Entertainment in guangzhou. Attractions Guangzhou: what to see in the city

Asian cities, even the most provincial ones, cannot be boring. National flavor, nature and culture can impress any tourist. And if the city is also ancient, then it also has a special object of pride - a rich history. All this determines a large number of attractions. One of these cities is Guangzhou.

Brief description of Guangzhou

Guangzhou (廣州) is a sub-provincial city in the Chinese People's Republic. Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong province and a major economic center in southern China. The total area of ​​the city is more than 8000 km 2, and the population is more than 14 million people (it is the third largest city in China). Guangzhou is located in the southern part of the republic, north of the Pearl River. Other rivers flow through the city: Dongjiang, Xijiang and Beijiang.

Guangzhou is a well-known cultural and historical city of China, the largest commercial and industrial city in South China and a sea foreign trade port

A little about the history of the city

Guangzhou was founded over 2000 years ago. There are several theories about the origin of the city. The most unlikely of these states that Guangzhou originated in the 9th century BC (Western Han Dynasty). There was a trading port to which ships came for inexpensive goods. The ruins of a shipyard have been preserved (they testify to the ancient era). The Silk Road passed through Guangzhou, and in the II century BC the city was called Panyun (the capital of the Sino-Vietnamese state of Nam Viet).

When the rulers of the Tang dynasty took over the southern part of the country, uprisings began. The Persians and Arabs took advantage of the situation and the city was plundered. And when the political center of China shifted to Hangzhou, Guangzhou acquired the status of the country's production center (Southern Song dynasty). Until the 19th century, Guangzhou was the only Chinese port, so this city was the first to suffer when attacked by British troops (the First Opium War began with the blockade of the port). Pyotr Kropotkin also had a significant influence on the history of the city. At the beginning of the 20th century, an anarchist movement emerged in Guangzhou, and the government could not control the city. The economy began to decline, but the anarchist movement soon disintegrated. Guangzhou is still considered a major economic and political center, but foreigners see this city as a tourist value.

How to get to Guangzhou

Guangzhou is a civilized city, so all the ways to get to the city are convenient:

  1. By plane from major cities in Europe, Asia, America (from Russian cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.). It takes 9.5 hours to fly from Moscow, and the ticket will cost about $ 400. Some tourists fly first to Beijing, and from there to Guangzhou (this is cheaper).
  2. By train or bus from major cities in China (for example, from Hong Kong by train it takes 2 hours, and the ticket costs 230 yuan).
  3. On water. There are water connections between cities in southern and eastern China. The ferry ride from Hong Kong costs 350 RMB.
  4. From the suburbs to the center of Guangzhou can be reached by metro (line 3), bus or taxi (the most expensive way upon arrival is up to 150 yuan).

The most convenient way to get to Guangzhou from Russia is a flight to Baiyun Airport (28 km from the city)

Guangzhou landmarks

Tourists in Guangzhou are attracted by its rich architecture, many museums and temples, entertainment centers, interesting natural places etc.

City architecture

The architectural sights of the city are represented by unique buildings of different oriental styles. In Guangzhou, most notable are the Nanyue Mausoleum, the city's main pedestrian street and the Cheng Clan Academy.

The mausoleum of King Nanyue was built in the 2nd century BC. The initiative for the construction belonged to King Zhaomei, who ruled the Nanyue principality at that time. According to his project, bronze bells, screens (the oldest in the world), a bed for incense, mirrors, vessels and other furnishings were installed here. Now the mausoleum has a unique museum, which is included in the list of 80 best museums in the world.

Interestingly, the burial, along with all the valuable architectural finds, was found in 1983 (in Yuexiu Park). The tomb was placed at a depth of 20 m, but more than 1000 unique items have been preserved in the best way. The most valuable part of the museum's collection is the tsar's burial garment. The costume consists of jadeite plates. More than 2291 pieces of jade are connected with silk threads. Previously, the Chinese believed that jadeite was able to maintain the appearance of the body. About what the stone really has unusual properties, scientists established many centuries later.

Information for tourists:

  • Address: 867 Jiefang North Road, Yuexiu District (subway station - Yuexiu Park);
  • official website: www.gznywmuseum.org;
  • working hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:30 (the ticket office is open until 16:45);
  • entrance fee: 12 RMB (audio guide separately - 10 RMB + deposit 200 RMB).

The most valuable and equally amazing exhibit of the museum is a jadeite suit, "cut" according to the canons of sewing art (it even has buttons)

Beijing Pedestrian Street is the main shopping street in the city, which is also one of the oldest. This is the concentration of architecture. In some places, ancient paving stones (XIV century) have been preserved, and on both sides of the street there are buildings of various shapes, sizes and ages. Fragments of the old pavement are set aside for glass domes, and at night they are illuminated by special searchlights.

Previously, there were not only shops, but also industrial buildings. Even if the merchant did not produce anything, he still lived in this quarter. There are still medieval houses on the Beijing Pedestrian Street. This street is considered the most crowded and vibrant in the city, therefore ceremonies and processions are held here on major holidays.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Beijing Lu, Yuexiu District (metro station - Gongyuanqian);
  • shops are open on average from 9:00 to 22:00, shopping centers- from 10:00 to 22:00.

Ancient houses on both sides of the street reflect not only South Chinese architectural traditions, but also European styles (settlers built mansions here according to the traditions of their homeland)

Cheng Clan Academy is architectural complex, consisting of several buildings of the XIX century. In fact, this is a unique residential complex consisting of 19 houses. It houses the Guangdong Provincial Folk Art Museum, the main exhibits of which are handicrafts. The idea of ​​creating the complex belonged to two Chinese who lived in America (1912). Funds for the creation of the academy were raised by everyone who had at least some kind of relationship with Cheng. The most beautiful and expensive element of the complex is the decoration of the ceremonial halls (the pediments are decorated with clay sculptures).

The total area of ​​the academy is more than 13,000 m 2. In addition to the ceremonial halls, you can see a 27-meter-long entrance-corridor, a 28-meter-long meeting hall and the "Black Hall".

Information for tourists:

  • Address: 34, Enlong Li, Zhongshan Road (metro station stop: Chen Clan Academy Line 1);
  • working hours: daily, from 08:30 to 17:30;
  • free admission on the third Wednesday of the month and the second Saturday in June;
  • regular admission fee: - 10 RMB.

The Cheng Clan Academy is a whole ancestral castle of modern Guangzhou residents, built in the late 19th century.

Cultural landmarks

The main cultural attractions of Guangzhou are numerous museums, theaters, exhibition and memorial halls.

Pazhou Exhibition Complex

Pazhou is a giant multifunctional exhibition complex built in 2002. It is considered the largest and most modern in all of Asia, with a total area of ​​over 150 thousand m 2. The complex consists of 13 halls of different geometric shapes, each with an area of ​​about 10,000 m 2. The building was constructed in such a way that it can host several international exhibitions at the same time. By the way, the famous "Canton Exhibitions" are held here (Canton is the old name of Guangzhou).

Basically, expositions of the world's largest manufacturers are held here: cars, building materials, equipment for factories, boats, slot machines, etc. However, tourists come here not only to study and choose the best goods. The building was constructed in such a way that interesting panoramas of the surrounding skyscrapers open from any point of it. And the ceilings in the walls and ceiling create the illusion of a space of irregular geometry.

Practical information:

  • complex address: 382 Yuejiang Middle Rd Haizhu (Xin Gang Dong Station subway station);
  • official website: http://cantonfair.org;
  • the operating mode of the complex depends on the schedule of exhibitions;
  • the entrance to the complex is free, you can buy the goods you like.

The full official name of the exhibition complex is Guangzhou International Convention Exhibition Center (GICEC) PAZHOU

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

Yatsen Memorial Hall is a 1931 museum dedicated to the first revolutionary and president of China. Sun Yat-sen was born in Guangdong province. In 1912, a revolution took place, which he led. the communist devoted his whole life to the restoration of historical justice, persecutions and prohibitions. And Yatsen died in 1925. Before his death, the leader of the revolution ordered to bury himself in the mausoleum (albeit in another city).

The memorial complex consists of a large central hall (a unique room without a single supporting column) with an area of ​​6,600 m2, a museum with an exposition of communist themes and large park... By the way, there is a garden in the park where oldest tree Seiba.

Information for tourists:

  • Address: 259 Dongfeng Middle Road, Yuexiu District (at the foot of Yuexiu Hill);
  • official website: http://yatsen.gov.tw;
  • working hours: hall and museum - daily, from 8:00 to 18:00, garden and park - from 6:00 to 22:00;
  • entrance fee: adult ticket - 10 yuan, children - 5 yuan (children up to 120 cm tall - free of charge).

The memorial hall was built at the expense of the Guangzhou community and the Chinese who joined it in exile (it was reconstructed in 1998)

The Guangzhou Opera House was built in 2010 (construction lasted 5 years). The project was developed by British architect Zaha Hadid (she also developed the plan for the H. Aliyev Center and the Nordkete cable car in Innsbruck). The futuristic building attracts tourists not only for its architecture, but also for its purpose. It hosts the largest opera and ballet performances in Asia. Lovers of classical music can attend one of the most popular performances: Giselle, Swan Lake, The Phantom of the Opera, Turandot, etc.

The interior decoration is also interesting in the opera house. The vaulted ceiling is covered with millions of LED lights, creating a starry sky effect. The building of the new theater can be accessed on the days of performances or during the opening hours of the box office; there are no organized tours of the building yet.

There are far fewer opera houses in the world than drama ones. If I find myself in a city with an opera house, I always try to visit it. Even if on the right day they play a performance that I have already seen. Moreover, the most interesting thing is in comparison. Classical music, ballet and drama are so good because they are relevant at all times. For example, I watched Swan Lake in 4 different theaters, The Nutcracker in 3, and I saw Romeo and Juliet countless times, in different cities and countries. In addition, a lack of understanding of the language will not upset your plans if you have already seen this production.

Information for tourists:

  • theater address: Guangzhou Zhujiang West Road, 1 (easy to get by taxi);
  • official website: http://gzdjy.org;
  • the schedule of performances can be found on the official website;
  • entrance to the theater is free, the cost of tickets for concerts is from 80 yuan.

Inside the building is one of the world's best acoustics theater halls with an innovative system of changing scenery and stage transformation

Places of worship

There are many places of worship and religion in Guangzhou, represented by mosques, Buddhist temples and private places of worship. Moreover, tourists visit such attractions not so much because of their interest in another religion, but because of the appearance of the temples.

Temple of five spirits

The Temple of the Five Spirits is a Buddhist temple built in the Taoist style. It has a traditional three-tiered roof with upward curved ridge. The temple has a central hall, a monument in the form of a fragment of a rock, a huge bell, etc. The unique bell of the temple belongs to the era of the Ming dynasty (from the 13th century). Bell weight - 5 tons, wall thickness - 10 cm. Interestingly, the bell has no tongue, so it doesn't ring. It is believed that if a bell ringing is heard from here, then trouble will come.

Locals believe that the temple was built on the day 5 spirits descended to the earth. They gave people rice sprouts so that there was always food on the earth, and people did not die of hunger. Rice plantations have flourished in Guangzhou ever since. And the Chinese also believe in the legend about the stone standing in the courtyard of the temple. The fact is that on this block there is a depression, shaped like a footprint. According to legend, this is the footprint of one of the 5 spirits.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Five Spirits Temple, Huifu Xi Road, Yuexiu District (metro station - Gongyuanqian);
  • work mode: daily, from 9:00 to 17:00;
  • admission is free, but donation (5 RMB) is welcome.

Temple of the Five Spirits - chamber and rather modest in spaciousness, but unusually richly decorated in Taoist traditions

Huaisheng Mosque

Huaisheng Mosque is a Muslim temple with an area of ​​3000 m2. By tradition, the building is stretched from south to north. The exact date of the construction of the mosque is unknown, but local historians suggest that the construction took place in the 7th century. A locals it is believed that the mosque was built by Saad ibn Abu Waqqas (the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad). The temple has experienced severe fires several times, but it was immediately restored (XIV and XVII centuries).

The 35-meter-high stone minaret did not require reconstruction (because of the minaret, the mosque is sometimes called the tower of light). This building used to be a reference point for sailors. Until the 20th century, it was the tallest building in Guangzhou. There is an orchid garden in the inner courtyard of the mosque. Here is Saad's grave. And bonsai trees also grow here, in the shade of which there are benches for tired Muslims.

All mosques in the world have the same rules. Most Muslim temples have separate halls for men and women. Once I was not allowed into the mosque, since there was no female prayer hall in it. Only a little girl or grandmother can enter such a temple. It is important that men have their heads covered and women must cover their entire bodies. According to Muslim rules, if you enter a mosque, then you are planning to pray. It is impossible to worship Allah if the body is "unclean". I know tourists who worship Islam so much that before entering the mosque they wash, wash their hands and feet (at least with a damp cloth). By the way, in many mosques there are special places for such ablutions. I myself have seen many times how tourists are trying to get into the temple, covering their heads with a scarf or shawl. But you need to dress so that the neck, wrists, ankles and all hair are covered.

Information for tourists:

  • mosque address: 56, Guangta Road, Yuexiu District (subway station - Ximenkou line);
  • working hours: for Muslims and tourist groups from 8:00 to 17:00 (non-Muslims may consider interior interior through the entrance arch);
  • the entrance is free.

The prayer hall of the Huaisheng Mosque was reconstructed in 1935 - then the walls were built of concrete

The Six Banyan Tree Temple is Guangzhou's main religious landmark. This temple was built in 537, and the main relics of the cult place were the values ​​brought from India. Previously, the temple was called differently. Its modern name was given in 1099 (at the initiative of the Chinese poet Su Dongbo). It is believed that in the yard temple complex banyan trees grow, and their crown covers all buildings from adversity.

In addition to the main building, the complex also has the Hua Ta flower pagoda, which is 55 meters high. The spire of the pagoda is crowned with a copper rod, the height of which is 5 tons. The geometry of the flower pagoda is also interesting. Each octagonal tier is narrower than the previous one, this creates a cone effect, which symbolizes the ascent along the heavenly path. Now the pagoda houses the Buddhist Association, but you can still enter there (albeit for a fee).

Information for visitors:

  • Address: Temple of the Six Banyan Trees, 87, LiuRong Road, Yuexiu District (metro station - Gongyuanqian);
  • working hours: from 9:00 to 17:30;
  • entrance fee: 5 RMB (10 RMB to enter the pagoda).

From the original construction of the 6th century, little has survived here - the temple was rebuilt several times in the course of its long history.

Natural beauty of Guangzhou

In Guangzhou, natural attractions are rivers, picturesque mountains with lakes and islands. Many natural attractions are also interesting because in their depths artifacts of antiquity or places of worship are stored.

Lotus mountains

Lotus Mountains (Lianhuashan) is a natural monument with an amusement park on its territory. For the convenience of tourists, playgrounds, restaurants, walking trails and even a water park have been built here. At the very top main mountain there is a statue of Buddha Guanyin (1994) 40 m high. The unique sculpture is covered with 9 kg of gold.

Previously, this area was the location of the Lotus City (XVII). Evidence of its existence can still be found on the picturesque slopes. In one of the gorges are the ruins of the Lotus Pagoda. It is interesting that the name of the mountains is not associated with the growth of a delicate flower here. It's just that once one of the local residents thought that the peaks of these mountains looked like an opening lotus flower. Moreover, some slopes do not have any landscaping at all. Previously, there was a quarry in the rocks for the extraction of stone. For centuries, people have been extracting natural material, and the mountains have never been able to recover.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Lianhua Shan Village, Panyu District (metro station - Shiqi, then by taxi);
  • the official site of the amusement park: http://pylianhuashan.com;
  • working hours: daily from 08:00 to 18:30;
  • the water park and attractions are open during daylight hours.
  • entrance cost: from 27 yuan (children up to 1.5 m - free).

In August, the National Lotus Festival is held in the Lotus Mountains (at this time, costume performances are held here, national dances are shown, calligraphy is practiced and souvenirs are sold)

Pearl river

The Pearl River (Pearl River) is the third largest (after the Yellow River and the Yellow River) Guangzhou River. It is surprisingly clean, and the length of its embankment is more than 2200 km. The Pearl River begins in the mountains and ends in the South China Sea (70 km from the city line). Tourists and residents of the city gather here every evening. From the embankment opens good overview... In addition, tourists may be interested here pedestrian bridges and Shamian Island, which is washed by the Pearl River from all sides (by the way, there are many colonial mansions on the island).

Previously, this river was called the Pearl Sea, because the width of the stream was 2 km, and now the distance between the banks does not exceed 170 m. The history of the name of the river is associated with the disappeared rock, the dust of which has polished the sandy bank of the river. In a clear year, the bottom of the river overflows.

Information for tourists:

  • river cruises schedule depends on the pier (between 18:00 and 21:00);
  • there are several berths on the river, popular: City Pier (Xidi) - Huangsha Subway Station (Exit D);
  • the cost of walking on the water: from 35 yuan.

Not only the Guangzhou skyscrapers are located on the embankment, but also other attractions: the Huangpu Academy, Concert hall Xinghai and Tianzi dock

Baiyun is a ridge of low mountains with a total area of ​​28 km 2. The most high point Baiyun - 382 meters. The name of the mountain in translation means "Mountain of White Clouds". This is due to the fact that from the top you can view the surroundings covered with clouds. This place has been popular for over 2000 years. People came here before our era, and in the 3rd century, the rich from the Tang dynasty arranged on the slopes of these mountains spa vacation... Baiyun is one of the eight wonders of the world in Guangzhou.

In the XX century, the unique natural monument began to be used for tourist purposes. Was built cable car, rides have been arranged, bird and sculpture parks have been opened, and a golfing zone has been organized. A tourist here may be interested in Buddhist sculptures, a tower mobile communications(one of the most beautiful in the region) and the Mingzhulou Pavilion (where the Nanzhengsi Temple is located). And there is also a natural spring Tsluun, whose water is considered to be healing.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Baiyun Shan, Nanlu, Fengjing District;
  • convenient subway access to Chen Clan Academy station;
  • working hours: daily, from 8:00 to 20:00;
  • Entrance is 5 RMB.

Today, the Baiyun Mountains are not only nature: enterprising Chinese have organized a whole resort here, however, without belittling the richness and beauty of the landscapes.

What to see depending on the season

It's warm in Guangzhou all year round but it can get chilly here in winter. At an air temperature of 15–20 o C, a Russian will feel comfortable, but such a vacation cannot be called a resort. Water parks, for example, close in late autumn and winter. Temples, museums and natural attractions can be visited all year round. From the seasonal attractions of Guangzhou, the Spring Festival can be noted.

Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is a large traditional festival held at the end of January. This is a colorful event of the city headquarters, which attracts not only residents of the province, but also foreign tourists. At this time, the streets of the city are decorated in the best Chinese traditions. The squares look like blooming gardens. As part of the celebration, a flower festival opens, when hundreds of flower arrangements appear in the city squares - bouquets, topiary, installations, etc.

You can visit this festival for free, you won't be able to pass by it, since the whole city is involved at this time. You will only need to pay for entertainment if you take part in them (face painting, attractions, florist services, etc.). And at this time, traditional Chinese food is sold right on the streets. True, you only need to try it if you are sure that your body will cope.

The most beautiful and large-scale part of the spring holiday is the flower festival

Children's entertainment in Guangzhou

In Guangzhou, a child will love everything - from skyscrapers illuminated at night to cheap street food. But there are places where tourists with children are especially recommended to go - an entertainment center and a regional museum.

Chimelong Amusement Park

Chimelong is one of the largest entertainment centers in Asia. There is a Chimelong Paradise amusement zone (more than 60 types of entertainment). In addition to riding on slides and carousels, tourists can watch performances by magicians and acrobats; in the evenings, motorcycle shows with special effects are held. Also in "Chimelonga" there is a safari park. It is the largest national reserve in Asia. There is a bird park not far from the safari zone. Among the 100 species of rare birds are flamingos, crested ibises, golden pheasants, etc.

For lovers water treatments there is a water park, in which, among the many slides, there are also special water activities for young children. Parents of young tourists can visit the local golf club or recreation area. By the way, in Chimelonga there is also hotel... There are three types of hotels for every taste, the most popular is the Panda Hotel (here themed rooms, most of which are adapted for children).

Information for tourists:

  • Address: Huan Yuan Zhong Lu (Hanxi Changlong Subway Station);
  • official website: http://chimelong.com;
  • operating hours of the amusement park: from 9:30 to 18:00 (water park - from 10:00 to 19:30, but only from April 1 to October 28);
  • entrance fee for children: 70 yuan (bird park) to 290 yuan (circus);
  • Admission fee for adults: RMB 95 (bird park) to RMB 290 (circus).

Photo gallery: entertainment in Chimelong Park

The bird park, on the site of which there was a crocodile farm earlier, is the largest wetland park in the country (1500 chicks are born here every year). a child can live for free if there is a special crib in the parent's room.Chimelonga International Circus boasts the largest circus arena in the world, a new Forest Code show and realistic scenery Safari inhabitants: Honduran anteaters, koalas, black rhinos, white tigers, the world's only triplet pandas, etc.

Provincial Museum of Local Lore

The local history exposition in Guangdong province was opened in 2010. The purpose of the museum is to educate local residents, so the audio guide and excursions around the museum are all on Chinese... Actually, the collection of the museum has been collected since 1959. A building was allocated for the exposition (the museum was in it until 2003). But the museum fund expanded so much that there was not enough space, and the city authorities decided to build a separate multifunctional building for the museum. The area of ​​the exhibition halls of the modern museum is 21,000 m 2.

The local history museum has several zones: about history, nature, folk crafts, books, children's games, etc. The child should like all the zones. The presented exhibits are unique in themselves, and in combination with the Asian flavor, it all looks even more unusual. Parents of a little tourist can relax in special zones. There is also a souvenir shop on the first floor of the museum (especially tourists like ceramic miniature figures).

My friend Roman often travels to China for work. He usually attends industrial exhibitions and brings in sewing equipment from there. A year ago, he traveled to China with his wife and child. In one of the local history museums, he bought souvenirs and gifts for family and friends. Interestingly, in addition to the usual little things (elephants, key rings, magnets, etc.), antique stylized things can also be sold in such shops. He brought me a wall lamp. At first I thought it was some kind of old thing - decorated with carvings and some kind of gems. And when I looked closely, I realized - a remake (but very beautiful). Later, Roma admitted that these souvenirs, it turns out, are not at all expensive, any person can afford a couple of such gizmos.

Information for tourists:

  • Address: Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New City, Tianhe District (next to Pearl River, subway station - Zhujiang Xincheng);
  • you can also get there by buses No. 40, 44, 183, 293, 886 and 886 "A";
  • official website: http://gdmuseum.com;
  • working hours: daily, except Monday (from 9:00 to 17:00);
  • admission is free, but you need to show your passport.

Video: exposition of the local history museum

How long does it take to look around the city

Judging by the reviews of tourists, the waiting time at the local airport can take up to 10 hours. At this time, guests of the city try to spend hours waiting to see the sights. But you cannot see Guangzhou in a few hours. Just to walk through pedestrian street and looking into a couple of shops can take a whole day. A full-fledged excursion without visiting museums and temples is impossible. Therefore, it is best to come to Guangzhou for at least 5-6 days. This time will take hotel room... You have to be careful here. Choosing a hotel in China is necessary not only for the cost or star rating of the rooms. Ideal if the hotel administrators speak Russian or at least English.

My friends, who often visit China, ask the administrator to write the addresses of the desired attractions in hieroglyphs. The fact is that some taxi drivers may not recognize the names and addresses if they are written in the Latin alphabet. By the way, it is better to take the taxi numbers from the administrator. Unlike Russia, Chinese illegal cabbies issue cars in the same way as officially registered taxi drivers (such drivers ask for double or even triple fees for their services).

Here are some tips to help you spend your holiday in Guangzhou in comfort:

Popular architectural and historical monuments: Tomb of King Nanyu and the Mausoleum of the Han Dynasty. The tomb has a history of about two thousand one hundred years, and is a haven for the second ruler of the Nanyu kingdom. Mezey also presents to your attention more than five thousand relics that were recovered from this tomb.

The castle of the Chen family and their property is the largest and best preserved monument, which is more than a hundred years old, and also displays traditional architecture with the most elegant and graceful design.

The tower overlooking the sea is called the Jenhai Tower, now it is the Guangzhou Museum. It was built during the reign of the Ming dynasty, it is quite well preserved, despite the fact that it is already more than five hundred years old.

Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum resembles a traditional chinese palace, which is presented in the shape of an octagon. It was built in honor of Dr. Song Yat-sen, he was the leader of the Chinese revolution and the mausoleum was built entirely with funds raised by local residents of Guangzhou and Chinese who live abroad. The Mausoleum of 72 Martyrs of Martyrs, located in the Huanghuagang Park, was built in honor of the 72 victims of the revolution, under the leadership of the same doctor Sun Yatsen.

The Chen Family Shrine was built with money raised by members of the Chen family in seventy-two counties in Guangdong Province. It is a vivid example of ancient Chinese architecture in the south of the country. The Museum of Folk Arts and Crafts is what is now located in Kumirna.

Lovers of religious sites, temples and monasteries also have something to see. The oldest and largest Buddhist temple is the Guangxiaosi Temple, which is located in Guangzhou, it was built more than one thousand seven hundred years ago and occupies more than thirty square meters, from south to north it has such buildings: the palace of the Heavenly King, first the main gate, then the main palace Dasyunbaodyan, as well as Ifata. All this together forms an architectural ensemble that is ancient and interesting in its own way. On the territory adjacent to the temple, there are slightly ribbed linden and Indian almonds, these plants are more than two hundred years old. The temple is open from six in the morning to five in the evening. The cost of the visit is four yuan. You can get there by metro, you need to get off at Ximenkou station by buses numbered 2, 4, 29, 31 and by trolleybuses 102, as well as 107. Another monastery interesting to visit is the Luzhunsi Monastery, there is a bronze statue of Buddha, and a carved pagoda is the highest point in Guangzhou.

Of the natural attractions, it is worth mentioning one of the most picturesque natural places in Guangzhou - Baiyunshan Mountain.The main peak of the mountain called Mosinli is hidden behind the clouds almost all year round, there is also a Botanical Garden, where subtropical and tropical plants are widely represented. Another picturesque area is the Lotus Mountains, it was named so because after the extraction of the stone, stones remained in these places, but their shape visually resembles the shape of a lotus. Stone was mined here in ancient times, now it is taken under protection and is considered an important historical monument. There is a lotus pagoda, which was built by the Ming emperor Wanli in the fortieth year of his reign. This pagoda is considered a symbol of the province, and the remains of the lotus city are also built by the Kangxi emperor. There is a bronze statue of Buddha Guanyin looking into the sea, which has a height of 40.88 meters, weighs 120 tons and is lined with 180 lians of gold, in this moment the statue of Guanyin located here is the largest in the world, located in an open area, under the sky. The entrance ticket costs 30 yuan, it works to visit this attraction all day.

Also, from natural attractions, visit the Baiyunshan Mountains, entrance ticket costs 5 yuan, you can go by buses, 285, 24, 60, 46, 63, 175, 223, 199, 522 and 540. And also Yuntai Garden, which grows rare species of plants and flowers, its area is 120 thousand square meters ... The garden is open from eight in the morning to six in the evening. At normal times, the cost of visiting is 10 yuan, and on weekends and holidays- 15 yuan. Buses 46, 25, 175 and 199 go to the garden stop, and the direct bus at which this final stop is number 24.

Of the amusement parks, the largest amusement park in the city is Yuexiu Park with an area of ​​920 thousand square meters. The park is very beautiful, there are many trees and flowers; large fairs and exhibitions of chrysanthemums are held here every autumn and spring. Inside there is a stadium, the main attractions: the Zhenghailou tower, the Five rams statue (symbol of the city), the city wall of the Minsk era, the obelisk in memory of Sun Yatsen. The park is open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., the cost of a visit is 5 yuan. You can get there by buses 87, 133, 101, 518, 187, 182, 58, 24, 127, 224, 185. Another entertainment center equipped by Western standards is located at the foot of Baiyun Mountain - Dongfang Park.

Guangzhou is a city with a multi-million population, also known as:

  • flower city;
  • city ​​of 5 rams.

Thousands of tourists capture the sights of Guangzhou through photography. This city delights travelers on a daily basis, many of whom combine business travel with an amazing vacation.

Some interesting facts about the city

  • Guangzhou has served as the Chinese capital three times;
  • The Silk Sea Route ran through Guangzhou;
  • This city is the only one in China to have foreign trade relations with the rest of the world in the 19th century;
  • Here the Cantonese language and the cuisine of the same name were born;
  • Guangzhou has the largest number of restaurants in the PRC.

When is the best time to go?

When planning, you should take into account climatic features. The climate in the city is quite mild, but if you like warmth, then plan your trip better in summer... Warm weather usually lasts from early March to late October. The rest of the time, the average daily air temperature drops to 15 ° C.

Another caveat: in March in Guangzhou, there is usually an extremely high level of humidity. Therefore, if you find it difficult to tolerate high moisture content in the air, it is better to postpone the trip to a later period.

How to get to the city

Most tourists arrive in the metropolis by air. You can get to the city center from the main one by the following types of transport:

  • subway;
  • regular bus;
  • Taxi.

How to get around Guangzhou

You can move around the city both on public transport or by taxi. The most convenient way of transportation for most travelers is the city subway. There are not many branches - only eight directions. However, with their help, it is easy to get to almost any city attraction. Guangzhou metro map is shown in the photo below.


Guangzhou is home to a huge number of amazing hotels. If you like exotic and luxury, you can safely check in at any of the 5 * hotels located in the city.

One of the most luxurious hotels - Four Seasons Hotel - is located on the upper floors of Guangzhou's tallest skyscraper. Many tourists visiting the city stay here for at least one night. A visit to this hotel allows you to admire the magnificent view of the city, get acquainted with the peculiarities local cuisine, as well as join the delights of Japanese and Mediterranean dishes. Four Seasons Hotel is located close to major attractions and has easy access to major shopping malls.

Other hotels that travelers suggest looking out for are:

  • Planet Wanted;
  • Sofitel Sunright;
  • Royal Tulip Luxor Hotel;
  • Dongfrang Hotel;
  • Hilton;
  • Pullman.

Where to eat?

Guangzhou has a huge number of restaurant complexes, cafes and small "eateries" offering to taste dishes:

  • Asian;
  • European;
  • Chinese;
  • arabic.

There are also gourmet gourmet restaurants in the city, where you can taste Italian, French and American dishes.

What to see in one day

The main sights of Guangzhou in China, if desired, can be seen in one day.

Travel advice: if possible, do not rush to go for a day in all significant city places. It is best to take a minimum of three days for inspection.

Guangzhou Central Square

First of all, you should go to the central Huacheng Square. The name of this place is translated as "Flower City". HuaChen Square is noted in the tourist guide as the main modern city attraction.

A long green alley with a length of more than 1,500 meters, runs between the numerous skyscrapers that soar up into the very heart of the city.

Tourists who decide to visit HuaChen Square will see the famous architectural buildings Guangzhou:

  • Opera building;
  • city ​​Museum;
  • library building;
  • the two most tall skyscraper cities towering 438 and 530 meters above the ground.

In the evening from Central square the gaze of vacationers is greeted by the magnificently illuminated Cantonese TV Tower. The beauty of this place can be easily judged by the photograph:

HuaChen Square is popular with shoppers who can visit the Mall of the World, located below the modern city landmark.

Tourists who are in doubt about which sights of Guangzhou to see first should visit this unique historical monument.

Shamian Island served as a starting point for the implementation of foreign trade relations with other countries of the world, acted as a barrier during the Opium War. The embassy residences and foreign representations of Guangzhou's trade partners were located here.

Looking at the buildings in the English and French colonial style, erected in the 19th century, many travelers get the feeling that time in this place passes much slower than on the whole globe.

Shamian is known both among tourists and among Catholic pilgrims - the Church of the Mother of God is located in this area. Another attraction of the island is the abandoned Soviet consulate.

Travelers wishing to experience the beauty are advised by the guide to go to the Temple of the Chen Family Ancestors, built in the 19th century. The entrance to the museum, which was previously owned by an influential family, will have to pay 10 yuan. In the building, tourists will see:

  • works of art;
  • graceful sculptures, for the manufacture of which the most valuable ivory was used;
  • art statues.

Guangzhou Yuan

An amazing architectural structure that has no analogues in any of the cities in the world. The original goal of the architect was the desire to move away from stereotypes and oppose his creation to the numerous city skyscrapers.

The building is in the shape of a ring, its 33 floors rise 138 meters above the ground, and the diameter of the central circular opening is 50 meters. The structure looks especially impressive in the evening, when its reflection in the river water is clearly visible.

The photo clearly shows that the combination of the building itself and its reflection turns into an infinity sign.

The inhabitants of China themselves claim that the builders laid numerological symbols in the high-rise building, since the infinity sign can be interpreted as the number "eight". Chinese numerologists claim that the eight brings happiness. The third symbolic meaning of the architectural landmark is that the words "eight" and "wealth" have a very close pronunciation. Therefore, a modern legend is associated with the building - Guangzhou will develop and flourish as long as this architectural structure is standing.

The structure was erected on the site where the presidential office of the Chinese hero used to rise. Sun Yat-sen is the father of the Chinese revolution and the founder of the Kuomintang. Anyone can visit the memorial, the entrance ticket will cost tourists 10 yuan.

Where to go on the second day

There are five famous Buddhist temples in Guangzhou, one of them is Dafoe. The building was erected in the 7th century AD, when the Han dynasty was in power. Visiting the temple is absolutely free.

The next place after Dafoe Temple that can be seen in Guangzhou is Xiguang Street. Here tourists can buy Chinese antiques. Keep in mind, however, that most of the antiques sold on Xiguan Street are not genuine.

Guangzhou TV Tower

The TV Tower, also known as the Canton Tower, is taller than any skyscraper erected in the People's Republic of China. The following interesting entertainment is located in the Canton Tower:

  • indoor, outdoor and sky observation platforms;
  • restaurant complexes;
  • attraction "Ferris wheel";
  • extreme attraction "Free Fall", located on a tower spire;
  • modern cinema 4D.

Please note that a special tourist tram runs between the Canton Tower and the famous Canton Fair.

This is the place where crowds of tourists flock every year. Here, the creations of human hands and natural beauty are harmoniously combined.

  • a pagoda built in the 17th century;
  • one of the tallest statues in the world, which is made of gold and erected in honor of the Buddhist Goddess Guanyin. The beauty of this Guangzhou landmark is captured in the photo:

  • the oldest sand quarry dating back two millennia.

The building was built in the style typical of 19th century Chinese architecture. The original building was built much earlier. It is known that in the 7th century the temple was already functioning. It was at this time that one of the founders of Zen Buddhism, Hui Nang, studied here. Subsequently, the building was repeatedly damaged by fire, so its original appearance has not been preserved.

There is a restaurant for pilgrims, but the food is vegetarian only.

One of the most interesting places in the town. Initially, only a pagoda built in the 3rd century existed on the site of the temple. Three centuries later, the appearance of the pagoda has changed dramatically - it acquired a 55-meter octagonal tower, the top of which is crowned with a decorative copper rod. The weight of the rod is quite impressive and is equal to five tons.

Banyan trees remained only in the name of the temple building; they have not grown on the modern territory of the Flower Pagoda for a long time.

The pagoda is the official residence of the Guangzhou Buddhist Association, but this is not an obstacle to visiting it - the temple is open to tourists and pilgrims.

Where to go on the third day

It is a historical landmark associated with the myth of the development of the city of Guangzhou and its prosperity.

Legend tells that during the time when the country was ruled by the Zhou dynasty, people did not know how to grow rice and suffered from hunger. Then five immortals descended from heaven - two women and three men. They brought rice ears to the locals and taught them how to cultivate them. Grateful people erected a temple in their honor, and the city has since begun to actively grow and develop.

The oldest of all mosques built in the territory of modern China. The building dates back to 627 AD, built on the initiative of the uncle of the Great Prophet Muhammad. Only followers of the Muslim religion are allowed to enter the mosque during namaz. What if you want to inspect an ancient architectural structure from the inside? We'll have to wait for the end of the sermon, after which access to the mosque is open to everyone.

The Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, built of granite stone blocks, is a classic example of neo-Gothic architecture. Plays an iconic role throughout South China. The cathedral is open to free visits.

The Taoist temple, erected in 319 AD, is the oldest temple building of this religious trend.

The classic temple of the followers of Buddhism, the second name is the Temple of fifty gods. The visit is free.

The age of the temple is about 1.4 thousand years. It is assumed that the teachings of Buddhism originated here, when the preacher Bodhidharma arrived by ship to spread his knowledge.

The religious building is located in the southwest of Guangzhou. The entrance to the ancient structure is guarded by two stone lions.

The temple complex consists of three buildings:

  • Sanking Hall;
  • Taihe Hall;
  • Yuancheng Hall.

To visit this architectural ensemble, you will have to pay 10 yuan to enter.

Other interesting places

What to do if a trip to Guangzhou is of a purely business nature, and there is no time to visit all the sights of the city?

The Pearl River (Zhujiang in Chinese) flows through Guangzhou. On the ships that ply along it through the central part of the city, not only exciting excursions, but also business events are held. So, if you wish, you can combine business with pleasure.

Another equally attractive option is to visit the orchid garden in Guangzhou. The orchid garden covers an area of ​​eight hectares and boasts not only flower beds with popular flowers, but also other attractions, among which the most famous are:

  • tomb of Abu Wakkas;
  • numerous teahouses hidden between paths and picturesque waterfalls.

Fans of extreme sports will enjoy other entertainment in Guangzhou - this is the Chimelong Safari Park and Amusement Park.

Any tourist will be able to appreciate the sights of Guangzhou. If you do not know where Guangzhou is, then we inform you - the city is located in the south of China, 110 km from the coast of the South China Sea.

It is over 2000 years old. It is the capital of Guangdong province and creates all the conditions to be a world trade center.

Photos of Guangzhou are interesting and fascinating; for many years now, tourists from all over the world have been attracted by the oriental flavor, which creates a unique atmosphere of the exoticism of these places.

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Guangzhou - where to go for a tourist and what to see

There is something to see in Guangzhou to plunge into the magical world of interesting historical facts, get a lot of impressions and positive emotions when visiting museums, architectural monuments, relax in entertainment centers, see the beautiful natural flora and fauna.

Flower City Square

One of the most beautiful and breathtaking places to visit in Guangzhou is the "Flower City" square, which is an alley. It is located in a new area of ​​the business center. Buildings of amazing architecture and skyscrapers surround the alley that runs along the banks of the Pearl River. A huge number of flowers and all kinds of greenery grows around a small pond. Walking in the evening, with the lights on, will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Lots of multicolored lights create an unimaginably fabulous view, with a singing fountain show as the climax. The buildings of the modern city library, the opera and the new museum amaze with their architectural design no less than the amazing skyscrapers located right there. Under the alley there is a metro and a shopping center.

Its useful to note:"Flower City" square, which originally sounds like Hua Cheng, was built recently, but managed to establish itself as an excellent place to relax among the guests of the city.

Mount Baiyun

Differs in Guangzhou and mountainous terrain. The picturesque beauty of the Baiyun Mountains have been famous for a long time and are a landmark of the city. On a sunny day after rain, a wreath of snow-white clouds forms over the mountains. Therefore, the literal translation of the name of these mountains sounds like "white cloud". Their height is about 100 meters.

These mountains with the surrounding areas are very calm, peaceful and quiet places. Here you can spend time relaxing from the noisy bustle of the city. From the top of the highest peak of these mountains, Moxing Ridge, you can see the city and the Pearl River. it the best place to relax, breathe in the fresh mountain air and enjoy natural beauties exotic plants.

In the area of ​​the mountains there is interesting reserves, which are visited by a large number of tourists from all over the world. You will not be left indifferent by the unusual Yuntai Garden, with all kinds of trees and algae. The birdcage, in which a large number of birds sing and admire with its beautiful bright plumage, amazes with its scale and magnificent variety.

Guangzhou old town

Guangzhou has a rich history. Once it was called Canton and was a small settlement. The old buildings of those years have survived to this day and people continue to live in them. Old city in the Lujang area is not historically attractive place... On the narrow streets, dilapidated buildings and local traders add incomprehensible trash to the unprofitable look of the area. However, the locals are surprised by their friendliness and smiling faces.

These areas look unusual against the backdrop of a modern and civilized city. This is why they are attractive.

The ancient city of Shavan

A visit to the ancient city will be interesting and informative for an inquisitive traveler. Here you can plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity and unusual traditions and customs. It is rather difficult to imagine the way of life of former people who lived hundreds of years ago. In Shavan, unusual monuments of architecture and museums that demonstrate the culture of those times will help you with this. Each building of this town amazes with its originality and rich imagination of the builders. For connoisseurs of Chinese history, this is a treasure that carries information and the spirit of the life of their ancestors.

There is not much greenery on the long alleys, perhaps because of the old age of these streets. But there are many houses - workshops in which artisans work. You can buy some souvenir from them.

There are many attractions in Shavan. Old well , whose age is not less than 200 years, from which you can drink a very pleasant and pure water... These ancient buildings help to mentally reproduce the previous way of life of the local people.

You can plunge into the historical way of life of your ancestors when visiting mini-museums. Painted porcelain plates and ebony furniture, which are works of art, will surprise you with their grace. Frescoes made of wood, decorated with miniatures of the walls of temples, surprise with their skill and originality. Wandering around Shavan, it is as if you are plunging into an ancient era.

After enjoying the views of the local attractions, you will get pretty hungry. The hosts of local shops and eateries will offer you an immeasurable array of local delicacies. All this is not cheap, given the number of tourists in these neighborhoods, but after trying the local cuisine, you will not think about their cost. Their rich, unique taste will surprise you with their sophistication.

Huaisheng Mosque

Guangzhou is known for its multi-ethnicity and multi-faith. The proof of this is the Huaisheng Mosque located on its territory, which is called the Tower of Light. This mosque is one of the oldest mosques in the world. Tourists from all over the globe come to admire this architectural monument.

Previously, the mosque was the tallest building in Guangzhou. Its area is 3000 sq. meters. This building, colorful in its architectural data, has quite exotic elements in its appearance. The multi-tiered curved roofs, tiled in Chinese style, narrow windows and columns impress with their beauty and elegance. The building of the mosque can be seen from afar. The towering minaret lends grandeur to the entire mosque. On the territory of the mosque there are benches for rest and enjoying the silence and beautiful vegetation around.

Chimelong Park

Whoever prefers to relax actively, wants a lot of new emotions, he will definitely appreciate all the attractions that Chimelong Park offers. Here you can get an unprecedented boost of vivacity, because it is a place for all kinds of adventures. Chimelong is one of the largest entertainment complexes with a safari park, crocodile nursery, circus and a five-star hotel.

One day will not be enough for you, the park includes many types of entertainment for every taste and age. From early morning until late at night, pleasant impressions and physical activity await you, which will lift your spirits and delight children and adults.

Guangzhou map with landmarks in Russian

Guangzhou map of attractions (click to enlarge)

In any journey, there should always be a guidebook that will help you get acquainted with the area and give you the opportunity to move mobile. Tourist card Guangzhou with sights in Russian will come in handy for any tourist.

In the developed part of the city there are 5 districts, each of which has good infrastructure. This is the part of the city that attracts the most tourists.

Here are the sights of megalopolises, retail outlets and much more. In the central part of the city there are many rivers with coastal parks and recreation areas.

The map will help you navigate the intricacies of industrial and commercial streets, help you see the location of a particular attraction.

Guangzhou - reviews of tourists

The reviews of tourists are the most positive. Here is some of them:

  • “Visiting Guangzhou is an excellent opportunity to learn Chinese history. So many historical sites, wonderful nature. Impressed the Baiyun Mountains with their majesty and clean air... The gardens are surprising with their vegetation. The architecture of the new city and the small town of Shavan evokes admiration and deference to the capabilities of modern designers and architects, as well as rich history Chinese people... Chinese cuisine is spicy food. There are many cafes and eateries here, but for an amateur, you have to be careful. " Alsou, city, 05/19/2017;
  • “We went as a family. Everyone got a lot of impressions and emotions. Guangzhou has everything you need for a complete and interesting rest... We were surprised by the modern part of the city. Skyscrapers and buildings with beautiful facades. It is especially good to walk in the evening, everything sparkles and shimmers from the multitude of lights and lanterns. The Flower City Square is a great place to stroll. As if he was in a fairy tale. Guangzhou remains in our memory as a magical exotic world " Sergey, Krasnoyarsk, July 15, 2017;
  • “I have been traveling for a long time. This year I visited Guangzhou, my friends advised. I did not regret it, there is where to go - we could not even see everything to the extent that we would like. Unusual nature. Beautiful river with beaches. I especially remember the cage - a reserve with unusual birds. This has never been seen before. The modern part of the city and the city of Shavan amaze with their architecture, such a colorful transition from modern to ancient times. There are many cafes, you can have a snack at any time "- Natalia, Moscow, 08/18/2017

Guangzhou has long been a popular holiday destination. Rich infrastructure of the city and excellent natural conditions, which amaze with their diversity of local flora and fauna, have received wide publicity all over the world. And the fact that this city is also the center of world trade attracts businessmen and those who want to buy quality goods of any kind, from clothing to modern technologies.

For those who want to taste the Chinese exotic with its ancient history and feel modern life metropolis, you must visit this unusual city- Guangzhou.

We bring to your attention an interesting video about the sights of Guangzhou:

The city of Guangzhou is well known to tourists all over the world, primarily due to its airport, which is an intermediate stop for international flights. Sometimes travelers have to wait six or even thirty-six hours for a transfer. And of course, few tourists can afford to spend all this time at the airport, when there is an opportunity to get to know another city. In search of information about what to see in Guangzhou in one day, you read different opinions. Up to the point that there is nothing special to watch. This point of view looks at least strange, because Guangzhou is China, and China without attractions is possible just like football without a ball.

Baiyun International Airport

The airport was opened in 2004 because old airport Guangzhou could not cope with the increasing passenger traffic. As the possibilities for expanding the airport located in the city center were exhausted, the authorities decided to build a new air hub 28 km from the city. Therefore, calculating your a tourist route in Guangzhou, be sure to take into account the travel time from the airport and back.

Monuments of history and architecture

Shawan Ancient Town of Panyu. This ancient city attracts more than just history buffs. Anyone who in the late 80s and early 90s was fond of films about kung fu and Shaolin monks will be pleased to plunge into the atmosphere of ancient China. The city itself was built 800 years ago, but many of the buildings date back to the 18th century. In particular, the school, where there are pictures that can be used to understand how the educational process was organized in those days. Tourists are interested in examining and photographing the frescoes and carvings with which the inhabitants of the city decorated their houses, as well as sculptures, which are also in abundance in Shavan.

And if you are lucky enough to get to one of the festivals that are periodically held in ancient city, Chinese traditional culture will appear before you in all its diversity. However, it should be said right away that if you think what to see in Guangzhou, for example, in 5 hours, and opted for Shawan, then you will have to take a taxi from the airport and back. In this case, the road will take you about two and a half hours, while on the metro and bus you will spend this time only on a one-way trip.

Important! Chinese taxi drivers mostly do not own English language... Therefore, in order to easily explain your route to the driver, it is better to pre-prepare cards with the Chinese names of attractions or show the destination on an electronic map on a smartphone.

Lovers of history and architecture, who have a short transfer in Guangzhou, have something else to see:

  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall. Temple-monument to Sun Yat-sen, called by the Chinese "the father of the nation". Nearby picturesque park Yuexiu (50 minutes by subway);
  • Liu Rong Temple. Buddhist Temple of Six Banyan Trees. Picturesque Buddhist temple (40 minutes by metro);
  • Guangzhou Opera House. A stunningly beautiful object of modern architecture, especially beautiful in the evening when the lights are on. Near the park and the embankment (1 hour 15 minutes by metro).

Landscape parks

The South China canton of Guangzhou has many natural attractions. The city has many parks with an abundance of flowers and tropical greenery. Lotus Mountain... There is a beautiful Lotus Park 20 kilometers from Guangzhou, which got its name from the similarity of one of the mountains to this flower. Although there are also many lotuses themselves, as well as other flowers that are here at every step. Walking in the park, you begin to understand the true meaning of the word "harmony": the Chinese have turned the former quarry into paradise so you won't regret the 50 RMB you pay to enter.
To appreciate all the beauty of the park, climb the Swallow Rock, on which there is an observation deck.

But an even more breathtaking view of the park and the Pearl River opens from the summit, on which stands the world's tallest 80-meter statue of Guanyin Buddha. It was erected relatively recently - in 1994, and 9 kg of gold were used for the facing of the statue! And be sure to visit one of the most beautiful Buddhist temples in China to take a panoramic photo of the park. If, after thinking about what to see in Guangzhou from the sights in 6 hours, you choose the Lotus Mountains, then it is better to take a taxi from the airport. Because the journey by metro only one way will take 3 hours, while a taxi will take you there in an hour. If you have more time at your disposal, and you appreciated the level of Chinese masters of park art, we recommend that you visit the following parks:

  • Zhujiang park... Quiet and cozy park in the center of the metropolis with a lake, bridges, jogging tracks and restaurants (half an hour by taxi or 1 hour 20 minutes by metro);
  • Southern China Botanical Garden... A lovely park with an abundance of flowers and nooks for quiet rest and meditation (1 hour 15 minutes by metro);
  • Shamian island... A beautiful park with an abundance of tropical greenery, sculptures and architectural monuments. You can sit in cozy cafes under the shade of spreading trees (1 hour by metro and half an hour by taxi from the airport).

Amusement parks

If you come with the whole family and are thinking of where to go in Guangzhou with children, be sure to visit Chimelong paradise... This is a huge amusement park, where everyone will find entertainment for themselves - from schoolchildren to old people. Be sure to take a roller coaster ride: there is a section where you pass through the water, and it seems that you will leave the attraction wet from head to toe. But this is not so, and you can get wet voluntarily - on one of the water attractions (if, of course, you visit the park in the warm season).
In the same park there is Chimelong International Circus- the famous Chinese circus, completely overturning the idea of ​​circus art. It is simply impossible to express in words all the delight from these bright and spectacular performances, so go definitely.

A bus leaves from the amusement park every 10 minutes to Chimelong Safari Park where children will especially like it. You can go around the entire park by train, feed the giraffes, ponies and other animals and, of course, look at the pandas. If adult bears, as a rule, sleep or lazily go around their possessions, then young pandas will delight children with indescribable delight with their funny games.
In a word, if you have made a plan in advance of what to see in Guangzhou in 1 day, then most likely you will spend all your time in this park complex... Therefore, you are unlikely to have time to visit the Guangzhou Zoo, to visit which you must definitely set aside a day during your next visit to Guangzhou. The huge territory of the park allows you to show wild animals in conditions that are as close as possible to their natural habitat. You can be sure that your children here will not see unfortunate animals rushing about in cages and dirty plucked birds. The animals are well-groomed and very friendly (especially giraffes).

From the airport you can get to the zoo by bus in 1 hour and 20 minutes, by metro in about an hour or in 20 minutes by taxi.

Where to feel Guangzhou and what to see in 8 hours
To feel the spirit of this modern metropolis, you need to walk through it after sunset, when the illumination turns on. Guangzhou is one of those cities where the main attractions are concentrated in the city center and their location is quite compact. For example, next to the already mentioned Guangzhou Opera House is the Guangzhou TV Tower. Canton Tower where every tourist should go.
There are three observation decks in this building. The first one is located at an altitude of 428 meters, but few decide to go out on it, because both the walls and the floor there are glass. But the view is stunning. On the second level (433 meters), the observation deck is open, but the main thing is that you can ride there in the outer glass cable car, literally feeling the whole city under your feet.

And on the third observation deck(488 meters) you can climb the spire in a special chair. But this is for extreme lovers, because you completely lose sight of the tower itself - under your feet only Guangzhou from a height of 600 meters!
Then you can walk around the square Hua cheng square and look at the modern architecture of the city in the night illumination. You will take photos that your friends will watch with genuine interest.
And lovers nightlife in Guangzhou going to Zhujiang Party Pier... This is an entertainment street with galleries of modern and traditional art, a lot of nightclubs, bars and restaurants with mesmerizing views of the river and night city.
Guangzhou at night is a stunning attraction in itself, so if you want colorful photos of the city at night, go for an evening stroll along the Pearl River.

Video review of the main attractions of Guangzhou

We have prepared a short video for you that will show you the breathtaking views of Guangzhou.

Guangzhou is a gem, a stunning city where traditional culture and modernity have merged into a harmonious whole. Therefore, during a long transfer in Guangzhou, you will always have something to see. And every time you will regret that you have to leave the city and fly on. Until you dedicate your vacation to a visit to Guangzhou.