Shakespeare storm read online completely. Read the book "Storm" online completely - William Shakespeare - MyBook

William Shakespeare


Alonzo, King Neapolitan.

Sebastian, his brother.

Prospero, Legal Duke Milan.

Antonio, his brother, illegally seized power in Milan Duchy.

Ferdinand, son of the king of Neapolitan.

Gonzano, Old honest Counselor of the Naples King.

Adrian, Francisco, courtiers.

Caliban, slave, ugly savage.

Trinkulo, jester.

Stefano, butler, drunkard.

Captain Ship.



Miranda, daughter Prospero.

Ariel, Spirit of air.

Irida, Ceres, Juno, Nymphs, gnots - perfume.

Other perfumes, submissive prospero.1

Situation - ship in the sea, island.

Scene 1.

Ship in the sea. Storm. Thunder and lightning. Enter Captain Ship I. Boatswain.



Listen, captain.


Call the command to the top! Lively for business, we are not taking the reefs. Most! .. Most! ..

Captain leaves; Appear sailors.


Hey, well done! .. fun guys, fun! .. Vivid! To remove Marseille! .. Listen to the captain's whistle! .. Well, now, the wind, you are spacious - blow, until you burst!

Enter Alonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzano and others.


Good boatswain, we rely on you. And where is the captain? Start, friends!


Well, go down.


Boatswie, where is the captain?


And you do not hear it, or what? You prevent ushee! Go to cabins! See, the storm spiked? And here you still ...


Lightly, kind, dumb!


When the sea is packed! .. Clean! With this roaring shaft there is no business to kings! Marsh around the cabins! .. Silent! .. Do not interfere! ..


Still, remember, kind, who is on board.


And I remember that there is no one whose skin would be more expensive to my own! Here you are the adviser. Maybe you will advise the elements to calm down? Then we do not touch the gear. Well, take your power! And if you do not take, then say thank you for a long time to live in the light, fall into the cabin yes get ready: the trouble will happen. - Hey guys, stir! - Away from the road, tell you!

Everything except Gonzano leaves.


However, this small comforted me: he is the honorable Hangman, and who is destined to be hanged, he will not drown. About Fortune, give him the opportunity to live to the gallows! Make a rope designed for him by our anchor rope: after all, there are few benefits from the ship's ship. If he is not destined to be hung, we disappeared.

Gonzano leaves Boatswain Returns.


Lower it! Vividly! Below! Below! .. Let's try to go on one grotto.

Creek is heard.

Plague tasks these threes! They stop and storm, and the captain's whistle!

Return Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzano.

Again you here? What do you need? What, to quit everything because of you and go to the bottom? You hunt drown, or what?


Yazva to you in the throat, damned Gorlan! Unholy ruthless dog - here you are who!


Ah well? Well, work then yourself!


Snatched trousers! We are less afraid of drowning than you, a dirty bastard, you have a cattle!


He will not help if it would not even our ship was not a stronger nut shell, but it would be as difficult to flow in it as a sip of a chatty woman.


Keep steeper to the wind! Crue! Put the grotto and fock! Hold to the open sea! Away from the shore!

Awesome rugs sailors.


We died! Pray! Died!



Surely we will have to feed fish?


The king and prince of Molba raise to God.

Our duty to be close to them.


I am swept.


We ruined this shaka drunkard! ..

Gorough dog! Oh if I drown

Are you ten times in a row, beaten by the sea!


No, I will challenge, - he will grab the gallows,

At least all seas and oceans

(inside the ship)

Save! .. Ton! Ton! .. Farewell, wife and children! Brother, goodbye! .. Ton! Ton! Ton! ..


Perish next to the king!

Everything except Gonzano leaves.


I would have traded all the seas and oceans for one acre of fruitless land - the most unfasteless empty, overgrown with the heather or direction. Yes, the will of the Lord will happen! But still, I would prefer to die dry death!

(Goes out.)

Scene 2.

Island. Before the cave Prospero.

Enter Prospero and Miranda.


Oh if you are you, my father is dear,

The sea rebelled the sea,

Then I pray you to pacify it.

It seemed that burning resin

Streams flow from the sky;

But the waves reaching heaven,

Hit the flame.

Oh, as I suffered,

The sufferer of those who died sharing!

Brave ship, where, of course, were

And honest and righteous people

Crashed into chips. In my heart

Their cry sounds. Alas, they died!

I would be an all-breeding deity,

I would wander the sea in the earthly subsoil

Mostly, what would absorb him

Ship with unfortunate people.


Let your good not moan the heart:

No harm done.


Awful day!

William Shakespeare


Alonzo, King Neapolitan.

Sebastian, his brother.

Prospero, Legal Duke Milan.

Antonio, his brother, illegally seized power in Milan Duchy.

Ferdinand, son of the king of Neapolitan.

Gonzano, Old honest Counselor of the Naples King.

Adrian, Francisco, courtiers.

Caliban, slave, ugly savage.

Trinkulo, jester.

Stefano, butler, drunkard.

Captain Ship.



Miranda, daughter Prospero.

Ariel, Spirit of air.

Irida, Ceres, Juno, Nymphs, gnots - perfume.

Other perfumes, submissive prospero.1

Situation - ship in the sea, island.

Scene 1.

Ship in the sea. Storm. Thunder and lightning. Enter Captain Ship I. Boatswain.



Listen, captain.


Call the command to the top! Lively for business, we are not taking the reefs. Most! .. Most! ..

Captain leaves; Appear sailors.


Hey, well done! .. fun guys, fun! .. Vivid! To remove Marseille! .. Listen to the captain's whistle! .. Well, now, the wind, you are spacious - blow, until you burst!

Enter Alonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzano and others.


Good boatswain, we rely on you. And where is the captain? Start, friends!


Well, go down.


Boatswie, where is the captain?


And you do not hear it, or what? You prevent ushee! Go to cabins! See, the storm spiked? And here you still ...


Lightly, kind, dumb!


When the sea is packed! .. Clean! With this roaring shaft there is no business to kings! Marsh around the cabins! .. Silent! .. Do not interfere! ..


Still, remember, kind, who is on board.


And I remember that there is no one whose skin would be more expensive to my own! Here you are the adviser. Maybe you will advise the elements to calm down? Then we do not touch the gear. Well, take your power! And if you do not take, then say thank you for a long time to live in the light, fall into the cabin yes get ready: the trouble will happen. - Hey guys, stir! - Away from the road, tell you!

Everything except Gonzano leaves.


However, this small comforted me: he is the honorable Hangman, and who is destined to be hanged, he will not drown. About Fortune, give him the opportunity to live to the gallows! Make a rope designed for him by our anchor rope: after all, there are few benefits from the ship's ship. If he is not destined to be hung, we disappeared.

Gonzano leaves Boatswain Returns.


Lower it! Vividly! Below! Below! .. Let's try to go on one grotto.

Creek is heard.

Plague tasks these threes! They stop and storm, and the captain's whistle!

Return Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzano.

Again you here? What do you need? What, to quit everything because of you and go to the bottom? You hunt drown, or what?


Yazva to you in the throat, damned Gorlan! Unholy ruthless dog - here you are who!


Ah well? Well, work then yourself!


Snatched trousers! We are less afraid of drowning than you, a dirty bastard, you have a cattle!


He will not help if it would not even our ship was not a stronger nut shell, but it would be as difficult to flow in it as a sip of a chatty woman.


Keep steeper to the wind! Crue! Put the grotto and fock! Hold to the open sea! Away from the shore!

Awesome rugs sailors.


We died! Pray! Died!



Surely we will have to feed fish?


The king and prince of Molba raise to God.

Our duty to be close to them.


I am swept.


We ruined this shaka drunkard! ..

Gorough dog! Oh if I drown

Are you ten times in a row, beaten by the sea!


No, I will challenge, - he will grab the gallows,

At least all seas and oceans

(inside the ship)

Save! .. Ton! Ton! .. Farewell, wife and children! Brother, goodbye! .. Ton! Ton! Ton! ..


Perish next to the king!

Everything except Gonzano leaves.


I would have traded all the seas and oceans for one acre of fruitless land - the most unfasteless empty, overgrown with the heather or direction. Yes, the will of the Lord will happen! But still, I would prefer to die dry death!

(Goes out.)

Scene 2.

Island. Before the cave Prospero.

Enter Prospero and Miranda.


Oh if you are you, my father is dear,

The sea rebelled the sea,

Then I pray you to pacify it.

It seemed that burning resin

Streams flow from the sky;

But the waves reaching heaven,

Hit the flame.

Oh, as I suffered,

The sufferer of those who died sharing!

Brave ship, where, of course, were

And honest and righteous people

Crashed into chips. In my heart

Their cry sounds. Alas, they died!

I would be an all-breeding deity,

I would wander the sea in the earthly subsoil

Mostly, what would absorb him

Ship with unfortunate people.


Let your good not moan the heart:

No harm done.


Awful day!


No harm done. I all arranged,

Taking care of you, my child, -

Oh my daughter's sole, beloved!

After all, you do not know - who we are from.

What did you know? What your father is

Calling Protection and that he

It belongs to the wretched cave.


To ask me a thought did not come.


It's time to open all you.

But help me remove my raincoat Magic! 2

(Removes the cloak.)

Long, might of mine.


Miranda, Miranda tears:

So plump shipwreck

Who mourge you

I am a powerful art of my

It was so that everyone was alive.

Yes, all who sailed on this vessel,

Who died in the waves, calling for help,

From their heads and hair did not fall.

Sit down and listen: Everyone will learn now.


You often gathered me to open

Who are we; and interrupted their story

Words: "No, wait, not time ..."


But she struck an hour - to look at my speeches.

When we settled in the cave,

You hardly turned three years old

And you probably can't remember

About what was before.


No, I remember.


Do you remember? What? House or people?

We told about everything that has saved

You are in your mind.


So vaguely vaguely

Early sleep looks like a point,

All that memory suggests me.

It seems to me that as if for me

Put five il six servants.


And more. But as in your mind

Improved it? What else

In deep abyss, you see?

Perhaps remember what happened

Before our arrival on the island,

You remember how we found yourself here?


No, I can not, father!


Twelve years old!

Ago twelve years ago, child,

Your parent was the Duke of Milan,

Mighty prince.

CHARACTERS Alonzo, Korol Neapolitan. Sebastian, his brother. Prospero, Legal Duke Milansky. Antonio, his brother, illegally seized power in Milan Duchy. Ferdinand, the son of the Neapolitan king, the old honest adviser to the Neapolitan king. Adrian) courtiers. Francisco Caliban, slave, ugly savage. Trinkulo, jester. Stefano, butler, drunkard. Captain of the ship. Boatswain. Sailors. Miranda, daughter Prospero. Ariel, Air Spirit. Irida Ceres Juno) Perfume. Nymphs renovants Other perfumes, submissive Prospero. Situation - ship in the sea, island. Act i scene 1 ship in the sea. Storm. Thunder and lightning. Captain ship and boatswain. Captain Boatsman! Boatswain I listen, captain. Captain Zovi command up! Lively for business, we are not taking the reefs. Most! .. Early! .. The captain leaves; Sailors appear. Boatswie Hey, Well done! .. Veleering guys, fun! .. Vivid! To remove Marseille! .. Listen to the captain's whistle! .. Well, now, the wind, you are spacious - blow, until you burst! Enonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, gonzalo and others. Alonzo good boatswain, we rely on you. And where is the captain? Start, friends! Boatswain and well, go down. Antonio Boatman, where is the captain? Boatswain and you do not hear it, or what? You prevent ushee! Go to cabins! See, the storm spiked? And here you still ... Gonzalo is easier, kind, dumb! Boatswain when pacified the sea! .. Clear! With this roaring shaft there is no business to kings! Marsh around the cabins! .. Silent! .. Do not interfere! .. Lit still remember, the kind, who is on board. Boatswain And I remember that there is no one whose skin would be more expensive to me my own! Here you are the adviser. Maybe you will advise the elements to calm down? Then we do not touch the gear. Well, take your power! And if you do not take, then say thank you for a long time to live in the light, fall into the cabin yes get ready: the trouble will happen. - Hey guys, stir! - Away from the road, tell you! Everything, except for the gonzalo, go, gonzalo, however, this small comforted me: he is the honorable Hangman, and who is destined to be hung, he will not drown. About Fortune, give him the opportunity to live to the gallows! Make a rope designed for him by our anchor rope: after all, there are few benefits from the ship's ship. If he is not destined to be hung, we disappeared. Gonzano leaves, boatswain returns. Boatswain omit the stagnation! Vividly! Below! Below! .. Let's try to go on one grotto. Creek is heard. Plague tasks these threes! They stop and storm, and the captain's whistle! Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzanok are returned. Again you here? What do you need? What, to quit everything because of you and go to the bottom? You hunt drown, or what? Sebastian ulcer to you in a throat, damned Gorlan! Unholy ruthless dog - here you are who! Boatswie Ah So? Well, work then yourself! Antonio Slip Coward! We are less afraid of drowning than you, a dirty bastard, you have a cattle! He gonzalo he does not take it if not even our ship was not a stronger nut shell, but it would be just as difficult to flow in it as a sip of a chatty woman. Boatswain keep cooler to the wind! Crue! Put the grotto and fock! Hold to the open sea! Away from the shore! Awesome sailors run. Sailors We died! Pray! Died! (Going away.) Botthars really have to feed fish? Gonzano King and Prince Molba raise to God. Our duty to be close to them. Sebastian I tremble. Antonio destroyed you fucking drunkard! .. Gorough dog! Oh, if you drowned ten times in a row, beaten by the sea! There is no gonzalo, I will challenge, - he picks away, at least all the seas and oceans persuaded to sink him! Voices (inside the ship) Save! .. Ton! Ton! .. Farewell, wife and children! Brother, goodbye! .. Ton! Ton! Ton! .. Antonio will perish next to the king! Everything except Gonzano leaves. I would slightly traded all the seas and oceans for one acre of fruitless land - the most unfit emptiness, overgrown with the heather or direction. Yes, the will of the Lord will happen! But still, I would prefer to die dry death! (Leaves.) Scene 2 island. Before the cave Prospero. Enter Prospero and Miranda. Miranda Oh, if you are you, my father is nice, the sea rebuilt the sea, then I pray you to pacify it. It seemed that the burning resin streams flows from the sky; But the waves reaching heaven were shot down the flame. Oh, as I suffered, suffering the fallen separation! The ship brave, where, of course, there were also honest and righteous people, crashed into chips. In my heart, I will sound their cry. Alas, they died! I would be an omnipotent deity, I would have won the sea in the earthly depths soon than to absorb him would give a ship with unhappy people. Protece comfort! Let your good, not moaning the heart: Nobody suffered. Miranda is a terrible day! Prospero nobody suffered. I all arranged, taking care of you, my child, - about the daughter of the only, beloved! After all, you do not know - who we are from. What did you know? That your father is called Prospero and that the wretched cave belongs to him. Miranda asking me in thought did not come. Prospero It is time to open all you. But help me remove my raincoat Magic! (Removes the cloak.) Along, the power of mine. (Miranda.) You will be comforted, Otri, Miranda, Tears Sospaudanya: So a plump shipwreck that you mourge you, I sat down the art of my art that everyone was alive. Yes, all those who sailed on this vessel who died in the waves, calling for help, did not fall from their heads and hair. Sit down and listen: Everyone will learn now. Miranda you often gathered me to discover who we; And they interrupted their story with the words: "No, wait, not yet time ..." Prospero but struck an hour - to look at my speeches. When we settled in the cave, you were hardly three years old, and you probably can't remember what was before. Miranda is not, I remember. Do you remember Prospero? What? House or people? We told about everything that kept you in my mind. Miranda is so vaguely vaguely, soon it looks like a dream than a point, all that memory suggests me. It seems to me that five Ile six servants would have taken care of me. Prospero and more. But how in your mind imprinted this? What else in the deep abyss you see? Perhaps, remembering what happened to our arrival on the island, you remember how we found yourself here? Miranda is not, I can not, father! Prospero twelve years! Tomorrow, twelve years, child, Your parent was the Duke of Milan, a powerful prince. Miranda how? So you are not my father? Prospero from your mother, in which the virtue was embodied, I know that you are my daughter. And yet was the duke of Milan your father, and you are the heiress of his possessions. Miranda about heaven! What kind of cunning did we led here? Ile, maybe happiness? Prospero is both together: treasury expelled us, happiness - led here. Miranda ah! The heart bleedfully bleed at the thought that I reminded to you who were sorry for the past ... What's next? Prospero my younger brother Antonio, your uncle ... find out, Miranda, that the brother native sometimes the enemy is treacherous! .. I loved the most of all in the world after you; I instructed him to manage the states of the state. At that time, the duke of mine was considered the first of the possessions of Itali, and Prospero - the first of them from the princes, in the sciences and in the arts of ugly. It is absorbed by your absorb, the brethren of the reality handed the brother and stopped to delve into the affairs at all. And here, Miranda, your cunning uncle ... Do you listen to me? Miranda with all attentive! Prospero he studied when they agree to respond to requests, when - refusal; Someone closer, and who to send. He served my servants for himself, lasted my friends to him; Holding a ring from the soul strings in his hands, he all hearts on his own way. He was spoken by the round of my trunk, as a chain liana, and sucked all the juices ... Miranda Ah, father! Prospero but listen further. Out of business, closed in a sweet solitude to comprehend all the sacraments of science, which ignoramus despise, I woke up in my insidious brother that evil that dreamed in him. Like, balusa, the father of the child is destroyed, so in him my immense trusted treachery without borders. Brother, inxicated by the duke of power, power, wealth, and honor, and all the attributes of the greatness that I gave him, as his governor, decided that he was truly the Milan Duke: so a liar who learned himself to crush the soul, to be with the truth in the disaster, Sometimes he believes himself. All the ambition of the brother increased ... Do you listen to Miranda? Miranda your story will make and deaf healed! Prospero he wanted to erase between those and what seemed; He wanted Milan to own one, fully, undivided. After all, Prospero - Crank! But where does he with the power to cope? His library's pretty library with him! .. And so my brother became the thirst for power obsessed with the king of Naples stuck: the tribute promised to pay him, to recognize himself with the Royal Wassal and subordinate my free Milan - alas, unheard of humiliaries - Neapolitan's crown ... Miranda God ! Prospero for it turned out ... Tell me, is it not monster? And this brother is native! Miranda I do not see your mother in your mother: the villains wears and the good womb. Prospero So, what was the shameful bargaining? The King of Naples, my enemy sworn, with Antonio about Tom agreed to in exchange for a cash tribute, on the subordination of the Duchy of the crown to give my rights and the Tuccian title, driven me and all my genus forever from Milan. So came true: my brother opened in the titled night gate city, His accomplices allowed to Milan, and on the same night we were taken to the exile of his clutch. You buried bitterly ... Miranda Alas! I do not remember how then sobbed, but now crying about it: for tears of my reason. Prospero has a little more injured - and I will call the story until this day; Otherwise, my story will without meaning. Miranda but why didn't they kill us? Prospero is legitimate by your question. They did not dare! Paroda loved me. They were afraid to blur in the blood; Holded the black affairs under bright paint. So, hastily removing on the vessel, in the open sea, we were transferred to the half-jammed esks of the ship without mast, without gear, without sails, from which rats were fled, and they left there, so that our moans were sadly the second, rakeed waves. And the sighs of the wind, the second to our sighs, we were removed from the ground ... Miranda Oh horror! H I was a burden to you! Prospero on the contrary, you were the Guardian angel! Divine Justice Shyaya, you smiled meekly to me, while I moan and tears shed under the burden of the fallen sorrow. Your smile gave me strength and strengthened my courage. Miranda but how did we save? Prospelo Will Providence. One Welcome Neapolitansky, named Gonzanok, the one who was entrusted to send us to death, from Sostradaya, had a food and fresh water , gave us clothes and all the necessary supplies. In addition, knowing how I rushing with my books, he allowed me to capture those foliants with him that I appreciate the duke. Miranda ah, if I could see him! Prospero Now I will stand! (It puts on his raincoat.) You are my daughter, sit and listen about the end of the wanders. On this island threw us. And then I became a teacher of yours - and you have succeeded in the sciences as none of the young princesses, who have a lot of fumes and there is no such zealous teachers. Miranda will be rewarded for this heaven! But I, Father, I don't understand yet, why did you call the storm? Property learn! It happened so that the generous fortune, now the favorabling to me, my enemies sent here. I calculated that for me today the constellations are favorable; And if I miss this case, then happiness will not visit me again. But I don't ask any more questions. Are you sleepy. That will be a dream of good. He cannot resist you. Miranda falls asleep. Here, to me, my servant and assistant! I'm waiting for you! Approom, Ariel! Ariel appears. Ariel Greetings you, my Lord! I am ready to do everything you order: swim through the waves, Il rushing to the fire, Ile on a curly cloud to suffer. Veli - and everything will be performed by Ariel! Prospero did you fulfill all my orders about a bore? Ariel did the way you told. I attacked the royal ship; Everywhere there - from the nose to the stern, on the deck, and in the trunk, and in the cabins - I sowed horror; The flame was spawned on the mast, on a bushchpite and on the rim. Fast, elusive there are no zippers that Jupiter Schlock as the forerunner of grumbled. And from sparkling, the roar and smoke fluttered in the punch of Neptune himself, his trident of Grozny shoved. And horrified shot down to the sky waves. Prospero perfectly! Who remained the spirit of hard? In Skyatitsa who has kept the mind? Ariel Nobody. All moved away from fear and began to rush meaninglessly. All after each other, except the sailors, throw steel into a foamless abyss. To escape from Flame Fire, which I lit on the ship. The son of the royal, Ferdinand, was the first, and his hair stood on the end, when he jumped into the waves, shouting: "Hell is empty! All the devils flew here!" Prospero That's how? But the shore was not far? Ariel Yes, Mr. Prospero and all of them saved? Ariel is not unharmed. Even their clothes are not touched, nor a spin on it. How did you command me, I scattered them on the island; And the royal son is left by me alone in a deserted place he sighs, in the longing breaking his hands. Prospero What did you do with the royal ship, with the sailors and the fleet the rest? Ariel Ship is anchored in that bay, where you called me somehow at midnight to cut the dew of the Bermuda. The whole crew, I firmly locked in the truma: there sailors fatigue with your and the magic of my sleep. And the Royal Fleet, which I am on the sea Mediterranean scatter, joined again and keeps the way home, in Naples, with sad news: After all, everyone saw that the ship crashed and that the king died. Prospero So, Ariel! You fulfilled the handrail. But there is still a case. What time is it now? Ariel is already at noon. Prospero two hours, no less. And until six, we must all have time. Ariel Are you going to new things? Let me, Mr., then remind: After all, did you promise me ... Prospero how? Discontent? What do you want from me? Ariel Freedom! Prospero so I let you go until the deadline? And I do not want to hear about that. Ariel But remember - I served you loyal and honestly, without laziness, without mistakes, without cheating, and you did not hear complaints from me. You promised to free me a year before the term. Prospero ah, ungrateful! I forgot, from what torment I saved you? Ariel o no! Prospero No, you forgot! But didn't you feel good for me, to help me, you immerse yourself in the abyss of the waters, flew on the wings of the northern wind Il made his forehead mortgaged to ice? Ariel stands, Mr. Prospero about false Spirit, you forgot everything. I remember the terrible sorcerer of Sicracce, which from old age and the malice in the arc bent! Do you remember her? Ariel Yes, Mr. Prospero where was she born? Well, answer! Ariel in Algeria. Prospero so. Once a month you should remind about her. For witchcraft and different villains, about which I was always disgusting, expelled Sicracce from Algeria. But still, left her life, I don't know what. Well, is it so? Ariel Yes, Mr. Prospero Sailors This witch was brought here here. Now - my slave, you served her then. But you were too clean to fulfill its orders to the scot and evil; Often, they showed non-face. And here is the sorcerer in his rage, calling for the aid of more obedient and more powerful spirits, in the cleft pine you closed you, so that you suffer from twelve years. That term has expired, but the sorceress died, and you stayed in a painful prison and screams the whole island announced. Then there were no people here, since it is not considered to be a frightened witch of the Cursed Witch; He lived one here. Ariel Yes, Kaliban lived here then one. Prospero is the very calibium, stupid and dark, which I keep for services. Do you remember what cruel flour did you tear off when I arrived here? Your walls are the second, wolves, they inspired the pity of violent bears - they were the flour of hell. Sycracus could not free you. But I, arriving here, my soster sprout and released you. Ariel I am grateful to you, Mr. Prospero But I'll become nick me - I split off a nodular oak, and in it you will cry back for another twelve. Ariel Oh, spare! I obey me! Prospero well the same. Two days will serve, and I will let you go to the will. Ariel about my generous lord! Observe! What should I do? Say! Prospero go and wrap the nymph nymph. Before time, you can see only me and more to anyone. In the case of this, come back here. Stay. Hurry. Ariel disappears. Wake up, child! Your dream was grapphered. Wake up! Miranda (wakes up) Father, a wonderful story was sought with some strange dorm. Prospero stance her with himself. Get up, Miranda. Now I need to call, you need Caliban, at least from him we, right, do not hear a word of kind. Miranda is rude and terrible. I do not like to meet him, father. Prospero but without it we can't do without it: He wears the firewood, the fire is breed and makes all the black work. Hey, Caliban! You, rough beam! Respond, slave! Caliban (behind the scene) is still enough firewood. Prospero once I call - you will find a business. Well, the turtle, moving faster! Who am I saying? Ariel appears in the guise of marine nymphs. My Ariel! Wonderful vision! Listen to the same ... (whispering Ariell on the ear.) Ariel fulfillment, Mr. (Disappears.) Prospero Hey, dirty slave! Bastard evil witch and devil! Live go here! - Gives Caliban. Kaliban let your head falls malicious dew, that the mother lurked by the feather owl with the disastrous swamps! Let the wind southwest will cover you the body by blisters! Prospero for this brand you will pay expensive! All night - Pop doings - there will be spirits of you prick and cramp. From their tweezes, you will become noworthy, like bee honeycomb, and their tweezes will be even more painful than bees bites. Caliban you even don't even give me to eat! .. I received this island by right of my mother, and you robbed me. First, you were sweet with me, you were kind, you treated me with a drink, you taught me how to call and bright and pale shone, which we will shine in the afternoon and at night, and I loved you for it, the whole island showed all the land: and pastures , and salt pits, and springs. .. I was a fool! Whether I'm cursed! .. Let them attack you the bats, beetles and toads - the servants of the sycrachesis! .. I myself was my lord, now I am a slave. I drove me in Nora, and the island took away! Prospero you are a false slave! You do not smell good with you, only the screak. At first I turned to you, although you are an animal, like a person. You lived in my cave. But then you thought my daughter to disaggregate! Caliban Ho Ho! Ho-ho! And sorry, failed! Do not interfere with me - I would have populated the whole island by Calibans. Prospero contemptuous! No, good feelings in you do not raise, you are a vile slave, in the vices. From pity I took the trouble to teach you. Ignorant, wild, you could not express my desires and only was me as a beast. I taught you words, gave knowledge of things. But it could not study your animal, lowland nature. And for Noura thanked me. You cost the chains of the badness than the dungeon. Caliban you have taught me to speak in your language. Now I know how to curse, - thanks for that. Let them take the plague of both of you and your language. Prospero Rude Witch, Sgin! Drings bring. Yes, live, you hear? More work will be. What? Write? Look, for the negligence and for laziness, I will find your tricks on you and the bones will force to whine. So you choose from pain that the beasts are scared. Caliban no! Sch up! (To the side.) So far I will accept. His science is strong. He was suspended even NEEGOS, the God of my mother. Prospero Stay, slave! Caliban leaves. An invisible Ariel appears, he sings accompanied by music; Behind him follows Ferdinand. Ariel (sings) Spirits of mountains, forests and water, all in the dance! Salted the sea. In a light dance, with a sprake of the hands, the circle comes, I'm the second friendly! To listen! Perfume (from all sides) GAU! Gau! Ariel Pots Watchdow, Laite! Perfume Gau! Gau! Ariel look! Sea Smallklo, Dahl quiet, heard Peosch's fry! Cook! Ferdinand from this music? From Heaven or from Earth? Now she was silent. That is true, hymns with these deities. I, the death of the father mourning bitter, sat on the shore. Suddenly, on the waves, sweet sounds were drunk to me, having fun of the wave rage and sorrow. I follow music; Rather, she entails me ... she was silent. No, here again. Ariel (sings) Your father sleeps at the bottom of the sea, he tightly tightened, and will be the flesh of his sand, the bone coral will become. It will not disappear, it will only be embodied in the wonder. Chu! Hears funeral ringing! Perfume Dean-Don, Dean-Don! Ariel Sea Nymph, Din-Din-Don, keep his last dream. Ferdinand comes in a song about my father! There may not be earthly these sounds, they are descended from the height. Prospero (Miranda) raise the same curtain, eyelashes, look there. Miranda What is it? Spirit? Oh God, how beautiful it is! True, after all, his father is beautiful? But this is only a vision! Prospero o no, child, he is like us: and sleeps, and eats, and feels like us. He escaped the fake with shipwreck; Here he is looking for comrades missing. Whenever sorrow, the enemy of beauty, did not distort the damn of his face, you would call the young man beautiful. Miranda Divine him would call him! No on earth creatures of such beautiful! Prospero (to the side) everything happened as I was destined. My Ariel is skillful! For this in two days I will free you. Ferdinand So she, the goddess, in honor of which the anthem sounded! ... Answer the answer: You are here, on this island, live? What to do me to make? The question is the last, but the main thing for me: Tell me, Miracle, are you fairy or mortal? Miranda Signor! I am a simple girl. I'm not a miracle. Ferdinand how? My native language! But if I were there, where they say on it, - I would be of all who speaks on it first! Prospero first? Well, if you heard the king of Naples? Ferdinand he hears, having missed that suddenly you remembered the Naples: Alas, the King of Naples - I myself. My eyes have not satisfied since then, as you saw that my father, the king, died in sea waves. Miranda Alas! Unhappy! Ferdinand died with him and all his veelmembrables died, Milan Duke died along with her son ... Prospero (to the side) Milan Duke with her daughter could easily refute ... not yet time ... From the first look, the fire of love was lit in Their eyes ... My gentle Ariel, you have the freedom for that ladies. (Loud.) Listen, Signor! Why disgrace yourself wrong?. Miranda Ah, why is my father so harsh? In front of me the third person I know. But he is the first one who called in the heart of a strange tomboy. How I want the father to soften! Ferdinand Oh, if you have not gave anyone to anyone, I will make you Queen Naples. Protecely hold on quarrels, Signor! (Aside.) They are fascinated by each other. But there should be obstacles to create for their love, so that it is easy to devaluate it. (Loud.) I solved you: you are an impostor. Thai did you get on with this island, so that I have to take away my poses. Ferdinand Oh No, I swear! Miranda in such an excellent temple an evil spirit can not dwell. Otherwise, where would it dwell? Prospero (Ferdinanda) go! (Miranda.) And you do not stand up - he is a deceiver. (Ferdinand.) We go! I'm in a circuit zana, you will drink one sea water, you will eat seashells, yes root, yes shell from the acorns. Stay! There is no Ferdinand, I will not be submitted until my enemy coarses me in a duel. (Catching the sword, but the spells of Prospero do not allow him to move.) Miranda Father, what is the test? You see: He's kind, taking into account and dare. Protection What? Eggs teach chicken? (Ferdinand.) Traitor! Insert your sword into the sheath! You threaten me, but, aggravated by the conscience, you will not dare to hit. Throw your sword, I don't have it to pick it up with this stick. Miranda Father, I beg! Prospero away! Loose! Miranda ah, get together! I pass for him! Prospero do not mind - I will awaken the rage, not only anger! How! Under your defense, you dare to take a deceiver! .. Silent! Have you seen him yes caliban and think that he is beautiful? Ah, stupid! With the men others compare him - he is a day Caliban, and those before him - as an angels of the Lord. Miranda is not interested in my love: it's enough for me enough. Prospero (Ferdinanda) go for me! Hear? Study! After all, you are now powerless like a child! Ferdinand Yes, it is. I fed, as in a dream. But all - and this is a strange powerlessness, and the death of the father, and the death of all friends, and the captivity, which the enemy threatens me, - I would easily demolish if I just knew that from my prison, I could at least glim it with a glimpse of this girl. Let the freedom reign on Earth everywhere, but I am abolished and in such a prison! Prospero (to the side) love masters them. (Ferdinand.) We go! (Ariel.) You did everything as it should, Ariel! (Ferdinand and Miranda.), Behind me both follow! (Ariel.) Listen to you to fulfill you ... (whispering Ariell on the ear.) Miranda (Ferdinanda) Do not be afraid: my father of kindness and better than you can judge it on speeches. I do not understand what happened to him. Prospero (Ariel) is free. You will be like a mountain wind when you do everything that I said. Ariel I will fulfill everything. You will be pleased with me. Prospero (Ferdinand and Miranda) go! (Miranda) for him do not dare to ask! Go.

Act II. Scene 1 Other part of the island. Enclosure, Sebastian. Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco and others. I gonzalo I pray for you - go, sovereign! Salvive to rejoice should be more than grieving about painful losses. Inconsistencies are such every days: they are familiar with sailors' wives, shipowners and nonsense; But few people are one hundred thousand - he could have a wonderful rescue. And if the sorrow and consolation are prudent on the scales - the second bowl, right, will pull. Alonzo I ask you, leave me alone. Sebastian These consolations to him also on the floor as cooled chowder. Antonio from the comforter is not so easy. Sebastian see, he turns his watches; Now they will start beat. Gonzalo but, sovereign ... Sebastian time! .. Consider. Gonzalo when we grieve make concessions, it obediently giving it ... Sebastian Penny. Gonzoa is exactly the penalty - we are a foam and complaining; You said smarter than you think. Sebastian and you understood me wiser than I myself. Gonzalo So, my sovereign ... Antonio Ugh, the abyss! His little tongue is not tired. Alonzo is silent, please! Gunned silent. However ... Sebastian, however, he will chat. Antonio I propose to break about the mortgage - who, he or Adrian, the first will begin to sway. Sebastian old cock. Antonio young nomotes. Sebastian and what is the mortgage? Antonio laughter. Sebastian comes. Adrian Although this island seems to be uninforced ... Sebastian ha ha ha! Antonio Well, here you are with me and in the calculation. Adrian ... and almost inadequate from the sea ... Sebastian however. Adrian ... However ... Antonio without this sense he can not do. Adrian ... This is a place to a certain extent not devoid of pleasant. Antonio in famous Mary? And how! This Mary is a famous slut. Sebastian and, as he rightly noticed, not deprived of his friend. Adrian here the breeze sighs so gently ... Sebastian seems to have lungs, and besides, the eaten with a car. Antonio or as if he was smeared with flavors of rotten swamp. Gonzano how everything has it to live here! Antonio is quite right. Only what to live? Sebastian Yes, living, perhaps, nothing. Gonzalo what a lush and juicy grass here! What a fresh greens! Antonio This naked land is really brown. Sebastian with mold stains. Antonio he did not disagree so much from the truth. Sebastian did not deviate at all - he simply turned her inside out. Gonzano But this is a pleasant to the rarity ... Sebastian unheard of pleasant rarely. Gonned our clothes, sweeping into the sea, did not lose any non-freshness, no paints; She not only did not polish from sea water, but even became even brighter. Antonio If at least one of his pockets could talk, he would accuse him of lies. Sebastian still. Unless this is not a fake pocket. Gonzalo in my opinion, our dress looks new, as in Africa, when we put it for the first time for the festival on the occasion of the wedding of the wonderful daughter of the king, Claribel, with the king of Tunisia. Sebastian it was an adorable marriage, and we were unusually lucky on the way back. Adrian has never had such perfection of Tunisia. Gonzano never since the times Matrones Didona. Antonio Matrones Didona? Ulcer him in a throat, what does this Didon have? Matron Didona! Sebastian is not so hot. Well, he has not yet added that with her was Eney. Adrian you said - Matron Didona? Wait, because she was the queen of Carthage, and not Tunisia. Signor gonzalo, the current Tunisia is Carthage. Adrian Carthage? Gonzalo Yes, Carthage, I dare to assure you. Antonio He is capable of doing wonders. Sebastian rose from the dust of the house and the fortress walls. Antonio What else will be the easier case for him easier? Sebastian probably will put this island in his pocket and takes his son as a gift instead of an apple. Antonio and the grains will sit in the sea, and the whole bunch of islands will grow from them. Gonzno what? Antonio Nothing. On health. The sovereign gonzalo, we talked about the fact that our dress looks the same as during the marriage of your daughter, Tsaritsa Tunisia. Antonio and the most rare queen, which was there ever. Sebastian Do not forget to appreciate - since the times Matrones Didona! Antonio Yes, Matrones Didona. About Matron Didona! License is not true, Your Majesty, my Camcole looks like with a needle? Antonio or rather, from a fishing hook. Gone like on your daughter's marriage day? Alonzo you ears filled me with words, my mind is my mind. Alas, why did I start this marriage? When I return lost my son; And the daughter is so far from Naples, it is not destined to tell me with her. My Ferdinand, my royal heir! Extraction of any sea monsters You became? Francisco may be sovereign, he is alive. I saw how he fought with the waves, like a breast, he met the head of the shaft and defeated their mad rage. He, the head brave shimmer over the foam ridges, they dissected them with strength and dexterity and approached the shore. And the rocks, dotted by the sea, in front of the prince, as if striking to help him, were inclined lower. I have no doubt that he escaped. Alono No, no, my son died! Sebastian Well, the sovereign, thank you for a bitter loss. You did not want to leave the daughter in Europe, you gave it to the African. And disappeared daughter forever out of your eyes, which can only cry. Alonzo I ask you, silent! Sebastian we kneel you begged to change the solution. The poor thing, a clean soul, suffered: submission in it fought with disgust. What came out of that? Your son died; In Naples, Milan left in Milan much more loose widows than wives we will refund spouses. And only you are to blame. Alonzo I lost more than others. Signor gonzalo, no matter how tidy, she is rude and inappropriate. The plaster should be imposed on the wound, and you only stretch it. Sebastian and very good! Antonio as an Extras doctor. Gonzalo about the sovereign, despair early! You are cloudy, and here we all dark. Sebastian How to all dark? Antonio about yes, very dark. Gunned when this land was given to me ... Antonio would cast the whole island he is nettle. Sebastian buried here everywhere I would like. Gonzalo ... And the king would be here, what would I arrange? Sebastian is really true, not a drink - for the reason that there are no wines. Gonzano would arrange in this state otherwise everything is done with us. I would cancel all trading. Officials, judges would abolish, nobody would do with sciences, I would have destroyed poverty and wealth, there would be no slaves, nor servants, no vineyards, nor landpashers, nor the rights of hereditary, no contracts, no lands. No one would work: no man nor a woman. There would be no metals, bread, oil and wine, but would be clean. No one would rule over them ... Sebastian here and once, because he began with the fact that he is the ruler! Antonio at the end he forgot early. Gonned all the necessary giving nature - what to work for? It would not be here to change, murders, knives, swords and copies and in general there are no guns. Nature itself generously fed the infertility, innocent people. Sebastiana can it be married? Antonio No, it is also a work. Everyone will be celebrated: the crowd of idlers and the arches of the whores. Gonzalo and I would eclipse the eyelid the eyelids. Sebastian Oh, the wise sovereign! Antonio Long live the king gonzalo first! Gonzno What do you say, sovereign? Alonzo ah, stop! I still do not hear, around me as if emptiness. Gonzano I understand you, Your Majesty. But at least I made it possible to laugh by this mixture gentlemen. Antonno Nearby? That is, above you. Gonzalo you are so filled with silly junning, which is empty compared to you. You can continue to laugh into the back. Antonio This is what is called, Chumps. Sebastian Thank you yet that a stupid razor. I gonzalo I know, gentlemen, that it is difficult for you to please. If the moon did not change weekly five ridge, you would have dropped it from the sky. An invisible Ariel appears. Solemn music. Sebastian of course. And then they would hurt with torches on birds. Antonio Do not be angry, kind synor. Gonzano and I do not think. I'm not so low I appreciate my anger. Will you ever wound yet so that I walked streaming? Something I wanted to sleep. Antonio sleep and listen to us in a dream. Everything except Alonzo, Sebastian and Antonio, fall asleep. Alonzo all sleep already? Oh, if my eyelids, closed, drove the evil sorrow! To bed and truth clone ... Sebastian sovereign, do not reject sleep. He visits so rarely those who have been depressed. Sleep is the best comforter. Antonio Sovereign, you can relax here well, and we will guard you together. Alonzo thank you ... eyes stick out ... (falling asleep) Ariel disappears. Sebastian attacked them strange drowsiness. Antonio must be climate for this reason. Sebastian but why does he not sleep us? I am not clone to sleep. Antonio and me. He fell asleep everything as if they had conspited. And if, worthy of Sebastian ... that if it happened so ... I silent! .. But still I read your fate on your face. Doesn't the case give you advice? My imagination of the crown sees on your chel. Sebastian you sleep? Antonio But didn't you hear me? Sebastian No, I heard. But, of course, this is a dream. You spoke in a dream. What you said? You sleep strange - with open eyes: you go, talk and see dreams - all at once. Antonio Noble Sebastian! You yourself do not sleep your fortune, do not kill it. Sewing you can, even be awake. Sebastian are clearly snoring, but in snoring I will catch the meaning. Antonio I am not kidding. And you, listening to me, throw jokes - and you raise you are three times. Sebastian Well, where I, I am standing water. Antonio I will teach you how to become a stream. Sebastian learn, but do not forget - I am a loser, I only got too lazy. Antonio Oh, if you knew you, as the dream of a dealer, laughing her. The further her, the closer she is more persistent. What pulls losers to the bottom? Their own laziness and cowardice. Sebastian on! In the brilliance of your eyes, I see the brush, I see that you are an important thought, - so let it be born. Antonio is good. So, although the forgetful Signor, who also forgets the next day after death, assured (he just his passion nourishes to the confidence) that the royal son did not drow on, but it is also true as what he himself swims, and he does not dry. Sebastian Hope is not that Ferdinand escaped. Antonio Hope is not! - That's the hope! After all, hopelessness and gives you such the greatest hope that even the ambition is robin and it looks like it fearfully. Are you sure that Ferdinand died? Sebastian sure. Antonio Who inherits the Crown? Sebastian daughter king. Antonio Tunisian Queen? Living for thirty lands? Which, since the sun will not serve her by the Bulletin, will know everything when the baby, now sleeping in the cradle, will learn how to shave the beard? Princess. Because of which death was waiting for all of us? Oh no, not for that we survived! Everything that happened to us is only a prologue to what we must accomplish! Sebastian nonsense! .. Yes No! .. So do you think? .. GM ... Claribel, Tunisian Tsarina, - Heir to Naples ... Yes, it's strange ... From one posing to another, the distance is really Veliko. Antonio and every elbow of the water space shouts: "How can this Claribel measure us to be able to re-introduce Naples?" "So let him calmly reigns in Tunisia. And let Sebastian wakes up! Look at them: their sleep is like death; they do not want to dream; It would be worse. And for Naples, the king there is a better one that sleeps. There are also Velmes-like, as Gonzano, so that the wise nonsense to grind without a silent, - I myself felt the mind, like forty. Oh, if my thought was yours became Sleep would raise you! Do you understand me? Sebastian Yes, as if. Antonio Ul, you will push your fortune? Sebastian after all I remember, and you my brother Summits, to master Milan. Antonio and what? I am the duke of the gown to face, and the servants Prospero, who had before I was smooth, now serve me. Sebastian Yes, maybe you are right ... But conscience? .. Antonio conscience? And what is it? Corn? So I would lamer. No, I don't pray for such God . Whenever Milan and Milan do not conscience - twenty consistent lay down as glaciers or lake Lava I would still step over to them. Here on Earth lies your brother; But, sleeping or dead, - he is the same as the Earth. There are enough three inches of this steel - and he will not wake up; Well, you will protrude the prudent sacrament at this time, so that he did not think of me to read morality. And the rest - those any news swallowed, as if cats milk, and our songs will sing along. Sebastian companion mine! I will take an example from you! What did you do in Milan, I will decide in Naples. So stand up your sword! Blow - and you will not pay Dani; To me, the king, you will be the first friend! Antonio We will cite swords at the same time. In that moment, when I will bring my sword over the king, - you're trying to gonzalo. Sebastian wait still want to say two words. We depart aside and advise. Music. An invisible Ariel appears. Ariel My Mr. Provided that the danger threatens him, and he ordered to save both: after all, he would die with them. (Sings above the ear gonzalo.) You sleep tightly, and at this hour the betting does not wash the eye and exposes the sword. Dormant reset from the heavy eyelid, wake up, so as not to sleep forever and king to save! Wake up! Wake up! Antonio We are both attacking them suddenly. Well! .. Strip swords. Gonzano (waking up) Angels, save the king! All wake up. Alonzo What? .. like! .. Why are swords naked? How wildly see you ... gonzalo what happened? Sebastian we were here on guard near you stood and suddenly ... heard a terrible roar of the bull ... No, Leo is more likely. He woke you up? My rumor was shocked. Alono No, I did not hear. Antonio is a terrible roar! He could be frightened and giant ... Earth shook, as if hundreds of Lviv roared immediately. Alonzo and you heard, gonzalo? The sovereign gonzalo, through the dream I was strange heard the singing, which I woke me up. I shouted loudly - and you woke up. Here I see them, with weapons in your hands. Yes, the noise here was. You need to beware. And it would be better to completely get away from here. Just in case, clarify swords. Alonzo go away and the search will continue: perhaps, I will find my son. He gone here, on the island, I believe it. God can keep it from these wild and violent beasts. Alonzo go away. Ariel (to the side) to notify me, I need a lord that the king is alive and that he is looking for his son. All go. Scene 2 Other part of the island. It includes a calibium with knitted firewood. Groma rolled. Kaliban let the pair of rotten swamps and the tops that sucks the sun, will fall on Prospero! Let him wage! I can't not curse him, although I could overhear spirits. They will not touch me without an order; And he will say - and immediately push me to push, pinch, shoot down from the road, scare and torturing any damn. Slightly, they are spinning at me. They are choking the faces, like monkeys, trying to bite the cheek; How hedgehogs, prickly balls, torment me on the road, so that I drove my legs; The way of gadyuki is stuffed and hissing, bring me crazy ... Includes Trinkulo. Caliban well! Again! He laughed in the spirit again ... It would be tormented for the fact that I am not carrying for a long frame. And if they scatter on earth? He may not notice me. Trinkulo Neither the trees nor you have a bush to hide even from a trifling rain, and here the new storm is coming. The wind is how howles! Tosa is the black cloud, there is a vochishche - nor give either a huge rotten Burdyuk, who, that and looked, burst and will release all the alone. If the same thunderstorm breaks out, I don't know where and the head is abandoned! And if it rushes from this cloud, there will be a real sweep ... Is that what? Man or fish? Dead or alive? A fish! - stinks fish. Solar smell of rotten fish; Something like a salted cod, and not the first freshness. Fish fish! Whether I am now in England - and I was there one day - yes show this fish, even if I had a silver coin for a silver coin. There it would have brought me might in the people. There, any strange animal brings someone to people. Those who are sorry to submit a penny with a good cripple, willingly lay out ten times more to lay up on the Dead Indian ... Yes, she has human legs! And fins exactly like hands! By God, it is warm! No, I was wrong! I repent of my words. No fisher is. This is the local islander who killed a thunderstorm. Round thunder again. Ah ah ah! The thunderstorm begins again. We can do anything - you have to climb under his rags: there is nowhere to go anymore. What strange capitals give a person a need! I set it out here until the storm will not throw all my messengers. It includes Stefano, with a bottle in his hands. Stefano (sings) I will not go to the sea on the shore to the shore! Well, the stunned song, only at the funeral of her and sing. I only have a fade! (Drinks.) And Jung, and Bottches, and Skipper, and I - Everyone walks with the Girl, but Grada Kitty - My Council, Friends, - You Come goes by aide, since you don't want to hear from Kitty: "Sailors - to hell!" From our brother turn his nose; They say, smells of a mixture and Vary Sailor. But I heard yesterday I from the girl one - walks with a proud one tailor. With a tailoring, we are not arguing, we go to the sea, and Kitty - to hell! Also a rubbish song. But here is my fade. (Drinks.) Caliban Do not flock me! Ltd! Stefano what's the matter? Maybe we have devils here? Maybe thinking to play us, catching savages or the Indians? How wrong! Not for that I came out dry out of the water so that you scared me with my four legs. As they say, the four-legged sheep was born to scare such a well done. And it will be repeated until Stefano breathes with air. Caliban Spirit torments me! Ltd! Stefano is some kind of large four monster. No other way as his shaking fever. But what kind of devilishbie - where does it know how to speak? Already for the sake of one thing worth it to help him. If I managed to cure him, but tame, yes, back with him together in Naples - no emperor would give up from such a gift. Caliban Please do not cut me! I will now take the firewood home. Stefano he can see, now the attack: it's some nonsense. Let him roll from my bottle. If it has never tried the wines, the fit can pass. If I just can cure him and make a manual, and there I am on it. He who wants to get it, will pay me for him. And pay as you should be! Caliban while you are still not very painful. But I know that it will be hurt now, because you are trembling. This is impassing. Stefano Kis-Kis-Kis! Open Rotik. Here I have something - it will untie your tongue, pussy. Open your mouth. Believe my word, this drug will shake your shaking with you; I swear - shakes. You do not understand who friend you, and who is the enemy. Well, open the mouth of another time. Trinkulo familiar voice: this ... can not be, he drowned. This is true, unclean power! Oh! Lord Pome! .. Stefano four legs and two voices - Well, deftly arranged this monster! In front of the voice, it can praise his friends, and rear - killy on them and displacing them with the last words. I cure him from fever, even if it is necessary to empty the entire bottle. Well, Lakai! .. Amen! .. Now a little in your other throat. Trinkulo Stefano! .. Stefano Other throat calls me by name? That's so thing! This is not a monster, but Satan himself! No, you need to leave, I do not have a long spoon. Trinkulo Stefano, - if only you are Stefano, do not touch me, talk to me. This is me, Trinkulo. Do not be afraid, this is me, your dusty friend Trinkulo. Stefano if you are trinkul, then get out. I will drag you for those legs that smaller. If there are trinkul legs here, then they are. And really, you are a real trinquul. How did you get satisfied from this uroda? Or is it defects trinkula? Trinkulo, I decided that he was killed in thunder, and ... But did you, Stefano, did not sink? It seems you really could not drowned. Thunderstorm has already passed? I hid from a thunderstorm under the rag of this freak. So are you alive, Stefano? Hurray, Stefano, now two neapolitans saved! Stefano listen, do not give me so: I'm getting strained. Caliban they are not perfume. This is a good god. In his hands, a divine drink. I will become kneel in front of him. Stefano and how did you save? How did you get here? Swear on this bottle that you will tell me the truth. I escaped on the jacket of Jerez, which sailors thrown overboard, - I swear this bottle! I myself made it from the wood bark as soon as I found himself on land. Caliban I will serve you faithfully - I swear this bottle, because there is a divine drink in it. Stefano (without listening to Caliban, to Trinkulo) Swear, that you will tell the pure truth. How did you save? Trinkulo I just got into the shore like a duck. I, my friend, I swim like a duck, to God! Stefano on, apply to my gospel. Although you swim like a duck, but in general, you are good goose. Trinkulo ah, Stefano! Don't you have anymore? Stefano tell you - a whole barrel. My wine cellar on the shore, under the rock. My wine is hidden there. Well, how do you paint? How is your fever? Caliban tell me, did you go to the island from the sky? Stefano but what about! From the moon fell away. Don't you know - I lived yes lived on the moon. Caliban tell me about your mistress, she showed me, your bush, your dog. You are my God! Stefano yes? Then apply to my gospel. I will fill it soon by new content. Swarve that you can't lie. Trinkulo yes it is, by God, the nonsense monster! And I was afraid of him! Sorry mandeship! .. man from the moon! Ha ha ha! Well, the dysfil is an unfortunate monster. And you lacquer with monster, the right word! Caliban Let's go, I'll show you the whole island. I will kiss your feet. Please, be my God! Trinkulo swear, this is a monster - a sly and drunk. As soon as his God falls, the bottle will cut the bog. Caliban I will kiss my feet. I want to swear in loyalty. Stefano okay. Kneel and swear. Tinkulo is not, I'm just a loop with laughter, looking at this brainless monster! Fudith! So I would knock him ... Stefano on, kiss. Trinkulo ... Do not be unhappy monster so drunk. Frightened monster. Caliban I will show you all the springs, the fish will rather, with the berry, will bring firewood. Be damn my tormentover, who drew me into slavery! I will not serve him; For you I will go to the next, a person! Trinkulo oh, dying! Ah yes monster! From the insignificant drunks of God created himself! Caliban let me, narva I am wild apples ... I will look for sweet earthwoods ... I'll show you the sockets of the sled ... I will teach you to catch the martyrs of the yuriki ... I will get you chicks from the sheer cliffs ... Let's go for me! Stefano okay, enough chatter, show the road. - Listen, Trinkulo, times the king and all the others climbed with him, we will have to take the brazers of the board. - Hey you, carry my bottle! "We will now fill it again, the buddy trinkulo." Caliban (Okhmelev, sings) Farewell, my owner, goodbye! Trinkulo here is a thickest monster! Here is a drunken mind! Caliban I will not become for him all the day to carry firewood and water, and fish drove into the dam, and roll the table, and wash the dishes. Away slavery, away deception! Ban Ban! Ka ... Caliban, you are no longer one: here is a new gentleman! Your good gentleman! Freedom, Age! Age, freedom! Freedom, Age! Freedom! Stefano ah yes a good! Well, messenger, show the road! Go.

Act III Scene 1 before cave Prospero. Ferdinand with a log on his shoulder. Ferdinand Sometimes fun causes pain, sometimes hard work gives a repel. Sometimes, humiliaries elevates, and the modest path leads to a glorious goal. I would be hateful this work, whenever she. She is able to make life to make life, flour - enjoyed. She is as hard as hard to her ruthless father. He thousands of such huge logs ordered and folded here. She, the poor thing, looks with tears, as I worry, and repeats mournfully that there was no coarse fingers from the work ... I was noticed. But from these thoughts hard work I am easy. Miranda and in the distance - Prospero, not noticeable by them. Miranda I ask you, do not waste so much strength! Oh, if a zipper burned all the logs that you need to fold here! Relieve the land on the ground, relax! Oh, this chamber itself, grief in fire, sheds the resten tears over you. You relax. My father is immersed in science now. This will return no earlier than in three hours. Ferdinand Alas, the most beautiful mistress, I have to cum lesson before sunset. Miranda you sit, but for now I will work for you. Let me log. Ferdinand Oh No, generous creation! Let me break the ridge, let the veins from Natuchi be broken, but I will not celebrately watch the black work, you will dishonor. Miranda, as well as you, work is attached. But it is easier for me: I will work in good will, you are for forced. Prospero (to the side) you came across a poor thing! Oh, how pulls you to him! Miranda you are so tired. Ferdinand no, Mrs. When I meet you, I even night light, as a clear day. I pray you, name your name, so that I can remember you in prayers. Miranda my name is Miranda. (To the side.) Ah, Father! I have broken your ban! Ferdinand Miranda! Miranda means wonderful. And you really are wonderful, wonderful everyone in the world! It happened with admiring me to look at many women, often I was the murmur of their speech was warm, other I had to go through the heart, "and yet I did not meet anyone, in which I would not see the shortcomings of the staining advantages of her. But there are no flaws in you, you are perfection, creating above all earthly beings. Miranda There are no women here, and I saw the female face only in the mirror. And I only know two men who can call people: Father and you, a friend is dear. All others are unknown to me; But I walk the most valuable of treasures in my dowry - the purity of yours, "I don't need anyone else in the world, I chose you in my satellites. The imagination itself can not create a face more beautiful than yours. But I spoke, forgetting the suggestion of my father. Ferdinand I am Prince, Miranda, and maybe (do not let the Lord!), King. And the Dvoronos would be no longer than the fly on his face I endured, when it would not ... Listen, Miranda! .. That moment, as I saw you for the first time, my soul pulled out to meet you, giving me me to slavery forever. Only for you I wear a patiently heavy decks. Miranda so you love me? Ferdinand and Heaven and Earth call in witnesses of their love! Since the truth I say I - let them accept my fear of happiness; And if LSU - let the troubles back all the joy that the fate of Sulil! Bescraine, infinite, I love you infinitely, idol and read! Miranda as I am stupid: I will tears with happiness! Prospero (to the side) Beautiful meeting of loving hearts! Let the heavens give a blessing of them alliance! Ferdinand What are you crying? Miranda is that I can not, that I do not know how to part with what I want to give, take what I need you likely. But no! .. The more I hide feelings, the time they are stronger. Away, the hypocrite timby! To the rescue come to me, Holy Prochet! "I will become your wife if you want to take me." And you do not want to die your slave. You can reject me like a girlfriend, but can not stop serving to serve you! Ferdinand is not, you will be the master of mine, and I - your slave. Miranda So you are my husband? Ferdinand oh yeah! Surfaces the heart, as if the prisoner released on the will. Give me a hand! Miranda take her! And with her - heart! Now sorry. Sorry - half an hour. Ferdinand Farewell! One hundred thousand good wishes! Ferdinand and Miranda go to different directions. Prospero I can not be the same to be happy, like those who all these feelings are in line; And yet I am infinitely happy. But it's time for me to return to the books: there is still a lot to achieve. (Goes out.) Scene 2 Other part of the island. Included Stefano and Trinkulo; Behind them - Caliban with a bottle in hand. Stefano and listen to listen! That's when the barrel is empty, then let's start getting water. Until then - no drop. And therefore hold on the wind and lavish. Hey you, a mandrel servant, Lakai for my health. Trinkul kolyan's servant? .. Well, a stupid island! They say that only five people live on it. Three of them - we. If the rest in the head is going on the same thing that we have, then the state is staggering. Stefano Pey, a mandrel servant! Pey, I order you. Look, yes, you already have eyes on my forehead. Trinkulo and where to climb? That would be a busy moldish, if his eyes climbed under the tail. Stefano my vassal-mound drowned his tongue in Jerez. But I could not drown the sea. I sailed, floated - one hundred twenty miles flew while I got to the shore. By God, Cordish, I appoint you to my commander-in-chief ... No, Better My Znames. Trinkulo commander-in-chief - wherever nothing went. And he does not hold the banner. Stefano see whether the Muschi mound, we are not going to go to the attack. Trinkulo Nowhere you will walk. Spend here, like dogs, without distant words. Stefano freak! Reliable at least once in the life of the word, if you are a decent freak! Caliban Isn't you, my bright lord? Let me lick your boots, and I will not serve it to serve it. Trinkool you are lying, ignorant monster! I'm so brave now that I can even push the guard. Answer, the slutty are you fish, maybe a coward is a man who drank so much sherry, how much did I drink for today? You probably, therefore, so monstrously lie, that you yourself are semi-puzzling, the receipt. Caliban look like he mock me! Do not give me offense, sovereign! Trinkulo hee-hee-hee! He is the "sovereign"! This is a completely fool! Caliban again! You heard - he laughs again. I pray - you will tear it up! Stefano Trinkulo, do not dissolve the language! If it is confirmed that you are a rebel, then I will order on the first tree ... the poor monster is my subject, and I will not allow him to offend. Caliban Thank you, my noble sovereign. Do not you hear again my request? Stefano what else is there? Well, repeat your request. Only on the knees. And I will stand. And Trinkulo will also stand. An invisible Ariel appears. Caliban I already told you that I was in slavery with Tirana. The wizard who deceived my island deceived and cunning. Ariel You are lying. Caliban (thinking that Trinkulov said) No, you yourself, shouting Marty! Let my fair gentleman kill you! I'm telling the truth! Stefano Trinkulo, if you dare to interrupt it once again, then I swear to your fist, I embroider the Spirit of you. Trinkulo Yes, I did not say anything! Stefano Ksyz! Silence! (Caliban.) Go on. Caliban he walked my island captured. When your majesty wants, he will revenge him. You can know; And this creature can not. Stefano yeah where he is! Caliban You will be here, on the island, Lord, and I - your slave. Stefano But how do it disgrace? Can you explain the sense? Caliban Yes, Mr., I will give you it, and you think the nail to him. Ariel You are lying. You can't do this. Caliban Fool Patchwork! Motley scoundrel! - Your Majesty, beat him and bother the bottle. Let one salty sea water lacquer. I will not show him the springs. Stefano Hey, Trinkulo, Beware! If you still have a monster one, then, I swear to your fist, I will forget about my mercy and will cast you how the dried fish. Trinkulo, what am I doing this? I did nothing. Get away from you ... Stefano How - Nothing? And didn't you say that he is lying? Ariel You are lying. Stefano What? I, too? It is for you. (Beats Trinkulo.) Well, tell me again, I'm lying. Trinkulo and did not think I say that you are lying ... completely crushed, you already right in our ears! .. She's a disappearance, your bottle! That is what drunkenness brings ... So that the plague twisted your lousy messenger! So that the devil devoured your fists! Caliban ha ha ha! Stefano Well, tell. (To Trinkulo.) And you better get away from sin. Caliban hit him yet. I will soon be killed himself. Stefano (to Trinkulo) come out. (Caliban.) Well, go on. Caliban I told you: After lunch, he always sleeps. Kill him in a dream. But only the books capture first. He is a skull of smakeed by full, Ile the throat will be chopping his knife, Ile in the belly. But remember - books! Capture them! Without books, he is stupid, like me, and the spirits obey him will not be: because he is hateful, like me. Burn all books. In the house he has utensils (so he calls it), you will take it, the house of the captival. But more than all others, he is proud of his beauty of his daughter: he himself considers it an incomparable. Two women only in life I saw: Her Yes Sicracce, my mother. But I know that she and Sicracus - like light and darkness. Stefano Girl is really not afraid? Caliban Yes, sovereign! And I give an oath - she will become your concubine and nice to give you children. Stefano Cuudishe, I am the prince of this sorcerer. My daughter and I become king and queen. Long live our royal majesty! And you and the Trinkulo will be vice-kings. - How do you like our plot, trinkulo? Trinkulo great. Stefano give me a hand. Forgive me, I'm shattered. But if you want to stay alive, keep the tongue on the rippled. Caliban he must fall asleep after half an hour. Kill him then? Stefano Yeah. I swear honor. Ariel (to the side) I will tell you about this Mr. Kaliban how you pleased! I'm happy! Let's have fun! Almost once, the sovereign, we sing the song that you taught me. Stefano is ready to respect your request, messenger. Any request. - Come on, Trinkulo, SPO. (Sings.) Sneeze on everything, spit on everything! Spit on everything, sneeze on everything! Free thoughts are yours! Caliban seems to me that you are not so singing. Ariel plays the motive on the duff in the drum, Stefano is what? Trinkulo is the motive of our song; And she plays her lord nobody. Stefano If you are a person, then show what you are. And if the devil, then, with any kind - to choose from. Trinkulo Lord God, let me go my sins! Stefano, if you die, nothing contributes to you ... I'm not afraid of you! .. Lord, forgive and hindle! Caliban Are you scared? Stefano who? I? Well, no, messenger, I'm not Takovsky. Caliban You are not afraid: Island is full of sounds - and Skelett, and whisper, and pegs; They are pleasant, there are no harm from them. It happens like hundreds of tools ring in my ears; And it happens that I hear the voices, awakening, and fall asleep again under this singing. And I will dream gold clouds. And raining the treasures on me ... And I pay for what I woke up. Stefano is this kingdom! Even the music of Zadarma. Caliban But only first kill Prospero. Stefano is by itself. I remember evrything. Trinkulo music is removed. Let's go after it, and then we will deal with our business. Stefano monster, go ahead, and we will follow ... I wish I would look at this drummer: He is great for the drum. Trinkulo (Caliban) Hey You, go ahead. - Stefano, I'm yours. Go. Scene 3 Other part of the island. Enonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco and others. Gonzalo swearing the Major Virgin, the sovereign nor the step can no longer be done: the bones are old. The whole island measured along and across. Let me even rest a little. Alonzo you, an old man, I will not condemn it: And he himself already got out of his strength. Well, rest. I say goodbye to the hope that has been depleted so far. He drowned, there is no doubt about it; And the sea is embarrassed on those who are looking for on Earth. Antonio (Sebastian) he lost hope. Fine! Look, because of the first failure, the solution is not changed. Sebastian No, no, albeit only the case. Antonio So, tonight all the hungry! They are exhausted. Sleep will be hard, not that day. Sebastian Yes, at night. Solved. Strange and solemn music. Upstairs appears invisible prospero. Alonzo did you hear friends? What sounds! Gonzoil Magic Harmony! Strange figures appear; They make a covering table. Dancing and bowing, they are invited to the King table and his retinue, after which they disappear. Alonzo Oh God! Who are these creatures? Sebastian live dolls. Now I will believe in miracles: in unicorns, in the royal bird, that Phoenix is \u200b\u200bcalled and lives in Arabia ... Antonio and I am ready to believe in everything you said ... anything ... no, travelers do not lie to us Although fools over them and laugh. I gonzoa come back to Naples I tell about this miracle - who would believe me that I saw such islanders (and these people are local, of course), which, even the appearance and strange, but are so hospitable and courtesy, as few of us. Prospero (to the side) My honest friend, you're right: here, between you, people have worse devils. Alonzo I can't put on them: their music, their gestures, their movements are eloquent than words flows. Prospero (to the side) Wait to praise: the end crowned business. Francisco how strange they all disappeared suddenly. Sebastian what trouble? But the exists remained, and we were not hungry for a joke. (To Alunzo.) Do you want to taste? Alono oh no! Gonzo what are you afraid of, sovereign? Yes, in his youth, I did not believe the stories that there are amazing people with support, like bulls; What is others - with heads on the chest, but our testimony will also believe the most sophisticated seating. Alonzo ah, anyway! I'll sit down and sing, be even this meal last: nothing more to wait for me. - Brother, Duke, eat with us. Thunder and lightning. Ariel appears in the image of Garpia. He swears with wings over the table, and disappear. Ariel Criminals You are three, and the fate, which in this world everything is subject to, told the insatiable agun of the sea to spew you to this desert island: you are unworthy of living among people. I'm on the madness to surpass you. Alonzo, Sebastian and others expose swords. Sorry desperation suicide.

Act iv. Scene 1 before cave Prospero. Enter Prospero, Ferdinand and Miranda. Prospero Brutally I did with you, but you will be rewarded by a hundredfold: the thread of the life of your own you give you, everything that I live, I give you. With you so sternly turning, your love I wanted to experience. And you endured you with honor. Acceptance, a friend, in the face of Heaven, my precious gift. About Ferdinand! Do not be surprised that I am proud of my daughter. You yourself will see that all praises are insignificant on comparing with the advantages of her rare. Ferdinand swear that in this no oracle would not disappoint me! Prospero So. Take my gift, you he deserved. But if you have a blasphemous hand to her the chastity belt, you will unleash before the marriage rite - the blessed will not be your union. Then the discord, sullen contempt and hatred of fruitless spikes will appear your wedding bed, and both you will score it. So guard the same purity until you illuminated the Svetoka Gimenta. Ferdinand swearing his life and love, the coming happiness and the offspring of our, which would not allow the gloom of the caves, solitary and bad inspiratus of evil spirits to defile my dreams, rewarded to lust. I do not overshadow that radiant day when it seems to me that Feb stopped his horses in the sky that the night was fitted at the bottom of the chains! Prospero this speech to me. Sit down and talk with her. She's yours. - My Ariel! Skilled my assistant! Ariel appears. Ariel I am here! What will the Lord tell me? Prospero and you, and younger than your congratulations served me now well. I also want to give you a handrail. Calls here by the subjects of the spirits. Let them hurry. For young couple, I'm a magical spectacle. I promised, and they wait for wonders. Ariel When can I convene them? Prospero without progress. Ariel is glad to serve you always, it's not a pity to you. MiG - and will come here the light spirits of a series. Are you happy? No il yes? I am satisfied with I am pleased, my gentle Ariel, is now, how my call you will hear. Ariel Order I understood. (Disappears.) Prospero (Ferdinanda) oath do not forget. Do not let your wield will, be restrained. And the great vows in the fire of passions burn as straw. Ferdinand no, my father, I do not break the oath! Snow chastity lies on the heart, the heat of passion cooling. I believe Prospero, I believe. - Two, my Ariel! And bring to you by the sudden spirits with your sleep. (To Ferdinand and Miranda.) Silence! Look and listen! Music. Mask begins. Irida appears. Irida Cercher generous, hear the call! Leave the expanses of the fertile nive, leave the plains with their carpet green, herd, wandering mountain slopes, Leave the flowers on river banks From which nymphs have wreaths, leave the tent of the branches secluded, where the tears pour rejected in love, leave the gardens with their aroma of roses and that coastal gloomy cliff, where you rest. Juno is coming here, going down from the translated throne. I, rainbow, harbinger of wonders, bridge, lowered from heaven, call - meet her! Already the valleys filled the noise: her peacocks fly. Cerer appears. Ceres hello to you, heavenly arc, messenger Juno and servant! About the henger, whose rainbow wings will be made by abundance, rain their sprinkling and dew. Oh you, that a multicolor stripe, like a belt, cover the earth! Why do you call me? I will do you. Irida will fulfill the will of the royal sister: Junon wants to bring gifts, a blessing to give a chief in love. Ceres about you, the crown, rounded over the world, tell me, will not be with my sister Venus or her son blind? I don't want to see a cupid nor my mother. After all, for Pluto, they together, they stole daughter, and her eternal hid her night. Irida Oh No, do not be afraid of meeting with them, with offenders a long time: they are now on Pafos held the path in the annoyance, which was not able to push the lovers of these: on the path of a breakdown, to inspire the passion of dust and recklessness, while Hymen Svetok is not lit. An embarrassed failure Cupid broke his bow and gave an oath - henceforth not to desecrate the human hearts of shrines and only innocently be frisky. Cereter But I hear the flight itself. Juno appears. Juno hello to you, sister! You will return to your possessions again without a progress, I apologize to me together with me together you blessed the marriage of the youth couple. (Sings.) The genus is your glorious blossoms. You have wealth and honor, happiness years without a number, Juno, brought. Ceres (sings) will be generous to you fields, abundance will give the earth, the bread will fill the crust, May will become you in winter, you will give the gardens of unprecedented fruits, life without grief and care to you cherry carries. Ferdinand with a magnificent spectacle in concerning the charming music. I dare to ask: not perfume it? Prospero is a perfume. Which I called my art, I wanted to serve. Ferdinand Oh, if you stay here forever! With such a wife, with such a father wisdom would be heaven here. Juno and Ceres whisper and give Iride to some order. Prospero wait-ka! Little! About something important whispering of the goddess are preparing, right, something. Switchy, otherwise our spells will disappear. Irida Lugovnikov Vieden Niada! Leave the river, full of coolness! Here, on this emerald meadow, the servants convenes his jungle. Love, nymphs, wish happiness, take a fate in the marriage festival. Nymphs appear. You, the sun squeezed jerseys, whose straw hats as the crowns burn over foreheads, wet from sweat! Here! Daily horse work! Let every nymph take the hand and takes it to her cheerful dance. Appears renges in peasant clothes. Together with nymphs, they are circling in graceful dance. Suddenly, Prospero rises and begins to speak, at the end of his speech there is a strange deaf noise and visions disappear. Prospero I forgot about the vile attempt on my life, which is preparing a beast of Kaliban and those who are with him. And the hour appointed by villains is close. (Spirits.) I am satisfied. - Disappear. - The end. Ferdinand than your parent, Miranda is distressed? Miranda do not know. I never seen him so alarmed and angry. Prospero my cute son, you look embarrassed and saddened. Wait! Complete holiday. In this presentation actors, I said, were spirits. And in the air, and in the air transparent, to achieve his work, they melted. - That's how, like ghosts without flesh, someday melted, like smoke, and clouds crowned mountains, and proud palaces and temples, and even all - oh yeah, the whole ball is terrestrial. And both from these disembodied masks, the trace will not be preserved. We are created from the substance the same That our dreams. And the whole little life is surrounded by bed. - My son, I am excited. Sorry this weakness. Mixed thoughts in the old head. Do not pay at me attentive. Go to the cave, take a break, and I'll get a little bit to take the excitement. Ferdinand and Miranda (together) calm down! Go. Prospero to me, my Ariel! Be soon like thought! Ariel appears. Ariel I performer thoughts. What do you get? Prospero Spirit! We have to prepare time to meet. Ariel Lord, I wanted to remind you about it when I portrayed the cherry, but I was afraid to eave. Prospero say, where did you leave these villains? Ariel, they completely bloomed from the wine. With courage drunk beat the madness of the wind for the fact that they blew in the face; they beat the earth for touched their soles; But still the idea is cherished. I hit the drum. With an incredulous as unnecessted stallions, they immediately put the ears, the eyes fed, raised the noses, sniffing towards music. And I fascinated their rumor, and, as the calf is placed on my sits, they walked through the thickets of Rosehip and Droka, thoring with themselves swaying the skin. I got them in a swamp, where they were bogged down by ears in Skyuchi juicy. Protection so! Ok, assistant my winged! Still still invisible. In my cave a lot of bright rags - they bring them here, so that these thieves are taken by Mishur. Ariel Leah! I'm flying! (Disappears.) Prospero No, Caliban I do not tame! He is a born devil, and in vain my work and the softness of the appeal. In vain everything! It becomes over the years he is just still ugly and evil. But I will reveal them all, yes so that they are wound ... is Ariel with bright clothes. Break all on the rope. Prospero and Ariel remain invisible. Parts are included and dirty calibium, Stefano and Trinkulo. Caliban TCC! Cherry! So that the mole of the blind did not hear how we step. Here is his cave. Stefano listen, messenger, this fairy that you said that she was harmless fairy played with us a premourzing thing. Trinkul messenger, I stuck with my head to my head; My nose is experiencing a great indignation for this reason. Stefano and mine too. Do you hear mandeship? If you get to me in disfavor, then look at me! .. Trinkuli Few-U-U-y! .. Then you will be completely disappearing messenger! Kaliban Oh, do not deprive me of goodies, my good lord! Be patient - you will soon be rewarded soon. But quieter! TSC! Here quietly, as if at midnight. Trinkulo is so, but losing our bottles in the swamp. .. Stefano Cuudishe, it is not only shame and effort, but moreover - an eye-willed loss. Trinkulo for me is even worse than bathing in the mud. That's so harmless fairy. Stefano I spend the bottle, at least I had to climb on the ears in the swamp again. Caliban about my king, you do not need to worry! Here is the entrance. In the cave, they say silently, the good crime is committed, and you will be on the island of the Vladyka, and I am the Lizetskik of your boot. Stefano give me a hand. I feel how thirst for blood wakes up in me. Trinkulo about King Stefano! Oh your lordship! About the famous Stefano! Look at what clothes are hanging here! Caliban leave, fool, because it's just rags! Trinkulo is not so messenger! What is what, and in Ragia, we know a lot about the king of Stefano! Stefano Sterling this mantle, Trinkulo! I swear a fist, I put on this mantle. Trinkulo Your grace will put it. Caliban Splinning You Waterka, Ostolaop! What are you attached to this rag? First you need to kill Prospero. After all, he, if we wake it up, the crepe of us from the head to it so that we will not know ourselves. Stefano messenger, not a hearing! Mrs. Rope, isn't it Camcol? Well, Mr. Camisole, you so sniffed to Mrs. Rope, which does not unravel her. From this breakfast, you are still, which is good, erase your pile and become a slashing Camcol. Trinkulo Come on, come on! If you want to your high, we will be with the rope all to the thread. Stefano Thank you, you agreed with nicely. Here you are for this dress. So far I reign in this country, the wit will always be rewarded. Step from the rope all to the thread? Here I missed. On you for this more pants. Trinkulo and ka, messenger, smear bird glue your paws yes take away what remains. Caliban will not. We spend time in vain. He can transform il in vile low monkeys in the gulls. Stefano Cough, stretching his paws. Help me demolish all the property there, where the barrel is hidden, I don't throw you out of my kingdom. Well, alive! Hold it. Trinkulo and it. Stefano and this. The noise of the approaching hunt is heard. Spirits appear in the image of the racing of pieces and pursue the thieves. Prospero and Ariel are nose of dogs. Prospero Atu, Almaz, Atu! Ariel Kousy his, tyrant! Prospero Hey, Fury, Take them, Ulya-Liu! Caliban, Stefano and Trinkulo run away, pursued by Psa. Prospero fly and the spirits order Forest, so that the cords suffer from the villains, so that the muscles are convulsed to them, so that the skin with the tweezers, as the skin of the leopard. Ariel Chu, scream! Prospero and Podocho - Let the hounds of them etching. So, from now on all my enemies - in my hands. Proceedings I will soon end, then you will breathe in air of freedom. But finally serve yet. Go.

Act V. Scene 1 before cave Prospero. Enter prospero in their magic mantle and Ariel. Prospero my idea is close to completion. The power of Char is strong, humorously serve the perfume, and the chariot of time as it should take its cargo. Tell me, what time? Ariel Sixth. You told me, the Lord that you end my works at six o'clock. Prospero I was so determined when I first called this storm. What do the king and the retinue do now? Ariel They, as prisoners, cannot leave from there, where they are left: everything is in the same grove that the protection of the cave is notgered. You can only free them. King, brother of the king, your brother - all three are still insane; The rest in despair mourn them. And the most of all grows the one who called the good old man gonzal. In the beard of his tears flowed - so rain flows off with reed roof. How to suffer from your spell you! Looking at them, you would regret them myself. Prospero you think? Ariel be a man, I would be sorry for me. Prospero and I feel sorry for them. Well, if they are a torment of the togan, the disembodied spirit, then I really created from the flesh, how they are close to their feelings and worship, will not be compassionate than you? Although I'm offended by them, I cruelly, but the noble mind extinguishes the anger and mercy is stronger than revenge. My only goal was to bring them to a repentance. I don't give them any more evil. You must free them. I will take off the spell, and returns to them again. Ariel to fly the order to execute, Lord. (Disappears.) Prospero you, perfume mountains, streams, lakes, forests! And you, that on the bangs of the sea, eat that chase Neptune at an hour of low tide and again run from him again, leaving no leaving on the sand! You, elf crumbs, that when the lunar light in the invisible dance of the grass, the grass, which the sheep is spoiled! You, at night stretching mushrooms! You are all who calls the evening ringing to night fun, pans and games! Although you yourself are not strong, but still, only with your help I eclipsed the sun, the rebellious wind subordinated to myself, the green shaft took the green shaft into the azure. Jupiter's arrow broke his proud oak, wrapped the rocks, I pulled out the pine roots and cedar. In my yield, the graves obediently returned the dead. All this I achieved my art. But now I am going to renounce this destructive science. I just want the music of the heavens to call for it to heal the madness of the poor, and there - I'll break my magic rod and storing it in the ground. And I will slow down at the bottom of the sea puchin, where the lot has not descended. Solemn music. Return Ariel. Behind him follows Alonzo, making convulsive movements, he is accompanied by a gonzalo. Further, in the same condition, Sebastian and Antonio, who accompany Adrian and Francisco. All of them enter the magic circle, outlined by Protection, and stop, enchanted. Prospero (appeals first to Alunzo) Solemn music Records, designed by madness, she will heal the boiling brain. Become here and know that you are in the power of the Char. - Gonzno virtuous and honest, my eyes, sympathizing with yours, drop tears. - But already weakens the power of a terrible spell. As morning, imperceptibly approaching, the darkness of the night gradually melts, so the dead consciousness is resurrected, the fog of the madness driven away. - Gonzanoy, my Savior noble and sovereign a devotee servant! I, returning to my homeland, words and what to thank you. "Alonzo, he did inhumanly with me with my daughter." Your brother was an accomplice of evils. "You, Sebastian," say now for that. " - You, my flesh and blood, my mother's brother; You, in whom frantic ambition spent conscience and nature; You who thought with Sebastian (let him be executed twice as much as) kill, - even though you are the monster, but I also forgive you. "Consciousness returns to the madmen, and the stream is completely flooded by the orstand. But none of them sees me, I can not know. - Ariel! Take the sword and hat in my cave. Ariel disappears. Now I will become visible and fall before Milan, Duke again as Milan. - Rather, the Spirit! Close your freedom! Ariel (appears and sings, helping Protection to crawl) I will be among the meadows to drink like bees, the juice of flowers, at night the butterca will give me her shelter, there suffered under the screams of owls; A little dawn I will hear call - I will do it fast winds. I will live a joyful life of freedom, I will live a medium of blooming nature. Prospero my gentle, my cheerful Ariel! As I feel sorry to part with you, you will get the freedom. Yes Yes Yes! But rushing now invisible on the ship and wake up the sailors sleeping in the trum. Let the captain and the Boatswie will appear before us. Hurry! Ariel swallow I will air on the fly, my way will take only two beans of the pulse. (Disappears.) Gunned like everything around mysteriously and strange, anxious and ominous. Sky forces, pray, from here to output us! Prospero King, look here - in front of you offended by the Milan Duke. I am a prospero. Do not be afraid, I'm not a ghost and prove it, hugging you. King, and you, and your satellites, welcome to this island! Alonzo Who You are - the one who called himself, Ile a vision of those that are pursued by me, "I don't know ... But I hear that in you, as in creatures from the flesh, the heart beats. And so - the pain in my brain passes; I'm afraid I was obsessed with madness. That was a reality or sleep? How strange! Forgive me for grave insults, I will return your duchy. - But how could Prospero alive stay and find yourself here? Prospero (to Gonzano) I want to first hug you, my gray-haired friend, you, whose nobility is infinite. Gonzano actually this or only seems to me? I do not understand. Prospero you are still not completely free from the power of the magic. And not easy to believe you in reality. - Friends, you all glad. (Quiet, Sebastian and Antonio.) And as before you, Signora, - you are standing at each other, - I could bring the dismilness of the sovereign, to the change in treason. But do not be afraid: I will keep silent. Sebastian (to the side) He is visible, the devil? Prospero no. (To Antonio.) You, the villain (so that the mouth does not defile, I don't want to call you a brother), I forgive your old sin. All goodbye. But duchy you have to return me. Alonzo When you - Prospero, then explain how you saved and how you found us here, where we have suffered a shipwreel, here, where - about grief to me! - My cute son is lost. Prospero me sorrow is understandable. Alonzo Alas, the loss of the unnocked. Here even patience will not help. Prospero and did you seek support? In the loss of the same bitter, I resorted to his help help - and you see. Comforted. Alunzo in loss as bitter? Prospero oh yeah, equally, in just as recent! And compensate the invaluable loss, perhaps it is harder to me than you: I lost the only daughter. Alonzo lost her daughter? Oh, if the skies of both were revived and returned to Naples King and Queen! Oh, if not my son Ferdinand, but I lay, covered with dirty tina! .. When did you lose your daughter? Prospero during this storm. But I see that our amazing meeting so shocked the minds of the syntor of these, that they do not believe their own eyes and do not find words. But know everything: I'm accurate - Prospero, the very duke, which expelled from Milan. On this bank, as well as you, I was thrown by a miracle and remained the Lord of the Island. But ending with this: after all, it was a stupid chronicle to read for the meal of Ile in an hour of such a meeting. Welcome to my cave. Deep cave "My palace, a little servant here, and there is no subject at all." Look, king! For the duke of my, which you returned to me back, I will reproach generously. My wonderful gift to admire you more than I am Duchy my. Opens the entrance to the cave; There Ferdinand and Miranda play chess. Miranda is my gentle friend, do you want to catch me trap? Ferdinand never in the world, beloved, you could not sick with you. Miranda for a hundred kingdoms probably would probably have schitril, but I would have a honest, I would consider the game, Alono Children is only a magical vision, I lost the only son today twice. Sebastian Miracle Miracles! Ferdinand (kneeling before Alonzo) So, I cursed in vain? It threatens, but still merciful! Alonzo my Ferdinand! Happy your father blesses you. But get out of his knees and tell me how you saved. Miranda about a miracle! What many beautiful faces! How the human race is beautiful! And how good is the new world where there are such people! Prospero all this is new. Alonzo (Ferdinanda) Who is she, that girl, with whom you played chess? You are not familiar with her no longer than three hours. Tell me, - she probably goddess, what separated us and again reduced? Ferdinand no, mortal she. For me, her immortal handed the providence. When I chose her - I did not think that the Father I can ask the Council. The daughter of the duke of Milan she, whom I did not see, I heard a lot about him. He gave me life again. And now, my chosen is my second father comes. Alonzo But I will become the same for her. But is not terrible to ask forgivers from your own children? Prospero will leave it. I will not burden our memory with misfortunes that have passed. Gonzano could not suppress heart sobs and because it was silent. Wedding, gods, two loving crowns happy: Of course, you were drawn the path that led us here. Alonzo Amen, Gonzalo! Gonzano not for that, I was expelled from Milan Milan Duke, so that his descendants in Naples reigned? Oh, refine! Write golden letters on irregular stone scrubles about how in this swimming happy king's daughter found a spouse, the son of the king found himself a wife where we all found him dead, and Prospero found her poses on the island of the desert. We all found themselves when they were already afraid to lose their minds. Alonzo (Ferdinand and Miranda) give hands. Let the one who you do not wish happiness will mourn all his life. Gonzano let it be so. Amen! Ariel appears, behind him are amazed captain and boatswain. About the sovereign! Other acquaintances! I said that this one would not drown, while there are gallows on the light. Well, the blasphemy, did you swear in the sea, are you silent on land? Singing language? What news do you tell us? Boatswain Here is the news, the best for us: the king and satellites of him - all are unharmed! But the other news: our ship, that crashed three hours ago in the chips, it costs again the desires, it is apparent on the first day when he came out into the sea. Ariel (to Prospero) all this, Lord, I arranged. Prospero (Ariel) skillful and agile Ariel! Alonzo Events Sophisticated, Right! And with each minute everything is wonderful! How did you get here? Boatswain Sovereign, I will tell, although I'm not sure that I do not sleep. I do not know how it happened, but in the trunk we drew a dead sleep. Suddenly some strange noise rose, and a cry, and howl, and clang chains, and grinds. We woke up and, going out to be freedom, we saw our royal ship in the order of full and more than before. The captain joy joy. Here she picked up as in a dream, some kind of unknown force, and in the moment one we found them here. Ariel (to Prospero) about the Lord, are you pleased with me? Prospero (Ariel) perfectly, my diligent Ariel! You will be free. Alonzo, we seek in the mysterious and wondrous labyrinth. There are no such miracles of such miracles, they can only explain their oracle. Prospero about the sovereign, do not strain the mind of solidifying secrets. I myself will explain to you at leisure; You will soon realize everything. In the meantime, give joy, eat happiness. (Ariel.) My Ariel! Free from Char and bring the caliban rather and two of his accomplishers here. Ariel disappears. Well, how are you, sovereign? From your suite here is something still lacking. Ariel is returning, chasing in front of Caliban, Stefano and Trinkulo: the last two are dressed in stolen clothes. Stefano all for one, and one by anyone, for we manage rock. Cheerfully, younger monster, cheerfully! Trinkuli If only two peeled on my face is not lying, then in front of us - the spectacle to the glory! Caliban about NEBOS! How are these perfumes! How dazzling my lord! I'm afraid he will punish me. Sebastian Ha, Ha! Look, Antonio, on these faces! Can you buy them? Antonio must be. One of these creatures is just a fish and, right, for sale. Protecely admire these three criminals, syigns. Here is this ugly slave - the son of the witches, the sorcerer is so skillful that the moon served her submissive, causing her rings and sob to her ... they threatened me threesome. And this half-girl - because he is a devil's offspring and this witch - they talked to kill me. Those two you are well known, and this is the birth of darkness - my slave. Caliban Now I will lose me to death. Alunzo like! Stefano? My drunkard butler? Sebastian drunk and now. Where did he get wines? Alonzo and Trinkulo shakes like the epics! But where they found such a liquid. So that human lift the appearance? (To Trinkulo.) Answer, a fool, where you fed? Trinkulo Oh, since we have seen the last time, I was so overlooking me that it was sinking to the bondes. Now I will not surprise me. Sebastian And what do you say, Stefano? Stefano Oh, do not touch me! I am not stefano, but a solid cramp. Prospero you, Plut, dreamed of being the local king? Stefano, if the king, then then the king of sores. Alonzo (pointing to caliban) is an amazing creature. Prospero ugly he and body and soul. (Kaliban.) Hey, you, in my cave, go, take your minions with you. Kohl you want to deserve forgiveness - all clean it there and take care. Caliban I will fulfill everything. Forgiveness will deserve and become smarter. Triple donkey! I considered a stray drunkard, I thought God! I worshiped stupid fool! Protecely go away! Alonzo and put things there, where they were found. Sebastian Right, stolen. Caliban, Stefano and Trinkulo leave. Prospero you, sovereign, and approximate yours please come to my cave, we will spend this night there. I hope that time will quickly fly: part of the night I will loan your story about how I got on this island, about how I lived here. And in the morning we sail on the ship in Naples, where the marriage of children I want to see soon. And after returning home, in Milan, to reflect on death on your leisure. Alonzo Waiting for your story with impressive, he, right, our ear bounce to himself. Prospero I'll tell you everything. And promise; Under you will be a serene; Backway wind, sail inflated, helps you catch up the fleet Royal! (Ariel.) It will be true, my winged friend - and you are free! Return to the elements. Goodbye! Goodbye! (To the rest.) Friends, I ask here. Go. Epilogue (pronounced actor playing Prospero) I renounced Magic. Like all earthly creatures, I am provided with your forces. On this island, I was sad to leave me and curse Ile to take in Naples - your power. But, returning his poses and giving offenders forgiveness, and I have no right now to wait for mercy from you? So, I am full of hope that good applause of my rook will speed up running. I am a weak, sinful man, do not serve the perfume to me, as before. And I appeal to you in the hope that you will hear Molub, solving my fate here. Moluba, mental humility gives rise to refuses in judges. All sinners, all forgiveries are waiting. May your court will be merciful.

Preface translator

The reader has the right to ask a question: what is the need for a new translation, for what reason is he undertaken? In any case, there was no theatrical order nor the ambitious desire to exceed all other translations. Probably, just wanted to "feel like Shakespeare" once, "to be inside his text, feel how it carries it a powerful flow - at the same speed, with what it carried the author himself. This is well stated by Pasternak, who translated all the main plays of Shakespeare. He intended to get to the "storm", but did not happen. But without Pasternak, the predecessors were mighty, it is enough to name M. Kuzmina and M. Donskoy. Fortunately, my translation is completely deprived of the motive of the competition, the desire of someone did not spark me.

Another question: why did I choose the "storm" from all the play of Shakespeare? The first, although not the only answer: from love for symmetry. Ten years ago, I transferred the wonderful poem of Shakespeare "Venus and Adonis", which he himself called the firstborn his fantasy. Many consider the "storm" as a farewell play of Shakespeare, his theater testament. So I wanted to add to Alfer Omega, to the first poem add the last play.

"Storm" always seemed to me hardly the most mysterious play of Shakespeare. Attention to it never weakened. In modern shakespiece, it became common to interpret the relationship of Prospero - Caliban as a model of the colonial policy of European countries. But under this angle, we can consider only what lies behind the text, I miss the play itself. What is her lyrical essence, what is the secret of the unchanged charm for the viewer? Piece is almost without intrigue. Well roam the cradled shipwreck in the island, gradually approaching the housing of the wizard, which should define their further fate. The viewer is nothing to worry about: all the strings from the very beginning in the hands of Prospero, he pulls for them at his request, the rest of the puppet characters only dance. Where is the "Bourge of Rock with Fernast of Inspiration", about which KTS wrote? .. As it were, no play, and the court mask is not, and the arrogant mask is a presentation with musical numbers and judovo interludes.

But the court mask always has some kind of main idea. Let's say triumph of love or virtue. And here - what a general thought, what philosophy? Or maybe allegory, but what? Isn't Alchemy? Ariel - Air, Caliban - Earth, Prospero - Fire. And who is water - Miranda? Maybe the rest of the characters of the play - sulfur, mercury, lead and other elements?

Perhaps the main goal of the playwright was to awaken the compassion of everyone to everyone, call for mercy and forgiveness? This consists of many Pieces of Shakespeare. Or now. The omnipotence that dissects a cloak of omnipotence - whether the idea is not concluded here that God, created the world, no longer manages the world? Without a teacher, Miranda remains without a guide, a bright miracle, and a dark slave Caliban. What do we know about the Religious Philosophy of Shakespeare? About his view on the origin of the evil and the borders of human freedom?

Nothing that these questions remain unanswered. The main thing is that the work on the translation made me think about them again, at least on an inch, and come closer to the autumn figure shrouded in the foggy cloak - Shakespeare.

As for purely translation problems, it is true. The play of the play is divided into three components: poetic pieces (lyrics and pathos), scenes in prose (comic) and songs - graceful and lungs, very difficult to translate. In second place in difficulty - the judovo moves of Trinkulo, Stefano and Caliban. It is known that the comic is obsolete and winds before lyrics and pathos. Even in the largest masters of verse in this component, failures, singularities caused by the incomplete digestion of Shakespeare's jokes and kalaburovs occur. I tried, first of all, obscure the full naturalness, the autonomy of Russian text.

That's all that you can briefly say in my justification.

Grigory Kurshkov


Alonzo, King of Naples.

Sebastian, his brother.

Prospero True duke Milansky.

Antonio, His brother, asked the title of Milan Duke.

Ferdinand, Son of King Naples.

Gonzalo Honest old adviser.

Adrian and Francisco, Courtful.

Caliban, Savage and ugly slave.

Trinkulo, jester

Stefano Drunk butler.

Captain Ship.



Miranda, Daughter Prospero.

Ariel, Spirit of air.

Irida, Ceres, Juno, Nymphs, Znatshesy - Perfume.

The action takes first on board the ship, then on the uninhabited island.

Act I.

Scene 1.

Ship in the sea.

Furious thunder blows are heard, zipper sparkle.

Enter Captain and Boatswain.

Captain. Boatswain!

Boatswain. I'm here, captain.

Captain. Clicks of sailors, and enemy, until we crawled into the beach. Each moment on the account. (Goes out.)

Enter sailors.

Boatswain. Hey guys moving! Topsells one! On the team - at once - hung! If only it were to turn away from the shore, and there Dui, the wind, until you doddle will not burst!

Enter Alonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzano other.

Alonzo. Hey, boatswain! Where is the captain, where are all people? Sweets in his whistle.

Boatswain. I ask you, gentlemen, stay in the cabin.

Antonio. Where is the captain, buddy?

Boatswain. You do not hear what they tell you? We climb down, do not push on the deck. You only help the bora.

Gonzalo. Well, well, hiding!

Boatswain. When the sea becomes hollow. Go! There are no business waves, you are king or not the king. In the cabin! Do not confuse under your feet.

Gonzalo. Remember the good, who is on board.

Boatswain. Neither one, who I would love more than myself. Who are you an adviser? Well, so advise the sea to threaten. Order him - and we will no longer touch the ropes. And if you can not, thank the sky that they lived to gray hair, pray and be prepared for what they do not amaze. - Well, friendly guys, still time! - Do not bother you, tell you. (Goes out.)

Gonzalo. The appearance of this small soothes me. This will not drown: he has the physiognomy of the Hangman. See do not change my mind, Fortune! If you intended this fraudster to the loop, make it a rope by our rescue rope - we no longer hope for. Or this Plut was born to be hung, or we died.

Again it includes Boatswain.

Boatswain. Hey, there, upstairs! Knock knots tight! Hardwood left!

From the truma there are screams.

Plague them! What are you how to spend - the storm will muffle, not the fact that my whistle.

Appear Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzano.

Well, again here? What do you need? Want to see how we will sink? You don't want to pollut the salted driver, gentlemen?

Antonio. Tipun to you in the tongue, gorlder, unholytiv, a rabbish dog!

Boatswain. Oh, do not want? So what do you want?

Antonio. Fixed to hell, naked, Grubian, Sukin Son! We are not more afraid of this storm.

Gonzalo. I bet that he doesn't understand, if it was even a ship fragile shell and snoring the whores.

Boatswain. Remove Foxel and Grotto! Steering, cooler to the wind! Deploy your nose into the sea!

Enter sailorsThrough the wet.

Sailors. We disappeared! God help me! We are carrying right on the rocks!

Boatswain. It can be seen, you will have to dry the water.


King and Prince, I hear, pray to God.
Come on to them and kneel,
To pray together.


We die because of these pathetic drunks.
Gorlastic scoundrel! So that you arete
Seven times in a row!


First hang it
I am convinced of this - let the waves with the roar
I swear in the other.

Screams with a scene by the scene: "There is no salvation. - Ship cracks ... - Goodbye, wife and children! - Farewell, brothers! - Lord have mercy!"


All - knees next to the king.


I'll tell him.

Going out Antonio and Sebastian.

Gonzalo. And I would now give all this water for one Akre of the Earth - the very bad, weeding ground, overgrown by Byrian and spines. To whom it is written on the family, but on land to die better, honestly! (Goes out.)

Scene 2.

Island. Before Clays Prospero.

Enter Prospero and Miranda.


Father beloved if that's you
Waves rebelled by their art,
Smith them! Behind the shaft formidable shaft
Storm the sky, and from there be poured
Boiling black var. Away, at Cape,
I've seen a wonderful galleon
(He, right, noble visits Signor)
Crashed into sinters. Oh, how the heart sank,
When through the crash of the waves to me came
The scream of dying! Whether I am an all-breeding god,
I would whistle the sea deep into the earth,
Without giving him hard to absorb
Ship with live souls.


Well, full!
Do not overshadow in vain breasts with tears -
After all, no evil was accomplished.


Terrible, terrible day!



Why should I know more?


It's time
Learn more. Help me to remove
My wizard cloak.

(Resets the raincoat.)

Tear next.
You can comfort, honey, sortie!
Believe me, shipwreck scene,
Which you are shocked to tears
Conceived and play so cleverly
That no soul on the ship
From which huzzles and screams rushed
Not suffered. You can believe me:
Nobody lost neither hairs.
But listen further.


You are more than once, father,
Wanted to tell me about something important
But every time they interrupted
Words: "Let's wait. Not yet time! "


The time has come. But first answer me:
You remember something from that time
When did we live far from here?
Although hardly! You were infant
Three years all.


I think I remember.


Can not be! What exactly? My house
Il someone's face? What resisted
In guys?


I see everything
As if through the fog - not understanding
Where do you have, where sleep. With me as if there were
Three or five servants?


Even more.
Already lives so many years
In your head? What else? Pill
In the deep abyss of time - say:
How did we get here?


No, I do not know…


So know: twelve years ago
Your parent was the duke of Milan -
Mighty prince.


You really do
My father?


Yes, friend. At least,
So I heard from your mother,
Whose virtue is above all doubts.
From here it follows that you are my daughter,
Heirs and, like - in no way, princess


But what happened?
What evil goats or case
Are we brought here?


First, Miranda, there were evil goats,
Then - a happy case.


Ah, Father!
I am conscable that I am my question
Disamed your pain. But still -
I want to know.


My only brother
Named Antonio, your uncle,
Which I loved, how myself, -
Is it possible to favorite brother
Tool in itself is such a treachery! -
I trust the clotted, rules
Duchy Affairs; Everything went well,
I remained the powerful sovereign,
But - passioned over all measures
Teach books, all souls striving
Comprehend the secret - from the business of the revet
More went away; and meanwhile
Cunning brother, your uncle, - you follow
What do you say?


With all attentive.


... He, having studied the court springs,
Art to encourage and reject
One to give a move, others, too zeal
PRESENT, - managed to remar
To yourself know all, or, to say otherwise,
Holding keys in hand from posts
So, and the hearts of my courtiers,
He set up them on his way. Like ivy
He walked around my throne
And drove all branches. Do you follow?


Yes, Batyushka.


See what happened next.
I, removed from earthly worries,
All immersed in the search for perfection
And knowledge, superior values
Everything in the world, awakened in the wrong brother
Gaduka-envy and my trust
Poker with her terrible bastard -
Angry intent, so sad, how immensely
My trusses was. Endowed
My authorities assigning
Not only our profit, but also fame,
With routine merge, he imagined -
As one who, often repeating a lie,
Rape fullest memory, -
That he is the only ruler,
And ambition pushed him -
Yes, you are fully, are you listening to me?


Such a story would heale the deaf.


... pushed to destroy all obstacles
Between actor and welcome role -
In other words, he decided himself
Become a duke of Milan. Like, Prospero
He himself hooked himself forever in the books.
To consider me to the routine unsuitable
He demolished like a traitor, with the king
Naples, promising him
To lean Milan, to that time free,
Under the power of the Crown of Neapolitan
And annually tribute to pay.



Is it possible to believe it is impossible?
And this is my own brother native!


On my grandmother, my shadow will not bother:
Right and from the blessing seed
Rotten siblings.


Look further.
King Naples, my longtime enemy,
Heads his brother's suggestion
Namely - for cash tribute
And other vassal assignments
Exagle me with a family from Milan,
And the Duchess honors and title
Give antonio. King with troops
Suitable at night to the city, - Gate
Already treacherously open by brother -
And immediately, under the cover of darkness,
Break up, grab and take off
Me and loudly weeping crumb,
That is, you.


About the grief scene!
I do not remember whether I cried then
But listening to today, I pay again.


It remains to take quite a bit
And there from the disasters of the past will return
To the events of the current. In them justify
My story.


But why
Did they immediately kill us?


Natural question. I will answer this:
They could not decide on it -
The people loved me, he was afraid
Such a thing immediately stain
His boost; Their plan was cunning.
In short, we are loaded
On the ship, drove away to the sea,
And there in the cooked boat
Descended - Old Lohan without cheerful,
Without sail and mast. Even rat
From her escaped. What remained me?
Wall, rap and complain to the wind,
Who shouted shouting, wall
From pity.


What a burden
Was you, Batyushka!


No, not a burden -
But the guardian angel. While
While wave tears I shed,
You smiled at me light and meekly,
Instilling in the heart of the will and determination
Everyone will undergo.


But how did we save?


By the will of providence. Gonzalo
That noble neapolitan
Who received an order to end with us
From compassion provided us with food,
Water, clothing and other grain,
That later turned out to be very
For our needs. On kindness of mine

Alonzo , King Neapolitan.

Sebastian , his brother.

Prospero , Legal Duke Milan.

Antonio , his brother, illegally seized power in Milan Duchy.

Ferdinand , son of the king of Neapolitan.

Gonzano , Old honest Counselor of the Naples King.

Adrian, Francisco , courtiers.

Caliban , slave, ugly savage.

Trinkulo , jester.

Stefano , butler, drunkard.

Captain Ship.

Boatswain .


Miranda , daughter Prospero.

Ariel , Spirit of air.

Irida, Ceres, Juno, Nymphs, jerseys - Perfume.

Other perfumes, submissive prospero.

Situation - ship in the sea, island.

Act I.

Scene 1.

Ship in the sea. Storm. Thunder and lightning. Enter Captain Ship I. Boatswain.


Listen, captain.


Call the command to the top! Lively for business, we are not taking the reefs. Most! .. Most! ..

Captain goes; Appear sailors.


Hey, well done! .. fun guys, fun! .. Vivid! To remove Marseille! .. Listen to the captain's whistle! .. Well, now, the wind, you are spacious - blow, until you burst!

Enter Alonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzano and others.


Good boatswain, we rely on you. And where is the captain? Start, friends!


Well, go down.


Boatswie, where is the captain?


And you do not hear it, or what? You prevent ushee! Go to cabins! See, the storm spiked? And here you still ...


Lightly, kind, dumb!


When the sea is packed! .. Clean! With this roaring shaft there is no business to kings! Marsh around the cabins! .. Silent! .. Do not interfere! ..


Still, remember, kind, who is on board.


And I remember that there is no one whose skin would be more expensive to my own! Here you are the adviser. Maybe you will advise the elements to calm down? Then we do not touch the gear. Well, take your power! And if you do not take, then say thank you for a long time to live in the light, fall into the cabin yes get ready: the trouble will happen. - Hey guys, stir! - Away from the road, tell you!

All except Gonzano, go.


However, this small comforted me: he is the honorable Hangman, and who is destined to be hanged, he will not drown. About Fortune, give him the opportunity to live to the gallows! Make a rope designed for him by our anchor rope: after all, there are few benefits from the ship's ship. If he is not destined to be hung, we disappeared.

Gonzano go away Boatswain Returns.


Lower it! Vividly! Below! Below! .. Let's try to go on one grotto.

Creek is heard.

Plague tasks these threes! They stop and storm, and the captain's whistle!

Return Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzano.

Again you here? What do you need? What, to quit everything because of you and go to the bottom? You hunt drown, or what?


Yazva to you in the throat, damned Gorlan! Unholy ruthless dog - here you are who!


Ah well? Well, work then yourself!


Snatched trousers! We are less afraid of drowning than you, a dirty bastard, you have a cattle!


He will not help if it would not even our ship was not a stronger nut shell, but it would be as difficult to flow in it as a sip of a chatty woman.


Keep steeper to the wind! Crue! Put the grotto and fock! Hold to the open sea! Away from the shore!

Awesome rugs sailors.


We died! Pray! Died!



Surely we will have to feed fish?


The king and prince of Molba raise to God.

Our duty to be close to them.


I am swept.


We ruined this shaka drunkard! ..

Gorough dog! Oh if I drown

Are you ten times in a row, beaten by the sea!


No, I will challenge, - he will grab the gallows,

At least all seas and oceans

Save! .. Ton! Ton! .. Farewell, wife and children! Brother, goodbye! .. Ton! Ton! Ton! ..


Perish next to the king!

Everything, Besides Gonzano, go.


I would have traded all the seas and oceans for one acre of fruitless land - the most unfasteless empty, overgrown with the heather or direction. Yes, the will of the Lord will happen! But still, I would prefer to die dry death!

(Goes out.)

Scene 2.

Island. Before the cave Prospero.

Enter Prospero and Miranda.


Oh if you are you, my father is dear,

The sea rebelled the sea,

Then I pray you to pacify it.

It seemed that burning resin

Streams flow from the sky;

But the waves reaching heaven,

Hit the flame.

Oh, as I suffered,

The sufferer of those who died sharing!

Brave ship, where, of course, were

And honest and righteous people

Crashed into chips. In my heart

Their cry sounds. Alas, they died!

I would be an all-breeding deity,

I would wander the sea in the earthly subsoil

Mostly, what would absorb him

Ship with unfortunate people.


Let your good not moan the heart:

No harm done.


Awful day!


No harm done. I all arranged,

Taking care of you, my child, -

Oh my daughter's sole, beloved!

After all, you do not know - who we are from.

What did you know? What your father is

Calling Protection and that he

It belongs to the wretched cave.


To ask me a thought did not come.


It's time to open all you.

But help me remove my raincoat Magic!

(Removes the cloak.)

Long, might of mine.


Miranda, Miranda tears:

So plump shipwreck

Who mourge you

I am a powerful art of my

It was so that everyone was alive.

Yes, all who sailed on this vessel,

Who died in the waves, calling for help,

From their heads and hair did not fall.

Sit down and listen: Everyone will learn now.


You often gathered me to open

Who are we; and interrupted their story

Words: "No, wait, not time ..."


But she struck an hour - to look at my speeches.

When we settled in the cave,

You hardly turned three years old

And you probably can't remember

About what was before.


No, I remember.


Do you remember? What? House or people?

We told about everything that has saved

You are in your mind.


So vaguely vaguely

Early sleep looks like a point,

All that memory suggests me.

It seems to me that as if for me

Put five il six servants.


And more. But as in your mind

Improved it? What else

In deep abyss, you see?

Perhaps remember what happened

Before our arrival on the island,

You remember how we found yourself here?


No, I can not, father!


Twelve years old!

Ago twelve years ago, child,

Your parent was the Duke of Milan,

Mighty prince.


How? So you

I'm not a father?


From your mother

In which the virtue was embodied

I know you are my daughter. But still

Was the duke of Milan your father,

And you - the heiress of his possessions.


About Heaven! What a cunning

Did you led here? Ile, maybe happiness?


Both together: we expelled us

Cunning, happiness - led here.


Oh! The heart was bleeding with thought

That I reminded unwittingly


My younger brother Antonio, your uncle ...

Find out, Miranda, as the brother native

Sometimes the enemy is treacherous! ..

I loved me the most in the world

After you; I instructed him

The states of the state to manage.

At that time, my duke was considered

The first of the possessions of Italy

And Prospero - the first of the princes,

In the sciences and in the arts umuddnaya.

Take their absorbance

Brazda Rourer handed me brother

And at all ceased to delve into cases.

And here, Miranda, your cunning uncle ...

Are you listening to me?


With all attempt!


He studied when it is necessary to request

Agree to answer when - refusal;

Someone closer, and who to send.

He served my servants myself,

Lured to my friends;

Holding a ring from the soulful strings in his hands,

He all hearts on his own way.

Society of my present barrel

He was spoken as a chain liana,

And all juices sucked ...


Closed in sweet solitude

To comprehend all the sacraments of science,

Which ignorance despise

I woke in my insidious brother

That evil that dreamed in it.

Like, balusy, father of the child ruins,

So in him my immense trus

Ground treachery without borders.

Brother, inxicated by the duke of the authorities,

Power, wealth, and honorary

And all the attributes of great

Which I gave him

As your governor, I decided

That he is truly Milan Duke:

So liar who taught himself

Shower to be a truth in the disaster

Sometimes he believes himself.

All the increased brother's ambition ...

Do you listen to Miranda?


Your story

Will make and deaf healed!


He wanted to erase between the fact that

And what seemed; He wanted Milan

Own one, fully, undivided.

After all, Prospero - Crank!

So where is it

With the power to cope?

With him pretty

His libraries! ..

And so much

My brother became thirst for power obsessed

That with the king of Naples stunned:

Tribute promised to pay him

Recognize yourself with the royal vassal

And subordinate my free Milan -

Alas, unheard of humiliaries -

Neapolitan crown ...


For it, he turned out ... Tell me,

Doesn't I monster? And this brother is native!


I do not see your mother:

Village wears and the good womb.


So, what was the shameful bargaining?

King Naples, my enemy sworn,

With Antonio about Tom agreed

To in exchange for a cash tribute,

On the subordination of the duchy crown

Give my rights to the traitor

And the title of Duchess, driving me

And my whole race forever from Milan.

So came true: in the agreed night

Opened my brother gate urban,

His accomplices let in Milan,

And at the same night we were taken into exile

His clutches. You buried bitterly ...


Alas! I do not remember how then sobbed,

But now I cry now:

For tears of my reason.


A little more injured - and the story

I will bring until this day;

Otherwise, my story will without meaning.


But why didn't they kill us?


Located your question. They did not dare!

The people loved me. They were afraid

Blur in blood; hid wanted

Under bright paint black affairs.

So, hastily bringing on the ship,

In the open sea we were transplanted

On the half-jammed

Without mast, without gear, without sails,

From which rats fled,

And left there, so that our moans

Sadly the second, rumbled waves.

And the wind sighs, the second of our sighs,

We were distant from the ground ...


And I was a burden to you!


On the contrary

You were the Guardian angel!

Divine Justice Shyaya,

You smiled meekly, at that time

How I moan and tears shed

Under the burden of the resulting grief.

Your smile gave me strength

And my courage has strengthened.


But how did we save?


Will Providence.

One noapolitan one

Named gonzalo, who

Send us to death entrusted

From Sostradaya got us food

And freshwater, gave us clothes

And all the necessary supplies.

Besides, knowing how I rose

His books, he allowed me

With you to capture those foliants,

That I am above duchy appreciate.


Oh, if I could see him!


Now I will stand!

(Puts on his raincoat.)

You, my daughter,

Sit and listen about the end of the wanders.

On this island threw us.

And then I became your teacher -

And you have succeeded in the sciences

Like any of the young princesses,

Kooy has many fumes

And there is no such zealous teachers.


You will be raised for this heaven!

But I, Father, I still do not understand

Why did you call the storm?


It happened so that the generous fortune,

Now the most faithful to me

My enemies sent here.

I calculated that for me today

Constellations are favorable;

And if I miss this case,

That happiness will not visit me again.

But I don't ask any more questions.

Are you sleepy. That will be a dream of good.

He cannot resist you.

Miranda falls asleep.

Here, to me, my servant and assistant!

I'm waiting for you! Approom, Ariel!

Appears Ariel.


Greetings to you, my lord!

Ready I do everything you will order:

Swang in the waves, Il rush into the fire,

Ile on a curly cloud to rush.

Veli - and everything will be performed by Ariel!


Did you fulfill all my orders


Made as you told.

I attacked the royal ship;

Everywhere there - from the nose to the stern,

On the deck, and in the trunk, and in the cabins -

I sow horror; The flame was revealed

On the mast, on a bushprit and on the rim.

Fast, no impossible

And lightning that Jupiter

Sail as the forerunner of grumbler.

And from sparkling, screens and smoke

Fluttered in the punch of Neptune himself,

His trident grozny shoved.

And horrified shot down to the sky waves.


Perfectly! Who remained the spirit of hard?

In Skyatitsa who has kept the mind?


No one. All moved away from fear

And they began to rush meaninglessly.

All after each other, except sailors,

Throw began to be in a frothy abyss.

To escape from a fire flame,

Which I lit on the ship.

The royal son, Ferdinand, was the first

And his hair stood on end,

When he jumped into the waves, shouting:

"Hell is empty! All devils flew here! "


That's how? But the shore was not far?


Yes, sir.


And all of them saved?


All are unharmed. Even their clothes

Not touched nor a spin on it.

How did you command me, I scattered them

On the island; and the royal son

Left me alone in a deserted place

He sighs, in the longing breaking his hands.


That you did with the royal ship

With sailors and fleet the rest?


The ship is anchored in that bay,

Where did you call me somehow at midnight

Capture the dew of the Bermuda Islands.

All the crew I firmly locked in the truma:

There sailors fatigue

And the magic of my sleep.

And the royal fleet that i

By sea, Mediterranean scattered,

Connected again and keeps the way

Home, in Naples, with sad news:

After all, everyone saw that the ship crashed

And that the king died.


So, Ariel!

You fulfilled the handrail.

But there is still a case. What time is it now?


Already for noon.


Two hours, no less.

And until six, we must all have time.


Are you going to new things?

Let me, Mr., then remind:

After all, you promised me ...


How? Discontent?

What do you want from me?


So I let you go to the term?

And I do not want to hear about that.


But remember -

I served you loyal and honestly

Without laziness, without mistakes, without cheating,

And you did not hear complaints from me.

You promised to free me

A year before the term.


Ah, ungrateful!

Forgot you, from what torment the torment

I saved you?


No, you forgot!

And if I did good

Togo is not worth it to serve me

You are in the abyss of the waters of salty sink,

Flew on the wings of the northern wind

Ile pierced with ice

Earthly subsoil?


Standing, Mr.


About false Spirit, you forgot everything. Remember

Terrible sorceress Sicracce,

Which is from old age and malice

In the arc bent! Do you remember her?


Yes, sir.


Where was she born?

Well, answer!


In Algeria.


So. Once a month

You should remind you about her.

For witchcraft and different villains,

About koi and talk nasty

They expelled Sicracce from Algeria.

But still left her life,

I do not know what. Well, is it so?


Yes, sir.


Sailors this witch

With her we came brought here.

Now - my slave, you served her then.

But you were too clean to do

Her orders are notching and evil;

Often, they showed non-face.

And here is the sorcerer in his rage,

Calling for the aid more obedient

And more powerful spirits

In the cleft pine closed you,

So that you suffered twelve years.

That term has expired, but the sorceress died,

And you stayed in a painful prison

And the whole island announced screams.

Then there were no people here

Damned Witch; He lived one here.


Yes, Caliban lived here then one.


That same calibe, stupid and dark,

Which I keep for services.

Do you remember whether in which cruel flies

Did you break when I arrived here?

Your walls are the second, wolves

You inspired pity for fierce bears -

That were the flour of hell. Sicarasse

I could not free you.

But I, arrive here, my art

Skina Roles and released you.


I am grateful to you, Mr.


But you will chat - Sleeping

I'm a nodular oak, and in it you will

For another twelve years to cry from pain.


Oh, spare! I obey me!


Well, the same. Two more days will serve

And I let you go to the will.


Oh my generous lord!

Observe! What should I do? Say!


Stay and wrap the nymph nymph.

Until time, be visible only to me

And more to anyone. In the case of this

Return here. Stay. Hurry.

Ariel disappears.

Wake up, child! Your dream was grapphered.

Wake up!


(wakes up)

Father, Wonderful Your Story

I was sowned by some strange dorm.


Strank her with himself. Get up, Miranda.

Now you need to call Caliban,

At least we, right, not hear

Not a word of kind.


He is rude and terrible.

I do not like to meet him, father.


But without him we cannot do without:

He wears the firewood, the fire is breeding

And makes all the black work.

Hey, Caliban! You, rough beam!

Respond, slave!


(behind the scenes)

Still there will be enough firewood.


Once I call - you will find a business.

Well, the turtle, moving faster!

Who am I saying?

Appears Ariel In the guise of marine nymphs.

My Ariel! Wonderful vision!

Listen ...

(Whispers Ariel on the ear.)


I will execute, Mr.



Hey, dirty slave! Bastard evil witch

And devil! Live go here! -

Included Caliban.


Let your head fall

Malicious dew that mother selected

Feather owl with disastrous marshes!

Let the wind southwester

You body blisters!


For this brand you will pay expensive!

All night - Pop doings it will be perfume

You prick and cramp you.

From their tweezers, you will become noworthy,

Like bee honeycomb, and their tweaks will be

It is even more painful than bees bites.


You do not even eat me! ..

I got this island rightfully

From mother, and you robbed me.

First, you were sweet with me and kind,

You treated me with a drink,

You taught me how to call

And bright and pale shone,

Which we will shine afternoon and at night

And I loved you for it,

The whole island showed all the land:

And pastures, and salt pits,

And Spring ... Fool I! Be I cursed! ..

Let them attack you.

Beetles and toads - Sycrachesis servants! ..

Myself I was my lord

Now I am a slave. I was driving me in Nora

And the island took away!


You are a false slave!

You do not smell good with you, only the screak.

At first I addressed you

Although you are an animal, like a man.

You lived in my cave. But then

You thought my daughter to disaggregate!


Ho-ho! Ho-ho! And sorry, failed!

Don't hurt me - I would like

The whole island of calibans.



No, good feelings in you do not raise up

You are a vile slave, in the vices of the coexist!

From pity I took the work

You teach you. Ignorant, wild,

You could not express our desires

And only washed, like a beast. I taught

You say, gave knowledge of things.

But he could not study

Your animal, lowland nature.

And for Noura thanked me.

You cost the chains of the badness than the dungeon.


You have taught me talking

In your language. Now I know,

How to curse, - thanks for that.

Let them take the plague of both of you

And your language.


Rude witch, Sgin!

Drings bring. Yes, live, you hear?

More work will be. What? Write?

Look, for negligence and laziness

I will find your crush on you and bones

I will screw it. So breed from pain

What animals are scared.


Not! Sch up!

(To the side.)

So far I'm scratching. His science is strong.

He is suspended even NEBOS,

My mother is mine.


Stay, slave!

Caliban goes away.

Appears invisible Ariel, he sings accompanied by music; Behind him follows Ferdinand.



Spirits of mountains, forests and water,

All in the dance! Salted the sea.

In a light dance, with splash hands

Combat the circle

I am a friendly time!

To listen!


(from all sides)


Pots Watchdog, Lap!


To listen!

Sea Smallklo, Dal Quiet,

I can hear the rooster drink!



Where does this music come from? From heaven

Or from the ground? Now she was silent.

That is true, hymns with these deities.

I, the death of the father mourning bitterly,

Sit on the shore. Suddenly on the waves

Sweet sounds burst to me,

Harding the rage of waves and sorrow.

I follow music; Rather

She entails me ... she was silent.

No, here again.



Your father sleeps at the bottom of the sea,

He tinea is tightened

And will be the flesh of his sand,

Coral bone will become.

It will not disappear, he will

Only in the wonder is embodied.

Chu! Hears funeral ringing!




Sea nymph, Din-Din-Don,

Store his last dream.


Soon in a song about my father!

There may not be earthly these sounds,

They descend here from height.



Raise the curtain of the eyelashes,

Looking there.


What is it? Spirit? Oh my God,

How beautiful it is! True, Father,

Is he beautiful? But this is only a vision!


Oh no, child, he is like that:

And sleeps, and eats, and feels like us.

He escaped the fake with shipwreck;

Here he is looking for comrades missing.

Whether only grief, the enemy of beauty,

Did not distort his face

You would call the young man beautiful.


Divine it would be called!

No on earth creatures of such beautiful!


(to the side)

Everything happened, as I designated.

My Ariel is skillful! I am for it

Two days later you will be released.


So she, the goddess, in honor of which

That hymn sounded! ... by the answer to the ass.

Are you here, on this island, live?

What to do me to make? The last question

But the main thing for me: Tell me, Miracle,

Are you a fairy or mortal?


I am a simple girl. I'm not a miracle.


How? My native language! But if I

Was where they speak on it - I would

Of all who speak on it, the first!


First? Well, and if you heard

You are the king of Naples?


He hears,

Walking that suddenly you remembered Naples:

Alas, the king of Naples - I myself.

My eyes have not satisfied since

As you saw that my father, the king,

He died in sea waves.


Alas! Unhappy!


Died with him and all his veelmes,

Milan Duke died with her son ...


(to the side)

Milan Duke with his daughter

You could easily refute ...

Not yet time ... from the first sight

The fire of love lit in their eyes ...

My gentle Ariel, you freedom

For this ladies.


Listen, Signor!

Why disgrace yourself wrong?.


Oh, why my father is so harsh?

In front of me the third person

Which I know. But he is the first

Who caused a strange tomorrow in the heart.

How I want the father to soften!


Oh, if anyone is your love

I have not gave you, the queen

Naples I will make you.


Keep quarrels, Signor!

(To the side.)

Friend is fascinated by each other. But due

Obstacles to create for their love,

To ease it not to devalue.


I solved you: you are an impostor.

Thai did you get on with this island,

So that I take my poses.


Oh no, swear!


In such an excellent temple

The evil spirit can not dwell. Otherwise

Where would it be good?




And you do not stand up - he is a deceiver.


We go! I'm in the chain zayka,

You will drink one sea water

You will eat seashells, yes root,

Yes shell from the acorns. Stay!


No, I do not obey while my enemy

I will not overcome in a duel.

(Catching the sword, but the spells of Prospero do not allow him to move.)


Father, what is the test?

You see: He's kind, taking into account and dare.


What? Eggs teach chicken?



Insert your sword into the sheath! You threaten me,

But, the aggravated consideration,

You will not dream. Throw your sword

Not that I pick it up with this stick.


Father, I beg!


Away! Loose!


Ah, get together! I pass for him!


Do not mind - I will have a rage in me,

Not only anger! How! Under your defense

You dare to take a deceiver! .. Silent!

Did you see him yes caliban

And do you think he is beautiful?

Ah, stupid! With men others

It is compared - he is a day Caliban,

And those before him - as the angels of the Lord.


My love is unpretentious:

He is beautiful enough for me.



Go for me! Hear? Study!

After all, you are now powerless like a child!


Yes it is. I fed, as in a dream.

But all - and this is a strange powerlessness,

And the death of the father, and the death of all friends,

And the captivity, which the enemy threatens me, -

I would easily demolish if I just knew

That from my prison at least glimpse

I can see this girl.

Let Freedom reigns on Earth everywhere

And I will be abolished in such a prison!


(to the side)

Love sends them.



You did everything as it should, Ariel!

(Ferdinand and Miranda.)

Behind me both follow!



What should you fulfill you ...

(Whispers Ariel on the ear.)



Do not be afraid: my father is kind and better,

What can be judged by speeches.

I do not understand what happened to him.



You will be free, like a mountain wind,

When you do everything that I said.


I will execute everything. You will be pleased with me.


(Ferdinand and Miranda)



For him, do not dare to ask!