Bus timetable from phnom penh to sihanoukville. How to get from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville (Cambodia)

Sihanoukville is a city in southern Cambodia famous for its beaches. You can get to Sihanoukville by bus or taxi, or fly by plane.

How to get to Sihanoukville by plane

Seventeen kilometers east of the city is a small airport Sihanoukville (KOS). Cambodia Angkor Air flights from Siem Reap () and Phnom Penh fly to it several times a week. We recommend looking for cheap tickets using the aviasales service.

How to get to Sihanoukville by bus

There are three main companies operating hourly flights Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville (the first bus leaves at 7 am, the last one at 17:45):

Buses depart from the station near central market Phnom Penh. The trip takes 3-5 hours, the ticket price is 5-12 dollars. Both travel time and ticket price are determined based on the class of the bus and the number of stops along the way. Tickets can be booked at the offices of carriers, in travel agencies and even in a hotel.

In addition, there are several night buses from Siem Reap that take 12-14 hours and cost $14-17. Such buses can be very comfortable, with 70% folding seats. However, the road is impossibly bad in places, so in the first half of the journey you are unlikely to be able to sleep normally.

In addition, be careful: in fact, the seats may turn out to be worse than they show you in the photos in the company's office, and besides, it may suddenly turn out that in Phnom Penh you need to transfer from a comfortable bus to a regular one. It is better to clarify all these nuances in advance at the company's office, making sure that you buy tickets for such a bus from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville that you will not need to make a transfer in Phnopmen.


It is also possible to get to Sihanoukville by Giant Ibis or Mey Hong minibus for $10. There are 14-16 seats in such minivans, and there are never more passengers than there are seats in a minibus (after all, the opposite is not uncommon in Cambodia).

How to get to Sihanoukville: by plane, train, bus or car. current prices, helpful tips, all the nuances and details of the route to Sihanoukville from the "Subtleties of Tourism".

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To get to Sihanoukville, you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. You need to fly here from the European part of Russia by plane different airlines with two or three transfers, sometimes spending long hours in transit airports waiting for the next flight. In some cases, on the final section of the route, it is convenient to use intercity buses going to Sihanoukville from Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh City or Siem Reap.

By plane

There are no direct flights from Russia to Cambodia. The flight on a single through ticket from Moscow to Sihanoukville includes 2-4 segments with transfers at airports in the Middle East, China and Southeast Asia. As a rule, several airlines participate - Aeroflot, Es Seven, Turkish Airlines, Bangkok Airways, Cambodia Anchor Air, etc.

With one transfer, you can first fly with Aeroflot from Sheremetyevo to Ho Chi Minh City (3 times a week) and there transfer to a connecting flight of Vietnam Airlines to Sihanoukville. The total travel time is 34 hours, of which 23 can be spent getting to know Ho Chi Minh City. The cost of a round-trip ticket is from 1100 USD. Prices on the page are for December 2018.

The fastest - in 15.5 hours, you can get there with two transfers - first by Singapore Airlines from Domodedovo to Singapore, then - connecting flights Silk Air to Phnom Penh and Cambodia Airways to Sihanoukville. True, the price of a ticket for such a route - from 1760 USD, is not particularly attractive.

The best option from Moscow - by Qatar Airways to Kuala Lumpur with a transfer in Doha and then by Air Asia flight to Sihanoukville. You will have to spend 19 hours and 40 minutes on the road, but the ticket will cost 830 USD.

Most cheap ticket St. Petersburg - Sihanoukvid costs 940 USD round trip. For this, you will have to put up with three connecting transfers in Novosibirsk, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and a long flight time - 44 hours, of which 20 fall on the last transfer in Kuala Lumpur. For 19 hours and 1880 USD you can get there first " Turkish Airlines to Istanbul, from there by Bangkok Airways to Siem Reap and then by Cambodia Anchor Air.

From airport to city

The airport is located 17 km from Sihanoukville. The best option is to go there by bus, which picks up all passengers from the arriving flight. The ticket is purchased from the driver and costs 24,000 KHR. An official taxi for a fixed fee of 100,000 KHR can be ordered through the terminals in the arrivals area.

You have to bargain with private taxi drivers at the exit until the price drops to an acceptable 50,000 KHR. The cheapest transport is "tuk-tuk", the price of which can be brought down to 25,000 KHR. Its main disadvantage is the lack of space for luggage and openness to all winds and dust.

On any mode of transport, as elsewhere in Cambodia, they willingly accept payment in dollars.

Plane + bus

Those who landed at Phnom Penh airport have the option to continue their journey by land. Buses of Mekong Express (off. site in English), Giant Ibis (off. site in English) and other Cambodian companies leave for Sihanoukville from the center of Phnom Penh and pick up passengers on the way at the international airport at the stop in front of the New Park Cafe restaurant. From 7:00 to 17:30, about 20 flights depart from it, the journey takes 4 hours. You can check the schedule and buy tickets on the websites of companies, where prices are in dollars - 12-16 USD and depend on the class of the bus.

Sihanoukville is the main seaside resort Cambodia, which is rapidly developing, but still retains its unique character. Many foreigners begin their acquaintance with Cambodia after arriving in the capital of this country and then go to the coast. Therefore, information about how to quickly and inexpensively get from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville and back very relevant. On this page you will find information about the main proven ways to move between cities, the cost of transport and its schedule.

Both cities are located in the southern part of Cambodia: Sihanoukville on the coast in the southwestern part of the country, and Phnom Penh a little to the north, closer to the center. The direct distance between cities is only 180 km (112 miles), however, due to the difficult terrain of the country, the distance between Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh is highways is significantly different. The shortest automobile route between cities is National Road No. 4, the distance between cities along which is 227 km (141 miles).

There is also National Road No. 3 between the cities, however, in this case, the distance from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville will be 249 km (155 miles). In addition, the quality of the road surface on the road number 3 is significantly worse, as a result of which it is not the best choice for trips between cities. There is also air communication between cities, while the distance between the international airports of Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh is about 170 km.

Distance from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville by road

Buses from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville - timetables and prices

Buses and minibuses of various classes depart daily from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. At the same time, the planned duration of the trip is from 4 hours to 6 hours 10 minutes. If you prefer the minimum travel time, we advise you to pay attention to the Virak Buntham Express VIP minibuses. The company's fast and comfortable Toyota minibuses will take you to Sihanoukville in just 4 hours. At the same time, the cost of the trip will be almost minimal for this direction - only 13.2 USD (in Cambodia, American dollars are more popular than the local currency).

You can use VIP minibuses for travel in the morning or afternoon. In the morning, minibuses depart from the center of Phnom Penh at 06:30 and 07:30. Two more flights depart from the capital of Cambodia at 15:30 and 16:30. Minibuses arrive in the central part of Sihanoukville, near the main bus station of the city (Ecareach Street area). As always, you can see the location of the departure and arrival points on the map. To do this, you must click on the link in the search results (search form at the top of the page).

Virak Buntham Express minibus and large bus in Phnom Penh

If you want to get from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville by bus for the minimum money and at the same time save on hotel accommodation, Virak Buntham Express offers another interesting option: a hotel bus. In the photo below you can see what this Hotel Bus looks like inside: a large double bed awaits you, on which you can sleep comfortably during an overnight trip from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. Hotel Bus leaves the capital at 00:30 at night and arrives in the resort town of Sihanoukville early in the morning - at 05:30 in the morning. Despite the speed and comfort, this option is the most affordable among all the buses on the route. The hotel bus fare to Sihanoukville is USD 12.12.

The second popular bus company in Cambodia is Giant Ibis Transport. Numerous travelers believe that Giant Ibis is the best bus company in the country in terms of comfort, service and safety. The cost of a trip on large intercity buses Giant Ibis to Sihanoukville from Phnom Penh is 14 USD. This is more expensive than the Virak Buntham Express minibuses, but the large Universe Luxury 38 class buses are equipped with power outlets (a rarity in Cambodia), free Wi-Fi, and a small dry ration (drink + light snacks) is included in the ticket price.

Virak Buntham Express Bus Hotel - An interesting travel experience

Another advantage of the bus company is the safety of travel. All seats in the buses are equipped with individual seat belts, and the drivers behave very adequately and professionally while driving. By the way, that is why the planned duration of the trip is 5 hours and 30 minutes. In reality, due to daily traffic jams in Phnom Penh, the duration of the trip can increase by 20-100 minutes, but this applies to all carriers along the route without exception. Giant Ibis buses do not have a toilet, but this has a positive effect on the microclimate in the cabin. During the trip between the cities there is a special sanitary stop with toilets and cafes.

Both drivers and office workers understand and can speak English, which is also unusual for Cambodia. In addition, for someone it will be important that part of the cost of each ticket goes to the fund for the preservation of one of the symbols of the country - giant ibises. These birds are on the verge of extinction, there are less than 350 individuals left in the world, of which 90% are in Cambodia. Of the shortcomings of this bus company, only two flights a day can be noted: at 08:00 in the morning and 12:30. Buses depart and arrive at the company's branded bus stations in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville. At the same time, the bus station in Sihanoukville is located near the main beach and the port, from where high-speed boats leave for the islands.

Giant Ibis Universe Luxury Bus Salon from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville

Finally, you can use Mekong Express minibuses to travel from the nation's capital to Sihanoukville. Toyota minibuses are quite comfortable for long trips, and minibuses make several sanitary stops during the trip. The longest stop lasts about 30 minutes and during it you can not only visit the toilet, but also have lunch at a local cafe. Please note that the planned travel time from the capital to Sihanoukville is between 5 hours 30 minutes and 6 hours 10 minutes depending on the point of departure from Phnom Penh.

There are 3 morning minibuses at 07:00, 08:00 and 08:30 from Orussey Market Station in Phnom Penh. In the afternoon there are also 3 minibuses at 13:30, 15:00 and 17:30, but the departure point in the second case is different - a branded bus station at the confluence of the Tonle Sap River with the Mekong. The cost of a trip on Mekong Express minibuses from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville is 16 USD. As you understand, this is not the most affordable option, but the difference in prices between the bus companies in Cambodia is not too big. In addition, Mekong Express has the maximum number of afternoon buses, and bus pick-up points in Phnom Penh may be more convenient for you.

Comfortable minibuses Mekong Express from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville

Taxi from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville - cheap for a company

At first glance, the distance between the capital of Cambodia and resort town Sihanoukville is too big to use a taxi. However, in reality this is not the case, and the difficulties here may be of a different plan. due to poor knowledge of English language with taxi drivers in Phnom Penh, it makes sense to pre-order a car transfer to Sihanoukville from Phnom Penh airport or anywhere in this city. When using the service (direct link to the route), such a trip will cost you from 68 USD per car. In other words, for each of 3 or 4 passengers, the cost of the trip will be 18-22 USD, which is only slightly higher than the cost of a bus ride.

And given that a car transfer involves a trip from Phnom Penh airport or a hotel in the capital to a hotel or port in Sihanoukville, then you are guaranteed to save on local transport in these cities and as a result, a taxi ride becomes more profitable than a bus ride. Finally, when using a taxi transfer, you can be sure that the driver understands exactly where you should be delivered, and you can pay in whole or in part in advance in your local currency or the currency of your country.

Taxi transfer is a good choice for family trips or a company of 3-4 people

From Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville by plane - fast and expensive

Although Sihanoukville is not very Big city(population about 200 thousand people), located next to the resorts international Airport. However, flights from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville are not very popular, and you will not find many daily flights between cities. Using , you can see that most of the flights on the route are made with a transfer in Siem Reap or Kuala Lumpur, which makes such a flight not only more expensive, but also longer. The cost of a flight with 1 stop starts from 60 USD, while the duration of such a flight is from 4 to 25 hours (depending on the airline and the duration of the transfer).

There is also a daily offer from the young Cambodian airline JC Airlines, which makes direct flights to Sihanoukville from Phnom Penh. The duration of the flight is only 40 minutes, but the cost for such a distance is very high and ranges from 120 USD one way or from 220 USD for a round trip flight. Depending on the day of the week, flights are operated at different times, but more often in the evening. Given the fact that you will need to get from Sihanoukville Airport to the resort for an additional fee, the option becomes even less profitable and popular.

An example of direct flights from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville from 71 USD

Also, for some dates, you can find a lower price offer for a direct flight from the Chinese airline Lanmei Airlines (generally it is Cambodian, but owned by the Chinese). The cost of a 40-minute flight with Lanmei Airlines starts from 70 USD for a one-way flight with early booking but the flights are not regular. However, if you are in a hurry or just really value your time and at the same time you are ready to pay 120-150 USD for a 40-minute flight, then the option with a direct flight from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville is for you.

In this way, get to sihanoukville from phnom penh You can use 3 popular options - by bus and minibus, by taxi and by plane. Each option differs in cost and convenience, but now you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these options, so you can choose the most suitable mode of transport for you. We wish you pleasant and safe travels and have a nice rest in Sihanoukville.

The airport is located 18 kilometers from the city, tourists arrive here mainly domestic airlines, small flow. Perhaps due to the fact that the airport, and the city itself is small, there is no city transport at all, its place was taken by motorcycle taxis (tuk-tuks).

Get to Sihanoukville city from the airport by motorcycle taxi (tuk-tuk)

This type of transport, due to its cheapness and prevalence, has completely replaced urban transportation in the city. bus transport. Of course, because this transport is not needed bus stops, it is mobile and unpretentious in service. That is why they are here insolent to the limit and if I can say "snickering", they are extremely reluctant to trade. Motorcycle taxi drivers scurry around the city and for a price of $ 5 (provided that you bargain for one) they will take you from the airport to the city of Sihanoukville. The main plus of such transport is cheapness, the minus is the lack of a luggage compartment and continuous ventilation. In the evening, you can run into a flock of mosquitoes, which will gladly fly into your mouth open with joy and surprise 😉

Getting to Sihanoukville city from the airport by taxi

If you arrived with a suitcase, then a tuk-tuk in this case is not quite the right transport. At the exit from the airport, there are always satisfied taxi drivers who are waiting for passengers with suitcases and a heavy wallet. You can order a taxi through the terminals at the airport, but it will be cheaper to bargain on the spot, it will cost 5-10 dollars, depending on the time of day. Bargain with confidence, because the Khmer people are enterprising and will fight to the last for an extra dollar, but if there is competition, the chances of getting good discount always is.

If you are just planning your visit to Cambodia, do not forget to take care

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Sihanoukville is the most popular tourist town in southern Cambodia. This resort has long been chosen by our compatriots. There are excellent beaches, clear sea and everything that vacationers need. If you are planning a trip on your own South-East Asia or you already live in one of the countries and decided to go to Sihanoukville, then our article on how to get to Sihanoukville will be useful to you.

How to get from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville by bus

From the central bus station in Phnom Penh, communication with Sihanoukville is provided by two companies. These are Thero Express and Giant Ibis Transport. Several flights depart from here every day, and two flights from different companies can depart at the same time. Buses Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville depart at 08.00, 09.30, 12.30 and 14.30. On the way you will spend about 4.5 hours. Thero Express has its own stop and flights of this company departing at 12.30 and 14.30 depart from this stop. This company provides minibuses that are air-conditioned only. Giant Ibis Transport provides its passengers with air-conditioned buses with TV and free wi-fi. Drinks and snacks are available on board. The ticket price is about 630 rubles. To buy Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville tickets in advance, you can use the services of a free ticket search site.

How to get to Sihanoukville from Phnom Penh by taxi

From the capital of Cambodia to Sihanoukville, you can take a taxi. Regardless of whether you have just arrived in the capital or have already been here for several days, it is best not to bargain with taxi drivers on the streets of an unfamiliar city, but to pre-order a car through a reliable service. can provide a car of the class you need at an affordable price. You will be protected legally if someone suddenly let you down or in long road something will happen to you. The cost of an economy class taxi for a car equivalent to a Ford Focus or Toyota Corolla will be about 4,600 rubles. Such a taxi would be ideal for three travelers with a small amount of luggage. If the luggage takes up a lot of space and the number of passengers reaches up to four people, and especially if they are adults, then ordering a comfort class taxi would be the most ideal option. These are cars identical to Mazda 6 or Volkswagen Passat. The cost of such a taxi will be 5000 rubles. Executive premium taxi transfers in vehicles equivalent to a Lexus GX or Audi A8 will cost approximately 34,000 rubles.

If you are traveling in a large group, then a taxi Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville in the form of a minibus will suit you. The cost of minibuses varies depending on the capacity vehicle. The cost of booking a minibus with a capacity of up to seven people starts from 6350 rubles. The maximum capacity of minibuses can be up to 19 people, and the cost of such a taxi on the Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville direction must be clarified in advance on the website.

Kampot - Sihanoukville by bus

From another resort town called Kampot, you can take a bus to neighboring Sihanoukville. The bus schedule here is purely nominal, as it can change at any time, and buses run late or may not arrive at all. This happens in Asia.

Champa Mekong buses leave from their own stop on Ekarich Street at 08.00, 10.30 and 15.30. The ticket price is about 320 rubles.

Kampot - Sihanoukville by taxi

The cheapest taxi in this direction is a taxi with fellow travelers, which can be found at the end of Old Market Boulevard. Taxi drivers know that those who want to get there cooperate in order to save money, and therefore the prices differ from the official ones not at all by much. The cost of such a taxi will be about 2500-3000 rubles per person.

An economy class taxi ordered in advance, equivalent to a Volkswagen Golf, will be about 3,800 rubles. The driver will pick you up at the hotel or meet you where you wish. A comfort class taxi, identical to the Ford Mondeo, will cost 4,000 thousand. If several people are traveling or you find fellow travelers, you can split this amount. Executive cars and minibuses of various capacities can also be ordered in advance.

Bangkok to Sihanoukville: how to get there by bus

You can get to Sihanoukville by bus from Bangkok via Trat (read our article on ways). From this city you can take a direct bus to the city of Virak Buntam in the province of Koh Kong on the border of Cambodia and Thailand. You can also take a taxi from Trat to Virak Buntam. Bangkok — Sihanoukville

The easiest option to get to Sihanoukville from Bangkok is to take a bus to Phnom Penh. The message is carried out by the Travelmart company with a departure at 09.00. You can take a taxi from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville.

Bangkok - Sihanoukville by plane

You can get to Sihanoukville from Bangkok by air. There are no direct flights from Bangkok to Sihanoukville, so the only option is to fly from Bangkok to Phnom Penh, and after that, by bus or taxi to Sihanoukville.

Pattaya - Sihanoukville by bus

From Pattaya, you can go to Trat by TTT or 35 Group Pattaya minibus. Minibuses run every hour, and the cost of the trip will be about 500 rubles per person.

There are minibuses from Trat to Sihanoukville, which depart as they fill up, or if you don’t find anyone, then with a surcharge for empty seats. In total, there are 10 seats on the bus, and the cost of each will be about 1200 rubles.

From Trat, you need to drive to Hat Lek (border with Cambodia) or to Virak Buntam in the province of Koh Kong. If you leave to the border, then after crossing it, there will be many private taxis that take a group to Sihanoukville, it costs 1200-2000 rubles per person.

Phu Quoc to Sihanoukville: how to get there by bus

From Vietnamese resort island Phu Quoc take the morning ferry at 07.30 to the city of Hatien. There you need to take a bus at 10.00, which follows to Sihanoukville. The ticket price is 600 rubles.

We looked at different ways to get to Sihanoukville from Phnom Penh, Kampot, Bangkok and Pattaya. If you like to travel, subscribe to updates at the bottom of the article.