Essay on how I spent my summer. How to write an essay “how I spent my summer” A short message about how I spent my summer

A selection of essays about “Summer” for grade 5

Essay “How I spent my summer”

Summer is a wonderful time of year. I spend every summer interesting in my own way. This year my holidays were great. In June, I went to the sea with my mom and dad. There we visited a dolphinarium, a zoo and a water park. I had a lot good impressions.

In July I spent time with my friends in the yard. One day it rained heavily and many branches fell. Then my friends and I built a house from twigs, in which we had fun. We all went on a picnic together, played football, volleyball and had competitions.

In August, I went to the village to visit my grandparents for two weeks. There I learned to milk a cow and care for chickens and ducklings. And the most memorable thing was fishing. Grandfather made a fishing rod for me, and I caught my first fish. The summer was wonderful. The holidays left behind many pleasant memories.

Essay “How I spent my summer holidays”

Summer holidays Of all the school holidays, I like them the most because they are the longest and occur during the hottest period. Summer is one of the most best seasons year, which provides many options for spending time. You can walk outside all day instead of sitting at home. Go to the sea, lake, river. Enjoying the nature.

I like to go out into the forest in the summer and admire the surrounding vegetation. All the trees around are green, wild flowers grow under them. They are just beginning to bloom and dawn. From biology subjects, I learned several wild useful flowers - yarrow, chamomile, which many people know. There are many other colors too. There are especially many spruce trees in our forest plantation, under which many old cones and old needles have fallen after last winter.

I also like summer holidays because the sun rises early and sets late. The days are very long and the nights are warm. You can go outside in the evening and admire the sunset. After the sun has set, it is nice to sit or walk along the street, enjoying the warm air, listening to the crickets and admiring the starry night sky.

During the summer holidays you can play various sports games: football, volleyball. You can just walk and admire the beauty of summer, how the trees and flowers bloom. In summer, many people go to the sea, river, swim, sunbathe, and have fun.

Essay “My Summer Vacation” 5th grade

Summer holidays are three wonderful months that you can spend however you want. You can meet with friends as much as you want, read any books, travel, or go to your grandparents and meet the children who live there. Summer holidays mean that you can sleep as much as you want, and then kick a ball in the yard as long as you want or sew clothes for dolls, sitting with your girlfriends on a spread blanket in the yard. And also - you can eat ice cream every day.

When I became a schoolgirl, I began to understand all those guys who said that summer is the most best time of the year. Now this is the best time for me, because summer is coming for us. school break. True, they flew by very quickly, but there is something to remember. I will describe my memories in an essay on how I spent the summer.

How I spent summer

My summer passed happily and unnoticed. First I went to the village. My cousins ​​also came there to visit my grandparents. That's where the fun was. I didn’t even want to sleep for a long time. They woke up at the crack of dawn and ran to play. But they didn’t play all day, because in the village there is always work for everyone, so I had to help my grandmother. My favorite time was after the rain. We ran through the puddles - it’s so interesting, but it’s even more interesting to go with my grandparents to the forest to pick mushrooms. We brought so many mushrooms that then my grandmother spent the whole evening preparing them for the winter. Now in winter we will feast on mushrooms.

Next I will continue my topic: How I spent the summer. In mid-July my parents took me and we went to the sea. Sea. I love him so much. This sand, beach, pebbles and shells. In a word, I brought a lot of souvenirs from there, some of which I have already thrown into my aquarium with fish.

The rest of the flight flew through the city as usual. Every day we played with friends and girlfriends, on weekends we went to the entertainment centers, to theaters and cinemas.

During the holidays, every day I tried to read and rewrite texts so as not to lose the skills acquired in the first grade and now, with new strength and emotions, I moved to the second grade on September 1st, where I will receive new knowledge and again wait for the long-awaited summer.

What haven’t we written! It seems like the holidays were long and there were a lot of events. There is nothing to tell the teacher. It seems that today's children fall into a stupor in the same way when they pick up a pen in the first days of school. And they write this... We have collected for you the funniest pearls from school essays about summer.

“How I spent the summer is no one’s business. This is my personal business, since summer is my personal time, I am not obliged to account for it in the essay. We must respect human rights! And if you give me a bad mark for this essay, then you and I, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, will see each other in the European Court.”

“But there is no summer. I've never seen summer. Autumn immediately follows spring. In spring everything is green, in autumn everything is yellow, in winter everything is white. What about in the summer? There is no summer. I didn't notice summer. Either it was still spring, or it was already autumn.”

“Twitter, TV series and food. #I've said everything."

“I spent this summer with my imaginary friend Akakiy. All summer he accompanied me in my adventures. I also hung out with cows and chickens in the village. I was so bored that I talked to the tomatoes and cucumbers, but they turned out to be somehow silent.”

“Well, I didn’t spend it badly. Except that I was in a godforsaken village for almost two months. But grandma's pies were of the highest quality. And it was fun with the guys whom I hadn’t seen for about five years.” (Spelling and punctuation preserved. – Ed.)

“Well, I had a normal summer. I didn’t do anything, I ate, I didn’t go anywhere. I also watched “X-Men”, but somehow they weren’t very good. I don’t want to go to school, it would be better if summer didn’t end.”

“I spent the rest of the summer with my grandmother at the dacha, she always has a lot of work, so I helped her: chopped, sawed and dug.”

“From June 1 to July 15, my grandmother and I picked berries, and from July 16 to August 31, mushrooms. In addition, haymaking is planned, and we are also fattening the pig.”

“I didn’t rest at all this summer. I worked a lot and hard. Took out the trash. I bought bread."

“In the summer I went to visit my grandmother in the village. The village is called Bet Zera, it's in Israel. It’s good in the village: you can read books, play the violin and piano, and eat. It's a good summer in Israel!”

In the summer, our whole family went to the circus. This was not my first time at the circus, but this time I especially enjoyed it. Before the show started, I was cheered up by buying my favorite cotton candy.

The performance was very interesting. The first part featured acrobats, clowns, and jugglers. And in the second - trained predators. It’s amazing how man manages to subjugate wild animals?

I especially liked the tiger who jumped from pedestal to pedestal through a hoop covered with paper, and then even through a burning hoop.

We returned home very cheerful, discussing the numbers we liked.

Kuzminova Kristina

Summer is the most wonderful time. I always really look forward to the summer holidays. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, and travel. Summer is the best time of year for all this. This summer I played a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day.

In the summer I not only walked, swam and sunbathed. When it rained, I read my favorite books. One of them is “White Fang” by Jack London. I really liked it and I want to talk about it. The main character, White Fang, is a wolf dog, very loyal and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. These qualities are sorely lacking in many people today.

I would like to have a four-legged friend like White Fang. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Sokolsky Misha

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. In the summer we gain strength and have fun. The three months of rest went “excellently”, leaving a lot of impressions. During the summer holidays, I went to the sea, relaxed at a school camp, stayed with my grandmother, and spent the rest of the time well at home.

I really liked the school camp, it was interesting and educational. We went to the river, to the zoo, and visited holy springs. I especially remember the trips to Zadonsk and Khvoshchevatka. Visiting different temples, I learned a lot and felt a special, calming atmosphere.

July was memorable for a trip to the sea with the whole family. The weather allowed us to swim and sunbathe, see the sights of Anapa and take interesting photographs as souvenirs. I really remember the water park with a variety of slides, pools and lots of water. We also went to the zoo, which left a lot of good impressions. At the entrance we were offered to buy various treats for the zoo’s pets. I liked feeding birds and animals from my hands. It was funny to watch the behavior of a monkey, toucan, raccoon and ostrich. But the cockatoo especially surprised us by starting to jump excitedly, flapping its wings and making unusual sounds. I have never seen such a variety of birds.

In August I visited my grandmother, where I felt comfortable and good. I read books, rollerbladed and biked. Arriving home, I met with my classmates. It seemed to me that there was nothing more beautiful than these holidays.

My holidays were “excellent”, because I had a rest with my family and friends.

Tolokonnikova Masha

We saw tanks and anti-aircraft guns taking part in the battles. For the first time I saw the famous “Katyusha”. Then we went to the museum. The guide told us about the days of the war and the life of soldiers in war time. The museum displays various items of our soldiers: spoons and razors, weapons and uniforms from the war. We saw letters that soldiers wrote home.

Dementeevskaya Evgenia

When mom began to go into the water, a squeak was heard from the reeds. They were ferrets. They ran along the shore towards the reeds. They ran in formation, in a line, at the same distance from each other. About ten of them ran through. And when I approached the shore, the “commander” squeaked somehow differently, and those ferrets that did not have time to run fell silent. That day my mother and I didn’t see them again. But two days later I saw ferrets. The same ones. They ran back.

Nikitin Pasha

The best time of the year has come to an end - summer. And with it comes the most carefree time – summer holidays. We waited for them for a very long time, but they flew by very quickly. All summer I played my favorite football, went with my parents to the river, and relaxed at the dacha. But all good things come to an end quickly. This happened with the summer holidays.

I wanted to spend the last few days with double pleasure. So I went to my grandmother in the village of Bor. My grandmother allowed me absolutely everything. She even took part in some of my pranks. Seeing my happy face, my grandmother also rejoiced like a child.

But now there are two days left until the start of the school season. Mom devoted these two days to preparing for the first of September. At the beginning, we bought new clothes, hemmed everything, ironed it, prepared bouquets.

The Day of Knowledge has come. Even though I'm going into sixth grade, I still felt a little nervous. We woke up and dressed up in snow-white shirts. And a surprise awaited us in the kitchen - my mother baked an incredibly delicious huge cake. And with the whole big friendly family we went to school. I felt the happiest.

I even find it difficult to choose the best day of the holidays. I was happy every day!

Bondarev Misha

I sit and look out the window. It's cloudy and cool outside. And I really want to go back to summer, because my summer holidays were fun and interesting. In June I attended a school Orthodox camp. Tatyana Nikolaevna Shilova and I made various trips to holy places and learned a lot of new and interesting things.

When my parents started their vacation, we went on vacation to the Black Sea in the village of Vardane. We sunbathed and swam all day long. This summer I learned to swim confidently without the help of a circle. In Vardan I met girls from Moscow. We walked, played, watched cartoons, listened to music. It was very interesting for us. My dad was engaged in underwater fishing at sea, he caught fish that I had never seen. In the evenings, my parents and I went for a walk along the embankment, where discos were held and all sorts of things were sold. My parents' vacation ended very quickly, it was time to return, but I didn't want to.

The last month of summer flew by. On the weekend in August we rested on our Voronezh river. It’s a pity that every year it becomes dirtier, and vacationers don’t appreciate such a wonderful vacation spot...

This is how I spent my summer holidays. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Karnashova Anya

I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects.
I spent this summer fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake and took part in Sabantui games. The visit to the Bird Park was very memorable. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along a suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Last summer was especially hot. There was almost no rain and the bright and hot sun accompanied the entire three months of the holidays. It was stuffy in the city apartment, but a walk on the street did not bring relief. Only in the evening hours did the boys and I go out to the playground next to the house to kick a ball or ride a bike.

With the onset of summer, many people feel a surge of strength and vigor. I wouldn’t say that they weren’t there before, but in the summer it feels somehow special. In the summer, you can waste time on things that you don’t have time for during school days. For example, communicate more with friends, kick a ball with the guys, spend more time with family, eat ice cream, swim in the river, sleep longer than usual...

Warm summer time, as always, pleases students. The school year ends and everyone goes on a long summer vacation. I spent this time simply wonderful, I traveled all summer. I spent the whole of June with my grandparents in the village. There I swam in the lake with local boys and girls, tried to milk a cow, messenger geese, and even dug up the ground several times, helping my beloved grandmother.

Autumn has come and it’s time for me to go to school again, but I will remember last summer for a long time! This summer I was especially lucky because I didn’t sit at home much, but only traveled around. When the summer holidays had just begun, my mother sent my brother and I to Grandma Shura to stay. There I met my old girlfriends, whom I met two years ago.

Summer is the most fun and bright time of the year. It is then that nature blossoms, everything around lives and enjoys life. I’m no exception: this time I spent my holidays “excellently”! From the first days of warm weather, we helped grandma plant potatoes.

I, like most schoolchildren, simply adore summer. I'm not at all afraid of the summer heat. In my opinion, it is much better to escape the heat by eating ice cream, swimming in the river or sea, than to bundle up against the cold. I really love being outside the city, and summer is the ideal time for outings into nature.

The beginning of the summer turned out to be very boring, because all my friends left the city, but I stayed. I had no one to go out with and I almost never left the house, but only sat at the computer and watched TV. But at the end of August, my mother and I went to Turkey to go to the sea.

Summer for me was not rich in adventures and travel. I stayed in the city with my parents. While my parents went to work, I helped them around the house: washing dishes, cleaning, and even sometimes preparing dinner. Almost every day my friend Lesha and I visited each other, played computer games, went for walks, rode bicycles and skateboards.

WITH A PLAN! I've been looking forward to this summer more than ever. Primary school is behind us, secondary school is ahead, almost adult and more serious. Back in June, dad promised to give me a brand new high-speed bicycle, which I had been eyeing for a long time in a sports store. And so it happened...

I think summer is the best time of the year, because it’s warm, it’s very beautiful around and we have a wonderful opportunity to relax. Summer is a time for vacations and holidays. We can go anywhere, spend time by a river or lake on fresh green grass, swim in warm water, or climb mountains, or play various games, ride a bike, etc.

Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good. My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed.

Summer is always a special time of year and every person tries to make it memorable. The ability to notice simple little things and absorb the sunny and joyful moments of every day will come in handy here. Even if on the street goes It’s raining, the trip to the seaside is cancelled, and the store is out of your favorite ice cream. After all, these are just individual days, and in general, summer is a kaleidoscope of vivid experiences that we hold in our hands.

In my opinion, summer is the most wonderful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have an excellent opportunity to relax. Summer is also a time of holidays and holidays. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by the pond, in the shade of emerald greenery, splash in the warm water. Or you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.