Rostourism: Tez Tour's problems with Aeroflot won't affect tourists. TEZ TOUR: we won’t take off, so we’ll swim Tez tour problems with departure 22.07

We continue to comment on the situation with the largest Russian air carrier Aeroflot, which turned off the travel company Tez Tour from your ticketing system. According to the operator, this is blackmail. The same point of view is shared by the Russian Union of Tourism Industry. "Business News Agency" studied the conflict and its possible consequences for the entire market.

The conflict became known on Wednesday, the same day the company lost access to the reservation system. According to some sources in the airline, the reason was debt Tez Tour in the amount of 30 million rubles. ABN was unable to promptly obtain confirmation of this information from Aeroflot.

At the same time, as the general director of Tez Tour, Vladimir Kaganer, said, the tour operator did not receive official notifications about the shutdown. “We don’t have a single penny of debt to Aeroflot, so everything that has been written about shutdown due to debt is idle speculation. And if we don’t agree, then we can sue,” Kaganer said, adding that negotiations with the air carrier are ongoing, and “it’s hard to say how they will end.”

“The company is clearly being pressured and blackmailed”

Note that this is not the first tour operator that Aeroflot has disconnected from the booking system. Previously, the operators "Ideal Tour", "Capital Tour" and "Eviterra" lost this opportunity. Subsequently, all companies ceased their work.

“Flights on Aeroflot in the total volume of the company ( Tez Tour - ABN) make up no more than 10%. If they do not agree, then the tour operator will simply “transfer” its tourists to other airlines, ”Irina Tyurina, spokeswoman for the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT), commented on the situation to ABN.

Kaganer did not rule out this option either: if agreements cannot be reached, the company's assortment will not include tour packages with transportation from Aeroflot. “We fly Aeroflot on winter programs mainly to Thailand, Bangkok, Phuket. On these routes, we have a lot of other carriers: Transaero, S7, Thai Airways and other companies,” added the CEO of Tez Tour. As a result, consumers should not suffer, he assures. All those who have already purchased travel with Aeroflot tickets will be able to use them and safely fly away on vacation. Starting November 12, Tez Tour offers trips to these destinations with other carriers.

At the same time, Tyurina found it difficult to assess the scale of the problem for the company. It depends on how the market and consumers react, she believes. “In principle, the tourism market is on the side of Tez Tour. Agencies are even encouraged to continue booking there. Everyone understands that Aeroflot "leaked" this information on purpose. […] They did not agree at some stage, and Aeroflot releases information that Tez Tour has debts. They are clearly putting pressure on the company, blackmailing it to leave the volume of transportation that it originally ordered,” Tyurina said. Earlier, Kaganer stated the same. According to him, Aeroflot is forcing them to buy tickets, as demand has fallen in a number of areas.

“When the grass grew green, the lambs felt good”

Rejection of the booking system does not pose any problem, says Vladimir Kantorovich, First Vice President of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). “It is this situation that does not threaten anyone, because they did not agree - well, some other airline will fly Tez Tour. […] Let’s still understand that Aeroflot is a premium company, probably the highest level in our country,” Kantorovich said, adding that the tour operator would agree with other airlines on more favorable terms for him.

According to Georgy Mokhov, head of the Travel Expert consulting group, in a less tense economic situation, consumers might not even know about the dispute between Tez Tour and Aeroflot. Now tourism conflicts are closely monitored in society, due to this, a negative background is formed that spoils the reputation of both the company involved in the conflict and the entire market, the expert believes.

“When the grass grew green, the sheep felt good. And when they ate all the grass, they already began to quarrel with each other: where in the pasture whose place is. When the economic situation is difficult, all business conflicts related to cost reduction become accentuated,” Mokhov explained. Tyurina agrees with this: Aeroflot itself is forced to cancel flights due to underloading, “but partners cannot.” The market is tense, and any negative information about the tour operator causes "it is clear what kind of reaction," Tyurina draws attention. At the same time, the PCT hopes that the story will end without unpleasant consequences.

The conflict itself is associated with a constant, according to Mokhov, the problem of the tourism market in relations between charter customers and carriers. “Tour operators do not want and cannot strictly guarantee the volume of loading. And the air carriers want the tour operator to pay in any case: the plane is full or not, ”the expert said. In his opinion, the air carrier refused to meet the tour operator, as it is also in difficult conditions.

"Everything bad that could happen has already happened"

Under any circumstances, the relationship between tour operators and carriers is strong in the tourism market. The problems of some worsen the situation of others. As Vladimir Kaganer, CEO of Tez Tour, noted, the carriers themselves cannot completely sell out tickets. If operators do not use their services, then the plane flies empty, or the flight is completely canceled. According to Kaganer, the easiest way out of the situation is to negotiate, not to press.

All interlocutors and experts from the tourism business refused to talk about what other players in the market could be affected by a similar problem. “We are now trying not to destabilize the market, and such attacks are just annoying. I will be careful not to make any statements. It seems to me that everything bad that could happen has already happened,” said the head of Tez Tour.

Despite the fact that now there are more and more people who want to travel the world as "savages", many still prefer to trust their vacation to tour operators and travel agencies.

Now there are a lot of travel agencies on the market, but before using their services, tourists first reread the reviews about them, ask their friends who flew with their help, and only then make a choice. Naturally, companies with many years of experience in the market enjoy great confidence. Such a company can be called a travel agency Tez Tour.

In contact with

Tour operator "Tez tour": description of the company

Tez Tour is an international tour operator. It is one of the largest in Russia, as well as in the CIS countries. Travel agency was founded in 1994.

To date, tourists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other countries have opportunity thanks to Tez Tour travel to the following countries:

Reviews about the company "Tez Tour" both from tourists and employees are different, we will move on to them a little later . Now let's list the main advantages travel operator Tez Tour, which are stated on the company's website:

Reviews of the employees of the company "Tez Tour"

Naturally, that not all reviews employees of the travel company Tez Tour are positive, there are those who complain about poor working conditions and insufficient earnings.

Those employees who left positive feedback about working in the company, note the following:

  • good, friendly and professional team;
  • positive impressions from the interview;
  • opportunity to visit advertising tour free of charge (but such an opportunity is rare, and only the best employees can go on such a tour);
  • free meals (not in all cities).

But in the negative reviews, former and current employees of the Tez Tour travel agency note the following points:

  • salary "gray";
  • lack of incentives;
  • no summer vacation;
  • work is not for the faint of heart;
  • irregular working hours, sometimes you have to work on weekends;
  • promotional tours are a rarity, in a few days you have to see more than a dozen hotels, travel allowances are not paid;
  • high staff turnover.

Also in their reviews, former managers of the company, who work at reception points as hotel guides, tell how they were forced to deceive tourists: to buy excursions at an inflated price and persuade them to buy in certain stores. Naturally, the manager himself received a percentage from this, but many did not like the very fact of deception.

Is it possible to buy tours in Tez Tour in installments: reviews of tourists

Of course, not every person who wants to relax on the sea or on ski resort able to pay the cost of the tour immediately. In this case, in the company "Tez Tour" it is possible to purchase the tour in installments.

By the way, many major tour operators have such a service, but judging by the reviews of some tourists, Tez Tour has the most attractive conditions.

So, what theses can be identified based on the reviews:

Tez Tour: reviews of vacationers

As already mentioned, the reviews of those tourists who flew on vacation with this operator are very ambiguous. Someone really liked the service, and someone was not particularly satisfied with their vacation. Let's read some reviews of tourists about this travel agency, written in 2018.

I flew this year to Italy with Tez Tour. During the week I rested in Rimini, took several excursions from a tour operator. I really liked the professional work of the guide - the delivered speech and the ability to wonderfully present information. After that, I want to come to these places again and again.

Natalia, Yekaterinburg

This summer, my friends and I rested in the city of Alanya (Turkey). Our hotel guide from the operator worked very badly. As always in such cases, he assured us that buying tours from street agencies is fraught with danger and deceit.

We believed him and bought a tour from a Tez Tour representative for $50. On the day of departure, we received messages about when the bus would come for us. And we also had information about when the show we were going to start. We were picked up from the hotel very late, we were driving through another city in order to pick up other people for the same event, who also bought tickets there and also waited a long time. Upon arrival at our destination, we were very late for the show also due to the fact that our driver did not know the way. We missed most of the show, for which we paid a considerable amount.

And when they met us, there were no more seats for us, and we watched the show on the steps. We returned to the hotel at 3:00 am. The next day we wrote to the hotel guide and demanded compensation. Of course, nothing was returned to us, and no one even apologized.

And the most interesting thing is that those people who bought different excursions, including tickets for the same show in street agencies, went normally, and there were no problems. Perhaps the company's management should think about who they hire and how well their services are provided to tourists.

Irina, Krasnodar

I liked how the company's managers worked in a critical situation. We bought a ticket in Turkey at one of the Moscow offices of the Tez Tour company, but decided to cancel it, because flights were constantly delayed and we did not want to lose money.

So, the managers were sympathetic to our desire, no one expressed dissatisfaction, although I know that usually in such cases the money may not be returned, and when you go on a trip, you pay not for the stated period, but for less.

Now I know which company I will definitely travel with when I get ready.

. "This situation is this moment does not apply to tourists," said the head of the press service of the Federal Tourism Agency Irina Shchegolkova.

Irina Shchegolkova stressed that it was a dispute between two business entities. At the same time, Tez Tour has other air carriers with which they cooperate. About readiness for cooperation with "Tez Tour" already.

Tourists who already have issued tickets for Aeroflot flights can safely use them, TASS assures.

According to the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, the Tez Tour tour operator only does not issue tickets for Aeroflot flights.

All Aeroflot air tickets that Tez Tour previously booked for its customers have been paid for.

“Everything that is booked is paid for. This is not a problem for customers, this is a problem of our relationship,” said Alexander Burtin, commercial director of the tour operator.

According to him, the company is operating normally and fulfills all its obligations to customers and partners. Aeroflot and Tez Tour are negotiating further cooperation.

Alexander Burtin said that due to a decrease in demand for tours for this winter, caused by a sharp depreciation of the ruble against the dollar and the euro, the tour operator asked Aeroflot to revise the terms of the contract, since the volume of traffic will decrease significantly.

“Most likely, disconnecting our company from the booking system is an attempt to influence our desire to change the terms of the contract,” the commercial director of the tour operator suggested. The responsibility rests with the tour operator.

Aeroflot uses a floating rate in its calculations, which it sets in relation to the official exchange rate. If the exchange rate changes, the cost of the airline's services in rubles increases.

"We are trying to decide what is easier for us - to refuse and lose some deposits or continue to lose money on sales every day," Alexander Burtin explained.

Aeroflot disconnected the tour operator from the air ticket booking system, accusing Tez Tour of "stopping paying for services."

Aeroflot's press service declined to comment.

Earlier, Tez Tour "completed the process of optimizing winter programs." As a result, charter programs have been reduced in most destinations. And winter programs were mainly transferred to regular transportation carried out by Aeroflot, S7, Transaero and a number of foreign carriers.

The general director of Tez Tour, Vladimir Kaganer, said that the tour operator has no debts to the airline. The Tez Tour company was founded in 1994. She does not disclose her financial performance, however, according to Forbes magazine, in 2013 her revenue amounted to 30 billion rubles.

Tez Tour is closing? Rumors about the bankruptcy of the tour operator seriously worried the Russians, who from year to year used the services of this company. largest Travel Company Tez Tur can become bankrupt only under a number of circumstances. So far, the situation in the company is not so critical, although Russian tourists should remain on their guard.

Rumors that the largest Russian tour operator Tez Tour is closing arose against the background of the general bankruptcy of well-known Russian travel agencies: Ascent Travel, Perfect world, Lanta Tour, ITC, Capital Tour and others. Considering that Tez Tur serves the vast majority of Russian tourists, if it is declared bankrupt, the country will plunge into a deep tourism crisis. At the same time, rumors about the bankruptcy of Tez Tour remain unfounded, although the company has certain problems.

In particular , after the tourist flow to Turkey and Egypt dried up, the company lost a fairly large amount of income.

Disabling winter armor

More recently, Tez Tour had major disagreements with Aeroflot, which demanded guarantees from the tour operator in ensuring the volume of air transportation. Considering that the tour operator could not provide such guarantees, Tez Tour suspended activities in a number of areas in the long term. However, given that the tour operator cooperates with a dozen other airlines, there is no cause for concern.

The essence of the disagreement with Aeroflot boils down to the fact that starting from October, Tez Tour began to refuse charter flights, transferring passengers to regular ones. This, in turn, may indicate that the company does not have sufficient funds to carry out charters. It is also obvious that when using regular flights, tourists will experience inconvenience, since it will not be possible to make an optimal trip schedule in terms of time. Therefore, of course, it will not come to the point that Tez Tour may close, but the fact that the company began to rapidly reduce its costs is an indisputable fact. So far, however, the restrictions have affected only winter trips. And even then, for a number of popular destinations, the travel company continues to operate as before.

In what cases can Tez Tour go bankrupt?

Tez Tour may go bankrupt due to several factors. The first is a sharp drop in tourist flow as a result. The second is the introduction of diplomatic sanctions against Russia. This tour operator himself claims that 70% of his clients are Russians. In fact, it is likely that the percentage Russian tourists much larger. And if the bankruptcy of the above companies played into the hands of Tez Tour, since the tour operator became almost a monopolist in the Russian market, then global changes can hit the company's economy hard. If it happens that Tez Tour is closed, the Russians will not feel any problems from this, since they will face more radical and tougher difficulties.

But in general, it must be admitted that in order for Tez Tour to suspend its activities, too global economic and political changes must take place. The great advantage of this firm is that its assets are justified by real means. So, for example, Tez Tour owns a huge number of buses, offices, the company's work is carried out directly. Yes, and the income of Tez Tour, received over the past season, more than cover all costs. So while the bankruptcy of this tour operator is out of the question.

Tour operator "Tez Tour" (Tez Tour) continues to work in the tourist market of Russia. There are no reports of problems with sending tourists abroad. The company's call center is operating normally, operators continue to take orders from Russians for vacation. The Tez Tour website is also regularly updated with fresh information and news.

Talk of a possible suspension of Tez Tour's activities came after reports that the largest air carrier, Aeroflot, had ceased cooperation with the company due to millions of dollars in debt.

Tez Tour has been disconnected from the Aeroflot booking system due to a debt of 30 million rubles. This was reported to RIA Novosti by a representative of the air carrier, explaining that the Tez Tour bank guarantee ended on November 2, 2014, about which the tour operator was informed in advance.

In turn, neither Rostourism nor Tez Tour received an official notification from Aeroflot that the tour operator was disconnected from the airline's ticket booking system, Rostourism press secretary Irina Shchegolkova told RIA Novosti.

She drew attention to the fact that information about Tez Tour's debt to Aeroflot and the tour operator's disconnection from the booking system comes from an unofficial anonymous source. Shchegolkova also recalled that the day before, Tez Tour CEO Vladimir Kaganer officially announced that the company had no debts to Aeroflot.

Also, according to a widespread message from the company, all Aeroflot air tickets that Tez Tour previously booked for its customers have been paid for. The company operates as normal and fulfills all its obligations to customers and partners, TASS reports.

Recall that earlier Aeroflot had already disconnected several tour operators from the booking system, which led to a halt in their activities. So, the companies "Ideal Tour" and "Capital Tour" were turned off.

We add that "Tez Tour" (Tez Tour) also cooperates with the air carrier "Transaero". They said that the company has no financial problems with Tez Tour, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the press service of the carrier.

The S7 airline, which also works with Tez Tour, has no problems with the tour operator, a representative of S7 told TASS.

In October, "Tez Tour" (Tez Tour) reported on the optimization of winter programs. The tour operator cut winter charter programs in most areas and transferred the tourist flow to regular flights.

“This will affect all mass destinations, primarily Asia, in particular, Thailand. To a lesser extent, this will affect Egypt,” said Alexander Burtin, commercial director of the Tez Tour tour operator.

Despite the fact that we are not talking about closing the company, it is too early to talk about the expansion and development of projects with Biblio Globus, Butrin said.

According to Rostourism press secretary Irina Shchegolkova, now almost all operators are reducing and optimizing their activities so as not to gain more places than they can sell.