The most terrible railway roads in the world. The most terrible railways

The railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport, used by millions of people every day. Increasing speeds in transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and delivering goods, and at the same time created a lot of dangers for people.

Each of us has to deal with the railway: some more often, others less often, some students use railway transport, or cross railway tracks when going to school, training, etc.; Some children are looking for adventure, and in the most inappropriate places for such fun: on the railway.

The main causes of injury to minors by railway rolling stock and electric shock to the contact network are ignorance and violation of safety rules established in railway transport.

Attention should be paid to the spread of the youth informal movement “trainsurfing”: young people, including minors, ride on the roofs of electric trains, inter-car couplings, recording themselves on video cameras, and post the footage on their websites. At the same time, they expose their lives to mortal danger twice, both as a result of falling from the rolling stock, and when receiving electrical injury from electric shock from the contact network.

The Moscow Railway operates a direct current contact network with a voltage of 3000 Volts. The overhead wire is located at a height of 5750 mm from the level of the rail head at the station and section. The distance from the bottom point of overhead power lines with voltages over 1000 V to the ground surface must be at least 6.0 m. The height of the railway car is 5300 mm. Thus, the distance from the contact wire to the roof of the car is about 0.5 m. The high voltage of 27.5 kV penetrates an air gap of 10 cm or more, depending on meteorological conditions (dry, wet weather). The voltage in the contact wire is 27500 V. If the electrical wiring in the house has a voltage of 220V and if it malfunctions, you can get a severe burn if touched, then given the enormous voltage in the contact network, in order to get a fatal burn, you only need to get close to the contact wire at a distance of less than 2 meters. Therefore, all cars standing on the tracks under the contact wire are already a zone of increased danger, and climbing onto the roof of the cars means dooming yourself to painful death in advance.

The peculiarities of possible electric shock are that the action of subjective protection is blocked by the absence of external signs of impending danger, which a person can usually detect in advance: see, hear, smell, etc. In most cases, a person is connected to the electrical network due to accidental contact with the elements of the electrical circuit either with his hands (hand-to-hand current path) or with his arm and legs (hand-to-foot current path). When current flows along the leg-to-leg path, 0.4% of the total current passes through the heart, and 3.3% passes through the arm-to-arm path. The current flowing through a person acts not only at the points of contact and along the flow path, but also reflexively - on the activity of other organs.

To avoid electric shock, it is strictly prohibited:

    approach live wires or parts of the contact network at a distance of less than 2 m;

    climb onto the roofs of carriages and locomotives;

    touch the electrical equipment of electric rolling stock either directly or through any objects;

    climb onto the roofs of buildings and structures located under wires, onto metal structures of railway bridges;

    approach sagging and broken wires, regardless of whether they touch the ground or not, at a distance of less than 8 meters;

    Throw foreign objects onto the wires.

Trains travel on railways at speeds of 60 – 120 km/h. If we take the maximum speed, then according to calculations the train will cover 2 km in 1 minute, and 33.3 m in 1 second. High-speed trains, for example, Sapsan, can reach a speed of 200 km/h in certain sections, i.e. In 1 second the train travels a distance of 55 meters. The unexpected appearance of a person on the tracks can lead to an accident and disruption of train traffic, and sudden braking can lead to a train crash with the death of many people.

If you walk along the tracks, you can find yourself between two oncoming trains and a person can be pulled under the wheels by an air whirlwind, and he will die.

The braking distance, depending on the mass and speed of the train, ranges from 700 to 1000 meters, and this is a very significant distance.

Please pay attention to the yellow safety line running along the entire platform. There have been cases where passengers have been hit and injured by rolling stock. There are many cases of people falling between the platform and a still moving electric train.

Rules for safe behavior on the railway

The main causes of injury to citizens by railway rolling stock are ignorance and violation of safety rules when in the area of ​​railway tracks, unjustified haste and carelessness, reluctance to use crossing bridges, tunnels and decks, and sometimes mischief, hooliganism and games, both on railway tracks and on the territory adjacent to them.

It's not easy to stop a moving train. And a pedestrian needs at least five to six seconds to cross the railway track. Moreover, young people love to listen to music and do not take off their player headphones when crossing paths. They don’t even hear the train whistle, and their visual attention is focused on how best to cross the tracks.

Only at first glance do stationary carriages seem safe. You cannot approach them closer than five meters, and you cannot crawl under the cars: every car at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any second. If any protrusion or lever of the carriage catches on the clothes of a gaping person, he will be pulled under the wheels.

The force of the air flow created by two oncoming trains is 16 tons, with such a load a person can easily be pulled under the train. Therefore, you cannot cross railway tracks where it is convenient to reduce time.

It is necessary to cross and drive over railway tracks only in specially designated areas. For safe crossing, there are specially equipped pedestrian crossings, tunnels, bridges, and railway crossings. If you have to cross an unguarded crossing, carefully monitor the signals given by technical means and make sure that you do not see the approaching train. It is strictly forbidden to pass through a railway crossing when the crossing traffic signal is prohibiting, regardless of the position and presence of the barrier.

Schoolchildren, we remind you: when you are at railway transport facilities, follow safety measures! Be careful and careful - take care of your life!

Compiled by: Subbotina T.V.

The most dangerous ones can be identified railways, and you can find out which of the mountain roads are the most scary and exciting. It would be interesting to find out which Russian roads deserve the title of the most terrible.

Dangerous railways

There are dangerous railways in the world that frighten passengers. The Aso Minami route, located in Japan directly in the area of ​​active volcanoes, is considered the most terrible. Another dangerous railroad was built in Colorado. Trains pass over the Devil's Bridge, located at a height of thirty meters. Its name is "Georgetown Loop Railroad".

The southern Indian railway leading to the island of Rameswaram is recognized as one of the most dangerous. Its line runs where the center of a dangerous hurricane is located. It is called "Chennai-Rameswaram Route". There is a rail route in Alaska that goes to close proximity from cliffs up to three thousand meters high. This is the White Pass Yukon Route. The train seems to “cling” to these rocks, traveling a distance of thirty-two kilometers.

In the United Kingdom there is a railway line called Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff, which is like a roller coaster ride. It is located in the northwest and runs along a five hundred foot cliff. The Tren a las Nubes railway, located in Argentina, which connects La Polvorilla and Salta, is considered a dangerous railway. It took twenty-seven years to build. The route passes through thirteen bridges, twenty-one tunnels, in addition, the road twists many times, resembling zigzags and spirals.

Since 1880, passengers have feared traveling on the Cumbres Toltec Scenic Railroad, which is located in New Mexico. Balancing on old tracks, the train travels along a narrow ledge and passes almost three kilometers into the Cambres Pass. IN South Africa The Outeniqua Choo-Tjoe Train is located. The route passes through an overhanging Indian Ocean Caymans Bridge.

The railway located in Indonesia called “Argo Gede Train Railroad” is recognized as one of the dangerous ones. The road connecting Jakarta and Bandung goes through a river valley, past a green mountain, and then crosses the high Cikurutug Bridge. In 2002, a train derailed in this place, but there were no casualties. The Kuranda Scenic Railway, which runs through the Australian jungle, is considered dangerous. The route passes near waterfalls and the spray often hits the trains.

Scary roads of Russia

There are treacherous and dangerous roads in Russia too. One of them is a road with beautiful name"Lena". After every rain it turns out to be almost washed away. This road can be called the dirtiest in the world. There is hope that this route will soon be reconstructed, after which it will no longer deserve the title of the worst and dirtiest.

Another terrible road is the one that connects Russia with Georgia. It is called the Georgian Military Road. In addition to the fact that it is replete with dangerous turns, in winter the road is almost constantly blocked due to the danger of avalanches.

One cannot help but recall the route between Naryan-Mar and Ukhta. It often consists of tons of wet mud and spreading clay, in which any car will get stuck. Moreover, you shouldn’t go to this hellish place in a passenger car. This happens every spring and summer. In fact, you can only use the route in late autumn and winter.

Dangerous mountain roads

Lysebotn Road, which is located in Norway, is recognized as one of the most beautiful and breathtaking mountain roads in Europe. At first it winds in a narrow strip under the rocks, then goes into a tunnel for one and a half kilometers. The last thirty kilometers this mountain road becomes like a roller coaster.

The Mexican mountain pass is called the "Devil's Backbone". This is the pass in Durango. The journey along this road takes about five hours.

The road called Van Zyl's Pass is located in Namibia. It passes through gorge, mountains and badlands. Incredibly steep climbs give way to equally dangerous descents.

One of the most dangerous is the “Road of Death” in Bolivia. This winding and extremely dangerous road stretches for seventy kilometers. About three hundred people die on it every year. There are many such dangerous mountain roads in the world and the list could be continued.

The most terrible railway

Among all the railway routes, one can single out one of the most terrible. When traveling on the Tren a las Nubes railway in Argentina, passengers sometimes travel through the clouds. This railway is also called “Train in the Clouds”.

Leaving Salta, the train goes through twenty-one tunnels, twenty-nine bridges, passes thirteen viaducts, makes two spirals and two zigzags. After four hundred and thirty-four kilometers of travel, the train finds itself at an altitude of four thousand two hundred and twenty meters. It goes along a curved viaduct two hundred and twenty-four meters long, which is seventy meters above the ground. The train passes this place, slowing down.

The most dangerous road in the world

It is very difficult to call a road in the usual sense the “Road of Death” running through the Bolivian Andes. All it takes is a minor mistake, which even experienced drivers make, and you can fall into the abyss.

There are roads that are called impassable, but this same road poses a real threat to anyone who decides to drive along it. The seventy-kilometer section of the road descends from a height of three thousand six hundred meters to a height of three hundred meters. The emergency situation is also facilitated by the fact that the road surface is slippery and dirty, and there are often fogs and landslides. There is barely room for two cars on the road. On average, once every two weeks someone dies trying to drive this section.

There are rumors that there is an even scarier and more dangerous road. She is located in Bangladesh.

Huge amounts of money are invested in some roads. Including making them safe. According to the website, it is planned to spend $578 million per kilometer on laying the fourth transport ring in Moscow. And this is not the limit. Read more about the most expensive roads in the world it is possible.
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Considered the safest railway transport. True, this is wrong. Of course, travel in carriages in comfort, admiring natural beauties, Very nice. Meanwhile, travel to some areas is associated with a risk to life. The most dangerous railways are located in different countries.

Darjeeling (India)

Only desperate or very brave people decide to travel along it, since natural phenomena and ethnic unrest has stopped traffic more than once

Georgetown (USA)

The second name of this highway is “Devil's Gate”. Numerous tunnels, elevation changes and zigzags make the trip along it very extreme.

Pilatusbahn (Switzerland)

It is notable for the fact that the ascent to Mount Pilatus is carried out in small trailers using two rails and gear wheels.

Minamiaso Takamori (Japan)

Brave travelers will have to drive through the crater of the Aso volcano.

Flåm (Norway)

It has several braking systems that stop the train along the route.

Road for rail buses - ferrobuses (Bolivia)

Dangerous because local residents Rail buses are often overloaded, which leads to accidents.

Chennai - Rameswaram (India)

Passes through a bridge located a short distance from the water. This bridge is subject to strong winds and cyclones. There have been precedents for train derailments.

White Pass and Yukon Railroad (Alaska)

The thrill of driving on wooden bridges and centuries-old tunnels is guaranteed.

"Devil's Nose" (Ecuador)

A huge number of viaducts, tunnels and zigzag turns make traveling on this railway unforgettable.

There are many miracles in the world, many of which are man-made. Dangerous railways attract tourists primarily picturesque nature places you have to pass through.

People living in Russia can be frightened by various things, but not by roads. Almost any foreign curiosity from the above list will have an analogue in its native country, or perhaps not just one, but dozens! But still, let's see what the rest of the planet's inhabitants are afraid of and which roads have earned them the reputation of being the most dangerous and terrifying.

1. Mountain Death Road

The old route from the Bolivian capital La Paz to the city of Coroico - northern Las Yungas - has a second, more commonly used name: El Camino de la Muerte, that is, the Road of Death. These 64 km of asphalt, which lead down the edge of the Altiplano mountain from an altitude of 4650 meters to an altitude of 1200 meters, were built by Paraguayan prisoners of war during the 1930s.

Traffic on the Road of Death (unlike other Bolivian highways) is allowed in both directions, but the road surface here is no wider than 3 meters and does not have a safety fence.

The monstrous difference in altitude between the upper and lower points of the Death Road is the reason that travelers descending it go from high-mountain coolness to tropical heat. Because of this, rain, fog, landslides and landslides are so frequent on a short section of the road. In some places, waterfalls run from the mountain directly onto the asphalt.

As a result, any awkwardness or mistake by the driver can lead to a fall into an abyss 600 meters deep.

Everywhere on the road you can see memorial signs and markers indicating the places of the disaster, the fall of cars and the death of people. Every year the Road of Death claimed dozens of lives. On July 24, 1983, a bus fell off it, killing more than a hundred people.

Finally, in the late 90s, the Bolivian authorities built a backup road, a new and safer one. But the Death Road was not closed: it became a tourist attraction. Guides take foreigners along it and organize extreme cycling tours.

2. Death Railway

The 415-kilometer-long railway track (of which 13 km are bridges) between Bangkok (Thailand) and Rangoon (Burma) is also called the Death Road, but not because of the danger of traveling along it, but because its construction caused the death of several thousand people. . Perhaps a more accurate name would be Road of the Dead.

This is probably the only construction project in the world recognized by the courts as a war crime.

In 1942, Imperial Japan invaded Burma from Thailand, retaking it from Britain. To supply Japanese troops in the Burma Campaign, it was necessary to build a road.

When the British ruled Burma, they found it an impossible task to navigate almost half a thousand kilometers through hilly jungle with many rivers.

However, the samurai were not embarrassed by the grandiose plan. After all, they did not intend to build with their own hands. And they weren’t going to pay for the work. They used the labor of 180 thousand Asian convicts and 60 thousand prisoners of war - British, Australians, Dutch, Americans and other participants in the anti-Hitler coalition. The working and maintenance conditions were such that about 90 thousand Asian convicts and 16 thousand prisoners of war died during construction. After the war, Hiroshi Abe, a prison camp guard, was found personally responsible for the deaths of 3,000 prisoners and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

The road was built in 1943, but as a result of military operations it fell into disrepair. However, 130 km of the track were reconstructed after the war. There were even plans to completely restore the road.

In the meantime, riding along the "Hell's Passage" route near the city of Kanchanaburi northwest of the capital of Thailand - where the train goes around steep cliffs and passes several wooden bridges- is one of the popular tourist attractions.

It is unknown whether ghosts are found there. Nowadays, the only reminders of the sad events on the Death Road are the classic film “The Bridge on the River Kwai” and several museums and memorial cemeteries.

3. Glass Trail and “Heaven’s Gate”

On Mount Tianmen, one of the most high peaks China (1518.6 meters above sea level), in national park Not far from the city of Zhangjiajie, an amazing tourist complex has been built, part of which is a unique glass path and the longest and tallest in the world cable car. Its spans reach 500 m, and its total length is 7455 m! The name of the road in Chinese sounds very romantic: “Gateway to Heaven.” But in English the romance is already dubious: the name Heaven’s Gate rather betrays the wary attitude of many travelers who had the opportunity to spend several eerie and exciting minutes in a cabin suspended in the middle of the clouds on a steel cable.

Many people feel timid here. But if there are those who are not frightened by the height of the cable car, then the suspended glass path will instill fear in anyone. A suspended path leads along the mountain right along the edge of the abyss among bizarre relict trees. In some places the floor of the suspended walkway is glass. You can see the clouds under your feet. And remember the fragility and frailty of earthly existence.

However, no accidents or disasters have ever happened on the Heavenly Gate Mountain: all the structures are very reliable.

4. Controversial road

The Karakoram Highway, although laid on the ground, plunges into the clouds in many sections. This highest mountain route in the world runs from the city of Abbottabad in Pakistan to chinese city Kashgar is considered one of the most dangerous roads on the planet.

The Karakoram Highway repeats the Great Silk Road of antiquity. From above there are beautiful, uniquely beautiful views, but travelers face many dangers in the form of rain, landslides, storms, winds, snow drifts, rubble and altitude sickness. On average, there are only 30-40 meters of asphalt per 20 kilometers of road. But what is even more unpleasant is that this road runs between the regions of Jammu and Kashmir, that is, territories that have been the cause of bitter disputes between India and Pakistan for more than 60 years. An area of ​​border conflicts, where, in addition to the harsh nature, the rule of force and weapons reigns - that is what the Karakoram Highway is. However, adventurous cyclists and bikers love to travel along it.

5. The Ruthless Road

The name of this route, carved into the rocks of Taihan Chinese province Golian - “The road that does not forgive mistakes.”

Residents of the local village built it in 1997 to be able to get to " big land"from its sky-high heights.

The highway is a 1200 meter tunnel in a mountain 15 feet high and 12 feet wide. There are 30 windows, perhaps so that claustrophobes can calm their nerves by looking outside and admiring the vast abyss below.

Really very beautiful. Local residents travel the road mainly on bicycles. But cars often flew off it into a cliff. After all, this is a road that does not forgive mistakes.

6. Road without insurance

In the second half of the 19th century, this road was built in New Zealand to give local miners access to the gold-bearing canyon. At the same time, for some reason the road is called the Captains Road - Skippers Road.

Now, in order to travel along it, drivers must obtain permission. But most insurance companies warn that they will not cover the losses of such risk-seekers if something happens.

However, adventure tourists from nearby Queenstown love day trips along this dangerous road. It's very beautiful there. And then, listen: the Road of Captains has passed. Without insurance. Sounds proud!

7. Deserted road

Luxor-Hurghada is a famous tourist route in Egypt, connecting recreation areas along the Red Sea coast with the ancient pharaonic city of Luxor. The highway is 280 km long with a good and smooth road surface; the journey along it takes only 4-5 hours.

And yet many people died on this road. The thing is that people travel here mainly at night, avoiding the scorching heat of the desert during the day. When drivers rush along the highway with their headlights off, they often collide head-on, not seeing each other in the columns of dust.

Why don't they turn on the headlights? The fact is that driving on this road with your headlights on is even more dangerous. Terrorists, robbers, all kinds of robbers flock to this world like moths. The consequences are sad. In 1997, Islamist fanatics shot 62 German tourists here.

8. The longer, the more lethal

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Pan American Highway is the longest highway in the world. It starts in Alaska, in North America, and ends in the southernmost regions of South America.

The section of road passing through Costa Rica is the bloodiest section of this route.

A scenic route leads through rainforests, wild places, almost untouched by civilization. It’s beautiful, but renovation work is carried out here too rarely. So some sections of the Pan-American Highway simply wash away during the rainy season. And after floods, landslides can occur here at any time of the year.

So this road is full of surprises, but some of them are deadly.

9. Ice road

The Canadian towns of Inuvik and Tuktoyak are located in the very north of Canada. They are so far from the “mainland” that no roads exist in those places except the winter road on the ice of the Mackenzie River.

Every winter, road services measure the thickness of the ice and allow or prohibit opening traffic. They clear the road and save the unfortunate people caught in a snowstorm - storms in this region of Canada are treacherous and always strike suddenly.

There is also a constant danger of running into a crack in the ice or getting caught in a snow drift. Canadians and Americans consider the Tuktoyak Ice Road to be extreme. Of course, winter roads are commonplace in Russia; almost every village uses them.

10. Cattle Road

The Canning Stock Route in Australia - indeed former route, along which the first white settlers drove their herds.

This is one of the most remote roads in the world from civilization. Walking along it is very difficult, because it crosses 1850 km of absolutely deserted desert. To overcome this road, you will need at least a month of time, a technically impeccable car, as well as spare parts and the ability to repair any breakdowns with your own hands, solid supplies of water, provisions and fuel. Although some things can be purchased from the natives, one or two communities still live in this wilderness.

But, of course, there is no guarantee that they will have exactly what you need. Or that none of them will turn out to be cannibals.

11. Troll Road

Construction of the Norwegian Mountain Route began at the end of the 19th century, but was completed only in 1936.

This is the most fabulous road in the world, as it leads travelers along the Troll's Cap mountain, through the towns of the Troll's Hut and the Troll's Church.

There are 11 loops on the winding road, the width of the roadway does not exceed three meters. Cars travel along this route only in spring and summer. The rest of the year is too dangerous.

To overcome this difficult road, visiting tourists often hire drivers from among local residents: they are probably better versed in all these wild trolls.

12. Dodgy road

Once upon a time, this area was the border between Italy and Austria-Hungary. As they say, both yours and ours. Maybe that’s why the road through the Prato Pass in the local mountains turned out to be so... dodgy.

A trip along it can be quite nerve-wracking, especially if you drive into a cloud at the top and get caught in freezing rain just below. It is not for nothing that such a capricious road was called Stelvio Pass - “Queen of Zigzags”.

You can drive along it by car from June to September. In winter it is a luge track. Again: both ours and yours, two in one. But at least something is now certain: the road is recognized as Italian territory.

13. Road to nowhere

The American highway in New Mexico, near Albuquerque, is called by locals “the road to nowhere.” It leads to mountain range San Mateo ends there too. Tourists enjoyed driving along it to admire the views. However, since 2000, 17 people have disappeared without a trace on this road. And this is only confirmed official data.

There are no turns or branches on the road and, in theory, there is nowhere to escape from it. Nevertheless, the road seems to swallow careless drivers, and sometimes entire families. People seem to disappear into thin air. State police and the tourism board recently recognized the existence of the mystery of this land-based Bermuda Triangle. Government officials, private enthusiasts, and various kinds of psychics tried to uncover the secret of the Road to Nowhere. And yet, to this day no one has succeeded.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you: in Russia we have plenty of everything. And the terrible roads are just like mud. True, we didn’t get glass ones - the climate doesn’t allow it.