Riomaggiore in Italy is a picturesque city between the rocks. Riomaggiore in Italy Riomaggiore Italy

Riomaggiore is one of the five villages that are part of national park Cinque Terre in Italian Liguria, five kilometers from the city of La Spezia. And, I must say, one of the most picturesque villages that make up the Cinque Terre - mainly due to the difference in altitude that you will have to overcome if you decide to go all the way from the station to...

...station. Since the most convenient and fastest way to get around the Cinque Terre is by train (there are also boats, but this route is longer, although more scenic), you will have to keep in mind that all roads lead to the station.

Riomaggiore will be the first of five villages as you drive from La Spezia. It’s worth coming here to look at the snow-white rocks with a small waterfall, and the original paintings on the walls - where are the fishing boats, where are the birds, where are the lemons.

Views open from above. That's right, with a capital letter. The main thing in the Views is the blue color in all its manifestations, the azure sea and the transparent blue sky.

People - in the sense local residents— there are not many in Riomaggiore, less than two thousand, but there are many, many more tourists. Every now and then you have to stay away or wait until someone finishes another photo shoot. Being a person who is inseparable from a camera when traveling, I always respect others’ need to capture themselves in eternity.

As you go up the mountain, you notice that there are fewer tourists, although not so fewer that you completely forget about their existence. Here, almost at the very top, stands ancient temple Nostra Signora di Montenero Riomaggiore, to which two roads converge - from the station and... Well, you understand.

The temple, by the way, is nice, although the buildings around it bear little resemblance to the Middle Ages, when the village of Riomaggiore was founded.

Then the road goes downhill, turns into a wide street with a bunch of small and very microscopic shops and eateries, and here there is no peace from tourists.

There is a tunnel leading to the station - so you can walk this entire road without straining yourself. But is this interesting?

While you are waiting for the train, you can watch how the sea washes the steps carved into the rock. Pigeons and seagulls frolic on the steep slope, and trains run quite often, so you won’t be bored for long.

– one of the most beautiful corners of Italy, ideal for lovers of excursions. The easternmost city, like the others, is located in a dizzyingly picturesque area with mountains and a sea indented by bays. Characterized by green terraces and colorful houses stacked on top of each other. The colors of the houses are bright: yellow, orange, pink and red, sky blue, intense sea blue, green like hills with vineyards and fruit groves.

Located on the southernmost edge East Coast, historically shared by the powerful maritime republics of Genoa and Pisa, the Cinque Terre (Five Lands) is a joint wonder of man and nature, listed in 1997 world heritage UNESCO. According to one legend, refugees from Byzantine Greece were the first to settle in this territory in the 8th century. AD

History of Riomaggiore

History has preserved evidence of this. For example, one can note the structure of urban development: bright colors and vertical direction, “overhang” over the sea, a network of streets, stairs and small courtyards. In case of danger from the sea, this type allowed residents to escape higher up to the hills in a short time. This explains the presence of two exits in the houses: the front and the rear, which go to a higher level.

Riomaggiore Castle, historical monument city, was built around the 13th century. to protect against pirates terrorizing the coast Mediterranean Sea. Today it stands proudly in the center of the historical part of the city. It is easily recognizable thanks to its round turret and large white clock and is used mainly in holidays. Next to it is the main attraction of the city - the bay, small and narrow, lined with colorful houses and equally colorful boats.

City coat of arms depicts the top of Mount Verugola (monte Verugola), the symbol of this place, and is described in heraldry as follows: “Three mountains jutting out over the sea with vine shoots on each side and a crown on top.” Each house, painted by the owner in a cheerful color, each mountain peak here is a pearl, a work of art from which it is difficult to take your eyes off.

What to see in Riomaggiore

Church of St. GiovanniBatista(Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista) first half of the 14th century. is also located on a hill. It is a mixture of Romanesque and neo-Gothic architecture. Inside are masterpieces such as a triptych from the Antelemi school, a wooden crucifix by Anton Maria Maragliano and a canvas by Domenico Fiasella, an artist from Sardzana.

There is a road in the mountains called Dear Temples(Strada dei Santuari), it connects all the sanctuaries of the Five Lands: Temple of Nostra Signora Montenero V , Temple of Nostra Signora della Salute in Manarola, Temple of Nostra Signora delle Grazie in Corniglia, Temple of Nostra Signora di Soviore in and Temple of Nostra Signora di Reggio in Vernazza. The temple dates back to 1335. Like the other temples, it can be reached along a narrow path among the terraces on the hillsides. The view from the small platform is beyond words.

In the south of the city it is worth paying attention to other architectural monuments, for example, Watchtower(Torre Guardiola), inside which there is a botanical garden. Natural attractions are also interesting, such as Cape Montenero(Punta di Montenero), suitable for scuba diving enthusiasts.

After walks and excursions, you want to eat delicious food, and in satisfying this need it is not inferior to others Italian cities. Recharge yourself with the energy of this place by visiting, San Jan Festival. Rice dishes are mainly served here. If fate brings you here in winter, be sure to try “patona” - a traditional chestnut pie.

The Ligurian coast, which is located in the north-west of the Italian province of La Spezia, is decorated with an unusually beautiful rainbow town called Riomaggiore. It is part of the Cinque Terre National Park. The park itself is famous throughout Europe and the world. There are many man-made terraces here, and the main attractions are the five rocks in the form of arches. They are painted in bright colors, and underneath there are residential settlements. Everything here is created to make the tourist feel comfortable. Many walking paths along the coast, and of course, unforgettable beautiful landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent.

One of the hiking trails leads from the town of Riomaggiore to the village of Manarola. This trail bears the very romantic name “Road of Love”. On the territory of the Five Lands Park you can see a sufficient number of castles, unusual architectural structures and monuments. But the beaches on the Cinque Terre are not entirely accessible, although they are considered one of the best in Italy. They are not so easy to reach. However, if you manage to do this, then happiness will know no bounds.

In the city of Riomaggiore, everything will remind you of medieval times. Walk along the narrow streets, go up and down the incredibly beautiful stone stairs. National music will be heard somewhere in the distance. This is all very fascinating and interesting. The cliffs are dotted with houses. Despite the fact that it looks a little scary in appearance, the locals feel quite comfortable here. Houses of different colors hang over one another. There are many buildings here, including architectural structures dating back to the 13th century.

This city is very easy to distinguish from the “other Italy”. Everything here is done with some kind of sophistication. The city began to be built back in the Middle Ages, and its successors simply decided to maintain tradition and architecture without introducing modern notes here. The turquoise sea and blue sky only complement Riomaggiore. The sun floods the houses with its rays, and the city always seems bright and cheerful, even on the darkest days. Perhaps this is facilitated by painting the facades of houses in their own specific color. The narrow streets can only be walked on foot. And in general, car traffic has been prohibited here for a long time. It's not that it's difficult, it's practically impossible.

The main street of Riomaggiore is Via Colombo. When in the city, it is best to start your journey from here. There are numerous restaurants, cafes, shops and souvenir shops here.

Riomaggiore cuisine

The local cuisine is very diverse and refined, but first of all your attention should be given to the wines of various varieties. It is this drink that is famous not only for the city, but for the whole of Italy. Here, numerous winemakers will be able to offer you a taste of this divine drink. The secret of making wine here is considered a closely guarded secret, which is why, from time immemorial, Italy has been considered the main wine-producing country. But the branded liqueur called “Sciacchetra” will radically change your perception of wine. You will never be able to try this wonderful drink anywhere else. The liqueur is made from mixing numerous varieties of wine.

Attractions Riomaggiore

The Castello di Riomaggiore was built on Mount Cerrico when the city was invaded by the Saracens. In 1260, the Marquis Turcotti undertook its construction. However, the fortress was built before the 16th century. It gradually added defensive structures and walls. Numerous travelers and tourists come to visit this landmark of the city. And thanks observation deck located near the castle, you can admire the unusually beautiful views of Italy.

The hills of Cinque Terre are another of the attractions of Riomaggiore. They are connected by numerous trails and settlements. You can often meet people from all over here globe. As mentioned above, there are many incredibly beautiful trails here. The main one is the Azure Trail, walking along which you can admire the coast of the city and the views that open before the eyes of the tourist. From Riomaggiore to Manarola you can follow the Path of Love. It passes between the rocks along an unusual and beautiful area. There are two more trails: Corniglia - Vernazza and Vernazza - Monteresso - these are two more unforgettable paths along the most beautiful places Italy. Each of the trails is no more than 4 km long.

Climate in Riomaggiore

The climate in Riomaggiore is quite moderate and mild. It's always warm and clear here. Thanks to the rocky coastline, the city is not accessible north winds. In winter, the average temperature in the city is 12⁰ C. In summer, the average temperature is 30 degrees. Rain in Riomaggiore is quite rare, but it does happen. Most often it rains in spring or autumn. The tourist season starts from late March to early November. But the swimming season here begins in May.

How to get to Riomaggiore

From the train stations of Pisa and Genoa, which are very close to Riomaggiore, you can take trains to La Spezia, which is located very close to the city. Travel time will take no more than 10 minutes. This method is used a large number of tourists. These are mainly those who have a lot of things and bags on their hands.

Many tourists come to the city in rented cars. You should drive until La Spezia and then follow the SS 370 along the coast. There, following the signs you can easily find Riomaggiore. You can rent a car in the nearby cities of Pisa or Genoa. Van must have an ID card with you, your license and your age must be at least 21 years old.

The most popular mode of transport for tourists is mountain biking. You can take it to the Lerici marina in Portovenere, from where you continue directly to the town of Riomaggiore. This method of transportation will open you up to many unique places along the way. You can enjoy the purest mountain air. Also, the most beautiful landscapes that you will pass by will remain in your memory for a very long time.

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On this page:   the road of love and other attractions, beach, photographs, map.

Features:   Perhaps the most romantic place in Liguria and in all of Italy...

(Riomaggiore - Cinque Terre)

The town farthest from Genoa and closest to La Spezia in the “quinta-land” is perhaps one of the most romantic places in Liguria and throughout Italy. Perhaps it is the most colorful of all in the Cinque Terre (although all the small commune villages - except Monterosso - are very similar).

Coat of arms of the commune

You can come here by train or by boat from other villages of the Cinque Terre or more distant cities (La Spezia, Levanto, Rapallo, Santa Margarita...) Naturally, you can also come on foot along the road of love (when it is open).

On the road of love...

Recreation and entertainment

There are several restaurants in Riamaggiore where the menu includes freshly caught seafood. The prices are not very steep (you can order an excellent dish for less than 20 euros).

There are also plenty of private small hotels (there are no large ones at all), but during the season you should book rooms in advance.

There is a diving center in the town - its office is located very close to railway station. And the tourist office is located directly in the station building.

Evening entertainment includes breathing in the sea air and sitting in restaurants. During the day you can swim, go on excursions (by boat or train), and walk along Via dell" Amore.

Beach in Riomaggiore

You hear different opinions about him. One thing is that it is bad, rocky and small. And the opposite - that this is one of the most interesting beaches Italy.

Indeed, it is not even pebble, but with large and rough stones. But its main advantage is that it is there. In this bay formed by rocks, in such an amazing romantic village as Riomaggiore.

It's actually not that small. Tourists like it; there are always sunbathers and swimmers here. It is absolutely “wild” - without any service or any fees. You have to change clothes behind large stones or right where you sunbathed - covered with a towel; but by European standards this is considered normal.

The way to it is along a rocky path. The views are beautiful and overall it is a very pleasant and inspiring experience.


The most famous attraction of this place is the "Path (or road) of Love" - ​​a pedestrian path running along the rocks above the sea to the next locality Cinque Terre - Manarola. It opens up very beautiful view on the sea. Here and there along it, cacti and other exotic (for a Russian) plants bloom. At one place on the trail there is a “bench for two” where lovers can rest and (if there is someone nearby who can help) capture this moment on a camera. There is a fee for walking along the trail (5 euros).

The attraction, of course, is the town itself with its colorful houses and the main street running upward.

There is the Torre Guardiola Castle, which began to be built back in 1260. It was intended for defensive military purposes. Now partially destroyed.

The 13th-century church of St. Anthony and the 14th-century churches of St. Rocco and St. Giovanni Baptista, both based on an even older Romanesque building (its elements have been preserved), are worth a visit.

You can explore two or three more chapels of varying degrees of antiquity, for example, the Flagellants (Church of Assunta).


The climate here is naturally the same as in the neighboring settlements of Cinve Terre - Mediterranean, temperate. Such heat as in the central and southern regions of Italy almost never happens.
Temperatures by month can be viewed on the page dedicated to

Russian tourists

Actually, in Italy there are a lot Russian tourists. Wherever you go, it is very difficult not to meet them.

But in these places, until recently, they were almost absent. Now they have begun to appear here, and shopkeepers are trying to expand their Russian vocabulary at the first opportunity.

By some amazing coincidence, during our stay here, on the notice board in front of the Road of Love, there was an announcement (apparently for local residents) about tourist train(the only thing, there were no other announcements) - not just anywhere, but to Moscow!


Vacation with children

Vacationers with children should be careful on the beach - children sometimes trip on rocks when entering the sea.
It should also be borne in mind that a walk along the path of love at midday under bright sun can be a test of endurance (if the journey is leisurely, travel time to the nearest town takes about an hour).

Photo from Riomaggiore (Liguria, Cinque Terre)

Moscow is probably the same exotic place for Ligurians as this area is for Russians...

Anton also lived.

Riomaggiore began to be built eight centuries ago. The village is famous for fishing and wine. A small beach conveniently located on the sea coast.
The town of Riomagjorre, which is located on rocky slopes like swallows' nests, can be reached along ancient mountain paths. The roadsides are lined with olive groves, lush fragrant gardens and lovingly tended vineyards. The trail offers stunning views of the waterfront.
From Riomaggiore you can walk to the neighboring commune along the romantic Road of Love.
Unfortunately, the settlements are isolated from the roadway. It is prohibited to enter the territory of the commune. In the old days Riomaggiore was impregnable fortress for pirates. The stepped system by which the city is designed decorates it, but also makes life dangerous: multi-story buildings threaten to fall into the canyon.

The unusually bright, variegated color of the facades is pleasantly striking. At first it seems that these are just the artistic whims of the residents, but this is not so. Riomaggiore never had its own lighthouse and ships at sea were guided by walls and turrets of bright colors. There is no hotel in Riomaggiore where you can comfortably spend the night and stay longer to explore the streets of the city. But there is private sector, thanks to which there is an opportunity to live in privacy from the bustle of hotels. You can rent an apartment or room in the city by visiting one of the real estate offices on the main street of the city.
Riomaggiore is especially beautiful at sunset, when you can see the bright lights of houses and street lamps illuminating the pavement and the beach. Creates a romantic atmosphere that envelops and takes you to dreams. It's moments like these that produce great works of art from photographers, artists and poets.

One of the first artists to arrive in the city was Telemaco Signorini. And he did not remain indifferent, he was attracted by the local views, like every tourist in our century: he spent every sunny summer in the city for seven years, and managed to capture many corners of Riomaggiore on canvas. The main street leading to the church from the station is named after him.
Architects also find their inspiration in Riomaggiore. A graceful Gothic church was built in the city several centuries ago, but only the rose window remains to this day.
In Riomaggiore, it is useful for relaxation for all family members, a friendly group, a loving couple, or just looking at the play of colors alone and dreaming about something of your own at sunset on the beach will be very appropriate.

Architects also find their inspiration in Riomaggiore. A graceful Gothic church was built in the city several centuries ago, but only the rose window remains to this day.