Artek. how the most famous children's la has changed

I’m sure it will be an unexpected discovery for many when I say that children at Artek relax not only in the summer, but all year round! All my friends, when I said that I was going to film Artek, were very surprised by the fact that it was now working.
In fact, for the first time in many years, the most famous Kid `s camp former USSR has returned to year-round operating hours, allowing many more people to experience this iconic location. In general, Artek has changed a lot over the past two years. Moreover, both internally and externally. Yes, there are ten camps, as before, but if earlier Artek was only a place of recreation, today it is a year-round educational center.
Well, since it works all year round, it means that a full-fledged educational process must be organized, because children cannot drop out of the school curriculum for three whole weeks during the school year.
So, how do children study at Artek...

1. 90-year history, area larger than that of the state”/>

Photos and text by Sergei Anashkevich
1. 90-year history, an area larger than that of the state of Monaco, 10 camps on one territory and 30 thousand children a year - that’s what Artek is.
Artek today is perhaps the most successful development project on the peninsula since the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014.
Judge for yourself. While many other initiatives are just getting started, designing, holding tenders and looking for performers, “Artek” managed to carry out a serious reconstruction of the infrastructure, completely renovated 6 out of 10 camps, built new canteens and buildings... But most importantly, the content itself has changed significantly: “Artek” became a year-round international educational center, and not just a pioneer camp. On its basis, today a unique experimental educational platform is being created, the only one in Russia, on which new educational formats are being developed and tested for children throughout the country.

2. Another important recent innovation has been a radical change in the principle of voucher distribution. It was decided to abandon commercial distribution, as was before, and create a system of free vouchers. The Ministry of Education has approved a special procedure according to which children in the regions are rewarded with a trip to Artek for significant achievements. And now, through regional quotas, schoolchildren from different parts of the country can get here based on their merits. It takes into account not only success in studies and competitions, but in a variety of areas, be it sports, choral singing or volunteering.
You can also get into Artek through the selection system that exists among thematic partners. For example, Artek has a partner - Samara State Aerospace University, with which the camp conducts an educational program in aircraft manufacturing. So, this university recommends several winners of its university Olympiad and children who have proven themselves in the university aircraft modeling club to participate in a special thematic session on space. Then the candidates of these children are considered at the All-Russian competition and receive a recommendation to Artek. That is, there is generally a double selection here, but it is justified because the thematic shifts attract enthusiastic children.

3. Children at Artek not only relax, but also fully study at school. It is interesting that not only schoolchildren who come from different corners Russia is being replaced, but also local children from Gurzuf, neighboring villages and even Yalta.


4. In total, 300 children study here on a permanent basis.

5. Artek, in fact, is turning into an innovative educational platform. What does it mean? In the world there is such a concept as EduCamp - education in a camp. For example, in the UK it is included in the school curriculum. The idea is that it is good to gain knowledge at your desk, but it is also important to learn how to apply this knowledge in practice when you are faced with a difficult task, and you must remember mathematics, physics, geometry, and computer science at one point.

6. At Artek they decided to try to create a domestic education module in the camp, which over time will become part of school education and spread to other camps. Artek’s thematic partners (Roscosmos, Rosatom and others) send their specialists here, who assign children a difficult but interesting project task, and together implement this project. It seems like an exciting game, but in fact it is also a learning experience. For example, teachers from the Moscow Aviation Institute taught Artek students how to calculate drones, model them and print them on a 3D printer.

7. The Artek school itself has changed. Literally everything is now computerized here, which is quite understandable: modern children should be ahead of existing trends, dictate trends, and not try to chase technology.
If you look at the equipment of classrooms, changes in recent years are obvious: along with the usual chalk boards, giant tablets hang on the wall - interactive whiteboards linked to the teacher’s computer, class magazines are transferred to online mode, children receive assignments for tests on laptop screens and From here they can send their decision to the teacher...

8. It is interesting that even schoolchildren who come from the far corners of Russia and are unfamiliar with such educational technologies almost instantly master all the innovations and within a week they complete the teacher’s complex tasks on equal terms with their more advanced peers.

9. Teachers also master new technologies. Nowadays not a single lecture is complete without a presentation on screens... Yes, this is not my school, when the most we could see as visual materials was a typographic poster on Ohm's law or the structure of the same atom... Is it the case of modern detailed colorful presentations .

10. Even the usual tests at Artek are carried out differently than in a regular school. Here the teacher is a direct participant in the test work, constantly interacting with students, and not proudly fenced off from the children with a class magazine at the teacher’s table, as was the case before.

11. During breaks, everyone is on their phones, tablets and other gadgets. Interestingly, neither teachers nor management staff have anything against this, no matter how surprising it may sound.
When I asked why this was so, the answer was simple:
- We load children so actively educational process that they simply do not have time to sit on gadgets during lessons and electives. But they still want and need to use gadgets. So let them do it in them when there is time.

12. On the territory of Artek there are a huge number of zones with free WiFi, so they have no problems with Internet access. Naturally, unwanted content is filtered using “parental controls”.



14. Artek has always been famous for its sports facilities. Do you know that their football stadium, which seats 10 thousand spectators, meets all FIFA standards? And this is so! In addition, on the territory of the children's center there are several gyms, sports fields and swimming pools.



16. Despite the fact that Artek is, first of all, a sea, there are several full-fledged swimming pools on its territory. There are 25-meter swimming lanes and training pools for those who do not yet know how to swim.
Naturally, in winter the pool is a favorite playground for many children. Just like the beach in summer...



18. In addition to standard training programs, children also take elective courses. Especially those who came to Artek through thematic shifts. Someone is making a short film, someone is working on a theater production, someone is preparing a dance show, someone is developing educational computer systems...
Everyone finds their place in this children's country on South Coast Crimea.

19. While filming in one of the residential buildings in the Morskoye camp, I found myself an unwitting witness to the shooting of a film about the everyday side of a vacation in Artek by young filmmakers who came here as part of a thematic shift. Guys who are passionate about making films have gathered here from all over Russia: from Kaliningrad, Ufa, Blagoveshchensk, Kurgan...
It was very interesting to watch how they got used to the roles, did not pay attention to the cameras, strangers on the set and learned to follow the director’s instructions. Even if they don’t really like some roles and images. This is how professionalism is born.

20. By the way, contrary to the opinion that Crimean children do not end up in Artek, I want to say that this is not so. Firstly, I already noted above that 300 children from Gurzuf and Greater Yalta study on an ongoing basis at the Artek school.
In addition, Crimea and Sevastopol, along with other regions of Russia, have their own quotas for each camp shift. Thus, in 2015, almost 1,000 children from Crimea and Sevastopol vacationed at Artek. By the way, 140 of them are from Gurzuf alone!
And, of course, all year round there are school excursions to the children's center so that children can see the famous “pioneer camp” with their own eyes and they have additional motivation to study, achieve success in sports, creativity or other activities, so that getting here is no longer excursion, but for a full 21-day shift...

You will be surprised,"/>

Now we’ll talk about how and what children do at camp after school.
You will be surprised, but I didn’t see any loitering people on the territory all day. Still, it feels like children who are purposeful and motivated by knowledge and skills end up at Artek. I can’t even believe that this is here, it’s like some kind of Hogwarts. Everyone is doing something, making something, inventing something. Some people rehearse theatrical performances, some go out to sea and learn seamanship, some construct the simplest aircrafts... Well, just like it used to be, in best years Union. Without showing off and truly, ourselves.
21. Leisure time at Artek begins in the afternoon. After lessons, lunch, then an hour of rest and elective classes and sections, which children sign up for upon arrival at the camp. Everyone is free to choose an activity to their liking from several dozen options. No one forces you to do anything; here children have complete freedom. Educators say that there are no cases where a child refuses to participate in sections - no one wants to get out of society.
After lunch we first went to sea ​​port, where the Children's Sailing School operates, which has its own fleet - 14 vessels, including dinghies, dinghies, boats, yachts and even a motor ship. This Artek flotilla is one of the sections most beloved by children.

22. This is understandable. The sea, romance, the opportunity to seem older than your age and gain skills that you won’t be ashamed to show off to your peers at school when you return home.
- Load the anchor on board, prepare the oarlocks and fenders. We'll be leaving soon. Tank, prepare the jars! - the mentor-skipper’s assistants give commands with obvious pleasure in their voices.
And, of course, the ability to tie sea knots, understand changes in wind direction and correctly plot a course... this is the only reason they dream about the Artek.





25. Finally, going to sea! Along with the boys, you can also see girls in the 6-oar yawl. True, they do not sit on the oars, but they participate in the work of the team

26. And it doesn’t matter that it’s not summer yet on the calendar, that it’s only about 10 degrees Celsius outside... Young sailors are eager to go to sea, quickly take apart the oars and lean on them with youthful enthusiasm, sending the skiff towards the exit of their port. Today they decided to go past the Adalar rocks to Gurzuf. Everything about everything - 2 hours!

27. There is something especially romantic, courageous, and harsh about going to sea in March... It’s still snowing in the mountains on this day, the children have hoods and caps on their heads, but they are at sea, rowing under the clear count of the skipper and during short stops - respites are told by tales.
Eh, I remember my childhood, exactly the same yawls and this hellish rowing, which was a real drug. It is hard to explain. You just need to feel it yourself.







31. But not by the sea alone. All children have very different interests and they have a lot of options for realizing them. Someone plays chess, surprising even adults who know how to play well, someone does not leave the star chart and telescope, and someone spends all their free time doing aerobics or in the workshop...





34. By the way, during the short time that I spent in the Artek mini-observatory, I myself managed to hear a lot of information that I did not know at all before. And about the fact that there are 88 constellations in the sky, and about how many of them are visible in Russia, and about why the zodiacal constellations are called zodiacal and not otherwise, and why.

35. Workshop sections, naturally, are divided into girls and boys. The first ones make soft toys, weave beads, cross-stitch, learn to cook or sew, and the boys make kites, robots, model, etc.

36. By the way, I would like to say a few words about infrastructure. In the two years after the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the adoption of Artek under the wing of the Ministry of Education, truly dramatic changes took place in this part.
If we talk about money, then no one in Crimea has invested more than in Artek during this time. 4 billion rubles! For this money, most of the residential buildings, canteens, sports facilities and auxiliary structures were updated and overhauled.

37. The embankment is an expensive sight to see! It was beautiful and well-groomed before, but now it also houses modern residential buildings of the Morskoy camp.


38. Artek children live here. No worse than cool modern resort hotels.

39. It is gratifying that during the reconstruction many of the cult and iconic Artek places were not changed, such as the famous mosaic panels in some buildings.

40. Each camp has a so-called campfire area with spectator seats, a stage, a huge screen and sound equipment. Everything important happens here social events, competitions, concerts, and in the summer there are cinemas under open air. I repeat, in each of the 10 camps.

42. True, the branch does not have its own index; all correspondence comes and is sent through the branch in Gurzuf. But still, it’s very cool when children can send a message to their parents on an Artek postcard, with an Artek stamp and an Artek stamp!

43. In the first post I already said that the territory of Artek is larger than the territory European state Monaco and getting around on foot can be long and tiring. For this purpose, there is a whole fleet of electric cars. They are, however, driven by counselors and camp staff. Children are not given the steering wheel, because formally they do not have the right to drive these vehicles.
But something tells me that this will be one of the next innovations to be tested at Artek...

44. In general, almost everything here was redone and rebuilt. And many places are simply unrecognizable. For example, this building stood idle for a long time, slowly falling into disrepair. They decided to tidy it up and made a huge dining room. A cool modern canteen, which is not even close to the usual canteens that we are used to seeing in childhood in pioneer camps. But I will show it tomorrow in the third part of the story about Artek...

In contact with

Hello, I have prepared a huge photo report about the international children's camp "Artek", if you really want to be stunned by what you see, please. We can talk a lot about how budgets are “saved” in Russia, but the best proof of how they really turn a fairy tale into reality in Russia is the example of Artek. When viewing, remember that reconstruction began late last summer.

The first photo shows a 3D project, and here is the completed project (by the anniversary of Artek on June 16, the scaffolding will already be removed):

This giant screen has an area of ​​120 square meters. The design consists of 200 thousand LED elements connected by a single control that allows you to reproduce any image. The media facade can work as a full-fledged screen and any image, video or full-fledged film can be displayed on it, including live broadcast.

The screen installed in Artek has no analogues in Russia yet, since it will transmit an image of increased brightness both at night and during the day. At the same time, the system includes an anti-vandal coating and a light sensor - at night the brightness of the inscription will be reduced so as not to blind drivers.

In front of us is a sports complex with a huge screen above the entrance.

This is the dining room, we'll go to it later

Children go to lunch

Each camp has its own emblem

Technology, or rather nanotechnology, has changed everywhere at Artek

Let's go to the pool

This is a dressing room, everything is done to perfection

And here is the pool, it’s just mega cool

There are inflatable bathing facilities for small children

But older children swim for a while in the neighboring pool

These are showers

You can see for yourself that everything is made from very high quality materials, only there is still not enough gold, but everything is there

But the gym, the parquet floor is so shiny that it lights up the photos. The gym is simply Olympic level. In everything sports complex

There is an air conditioning system; in the gym alone there are 16 huge air conditioners.

This is the building of the Yantarny camp, we will go there later, but now we are going to the canteen, to be honest, I don’t dare call it a canteen.

And here is the dining room of the restaurant for children. I remember this building was completely different, we also went to eat in this dining room and it didn’t look very nice, to put it mildly (remember the Soviet double-glazed windows)

Here is a squad from our brotherly Belarus, there were also guys from Kazakhstan, that’s right, the camp is international.

Children from the Khrustalny camp eat here; each camp has its own separate dining room.

But the dining room of the Yantarny camp, everyone has a different interior Meals for children in the canteens of children's camps of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MDC "Artek" are carried out according to the type "" The children's menu consists of three sets to choose from. The proposed complexes are developed taking into account the requirements of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work of stationary organizations for recreation and health improvement of children”, SanPin 9-08 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education" and other sanitary and hygienic norms and rules established by current legislation. Meals at Artek are comprehensive, five times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner) with strict adherence to the time between meals (no more than 4 hours). On school days, afternoon snacks are delivered to the school.

Form in "Artek" from Bosco

The menu is displayed on LCD screens above the dispensing line

Regarding the quality of the repair, I think you can see everything for yourself, well, for example, this serving table is completely made of artificial stone

The children are all positive. By the way, we asked the children for what merits they got here and there really are no “thieves”, all for achievements either in sports or in some other disciplines. In general, the future of Russia rests in Artek

The furniture is super, we tried it ourselves

Washstands, as you can see, everything is at the highest level

Dryers, honestly the first time I saw such

These are the canteens near the Khrustalny and Yantarny camps.

Let's go to the Morskoy camp

On the way to the Morskoy camp, we saw a monument to the Ukrainian Artek; under Ukraine, Artek survived, or rather survived. Under Ukraine, the camp gradually fell into disrepair.

Each building has the following air conditioning systems.

We arrived at the Morskoy camp

We go to the first residential building we come across.

Honestly, everything is without preparation and spontaneously

6 people live in a room, each child has an individual locker

There is also a toilet in the room

And shower

This is the bedroom

And this is the view from the bedroom window

Monument to “The first Artek Line took place here.” In modern “Artek” they treat the history of the camp very carefully and combine the past with modern “Artek”

There is an olive grove in the Morskoy camp

Children go to lunch

The interior of the Morskoy camp dining room is radically different from previous dining rooms.

At Artek they didn’t forget about people with disabilities, which made me very happy

The menu is also displayed on the LCD

Freshly squeezed juices are poured for children

Everyone's faces are happy, you can't hide it

Clean and tidy, it’s nice to see what we have, and not in some Europe

Whoever says that this is a dining room should throw a stone at me.

In reality, we have few such restaurants. Of course it’s cool, a dining room with such a view.

This is what the dining room looks like from the outside

Now we will go to the “bonfire”, it is located near the sea, there is also a square with an amphitheater for guests. Artek bonfires were lit here in the early years.

Each camp has service electric vehicles that can be used to move around inside Artek.

And here is the amphitheater

Well done, camp "Morskoy"

This area hosts all sorts of events and also serves as a place for physical exercise.

Now we are going to the Yantarny camp

Creative children relax in Artek

Please, everything is mature, there is a schedule and no one will be left idle

What pleasantly surprised me was that 6 people live in the rooms, and not like before the whole squad

The furniture and the interior itself are simply at the highest level, and from the faces of the guys it’s clear that they like everything

The girls have the same room

And here is my “Crystal”. It’s simply unrecognizable, it’s now like a 5 star hotel

Children greet everyone with their posters

We won’t go inside until it’s quiet time, it’s just as cool there as in Yantarny

And here is the famous Artek school. Children jokingly call it "Hogwarts"


The central stadium "Artek" is probably the only thing that Ukraine, represented by Yanukovych, has renovated and the stadium is still very good. It was made as a reserve for matches during Euro 2012

Some time ago there was a scandal in LiveJournal about Artek. At the beginning, someone wrote enthusiastic posts about how good everything was there, then Ukrainians began to write that Russia came and ruined everything. You probably remember these posts, thousands of comments, scandals, intrigues, investigations.

The only drawback of my unofficial stay was that they were not allowed to film in some rooms. At first, the guards politely kicked me out of the dining room, and then they did not allow me to look into the rooms where the children lived. But I moved around the territory freely.

I would like to warn you right away that this is my first time in Artek, I have not been here before, I have not seen what it was like under Ukraine, so it is difficult for me to compare and draw conclusions whether it has become better or worse. I'm just showing what I saw. And you decide for yourself whether you did good or bad.

“Artek” turned 91 this summer. The first camp under this “brand” opened in 1925, although there are buildings that existed before. Now "Artek" consists of 8 camps, the oldest of them are "Morskoy" and "Lazurny".

The development of Artek was slowed down due to the war. The camp reached an all-Union scale in the 1960s, when 150 buildings were built here at once. International shifts flocked to Crimea, and capitalists also went. IN Soviet years"Artek" was a reward for schoolchildren, and for the authorities it was also a propaganda tool.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, active reconstruction of Artek began. It turns out that there is a development program for Artek from 2015 to 2020, which was specifically approved by the government. Six camps have already been partially reconstructed, including Lazurny. Not everything has been completed in the camp; money and hands have not yet reached some places.

01. View of Artek.

02. The place where everyone takes pictures.

03. Stele at the entrance to Morskoy.

04. On the camp grounds full order. All buildings and buildings have been renovated or rebuilt. I don't know how it was before, but now everything looks pretty good.

05. There are new plants, paths everywhere, everything is clean.

06. As propaganda, in each camp there are stands with photos of how it was. Apparently this is footage of what Artek looked like in Ukraine.

07. Seeing these terrible footage, children should thank comrade Party and comrade Government for the return of Crimea.

08. No, just look at what Artek has been brought to! But now everything is in order.

09. View of the Morskoye buildings. Previously they were colored.

10. Now everything is in the same style.

11. Kids.

12. The buildings where children live are called “dachas”. Red, Green, Blue.

13. As I already said, they weren’t allowed to film inside; we managed to look through the door. Everything inside is like in this photograph by Georgy Sedelnikov.

14. The furniture is new, everything looks good.

15. Benches



18. New gym. In terms of sports, there is everything you need: swimming pools, gyms, etc. There was no time to see everything.

19. New stadium. Construction has just finished; the lawns have not yet been planted.

20. The headhunter was conducting some classes.

21. And this is the local school. "Artek" is open all year round, and children study here.

22. When a child arrives, he is given a uniform at the camp. For some reason you can’t take it with you, and some children simply steal it. In general, at the end of the shift they give Artek Panama hats as souvenirs, and everything else can be bought. The form is issued in this pavilion.

23. Fitting room. All uniforms are from Bosco.

24. Everyone walks around fashionable and beautiful.

25. And this is already a store. In each camp there are shops and stalls where money is taken out of children.

26. No one leaves without shopping.

27. In addition to shops, there are stalls like this everywhere. It is impossible not to notice the stalls. This one, for example, stands near the dining room, where children come every day.

28. And here are the prices. In my opinion, the Artek employees have gone crazy. Selling a branded T-shirt to children for 1500 is fucked up. Small stickers for 25 rubles, a cup for 300, a notebook for 150. Of course, everything here is done in such a way that the child immediately wants to leave all his money here. In general, a good business was developed in the camp.

29. And here are the kids in brand new uniforms.

30. In 2015, Artek accepted 20,000 children. If the program adopted by the government works, then from 2020 40 thousand children will come here annually.

Tickets to Artek are distributed according to the merits of the children and according to partner programs. A certain number of vouchers are allocated for each region of Russia.

Children participate in Olympiads and some other all-Russian competitions; there is a certain rating system (for example, some points are awarded for each certificate). Ideally, whoever scored the most points went to Artek. The Russian Geographical Society, Roscosmos and others also hold shifts here. They distribute vouchers to children who are interested in geography and astronomy, respectively.

In general, you can simply buy a ticket. Now a ticket to the camp costs 65 thousand rubles. Sales opened quite recently, literally a month ago. They say that paid places are only 5% of the total.

True, in order to buy a ticket for a child, you need to attach at least one certificate, one diploma or something similar to the application. That is, even on a paid basis, some of the children’s merits are taken into account. On the Artek website it is actually written that if you do not have certificates or diplomas, your application for a trip will simply not be accepted.

In general, Artek positions itself as a camp for smart and talented children. Cattle and hillbillies are not welcome here.

Children get to Artek not on their own, but as part of delegations from the regions. Usually such a delegation flies to Simferopol, from where it is immediately assigned to one camp or another. The counselors told me that problems arise when a delegation from Dagestan arrives. It’s usually not the Olympic athletes who go from there, but some boxers, and they try not to put them all together so that there is no numerical superiority in the squads. Here we must take into account that children from 8 to 17 years old are admitted to Artek. Dagestan 17-year-old boxers are no longer quite children)))

The distribution system among the camps here is strict. If you end up in one camp, it is almost impossible to transfer to another.

In general, the rules at Artek are quite strict. If children bring prohibited food with them (and this is all food), it will be confiscated at the very beginning. It is also prohibited to give food to children during a shift. But the children are fed here 5 times a day, and the food is buffet style.

Even just visiting a child is quite difficult for parents due to bureaucratic red tape.

Let's go to the museum.

32. Once upon a time, children lived in Artek in canvas tents, like boy scouts. But pretty soon full-fledged buildings were built for them, and the camp began to operate all year round.

33. A bunch of films were also partially or completely filmed in Artek - “The Andromeda Nebula”, “Through Hardships to the Stars”, “White Poodle”, “Ten Little Indians” and others.

34. Another legend is connected with another “our everything” - with Gagarin. After his flight, he came to Artek, founded the Cosmos Museum and donated his spacesuit to him. This is already true, although the spacesuit is not the same, but a training one. There is a real spacesuit here too, but it belonged to Leonov.

35. Near the camp there is Mount Ayu-Dag, which Artek residents climb every shift. There, at the top, an initiation ceremony into Artek members takes place. This tradition has continued since the founding of the camp.

36. The beaches are all new, renovated.

37. All the stairs have been changed. There are brand new showers and changing rooms everywhere.

38. In general, the beaches are fine. Although, the abundance of old concrete everywhere is annoying. But I don’t think we’ve gotten around to it yet.

39. The RAFik in which Samantha Smith was driven around Artek is still in operation, and guests ride on it.

40. Rescuers

41. Queue for the cafeteria

42. Sometimes children have conflicts with their counselor. Children either call their parents or try to resolve the issue “collectively.” But children are taken away from the camp extremely rarely. Each camp has a psychologist; in case of any conflicts, he can really solve the problem.

Counselors come here mainly to earn extra money. They can receive something around 30 thousand a month, it depends on shifts and part-time jobs.

The counselors get up before the children, at 6:30 or 7 am. First, they have a morning planning meeting with senior counselors, and at 8 they go to wake up the children. They say that you have to be creative to quickly wake everyone up, and then also get everyone to wash themselves.

43. Dining room of the Morskoy camp.

44. Dining room "Azure"

45. Located in a historical building.



48. The food looks good



51. Another modern dining room. I couldn’t get there, so I took the photo from Anashkevich:


53. Old improvement


55. Not everything was repaired.

56. Here it comes back side"Artek". These are buildings for employees. If the children live in brand new, beautiful buildings, then the employees are so terrified.

57. Some kind of barracks at the entrance to Artek. Here, too, as they explained to me, the employees live.

Overall, I really liked Artek; it’s clear that they invest a lot of money here and do everything well. Children can and should be sent here.

The longing of a significant part of the working people for the Soviet past is becoming stronger and deeper.

Pioneer camps

Even I, being very skeptical about the so-called. Soviet values, I cannot help but admit the obvious fact that these camps were truly an achievement of the system; millions of Soviet children actually rested in them.

I myself was not in pioneer camps, I had enough trips with my parents, I had enough affectionate Sea of ​​Azov, where I spent my childhood, but huge northern country, which has a small strip of subtropical coastline, simply had to give a gift to its little citizens.

Here, in pioneer camps, there was an active exchange of school folklore from different regions, here teenagers had their first sexual experience...
In a word, pioneer camps are a very capacious and important page of our Soviet past.

The most famous of the pioneer camps was, of course, Artek.

It was founded in 1924 in a fabulously beautiful place...

“Artek” was founded as a camp-sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis intoxication, on the initiative of the chairman of the Russian Red Cross Society, Zinovy ​​Petrovich Solovyov.

The creation of a children's camp in Artek was first announced on November 5, 1924 at the Moscow Pioneer Festival. The Russian Red Cross Society (ROSC), the Russian Communist Youth Union (the future Komsomol) and the Central Bureau of Young Pioneers took an active part in the preparations for the opening of the camp. The preparation was personally supervised by Z. P. Solovyov. Apparently, this is why some sources indicate him as the first director of Artek, although direct management of the camp immediately after its opening was entrusted to F. F. Shishmarev.

The camp was opened on June 16, 1925. The first shift brought 80 pioneers from Moscow, Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Crimea.

First photo - 1925

1927 Group photo Artek residents, Artek founder Soloviev and the first director of the camp Shishmarev.

The real flourishing of Artek began in the 30s thanks to the tireless care of the Leninist Party and personally comrade...

By the way, pay attention - the face of one of the camp leaders is painted white. Yes, and here there were enemies of the people...

And here's another interesting point- in the early 30s the name of the camp was written in German

However... I can imagine how many eyes these boys missed))

Even before the war, Artek began accepting children from other countries. So in the years 37-39, little Spaniards vacationed here en masse.
Since then, the camp began to acquire the status of some elitism; it was already difficult to get here just like that...
It was already a showcase. Showcase of socialism.
It was to Artek that high-ranking guests were brought to show them all the advantages of socialism))

Honorary guests of Artek over the years have included Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Gagarin, Indira Gandhi, Urho Kekkonen, Nikita Khrushchev, Jawaharlal Nehru, Otto Schmidt, Lydia Skoblikova, Palmiro Tolyatti, Ho Chi Minh City, Benjamin Spock, Mikhail Tal , Valentina Tereshkova, Lev Yashin.

Vyacheslov Molotov among Artek members in the All-Union Pioneer Camp Artek named after...V. Molotov. 1954

King of Afghanistan Mohammed Zahir Shah and twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpak in Artek. 1957

In 1965, Iranian shahine Farah visited Artek.

And in 1976, Crown Prince Reza Kir Pahlavi came to Artek. Here he is preparing to fly into space))

And this man has already been in space))

Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I and twice Hero of the Soviet Union S. Kovpak in Artek. June 1959

Honorary Artek member Bokassa, who later turned out to be a real cannibal)) So the pioneer horror stories are not so groundless))

Well, of course, Dear Leonid Ilyich

Closing the galaxy of honored guests is an American schoolgirl who wrote a touching letter to Mikhail Gorbachev - Samantha Smith

In late Soviet times, Artek was a meeting place for teenagers from all over the world. The progressive world, naturally. Envoys from the countries of people's democracy and freedom-loving Africa gladly exchanged exotic badges for equally exotic chewing gum and other trifles.
Judging by the photographs, young people who were no longer of pioneer age were vacationing here...

Currently, Artek belongs to Ukraine and consists of 9 separate camps.

Children's camp "Lazurny" as part of "Artek" - since 1937. It was this year that the rest house of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “Suuk-Su”, in which members of the government rested, was transferred to “Artek” and received the name “Azure”.


Camp program

A shift in the Lazurny children's camp is not only about swimming in the sea and visiting the historical and cultural sights of Artek and Crimea, but also an opportunity to realize your interests and needs in a variety of gaming, creative, sports and tourist activities. Here you can become not only a spectator, but also a direct participant in a variety of show programs taking place at the numerous playgrounds and concert venues of the camp. The program of the children's camp "Lazurny" is aimed at the diversified development of the child's personality through interaction and co-creation in a temporary association of different ages. At the camp, the child’s personal growth occurs, he gains the skills of friendly relations with peers, learns to live in harmony with himself, the people around him, and nature. This is achieved by participating in large quantities educational programs such as:

Football squad program
Children's creativity studio programs
program of the Children's Marine Flotilla "Artek"
program of the Mountain Club "Artek"
Artek Media program
"Safety School"
Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea
"Tennis in Artek"
Russian Tennis Federation
International festival school choirs "Chorus of the World" "All-Russian Choral Society"
"Children's media holding "Artek"
ODO "League of Young Journalists"
Final of the competition for young readers “Living Classics”
Foundation of the Competition for Young Readers “Living Classics”
MKMI "Children's New Wave"
"I. Krutoy Academy of Popular Music"
Aviation shift “Course for takeoff!”
PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation"
“Urban space of the future for the development of children” ANO “Agency for Strategic Initiatives”
"Artek - the center of the hockey house "Golden Puck"
NGO "Young Hockey Players Club "Golden Puck"
“System engineering shift “RoboSkart”
"Laboratory of Intelligent Technologies "LINTECH" »
"The world of art in Artek"
State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO"

Lazurny is proud of them

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, poet, actor, producer. Honored Artist Russian Federation. People's Artist of the Russian Federation

Soviet and Russian comedian, singer and TV presenter, teacher. Supervisor State Theater parodies. People's Artist of the RSFSR

Soviet, Russian, Georgian pop singer (contralto), pianist, composer, actress. Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, People's Artist of Georgia, People's Artist of Russia

Adalara Rocks – a natural monument and business card Crimea - located in the sea opposite the Lazurny camp.

One of the mysterious places of “Artek” is in “Lazurny”. This is the crypt of the former owners of the Suuk-Su resort, the Berezins, built according to the design of N. Krasnov.

The Pushkin site of “Lazurny” is one of the most famous viewpoints in Crimea; it offers a panoramic view of the area from Mount Ayu-Dag to Cape Martyan (Yalta): the entire “Artek”, Gurzuf, Ai-Danil, Nikita and endless sea expanses.

On June 27, 1982, a bust of A. S. Pushkin by sculptor A. Emelyantsev was installed on Pushkin Square in memory of the great poet’s stay in these places.
In Aivazovsky’s famous painting “Pushkin in the Crimea at the Gurzuf Rocks” (1899), the poet is depicted on a rock (now Pushkinskaya) in Lazurny. The painting is kept in the Odessa Art Museum.

Pushkin's "Azure" grotto is depicted in a drawing by the Italian artist Carlo Bossoli, included in a unique album of lithographs about the Crimea, published in London in 1856.

In August 1988, students of the Ufa Petroleum Institute completed the construction of the “Pushkin Trail” in the camp park. Construction lasted three summer seasons. At the same time, the Greek Bandstand was built.

July 1954 - a new camp canteen was put into operation (three halls, a cooking room, cutting rooms, etc.) On the ground floor there is a restored “Palekh painting”. Made in 1984 based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, on the 185th anniversary of the poet’s birth. The authors of the project and the painters are graduate students of the Palekh School. Palekh painting is a type of Russian folk miniature painting made with tempera paints.

Until 1954, only girls rested in the Lazurny camp.

In September 1956, Budyonnovskaya Alley was opened to the camps. On the initiative of the guys of the tenth detachment, shock construction brigades and a “pioneer construction department” were created in the squad. The guys used picks and shovels to widen and plan the path along which 10 years ago in April 1946 S. M. Budyonny walked and talked with the guys.

Glade of Fairy Tales - a famous excursion site in Yalta - was located in Lazurny until the 60s.

The 60-70s became for Lazurny the site of all-Union gatherings and gatherings: young friends of the police and border guards, a gathering of the winners of the All-Union tournament of savvy people, a gathering of young philatelists of the country and others.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov, a famous cosmonaut, visited Artek residents more than once. After the tragic death of a cosmonaut in September 1967, the camp was named after the hero. On August 4, 1985, a bust of pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov, made by sculptor A. Emelyantsev, was installed on the platform near the dining room.

In the 80s, Lazurny began to regularly receive foreign delegations, and international shifts were held.

In 1985, in Lazurny, students of the Ufa Institute began construction of the fairy-tale town “Pushkin Trail” and completed it in 1988.

By the early 90s, the camp had changed noticeably. Thanks to the initiative and energy of the head of the camp, S. Yu. Lebedev, a major overhaul of almost the entire camp was carried out: the summer stage was reconstructed, the “Budenovskaya Alley” was redone, the camp fire area was moved to “Pushkinskaya”. A children's cafe was opened in the camp. Children have the opportunity to learn computers. The camp is fully equipped with telephones and cable television. An aesthetic center has been opened at the 2nd dacha.

In the summer of 2010, the television series “Matchmakers-4” was filmed in Lazurny.

In October 2016, a new dacha, the children decided to call her “White”. All of Artek supported their initiative.