Bandit plane. "Dangerous" and expensive private jet of Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich is the most discussed and most popular among the common people Russian oligarch, and by no means because he is a particularly generous philanthropist or rushes into politics. It's just that the tabloid press most often writes about Abramovich, and it is his life and achievements that are most interesting to follow, since Roman Arkadievich himself gladly shares the details of his life with journalists. The fabulous wealth of Abramovich has long been the talk of the town, and some jokes about him can be counted for several dozen. On the eve of the 47th birthday of the Russian Croesus, which he celebrates on October 24, we will look at his most expensive "toys"

Personal football club

Long before Roman Abramovich became the full owner of the British Chelsea FC, this news was exaggerated in the press. The public was perplexed: why should a Russian oligarch buy a bourgeois football team, what is Abramovich going to do with this acquisition? Many thought the news of the Chelsea purchase was a hoax until Abramovich formally bought the club's shares for £140m in 2003 and began investing heavily in the club. Analysts say that maintaining a team of this level is not at all a profitable business, however, Abramovich did not buy it to earn money - this is his own, pocket club, an expensive hobby that only a few in this world can afford

Yacht Eclipse

At the time of her launch (2009), this snow-white beauty was considered the largest private vessel in the world, but now she is in second place in the ranking. Luxurious luxury cabins can accommodate up to 36 passengers. Abramovich often throws business receptions for his friends at the Eclipse

Plane "Bandit"

Personal Boeing 767-33A / ER Abramovich dubbed Bandit because of the presence of a black strip under the cockpit for pilots, evoking associations with a bandit armband. The oligarch bought it in 2004 for personal needs. According to Izvestia, the interior decoration of the salons cost Abramovich $10 million, and mahogany and natural gilding were used as finishing materials.

Premium fleet

Abramovich treats cars like a secular lady treats fur coats - he does not change them like gloves, but if he replenishes his fleet with new cars, then this will be the most expensive, most status car. So, in the garage of Roman Arkadievich there is a frisky horse Ferrari FXX limited edition, there are only three dozen such machines worldwide

Black armored limousine Maybach 62, and not one, but two - the second will come in handy in case the first one runs out of gas. The cost of one such vehicle is $1.3 million.

Also in the Abramovich car collection there are several “simpler” horses:

Luxurious kupeshka Porsche Carrera GT

Recently recognized as one of the most unprofitable cars in the world Bugatti Veyron

Another representative of the racing family - Ferrari 360

Italian sports car of stunning design - Maserati MC12 Corsa

Also in the huge garage of Abramovich you can find all sorts of Rolls-Royces, Mercedes, Lexuses - the oligarch does not even consider such a trifle

Castle and other real estate

No particularly royal blood would certainly refuse to live in the castle-villa Chateau de la Croe, located on Cote d'Azur. Previously, this villa belonged to the Windsor dynasty, the ruling royal dynasty in Great Britain. Journalists calculated that the acquisition and arrangement of the castle cost Abramovich approximately $40 million.

When Abramovich gets bored with the Riviera, he goes skiing to America. There, on prestigious resort Aspen, where all the cream of Western show business rests, he bought a cozy house with a mountain view

Well, when from time to time Abramovich calls in the capital of our Motherland, he stops at his residence near Moscow. It can be assumed that on December 21 last year he met there: after all, according to rumors, the oligarch’s villa near Moscow is equipped with a personal bunker in case nuclear war or some cataclysm

Comments (7)

    Raspberry Reply

    Why hasn’t he bought the mainland for himself yet ... private.
    And from the inhabitants to take a tax for the use.

    Lana Reply

    You might think. he alone lives like this, from the mighty of this world

    Semen Reply

    • Semen Reply

      I could pull my memory, I woke up, I don’t remember the little children come and they say give an apostator Roman Abromovich, I think good children and ask further Shol Swol Supply and says you were Sychev Ronaldo Kaka, I say no, I was Sychev Ronaldo Kaka further Shol Shol Zhenshin Says that you were Sergey Galitsky, Was Sychev Ronaldo Kaka Barack Obama Dmevdev Roman Abromovich Alishar Ozhmanov Mikhail Prokhorov Messi Bukhkam Bil Gates Rosen Podun Fidun Potanin Fridan Fridan Carlos Mukesh Ambashi I write here, Magnit Eltoroda M. Vidio Craduate Bijan Fix Firad. MY FOR MY MONEY FACTORIES FIRARI LOMBARJNI MAYBACH URAL NISSAN AUDI CADILAC ASTON MARTIN WERE MY FOR MY F E MONEY I BROKEN ALL THE SUVESHIEN INTERNET SITES OF THE WORLD LIKE YESHO TV CHANNELS OF THE WORLD TO BECOME MY MONEY FOR MY MONEY I PAID MY MONEY FOR THEM AND THEY BECAME MY MONEY FOR MY MONEY I myself live in the Chelyabinsk region of the city of Miasse myself a disabled person, I’m going to scream all the eminom Aneim, and so it was an eminency, I came up with Siba Nick Hzibit eh, they wanted to get me to the cops. Non -poked Shol fell, hit my head on the ice. The chip fell out of my head. Please find that her mother says that I thought that I was strangled and invented that I had schizophrenia and I found myself in a fool, my mother says that Nebudesh goes to bed at 22-00 in a psychiatric hospital, says that Nebudesh is a bible to read to a psychiatric hospital says that Nebudesh is going to the temple in the temple in the temple in the temple in the temple PSYCHOUS SAYS THAT YOU WILL GO TO THE PSYCHIA I AM MY MOTHER MY PRIESTS SLEEP WITH HOMELS SCREAM I BOUGHT SIBE ALL FOOTBALL HOCKEY VALEBALL BASKETBALL CLUBS FOR MY MONEY SIBE BOUGHT WRITE HERE PEOPLE ARE GOOD E I THINK WE LOVE WORLD AND FOOTBALL

      Sergey Reply

      Karting. I want to help children!

      We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they got the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor of the Samara region for a reception. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me.
      After that, they gave us the premises where we are now based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow recruiting children.
      The last two competitions were missed due to lack of money.
      And most of the karts need repair. This is the position our circle is in.
      We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. We are waiting for help for the second year. We decided to apply via the Internet, maybe someone will agree to become
      our sponsor. Maybe someone will just provide financial assistance.
      The world is not without good people.
      You can contact me through social networks or write to the mail [email protected]
      Yandex 410013054375238
      qiwi +79397086879

      Sergey020 Reply

      Karting. I want to help children!
      If you understand that your need is charitable help, then pay attention to this article.
      Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business, turned to you for help.
      Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
      They go to classes where, under the guidance of an experienced coach, they learn the techniques of high-speed driving.
      Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose the speed.
      The basis of victory on the track is a good qualification. And, of course, professional cards.
      Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
      How much pleasure and new sensations the guys experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car.
      Maybe not only the champions of Russia, but even the future world champions in this sport grow up in such a circle?!
      You can help the children's section of karting, which is located in the city of Syzran. They're in a dire situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergey Krasnov.
      Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my pupils work.
      They love this developing sport and really want to continue their education.
      “Dear citizens! I appeal to you with a request to help the karting section survive in the city of Syzran.
      Previously, there were TWO young technician stations in the city, and each had a karting section. Karting was also in the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. Closed - does not turn to say, just destroyed!
      We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they got the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor of the Samara region for a reception. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me. our patron. Maybe someone will just provide financial assistance.
      The world is not without good people.
      You can contact me through social networks. Or write to the mail [email protected]. Fundraising can be done at
      Yandex 410013054375238
      qiwi +79397086879
      Sberbank card 4276540016094496 If anyone has a problem with the transfer. Money can be sent by mail as a parcel or sent in a box by a freight company. Business Line. Package 446012 Samara region, Syzran
      47 Novosibirskaya st. Krasnov Sergey. Passport data is there. You can buy Karting equipment and send it to this address by a CARGO COMPANY.
      We don't sit. In this difficult time, we do not close the section, we do not abandon children, it is difficult, but we work. Do good. Good will return to you. Best regards, Sergei.


      Billionaire Roman Abramovich came in first place in the ranking of businessmen who own private jets, compiled by the magazine "Finance"

      Abramovich bought the airliner in 2004, he planned to turn the aircraft into a headquarters, recalls RIA Novosti. According to eyewitnesses, the interior of this aircraft can only be compared with the equipment of the aircraft of US President Barack Obama. So, Abramovich's liner is equipped with an anti-missile system worth $1.5 million.

      The second place in the list of the owner of air transport is occupied by the owner of Nafta Moskva, a member of the Federation Council Suleiman Kerimov . He owns three aircraft: a $50-52 million Boeing 737-7BJ/W BBJ, a $35 million Gulfstream G-V, and a $55 million Gulfstream G550. The third place is occupied by the co-owner of Wimm-Bill-Dann David Yakobashvili , which owns a $26-28 million Bombardier Challenger 604 and a $45 million Gulfstream GV-SP.

      Also among the owners of private jets is the president of the Onexim group Mikhail Prokhorov , he has two aircraft: a $45 million Gulfstream GV-SP and a $28-30 million Falcon 900 EX. Chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of Russian Standard Bank Rustam Tariko has a Boeing 737-7BJ/W BBJ for 50-52 million. State Duma deputy, co-owner of Metalloinvest Andrey Skoch owns an Airbus A319-115CJ worth about $50 million.

      The main owner and chairman of the supervisory board of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman there is Bombardier Global Express for $48 million. Ranked tenth owner of the United Industrial Corporation, member of the Federation Council Sergei Pugachev owns two aircraft: a $25 million Falcon 2000 Ex Easy and a $10 million Gulfstream IIB.

      According to experts, there are just over 450 owners of business jets in Russia. A business jet is understood as a small VIP-class jet aircraft, most often foreign-made with no more than 19 seats. According to experts, it is not customary to discuss the issue of aircraft ownership by the Russian business elite. At the same time, almost all such aircraft are most often registered to commercial structures.

      According to rumors, the owners of air transport are also some politicians and artists. Yes, at Philip Kirkorov , according to some reports, there is an American aircraft Cessna Citation III. United Russia, Member of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy Grigory Anikeev indicated on his tax return that he owns a Falcon 2000 Ex Easy aircraft. Governor Kaliningrad region George Boos also admitted that in 2009 he purchased a plane with 9 seats.

      As for the planes on which President Medvedev travels, as it became known, foreign planes of the Falcon category were recently purchased for the presidential squadron at a price of $50 million apiece. The French heavy jets are five times more economical than, for example, the domestic IL-96-300.

      According to the magazine, entrepreneurs capable of buying several winged cars move around the world on jets - Oleg Deripaska, Mikhail Prokhorov, Viktor Vekselberg .

      The fleet of firms involved in the organization of VIP transportation consists mainly of jets. According to various sources, there are several dozen such companies in the country. According to sources, the richest man in Russia Vladimir Lisin does not own a private jet, but uses the services of a VIP airline based in Vnukovo-3. However, as a rule, the clientele of leased aircraft is different - their services are used by about 4.5 thousand businessmen who do not want to purchase an aircraft or do not fly very often. So, for a flight to Europe, these people are ready to pay about 30-40 thousand euros.

      One of the reasons wealthy people buy their own planes is because of the complicated routes, when you have to visit several places in a limited time. So, the president of the bank "Avangard" Kirill Minovalov pilots his own Cessna aircraft and thus effectively manages his time negotiating with partners in Europe. He is in the malting and glass business. According to statistics, up to 80% of business jet flights are made to airports where there is no regular schedule or it is limited to two or three flights.

      Another problem that rich people solve by purchasing an aircraft is safety. After all, any owner of a business jet does not fly alone, but together with managers and security. If a businessman used a scheduled or charter aircraft, he would have to buy half the cabin for his team.

      The Russian jet fleet for the most part consists of corporate aircraft, which are used primarily in the interests of legal entities. For such entrepreneurs, their own board becomes an investment in improving business efficiency and communication capabilities of the company, experts say.

      However, not all wealthy people are doing well. Some are forced to sell their planes. Last year, many cars were put up for sale, but no one was interested in them. So, the co-owners of Sibir Energy unsuccessfully tried to get rid of their own ships Shalva Chigirinsky and Mirax Group Sergei Polonsky . Israeli businessman Lev Leviev , which owns AFI Development in Russia, nevertheless sold its Bombardier Global 5000 for $46 million.

      Anton Verzhbitsky

      If you combine the private jets of Russian billionaires into one company, you get a major carrier, the second in terms of the number of aircraft after Aeroflot with a fleet of more than 250 aircraft. In total, the Russians own up to 500 business jets, and most of them are registered abroad. Sanctions against Russian businessmen adopted by the US Treasury on April 6, 2018 ruined the life of billionaires and launched a wave of sales.

      5. Airbus A320

      Year of issue: 2008
      Estimated owner: Andrey Kozitsyn
      Country of registration: Austria
      Assessed value: $67 000 000

      The plane and its unique livery with gold patterns and a bird on the tail went to the Russian billionaire from the previous owner, the Saudi Saad Group, the bankrupt billionaire Maan al-Sanea. The plane was relocated from Saudi Arabia to Yekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport. The plane can often be seen in European cities - Verona, Vienna and Paris. Also, this Airbus often visits the cities where the Ekaterinburg hockey club "Avtomobilist" holds its games, sponsored by the UMMC (Andrey Kozitsyn is a co-owner of the company). Sometimes the hockey team itself flies to them.

      The whole world knows a man named Roman Abramovich. His biography, however, contains many controversial points. Why in 1992 did he almost end up behind bars? How did Boris Yeltsin's family perceive him? What state did the second wife of the oligarch receive after the divorce? And why did he please the population of Chukotka so much? This will be discussed in the article.

      Abramovich Roman Arkadievich: biography

      The future billionaire was born in Saratov in 1966, on October 24, in a Jewish family - Arkady Nakhimovich and Irina Vasilievna. When the boy was only a year old, his mother died. Soon, as a result of an accident at a construction site, his father also died - the boy was then four years old. From that time on, the family of his uncle from Ukhta was engaged in the upbringing of the future magnate. Some time later, in 1974, Abramovich left for Moscow to live with his other uncle.

      After serving in Kirzhach in the army, Roman entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering. The young man there demonstrated excellent organizational skills. However, Roman Abramovich never graduated from the university. His biography changed dramatically when, in the late 1980s, he took up entrepreneurship, which soon led him to oil trading activities.

      Criminal case

      In 1992, the businessman was suspected of stealing state property and taken into custody. Then a train with diesel fuel (the total cost of which was 3.8 million rubles) was missing, en route from Ukhta to the city of Syktyvkar on the instructions of the AVEX-Komi company. Later it turned out that the fuel was delivered to Riga and became the property of the AKV company, CEO which just was Roman Abramovich. The biography of the entrepreneur could have turned out differently if he had gone to prison then, but the case was soon closed due to the lack of corpus delicti.

      Business and access to the state level

      In the 1990s, Abramovich began to associate closely with Boris Berezovsky and became a member of Boris Yeltsin's house. The president's family invited Roman to move into an apartment in the Kremlin, where they began to call him "Mr. A".

      In 1996, the entrepreneur, being the head of the board of directors of the Noyabrskneftegaz joint-stock company, also headed the Moscow branch of Sibneft. In 1999, he was elected a deputy for the Chukotka IO No. 223. After that, in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Abramovich registered Sibneft partner companies responsible for the sale of petroleum products and the “black” gold itself.

      The businessman was not a member of any Duma faction. He changed the Duma in 2000 to the chair of the governor of Chukotka. According to media reports, Roman donated over $2.5 billion to the development of the Autonomous Okrug. To this day, Abramovich confidently ranks first in the list of the most generous domestic benefactors.

      The year 2003 in the life of the oligarch was marked by the purchase of the English football club Chelsea, which at that time was on the verge of ruin. After that, the entrepreneur actually moved to the UK.

      In 2005, Abramovich sold his stake in Sibneft to Gazprom for $13.1 billion.

      The businessman repeatedly tried to resign as governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, but each time Russian President Putin persuaded him. The biographer of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Chris Hutchins, describes in detail the relationship between the president and the oligarch. According to him, they talked like a father and a beloved son, while Abramovich addressed Putin as “you”, because he is older than him.

      In July 2008, Roman was dismissed from the post of governor of Chukotka by President Dmitry Medvedev, who cited Abramovich's personal desire as the reason for his decision. In October 2008, the entrepreneur became chairman of the Chukotka Duma.

      Roman Abramovich: biography. Personal life

      The billionaire was officially married twice. His first wife, Olga Yurievna Lysova, was a native of Astrakhan. The second wife of Roman Vyacheslavovna Malandina (after marriage - Abramovich), was a stewardess by profession. She gave birth to the oligarch five children: three daughters and two sons. In 1992, Anna was born, in 1993 Arkady was born, in 1995 the family was replenished with another child - Sophia, in 2001 Arina was born, and finally in 2003 Ilya was born. Despite such a number of children, the marriage could not be saved - it broke up in March 2007, when the spouses were divorced by the Chukotka District Court. They independently agreed on how the division of property will be made and with whom the children will live. As you know, after the divorce, Malandina received an amount of $ 300 million from her ex-husband.

      Now the businessman is meeting with designer Daria Zhukova (see photo below). Despite the fact that they are not officially scheduled, in 2009 Daria gave birth to a son to the billionaire. They named him Aaron Alexander. And in April 2013, another daughter of Roman Abramovich, Leya, was born.


      The entrepreneur owns a huge amount of all sorts of property. He has three luxury yachts, which the Western media dubbed the "Abramovich Fleet":

      • Eclipse is the second longest motor yacht in the world.
      • Luna is a sailboat 115 meters long designed for expeditions.
      • Sussurro is another yacht of Roman Abramovich, permanently located in Antibes. It has a length of 50 meters and is used as an escort vessel.

      Previously, the billionaire owned other large yachts, but subsequently sold or donated them. The $300 million Pelorus was taken over by David Giffen, the Le Grand Bleu was donated to Evgeny Shvidler, and the Ecstasea was sold by Roman in 2009 to an unknown buyer.

      Air Transport

      In addition to water transport, Abramovich owns air vehicles. He owns a Boeing 767-33A, known as the "Bandit" due to its characteristic coloration. This plane was first ordered by Hawaiian Airlines, but then she canceled the order, and Roman decided to buy a Boeing. Another Abramovich aircraft - A340-313X - was purchased by him in 2008. The entrepreneur also owns three helicopters that serve the yachts owned by him.

      Ground transport

      Ground Vehicle The oligarch has two armored limousines worth a million pounds each. In addition, Roman is the owner of numerous cars, most of which were made to order and are exclusive models, and a Ducati motorcycle, whose fairings are painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor with airbrushing in the form of a double-headed


      As you know, every year Forbes magazine names names on the planet and publishes information about their accumulations. In accordance with these data, at the end of 2013, Roman Abramovich was in 68th place in the ranking of world billionaires. His fortune at the end of 2014 was estimated at $9.1 billion. In the list, the entrepreneur takes 14th place.

      Let's talk about what kind of real estate the oligarch has. He owns:

      • a £29 million penthouse in Kensington;
      • a £28 million West Sussex villa;
      • a six-storey cottage in Knightsbridge, priced at £18 million;
      • a £15 million house in France;
      • a house in St. Tropez for 40 million pounds;
      • a five-story mansion in Belgravia, the price of which is 11 million pounds;
      • dacha in the suburbs worth £8 million.

      Forbes found the planes that fly Abramovich, Usmanov, Fridman, Prokhorov and others Russian billionaires

      Forbes analyzed what the participants in the list of the richest Russians prefer to fly on. According to the publication, most often the technique of famous people in business is very recognizable: billionaires like to stand out with the color of their vehicle or an unusual registration number.

      Yes, Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich prefers to fly Boeing 767-300ER with P4-MES number. This 11 year old aircraft can often be seen in different corners planets: Nice, Salzburg, Saint Martin, Tel Aviv. The rich geography is explained by the capabilities of the Boeing 767-300ER, registered on the island of Aruba. The ER prefix in the modification of this vessel means an increased flight range, which allows you to make non-stop flights over a distance of up to 11 thousand kilometers. Such an airliner can accommodate up to 245 passengers, its length is 54.9 meters, its wingspan is 47.6 meters, and the catalog value of the aircraft is $191.5 million. Among spotters (lovers of photographing aircraft), the ship received the nickname "Bandit" for the characteristic black stripe near the cockpit, reminiscent of dark glasses. A 1:500 scale model of the "Bandit" is even sold in souvenir shops.

      Plane of Roman Abramovich

      Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman often flies on his Mi-171 helicopter with the number RA-25777. A very unusual vehicle, if only for the reason that this helicopter has an interesting color and a lucky number ending in three sevens. Probably Fridman flies on this helicopter to his recreation center in the Tver region. According to the manufacturer, the maximum flight range of such a vessel is 600-800 kilometers, depending on the configuration, cruising speed- 230 kilometers per hour, catalog price - 10 million dollars.

      Helicopter of Mikhail Fridman

      Owner of the Onexim group, co-owner of OK Rusal Mikhail Prokhorov prefers to fly a 6-year-old Airbus A319 with M-RBUS number. it big liner with dynamic coloring and callsign Silver Arrows. According to Airbus specifications, the aircraft is 33.8 meters long, has a wingspan of 35.8 meters, seats up to 156 passengers, and has a list price of $88.6 million. However, the interior of the liner, most likely, was specially redesigned for the needs of the client.

      Mikhail Prokhorov's plane

      Airbus A319 aircraft with M-KATE registration, which is used by a Russian businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, a few years ago attracted the attention of journalists, primarily British. Reporters tried to figure out if the plane with such a talking registration had anything to do with Kate Middleton, wife of the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William. However, it is most likely that the A319 received such registration in honor of Rybolovlev's daughter, Katerina. The aircraft belonged to Sophar Property Holding BVI, which Uralkali acquired while still under Rybolovlev's control. After the sale of Uralkali, the entrepreneur bought Sophar's assets from Sophar.

      Dmitry Rybolovlev's plane

      Member of the Board of Directors of OAO NOVATEK Gennady Timchenko prefers to fly his Gulfstream G650 OH-GVV. This aircraft is capable of making a non-stop flight over a distance of 12,964 kilometers and taking on board up to 18 passengers. In August last year, the businessman complained to the press that, due to sanctions, Gulfstream could not sell him new aircraft and service those already purchased. Thus, he is forced to ask charter flights when he needs to fly somewhere.

      The plane of Gennady Timchenko

      Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank Oleg Tinkov prefers to travel aboard a Falcon 900LX with an M-TINK registration, according to his account photos in social networks. A recognizable feature is the coat of arms on the tail of the aircraft, the same one that Tinkoff Bank customers see on cards and official documents. According to the manufacturer, this type of aircraft has a wingspan of 21.38 meters, can accommodate up to 19 passengers, can fly non-stop over a distance of up to 8,890 kilometers, for example, fly from Moscow to Tokyo. The cost of the aircraft on the market is 20-32 million dollars, depending on the condition, modification and configuration.

      Oleg Tinkov's plane

      Founder and major shareholder of USM Holdings Alisher Usmanov flies a 6-year-old Airbus A340-300 number M-IABU. Usmanov's liner is the largest among all the aircraft of the participants in the rating of the richest Russians. The liner is called Bourkhan (it is believed that in honor of the father of Alisher Usmanov), and its registration can be deciphered as “I, Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov (I, Alischer Burchanovich Usmanov). According to Airbus, the flight range of aircraft of this type is up to 13.7 thousand kilometers, the wingspan is 60.3 meters, the length is 63.69 meters, the capacity is up to 440 passengers in a single-class configuration, the catalog price in 2011 was 238 million dollars, now the plane has already been taken out of production.