United States of America map in Russian. The best states to live in America

USA(USA), often used by the United States, or simply America (English United States of America, USA, U.S., America) - a state in North America... This is one of the most major countries by area (9.5 million km², 4th place in the world) and by population (325 million people (2016), 3rd place in the world).

Device shape - federal.

Administrative division - 50 states and the federal district Colombia; a number of island territories are also subordinate to them.

Capital - city Washington(located in the non-state District of Columbia)

The United States does not have an official state language. Most of the country's inhabitants speak American English.

State Is an administrative-territorial unit in America. From 1959 to the present day their 50 ... Each state has its own state symbols - a flag and a motto. Each state has its own constitution and system of government (legislative, judicial and executive branches). Each state has its own counties (smaller than the state). The life of the local population in the areas of residence of citizens is led by city ​​municipalities and townships(one of the administrative-territorial units of the third level in the United States, included in counties along with city municipalities, are one of the types of small civil divisions).

Most of the state names derive from the names of the Indian tribes and the names of the kings of England and France.

In different years central cities were the following: Philadelphia. New York. Baltimore. Trenton. Lancaster. York. Princeton. Annapolis.

List of states with their capitals



Boise Center

Des Moines Main Center


Juneau Center


Phoenix metropolitan area


Little rock





Virginia West



Madison metropolitan area

Downtown Honolulu

Dakota North

Bismarck Center
Dakota South

Pyrrhus Center


Downtown Atlanta



Indianapolis Center



Carolina North

Carolina South

Center Columbia


Center Frankfort

Downtown Denver


Main area of ​​Hartford

Baton Rouge Center


Downtown Boston
Jefferson City

Lansing Center


Augusta Center


Annapolis metropolitan area

Lincoln Center

Carson City
New Hampshire

New Jersey

New York

Albany Center

New Mexico

Santa fe


Columbia region


Oklahoma city

Salem metropolitan area


Rhode Island


Nashville Center

Austin Center

Tallahassee city center

Capital District Salt Lake City

Confederate States of America

During the Civil War, the confederate states were slave territories, while the northern part of America was free from slavery. The confederate states include: Mississippi, Florida Region, Georgia Region, Texas, South Carolina, Alabama, State North Carolina, Louisiana, Virginia, Arkansas District, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky Region, Arizona.

Republic of Texas

It ranks second in terms of territory in the United States (696 241 km²) after Alaska and second after California in terms of population (26 956 958 people). Texas is one of the centers of American agriculture, cattle breeding, education, oil and gas and chemical industries, and financial institutions. State capital - Austin; Administrative division- districts (254).

Texas is a rich land with a deep history. In 1836, the state seceded from Mexican territory and declared its independence. After the proclamation of independence, this territory became known as the Republic of Texas. This status lasted until 1845. Then Texas becomes the 28th state of America and receives a new name - the state of Texas. Thus, Texas was the only territory that entered the Union while remaining sovereign. During the civil war in the United States, the state of Texas found itself outside the Union, the state re-entered the Union in 1970. Today Texas is one of the richest regions in the country, with its own developed economy and high living standards.

Kingdom and Republic of Hawaii

Hawaii (eng Hawaii) - the state of the United States. Located on Hawaiian Islands in the central Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere at a distance of 3,700 km from the continental United States. Hawaii joined the federation on August 21, 1959, becoming the 50th state in a row. Population - 1,419,561 people (as of 2014). The urban population is about 70%. Official language- English; partially (in everyday life), among various ethnic groups, other languages ​​are preserved, including Hawaiian. The capital and largest city - Honolulu... Other large cities are Hilo, Kailua-Kono, Kaneohe. The economically most developed island is Oahu. Official nickname - Aloha state.

Hawaii, along with the four US states, was considered an independent territory for a short time. In 1795 - 1810 the territory of Hawaii, previously ruled by several chiefs, was proclaimed a kingdom. July 4, 1894 The Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic. On July 7, 1898, the Republic of Hawaii fell under the US protectorate and became dependent on America. In the period from 1939 to 1945. Hawaii is becoming important strategic site for military action. Only in 1959 did they become part of the United States as the 50th state. Hawaii is the US sugar monopoly. Pineapples are grown in Hawaii for export to other countries. The islands are an attractive destination for tourists.

Let's highlight the main points:

  • America consists of fifty states.
  • The administrative bodies are municipalities and townships.
  • Each state has its own basic law - the Constitution.
  • The concept of "state" appeared during the period of wars of conquest by England, approximately in the 40s of the 17th century, and it meant the name of individual colonies.

California is most often called the Golden State. It's funny to note that 12% of the locals are unemployed. However, there is another side - it is here that 88 billionaires live, more than 10,000 families have a total annual budget of more than $ 30,000,000.

USA map showing all American states

All this does not in any way prevent California from having colossal debts, but thanks to Hollywood and Silicon Valley, this situation is gradually improving.

Florida and Illinois are the next richest states.

Lowest taxes

Delaware state road map

Fairly moderate tax levies make Delaware at first glance attractive place, but in fact, low taxes are a necessary measure to ensure the life of the state.


There is no income tax, trade - 4%, fuel - $ 0.24.
The state of Wyoming has large revenues from the sale of mining rights natural resources- oil and minerals. Thanks to this, tax fees are very low here.


State income tax is 2-6%, fuel surcharge is $ 0.2, and sales tax is 4%.
The Sugar State is famous not only for the production of sugar from cane, but is also the second largest producer of oil and gas.

The largest Russian diasporas

When a person travels to a foreign country, he is always interested in where his former compatriots prefer to settle on its territory. Someone aspires to these places, wanting to be among their own, someone avoids too popularized places, but in any case it is better to know where Russians live in America.

Texas, Houston

The local Russian community is represented mainly by a scientific social group. The fact is that the space center is located on the territory of Houston, as well as oil producers.

Russian-American cooperation has led to the formation of a stable Russian diaspora in Houston - there is a cultural center, a small theater and even a Russian newspaper.

In the local library, you can find books in your native language. About 54,000 Russians live in Texas, of which more than 30,000 live in Houston.

Detailed map of Texas showing all cities

Washington, Seattle

Washington DC map with road signs

California, San Francisco

The Californian Russian diaspora differs significantly from all the others - there are several clan associations that are strictly ranked. The most influential is the oldest community - the descendants of its current members arrived in the United States in the 19th century.

The second congregation, on Boulevard Ghieri, consists of those who arrived not so long ago.

The third is related to Silicon Valley.

New York

The local Russian-speaking population is the densest and largest in the entire United States - 1.6 million people. It is here that Brighton Beach is located - there are Russian shops, restaurants, newspapers, baths ... Anything the soul of an emigrant wants.

Immigration to the United States of America

It is not enough to make the decision to move, you also need to decide in which of the fifty states you can build real happiness. The American states are so different that it will not be so easy to choose.

Conventionally, the Americans divide their country into four parts - West, South, Midwest and Northeast.

  1. The northeastern states are quite popular with Russian emigrants. Firstly, the easiest way to fly here is to fly home from time to time. The northeast is distinguished by a highly developed economy and a fusion of many cultures. Secondly, there is a fairly high level of tolerance of the population - they are loyal and friendly to newcomers. Most of the population lives in an urban environment, so local megalopolises amaze with the speed of life and the number of people. Thirdly, the climate here resembles that familiar to Russians, all seasons are pronounced.

    Map of the distribution of the states of America by region

    Due to the close location of the ocean, the climate is slightly more humid, but the local population has such advantages as nice beaches and seafood at relatively low prices.

  2. The East of the United States of America beckons visitors with the Big Apple - New York City. This is one of major cities of this region, and the Russians have practically their own quarter here. Of course, we are talking about Brighton - a mixture of Soviet culture with the American dream.
  3. If we consider the state of New York, then everything is as simple and easy as in neighboring New Jersey. Quiet, comfortable, prices are high, but at the same time, everyone can afford everything.

    New Jersey map showing all cities

  4. In Jersey, everything is not as straightforward as we would like - there is a hotbed of banditry Trenton, there is a cozy and bright Princeton. Finding a job here can be a problem, because even the local population often travels to work in neighboring New York. There are universities in the south of New Jersey, which means that you can find very, very cheap housing there. True, its level of comfort will also be low.
  5. Pennsylvania attracts Russian speakers no less than Brighton Beach - this is where Philadelphia is located, which, according to second wave migrants, was a city of dreams.

In addition to the described Mid-Atlantic states, New England is also popular - New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut. Once upon a time, the first pilgrims settled here.

To this day, here you can meet representatives of the most different countries... New England is a very safe region. Climatic conditions here they are close to continental, nature is rich in colors and gifts. The towns here are quite small, the local population likes the silence.

USA or the United States of America is a state located in North America. The term America is often used instead of the place name USA. The US map shows that the country is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The total area of ​​the country is 9,518,900 km 2 (the fourth largest country in the world).

On Show detailed map The USA can be seen that the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, the country includes some islands in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans... The states are divided into 3141 counties. USA states map represents Largest cities countries: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston. The capital of the United States is Washington.

America has the highest level of GDP in the economy. Despite the 2008 crisis that hit the American economy hard, the United States is one of the most developed countries in the world. The US economy is maintained at a high level largely due to natural resources, high-tech manufacturing, service industries, research and development of software.

The United States plays a significant role in world politics. After World War II, the country became one of the strongest states in the world. The United States is a member of NATO and the UN Security Council.

Historical reference

The USA was formed in 1776 from 13 British colonies. Until 1783, the country fought the War of Independence from the British Empire. In 1787, the Constitution was adopted, and in 1791, the Bill of Rights. In the 1860s, between the northern and southern states begins Civil War, which leads to the unification of the country and the prohibition of slavery.

After the Second World War, America, which was slightly affected by the hostilities, unlike the countries of Europe, becomes the leader of world politics. From 1946 to the 1980s, the Cold War was waged between the United States and the USSR.

DevelopmentsXXI century:

2003-2010 - military operations in Iraq

September 2005 - Hurricane Katrina, dam failure and flooding of New Orleans

2009 - inauguration of President Barack Obama - the first African American president

October 2012 - Hurricane Sandy floods New York

Must Visit

The US map in Russian is full of sights: from skyscrapers in New York to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The largest cities in the United States must be visited: New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Miami and San Diego.

A visit to the gaming capital Las Vegas is highly recommended. Niagara Falls, Mississippi River Valley, national park Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty and Manhattan in New York, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, The White house and memorial parks in Washington, Boldt Castle on Hart Island, Willis Tower and the Empire State Building, Disneyland in Florida, Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee.

Tourist notes

Gulrypsh - a summer cottage for celebrities

Is on Black sea coast Abkhazia, the urban-type settlement Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely associated with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the matter.

United States of America USA is a state consisting of the group historical areas called states.


USA map by state with physical roads

Some of them are named after the names of long-disappeared Indian tribes, for example, the state of Delaware. There are named after cities - New York or Washington. There is a deserted state where nuclear warheads are being tested - Nevada, named after one of the versions for the lack of water there. There is the state of Colorado, famous for its striped beetles that devour potatoes by millions of tons, which is already not clear whether the beetle was named by the state, or the state by the beetle. Most likely, the truth is somewhere nearby, but hidden in the classified materials.

States of America, united into a powerful modern state. It was created by settlers, the core of which were Protestants and peasants who fled from England, the masses of which made a real exodus to the new world. They fled from gloomy commercial laws, when entire villages were driven from the land, because at that time it was most profitable to produce the famous English chintz, and the fields were filled with giant flocks of sheep.

Therefore, the customs of the settlers were simple and harsh. Protestants have no intricate concepts and no one needed to check the uniqueness of the Bible text in order to know simple things: If a person is poor, then the Lord does not love him, if he is rich, it means that by this he speaks of his closeness to himself. Due to persecution, many had to abandon real estate in France and in the New World, according to Protestant concepts, they had only to work, work and work. Otherwise, there were continuous disasters, which spoke of a likely going to hell, which no one definitely wanted.