Modern palace in Vyritsa, mansion of the Vasilyev brothers. Elite residences of famous oligarchs (8 photos)

“An extremely daring crime,” is how the St. Petersburg prosecutor called the attempt on the life of businessman Sergei Vasiliev. The shooting at the victim's limousine and the security jeep is associated solely with the recent failure of a raider attack on the victim's business. His stevedoring company is indeed a tasty morsel for potential invaders. However, there is another version of events.

“An extremely daring crime,” is how the St. Petersburg prosecutor called the attempt on the life of businessman Sergei Vasiliev. The shooting at the victim's limousine and the security jeep is associated solely with the recent failure of a raider attack on the victim's business. The business is indeed a tasty one for potential invaders: the value of the city's largest stevedoring company, the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal, according to some estimates, exceeds half a billion dollars. Nevertheless, the Privy Councilor is ready to offer another version of events.

Envy is a bad feeling...

On the banks of the Oredezh River in Vyritsa, the “Catherine Palace” grows. More precisely, a slightly smaller copy of the famous royal residence in Pushkin. In just over a year, the Vyritsky Palace, if everything goes according to the builders’ plan, they say, will become the residence of Sergei Vasiliev. Actually, almost everything is ready. Even the descent to the water is made - an elegant staircase. And the freshly grown green grass in the park still looks like a freshly cut lawn. It’s okay, when it grows up, they’ll give it a real haircut.

The patterns of the cast-iron lattice, the golden onions of the palace chapel, sky-blue plaster and snow-white statues - all this almost exactly repeats the famous palace of Catherine in Tsarskoye Selo. But you can’t really see anything: most of the palace is gently wrapped in polyethylene, and from the river side, so is the entire structure. And of course, no one will tell anything about the interiors. “The same as in Ekaterininsky?” - we ask. “What are you talking about! Better!" - they answer. Friends of the owner say that the tortoise shell doors alone cost 30 thousand dollars each. Vasiliev didn’t like one of them for some reason, so he ordered them to be thrown away and replaced.

The area of ​​land around the palace is unknown exactly. “Four hundred meters there, four hundred meters here,” a man with the appearance of a migrant worker vaguely waves his hand. Vigilant security does not allow anyone to get close to the construction site, and photography in the area is strictly prohibited. “Private territory!” - a broad-shouldered man in uniform raises his finger respectfully.

But we’ll still try to take a photo... Because all this splendor is now not so much a local landmark or a future residence, but another version of the assassination attempt. Sources from among the fighters against organized crime suggest: this spring, some Muscovites, who apparently noticed such beauty in the Leningrad region, promised Vasilyev a sum comparable to the cost of an oil terminal for a palace in Vyritsa with all the land. Vasiliev, they say, refused. He also laughed... Well, they answered.

Stages of the long journey

Sergei Vasilievich Vasiliev is the middle brother. Alexander Vasilyevich is a year older, Boris Vasilyevich is five years younger. All three brothers are boxers: in the village of Vyritsa, where they were born, they say there once was a good boxing section. Now only the eldest, Alexander, has retained his regional registration. But even with apartments in best areas St. Petersburg, the Vasiliev brothers still live in their Vyritsa. Much more “at home” than during the time of tender childhood. And not only thanks to the “Catherine Palace”, located not in the village itself, but somewhat on the outskirts.

The brothers expressly do not associate any business with Vyritsa and shower her with their generosity. Everyone, for example, knows that the famous wooden church of the Kazan Mother of God, which foreigners are taken to see, has been restored and exists thanks to Sergei Vasilyevich. For a long time the most popular among the people wild beach on the banks of the Oredezh was right under the noses of the brothers, five meters from their house the aborigines and guests were screaming, kneading mud in the Oredezh and frying sausages on the fire. Nothing, they were patient. Now, however, neighbors have appeared, built a choir for themselves, and blocked their fellow villagers’ access to the water. But the Vasiliev brothers, they say, have nothing to do with it.

Sergei was the first of the brothers to be convicted. In 1974, at the age of 19, he was sentenced to five years in prison for rape. He served three years and was released on parole. The police believe that it was then that the team of Vasilyev brothers began to form. The brothers (or are they already brothers?), the ubopovites believe, chose thimblemakers and the video business, or more precisely, a new product of the 80s - video salons. Over time, the daily income of a stable group of people, police say, could approach a million rubles.

In 1986, two brothers were already detained - the middle and eldest. They were arrested on charges of extortion, and the court found both guilty of fraud. In 1989, Sergei was released. While the brothers were sitting, the team they had assembled split up, as fighters against organized crime say, into several brigades; many went to the Malyshevskys. And the brothers themselves, along with their surviving comrades, they say, were drawn to the automobile business. By the way, in the late 80s and early 90s, transporting cars from abroad and reselling them was one of the most profitable types of business. Even if cars had a dark history, foreigners did not even try to look for what was lost in a distraught and practically lawless new Russia. The brothers, as is commonly believed, controlled the automobile market at Energetikov.

By the way, Sergei Vasiliev always had cars - almost the most expensive ones in Leningrad - St. Petersburg. In 1997, he bought his first Rolls-Royce, a white toy from 1971. In 2000, he got a one-year-old light gray Mercedes and the next Roll-Royce, a black one. Two years later - a silver Lamborghini and a blue Ferrari, with half a thousand horsepower each. And a third Rolls-Royce. Sergei purchased the fourth and last (for now!) Rolls, a dark gray limousine from 2004, damaged by bullets, exactly two years ago - in May 2004.

"He was warned..."

Interesting information is hanging on the Internet forum of professional bodyguards. From the words of people sitting in the fired cars, they talk about what happened at the intersection of Levashovsky and Ordinary on May 5 at about half past two in the afternoon: in a few seconds, two machine gunners shot at a jeep and left 48 bullet holes in the car; another shooter who attacked the Rolls with a Kalashnikov assault rifle made 30 holes in the limousine. The security guard in the jeep, having received a tangential wound to the back, nevertheless jumped out of the car and rushed to the Rolls-Royce, forcing the shooters to hide. That is why, apparently, there was no control shot at the client.

Judging by the text left online by a professional security guard, Sergei Vasiliev knew that an assassination attempt was being prepared on him: “He was warned almost two weeks in advance, both in writing and by telephone, about the impending assassination attempt. Throughout the entire time the guys worked with him, they talked about the armor and the group of operational drivers. But he himself didn’t really care; after all, he considers himself to be under a spell. But in this situation, it was the security that saved his life... The guys who were there became hostages of the client’s negligent attitude towards their own safety...” To believe or not to believe is the reader’s right.

A week after the assassination attempt, Sergei Vasiliev is still unconscious in the intensive care unit of the Military Medical Academy. Doctors call his condition extremely serious: two bullet wounds to the head. No forecasts yet.

One of the versions of the assassination attempt is connected with a failed attempt at a raider takeover of the Petersburg Oil Terminal CJSC. It is difficult to see the direct connection of Sergei Vasiliev with this largest stevedoring company in the city, however, according to the newspaper Delovoy Peterburg, he owns offshore companies that own half of the company. The publication emphasizes that, having received control over the oil loading equipment at the port in 1996, PNT did not seek outside financing, but invested the income received from operating the old equipment in business development and the construction of a new transshipment complex. Now, according to experts, PNT provides 15 percent of the total volume of petroleum products transshipment in the region Baltic Sea. The Kommersant newspaper estimates the terminal's capacity at 12 tons of petroleum products per year, and annual revenue at $60 million.

Let us recall that recently the Privy Councilor mentioned PNT among the enterprises that the raiders had their eyes on. However, as prosecutor Zaitsev said, “all versions are being considered.” And one of them is quite far from the oil business. However, the prosecutor’s office still has to figure out the “palace secrets” of the Vasilyev brothers...

Tatiana Vostroilova,
Svetlana Tikhomirova,
Irina Tumakova

The incredibly luxurious homes and country residences of the oligarchs simply amaze the imagination, and I’d simply rather not say anything about their cost. For example, Kadyrov’s “dacha” cost him only $310 million, and our president is used to getting to his residence on his own yacht. Be sure to read further and look at all the luxury that some residents of our country can afford.

Palace of the Vasiliev Brothers

The Vasiliev brothers were born in the village of Vyritsa Leningrad region. At first they ran video stores, then they transported cars from Europe for sale in Russia, and they ran car markets. Sergei Vasiliev controlled and controls the St. Petersburg oil terminal - the largest in seaport St. Petersburg bunkering company, with a 15% share of the volume of oil products transshipped in the Baltic.

The Vasilievs generously helped their native Vyritsa, where the brothers still live, despite having real estate in St. Petersburg - for example, they restored the wooden Church of the Kazan Mother of God, which is popular with tourists. It was in this village on the banks of the Oredezh River that the brothers decided to build their estate. The interesting thing about this estate is that it is a smaller copy of the Catherine Palace - the famous royal residence in Pushkin. Patterns on cast iron grate, golden domes of the chapel, sky blue color and white statues - a lot here reminds of Catherine.
There is only conflicting information about the interior: ceilings 14 meters high, marble staircases, doors made of tortoiseshells, mosaic marble floors with a total area of ​​more than 600 square meters. m, black marble Atlantean knights. According to the author of the project, architect Igor Gremitsky, exclusively natural materials were used to decorate the palace, including 19 types of marble from Italy.

Yakunin's dacha

This Saturday, a post appeared on an entertainment portal, the author of which claimed that he participated in the construction of the residence for the head of the Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin - he worked on the so-called smart home there.

According to him, on several tens of hectares of forest near Domodedovo, private lakes were dug, a garage for 15 cars, a separate box for a luxury limousine were built, one and a half kilometers underground passages in the garage, had its own cinema, bath complex(1400 sq. m) with sauna, Russian, Turkish baths, salt room, swimming pool, separate massage room And so on.
Then a certain builder Alexey, who allegedly worked there, spoke on RSN. “There were 300 Vietnamese people working there, and they killed all the fish there with electric fishing rods. External finishing – Italian marble. Bathhouse - three buildings, 14 by 14 meters, Italian furniture, marble bar counter, fireplace, stained glass windows. It is made of glass, there are no walls as such, locker rooms, showers, everything is very expensive. Swimming pool 50 meters in the house. There is a storage room for fur coats and a refrigerator. The small house is his son’s, a guest house, and the main one is his. There is a prayer room and a chapel there. It seems that Metrostroy dug ponds there for 150 million. It’s decorated with gold tiles, and the room is very large - a hammam, a bathhouse, a steam room, a panorama to look at the forest,” Alexey said about what he saw near Domodedovo.

Shuvalov's residence

Igor Shuvalov, who has served as Deputy Prime Minister since 2008, is the wealthiest member of the government according to his 2012 declaration. His income amounted to about 226 million rubles (about 7 million dollars). The spouse's income is slightly less.

In his declaration, the official indicated that he, together with his wife and three minor children, rents a house with an area of ​​4,174 square meters. meters. The residence of the Deputy Prime Minister is located next to the innovation city Skolkovo (Moscow) on the territory of the former dacha of Brezhnev-era Politburo member Mikhail Suslov (state dacha Zarechye-4), is jealously guarded and surrounded by a high fence. Natalya Pelevina, in her blog on the website of the radio station Echo of Moscow, talks about a “palace” with an area of ​​1,500 square meters. meters, built in the shape of the letter P. On a plot of 7.5 hectares, according to Pelevina, there are also indoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, luxurious gardens “with shrubs trimmed in the Versailles style,” a greenhouse for exotic plants, separate houses for servants and security And so on.

Kadyrov's residence

On the banks of the Sunzha River in Grozny stands another very impressive mansion. The official residence of the head of the Chechen Republic with an area of ​​260 thousand square meters. meters cost the budget, according to Novaya Gazeta, about 10 billion rubles ($310.8 million).

Novaya Gazeta notes that 48 million rubles – 360 thousand square meters – were allocated for the improvement of the territory of the residence alone. m of lawn, 77 thousand sq. m of flower beds, 16 thousand roses, 14 thousand sq. m of curly pruned bushes, hedges, etc. About 36 million rubles have been allocated for utility services for the residence.
Nikolai Uskov, head of the Snob project, after a meeting of the club of editors of central media in Grozny, eloquently described what he saw: “On a huge square in the middle of ideal lawns, reminiscent of the emerald waves of golf courses, stood a monumental palace in the Ottoman style, next to it was a copy of the sacred Kaaba, framed by minarets. […] Among the picturesque hills and Chechen family towers stretching to the left, a small farm is hidden. A bear cub lives with her in a cage, chickens and turkeys walk on the grass, roosters crow, a stream gurgles, flowing into an artificial pond.”

Medvedev Palace

In February 2011, an article was published in Novaya Gazeta, which suggested that on the territory of the Bolshoy Utrish nature reserve ( Krasnodar region) a personal dacha is being built for ex-president and current prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. The mansion in Bolshoi Utrish was to be equipped with a marina and a helipad. Two wide roads leading to it were specially planned (according to the publication, these are the security requirements of the Federal Security Service). In its architecture, the “Medvedev’s dacha” project is similar to the so-called Putin’s palace in Gelendzhik.

The land on which the palace is located has been rented out since July 2008 by the forestry department Krasnodar region fund for regional non-profit projects Gift for the construction of a sports and recreation complex there. For an area of ​​120 hectares, the fund will transfer 15 million rubles every year for 49 years.
According to Novaya Gazeta, the Dar Fund Management Company was located at the same address as the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSCI) of the President’s wife Svetlana Medvedeva, the companies had the same telephone number, and the general director of both organizations was the same at different times and the same person (Olga Travina). The Presidential Administration stated that it has nothing to do with the construction.

Tkachev's dacha

In the Blue Bay, near the village of Bzhid, Dzhubga urban settlement, Tuapse district, Krasnodar Territory, there is an object that some consider to be the residence of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev.

According to Rosreestr, part of these lands actually belongs to the governor. However, according to environmentalists, the area enclosed by a fence (about 7 hectares) significantly exceeds the area of ​​land owned by Tkachev (1 hectare).
It was from the fence around the facility that the scandal began to flare up. In February - March 2011, activists of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus carried out actions against the seizure of forest lands and coastal strips, were detained by law enforcement officers and sentenced to various terms of administrative arrest (from 7 to 15 days). A request from ecologists sent to the Forestry Department of the Krasnodar Territory received an answer: there is no fence around this area.

Patriarch's Dacha

In February 2011 at Black Sea coast north of the village of Divnomorskoye (Krasnodar Territory), the same activists discovered what they said was illegal construction. At least 10 hectares of forest where Pitsunda pine, protected by law, grows, is surrounded by a three-meter fence. On the territory, according to ecologists, there is a “strange, pretentious structure - either a mansion or a temple - this quadrangular building is crowned with a dome with a cross. An absolutely unimaginable hybrid of a palace and a temple.”

In Russian Orthodox Church confirmed that this object belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate, but noted that it is not the patriarch’s dacha that is being built near Gelendzhik, but a spiritual center. The territory of the spiritual center was to house a meeting room of the Holy Synod, premises for the stay of members of the Synod, administrative and management services of the Moscow Patriarchate, work rooms, conference rooms, press center premises, etc. In the summer of 2012, the fence around the mysterious object grew significantly in height, became much longer and was equipped with night surveillance cameras and an alarm system. Later, Patriarch Kirill consecrated a temple on the territory of the spiritual center and held a meeting of the Holy Synod there.

Putin's Palace

On the Black Sea coast near the village of Praskoveevka in the Gelendzhik region there is a “recreation complex”, which, according to rumors, belongs to Putin.

Businessman Sergei Kolesnikov claims that, although the project was envisaged as a private residence of Nikolai Shamalov, the construction of the palace was carried out by Spetsstroy of Russia, and the Federal Security Service supervised it, guarded it and gave all instructions. According to Kolesnikov, the complex occupied an area of ​​“tens of thousands of square meters” and was equipped with “a casino, a winter theater, a summer amphitheater, a chapel, swimming pools, a sports complex, helipads, landscaped parks, tea houses, premises for service personnel and other technical buildings "
In the spring of 2011, Shamalov’s company Indokopas, together with the residence, was sold to a Cypriot company, the beneficiary of which is businessman Alexander Ponomarenko. Bloggers suggest that the palace is the private residence of Vladimir Putin. In particular, according to their statement, on August 6-7, 2011, three large yachts(one of them was similar to the Olympia yacht, which, according to bloggers, Putin uses) and two patrol ships. A few days before, law enforcement agencies cleared the nearby coastline of tents and checked the passports of citizens vacationing in them.
Subsequently, Vladimir Kozhin, manager of the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation, denied reports about the construction of a residence for Vladimir Putin.

In contact with

The richest Russians are accustomed to relaxing in huge mansions, which are not inferior in decoration royal palaces. Kadyrov’s dacha, for example, costs $310 million, and Putin sails to his “recreation complex” on a yacht.

Photos of the palaces and estates of influential people in Russia show that you definitely can’t stop someone from living beautifully. The Elephant portal selected eight of the most luxurious “architectural masterpieces” belonging to officials and businessmen.

The Vasiliev brothers were born in the village of Vyritsa, Leningrad Region. At first they ran video stores, then they transported cars from Europe for sale in Russia, and they ran car markets. Sergey Vasiliev controlled and controls the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal - the largest bunkering company in the Seaport of St. Petersburg, with a 15% share of the volume of oil products transshipped in the Baltic.

The Vasilievs generously helped their native Vyritsa, where the brothers still live, despite having real estate in St. Petersburg - for example, they restored the wooden Church of the Kazan Mother of God, which is popular with tourists. It was in this village on the banks of the Oredezh River that the brothers decided to build their estate. The interesting thing about this estate is that it is a smaller copy of the Catherine Palace - the famous royal residence in Pushkin. The patterns on the cast-iron lattice, the golden domes of the chapel, the sky blue color and white statues - a lot here reminds of Catherine.

There is only conflicting information about the interior: ceilings 14 meters high, marble staircases, doors made of tortoiseshells, mosaic marble floors with a total area of ​​more than 600 square meters. m, black marble Atlantean knights. According to the author of the project, architect Igor Gremitsky, exclusively natural materials were used to decorate the palace, including 19 types of marble from Italy.

This Saturday, a post appeared on the entertainment portal YaPlakal, the author of which claimed that he participated in the construction of the residence for the head of the Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, and worked on the so-called smart home there.

According to him, on several tens of hectares of forest near Domodedovo, private lakes were dug, a garage for 15 cars was built, a separate box for a luxury limousine, one and a half kilometers of underground passages to the garage were built, there was a private cinema, a bathhouse complex (1400 sq. m) with sauna, Russian, Turkish baths, salt room, swimming pool, separate massage room, etc.

Then a certain builder Alexey, who allegedly worked there, spoke on RSN. “There were 300 Vietnamese people working there, and they killed all the fish there with electric fishing rods. External finishing - Italian marble. Bathhouse - three buildings, 14 by 14 meters, Italian furniture, marble bar counter, fireplace, stained glass windows. It is made of glass, there are no walls as such, locker rooms, showers, everything is very expensive. Swimming pool 50 meters in the house. There is a storage room for fur coats and a refrigerator. The small house is the son’s, the guest house, and the main one is his. There is a prayer room and a chapel there. It seems that Metrostroy dug ponds there for 150 million. It’s decorated with gold tiles, and the room is very large - a hammam, a bathhouse, a steam room, a panorama to look at the forest,” Alexey said about what he saw near Domodedovo.

Igor Shuvalov, who has served as Deputy Prime Minister since 2008, is the wealthiest member of the government according to his 2012 declaration. His income amounted to about 226 million rubles (about 7 million dollars). The spouse's income is slightly less.

In his declaration, the official indicated that he, together with his wife and three minor children, rents a house with an area of ​​4,174 square meters. meters. The residence of the Deputy Prime Minister is located next to the innovation city Skolkovo (Moscow) on the territory of the former dacha of Brezhnev-era Politburo member Mikhail Suslov (state dacha Zarechye-4), is jealously guarded and surrounded by a high fence. Natalya Pelevina, in her blog on the website of the radio station Echo of Moscow, talks about a “palace” with an area of ​​1,500 square meters. meters, built in the shape of the letter P. On a plot of 7.5 hectares, according to Pelevina, there are also indoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, luxurious gardens “with shrubs trimmed in the Versailles style,” a greenhouse for exotic plants, separate houses for servants and security And so on.

On the banks of the Sunzha River in Grozny stands another very impressive mansion. The official residence of the head of the Chechen Republic with an area of ​​260 thousand square meters. meters cost the budget, according to Novaya Gazeta, about 10 billion rubles ($310.8 million).

Novaya Gazeta notes that 48 million rubles - 360 thousand square meters - were allocated for the improvement of the territory of the residence alone. m of lawn, 77 thousand sq. m of flower beds, 16 thousand roses, 14 thousand sq. m of curly pruned bushes, hedges, etc. About 36 million rubles have been allocated for utility services for the residence.

Nikolai Uskov, head of the Snob project, after a meeting of the club of editors of central media in Grozny, eloquently described what he saw: “On a huge square in the middle of ideal lawns, reminiscent of the emerald waves of golf courses, stood a monumental palace in the Ottoman style, next to it was a copy of the sacred Kaaba, framed by minarets. […] Among the picturesque hills and Chechen family towers stretching to the left, a small farm is hidden. A bear cub lives with her in a cage, chickens and turkeys walk on the grass, roosters crow, a stream gurgles, flowing into an artificial pond.”

In February 2011, Novaya Gazeta published an article suggesting that a personal dacha for ex-president and current prime minister Dmitry Medvedev was being built on the territory of the Bolshoi Utrish nature reserve (Krasnodar Territory). The mansion in Bolshoi Utrish was to be equipped with a marina and a helipad. Two wide roads leading to it were specially planned (according to the publication, these are the security requirements of the Federal Security Service). In its architecture, the “Medvedev’s dacha” project is similar to the so-called Putin’s palace in Gelendzhik.

The land on which the palace is located has been leased since July 2008 by the forestry department of the Krasnodar region to the Dar regional non-profit project fund for the construction of a sports and recreation complex there. For an area of ​​120 hectares, the fund will transfer 15 million rubles every year for 49 years.

According to Novaya Gazeta, the Dar Fund Management Company was located at the same address as the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSCI) of the President’s wife Svetlana Medvedeva, the companies had the same telephone number, and the general director of both organizations was the same at different times and the same person (Olga Travina). The Presidential Administration stated that it has nothing to do with the construction.

In the Blue Bay, near the village of Bzhid, Dzhubga urban settlement, Tuapse district, Krasnodar Territory, there is an object that some consider to be the residence of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev.

According to Rosreestr, part of these lands actually belongs to the governor. However, according to environmentalists, the area enclosed by a fence (about 7 hectares) significantly exceeds the area of ​​land owned by Tkachev (1 hectare).

It's no secret that there is no smell of equality in our country (as well as throughout the world). Some people can barely squeeze into a cramped dorm room, while others build such mansions for themselves that hosting a reception for several hundred people is nothing. I propose to look at the luxurious houses of the richest people in Russia.
Palace of the Vasiliev Brothers

The Vasiliev brothers were born in the village of Vyritsa, Leningrad Region. At first they ran video stores, then they transported cars from Europe for sale in Russia, and they ran car markets. Sergey Vasiliev controlled and controls the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal, the largest bunkering company in the Seaport of St. Petersburg, with a 15% share of the volume of oil products transshipped in the Baltic.

The Vasilievs generously helped their native Vyritsa, where the brothers still live, despite having real estate in St. Petersburg - for example, they restored the wooden Church of the Kazan Mother of God, which is popular with tourists. It was in this village on the banks of the Oredezh River that the brothers decided to build their estate. The interesting thing about this estate is that it is a smaller copy of the Catherine Palace - the famous royal residence in Pushkin. The patterns on the cast-iron grate, the golden domes of the chapel, the sky blue color and white statues - a lot here reminds us of Catherine’s.
There is only conflicting information about the interior: ceilings 14 meters high, marble staircases, doors made of tortoiseshells, mosaic marble floors with a total area of ​​more than 600 square meters. m, black marble Atlantean knights. According to the author of the project, architect Igor Gremitsky, exclusively natural materials were used to decorate the palace, including 19 types of marble from Italy.

Yakunin's dacha

This Saturday, a post appeared on an entertainment portal, the author of which claimed that he participated in the construction of the residence for the head of the Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin - he worked on the so-called smart home there.

According to him, on several tens of hectares of forest near Domodedovo, private lakes were dug, a garage for 15 cars was built, a separate box for a luxury limousine, one and a half kilometers of underground passages to the garage were built, there was a private cinema, a bath complex (1400 sq. m) with sauna, Russian, Turkish baths, salt room, swimming pool, separate massage room, etc.
Then a certain builder Alexey, who allegedly worked there, spoke on RSN. “There were 300 Vietnamese people working there, and they killed all the fish there with electric fishing rods. External finishing – Italian marble. Bathhouse - three buildings, 14 by 14 meters, Italian furniture, marble bar counter, fireplace, stained glass windows. It is made of glass, there are no walls as such, locker rooms, showers, everything is very expensive. Swimming pool 50 meters in the house. There is a storage room for fur coats and a refrigerator. The small house is his son’s, a guest house, and the main one is his. There is a prayer room and a chapel there. It seems that Metrostroy dug ponds there for 150 million. It’s decorated with gold tiles, and the room is very large - a hammam, a bathhouse, a steam room, a panorama to look at the forest,” Alexey said about what he saw near Domodedovo.

Shuvalov's residence

Igor Shuvalov, who has served as Deputy Prime Minister since 2008, is the wealthiest member of the government according to his 2012 declaration. His income amounted to about 226 million rubles (about 7 million dollars). The spouse's income is slightly less.

In his declaration, the official indicated that he, together with his wife and three minor children, rents a house with an area of ​​4,174 square meters. meters. The residence of the Deputy Prime Minister is located next to the innovation city Skolkovo (Moscow) on the territory of the former dacha of Brezhnev-era Politburo member Mikhail Suslov (state dacha Zarechye-4), is jealously guarded and surrounded by a high fence. Natalya Pelevina, in her blog on the website of the radio station Echo of Moscow, talks about a “palace” with an area of ​​1,500 square meters. meters, built in the shape of the letter P. On a plot of 7.5 hectares, according to Pelevina, there are also indoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, luxurious gardens “with shrubs trimmed in the Versailles style,” a greenhouse for exotic plants, separate houses for servants and security And so on.

Kadyrov's residence

On the banks of the Sunzha River in Grozny stands another very impressive mansion. The official residence of the head of the Chechen Republic with an area of ​​260 thousand square meters. meters cost the budget, according to Novaya Gazeta, about 10 billion rubles ($310.8 million).

Novaya Gazeta notes that 48 million rubles – 360 thousand square meters – were allocated for the improvement of the territory of the residence alone. m of lawn, 77 thousand sq. m of flower beds, 16 thousand roses, 14 thousand sq. m of curly pruned bushes, hedges, etc. About 36 million rubles have been allocated for utility services for the residence.
Nikolai Uskov, head of the Snob project, after a meeting of the club of editors of central media in Grozny, eloquently described what he saw: “On a huge square in the middle of ideal lawns, reminiscent of the emerald waves of golf courses, stood a monumental palace in the Ottoman style, next to it was a copy of the sacred Kaaba, framed by minarets. […] Among the picturesque hills and Chechen family towers stretching to the left, a small farm is hidden. A bear cub lives with her in a cage, chickens and turkeys walk on the grass, roosters crow, a stream gurgles, flowing into an artificial pond.”

Medvedev Palace

In February 2011, Novaya Gazeta published an article suggesting that a personal dacha for ex-president and current prime minister Dmitry Medvedev was being built on the territory of the Bolshoi Utrish nature reserve (Krasnodar Territory). The mansion in Bolshoi Utrish was to be equipped with a marina and a helipad. Two wide roads leading to it were specially planned (according to the publication, these are the security requirements of the Federal Security Service). In its architecture, the “Medvedev’s dacha” project is similar to the so-called Putin’s palace in Gelendzhik.

The land on which the palace is located has been leased since July 2008 by the forestry department of the Krasnodar region to the Dar regional non-profit project fund for the construction of a sports and recreation complex there. For an area of ​​120 hectares, the fund will transfer 15 million rubles every year for 49 years.
According to Novaya Gazeta, the Dar Fund Management Company was located at the same address as the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSCI) of the President’s wife Svetlana Medvedeva, the companies had the same telephone number, and the general director of both organizations was the same at different times and the same person (Olga Travina). The Presidential Administration stated that it has nothing to do with the construction.

Tkachev's dacha

In the Blue Bay, near the village of Bzhid, Dzhubga urban settlement, Tuapse district, Krasnodar Territory, there is an object that some consider to be the residence of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev.

According to Rosreestr, part of these lands actually belongs to the governor. However, according to environmentalists, the area enclosed by a fence (about 7 hectares) significantly exceeds the area of ​​land owned by Tkachev (1 hectare).
It was from the fence around the facility that the scandal began to flare up. In February - March 2011, activists of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus carried out actions against the seizure of forest lands and coastal strips, were detained by law enforcement officers and sentenced to various terms of administrative arrest (from 7 to 15 days). A request from ecologists sent to the Forestry Department of the Krasnodar Territory received an answer: there is no fence around this area.

Patriarch's Dacha

In February 2011, on the Black Sea coast north of the village of Divnomorskoye (Krasnodar Territory), the same activists discovered what they said was illegal construction. At least 10 hectares of forest where Pitsunda pine, protected by law, grows, is surrounded by a three-meter fence. On the territory, according to ecologists, there is a “strange, pretentious structure - either a mansion or a temple - this quadrangular building is crowned with a dome with a cross. An absolutely unimaginable hybrid of a palace and a temple.”

The Russian Orthodox Church confirmed that this object belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate, but noted that it is not the patriarch’s dacha that is being built near Gelendzhik, but a spiritual center. The territory of the spiritual center was to house a meeting room of the Holy Synod, premises for the stay of members of the Synod, administrative and management services of the Moscow Patriarchate, work rooms, conference rooms, press center premises, etc. In the summer of 2012, the fence around the mysterious object grew significantly in height, became much longer and was equipped with night surveillance cameras and an alarm system. Later, Patriarch Kirill consecrated a temple on the territory of the spiritual center and held a meeting of the Holy Synod there.

Putin's Palace

On the Black Sea coast near the village of Praskoveevka in the Gelendzhik region there is a “recreation complex”, which, according to rumors, belongs to Putin.

Businessman Sergei Kolesnikov claims that, although the project was envisaged as a private residence of Nikolai Shamalov, the construction of the palace was carried out by Spetsstroy of Russia, and the Federal Security Service supervised it, guarded it and gave all instructions. According to Kolesnikov, the complex occupied an area of ​​“tens of thousands of square meters” and was equipped with “a casino, a winter theater, a summer amphitheater, a chapel, swimming pools, a sports complex, helipads, landscaped parks, tea houses, premises for service personnel and other technical buildings "

In the spring of 2011, Shamalov’s company Indokopas, together with the residence, was sold to a Cypriot company, the beneficiary of which is businessman Alexander Ponomarenko. Bloggers suggest that the palace is the private residence of Vladimir Putin. In particular, according to their statement, on August 6-7, 2011, three large yachts (one of them was similar to the Olympia yacht, which, according to bloggers, Putin uses) and two patrol ships were seen in the area of ​​the residence. A few days before, law enforcement agencies cleared the nearby coastline of tents and checked the passports of citizens vacationing in them.

Subsequently, Vladimir Kozhin, manager of the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation, denied reports about the construction of a residence for Vladimir Putin.

"Medvedev's Dacha" in Krasnaya Polyana

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev discovered another unofficial “dacha” - this time in Krasnaya Polyana. Journalist Andrei Malgin wrote about this on his blog, posting photographs of a certain “strange Olympic object.” According to the blogger, these photographs were sent to him by “concerned citizens who worked at one interesting object near Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi, designing interiors there.” Employers told workers that this was “Medvedev’s dacha” and hurried them to finish the work in time for the Olympics.

From the outside, the house looks like a mountain chalet, and the interiors are even more spectacular: there are two fireplaces in the spacious hallway with columns, as well as an elevator that takes owners and guests to the second floor. There is also an office on the ground floor with a photograph hanging on the wall Medvedev Vladimir Putin skiing, says Malgin. There is a swimming pool, sauna, Turkish hammam and a small gym. On the second floor there are two bedrooms with spacious dressing rooms and large bathrooms, and two more smaller ones. It is unknown what is located on the third floor. “At the construction site we saw not only Dmitry Anatolyevich, but also Svetlana Vladimirovna“- says Malgin.

Outside the house there is also a separate Russian bathhouse with the opportunity to jump into an ice hole. A security house with a garage and a helipad were built nearby. The object is visible on Yandex Maps. As it turned out later, the formally built facility is called the Psekhako Reception House for official guests of the mountain-tourist center of Gazprom OJSC.

The environmental report of the organizing committee of the Sochi 2014 games indicates that the total area of ​​the site is 3.7 hectares, the area of ​​the main building is 4180 sq.m. It also clarifies that the responsible executor of the project is the well-known “Dar” foundation, which, as bloggers previously found out, was the customer for the construction of “Medvedev’s dacha” in the city of Ples, Ivanovo region. In the Olimpstroy report, the cost of the facility (at the end of 2012) is 1,895,803,500 rubles.

Palace of the Vasiliev Brothers

The Vasiliev brothers were born in the village of Vyritsa, Leningrad Region. First, they ran video showrooms, then they transported cars from Europe for sale in Russia, and they ran car markets.

Sergey Vasiliev controlled and controls the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal, the largest bunkering company in the Seaport of St. Petersburg, with a 15% share of the volume of oil products transshipped in the Baltic.

The Vasilievs generously helped their native Vyritsa, where the brothers still live, despite having real estate in St. Petersburg - for example, they restored the wooden Church of the Kazan Mother of God, which is popular with tourists.

It was in this village on the banks of the Oredezh River that the brothers decided to build their estate. The interesting thing about this estate is that it is a smaller copy of the Catherine Palace - the famous royal residence in Pushkin.

There is only conflicting information about the interior: ceilings 14 meters high, marble staircases, doors made of tortoiseshells, mosaic marble floors with a total area of ​​more than 600 square meters. m, black marble Atlantean knights.

Photos appeared in the blogosphere luxury dacha Head of Russian Railways Yakunin

Material has appeared in the Russian blogosphere describing the living conditions of the head of the Russian railway Vladimir Yakunin.

According to the blogger who made repairs to the building, its owner is Vladimir Yakunin, and the structure itself has status country house . Not only the dacha is striking in its luxury, but also the communications specially built for it. For example, a 1.5 km long tunnel was built. from a house to a garage designed for 15 cars. A separate area is intended for parking Maybach.

The dacha occupies 70 hectares; on the territory there is a two-story house in which several dozen people live - servants.

Shuvalov's residence

Igor Shuvalov, incumbent Deputy Prime Minister since 2008, according to the submitted declaration for 2012, he is the wealthiest member of the government. His income amounted to about 226 million rubles (about 7 million dollars).

The wife's income is slightly less. In his declaration, the official indicated that together with his wife and three minor children he rents a house with an area of ​​4174 square meters. meters . Residence of the Deputy Prime Minister located next to the innovation city Skolkovo (Moscow) on the territory of the former dacha of Brezhnev-era Politburo member Mikhail Suslov (state dacha Zarechye-4), is under jealous guard and surrounded by a high fence.

Natalya Pelevina, in her blog on the website of the radio station Echo of Moscow, talks about a “palace” with an area of ​​1,500 square meters. meters, built in the shape of the letter P. On a plot of 7.5 hectares, according to Pelevina, there are also indoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, luxurious gardens “with shrubs trimmed in the Versailles style,” a greenhouse for exotic plants, separate houses for servants and security And so on.

Ramzan Kadyrov's palace cost $331 million

The residence of the leader of the Chechen Republic in Grozny cost the state more than $331 million. The Novaya Gazeta publication describes Kadyrov's palace in detail. The palace for the main Chechen

The luxurious residence of Ramzan Kadyrov was built with government money allocated for the development of the Chechen Republic. Beautiful building pink color was built in the Leninsky district of Grozny, on the banks of the picturesque Sunzha River, and construction has been going on for several years.

Moreover, specifically for this project, it was decided to change the course of the Sunzha River - it was straightened, thus forming new peninsula, the area of ​​which is comparable to the size of the Moscow Kremlin.

The area of ​​the interior of the Kadyrov Palace reaches 64 thousand square meters, and the luxury of the interior decoration is legendary. The floors in the palace are covered with carpets, with a total area of ​​up to 13.2 thousand square meters, and on the walls there are tapestries with an area of ​​4.3 thousand, and on the windows there are multi-textured blinds.

At least 40 people serve the residents, and about 30 workers clean the area. Roses for the President