“Victory” syndrome: airlines against passengers. What will happen to passengers when validators destroy conductors? What happens to passengers when

Passenger airliners fly at different altitudes. They are considered a dangerous form of transport not only for this reason. If the fuselage body is not reliable, a crack may form in it due to the pressure difference. The result is depressurization of the aircraft. This will have negative consequences for crew members and passengers.

What happens during depressurization

Modern cinema provides the viewer with a lot of films in which plane crashes due to depressurization are shown in great detail. Many people, after watching these films, try not to fly. But is this really so? Is everything they show us true?

Surely everyone remembers physics lessons where they talked about atmospheric pressure. Its performance on the ground and in the sky are significantly different. Accordingly, the pressure inside the aircraft is not the same as in the space surrounding it during flight.

When depressurization occurs, pressure equalization occurs. Oxygen leaves the cabin. At altitudes intended for airliner flights, it is not enough to support life.

What happens to passengers? They can expect the following impacts:

  1. Low oxygen content in the air entering the cabin. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs. The head begins to spin and the person loses consciousness.
  2. Reducing the temperature in the cabin to −50º. Wind gusts at an altitude of more than 4000 km reach 600-800 km/h. Passengers experience frostbite in unprotected areas of their bodies.
  3. Sudden pressure drop. As a result, small blood vessels rupture. This negatively affects the functioning of the heart.

The first thing a person will encounter is a state of panic. You need to try to calm down and listen to the flight attendants' messages.

Important. Airlines equip aircraft with all the necessary equipment that is used in the event of cabin depressurization.


The integrity of an airliner depends on many factors. These include the following:

  1. Human factor. Depressurization of the cabin occurs due to the fault of a passenger or crew member. They may unintentionally press the emergency exit handle.
  2. Technical defects. This is the case if the sealed cladding layers cannot withstand the loads. Cracks appear in them.
  3. Mechanical impact. It occurs in the event of damage to the integrity of the fuselage with the skin (missile hit).
  4. Failure to comply with maximum permissible load standards. For each flight this indicator is calculated individually. If the airliner reaches a high altitude, its skin will not withstand the pressure.

To avoid depressurization during flight as a result of technical defects, designers equip airliners with durable frames and skins.

Important. Depressurization of the interior does not have a negative impact on engine operation. The plane continues to fly at the set speed limit.


There are two types of cabin depressurization: emergency and planned. Emergency loss of sealing occurs for various reasons. Due to pressure changes, the plane breaks apart in parts. All people on board at this time are doomed.

Good to know! With minor damage, the casing retains its integrity. In this case, it is possible to control the situation.

Planned depressurization is carried out before landing. Aircraft are equipped with special valves. The pilot opens them, thereby equalizing the pressure in the cabin with the pressure outside.

Actions in case of depressurization

What to do if the aircraft cabin is depressurized? First of all, don't panic. In many cases, fatalities for passengers are recorded as a result of their chaotic and thoughtless actions.

Secondly, when the aircraft depressurizes, it is necessary to use oxygen masks. In the event of an emergency, they automatically fall out of special upper compartments.

The oxygen supply will allow passengers and crew members to breathe normally for 15 minutes. This time is enough for the pilot to lower the plane to an altitude of 3 km. At this air boundary, the air is not so rarefied, and there is a sufficient amount of oxygen in it.

Thirdly, you need to fasten your seat belts. This will prevent the passenger from falling out of the seat due to strong wind. If possible, you need to help your neighbor perform this action.

Everything else depends on the professionalism of the pilots and crew members. In many cases, disaster is avoided.

Known cases of depressurization

The first such incident was recorded in 1988. The plane was flying over Hawaiian Islands. There was a sudden depressurization of the cabin. The casing and part of the main structure were damaged. Despite this, the plane was able to land. One of the crew members was fatally injured.

In 2005, a gradual depressurization of the cabin occurred in the airspace near Athens. As a result, the plane lost control and crashed into a mountain. 6 crew members and 115 passengers were killed.

In 2011, a hole appeared in a plane flying from Phoenix to Sacramento. Its diameter reached 1.5 m. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the personnel, the airliner was able to land. No harm done.

In 2015, the plane depressurized at the Moscow airport 20 minutes before landing. He followed the route "Samara - Moscow". No one was injured as a result of this emergency.

On December 22, Morten Tyldum’s film “Passengers” will be released in Russia. It doesn’t really matter what it’s about, the main thing is that it stars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt.

Let me explain what I mean when I talk about the “unimportance” of the plot: the fact is that trailers and advertising sell the viewer not exactly the film that they will see. So be prepared, viewers - the main thing in the film is that it has very beautiful main characters, you will see this both in the trailer and in the cinema. Yes, there is also space and a spaceship!

Jim (Chris Pratt) wakes up aboard the spaceship Avalon, which is carrying him through the galaxy to a new planet. In addition to Jim, the Avalon is carrying another 5,000 colonists and 238 crew members. Only Jim woke up.

It is unclear what malfunction occurred with his capsule, but Jim emerged from cryosleep 90 years earlier than he should have. Now all he can do is live and die on the ship, without ever reaching the new world... or perhaps there are some other options?

We found 11 interesting, funny and generally wonderful facts about the film and are sharing them with you!


Jon Spaihts' script was born out of discussion of a completely different idea: in 2007, he proposed to the production company the plot of a space noir, which ended with the main character being left completely alone in space. " They answered me - you know, this won’t suit us, but the idea with a guy in space is great. Can we start the story right here?” Speights did just that. And he assures that, despite repeated rewrites of the script, the plot basically remained exactly what was discussed with the production company in those half an hour. The story of a guy who was left alone in space.


Passengers spent a dozen years in development hell. In 2007, the script was included in the so-called “Black List” - a list of the best scripts that have not yet been made into films. Over the years, this list has included Oscar screenplay winners Spotlight, Argo and The Descendants, as well as Oscar nominees Whiplash, Sniper and Django Unchained.

It was originally planned that the main roles would be played by Keanu Reeves and Emily Blunt. Then other names began to be called instead of Blunt - the role could have gone to Reese Witherspoon or Rachel McAdams.

Finally, in 2014, the film left the Weinstein brothers for Sony Pictures, and the film immediately got a new director (Morten Tyldum) and new leading actors.


Norwegian director Morten Tyldum (“The Imitation Game”) claims that he started working on “Passengers” completely by accident: he discussed a completely different project with producer Michael de Luca, and at the end of the meeting, de Luca showed him a script that he really liked. " That's the real blessing of our work: you never know how your next film will find you. You just have to fall in love with him because he will take up every minute of your life for two years. The film will be in your thoughts, in your dreams, you will be obsessed with it. You want a movie to challenge you - so you don't know what's coming next».


In 2009, the film's budget (when it was still a project with Reeves) was estimated at 35 million. Now they are talking about 150 million.


Take a close look at the movie poster: right under the title you will see an SOS signal written in Morse code.


Jennifer Lawrence said in an interview that she got drunk to film the love scene - because she was very embarrassed to film her first sex scene, and even kiss a married man.

Although she exaggerated a little about the first sex scene - Jennifer, we watched Serena, we remember!


Jennifer Lawrence received $20 million for the film and 30% of the profits. Chris Pratt - 12 million.


Among the films that inspired the visual design of the film, director Morten Tyldum names “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “The Shining” by Stanley Kubrick.


The main character, played by Jennifer Lawrence, is named Aurora. She is immersed in cryosleep and must sleep for 120 years. In the Disney film adaptation of the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” the princess was also named Aurora, and she also slept a long, long sleep.


ImagineDragons recorded the song “Levitate” for the film.

This is already the second participation this year imagine Dragons working on the soundtrack for the high-profile premiere - they can also be heard in the composition “Sucker for Pain”, sounded in the film “Suicide Squad”.

We are often told that flying by plane is much safer than driving a car, especially if they want to sell us a ticket. But is this really true? Is it true that the aircraft crew and airport staff do everything for the comfort and safety of passengers?

Nothing like this! If you want to know what really happens on airplanes, come in! But keep in mind: if you have a flight soon, you risk changing your mind!

As you know, before takeoff, flight attendants ask passengers to turn off all electronic devices. If any meticulous passenger asks why this is necessary, he is usually told that his cell phone or laptop can interfere with the pilot’s conversations with air traffic controllers. In fact, this is not true. Let's start with the fact that, in principle, a device disconnected from the Internet is not capable of this, and on board, as a rule, there is no Wi-Fi. But there is no point in pointing this out to the flight attendants. They still won't tell you that what they're actually asking you to do is turn off your electronics so you can listen carefully to the flight attendants' explanation of how to use a life jacket and how to evacuate the plane. There are no other reasons to turn off electronics on board.

For a flight to break even, the airline needs to sell at least 75% of its seats. Therefore, cashiers undoubtedly book more seats than are actually available on the bot - after all, many passengers do not redeem their reservations! However, if all tickets are purchased, there will be more passengers on board than seats. Usually they try to solve this problem politely, offering passengers bonuses for agreeing to transfer to the next flight. But if there is a problem and no one agrees to change seats, the security service is allowed to take emergency measures - for example, by force removing extra passengers to allow the flight to depart on time.

Sometimes, if you look at an airplane wing, for example, you may notice that the round holes in the sheet metal where the screws hold the skin together are empty! This is a fairly common occurrence: screws tend to fly out of their places over time. However, according to the technical services, this is not dangerous: during the inspection of the aircraft, the technicians only make sure that there are not too many missing propellers.

According to the rules, pillows and blankets that are distributed to passengers on the plane must be washed every five days. During this time, the plane can make a dozen flights - which means you will have to use a blanket and pillow after several passengers, and it is not known how healthy. However, some airlines, in order to save money, do not comply with these deadlines, and you may well encounter a blanket in last time washed before the last New Year.

Each plane carries extra fuel in case it is necessary to avoid a thunderstorm or fly to the nearest airport if the destination airport is closed, for example, due to bad weather. But this reserve is not so large: it is only enough for 45 minutes of an additional flight. So if you're told there's a large storm front ahead, you can start counting the minutes! Of course, you are unlikely to fall, but if there is an excessive delay, landing at another airport is quite likely.

Passengers are often told that in the event of an accident, an oxygen mask can save their life. However, they are not warned that the oxygen supply in the cylinder is only enough for 12-15 minutes. If for some reason the plane does not manage to leave altitudes at which there is not enough oxygen during this time, the mask will become as useless as a cosmetic bag.

Although toilets and human waste tanks on airplanes are regularly treated with disinfecting reagents, they still contain bacteria, which over time become immune to all reagents. As for tap water, God forbid you drink it! Let's reveal an unpleasant secret: hose inlets for draining excrement and replenishing supplies. drinking water on the plane they are half a meter apart from each other and, quite likely, they are served in parallel... not necessarily in compliance with the maximum hygiene requirements.

A life jacket can save a passenger's life during a crash, but the scary fact is that many airplane seats don't have a life vest under them! Some passengers steal them as souvenirs, and airlines rarely check for them. As a result, of the 150 passengers on the famous flight 1549, which crashed on the Hudson in 2009, only 33 had vests! So before starting, it’s better to check whether you have this chance of salvation.

According to a 2015 US study, 56% of pilots fell asleep while flying a plane. Moreover, 29% had woken up to find that their co-pilot was also sleeping. And this is not funny at all: according to statistics, pilot fatigue is a danger three times greater than any other, capable of leading to a disaster.

It would seem that with the enormous responsibility that lies with the pilot, the designers of the cockpit should have taken care of everything so that nothing would distract the pilot from his duties. But that's not true! Pilots who had to fly westward in the afternoon often publicly complained that they had to cover the windows with improvised materials - from cards to trays - to prevent the evening sun from blinding their eyes. And although radars still accurately show the location of the plane, you must admit, it’s not very pleasant to know that the pilot of your airliner on a sunny evening is blind as a kitten!

Having become familiar with full list cargo on board an aircraft, the average passenger can be quite shocked. The fact is that corpses, organs for transplantation, exotic animals, birds and reptiles are transported in the cargo compartment on the same rights as your souvenirs and fins from the resort. It’s not that it’s scary to think about it, but... somehow I don’t want to.

Rumor has it that pilots enjoy difficult landings in difficult conditions much more than passengers, considering them necessary to keep themselves in professional shape. When surveying Western European pilots, it turned out that many of them named Gibraltar, Naples and Madeira - the most difficult airports in Europe - as their favorite airports for landing. We hope this information will not spoil your mood before flying to these places.

A life jacket is an excellent means of rescuing passengers on an airplane that has made an emergency landing at sea. But only theoretically. Because in the history of modern aviation, no aircraft has ever made such a landing. So it’s impossible to say for sure whether a flashlight to attract the attention of rescuers and a whistle to scare off sharks will help you escape. Well, in more frequent types of crashes it is practically useless.

Have you ever wondered why flight attendants often close the doors of an airplane so early, which is not yet about to taxi, and open them so late after stopping? Experienced passengers claim that in a number of Western airlines, flight attendants receive flight allowances only for the time when the aircraft doors are closed. So it’s simply not in their interests to release you as quickly as possible.

A crowd of people in a confined space, stale air, a lot of dusty surfaces and not always neat passengers - it’s not for nothing that the plane is considered a breeding ground for infections. So, wipe the table thoroughly before lunch - many passengers change their children’s diapers on it. And under no circumstances take off your shoes in the cabin - there is a good chance that someone vomited on the floor on a previous flight.


Smolny will spend 64 million rubles by the end of the year on the purchase of validators - “electronic conductors” for buses. Before this, they spent another 148 million rubles on the purchase of validators, and they have already been installed in 1,200 buses.

N Passengers still don’t understand why, if there is a conductor on the bus. In short, the system of double control over fares seems too wasteful. We decided to figure out what kind of nonsense this was.

Why two conductors?

“Electronic conductors” - orange plastic validators that are attached to handrails (passengers call them “orange things”), appeared on St. Petersburg buses more than a year ago. By the end of 2011, all social buses should be equipped with them, and later - trolleybuses, trams and commercial routes. From September 1, stationary validators appeared on aquabuses. It’s just not clear whether all this works or serves only for beauty.

As the Smolny Transport Committee explained, the system will eventually work independently. But first, passengers and transport workers need to get used to the new system. The conductor now performs an educational function: he explains what to use and where. And at the same time he controls the payment process: if he has doubts that the passenger has paid for the fare, he checks it a second time.

There are two types of conductors: strict and trusting. In this regard, two trends have emerged. If the conductor is strict, passengers wait for him and only show their card in front of him. If you are gullible, passengers do not pay at all.

Many passengers fear that when checking again, the second trip will be debited from the card - this often becomes the cause of conflicts with conductors. However, the State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans assures that the manual validators used by the conductor are configured only for verification, and not for payment for the trip.

Why change the conductor?

Electronic conductors are also available abroad, but the Transport Committee refers not to the European experience, but to the Soviet one: “The idea of ​​installing stationary validators combines the traditions of Leningrad transport and modern technologies,” says Dmitry Ignatiev from the Transport Committee and suggests remembering that in In the 60s and 70s, Leningrad buses had composters. At that time the slogan “Conscience is the best controller” was in force. Then, apparently, the time for slogans passed, “hares” began to appear more and more often. Conductors appeared with them. Now for some reason they decided to return to traditions. Although people’s conscience does not seem to have increased, and there are no fewer “hares”.

Validators are the same composters, only electronic. They must be placed on the handrails at the entrance to each door of a bus, tram or trolleybus. The passenger places the card on the validator and pays for the trip. “The conductor does not need to run around the cabin, and the passenger does not need to look for the conductor,” they say in the Transport Committee about the advantages of the system.

By the way, in the “Rules of Transportation”, which hang behind the driver’s cabin on every bus, it is written: the passenger must enter the cabin and pay immediately. “Passengers are used to this, but it’s wrong. This is disrespectful to a person who spends all day on his feet. This is hard work,” indignantly Tatyana Klepikova, press secretary of the State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans.

Thus, switching to stationary validators should solve several problems. Firstly, save the conductor from unnecessary suffering and teach passengers to pay on their own. Secondly, to implement more serious control over passenger flow. “We will be able to accurately calculate how many passengers traveled on the route, and from this calculate the budget costs for subsidies to carriers. After all, as it was before: a group of controllers went to the carrier’s base, counted the passenger flow and provided the results to us. It was difficult to check. Now electronics are responsible for this,” says Dmitry Ignatiev.

But it is unlikely that new problems will be avoided. Ideally, the system should work independently, without the presence of a conductor: passengers board the bus and apply their cards to the validators. Those who do not have cards enter through the first door and pay the driver - the driver gives a ticket. Everyone is happy. But in practice, experts say, everything will not be entirely good.

The passenger did not pay for the fare

The inspectors will be the detector of passengers' conscience. It should happen like this: a specialist controller stands at the bus stop and counts how many people have entered. There is another one standing on the next one and also counting. They report the data to the control room. From the control room they are told that there are no transactions on such and such a route (reading funds from a card - A.D.). And the inspectors go there, enter the bus (trolleybus, tram), block the validators and check the cards and tickets of passengers. Those who do not pay pay a fine for ticketless travel. Now it is 100 rubles. But recently, amendments to the Law “On Administrative Offenses in St. Petersburg” were adopted, according to which the fine will increase to 1,000 rubles.

Naturally, Dmitry Ignatiev admits, there is no such staff of controllers to cover every stop on every route. It is expected that it will be expanded by conductors. According to Tatyana Klepikova, she talked with the conductors, and they are ready for this change. However, not all conductors agree with her: among them there are many elderly people who are not ready to travel throughout the city in search of violators. “You can sit on the bus, and during the day, when there are few passengers, people come up and pay for the fare,” says Svetlana, a conductor on one of the routes.

The State Unitary Enterprise “Organizer of Transportation” is responsible for the preparation of controllers, which does not directly comment. Therefore, it was not possible to find out about their plans to expand the staff.

No tickets

The main problem that passengers may have is the lack of an alternative to paper tickets. After all, if everything is clear with card holders, then paying cash to the driver, as experience shows, does not imply the presence of a ticket. This means that the controller can fine you as a free rider, even if you paid.

The Transport Committee assures that the driver is obliged to issue tickets. Apparently drivers always have tickets, you just need to ask for them. “This is generally in the interests of the passenger. A ticket is a document that confirms the presence of a person on the bus. If, for example, an accident occurs, he will be able to use a ticket to prove that he was injured and go to court,” says Dmitry Ignatiev.

Out of curiosity, I asked the driver for a ticket as soon as I got on the bus. Long over, he said.

Transport organizations are confident in their ideas and continue their endeavors. Currently, 1,249 buses of the State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans are equipped with stationary validators for a total of 148 million rubles. Recently, a competition was announced on the government procurement website - by December 19 of this year, it is planned to supply another 835 validators worth 64 million rubles. By the end of the year, all social buses should be equipped with validators, their installation in the State Unitary Enterprise “Gorelektrotrans” (trams, trolleybuses) will continue, and the installation of commercial routes will begin.

According to the Transport Committee, 70 - 75% of trips to ground transport(social routes) and the metro is carried out using electronic travel tickets. In the future, the Transport Committee plans to move to a universal electronic travel card and provide for the possibility of non-cash payment via mobile phone, payment terminals and the Internet .

Photo from the site sunny7.ua

Airlines often violate transportation rules, thereby infringing on the rights of passengers. Pravo.ru talks about how flights should be organized and how they actually take place. In addition, we will explain what you can expect in the event of a flight delay, what is the practice of challenging a decision to remove a passenger from a flight, and whether it is legal to seat travelers together.

In early March, the low-cost airline Pobeda had a scandal with Russian volleyball player Alexander Kimerov. According to the airline, Kimerov purchased an aisle seat in advance, but neglected a seat with an increased distance between the rows - this is also additional service. Moreover, the athlete’s height is 217 cm. On the plane, Kimerov did not fit into the seat reserved for him and moved to the aisle to stretch his legs. According to the volleyball player, this was the reason why he was removed from the flight. The airline categorically denies this information, stating that the athlete was deprived of the opportunity to fly due to the fact that he clearly expressed aggression, insulted crew members and threatened to stage a “show” during the flight. The circumstances of the incident are now being examined by investigative authorities.

Low-cost airline Pobeda takes a rather tough position towards its customers. Until recently, the airline seated even parents and children in different rows; they did not provide food or drinks during flights, and in addition, they did not allow carry-on luggage on board. Although these options can be purchased for money, many carrier rules do not comply with either the decisions of Rostransnadzor or Russian courts.

When can a passenger be removed from a flight?

Indeed, a passenger can be removed from a flight due to failure to comply with the requirements of the commander and crew members, violation of discipline and order on board, or a threat to the safety of other persons. Refusal to obey the flight attendant and move to your seat is also the reason why a tourist may lose the opportunity to continue the flight.

By law, the aircraft commander is the most important person on board. It is he who decides whether the passenger violates discipline and order on aircraft and whether he should fly. In this case, the commander can take any measures against the rowdy, as well as give orders to all persons on board and demand their execution under threat of administrative punishment. If a hooligan faces criminal liability (for example, Article 213 of the Criminal Code “Hooliganism”), anyone can beat him up with impunity - even causing harm to the person who committed the crime when he is detained to be brought to the authorities and to suppress the possibility of committing new crimes is not punishable. Before departure (if the conflict occurred on the ground), as well as upon arrival, law enforcement officers intervene in the conflict. If the hooligan’s guilt is proven, the airline can recover from him through the court the cost of the losses incurred. According to Pobeda, they intend to do exactly this in the incident with Kimerov.

Is it possible to challenge a decision to remove a passenger from a flight?

There are precedents when passengers managed to challenge the pilot’s decision to remove them from the plane and recover the losses incurred. So, on an Aeroflot flight from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Moscow in 2016, a steward approached two tourists and told them that they would not fly anywhere because they were intoxicated. They categorically disagreed with this accusation and demanded that the pilot be called. However, only the senior flight attendant came out to them, a conversation with whom did not help resolve the conflict. Line police officers took the indignant passengers to the airport building, and the plane took off without them. At the same time, no examination of these passengers was carried out, and no documents were drawn up in relation to them. One of the alleged violators went up to the airport medical center and asked to be examined to prove that he was not drunk, but was refused - the paramedic explained that he could not be examined on his own initiative. The Makarovsky District Court of the Sakhalin Region sided with the passengers and recovered damages from Aeroflot for unprovided tourist services, the cost of air tickets, and compensation for moral damages of 30,000 rubles. everyone and a fine for refusing to voluntarily satisfy the consumer’s demands (No. 2-2/2016).

There were also opposite cases. A passenger of Aurora Airlines during a flight on the Novosibirsk route - Vladivostok was drunk and behaved inappropriately. So, he tried to hit a flight attendant who was blocking his access to the emergency exit, which the man intended to open during the flight. The passenger was given a written warning, but it did not help. Then the captain of the ship decided to force the plane to land at Krasnoyarsk airport. Later, the air carrier filed a claim to recover damages and state duty expenses from the rowdy. The court, having examined the case materials, decided to recover more than 150,000 rubles from the defendant. in favor of "Aurora" (see " ").

I was seated with a fellow traveler. It is legal?

Until February 29, 2016, Pobeda even seated passengers with children, but Rostransnadzor recognized this as a gross violation and issued an appropriate order. The low-cost airline tried to challenge it in court, but then abandoned the claim. Now on the Pobeda website there is an explanation: “Pobeda Airlines confirms that on its flights a child under 12 years of age must receive a seat next to one of the parents or with an accompanying person without charging additional fees, and in the future the company will adhere to exactly this policy This is the only exception to the rules; other categories of passengers use it to guarantee a specific seat in the cabin. paid service airlines - choosing a seat." And this is legal: the carrier undertakes to deliver a person to his destination and provide him with a seat on the plane. At the same time, he has the right not to assign a specific seat with the declared class of service to the passenger at all, but only to indicate during check-in. Thus, tourists Those traveling together and who have not paid extra to sit next to each other may be seated further away from each other.

Should there be food on planes?

Most budget companies (for example, Vueling Airlines, Easy Jet, Ryanair) do not feed or water their passengers. "Victory" decided to do the same, for which it received approval from Rostransnadzor. The low-cost airline's decision was refused by the supervisory authority on December 1, 2016. Nevertheless, Pobeda continues to state that if it feeds passengers, flight prices will become significantly higher.

By law, airlines are required to provide free hot meals only if the flight lasts more than three hours. Passengers are then treated to free food every four hours.

What to do if your flight is delayed?

Aeroflot and Red Wings airlines provided passengers with food during the flight delay, significantly exceeding the allotted time limits. For this they were fined last year under Part 1 of Art. 14.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Provision of services of inadequate quality or in violation of the requirements established by law” for a total amount of 40,000 rubles. (cm. ").

If the flight is delayed for 4 hours or more, passengers have the right to claim a hot meal. During long flight delays, passengers are fed every 6 hours during the day and every 8 hours at night. If the flight is delayed by more than 8 hours during the day or 6 hours at night, the carrier will accommodate everyone in a hotel for free. Regardless of the reasons for the flight delay (due to unfavorable weather conditions, changes in the transportation route, for technical or any other reasons), if the wait is more than two hours, the airline is obliged to arrange two phone calls or two emails for everyone, as well as cold drinks. In addition, in case of any flight delay, passengers can use the luggage storage service free of charge, and those traveling with children under 7 years old can use the mother and child room.

If the flight delay occurred due to the fault of the airline, you can demand payment of financial compensation from it (for example, a refund of the cost of tickets for a train that a passenger was late for due to a late departure). To do this, you need to mark the flight delay with a representative of the carrier. The amount of compensation is 25% of the minimum wage (which is equal to 100 rubles*) for each hour of delay, but not more than half the ticket price. For international flights, a passenger can recover up to an additional RUB 380,000 from the airline. (cm. " "). Expert in the field of legal regulation of liability in the field of air transport, K. Yu. n. Alexey Iglin recommends first filing a claim under the law on consumer protection, and then filing a claim in court for compensation for material damage and moral harm. However, if the delay in departure occurred due to the elimination of an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life and health of passengers, the removal of a passenger from the flight, or was caused by force majeure, you cannot count on compensation.

By the way, a new service, Compensair, has appeared in Russia, which helps airline customers receive compensation for flight delays. This resource takes care of interaction with carriers up to and including legal proceedings. Compensation can be claimed if a flight is delayed by more than three hours, canceled without warning or if a passenger is denied boarding. If the dispute is successfully resolved, the service will retain 25% of the amount of compensation won. It is interesting that, according to statistics, the most unpunctual airlines over the past year were Vim-Avia, Azur Air, IrAero and Yakutia, which delayed up to 11% of their flights (see "").

What about luggage and hand luggage?

Previously, Pobeda required checking in any bag, backpack and other hand luggage, except for a briefcase and handbag. Otherwise, she charged between RUB 999 and RUB 2,000. for each seat on board. Rostransnadzor is a violation and issued a corresponding order. The Moscow Arbitration Court, and then the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal, confirmed its legality. Following the "Victory" dispute over hand luggage Siberia Airlines lost (see " "). However, Pobeda announced that it will continue to charge passengers for carrying hand luggage weighing up to 10 kg (see ").

According to Federal Aviation Regulations, regardless of the weight of checked baggage, a passenger can bring into the cabin a handbag, an umbrella, a cane, a bouquet of flowers, a telephone, baby food and a baby carrier, a netbook, a photo and video camera, a folder for papers, a newspaper, a magazine or all at once - these items are not weighed and are transported free of charge. But hand luggage - luggage of small weight and size that can be placed in the aircraft cabin - is already weighed and marked with a special numberless tag. At the same time, Iglin explained to Pravo.ru that there are no uniform requirements for the carriage of hand luggage, which is used by airlines that set their own rules.

The weight of free baggage is determined depending on the type of aircraft, but cannot be less than 10 kg per passenger. Each passenger can carry in their luggage no more than 5 liters of strong alcohol (24-70%) and any amount of non-strong alcohol. But you can only bring into the aircraft cabin a closed bottle with a capacity of no more than 100 ml or alcohol purchased in duty-free shops at the airport on the day of the trip. These rules apply to all airlines.

If luggage is lost during international transportation, the passenger has the right to compensation in the amount of up to 90,500 rubles. On domestic flights the fee for each kg of lost luggage will be 600 rubles. (cm. " ").

Is it possible to board the boat in a wheelchair?

By law, wheelchairs are checked in as baggage free of charge, and there is no charge for their transportation. A wheelchair user who cannot independently move around the aircraft cabin must be provided with a wheelchair. Refusal to transport a disabled person due to the airline's lack of technical means and equipment is not permitted.

JSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines"In 2012, on a Moscow-Nice flight, a wheelchair, placed in the luggage compartment by decision of the crew, was damaged. As a result, its owner had to buy a new one in Nice. Upon arrival in Russia, he filed a claim in the amount of 621,619 rubles against the airline for compensation for damages, damages and moral damages. Kovrov City Court.