Creating a presentation of the seven wonders of my region. Presentation on the topic "Seven Wonders of My Village"

Reserve "Krasnoyarsk Pillars" Nature reserve"Krasnoyarsk Pillars" was created and received state status in 1925, on the initiative of local residents. The Krasnoyarsk Pillars Nature Reserve was created and received state status in 1925, on the initiative of local residents. Many representatives of the local flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book. The territory of the reserve with a total area of ​​hectares is divided into 2 parts: the tourist and excursion area and the Wild Pillars. The reserve has about a hundred pillars made of gray-pink granite, each of which has its own name. Names were not assigned randomly, but depending on what or who a particular stone resembles. One of the most famous is the Grandfather pillar, as it resembles a formidable old man with a huge thick beard. Pillar Grandfather

Permafrost Museum in Igarka. This museum beyond the Arctic Circle has no analogues either in Russia or in the world. It was created in one of the dungeons of the Igarsk permafrost station, which has been studying permafrost and its properties since the 1930s. The most deep point The mine is located at a depth of 14 meters from the surface. This museum beyond the Arctic Circle has no analogues either in Russia or in the world. It was created in one of the dungeons of the Igarsk permafrost station, which has been studying permafrost and its properties since the 1930s. The deepest point of the mine is 14 meters below the surface. In the thickness of the permafrost, the temperature is almost constant - minus 4 degrees. But at the top it’s still 15°C, so the walls of the building are covered with frost. Several halls display plant samples frozen in ice plates; there are pieces of ice from the Yenisei and Ice Mountain, the site of buried ice about 50 thousand years old! The founding date of the museum is considered to be March 19, 1965, it was then that an exhibition dedicated to permafrost and the history of its study was opened to the public at the laboratory. However, the official status of the local history museum was received only on July 1, 1991.

Ergaki. On the list of the World Fund wildlife(WWF) this natural Park hundredth in a row. This natural park is the 100th on the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) list. The journey through Ergaki begins with drop-off at the camp and you will have to walk 8 km along the taiga trail. You will visit Molodezhny Peak, Teachers Pass, see the famous Sleeping Sayan, Parabola, Marble Waterfall. The main attraction of the park is “Sleeping Sayan”, a chain of rocks that closely resembles a person sleeping on his back. Star Peak. The highest peak is Ergakov, its height is 2265 meters.

Shalobolinskaya writing. This gallery of Neolithic art is located on a high, steep coastal rock massif, on the right bank of the Tuba River. Experts suggest that man appeared in these areas around the Neolithic period, perhaps in the 6th-4th millennium BC. The chronological drawings cover the period from the Neolithic to ethnographic modernity, made by embossing, rubbing, and engraving. These ancient cave paintings are like a time machine. You just have to dive into the rock paintings and you can see how people lived 6,000 years ago.

Baja Cave. The peculiarity of the cave is a vast lake, whose depth reaches 4 meters. And also a stream, directed deep into the massif, whose bed is inclined, and its flow cascades, it is called Porcelain. In 1977, the cave was declared a natural monument of regional importance, the goal was to preserve one of the largest caves in the world in a conglomerate. Badzheyskaya Cave is the leader of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of the volume of underground cavities, amounting to 100 thousand cubic meters. Its total length is 6 kilometers and its depth is 170 meters. In 1977, the cave was declared a natural monument of regional importance, the goal was to preserve one of the largest caves in the world in a conglomerate. Badzheyskaya Cave is the leader of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of the volume of underground cavities, amounting to 100 thousand cubic meters. Its total length is 6 kilometers and its depth is 170 meters.

Lake Krugloe. The round lake really has the shape of an almost perfect circle! The length of the reservoir is approximately 1 km, and the depth is about 80 m. The closest neighbor, Small Lake, is 26 m lower than Krugloye and from this height it falls crystal from one reservoir to another pure water. Its origin is tectonic; The fault is clearly visible if you go up to a hill; the guideline is the difference in the color of the water, clear and very cold (due to the abundance of sources).

Chingzhebsky waterfall. On the way to the waterfall, in the village of Vyezhy Log, a memorial plaque was installed in memory of Vladimir Vysotsky. The waterfall was formed in 1987 - it is an environmental monument and a unique hydrological object with scientific, cultural and educational value. The waterfall falls from a height of 30 meters, expanding to 8 meters as it falls. Its bottom is rocky and the water is cold. water procedures can take an icy shower of tight jets.

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In the daily bustle we don’t notice miracles! Unknown author

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A miracle is an object, phenomenon, action that causes general surprise due to its unusualness; something unprecedented, supernatural, fantastic.
1. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” 2. V Dal “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” 3. T.F. Efremova “New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative"

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Seven wonders of the world
Pyramid of Cheops (Egypt, 3rd century BC); “Hanging Gardens” of Babylon (Babylon, 6th century BC); statue of Zeus in Olympia (Greece, 5th century BC); Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (Greece, 4th century BC); Halicarnassus Mausoleum (Karia, IV century BC); lighthouse on the island of Pharos (Alexandria, Egypt, 3rd century BC); Colossus of Rhodes (Rhodes island, 3rd century BC).
The Greek Herodotus described the Seven Wonders of the World in his book “History”. He listed among the wonders of the world:

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New seven wonders of the world
Great Chinese Wall(China); Colosseum (Rome, Italy); Machu Picchu (Peru); Petra (Jordan); Taj Mahal (Agra, India); Statue of Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico)
Time and history do not stand still. Nature and people have created new unique monuments - new wonders. In the summer of 2007, the results of the “Seven New Wonders of the World” competition were summed up in Europe. They became:

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Competition in Russia
The newspaper “Izvestia”, the TV channel “Russia” and the radio station “Mayak” decided to hold their own competition “Seven Wonders of Russia”. Because of large quantity

attractions competition was held in 3 rounds. The first round (from October 2007 to February 2008) selected 49 “miracles” from 7 federal districts of Russia. The second round (from February to May 2008) only 14 “miracles” passed. The third round (from May to June 10, 2008) is the final. The elections of the seven “miracles of Russia” took place through SMS and Internet voting. About 26 million people took part in it.

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identification of monuments of nature and civilization included in the list of wonders of Russia in the modern world; acquaintance with the wonders of Russia; revival of feelings of patriotism;
drawing attention to the restoration and preservation of unique historical, cultural and natural sites on the territory of our Motherland; development of the horizons of younger schoolchildren.

Project goals:

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Problematic issues

What can be called a miracle? Are there miracles in the modern world? What makes them unique?

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From ancient times to the present day, miracles have aroused special interest among people. There are a lot of unique places on planet Earth

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Seven Wonders of Russia

Lake Baikal (Irkutsk region, Buryatia). Palace ensemble in Peterhof (St. Petersburg) Valley of Geysers (Kamchatka Territory) Natural monument Weathering pillars (Komi Republic) St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow) Mamaev Kurgan and Motherland (Volgograd region) Mount Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia)

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Lake Baikal (Irkutsk region, Buryatia) Baikal is located in the center of Asia, on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia. The lake stretches from north to southwest for 636 km in the form of a giant crescent. The width of Lake Baikal ranges from 25 to 80 km. The origin of Lake Baikal is still a matter of scientific debate. Scientists traditionally estimate the age of the lake at 25–35 million years. This fact also makes Baikal unique natural object

, since most lakes, especially those of glacial origin, live on average 10-15 thousand years, and then fill with silty sediments and become swampy.

The origin of the name of the lake is not precisely established. The most common versions of the origin of the word “Baikal”: Bai-Kul (Turkic) - a rich lake; Baigaal-Dalai (Mongolian) - rich fire; Bei-Hai (Chinese) - northern sea.

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Slide 15 Palace ensemble in Peterhof (City of St. Petersburg) Peterhof (Dutch Peterhof, “Peter’s courtyard”) - palace and park ensemble on south coast Gulf of Finland 29 km from St. Petersburg.

Center of the ensemble -

Grand Palace

, built on a seaside terrace and facing the sea. The first palace was built in the “Petrine Baroque” style in 1714-1725, then completed in the “mature Baroque” style. The huge number of fountains is amazing.
The Valley of Geysers is one of the largest geyser fields in the world and the only one in Eurasia. The Valley of Geysers is located in Kamchatka in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve. At the confluence of the Geysernaya and Shumnaya rivers, on an area of ​​about 2 km², there are about 20 large geysers and many springs that periodically emit fountains of almost boiling water (over 95°C) or hot steam.

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Weathering pillars (Republic in Komi)
Weathering pillars (Mansi logs) are a unique geological monument in the Troitsko-Pechora region of the Komi Republic on Mount Man-Pupu-ner (which means "in the Mansi language" Malaya Gora idols"), in the interfluve of the Ichotlyaga and Pechora rivers. Ostolbov 7, height from 30 to 42 m. Numerous legends are associated with it, before the Weathering Pillars were objects of the Mansi cult. About 200 million years ago, on the site of the stone pillars there were high mountains. Millennia passed. Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains, and especially weak rocks. The hard sericite-quartzite schists, from which the pillars were composed, were less destroyed and have survived to this day, while the soft rocks were destroyed by weathering and carried by water and wind into depressions in the relief.

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St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow City)
Cathedral of the Intercession, which is on the Moat, also called St. Basil's Cathedral - Orthodox church, located on the Red Square of Kitai-Gorod in Moscow.

The Intercession Cathedral was built in 1555-1560 by order of Ivan the Terrible in memory of the capture of Kazan and the victory over the Kazan Khanate.

There are only 10 domes. Nine domes over the temple (according to the number of thrones), plus one dome over the bell tower. (In the old days, St. Basil's Cathedral had 25 domes, representing the Lord and the 24 elders sitting at His throne).

The cathedral consists of eight churches, the thrones of which were consecrated in honor of the holidays that occurred on the days of the decisive battles for Kazan. In 1588, a chapel was added to the cathedral from the northeast, consecrated in honor of St. Basil the Blessed (1469-1552), whose relics were located on the site where the cathedral was built. The name of this chapel gave the cathedral a second, everyday name.
Mamayev Kurgan is located on the site of fierce fighting during the Battle of Stalingrad, which lasted 200 days. Control of “height 102.0,” as Mamayev Kurgan was designated on military maps, repeatedly passed from Soviet to German troops and vice versa, as it occupied a dominant position over the central part of Stalingrad and the Volga.

The monument-ensemble “Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” includes a number of compositions. The main monument “The Motherland is Calling!” (The work of sculptor E.V. Vuchetich and engineer N.V. Nikitin represents a multi-meter figure of a woman stepping forward with a raised sword. The statue is an allegorical image of the Motherland, calling its sons to fight the enemy. Construction of the monument began in May 1959 and completed on October 15, 1967. The sculpture was the tallest sculpture in the world at the time of its creation).

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Mount Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia) Elbrus (Karach-Balk. Mingi Tau) is a mountain in the Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Elbrus is located north of the Main Caucasus Range and is highest peak Russia. Considering that the boundaries of the European part of the world are ambiguous, Elbrus is often called the highest European mountain. mountain peak

. Elbrus is a double-peaked volcanic cone. The Western peak has a height of 5642 m, the Eastern peak - 5621 m.

Competition in Russia
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Unfortunately, among the winners there was not a single landmark from Russia, although our country has many places that could be proudly shown to the whole world. That is why the newspaper “Izvestia”, the TV channel “Russia” and the radio station “Mayak” decided to hold their competition “Seven Wonders of Russia”. The goal of this project was to revive the sense of patriotism and love for one’s Fatherland, attracting attention to the restoration and preservation of unique historical, cultural and natural objects on the territory of our Motherland. Each republic, each region, each federal subject nominated their “miracles” for the competition. Due to the large number of attractions, the competition was held in 3 rounds. The first round (from October 2007 to February 2008) selected 49 “miracles” from 7 federal districts of Russia. The second round (from February to May 2008) only 14 “miracles” passed. The third round (from May to June 10, 2008) is the final. The elections of the seven “miracles of Russia” took place through SMS and Internet voting. About 26 million people took part in it.

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conclusions Wonders of the world can be found at any time. The Seven Wonders of Our Time represent the outstanding achievements of mankind. But they are all genuine miracles.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Seven Wonders of the Don World My dear land, my generous, my dear! You will live in my memory forever. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, my love, believe me, is endless! Completed by history and geography teacher Natalya Ivanovna Usacheva

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Don Territory The Don Territory is the name given to the steppe territories located in the basin of the Don River and its numerous tributaries, which is one of the largest rivers European part of Russia. For a long time, the territory of the Don Territory was inhabited by fugitive Cossacks, first from the Zaporozhye Sich, and then from other regions of Russia and was the scene of important historical events, associated with the Russian-Turkish wars, the development of the Caucasus and popular riots against serfdom led by P. Bolotnikov, S. Razin and E. Pugachev.

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Rostov-on-Don Living in the Don capital, it is impossible not to talk about the sights of the Don region and it is logical to start the story with Rostov-on-Don, a city with a population of more than a million people, located on the hills of the right bank of the river, 35 km from its mouth. “Gateway of the Caucasus”, “Port of Five Seas”, “Rostov Papa”, the capital of the Southern Federal District - all this is Rostov-on-Don. Since the border between Europe and Asia here runs along the bed of the Don River, Rostov-on-Don actually belongs to two continents at the same time

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What could be more miles than the priceless native land (N. Yazykov.) Defined greatest monuments history and culture of the Don region. After all, the Don region is the gateway to the Caucasus and the Black Sea health resorts. Each monument of culture and history of the Don region is truly unique in its own way and deserves to bear the title of one of the “miracles” of the Don. Motherland! How beautiful are your riches and how much they give to a person! Guys, we can talk for a long time about the beauty and wealth of our native land, but today we will talk about the monuments of the Don, which can be called wonders of the world. Because anyone who has visited our region will certainly return again. Our region is a large particle and beautiful country. .

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Chekhovsky Taganrog The birthplace of the writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a classic of Russian literature. The grandson of a serf, the son of a merchant of the third guild, Chekhov glorified the city of Taganrog much more brightly than Peter the Great, who founded the city, however, Taganrog never became the capital due to its proximity to Azov, which was taken by the Turks.

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In Taganrog, Chekhov's outbuilding is still intact, located on Chekhov Street, 69. A snow-white building with a neat green roof. The Chekhov family rented this house from the merchant Gnuty and it was here that Anton Pavlovich was born. There is also a shop of the Chekhov family in Taganrog, which still displays the sign “Tea, sugar, coffee and other colonial goods.” In the building of the gymnasium, where little Chekhov studied, a literary museum is now open. The memory of the famous writer and fellow countryman is carefully preserved by the residents of Taganrog.

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Lake Manych-Gudilo is a relict and tectonic lake, stretching for 150 km and up to 4 meters deep. The salinity in the lake can compete with the salinity of the Black Sea. It got its name - “Buzz” - from the fact that the winds that often blow over the lake raise high waves in it, which hit the shore with a roar, making the lake seem to be “humming.” In the middle of the lake there is the island “Vodny”, where a wild herd of horses lives, as well as the “Rostovsky” nature reserve.

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Tanais One of the largest archaeological museum-reserves in Russia, located approximately 30 km from Rostov near the village of Nedvigovskaya. The museum is located on an area of ​​approximately 3 thousand hectares, combining an ensemble of monuments of various peoples of ancient times and the Paleolithic era

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Sholokhov land is a unique museum-reserve, a unique monument of Don nature and Russian culture. The creativity of M. Sholokhov reflected beauty, folk traditions, as well as originality

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Mound "Karul" The steppe mound "Karul-Mountain", on the top of which there is a memorial on Mount Karaul, was named so back in the days when Russian warriors exhibited high place sentinels to alert them to the approach of enemy spies. Seeing the enemy, they lit a fire on the top, the fire and smoke of which were a sign of approaching danger. In these places, according to scientific researchers, a battle between the squad of Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich and the Polovtsian soldiers took place. This historical battle is described in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” The memorial on Mount Karaul in the Rostov region is dedicated to the tragic outcome of the battle between the squad of Prince Novgorod-Seversky Igor and the Polovtsian horde of Khan Konchak. The monument is a black block of stone weighing 17 tons with a memorable inscription: “To the warriors of Igor’s army - the brave Russians. 1185,” under the monolith there are capsules with soil brought from Kyiv and Putivl, Novgorod-Seversky and Trubachevsk, from Rylsk and Kursk, from all the cities from where the warriors went to Igor’s army. The memorial on Mount Karaul is the only monument in Russia that immortalizes these events; it is a landmark and business card district.

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Volga-Don Canal The waters of the Volga and Don merged between the 1st and 2nd locks on May 31, 1952 at 13:55. On July 10, 1952, a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the opening of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal” was issued; the Volga-Don Shipping Canal was named after V.I. Lenin. The opening of the canal took place on July 27, 1952. The motor ship Joseph Stalin, the first motor ship to open navigation on the Volga-Don Canal, entered the gates of lock No. 1. Total length channel - 101 km. Of these, 45 km passes through reservoirs. Depth - at least 3.5 m. The canal route has 13 shipping locks,

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Don steppes Feather grass, mixed grass, native and beloved steppes, striking with their beauty and soulfulness. How much they have seen, starting from the ancient tribes that lived in our region and ending with the present time. Growing cities noticeably displaced them, but did not become obsolete. Finding yourself in the middle of the steppe vegetation, listen to the whisper of the wind sliding in the grass, inhale the smell of the sun-warmed earth, feel the peace that still reigns in it.

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find and show the wonders of my village, reviving love for our Fatherland, drawing attention to the restoration and preservation of unique objects in the territory of our village. find and summarize information about the Miracles of the village of Arkh-Golitsyno; create a presentation about the Miracles of the village of Arkh-Golitsyno

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Object of research: miracles of my village Research methods: collection of information, conversations. Research sources: books, magazines, Internet resources, newspapers, people's stories.

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Relevance of the work

man, living on Earth, destroys monuments of human civilization;

without the past there is no present and future;

Seven wonders of the world

Pyramid of Cheops (Egypt, 3rd century BC); “Hanging Gardens” of Babylon (Babylon, 6th century BC); statue of Zeus in Olympia (Greece, 5th century BC); Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (Greece, 4th century BC); Halicarnassus Mausoleum (Karia, IV century BC); lighthouse on the island of Pharos (Alexandria, Egypt, 3rd century BC); Colossus of Rhodes (Rhodes island, 3rd century BC).

In an effort to preserve the best creations of human hands, people choose the wonders of the world.

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    1 miracle - the village of Arkh-Golitsyno

    “On the Usklyaya River this is justified,” Privy Councilor and Senator Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn wrote to Peter I in 1725. The village is called Arkhangelskoye Golitsino: after the name of the church and the owners, the princes Golitsyn.

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    2nd miracle - the arrival of Michael - Archangel Church

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    3rd miracle – holy spring with chapel and font

    On July 27, 2010, there was the opening of a holy source with a chapel and a font, built with funds from Agrosoyuz LLC under the leadership of Vladimir Nikolaevich Gladilin, the head of the Arkh-Golitsyn rural settlement, Olga Evgenievna Orlova, and Vladimir’s father.

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    4 miracle – former estate of landowners

    The oldest building in our village. Until 1917 it was a landowner's estate.

    Currently it is the building of the administration of the Arkh-Golitsyn rural settlement Slide 12 5 miracle - obelisk

    In 1941, the war began. Germany treacherously attacked

    Soviet Union

    , without declaring war. Which brought a lot of grief and misfortune to our people. A lot of residents of our village of Arkh.-Golitsyno went to the front to defend their people and their homeland. 97 people did not return from the battlefield, defending their homeland from fascism. In memory of the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, an obelisk was erected; the names of the fallen soldiers of the village of Arkh.-Golitsyno were carved on white marble!

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    6th miracle - memorial plaque

    According to the memoirs of the guard, the first school in the village of Arkh-Golitsyno was founded in 1896. It was a zemstvo school for girls. The children of peasants studied there. The teacher was Dmitriev Ivan Semenovich. Thanks to the petition of the teacher and other comrades, a parish school for 2nd grade boys was opened in 1897. At this school there was a carpentry class and a dormitory with forty places. Children from nearby villages came to the Arch-Golitsin school: Krasny Klin, Akshenas, Durasov. The first teacher of the parochial school was Alexey Petrovich Tsirilin. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, at a general meeting of peasants, it was decided to give one church to a school. Later a seven-year school was founded. Sergei Petrovich Melnikov became the director of the school, and his wife Raisa Safronovna came to work with him at the school. She taught drawing at school. In 1942, Sergei Petrovich Melnikov was called up to the front, and Raisa Safronovna left school in 1943 and went to Ruzaevka.

    In 1943, M.I. Epifanov became the director of the school. He was discharged from the ranks
    Soviet army
    on disability. He worked as director for almost 12 years. He worked with such teachers as Udalova M.N., Krylova S.I., Kosikhin A.I., Shlenskaya A.N.
    In 1955, M.A. Udalova became the director of the seven-year school. In 1957, the school was renamed from a seven-year school to an eight-year school.
    The current school building was built in 1965. The construction was headed by school director L.S. Kalinina. (Uchvatova).



    Municipal budgetary educational institution Sadovskaya secondary school branch of the village of Lozovoye, Lozovoye village, Tambov district, Amur region
    MHC. 7th grade Compiled by teacher of Russian language and literature Efimova N.V.

    Name the wonders of Russia. Which ones do you like and why?
    Checking homework.
    A distant land - with forests and hills, With the late complaint of birds - it is you. With high voices you awakened your sons' golden dreams... P. Komarov
    something supernatural, amazing, outstanding, surprising in its unusualness.
    You are my Amur land, a land dear to my heart. You greet me with the sound of mountain rivers.
    You are my Amur land, Wonderful land, There is no one more beautiful than you, My Motherland. Valentina Petrenko

    The campaign to select “7 Wonders of the Amur Land” was launched by the editors of the Amur newspaper “Echo” in February 2008, on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the Amur region.

    The number 7 is illuminated by the most ancient ideas about its completeness, completeness and perfection; the number 7 was considered the sacred number of the god Apollo. Even in fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, the number 7 appears very often.

    Russian Federation Map
    Map of the Amur region

    "7 Wonders of the Amur Land" Icon of the Albazin Mother of God. Albazinsky fort. Amur dinosaurs. Lotus Komarov Burning mountains. Amur writings The building of the Amur Regional Museum.

    Located – Annunciation Cathedral Age – more than 500 years. The icon was brought to the Amur region by Elder Hermogenes in the 70s of the 18th century.
    Albazin Icon of the Mother of God “The Word Flesh Became”

    A small Russian wooden fortress for defense. It is located on the site of the modern village of Albazino, Skovorodinsky district. Founded - more than 350 years ago (at the end of the 17th century it was burned)
    Albazinsky fort
    Albazinsky fort until 1682
    Archaeological site. Remains of the mud wall
    Albazinsky fort. Layout.

    Rock paintings. They are located not far from the road, 30 km from the village of Erofey Pavlovich. Skovorodinsky district. Age – about 10-2 thousand years.
    Amur writings or petroglyphs

    Built as a trading house "Kunst and Albers" (until 1917). Since 1984, the Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore named after Novikov-Daursky. Located in Blagoveshchensk, Lenin St., 165. Founded in 1894.
    The building of the Amur Museum of Local Lore

    A plant listed in the Red Book of Russia, “Flower of the Gods” is located in the southern part of the region, the largest lotus plantations grow in the Khingansky reserve of the Arkharinsky district. Age – about 100 million years
    Tropical water lily – Komarov lotus

    Dinosaur Graveyards - Unique natural monuments of all-Russian significance. Located - one in Blagoveshchensk, the other in the Arkharinsky district. Millions of years old (reptile bones were first found in 1948)
    Dinosaur Cemetery – Blagoveshchenskoye and Kundurskoye

    A section of the bank of the Amur River 12 km downstream from the mouth of the Onon River. Located in the Shimanovsky district, located several kilometers along the bank of the Amur. Age – about 300 years
    Burning mountains

    The main goal of the creators of the “Seven Wonders of the Amur Land” project is to show the uniqueness of the Amur region, to draw attention to the natural and spiritual values ​​of the Amur region, to teach people to love their land, to love Russia.
    Based on the results of the project, a gift edition of the booklet “Seven Wonders of the Amur Region” was released.

    What wonders of the Amur region have we met? Compare them with the seven wonders of the world and Russia. What are their similarities and differences?
    Consolidation of acquired knowledge

    And you, new century, finishing off the darkness, and you, man, seeing through love. The sky dropped a blue roof on Zeya... With my heart, with all my blood, I love this land. No matter how my ashes scatter, no matter what happens to me, it will settle somewhere, it will remain somewhere. Leonid Zavalnyuk
    I love this land - Both in radiance and in darkness. And covered with greenery, And swept away by a blizzard. According to fate - both random, free and difficult. And deserted and sad, And cheerful and crowded. I love this land - With blue trains, With distant cities, Young and old.

    Literature. Poems by Amur poets about nature. –