot Drives Four Horses"?

(slide 8)

2. what is in the Alexander Garden? (slide 9)

3. What museum was created by the collector Tretyakov, which contains paintings by Russian master artists? (slide 10)

4. what is the name of the main clock located on the Spasskaya Tower (slide 11) sound


Children, you and I have already learned and seen a lot, but let’s relax a little and warm up, (slide 12)

Physical education minute

We're going, we're going, we're going for a long time

This path is very long.

We'll get to Moscow soon,

There we can rest.

We pressed our hands to our shoulders,

We begin to rotate them,

Get rid of fatigue, laziness and boredom,

Let's stretch our muscles.


Everyone rested and warmed up a bit.


We liked.


And now, guys, we will continue the tour again. Tell me, what kind of transport can we use to travel around Moscow?


Buses, minibus, tram, trolleybus, metro, cars.


Listen to the riddle and guess what type of transport we are talking about. (13 slide).

I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather,

If necessary, at any hour

I'll take you underground.


This is the metro.


That's right, metro (slide 14)

The metro is underground. To get there, you need to take an escalator down underground. An escalator is a ladder that moves automatically, and when you go down, you select the desired station where you need to get to, and get on the train, which will quickly take you to the desired station, (slide 15)

The metro is very convenient in such large areas cities, like Moscow, because there are a lot of passenger cars on the roads of the capital.


We are going with you to a station called VVTs. All-Russian Exhibition Center is the All-Russian Exhibition Center. There are many beautiful pavilions here, there is a real rocket, an airplane, and greenhouses. (16 slide).

Children, listen to the sound of water. These are the fountains that work, of which there are a lot at the exhibition. The most famous of them: "Friendship of Peoples" And "Stone Flower". (slide 17-19)

Did you like it here?


Yes, I liked it.


Pay attention to this high tower (20 slide).

This tower is called Ostankino, all the programs are filmed here and shown to us on TV. It is the largest in Russia.


Well, children, our excursion has come to an end. We have already learned a lot, but you will see even more in Moscow.

Moscow today is one of the largest cities world and continues to be built. (slide 21)

New districts, bridges, embankments are appearing in Moscow and they are different from the old ones (slide 24).

We can say that Moscow is constantly changing its appearance (slide 22)

Moscow is very hospitable city and everyone who comes to the capital is always welcome there. (25 slide)

Also, many poems have been written about Moscow. (slide 26) sound

Wonderful city, ancient city,

You fit into your ends

And towns and villages,

And chambers and palaces!

Belted with a ribbon of arable land,

You're all colorful in the gardens

How many temples, how many towers

On your seven hills.

With a gigantic hand

You, like a charter, are developed.

And over the small river

He became great and famous.

On your ancient churches

Trees grow.

The eye cannot grasp the long streets,

Is this Mother Moscow?

Your Motherland!

She is one, there is no other. This is the place where you and your parents live.

The homeland is also the environment: nature, buildings, fences, playgrounds, store windows...

The city where you live.

Let's now look at our city:

The city of Biysk was founded by decree of Peter 1 on June 18, 1709. Next year we will celebrate

300th anniversary of our city.

Have you noticed that along with modern beautiful buildings in our city there are many old, no less beautiful buildings.

These buildings were left to us as a legacy by the people who lived here before.

Among the buildings there are also those that are called architectural monuments.

And the topic of our lesson today:

“Architectural monuments - the heritage of ancestors”

We will introduce you to architectural monuments using the example of our city of Biysk, try to work in the appliqué technique, and perform creative collective work: “The street of my city”

Architectural monuments are not just buildings, they are keepers of memory.

Architectural monuments can “tell” about their time, about those who built and decorated the city.

They carry within themselves a living memory - every temple, ancient house, street, hut.

There are 272 architectural monuments in Biysk.

  • Monuments of federal significance:
  • Biysk Drama Theatre, formerly the People's House.
  • Assumption Cathedral.
  • Firsov's passage.
  • Museum of Local Lore, st. Lenina 134;
  • In the past, the estate of merchant Asanov
  • St. Sovetskaya 21a, formerly the Trading House of the Merchant Rozhdestvensky.
  • St. Tolstoy 144, Passage Vtorovykh.

    Slide 13-14

  • Architectural monuments of local significance:
  • St. Gorno-Altaiskaya, City Palace of Culture
  • St. Krasnoarmeyskaya 85, Alexander Cathedral (Electric furnace)
  • St. Krasnooktyabrskaya 200, Zarechny fire station.
  • Biysk tobacco factory

St. Mukhachev, Temple of Demetrius of Rostov. Which beautiful buildings

    decorate our city!

    Guys, did you like the architectural monuments of our city?

    Now let’s also try to take part in decorating our city and do a creative work that will be called “The Street of My City”

    (The class is divided into 5 groups, a captain is selected in the groups.

    Each group, based on a photograph, is asked to make an appliqué of an architectural monument of the city of Biysk.)

    Guys, look, you have photographs on your tables.

    Now find a color template. Each group has its own template and its own photo.

    Let's compare the photo and the template.

    They are alike?

    What's missing from the template?

    Let's decorate our template using colored paper and fill in the missing details.

    Today we work with scissors. Let's remember how to hold and pass scissors correctly?

  • Practical work:
  • Select a group captain.
  • Compare the photo with the proposed template.
  • Think about what is missing from the template.
  • Based on the photograph, decorate the building using the applique technique.
  • Group captains make up the overall composition.

    At the end of the lesson, the group captains collect the works into a common panel, and the background is finalized. The result is a fragment of a city street.

    The panel is hung on the wall, and a song about Biysk is played.

Grades are given.

Art teacher

  • Municipal educational institution "Veydelevskaya secondary school"

– the art of designing and constructing buildings and structures (including their complexes). Architecture certainly creates an organized environment that people need for their lives and activities.

How are the buildings different from each other? Basic means of expression

architecture – plasticity of volumes, scale, rhythm, proportions, texture and color of surfaces, connection with the environment.

House of the merchant Dunaev. A distinctive feature of Dunaev's house among the wooden buildings of Kurgan at the beginning of the 20th century is its façade decor. It is this that gives lightness and elegance to the composition of the entire house. The feeling of lightness of the composition is achieved the whole system

small decorative details, finely drawn and precisely executed, interconnected in proportion and scale. The house plan was drawn up by city architect N.A. Yushkov. The house was built and decorated by local craftsmen.

Pashkov's house.

The Pashkov House in Moscow opposite the Kremlin is also an architectural monument. This white slender building was a real palace in the past.

Moscow University (MSU)

The high-rise building of Moscow State University is also an architectural monument. It looks proud, majestic, solemn, as if it reigns over everyone. How quickly its spire soared into the sky!

Architectural monuments can be seen even in a small village or village.

  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • – Did you succeed in everything in this task?
  • - What didn’t work? Why?

  • ON THE. Goryaeva. art. Art is all around us. 3rd grade: educational. for general education organizations / [N.A. Goryaeva, L.A. Nemenskaya, A.S. Piterskikh and others] ; edited by B.M. Nemensky. – 3rd ed. – M.: Education, 2013. – 144 p.: ill. – ISBN 978-5-09-029698-4
  • Internet resources

Zamoskvorechye is one of the oldest corners of Moscow One of nine protected areas capital Cities, unique corners Moscow, where everything valuable that has come down to us from time immemorial has been preserved: low mansions of nobles and merchants, elegant churches, slender bell towers.

From the history of Zamoskvorechye The first mentions in the chronicles of the 14th century characterize it as a densely populated trade and craft settlement. Markets were located on the low-lying sandy shores of Moscow. Zamoskvorechye protected the Kremlin from attacks by Tatar hordes from the south. At the beginning of the 17th century, about 50 thousand archers were concentrated here.

Population of Zamoskvorechye 1. Service of the royal court: royal coiners, kadashevtsy, interpreters, gardeners and others. 2. Posad people, traders, merchants. 3. Sagittarius (military people). On the streets of Zamoskvorechye one could hear the shouts and jokes of street vendors and artisans.

About modern Zamoskvorechye These ancient times are reminded today by the almost unchanged layout of Zamoskvoretsky streets and alleys and their names, coming from the streltsy and craft settlements of the 16th-17th centuries. Dubininskaya street, Stremyanny lane, Bolshaya Ordynka, Kadashevskaya embankment and others.