The highest seamount in the world. Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world underwater

Which mountain is the highest in the world? It depends on how you measure them. There are two mountains that claim to be the tallest in the world. The summit of Mount Everest is higher above sea level than the summit of any other mountain, but Mauna Kea is the highest when measured from base to summit. Mauna Kea, an inactive volcano in Hawaii, is the most... high mountain in the world, measured from the base, deep in the Pacific Ocean, to the top. Discussion of the height issue hinges on the fact that most of Mauna Kea in Hawaii is underwater, and therefore measuring from the aforementioned sea level does not do justice to the enormous size.

The summit of Mauna Kea is 4,205 meters above sea level, but it extends approximately 6,000 meters below the surface of the water. Therefore, the total height is 10,210 meters, which is almost one and a half kilometers more than Mount Everest, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Thus, it is included in the list of the highest mountains in the world.

In Hawaiian, Mauna Kea means " White Mountain" and its snowy peak attract skiers and snowboarders. Its lower slopes are popular areas for hunting, hiking, sightseeing and bird watching.

Its location near the equator makes Mauna Kea an excellent astronomical observation site. Low humidity and clear skies make weather near the top of the volcano are almost ideally suited for many of the world's leading space observatories. The mountain's distance from city lights and the island's stark lighting also help provide the atmospheric clarity that telescopes require.

Mauna Kea is currently home to 13 telescopes, including NASA's Infrared Telescopes, Caltech Observatory and Japan's Subaru Telescope, as well as the Keck Interferometer Telescope, the largest single-mirror telescope in the world. Mauna Kea Center webcams allow viewers online to witness these star observatories in action.

The summit of Mauna Kea holds another record. In addition to being the top of the tallest mountain in the world, it is also home to the largest astronomical observatory in the world. This observatory is located above 40% of the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere at the top of the mountain is extremely dry and almost free of clouds. This makes it an ideal location for an observatory. This is one of the few places where you can see snow in Hawaii - the elevation is high enough and cold enough to accumulate snow.

In Hawaiian mythology, the peaks of the island of Hawaii are sacred, and Mauna Kea is one of the most sacred. An ancient law allowed only high-ranking tribal leaders to visit this peak. Ancient Hawaiians living on the slopes of Mauna Kea relied on its vast forests for food and quarried basalt from its slopes to make tools. IN last years concerns about the vulnerability of the native species led to court cases that forced the Department of Lands and Natural resources destroy all wild species on the mountain.

Despite the fact that Mauna Kea rises above sea level “only” a little over 4,200 meters, this mountain is the highest on our planet. Most of it is hidden under water, and its foot begins at a depth of more than 10,000 m. Thus, it is Mauna Kei that holds the record for the highest mountain, and not Everest, as is commonly believed.

Mauna Kea is located on Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and is the most high point in that region.

The islanders have great respect for the mountain, considering it to be its peak sacred place. Even today, not all Hawaiians can climb to the summit, and only high-ranking chiefs are allowed to visit the peak of Mauna Kei.

The age of the mountain is about 1 million years, but it “lived” its most active period of life about 500 thousand years ago, and currently the volcano is extinct, and scientists believe that no eruption is expected in the foreseeable future. Although Mauna Kea activity cannot be completely ruled out, most residents of the region feel quite calm. The fact is that there are 13 observatories on the top of the mountain - the mountain is simply ideal for astronomical observations. Scientists who are constantly located above the very mouth of the volcano, as well as scientific geological equipment located there, minimize the suddenness of the onset of the eruption. Therefore, the USGS assigned the volcano the lowest possible rating.

Although Mauna Kea is located in tropical latitudes, at its summit all year round snow lies, forming large ice caps over the centuries. The slopes of the volcano are completely overgrown with dense forest, in some places almost impenetrable.

The ancient Hawaiians revered the Mauna Kea bush, which provided them with food. Before Europeans arrived on the island, indigenous people existed thanks to the fruits of the forest. However, the appearance of domestic animals with " big land“only shook the ecological balance of nature, and some representatives of the unique fauna disappeared, and the remaining ones are under pressure from introduced animals and plants. It got to the point that the Hawaiian authorities took an unprecedented step, announcing the beginning of the eradication of introduced species of flora and fauna.

At the top of the volcano there is the so-called alpine belt. This place is characterized by high lighting (and therefore high solar radiation). The average air temperature is below zero degrees. Strong winds are typical. Neither trees nor shrubs grow in such alpine meadows. Most of flora in this zone it is represented by low herbaceous perennials, including evergreens.

At the top of Mauna Kea is the Alpine Belt Nature Reserve. Under its protection are all representatives of the animal and plant world that live at such a high altitude. The wolf spider lives here, which can live at an altitude of 4,200 m. The total number of spiders on the summit is not known, since the study of the endemic began only in the 80s of the 20th century.

A local attraction is the Forest Scarf butterfly, which hides in the crevices of stones that are heated and retain the heat received during the day

Below the alpine meadows lies a forest of Goldenleaf Sophora, a leguminous tree found only in Hawaii. The forest area is constantly shrinking, under the yoke of introduced species. It is estimated that the current area of ​​Sophora's forests is only 10% of its former size, so they are declared critically endangered. Now the entire forest area (212 sq. km) is a nature reserve.

Below 2 km. there is the lower zone of Mauna Kea, which is also a nature reserve. It is home to 8 species of birds that are on the verge of extinction, and 12 species of plants, the numbers of which are also inexorably falling. The ecosystem was greatly damaged by Europeans who arrived in Hawaii and cut down a significant part of the trees for their settlements, as well as clearing places for future sugar plantations.

More than 100 thousand tourists from all over the world visit the mountain every year. There is a road to the peak that can be used by powerful SUVs. The main attraction at the top of the volcano (besides the beautiful view) is the observatory. 13 scientific astronomical centers from 11 countries have been built on Mauna Kea.

During the winter months, when the snowpack is denser, many visitors to Mauna Kea ski. True, the routes are chosen not at the very top, where the wind speed can reach 110 km/h, but slightly lower.

The origins of Mauna Kea began approximately 800,000 years ago, the mountain is located on Hawaiian Islands .

Mauna Kea translates to “White Mountain” and the name comes from the snow that covers the top of the mountain from November to March.

Joseph Goodrich climbed the mountain for the first time in 1823, but it still attracts climbers

Many different legends and stories are associated with Mauna Kea. Some Hawaiians today believe that the mountain is protected by the great goddess “Pele”, and if anyone encroaches on even a small piece of the mountain, she will inevitably kill that person.

Mount Mauna Kea is very unusual and beautiful.

Thousands of tourists come here every year to see what this very thing looks like. big mountain in the world, although it does not take first place in height.

Mauna Kea is an amazing and mysterious mountain in America .

If you think Everest is the most high mountain in the world, then you are mistaken. Everest is the highest point on the planet. A point, but not a mountain. The record holder for height is in Hawaii. This Mount Mauna Kea.

The fact is that there is a small incident here. What should be taken as height - the absolute indicator from the base to the top or the height above sea level? It is logical to assume that the size of a mountain should be determined by its absolute height. Imagine that you walked waist-deep into the water of some amazing beach, for example, Hanauma Bay in Hawaii, has your height changed? Of course not. So, the first place comes out to Mount Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii of the archipelago of the same name.

Mauna Kea on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 19.822098, -155.467083
  • Distance from the state capital, Honolulu, approximately 300 km
  • To the nearest International airport Hilo about 45 km

The absolute height of Mauna Kea is 10,203 meters. Its peak is located at an altitude of 4,205 meters above the sea, but the rest is hidden in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Thus, its height exceeds the height of Everest by 1355 meters, making it the highest mountain in the world.

Although it is actually a volcano (one of five on the island), approximately 1 million years old. About 500 thousand years ago it was powerful and very active. Gradually the volcanic activity died down. The last eruption occurred about 4,500 years ago. On this moment The volcano is considered extinct. Even the American Geological Survey assigned the volcano the lowest activity rating.

Mauna Kea means White Mountain in Hawaiian. This is quite understandable, since in winter the top of the mountain is covered with a cap of snow. Tourists can even go skiing there. But not at the very top, where the wind speed exceeds 100 km/h, but a little lower. There is a completely normal road on the mountain, along which you can drive SUVs almost to the very peak.

According to Hawaiian lore, the island's peaks are sacred, and the Mauna Kea volcano is the most sacred of them all. Only the highest-ranking leaders of local tribes have the right to go there. Ordinary Hawaiians are prohibited from climbing.

Apparently, this ban does not apply to tourists and scientists, since the former climb 100 thousand a year to the top of Mauna Kea, and the latter have set up as many as 13 observatories there. By the way, these astronomical centers belong to 11 countries.

It’s not for nothing that astronomers liked the mountain, because it’s one of the most best places for space observations. The altitude of the location, proximity to the equator, and minimal cloudiness create ideal conditions for this. But there are still disagreements with the local population about the legality of construction scientific centers in a sacred place. Plus to this, a large number of tourists, which can harm the ecology of the volcano. There is debate about this too.

  • This is the highest point in Hawaii
  • According to scientists, the volume of Mauna Kea is more than 3,200 cubic kilometers
  • The volcano occupies 22.8% of the entire island

Mauna Kea photo

It has been known since school that the highest mountain on Earth is Everest (Chomolungma). This is true if you measure the height of the mountain only above sea level. This raises the question, which is the tallest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea or Everest?

Not everyone knows that there are mountains on Earth that grow from the “bottom of the sea.” Mount Mauna Kea, located in the Hawaiian Islands, is one of them. It rises from the ocean, leaving almost 6,000 meters under water. Only a small part of it rises above the surface of the water - only 4205 meters. This fact contributed to the classification of Mauna Kea as a low mountain. The actual height of the dormant volcano is more than 10,200 meters. If you measure the distance from the base of the mountain to its peak, it turns out that Chomolungma is not the highest mountain. Victory will remain with Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano.

Local tribes call it “White Mountain” because of the abundance of snow on the slopes, which skiers love. Among the local tribes, Mauna Kea is considered sacred mountain. Its age is almost a million years old. Only tribal leaders can climb to the top of a sleeping volcano to communicate with spirits.

For many centuries, the mountain fed and clothed the native tribes and provided them with material for construction. But in Lately everything has changed. The once dense and impenetrable forests have thinned out significantly, rare representatives of flora and fauna have disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. This happened due to a disruption of the eco-system due to the active reproduction of animals brought from the “mainland” and deforestation by Europeans.

Every year, tourists from all over the world visit the White Mountain to admire the beautiful views and go skiing. The attraction of Mauna Kea is a large observatory with 13 powerful telescopes, located on the top. The favorable climate on its slopes, as well as convenient humidity levels, make observations here as comfortable as possible for scientists, allowing them to make unexpected discoveries.

Answering the question which mountain is higher - White Mountain or Everest, we can say with confidence that White Mountain is higher. Chomolungma rises 8848 meters above sea level, which is less than the height of Mauna Kea by more than a kilometer.
Despite this, Everest is the most popular among climbers. This is explained by its impressive height. Every year, thousands of people strive to reach the top of Everest, despite all the dangers that may await them during the climb. At the same time, many also dream of conquering the top of Mauna Kea. Despite the seemingly “simple” 4200 meters to overcome, it is not so easy to do, as even experienced climbers are convinced of.

The volcano is unofficially the highest mountain on the planet, if the height is taken as the distance from the foot of the mountain to the top. The peak is located in the Hawaiian Islands.

Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii

Despite the fact that the volcano rises above sea level “only” 4,205 meters, this mountain is the highest on our planet. Most of it is hidden under water, and its foot begins at a depth of about 6 kilometers. General height of Mauna Kea- 10210 m. Thus, it holds the record for the highest mountain on Earth.

Located on the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and is the highest point in that region. The islanders have great respect for the mountain, considering its peak a sacred place. Even today, not all Hawaiians can climb to the summit, and only high-ranking chiefs are allowed to visit the peak.

The age of the mountain is about 1 million years, but it “lived” its most active period of life about 500 thousand years ago, and currently the volcano is extinct, and scientists believe that no eruption is expected in the foreseeable future. Although its activity cannot be completely ruled out, most residents of the region feel quite calm. The fact is that there are 13 observatories on the top of the mountain - the mountain is simply ideal for astronomical observations. Scientists who are constantly located above the very mouth of the volcano, as well as scientific geological equipment located there, minimize the suddenness of the onset of the eruption. Therefore, the USGS assigned the volcano the lowest possible rating.

Although Mauna Kea is located in tropical latitudes, snow lies on its summit all year round, having formed large ice caps over the centuries. The slopes of the volcano are completely overgrown with dense forest, in some places almost impenetrable. The ancient Hawaiians revered the Mauna Kea bush, which provided them with food. Before the arrival of Europeans on the island, the indigenous population existed thanks to the fruits of the forest. However, the appearance of domestic animals from the “mainland” only shook the ecological balance of nature, and some representatives of the unique fauna disappeared, and the rest are under pressure from introduced animals and plants. It got to the point that the Hawaiian authorities took an unprecedented step, announcing the beginning of the eradication of introduced species of flora and fauna.

Mauna Kea: flora and fauna

At the top there is the so-called alpine belt. This place is characterized by high lighting (and therefore high solar radiation). The average air temperature is below zero degrees. Strong winds are typical. Neither trees nor shrubs grow in such alpine meadows. Most of the flora in this zone is represented by low herbaceous perennials, including evergreens.

At the top of Mauna Kea is the Alpine Preserve. Under its protection are all representatives of the animal and plant world that live at such a high altitude. The wolf spider lives here, which can live at an altitude of 4,200 m. The total number of spiders on the summit is not known, since the study of the endemic began only in the 80s of the 20th century. A local attraction is the Forest Scarf butterfly, which hides in the crevices of stones that are heated and retain the heat received during the day.

Below the alpine meadows lies a forest of Goldenleaf Sophora, a leguminous tree found only in Hawaii. The forest area is constantly shrinking, under the yoke of introduced species. It is estimated that the current area of ​​Sophora's forests is only 10% of its former size, so they are declared critically endangered. Now the entire forest area (212 sq. km) is a nature reserve.

Below 2 km. there is a lower zone , which is also a nature reserve. It is home to 8 species of birds that are on the verge of extinction, and 12 species of plants, the numbers of which are also inexorably falling. The ecosystem was greatly damaged by Europeans who arrived in Hawaii and cut down a significant part of the trees for their settlements, as well as clearing places for future sugar plantations.