Average income in Vietnam. How much does food cost in catering establishments in Vietnam? Salaries in Vietnam

Many people still perceive Vietnam as the poorest country that has stopped developing, including in the economic field. But this is far from true, since a small country has high potential economic development, demonstrating in last years active rise.

In the first quarter of 2019, Vietnam's economy grew by 7.38%. This is the highest figure in the last 10 years, emphasizes Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh. Economists claim that the second quarter will show growth of 6.51%, the third – 6.84%, and the fourth – 6.75%. Economic growth for the year is expected to be 6.83%.

Growth is projected to average 6.5% through 2020. Now the country is considered moderately developed, with an average per capita income per year of more than $2,000. The country receives its main income from tourism, exports of coffee, agricultural products, light industrial goods, furniture and other industrial goods.

Salary per month by profession in 2019

In Vietnam, ordinary workers are paid little. There is a significant gap between the incomes of the rich and the poor. Large businessmen benefit from cheap labor. To make good money in Vietnam, you need to be highly qualified. Thus, statistics show that as of May 2018, the minimum wage was 3,980,000 dong ($174.4), and the highest salary for a highly qualified specialist was 11,500,000 dong ($504). The average salary in Vietnam remains at $295.

Below is a table where you can track salaries in dollars by profession for 2019.

As a rule, to be employed in Vietnamese branches, it is necessary to know the national language, since the team includes not only foreigners, but also locals. But they also take Russian speakers with pleasure, but in the tourism industry: during the season there are many Russian tourists in Nha Trang, the guides will have enough work.


The last increase in the minimum wage in Vietnam occurred in 2016. Thus, from January 1, 2016, the Vietnam National Wages Council decided to raise the minimum wage by 12.4%.

If we sum up all the latest innovations, then since the beginning of 2015 the minimum wage has already increased by 15%. And over the past 15 years, wages have increased 17 times, which indicates the active rise of the state and excellent prospects for development. Currently, the minimum wage is 3.5 million VND.

The minimum wage also depends on education. If an employee has a diploma in the specialty for which he wants to get a job, the salary is set at 7% above the minimum.

Average starting

The average salary that will be offered to a foreigner planning to work in Vietnam depends on the sector, location of the company and the education of the employee. Typically, foreigners are hired for highly qualified positions with salaries ranging from $500 to $1,000.

There are also vacancies in the tourism sector, but the salaries are lower. So, being a tour guide or tour guide in Nha Trang, a foreigner can earn $450.

Maximum salary

The most prestigious vacancies are offered by international firms that are not constrained by funds. In such a company, a valuable employee manages to earn good money. For example:

  • highly qualified specialists receive from $600 to $1000;
  • Russian speaking guide can earn up to $450 from conducting excursions, and up to $3,000 per month during the season;
  • a maid for a private person earns from $500–600.

And in state-owned companies they pay the most in the following industries:

  • healthcare: from $350 per month;
  • banking system: from $370 monthly;
  • metallurgy: $550 per month.

Salary by region and city in Vietnam

Vietnam is divided into 4 zones, which differ in the level of economic development. Each zone has its own minimum wage.

It is constantly indexed, and today it is:

  • 1 zone: 3,500,000 dong ($155);
  • Zone 2: 3,091,000 VND ($135);
  • Zone 3: 2,697,600 VND ($118);
  • Zone 4: 2,416,600 VND ($106).

Each employee has the right to receive a salary not lower than the minimum wage in the region. And in developed Vietnamese cities, salaries can exceed the established minimum several times.

Each city requires its own specialists, for example:

  1. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City– business centers of the country where high-class specialists are required: accountants, programmers, PR managers. The salary of a good specialist can exceed $1000.
  2. Mui Netourist town, where many Russians vacation. It is worth looking for work in hotels or as a tour guide. In the tourism sector, salaries here are high, especially during the season. A guide can earn up to $3,000.
  3. Nha Trang– a city that is rapidly developing. The automotive industry is well developed, as is tourism. Salaries range from $300 to $1000, but to receive high pay you need to be a quality specialist. There is an active retail trade in fabrics, traditional medicine, and souvenirs. A salesperson's salary starts from $200-250, a person with the ability to sell receives good interest.

Payroll taxes

When compared to other countries in the world, taxes in Vietnam are low. It maintains low corporate tax, low VAT and progressive personal income tax: all this makes the country suitable for the active development of your own business.

Income tax

Income tax is paid by:

  • Vietnamese citizens living in their home country;
  • Vietnamese working abroad or on a business trip;
  • stateless persons of Vietnam residing in the country for at least 183 days;
  • migrants officially employed in Vietnam.

Vietnamese with an income of 5 million VND and foreigners with an income of 8 million or more who officially work in the country are required to pay income tax. Tax is imposed on wages, taking into account remunerations, allowances and benefits, with the exception of some allowances.

Tax rates for Vietnamese citizens:

Foreign citizens living in Vietnam for more than 30 days pay personal income tax according to the following scheme:

  1. Fixed rate of 25% when staying in the country from 30 to 183 days.
  2. The progressive rate scale is similar to the data in the table. Tax is imposed on income starting from 8 million VND.

Foreigners can send earnings abroad only after filing a tax return and paying all taxes.

In addition to personal income tax, contributions for compulsory insurance are collected from employee salaries. There are 3 forms of social insurance in Vietnam, where the employer or employee transfers money:

  • social insurance fund;
  • health insurance fund;
  • unemployment insurance fund.

The amount of contributions is calculated based on the salary specified in the employment contract. If the employee’s salary is above 20 minimum wages, contributions are transferred from the full amount of income.

The salary of a foreigner working in Vietnam for more than 3 months is also subject to contributions, with the exception of unemployment insurance contributions.

Income that is not taxed

The following are not subject to income tax and other contributions:

  • money received for overtime work;
  • daily allowances, one-time benefits, subsidies for lunches during working hours;
  • additives for toxicity and work in a dangerous enterprise;
  • payments for accidents related to production or occupational diseases, subsidies for one-time difficulties;
  • subsidies for the birth of a child and the loss of a breadwinner;
  • earnings for work in new economic zones or in remote islands with difficult conditions;
  • awards and bonuses for obtaining a title from the state, awards for inventions and innovations approved by the federal competent authorities.

Cost of living in Vietnam

  • Rental of property. For $200 you can rent an apartment with two bedrooms. A one-room apartment on the outskirts will cost even less - about $100. For comparison, in Russian regional centers one-room apartments are rented for $300–400.
  • Communal payments. In Vietnam, as in Russia, they pay monthly for electricity, water, Internet, TV, and garbage collection. Residents of apartment blocks also pay " management fees» - a package of payments for using the elevator, light in the entrance, cleaning the area around the house. The amount of payments depends on the prestige of the area: the average is $20 per month, in prestigious areas the figure may be higher.
  • Nutrition. Food prices in Vietnam are minimal. There are a lot of fruits, vegetables, seafood here High Quality. On average, food costs 3–4 times less than in Russia.
  • Directions If you are living in Vietnam for a long time, it is recommended to buy a bike. It will be much more economical than spending money on public transport. A motorbike costs about $350, and maintenance and gasoline will cost about 400 rubles monthly.
  • Medicine. Vietnamese medicine is considered one of the cheapest in the world. So, one appointment with all examinations and tests in a public hospital will cost $10–15. A private clinic will be more expensive – about $50. Medicine prices are also low.

Of course, it will be difficult for one person with a minimum wage to live in Vietnam, but for a young couple of specialists it will be much easier. If you want, there are a lot of possibilities.

Unemployment rate and migrants' prospects

In 2019, the unemployment rate in Vietnam is 2%, and has been continuously decreasing every year. Considering that the country has a population of 96 million, this figure is impressive. There are a lot of working young people here. Migrants, including Russians and Ukrainians, have the prospect of getting a good job in the Asian country.

Russians are gladly hired in the tourism industry, and there is still a shortage of highly qualified specialists in Vietnam. This requires smart PR managers, marketers, and programmers. Russian-speaking tour guides are in demand. A foreigner who has established himself as a good, narrowly focused specialist has the opportunity to receive a salary of $1,000 or more.

Vietnam is a good option for moving, especially for those who love heat and humidity. But first, you definitely need to go to the country to relax several times - check if the climate is suitable and make useful contacts. Here a foreigner can earn good money, whether he is a highly qualified specialist or a Russian-speaking guide on a seasonal job.

Vietnam is a socialist state in Southeast Asia, washed by South China Sea and borders Laos, Cambodia and China. Over the past decades, the country's economy has changed significantly. Dependence on the agricultural sector, which now accounts for no more than 18% of GDP, has noticeably decreased. The growth rate of industrial production is increasing every year. Local authorities are aimed at modernizing the economy, increasing competitiveness and increasing foreign trade.

The population of Vietnam in 2019 is about 96.9 million people. At the same time, unemployment does not exceed 2.2%. This is an impressive figure considering that the labor force grows by an average of 1 million people every year. Poverty levels have dropped significantly, the country is attracting investment, and many foreigners are quite successful in finding jobs in the local labor market.

Work in Vietnam in 2019 for Russians and Ukrainians is available both to qualified specialists, especially those with technical professions, and to workers without special qualifications, for example, in the tourism industry. Salaries are not so high compared to employment in China or, in particular, in Hong Kong, but every year the income of the Vietnamese, and therefore foreign applicants, is only increasing.

Vietnam has thousands of kilometers beautiful beaches, beautiful lakes, modern infrastructure and wonderful cuisine, perhaps the best in Asia. The country has practically recovered from the difficult periods of its history associated with wars; today it is quite safe here and comfortable living conditions have been created. Next, we will consider the features of labor migration, options for finding a job, and also outline the available wages and vacancies in Vietnam in 2019.

Labor migration to Vietnam

Despite the stability of the economy and growth in employment, the Vietnamese government strives to provide jobs, first of all, to its own citizens. In principle, like most other countries in the world. At the same time, the opening of new production sectors, the development of the service sector and the entry of many international companies into the country require specialists of different professions and skill levels, which opens up access to vacancies in Vietnam for foreign applicants, including Russians.

The main requirement for foreigners for official employment in Vietnam for the period more than 3 months consists of obtaining a work permit from the local Ministry of Labor. Officially, foreign applicants have the right to apply for a document directly on Vietnamese territory ( no later than 3 months after arrival) or while in your own country, which is more preferable.

Basic conditions for obtaining a work permit in Vietnam

    At least 18 years of age.

  • Satisfactory state of health allowing you to perform professional duties.
  • No criminal record in the country of residence and, of course, directly in Vietnam.
  • Availability of higher education and at least 5 years of work experience in a field of activity that is scarce in the Vietnamese labor market. Mainly required are managers, supervisors and qualified technical specialists.

If the above criteria are met and there is a specific job offer from a local company, which is a prerequisite, it is necessary to prepare a list of required documentation, which is translated into Vietnamese and notarized. As a rule, the employer assists in the transfer of documents to local authorities.

Documents for obtaining a work permit in Vietnam

    Completed application form (Vietnamese or English).

    A copy of a foreign passport.

    Two color photographs (4cm x 6cm) taken within the last 6 months.

    A job offer and a corresponding request from the employer.

    Medical certificate issued by an authorized healthcare institution, valid for at least 12 months.

    Copies of documents on education and qualification level.

    Certificate of no criminal record in your home country and in Vietnam, if you have lived in the country for more than a month.

Documents are sent to the Ministry of Labor of Vietnam no later than two weeks before starting work, but it is advisable to do this at least two months in advance. Officially, the application is considered no more than 7 working days and in case of a positive decision, the foreigner receives a work permit for up to 2 years. The document is renewed by the employer no later than 30 days before the expiration of the previous permit for the same period, but on the condition that local specialists do not apply for this position.

Who does not need a work permit in Vietnam

    Foreigners with a higher education of at least a bachelor's degree and at least 3 years of work experience for short-term employment for a period of up to 30 days, and a total of no more than 90 days during the year.

    In case of transfer between companies in the following areas of activity - information technology, business, education, construction, healthcare, environmental protection, finance, transport, tourism and entertainment.

    Owners or board members of Vietnamese companies.

    Lawyers, with an official license.

    Foreign media workers.

    Teachers on the basis of international agreements and under the control of foreign Embassies.

    Trainees and employees of international volunteer organizations.

There are different options for obtaining visas to Vietnam, for example, you can do this at the airport upon arrival, and for some foreigners, including Russian citizens, when visiting the country for up to 14 days, a visa is not required at all. However, in case of long-term employment, it is better to open a visa in advance at the Vietnamese Consulate in your country, which will allow you to replace the document with a full-fledged residence permit in Vietnam after moving.

The entire process of labor migration is quite complex, so you need to carefully coordinate your actions with Vietnamese diplomatic staff and the employer. In addition, the country's laws regarding the hiring of foreign workers change frequently, for example, the latest changes date back to April 2016.

How to find work in Vietnam. Search for a vacancy.

To successfully search for a job in Vietnam for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other foreigners from the CIS countries, it is very important to visit the country in advance on a tourist visa. This will allow you to feel the atmosphere local life, understand the cultural values ​​and traditions of the Vietnamese. For example, many Europeans are shocked by tens of thousands of motorcycles on city streets, noise and general bustle. Pay attention to language skills. Official language in the countryVietnamese, But English used quite widely.

In general, local authorities allow foreigners to stay in Vietnam up to 3 months for the purpose of finding an employer. This time may be quite enough, but without knowledge of the Vietnamese language and connections, the task becomes much more difficult. If you are in your country, you will need patience and activity on the Internet. Look for like-minded people on forums and specialized websites, ask questions to experienced labor migrants with experience working in Vietnam. Register for a professional social network- linkedin.com.

Most often, work in Vietnam for foreigners, including Russians, is available in international companies that open representative offices and branches in this Asian country. First of all, aim for employment in large and economically developed Vietnamese regions - the capital Hanoi and the city Ho Chi Minh City. Next, we will consider the main ways to find work in Vietnam without intermediaries.

Popular job search sites in Vietnam

International resources with vacancies in Vietnam

If you can’t find a job in Vietnam on your own, contact a recruitment agency, preferably an international one, for example, vnmanpower.com.

Jobs and salaries in Vietnam in 2019

Currently, the standard of living of the Vietnamese is noticeably lower compared to Western and developed countries. Asian countries. Let's say work in South Korea or Japan will bring a foreigner significantly more income. On the other hand, the cost of living, prices and other everyday expenses in Vietnam smooth out these differences to some extent. The fact that over the past 15 years the government has managed to reduce the poverty level from 58% to 14% and overcome unemployment speaks volumes. In the future, working in Vietnam looks quite attractive.

Vietnamese are mainly employed in the service sector and agriculture, mechanical engineering, food and manufacturing industries, clothing and shoe production. Depending on the region, in 2019 the minimum monthly wage for a local worker ranges from 2.92 to 4.18 million Vietnamese dong, equivalent to 110–155 euros. The average salary in Vietnam in 2019 is 6 million VND or 225 euros per month. As a rule, foreigners occupy positions of qualified specialists and, accordingly, can count on salaries in 500–1000 euros per month and higher.

Available vacancies in Vietnam for Russians and Ukrainians in 2019 by field of activity

    Information Technology




    Teaching English

    Finance and Law

    Mining industry

The most prestigious vacancies in Vietnam for foreigners are offered by international companies and organizations where they can earn money more than 800-1000 euros per month. In particular, we need senior managers and other senior executives, as well as highly qualified technical specialists. Sometimes doctors are needed, especially dentists.

Visits Vietnamese resorts every year a large number of tourists, including Russian speakers. Local employers are willing to employ foreigners, for example, there is work in Vietnam for guides, diving instructors, hotel administrators, tour guides, and less often, waiters, bartenders, and cooks. Pay attention to the city Nha Trang, where traditionally there are many Russian tourists and language requirements may be minimal. Wages in these areas start from 150-200 euros and higher, depending on your luck.

I am sure that many people are wondering how much it costs to live in Vietnam. I thought about it and decided to give several budget options. These budgets are based on personal experience and information from the guys who live in Vietnam. We have chosen the main one for life seaside resort Vietnam - . I think, most likely, my article turned out to be more informative and will answer the question how much could you spend to live in Vietnam. Everything, of course, depends on your personal needs and desired level of comfort.

First, I will describe what the money is mainly spent on, and at the end I will give three budget options. I included housing rent, food, transportation and visa as the main expense items.

Renting housing in Vietnam

I will consider the rental price per month for 1 person. Renting housing for a day or a week can be viewed on Booking.com

The first housing option is mini hotel room approximately from 100 to 200 dollars, where 100 dollars is the threshold for trash, everything below is absolutely terrible. For two, a mini-room can be found somewhere from $150. It is worth understanding that such prices can only be found on your own; Booking will not help here. You won’t have to count on a room near the sea either; most likely it will be a residential area 7-10 minutes drive from the beach or spartan conditions, but not far from the center.

There is also the opportunity to rent a bed or a separate room (from $50 per month), but somehow I don’t consider such options to be housing at all. In such cases, the toilet and bathroom will be shared. I'm not even talking about minimal furniture (tables, chairs) and even glass on the windows. Of course, there will be no Internet in this type of housing.

In this case, the advantage of hotels is that you most often do not pay for water, electricity and Internet. There are hotels/motels/guest houses in which some part of the utility bills will have to be covered and the rates for guests will be what the tenant wants them to be (you won’t see receipts for utility bills). This number is not entirely suitable for fans of air conditioners, because they can turn out brilliant for you. One of our friends paid $150 for electricity per month, but his air conditioner worked around the clock.

The next type of housing is already at a higher level, about 200-250 dollars. This is small apartments, apartments, again, in hotels, but they already have a small kitchen. In this type of housing, be prepared to pay for everything: water, electricity, gas, internet and even security services. The size of the room will also leave much to be desired: got out of bed and oops! already in the kitchen, took a step - already in the toilet.

The most convenient option is full apartment with good repair and kitchen, possibly 2-3-room apartment. In Vietnam, as in Turkey, a hall or living room is not considered a room and is often combined with a kitchen. Therefore, if you take a one-room apartment, you actually get a two-room apartment. Prices in this category of housing in Nha Trang vary from 250 to 600 dollars depending on the area. As in the previous case, you will need to pay utility bills, but there is already one plus: you will see the bills themselves, they will be brought to you right at your door, and you can pay some of them to the employee right at home when he comes to take meter readings. The cost of utilities in such apartments ranges from 25 to 70 dollars per month. Depending on the consumption of electricity, water and gas.


I will not list any specific products now; you can read about this in the article Food prices in Vietnam. If you would like to know about any prices, write in the comments and I will take everything into account.

In Nha Trang, as throughout Vietnam, they themselves local residents They eat at home only in the evening, and only sometimes. Let's assume that you and I are lazy and don't want to cook at home, but are ready to eat in local cafes. Therefore, on average, one meal will cost from 1 to 2 dollars.

Standard Vietnamese dish for $1

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about fruits, we are considering Southeast Asia, here you also need to take into account seasonality, so prices for fruit may vary. Some fruits disappear from shelves altogether for six months. On average, all fruits cost from $0.5 to $1.5 per kilogram.


The next expense item is transportation. In particular, this is gasoline. If you plan to live in Vietnam for a long time, I recommend that you buy a bike (moped, scooter) rather than rent it. Prices for a bike range from $150 to $250 (depending on the model), and monthly rent is somewhere around $70-100. You can calculate how much this bike can pay for itself. At the same time, when leaving Vietnam, almost everyone sells bikes (there are no problems with buying either). It’s quite difficult for me to calculate the cost of gasoline; we often drive it out of town. The consumption of our bike (Honda Nuovo 3) is about 3-4 liters per 100 km. If we do not take long distances into account, and only trips around the city, then we need to fill up a full tank (about 4 liters) once a week. Gasoline prices are quite dynamic. For example, from the end of 2015 to March 2016, the price of gasoline decreased by 40% and now A95 costs 15,500 dong ($0.7), and A92 costs 14,200 dong ($0.65).

I would like to note that when you first arrive in Vietnam, you begin to actively travel to various pagodas, beaches, waterfalls and, accordingly, your gasoline consumption will be higher.

The type of bike you have will also affect your gas mileage. We have an automatic and the consumption is higher. If you take a semi-automatic or even a mechanic, then the consumption can be reduced. From experience I can say that transport is not the largest part of the expense.

In Vietnam, bikes are the most popular form of transport. Without it, it’s like being without hands))) I’ve never seen a car rental. Of course, there are various rental services at airports, but getting around Vietnam by car is not the easiest or easiest way. Here visitors are quietly horrified by the traffic on the road, affectionately calling it chaos. Over time, you get used to it and get “drawn” into this chaos.

Alcohol and cigarettes

Prices for these goods in Vietnam are cheaper compared to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Sri Lanka. On average, a pack of cigarettes costs 1 dollar, a can of beer from 0.4 to 1 dollar, local rum about 2-3 dollars, Dalat wine about 3-4 dollars per bottle. You can also find imported alcohol in Vietnam. Prices for it will start somewhere from $8-10 per bottle. Vodka is also on sale in stores, even Russian vodka, whiskey, scotch, imported wines and Soviet champagne produced in Hungary.

There is no ban on alcohol in Vietnam, so if you need it, you will find it here easily.

Budget Options in Vietnam

Now let's move on to the 3 budget options that I talked about at the very beginning. Conventionally, I called them: Super-Economy, Economy And Comfortable. I’ll say right away that the calculations are quite rough and averaged. I did not take into account expenses for entertainment, some household products, medicines, etc. Some items can be rearranged from one option to another and the budget acceptable to you can be calculated.

What is it Super-Economy option is a situation where you have very little money, but you really, really want to stay in Vietnam. I’ll say right away that this option is not suitable for everyone, it is suitable only for the most desperate, those who are ready to endure, but still live in Vietnam. For the Super-Economy budget, the most cheap hotel– 100 dollars per person, add utilities and household expenses, approximately 10-20 dollars. It turns out 110-120 dollars for housing. Next comes the fun part - nutrition. I voiced the cheapest prices for food - 1-2 dollars. For this money you can eat rice with all sorts of additives (meat, vegetables, some seafood) in local buffets; for the same price you can eat the famous beef pho soup. Rice can also be taken without meat (vegetables only) for $0.3 per serving. A local sandwich can also be considered a cheap meal. banh mi with various additives: meat, herbs, egg. Despite its cheapness, it is one of my favorite foods in Vietnam. Its price is up to 1 dollar.

Banh Mi for $0.5

Since the Super-Economy mini-room does not have a kitchen, you will have to eat out most often. We take the lowest prices for various foods (you still need variety - you don’t want to pay for stomach treatment), multiply all this by 30 days and get 75 dollars if you eat only rice with vegetables 3 times a day, and even less - $27.

The next expense item was gasoline, that is, transportation costs. Since we have a Super-Economy budget, there can be no talk about buying a bike. Instead of a bike, you can buy a bicycle - approx. 50 dollars for used The fact is that once you buy it, you will no longer need to spend money on gasoline.

The next thing you will need to spend money on is a visa to Vietnam. If you plan to live a long time, then you will definitely need it, so we include its cost in the budget. I took the standard price of 20 dollars for an invitation and 25 dollars for a visa for 3 months (45 dollars / $15 per month). I don’t consider extending the visa, the prices there are completely different. And every year the Vietnamese government makes some adjustments and new rules. You can read the latest news.

Total, by the most conservative standards, Super-Economy will cost $202-212 I don’t want to recommend this option to anyone, I’ll just announce these prices. If you really need it, use it. Honestly, I don’t know how many people can live without meat on the same food. I really love meat and fruit))) And not everyone can stand without alcohol (I don’t mean binge drinking here :-)) but, for example, a glass of wine or beer “for appetite” for dinner. I repeat: “I’ll just leave these prices here.”

Consider the following budget Economy or Medium. It is still more real and accessible to the majority. Here the class of housing will be higher than in Super-Economy. I still want to live better and have minimal comfort - $200 per month There will also be changes with food and, say, the price for one meal will already be 1 dollar per serving ( $90 per month). Also, for variety, we’ll add $1 a day for fruit ( $30) and you can add a can of beer per day ( 15 dollars per month). In this version there is already a bike, instead of a bicycle, and we put dollars 20 for gasoline, we take into account the price of the bike 200 dollars ( $67 per month). The total is 437 Doll for one with a visa. This budget can be made even cheaper by leaving accommodation from the Super-Economy option or taking some of the meals cheaper: eating fruit and drinking alcohol not every day. We can say that the budget per month per person in the Economy option will be from 350 to 450 dollars.

And the last budget - Comfort. Here the monthly rent will be from $350. This will be an apartment with a good renovation and a kitchen. You will also ride a bike - 20 dollars per month, spend about $50 That is, there will be more exotic stuff. Since the apartment already has a kitchen, it will be possible to eat at home more often and, say, go to a restaurant 2 times a week. Thus, the grocery budget per month will be about $150 + $40 per month for cafes and restaurants ($5 per trip). It’s already difficult to guess anything regarding alcohol, so I’m just laying 50 dollars per month for this matter. There is still a visa left 15 dollars/month We get that in the Comfort option you will need $742.

The cost of housing in Economy and Comfort options for one and two people will be the same.

The figures in this article are fairly average and, in some cases, approximate. In Vung Tau and Mui Ne (Phan Thiet), prices for rental housing and food are cheaper than in Nha Trang. But in each city you can find an option for every budget. For example, in Nha Trang we lived in the city center in a studio room with a kitchen for $350 a month, 5 minutes walk to the sea. Now we are renting a 2-room apartment in a residential area for $225 a month, 10 minutes from the sea by bike. Also in Nha Trang you can rent an apartment right on the first line, where there is a beach across the road. Prices for such apartments range from $450 per month and above. In the prices for apartments in Nha Trang, I did not take into account utility bills.

I hope the Super Economy budget has amused you a little. But this is a real option and it really exists here.

If you have read this article to the end and are interested in Vietnam, please join me on

1. The Vietnamese are extremely petite and short. The 175-centimeter young man is considered a giant. Moreover, despite the predisposition of short people to quickly gain muscle mass, the Vietnamese are extremely slim, with the exception of security guards in nightclubs.

2. Tourism in Vietnam is just beginning, and people are very friendly to tourists, and especially to Russians. The only intrusive ones are the dealers and drug dealers who simultaneously offer you “lady boom boom.” Either they will take you, or they already have another clinician nearby.

3. Tanning is considered the preserve of plebeians. Wealthy and fashionable Vietnamese carefully hide their skin from the scorching sun. I saw a “creature” on the beach with only eyes. Gloves on hands, stockings and jeans on legs, scarf/shawl on throat.

4. Everywhere the worker and peasant population wears national hats. They help with everything. They save from coconuts falling from palm trees (there used to be a very high mortality rate for this reason), protect from the sun, eat from it and even catch crabs.

5. Vietnamese have a positive attitude towards all foreigners (even Americans), except the Chinese. China tried to occupy Vietnam many times.

6. Vietnam is a socialist country with bosses, party power and public censure.

7. The real treasure of Vietnam is silk paintings. The price reaches 800 million rubles for one painting. And this is a profitable investment. The cost of paintings made from multi-colored silk threads is constantly growing. Girls creating paintings have no room for error. No lumps of thread, crooked stitches... everything is cut off and thrown into the trash for two years. Do it again. They get about $300.

8. Average salary is $250–300. The president's salary is $250. The exchange rate against the dollar has been stable for more than ten years. $100 ~2.1 million VND.

9. Ha Long Bay is included in the list of Natural Wonders and is located in the north of Vietnam.

10. Vietnamese money is made of plastic. You can swim with them, knead them however you like. They will be in perfect condition.

11. Vietnamese smoke a lot. Laotian tobacco is held in special esteem. One puff is like a pack of cigarettes.

12. Vietnam has a very high life expectancy. According to guides who have lived more than five years in this country, the record stands at 180 years, and the number of residents over 140 years old goes into the thousands. As you understand, it is impossible to check.

13. Officially there is Buddhism in the country, but at the same time, the Vietnamese “add” a little more to this faith from each one that suits them.

14. Vietnamese are mostly monogamous, and as a rule, friendship at school ends in marriage. What is noteworthy is that in Vietnam girls do not have a dowry as such; instead, brides are prepared for marriage from early childhood, because in Vietnamese families a woman must do everything, including fixing the roof of the house and rebuilding the engine of a scooter. Before the wedding, the future wife must live for two months in the groom's house so that the parents of the future husband can be convinced of the daughter-in-law's ability to manage the entire household.

15. Death for a Vietnamese is a joyful event. You plow all your life in rice fields, and then bam - Nirvana and enlightenment! There is fun and laughter at the funeral.

16. If there is no money for a decent burial, they bury it in the ground, then dig it up. The flesh is cut off, the bones are washed and buried with honors.

17. There are many columbariums in Vietnam.

18. There are a lot of neon gadgets in churches, and I saw beer and fruit at the altars in some churches.

19. Due to the fact that tourism in the country is just developing, there is no animation or beach sports in Vietnamese hotels, with the exception of rare volleyball courts and kite surfing. Price per lesson is $50–75. Moreover, there will be three lessons on the sand, then three more in the water... Whether you need this sport for that kind of money - decide for yourself.

20. At weddings, the Vietnamese traditionally measure themselves by the wealth and variety of wedding photo albums: the more photos they have and the more dresses the bride has changed, the richer the family is considered. The wedding lasts for several days, during one of which the newlyweds are NOT allowed to invite their friends and girlfriends, but only older relatives, of whom every family has a lot, can invite. At a “small” wedding, there are usually 200–300 people attending.

21. There are a lot of fruits in Vietnam. Apples and kiwi are rare, but ordering fresh mango, orange (here with green skin) or papaya with passion fruit in a restaurant is easy!

22. In “leftist” cafes, ice can be made from river water. Ask for Know Ice. In normal restaurants this is fine.

23. The Vietnamese are very fond of sweet cuisine, adding sugar from fresh juice to fried pork. Ask for "no suga".

24. On the table, as seasonings, there will always be chopped lime, a mixture of salt and pepper (black) and sweet and sour sauce.

25. The signature product of Vietnam is a special fish sauce called nuoc mak, which is prepared from fish lying in the sun under pressure. And so on for nine months... Then it is drained, filtered and gives fish dishes a wonderful taste, although it smells lousy.

26. You can eat anything. Crocodile, ostrich, scorpion, and turtle meat are in order. The stingrays are baked whole. The spectacle is amazing.

27. It's better not to sit on the sand. Sometimes there are sand fleas. Cockroaches are larger, but are mostly found outdoors. The main living creatures in the hotel are small geckos, of which there are a lot, but they do not bother you.

28. The Vietnamese are not accustomed to tipping, although if you leave ten thousand dong (15 rubles), the staff will take it, but will not touch other people’s things, money, wallets, smartphones.

29. The most delicious fruits here are mangosteens (in Russian - garlic due to the similarity of color and shape of the fruits), rambutans and mangoes, for those who are not interested - dragon heart (pitahaya) and cherimoya (scaly green fruit).

30. Steaks are often served rare. You have to ask for it to be fried.

31. It is better to take a city taxi. It costs a penny, and is recorded using a taximeter. With a motorcycle taxi you can say goodbye to life in a fun way.

32. International and Russian driver's licenses are not valid in Vietnam.

33. There are essentially no traffic rules in this country. Everyone goes as they want. There are about 50 million scooters for a population of 80 million, and there is chaos on the road. Maximum speed - 60 km/h. In reality - 20–30 km/h. Everyone drives in helmets and face masks, without hand instructions, changing lanes at insane speeds and in all directions. They constantly drive into oncoming traffic for the purpose of overtaking. To cross such a road, you just need to raise your hand and pray to be seen. True, children and cyclists are respected and allowed to pass by everyone.

34. To meet a girl for a spicy purpose, there are special “Holiday Houses”.

35. City dwellers usually have two children, because taxes on the third are simply draconian. Cost of education and medical care jumps tenfold. The villagers spit on all the government’s prohibitions and advice, giving birth to ten children each.

36. Intimate services are disguised as massage parlors and (attention!) karaoke. :)

37. In summer the temperature reaches 60 degrees, in the rainy season the air is about 28 degrees and the water is almost the same. So the rains can be easily tolerated in the hotel pool with mango juice.

38. The beach experiences frequent ebb and flow. It is a completely normal situation to discover in the morning that half of the beach is missing or there are shoals at a distance of 100 meters from the surf. Just like in The Diamond Arm. :)

39. On the beach they sell pearls and fruits with shells.

40. Guides will teach you how to distinguish real pearls from fake ones, but real silver or gold pearls almost do not exist. Don't trust certificates. These are dyes.

41. There are many sewing factories of well-known brands in the country, and the Vietnamese, having produced a batch of goods for the so-called “Dolce and Gabbana”, can sell these products under a slightly changed brand, but not with quality in the domestic market.

42. Three Vietnamese prisons are among the ten most terrible prisons in the world. The general principle is a 1.5x1.5 meter cage. You stand bent over. The light is always on. People's psyches are being broken, those who lived in this prison for two years are akin to God... The punishment bottle is two to three meters deep with a diameter of 40–50 cm at the base. Rice is thrown on top and water is poured. If you don't catch it, wait until tomorrow.

43. Vietnamese peasants truly have backs of steel. All day, half-bent over in the rice fields - this is not a lot of fun.

44. There is a “Russian” place in the south of Vietnam. The tourist village of Mui Ne, famous for its excellent quality seafood. There you can meet people from former USSR who have opened their own travel agencies or cafes, where they will prepare you manti with mashed potatoes, and belyashi with dumplings. There is karaoke and menus in Russian almost everywhere.

45. The service staff is extremely sociable and cheerful, unlike the Arab servants at the resorts of Egypt or Turkey.

46. At the Vietnamese school you can study subjects of your choice. What you taught will be on the certificate, however, everything is paid, so even schoolchildren work.

47. Businessmen and traders are considered the most successful among the Vietnamese. Almost every young man dreams of opening at least a cigarette stall.

48. Russian rubles are not quoted in Vietnam, do not take them with you, just like the euro.

49. Vietnam is truly tropical with 100 percent humidity. Be prepared for the fact that things will not dry in your room.

50. The variety of souvenirs is not amazing. Traditional hats, magnets, shells with fake pearls, and bottles with local reptiles.

51. The Vietnamese produce their own rum. A bottle costs about 100 rubles. Beer 0.33 (local, of course) can be bought in a supermarket for 11 rubles.

52. The people of the socialist republic of Vietnam are eternally grateful to the Russians for their assistance in the American-Vietnamese war. There are monuments and steles everywhere. The older generation carefully preserves Soviet binoculars. Our people helped a lot with weapons and personnel in this war, without officially taking part in it. Joke:

“The new Russian MIG fighter has entered service with the Vietnamese -... It means that a Vietnamese is flying on it and sees: a Yankov plane has appeared. The Vietnamese reads the instructions: “If an enemy plane appears, press the green button.” The Vietnamese presses, the auto-guidance system immediately activates, a rocket is fired - no plane. It flies further. Suddenly it’s already two! Vietnamese - in the instructions: “If there are two enemy planes, press the button.” The Vietnamese presses the blue button, the MIG itself aimed the missiles and fired - no planes... It flies further, already five! The Vietnamese, according to the instructions, pressed the white button - he destroyed these too! It flies further - an entire squadron of a dozen aircraft comes towards us. The Vietnamese said: “If there are ten or more, press the red button.” He presses... Then the chair moves back, a man with a preoccupied look gets out and says: “Come on, narrow-eyed one, move over!”

53. 10% of the country (in the north) never recovered from the napalm attacks. Now it's desert.

54. 25 million Vietnamese went into the jungle during the war.