Stela, the eternally young sorceress of the pink country. Stella (Magic Land) Stella the sorceress of the pink land

Chapter first

Paradise for Chatterboxes

In the south of the land of Thorn, beyond high mountains, where the brave and wayward Marranos live, lies the Pink Country. The climate here is milder than in neighboring countries, the forests are friendlier, the flowers are more beautiful, the butterflies and dragonflies are more beautiful. Only here do spreading palm trees and huge baobabs grow, and only here are there almost no predatory animals, spiders and - oof! - snake. And this is very good, because the little people living in the Pink Country are not particularly brave. Perhaps, because of their timidity, they do not like to travel, which is why they rarely visit their neighbors - Munchkins, Winkers and residents of the Green Country. But they communicate with the Marranos all the time. Severe and warlike Jumpers love it when Chatterboxes... however, you will learn about this a little later.

It's hard to say why the Pink Country is so noticeably different from other parts of the Fairyland. There is a legend that it was here that the great sorcerer Thorn first settled down to rest when he arrived on the American continent. The magician liked the lands around so much that he allegedly exclaimed: “This is a real paradise! I guess I'll stay here forever - after all better place can’t be found!” And then Thorn began to grow new beautiful forests, create rivers and lakes fabulous beauty, cover the meadows with a wonderful carpet of flowers, more and more scarlet and pink.

Elsewhere, Thorne has also done a great job. He spared neither strength nor imagination, but this is how it happens in the life of both people and sorcerers: first love is the strongest. The Pink Country turned out better than the rest.

Until now, you and I have not had the opportunity to meet the amazing inhabitants of this wonderful country. True, Ellie visited here once - remember how the sorceress Stella helped her return to Kansas? However, Ellie didn’t really have time to get to know the Chatterboxes - she was in a hurry to go home to her parents. But if the girl had stayed in the Pink Country for at least a day or two, she would have been surprised and puzzled by many things.

And the point here is not in the Chatterboxes themselves - they are almost no different from the inhabitants of neighboring countries. As a matter of fact, all the inhabitants of the magical land are one and the same people - arzaly, who have lived on the North American continent since ancient times. Thorne liked the little people. They were so timid, trusting and sweet that the sorcerer had no doubt that they would get along well with the Fairytale People.

After the death of the great sorcerer, many changes occurred in the Magic Land. A pack of wolves wandered here through a pass in the Round the World Mountains. They liked the dense, impenetrable forests of the Violet Country, and within a few years the wolves multiplied so much that the poor Arzals in this part of the land of Thorn simply could not survive. Going into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, they expected attacks from ferocious predators every minute. Due to constant nervous tension, the little men began to blink fearfully. For this, their neighbors nicknamed them Winks. However, don’t blink – it won’t save you from the wolves. Willy-nilly, the Miguns had to learn to forge weapons: swords, spears and arrows - in order to protect themselves from wild animals. There were plenty of iron and copper ores in the Violet Country, so over time the Miguns became skilled artisans. Those of them who lived in the dense forests in the east became not so timid, and some, like the blacksmith Argut we knew, were not inferior in courage and strength even to underground miners.

The people who lived in the Blue Country were distinguished by the fact that they loved to eat. The sorcerer Thorn grew wonderful gardens here in his time, all year round flowering and fruiting. It is clear that the local arzals’ hands naturally reached out to the next pear or peach. Little people had to eat several dozen fruits a day. They were chewing something almost all the time. Over the years, this became a habit, for which they were nicknamed Munchkins. A bit of an offensive nickname, isn't it? And not entirely fair - after all, there were no more skillful and hard-working farmers in the Magic Land.

But the residents of the central, Green, country got plenty of everything - forests, flowers, and fruit trees. Predators did not like these places - the forests here were too cheerful and bright. And gardens didn’t grow here at every turn, so there’s no special reason to become like Winnies or Munchkins. local residents there was none, and therefore they were still called simply arzals.

The chatterboxes are the luckiest of all. After Thorn's death, all the rulers they chose ruled so successfully that the country prospered. And after the sorceress Stella appeared in the Pink Country, things went great for them.

Stella was an amazing and mysterious woman. She never remembered her past life in the Big World and was very angry when her subjects showed excessive curiosity - but this was, perhaps, the only case when a shadow of discontent crossed her friendly face.

Remember how Villina told Ellie that Stella is Good incarnate? And in fact, there was no more beautiful and kind woman on earth, ready to help everyone. In addition, she was a powerful sorceress, queen of flowers and patroness of all arts. She immediately liked the Lovely Chatterboxes very much, and Stella did everything to develop the wonderful gift of this wonderful people.

What was this gift? It’s not that the Chatterboxes were talkers, no! They were excellent storytellers - dreamers and inventors. And this was facilitated by the very country in which they lived - after all, it was full of miracles! For no apparent reason, a fountain could appear on the lawn near the house, and ordinary river pebbles could turn into gems. The stars in the sky played hide and seek all night long, and the moon sometimes scattered wonderful fireworks across the sky. In the rivers there were not only trout, but also goldfish. A butterfly, having sat on a blade of grass, could turn into a flower, and they, in turn, often fluttered in the air, waving their petals like wings. As you can see, the Arzals who lived in the Pink Country had a lot to tell each other about. But you must admit that any story sounds much more interesting if you embellish it a little and color it with your imagination, right?

The young sorceress loved to listen to the incredible stories invented by the Chatterboxes, but she was no less fascinated by dancing, music and painting. Unfortunately, the Chatterboxes were not up to par in these arts. True, there were several wonderful poets in the Pink Country - but that’s all.

Then Stella's gaze turned to neighboring countries. Alas, Gingema and Bastinda were evil sorceresses and kept their people, as they say, with a tight rein. Stella's power would have been enough to destroy these sorceresses, but she was too kind for that. And then she acted differently. With the help of sorcery, Stella found the most talented Munchkins, Miguns and Arzals, and instilled in them the idea: go to the Pink Country, they are waiting for you there!

Some little people, especially young people, succumbed to this magical call. One beautiful and at the same time sad day, they said goodbye to their family and set off on a long journey. Of course, their parents tried to keep them, but they didn’t really insist. Life under Gingham and Bastinda was far from sweet, but in the Rose Country, according to rumors, grace reigned.

The Pink Palace has turned into a blooming garden of all arts. At first, Stella herself taught the arriving guests to dance and play various musical instruments, painting - in a word, everyone, depending on his desires and abilities. Almost two hundred chatterbox courtiers gathered in the palace every day. They were very proud of their difficult service - after all, someone had to participate in numerous balls, listen to new songs and musical compositions, admire paintings and outfits created by palace tailors. Of course, any other Chatterbox could come to the palace - the doors were wide open for everyone.

Thus, the Pink Country lived in prosperity and peace.

But one day, about twenty years before Ellie’s first appearance in the Magic Land, a strong earthquake occurred there - the same one that led to the appearance of Great Cracks in the Blue Country.

After that, a lot changed in the Pink Country - and not all for the better.

Chapter two

Strange wonders in Daisies

One early morning, a miller named Volp from the village of Romashki went to the meadow to see how the wheat was ripening. He took with him a small bag of grain from the last harvest, the day before yesterday. In the land of Chatterboxes, no one had ever heard of plowing the land and fertilizing it, but any man could grow a good harvest in an ordinary meadow. It was a simple matter - sprinkle grain on any grass, but just make sure that the seeds do not fall on clover or cornflowers - they do not form ears.

Volpe was a short, portly, middle-aged Chatterbox with a plump, rosy-cheeked face and short, crew-cut silver hair. Among his neighbors in the village, he was known as a sane and calm person. “He won’t lie too much,” the neighbors said with respect about Volpe, and this was the absolute truth. Volpe didn’t really like to fantasize, and he never came up with more than two or three incredible stories a day. But order always reigned at his mill, and anyone could come at any time of the day to buy flour. They paid for it, as elsewhere in the Pink Country, with the freshest, newly invented stories. They had no idea about money in this region - and why would they, when there is plenty of everything everywhere and the Chatterboxes work not as a burden to themselves, but as a joy? But listen to what good people composed or learned from other Chatterboxes, everyone was interested.

Coming out of the outskirts, Volyt stood for a while, admiring his mill - it stood on a small hillock, near the lake. Today the wings of the mill did not rotate, and the sound of hammers could be heard from behind the log walls. Volpe smiled with satisfaction - it was his sons who were working, making minor repairs.

“Not bad, not bad,” Volp purred and went down the slope to the Vyunke River.

On the bridge he stopped to tie the sash on his round belly and at the same time pull up his scarlet silk trousers. It was already hot, and the miller unbuttoned his velvet blue vest and lemon-colored shirt.

Volpe was in an excellent mood. Last night at the village pub he won the first prize - three mugs of the best beer for the story of how he and his youngest son Cyrus once went to the mill, met a winged dragon there and, after a long fight, forced the tamed monster to turn the millstones with its clawed paws.

Having passed through the linden grove, the miller came out into the Near Meadow. It was golden from countless ears of wheat. Here and there, colorful spots of flowers could be seen on the bright yellow carpet. Of course, there was no need to expect a harvest from them, but Volpe had no intention of plucking even one flower - they made my soul feel happier, and the aroma in the air was such that even my head was spinning.

Volpe untied the bag of seeds and, taking a full handful, threw them onto the nearest dark green patch of grassy carpet. There was wheatgrass growing here, and it was a mess. After waiting a minute or two, the miller noticed how tiny spikelets appeared on the tops of the blades of grass. The job was done, and Volpe moved on, vigilantly looking around, looking for other uncultivated areas of the meadow.

Suddenly, somewhere in the north, a clap of thunder rolled, followed by a second, and a third. The clear sky was covered with a whitish haze, and there was a whiff of something bitter in the air.

The miller was surprised. Thunderstorms were not uncommon in the Rose Country, but he couldn’t remember anything this strange. Where are the black clouds, where is the gusty wind, where is the rain, finally?

The thunderclaps were getting closer and closer. Volpe got cold feet and was about to decide to go home as quickly as possible, when suddenly there was a thunderous sound very close by, at the other end of the meadow. The ground shook and the miller fell, hitting his side painfully. Then the rumbles began to recede and finally died down.

Volpe, sighing and wailing, rose heavily to his feet. He was saddened to see that his brand new bloomers needed urgent washing. It was, of course, unpleasant. But, on the other hand, now there is something to tell your friends about over a glass of beer! He will make a great story out of this strange thunderstorm without clouds and rain! This time it will be possible to leave the dragon alone, and tell the story of how the evil underground giant went to war against the Pink Country, but unfortunately Volpa ran into him.

The bitter haze in the air thickened. The miller coughed into his handkerchief. His eyes began to water. And then Chatterbox noticed that at the far end of the meadow a trembling column of smoke was rising from the ground.

“Fire, or what?” – Volpe thought worriedly and hurried straight to the pillar. Imagine his surprise when he saw among the colorful flowers a large hole, as if someone had just dug it. Acrid smoke rose from a hole in the ground.

The weirdness didn't end there. Right before our eyes, the meadow began to change. The golden color disappeared almost everywhere, as if by magic. Volpe leaned over and couldn’t believe his eyes. All the ears of wheat fell off at once, without having time to ripen!

-What kind of miracles? - muttered the miller.

Unfortunately, the entire upcoming wheat harvest was destroyed - and the cause was the acrid gray smoke!

Concerned, Volpe hurried to the village. Passing a linden grove, he froze, dumbfounded. Something happened to the centuries-old trees. Like everywhere else in the Pink Country, all sorts of things grew on them: oranges, buns with jam, butter cookies, and so on. All these fruits, of course, were wild, and therefore small and not very tasty. The chatterboxes in their gardens grew various edible things five times larger than wild ones, and therefore no one except animals and birds was tempted by the forest gifts. But of course, the best bread and pies were baked by the housewives themselves, and therefore the demand for flour was always high.

But be that as it may, the blue smoke reached the linden trees and turned them into... well, it’s unclear what! All the fruits - ripe and green - lay on the ground, and there was nothing left on the branches except leaves. You can go crazy...

Wailing loudly, the portly Volpe rushed towards the village, but soon became exhausted. Running to the nearest alder thickets, he chose a suitable thick branch with a fork, broke it and sat down as if on a horse.

- Turn into a horse! - he shouted. - Hurry up, I'm in a hurry to the village.

NOTHING HAPPENED. Volpe's eyes widened in amazement.

“Miracles, and that’s all...” he whispered. - Good people, what is happening today?

He shook the branch once, twice, but it absolutely did not want to come to life. With a curse, Volpe climbed down from the branch and forcefully stuck it into the ground. She, as expected, immediately took root. The young tree quickly became covered with leaves and flowers, and a minute later apricots began to bud. Volpe sighed with relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead - finally, at least something was working normally! As luck would have it, the breeze brought a cloud of smoke from the meadow, it enveloped the tree - and all the fruit ovaries instantly fell to the ground.

Only then did the miller realize what troubles the blue smoke could cause to the village. He started to run towards the river, but then returned and, just in case, broke another long branch. This time everything happened as expected. After Volpe shouted: “Turn into a horse!” - the branch instantly threw out long shoots - legs, the fork was overgrown with a large flat mushroom-saddle, and at the front end a spherical “head” with long mustache-reins appeared.

The miller happily sat down on the young “horse” and, grasping the reins tightly, galloped towards the village.

As luck would have it, he didn’t meet any of the neighbors on the street. Having galloped to his house, the miller pulled the reins, stopped the horse and got off the saddle.

“Graze while I return,” he ordered. The living branch nodded and wandered along the fence, nibbling on the lush grass. Volpe, meanwhile, rushed towards the house. From the open windows came the aroma of freshly baked pies with apricot and banana jam.

The miller's house, like all the other Chatterboxes, resembled a pot-bellied turret with a conical roof covered with multi-colored tiles. Around the house there were flower beds with all kinds of wonderful flowers. Along the paths grew the Chatterboxes' favorite plants - jasmine bushes, trimmed in the shape of balls and mushrooms, and behind the house the branches of many fruit trees bent from ripe fruits.

Volpe hurriedly climbed onto the porch and walked into the kitchen. His wife, the curvaceous Zelda, was casting magic at the stove. Humming something, she fried goulash from finely chopped blue fruits in a frying pan. The delicious smell of beef floated in the air - the fact is that in the Pink Country, meat of all types was grown on trees.

Seeing her agitated, dusty husband, Zelda shook her head reproachfully:

- And where have you been, dear hubby? Go wash your hands, breakfast is on the table.

- What a breakfast! - Volpe exclaimed. - Just listen to what I saw in the meadow...

“And I don’t want to know anything,” Zelda snapped. “I have no time to listen to your lies.” Soon my sons will come from the mill, but I have not yet had time to make their favorite cider. Moreover, there is soaked laundry in the basin, and in the cellar...

Volpe waved his hand hopelessly. He sat down at the table and, eating pies with meat filling and washing them down with milk, still managed to tell his wife about the strange thunder, a hole in the ground and acrid smoke, after which herbs and other ordinary plants turn into... well, no one knows what.

“We urgently need to go to Stellaria,” the miller concluded, wiping his lips with a napkin. – Ruler Stella must know about what is happening in our Daisies! What if something serious happens?

Zelda clasped her hands.

-What did you think, old man? - she began to wail. – Is it at your age to travel such long distances? It's about fifty miles to Stellaria, and you won't even make it until tomorrow evening! Send one of your sons if you really feel like it. A hole in the ground - you have to come up with something like that!

– I didn’t invent it, but I saw it with my own eyes! – Volpe objected angrily, rising from the table with difficulty. “You can’t trust your sons with this kind of thing—they’re still too young to talk to the sorceress Stella.” Just look, out of stupidity they will mix everything up. I’ll go myself - it’s important!

No matter how much his wife tried to persuade him, no matter how much she lamented, the miller remained adamant. Having put an impressive supply of pies and a flask of water into his knapsack, he kissed Zelda and hurried to his “horse”. During this time, she grew noticeably, the branches-legs became thicker and longer, a bushy tail appeared at the back, and the “head” grew almost three times and began to resemble a horse’s.

“It turned out to be a good horse,” Volpe said approvingly and affectionately patted his “horse” on the saddle. - Let me call you Fast. Hey, Quick, do you know the way to our capital Stellaria?

The horse nodded his head and neighed quietly.

The miller waved his hand to his wife standing on the porch, climbed into the saddle and rushed through the village to the high road. On the outskirts he met one of his neighbors named Lopastic. He was the best local fisherman and spent his days by the lake with a fishing rod in his hands. Of course, fish fruits grew in every garden, but housewives still preferred fresh trout or salmon, so Lopastic had a lot of orders.

Seeing Volp galloping down the street, Lopastik raised a coocan with two dozen fish and shouted:

- Hey, hi, Volpe! Look at the catch, huh? The miller rushed past, only waving his hand in greeting.

Spatial was offended:

-Where are you going, neighbor? I didn’t have time to tell you my morning story - the most amazing one in the world!

It must be said that the Chatterboxes had a long-standing custom of regaling their acquaintances with stories they had just made up. It was considered very impolite to refuse to listen to them, even if you were in a hurry on business. However, the Chatterboxes were rarely in a hurry - they lived a calm, measured life.

But Volpe was clearly in a hurry, and it was surprising.

Having galloped another fifty meters, the miller changed his mind. He pulled on the reins, turned his “horse” around and rode up to Lopastic. He smiled broadly:

- Listen, neighbor, what an amazing thing happened to me today. I'm fishing for trout, and out of the water comes a huge turtle. On her back lay a shell the size of my head. She suddenly opened up and spoke in a human voice...

- Stop talking nonsense, Lobster! - Volpe barked. “Such things are happening here, and he’s telling me about the sink.” Run to the fields, gather all the men. Let them take shovels, axes and nails and hurry to the Near Meadow. There a hole opened in the ground. It needs to be buried or covered with a shield made of boards, okay?

Blade was taken aback.

- What is this, your morning story? - he asked.

The miller had to tell in detail about everything that happened to him. Spatula thought for a moment. Unlike his fellow villagers, in his youth he traveled around the Pink Country, lived for two years in Stellaria and even knew several Wingers and Munchkins - palace musicians and artists. Therefore, he quickly realized what happened in the Near Meadow.

“Uh, things are bad for us...” he said sadly. “I don’t know where this blue smoke came from, but one thing is clear - it ruins the magic.

- What, what? – Volpe was taken aback. -What kind of magic is this?

Lopastik began to explain, but the miller did not understand anything. Where does magic come from in their small village? Stellaria is a different matter, but nothing unusual has happened in their Daisies for a hundred years.

Spatial just waved his hand, realizing that he still wouldn’t be able to explain anything to the miller.

“Okay, go to the capital,” he finally said, “Find a shoemaker there named Tilbil - this is my distant relative.” Tilbil sews shoes for many courtiers. He will quickly bring you together with the ruler Stella!

Volpe nodded and, turning his horse, rushed along the road to the forest. And Lopastic released the fish into the nearest stream - there was no time for it now - and hurried to the other end of the village.

The miller was right. Something serious really happened in the Pink Country.

Chapter Three

Tamiz violets

Volpe's journey through the Pink Country took two days. Later, the miller described it in the book “Journey from Daisies to Stellaria and Back,” which became the favorite reading of all Chatterboxes. In it, Volpe narrated his amazing adventures: a fight with three dragons, a fight with swamp ghosts, a meeting with a creepy werewolf, and much, much more. No one ever found out what really happened to him - and who cares? The main thing is that the book turned out to be very exciting and useful for young people. Village youths began to consider it a matter of honor to break an alder branch at least once a year and go to the capital riding on a tree horse. Not only did they learn a lot about their country - which is wonderful in itself - but after such a trip they had enough topics for stories for a whole year. The girls loved to listen to travel stories and admired the courage and strength of their young friends.

As for Volpe, having arrived in Stellaria, he found the shoemaker Tilbil. An hour later, the miller was led to the Pink Palace and introduced to the ruler Stella. Having learned about the strange incident in Daisies, the sorceress became alarmed. She created a golden cloud with a spell and, together with Volpe and three Marran warriors from her personal guard, set off to fly to the north of the country. Having gone down to the Near Meadow, the sorceress found a crowd of village men there, animatedly discussing something. The hole in the ground was covered with a thick shield of boards, but this did not help. Acrid smoke managed to seep through the tree and had already filled the entire area.

Protecting Daisies, all the women and children gathered on the village outskirts. Waving palm branches like fans, they tried to drive away the clouds of smoke creeping from the Near Meadow. They weren't very good at it. Some gardens have already died, and almost all the flowers near the houses have withered and withered.

Stella spent almost half a day in Romashki. With the help of magic, she closed the hole in the ground and destroyed the harmful fog. With one wave of her hand, the sorceress restored all the gardens and flower beds. Then, accompanied by a very proud Volpe and a cloud of children, she visited almost all the village houses. The hostesses were simply knocked off their feet, not knowing how best to meet the ruler. To their amazement, Stella turned out to be a simple and very sweet woman. She found a kind word for each housewife: she praised one for the order in the house, the other for her skillful handicrafts, the third for her delicious pies and cakes.

But the children were the most happy about meeting the sorceress. Stella either created stunningly beautiful fireworks for them, then showered them with sweets and lollipops, or taught them the simplest magic spells. When the sun began to set towards the forest, the ruler of the Pink Country said goodbye to the hospitable inhabitants of Daisies, ascended onto a golden cloud along with the three Marranos and soared into the air. And then the main surprise happened. The kids suddenly gained white wings and rose into the air together! Like a flock of birds, they circled in the sky, screaming with delight. Having escorted the cloud with the sorceress to the forest, they smoothly descended to the edge. The wings behind them disappeared, but the children’s joy did not diminish: after all, they had just flown!

The next morning, Villina arrived in Stellaria. The elderly ruler of the Yellow Country looked concerned.

Both sorceresses retired to Stella’s chambers for a long time. The curious courtiers never found out what the conversation was about. However, now every morning a cloud with Marrano guards flew out of the palace. They were seen in the sky in all parts of the country. The chatterboxes were by no means fools and realized that their ruler was afraid of something. There were rumors that here and there the earth began to shake violently for no reason. Most often this was the end of the matter, but sometimes cracks and holes appeared in the soil. The Marran guards quickly discovered them, and then Stella herself flew to these places and, with the help of magic, closed the holes in the ground.

Many years have passed since then. Everything went on as before in this fertile land, but the courtiers began to notice that their ruler was no longer absent from the Pink Country. She didn’t even fly to visit Villina anymore. Outwardly, the young beauty did not change, but the ladies-in-waiting closest to her knew that in the morning shadows began to appear under Stella’s eyes, and her face looked a little less fresh than usual. Stella seemed to be very tired - but what was the reason for this? Were the stories about a certain underground giant who intended to destroy Stella and take over the Pink Country true?

One day, strange guests appeared in the palace - and the inhabitants of Stellaria had new fertile ground for rumors.

It all started when one morning a doe galloped up to the main entrance of the Pink Palace. She was covered in sweat and dust, and a small purple pouch hung from the graceful animal's neck. I must say that Stella loved animals very much and often walked around the park, playing and talking with them. But wild animals were usually not allowed into the palace. An exception was made only for messenger deer. The color of the bags they carried around their necks signified the country from which the letter was brought. The purple color showed that the Brave Lion wrote a letter to Stella - not himself, of course, but one of the Miguns under his dictation.

The doors swung open, and a butler named Dozhan Bold stepped out to meet the doe with an important step. He bowed politely to the messenger, and the doe responded in kind. Then the animal, tired after a long journey, was escorted with honor to the living room. Soon Stella came out there wearing a simple white dress. Having affectionately patted the doe on the head (after which her fatigue immediately disappeared), the sorceress asked the butler to feed the animal, and in the meantime she took a parchment scroll from the bag. The letter made her very sad. Brave Lev wrote that in recent months he began to feel unwell. His eyes weakened, his teeth dulled, and the king of beasts increasingly felt sleepy. The lion, as befits a mighty beast, calmly faced the signs of impending old age. “I convened the Council of Beasts, at which my eldest son was elected the new king,” he wrote. - And I decided to retire. I know a remote place in my forest, and in a week or two I’ll go there, forever. It’s a pity that before my death I won’t be able to meet you, beautiful Stella, as well as my old friends – the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and Villina. That is, of course, it’s possible to meet, but there’s no point in it – parting will be very difficult. I also wrote farewell letters to them. It's a pity that I can't say goodbye to my dear Ellie. She must have aged too. The Scarecrow writes that Faramant and Dean Gior are no longer the same as before. Well, such is life - there is time in it for both beautiful blossoming and sad decline. Farewell, wonderful, amazing Stella, and may the sun always smile at you, and may all misfortunes pass you by!”

After reading this touching letter, Stella burst into tears. She loved the Brave Lion very much, and she felt sorry for Faramant and Din Gior. All three friends did so much to ensure that peace and tranquility reigned in their countries. But…

Having wiped away her tears, Stella took a crystal bell from the mother-of-pearl table and rang it.

The door to the living room swung open and the butler entered the room with a bow.

“Dear Dozhan, please call my gardener Savar,” the ruler asked.

Soon Savar appeared. He was a tall, thin Munchkin, slightly stooped, with long arms that almost reached his knees. His palms were disproportionately large, his fingers gnarled. The face with sunken cheeks was also not distinguished by beauty; it was especially spoiled by thick eyebrows and a hooked nose. Savard had no hair on his head - the gardener shaved it almost every day, believing that it only got in the way when working. But Savard’s eyes were amazing - large, dark blue. They shone with such kindness that anyone who spoke to Savard instantly stopped noticing his unsightly appearance.

Bowing low, Savar looked expectantly at the sorceress.

She stood up and walked around the hall, lowering her head thoughtfully. Then she looked directly into Savar’s eyes and asked quietly:

– My dear friend, tell me, how do Tamiz violets feel in our garden?

The gardener shuddered. For many years now, after the flight of Tamiz, the first gardener and florist of the Pink Palace, Stella did not mention this name.

“Very good, lady,” answered the concerned Savard. “They grow at the far end of the garden, near Tamiz’s house. I tried more than once to plant them in other flower beds, but nothing worked. Apparently, my teacher Tamiz knew some secret. It's a pity - because there are no such large violets anywhere else!

Stella smiled:

- Oh, Savar, if it were only their size! For many years, Tamizrm and I struggled to give magical properties to various colors. You know very well that we managed to breed a breed of white carnations with an amazing smell that gives people eternal youth.

The gardener bowed deeply again:

– These are the most amazing flowers in the world, great Stella! It’s just a shame that their seeds do not have this magical quality, otherwise they would grow not only on your balcony, but throughout the Pink Country!

– And you think that this would be a great blessing? – Stella asked quietly. Savard shrugged.

“To tell you the truth, I’ve thought about this more than once,” he said. “But I didn’t think of anything.” I guess I'm not smart enough to understand such complex things.

– But would you like me to give you eternal youth? – Stella asked directly, looking intently at the gardener. - Tell me frankly. All I have to do is let you inhale the wonderful aroma of these white carnations, and then cast a magic spell - and your wish will come true! BUT DO YOU WANT THIS?

“Uh...” Savard hesitated. His sunken cheeks were flushed with excitement. – Of course, I would like to... I spent my youth in a distant village near the Moon River and was not very happy. The other Munchkins thought I was obsessed with growing flowers and fruit trees and often laughed at me. Maybe that's why I'm so gloomy and distrustful. But if I could become young again... Oh, then I would... I... I...

The gardener fell silent, unable to find words from excitement. But suddenly he smiled and waved his hand:

- No, it wouldn’t change anything. Glory to Thorne, you called me to you in time, and I lived here for many happy years. If I live this long, well, that’s enough for me. I’m not such a great gardener and florist—let alone Tamiz—to receive eternal youth as a reward. There are probably more worthy people in the country of Thorn!

Instead of answering, Stella handed the gardener a letter and asked him to read it.

Savard did just that.

- I understand you, my lady! – he exclaimed joyfully. – The Brave Lion is the most respected beast in the land of Thorn. He is Ellie's friend, the Scarecrow of the Wise and the Tin Woodman! There is nothing to say here - such a hero can be given eternal youth.

Stella smiled sadly.

“It’s unlikely that he will want this, for the same reasons as you, Savard,” she said quietly. “The Brave Lion’s wife died five years ago, and his sons have already grown up. Will Leo want to become younger than them?

“I wouldn’t want to if I were him,” Savard noted.

“That’s why I asked you about Tamiz’s violets.” After my first gardener fled, I never went near his house. And not only because it hurts me to remember his betrayal. You see, Savar, in last years Tamiz and I tried to grow violets that could give people ETERNAL LIFE.

Savard widened his eyes in surprise:

- Immortal life? Isn't this the same as eternal youth?

- Of course not! You yourself said that you would not want to return to your past. Now you are a man in the prime of your life, a master of your craft, respected by all courtiers and townspeople. Wouldn't you want to stay like this for many, many years?

Savard's eyes lit up.

– This is a completely different matter! – he exclaimed animatedly. “I really don’t really want to become a sucker again, much less remain a boy forever.” But the way it is now... Yes, I could move mountains! I already have experience and knowledge, and I have enough strength. I don’t argue that eternal life is much more attractive than eternal youth. Now I understand you, dear Stella. I am sure that Brave Leo will be happy to receive such a wonderful gift!

- Yes, I hope. Although Tamiz and I did not finish the job and I am not entirely sure of the strength of the aroma of these flowers. I'm afraid I'll have to smell them every day, otherwise the magic will dissipate. But I'm more worried about something else.

Savar nodded:

- I understand, my lady. You are a great sorceress, and your kindness is legendary throughout the land of Thorn. But even you cannot bestow your wonderful gifts on EVERYONE!

Stella became gloomy:

- Yes. I warned the Chatterboxes about this when I first arrived here. But my subjects turned out to be smart. The most respected people gathered at the Great Council and made a decision: no one is ever allowed to ask for the gift of eternal youth! Otherwise, it will cause envy and discontent among others. What a pity that people from Big world lacked such wisdom.

Savard blinked his eyes in shock:

– So that’s why you flew to the land of Thorn!

- Yes. Having learned about my gift, all the kings, princes and simply rich people began to literally besiege my castle, demanding to grant them eternal youth. Some even made threats and tried to use force. I realized that my gift would not bring happiness either to me or to people, and I flew here, to a wonderful land beyond the Circumnavigation Mountains. And until now I have never regretted it. But now I find myself again in great difficulty. I cannot allow the death of the Brave Lion - but I don’t know if the Chatterboxes will understand me.

The gardener thought about it. He was flattered that the ruler asked him for advice.

“It looks like there’s a little trick to be done here,” he finally spoke. - This is not very good, but what to do? Invite the Brave Lion to the palace, as well as the respected residents of the Emerald City - Faramant and Din Gior. Let them live here, inhaling the aroma of wonderful violets. By the way, they can all be accommodated together in Tamiz’s house - anyway, it has been empty for a long time. And when they realize that they have stopped aging... well, tell them everything. If they want to leave, of course, we will not hold them back. But they will be very happy in Stellaria.

Stella thanked the gardener for his advice and dismissed him. She didn't sleep a wink all night, thinking about what to do. Any deception or even small cunning was disgusting to her. But if you immediately tell the truth to old friends, they will most likely refuse out of pride. What to do?

– Great Thorne, why can’t I make everyone happy? – she whispered with tears in her eyes. – Why did fate give me magical powers that I cannot use? It is such a torment to be omnipotent and feel powerless. My heart is breaking with pain, and no one in the world even suspects it...

The next morning, Stella made a difficult decision for herself. Having created a golden cloud, she flew away to the Violet Country. Soon the sorceress returned with the Brave Lion. The former master of beasts could not refuse the beautiful Stella’s request to stay with her in the palace. As soon as he saw her, he threw all sad thoughts out of his head and immediately felt much better. He's not that old after all!

A few days later, Stella gave Leo a pleasant surprise. She flew to the Emerald City and brought Faramant and Din Gior to Stellaria. Both had aged greatly, their friends’ hair had turned grey, their shoulders had hunched. When they saw the Brave Lion, the old people were delighted - they no longer hoped to see each other again!

Three friends settled in Tamiz’s house on the shore of the lake, among spreading weeping willows. Stella visited them every day and, as if by chance, advised them to inhale the scent of flowers more often - they say they are very good for health. She especially recommended the violets that grew right under the windows.

The old men did just that to please their beautiful mistress. Soon they began to notice big changes in themselves. Leo's vision improved again, his fur became thick again and acquired a healthy shine. Faramant and Din Gior's backs straightened, shortness of breath disappeared, and their long-lost appetite returned.

And the three friends realized that kind Stella had helped them with her amazing magic.

Chapter Four

Pink Palace

Years have passed. Stella never left the Pink Country, and learned about events in other countries only from the ubiquitous birds and from Villina’s messages. She was saddened to hear about the expulsion of the Scarecrow from the Emerald City and that the simple-minded Tin Woodman had fallen under the evil influence of the young sorceress Corina. One day Stella went out into the garden to listen to news from the magpies and crows, but they told her that they could not fly outside the Pink Country! Surprised Stella set off on a cloud towards the Emerald City and came across an invisible barrier. The sorceress was unable to destroy it or fly over the transparent wall.

Alarmed, Stella returned to the palace. For the first time she thought that Villina might have made a mistake. Corina turned out to be not only evil, but also a powerful sorceress. Who knows, maybe she built the same impenetrable wall around the Yellow Country? But how then will Ellie get to the edge of Thorne? She is already many, many years old - is it possible for an elderly woman to make the long journey to the Around the World Mountains, through the hot and waterless Great Desert, without the help of magic?..

For many years, the Pink Country was cut off from the outside world. Stella, Faramant, Dean Gior and Lev had only one thing left to do - wait and hope for Villina’s wisdom.

Meanwhile, things were not entirely calm in the palace. And the reason for this was...

However, it’s time for us to get acquainted with the magnificent and brilliant court of the ruler Stella.

Dozhan Bold, the butler, was making his usual morning rounds, striding importantly with a golden cane in his hand. The huge Pink Palace was sleeping, tired from yesterday's festivities. Every month, ruler Stella organized big concerts. The most gifted children from all over the country demonstrated their talents these days. Yesterday, young Chatterboxes competed in the art of playing various instruments, singing, dancing and, of course, in the skill of storytelling amazing stories. And after the concert there was a grand ball. Dozhan Bold had a hard time - after all, in addition to the courtiers, there were more than three hundred guests in the palace, and all the worries about holding the holiday, as always, fell on his shoulders.

Dozhan Bold was a stocky, rather tall Chatterbox with a round face and shoulder-length curly dark hair. He had pleasant manners, a velvety voice and a charming smile. But he knew how to keep his servants strict. He especially monitored the order in the numerous palace rooms and the quality of the dishes. Dozhan Bold personally selected the cooks and mercilessly fired them for the slightest mistake or laziness. He treated the courtiers with noticeable arrogance - the gentlemen and ladies-in-waiting seemed to him empty loafers creating unnecessary trouble. They were of less use than the furniture. But Dozhan Bold had a soft spot for people of art and especially appreciated the skill of artists.

Therefore, he did not throw thunder and lightning when he noticed at such an early hour in the art salon the master Stilg, standing at the easel with a palette and brush in his hands. This was, of course, a clear disorder, but the young artist deserved leniency.

Dozhan Bold sedately walked towards the artist. Looking at the unfinished painting, he shook his head reproachfully.

“Well, as much as possible, dear Stilg,” he said softly. “You resolutely want to displease our ruler.”

“I can’t help it,” the young artist responded without looking back. – This is the third time I’ve remade the portrait of the maid of honor Agnet, and again it doesn’t work out.

Dozhan Bold patted him on the shoulder condescendingly.

“Or rather, you always end up with a portrait of our dear ruler,” the butler noted. - Already the fifty-sixth in a row!

“Fifty-eighth,” the artist clarified. “Stella is so much more beautiful than other women that my hand itself puts her features on the canvas.” I'm in despair, dear Bold! I’ve been living in a palace for three years now, but my drawing is getting worse and worse. Sometimes I start to hate myself for my lack of talent. The elderly butler smiled.

– You are very talented, young man! – he said encouragingly. “It’s no coincidence that your fifteenth portrait pleased the lady so much that she agreed to accept it as a gift and placed it in her living room.” Before you, no artist has received such an honor! But remember what condition the ruler set?

Stilg was confused:

- Yes. From now on I must paint portraits of anyone: ladies-in-waiting, gentlemen, townspeople, children, guardsmen, but not Stella. Believe me, dear Bold, I am doing everything to fulfill this condition, but I can’t!

Dozhan Bold frowned.

“Then you will have to leave the palace,” he said. – The ladies-in-waiting are very offended by your lack of attention to their persons. There are so many beauties among them - aren’t they worthy of Stilg’s brush? I have already heard irritated remarks from ladies about you. The second maid of honor Agnet even complained to the ruler! But is it only ladies who want to see their portrait? The sweet-voiced singer Yalon turns purple with rage when anyone mentions your name. All the other artists are begging for the honor of painting his portrait, and you, Stilg, look at him as if he were empty space. And the most eloquent of the Chatterboxes, Cyron? And the main fashion designer Mitrid? And Colonel of Her Majesty's Guard Norgon? I'm not even talking about the glorious mayor of Stellaria, the venerable Danora. They are all worthy famous people. Think about it, young man. I am responsible for order in the palace, and you cause discontent among many. Gossip has already begun to circulate about you, one more evil than the other.

“Well, let them,” said Stilg and again began to draw a golden curl on the canvas. “If this portrait fails again, I will leave the palace myself.”

The butler didn't know what to say. He took one last look at the canvas and was forced to admit: Stella turned out to be alive. She stood in a pink satin dress on the shore of the lake with a white carnation in her hand and smilingly looked at the squirrels frolicking among the branches of a century-old larch. “And what do these artists want? – Dozhan thought with surprise. “They always strive for perfection, they are always dissatisfied with themselves. And this leads to chaos."

Dozhan Bold looked into the kitchen, where the cooks were already finishing preparing breakfast for two hundred people. Here the butler gave some instructions to the head cook, Wilb, and then left the palace to get some fresh air.

The sun has just risen over the tiled roofs of Stellaria. It was beautiful city, in many ways superior even to the capital of the Magic Land, the Emerald City. True, emeralds did not sparkle in the towers of Stellaria, but all the spiers were covered with pure gold. The walls of the houses were decorated with intricate ornaments, making the buildings look like huge boxes. The streets were wide, the squares spacious. By order of Stella, the architects built several large hotels, where guests of the capital could always find a free room. In addition, the city had many schools where children from all over the country were taught various arts.

The rest of the way through the forest passed without incident. When the travelers emerged from the forest, a steep, rocky mountain opened up before them. It was impossible to get around it - there were deep ravines on both sides of the road.

– It’s hard to climb this mountain! - said the Scarecrow. - But the mountain is not a level place, and since it stands in front of us, it means we need to climb over it!

And he climbed up, pressing tightly against the rock and clinging to every ledge. The others followed the Scarecrow.

They rose quite high, when suddenly a rude voice shouted from behind the rock:

- Who's there? - asked the Scarecrow.

Someone's strange head appeared from behind the rock.

- This is our mountain, and no one is allowed to cross it!

“But we need to cross,” the Scarecrow politely objected. – We are going to Stella’s country, and there is no other way here.

- Go ahead, but you won’t pass!

A small plump man with a large head on a short neck jumped out onto the rock laughing. His thick hands clenched into huge fists, with which he threatened travelers. The little man did not seem very strong, and the Scarecrow boldly climbed up.

But then an amazing thing happened. The strange man hit the ground with his feet, jumped into the air like a rubber ball, and in the air hit the Scarecrow in the chest with his head and strong fists. The scarecrow, tumbling, flew to the foot of the mountain, and the little man, deftly getting to his feet, laughed and shouted:

- A-la-la! This is how we do it, jumpers!

And, right on cue, hundreds of jumpers jumped out from behind the rocks and hillocks.

The lion became furious and quickly rushed to the attack, growling menacingly and lashing his sides with his tail. But several jumpers, flying into the air, hit him with their flat heads and strong fists so much that the Lion rolled down the mountainside, tumbling and meowing in pain, like the simplest cat. He stood up, embarrassed, and, limping, walked away from the foot of the mountain.

The Tin Woodman swung his ax, tested the flexibility of his joints and resolutely climbed up.

- Come back, come back! – Ellie screamed and grabbed his hand, crying. - You will crash on the rocks! How will we gather you in this remote country?

Ellie's tears instantly forced the Woodcutter to return.

“Let’s call the flying monkeys,” suggested the Scarecrow. – You can’t do without them here, pick-up, tri-cap!

Ellie sighed:

– If Stella meets us unfriendly, we will be defenseless...

And then Toto suddenly spoke:

– I’m ashamed to admit smart dog, but you can’t hide the truth: you and I, Ellie, are terrible fools!

- Why? – Ellie was surprised.

- But of course! When the leader of the flying monkeys was carrying you and me, he told us the story of the golden cap... After all, the hat can be passed on!

- So what? – Ellie still didn’t understand.

- When you spend the last magic of the golden cap, you will give it to the Scarecrow and he will again have three magics.

- Hooray! Hooray! - everyone shouted. - Totoshka, you are our savior!

“It’s a pity, of course,” the dog said modestly. - That this brilliant idea didn’t occur to me earlier. Then we wouldn’t suffer from floods...

“It can’t be helped,” Ellie said. - What happened cannot be undone...

“Excuse me, allow me,” the Scarecrow intervened. - What does this mean... Three, yes three, yes three... - He counted on his fingers for a long time. - It turns out that I, the Woodcutter, and the Lion, we can order the flying monkeys nine more times!

-Have you forgotten about me? - Totoshka said offendedly. – I, too, can be the owner of a golden hat!

“This is a huge drawback for a ruler,” the Tin Woodman said seriously. - I'll take care of you in my free time.

Now Ellie could safely use her last magic. She said magic words, and the Scarecrow repeated them, dancing with joy and shaking his soft fists at the warlike jumpers.

There was a noise in the air, and a flock of flying monkeys descended to the ground.

- What do you order, owner of the golden cap? – asked the leader.

– Take us to Stella’s palace! – Ellie answered.

- Will be done!

And the travelers instantly found themselves in the air.

Flying over the mountain, the Scarecrow made monstrous grimaces at the jumpers and cursed desperately. The jumpers jumped high into the air, but could not reach the monkeys and went berserk with anger.

The mountain, and behind it the entire country of the chatterboxes, were quickly left behind, and the picturesque fertile country of the chatterboxes, ruled by the good sorceress Stella, opened up to the travelers’ eyes.

The Chatterboxes were nice, friendly people and good workers. Their only drawback was that they loved to talk. Even when alone, they talked to themselves for hours at a time. Mighty Stella could not wean them from chatter. Once she made them mute, but the talkers quickly found a way out of the situation: they learned to communicate with gestures and crowded the streets and squares for days on end, waving their arms. Stella saw that even she could not change the talkers, and returned their voices.

The favorite color in the land of chatterboxes was pink, like blue among munchkins, purple among miguns, and green in the Emerald City. Houses and hedges were painted pink, and residents dressed in bright pink dresses.

The monkeys dropped Ellie and her friends in front of Stella's palace. Three beautiful girls stood guard at the palace. They looked with surprise and fear at the appearance of the flying monkeys.

- Goodbye, Ellie! – the leader of the flying monkeys said in a friendly manner. – Today you called us for the last time.

- Goodbye, goodbye! – Ellie screamed. - Thank you very much!

And the monkeys ran away with noise and laughter.

- Don't be too happy! – the Scarecrow shouted after them. – Next time you will have a new master and you won’t get rid of him so easily!..

– Is it possible to see the good sorceress Stella? – Ellie asked the girls from the guard with a sinking heart.

“Tell me who you are and why you came here, and I will report you,” answered the eldest.

Ellie spoke, and the girl went with a report, and the rest began to ask questions of the travelers. But before they had time to find out anything, the girl returned:

– Stella asks you to come to the palace!

Ellie washed her face, the Scarecrow cleaned himself, the Tin Woodman lubricated the joints and carefully polished them with a cloth with emery powder, and the Lion shook himself off for a long time, scattering dust. They were fed a hearty lunch, and then taken to a richly decorated pink hall, where the sorceress Stella sat on the throne. She seemed to Ellie very beautiful and kind and surprisingly young, although for many centuries she had ruled the country of talkers. Stella smiled affectionately at those who came in, seated them in chairs and, turning to Ellie, said:

– Tell your story, my child!

Ellie began a long story. Stella and her entourage listened with great interest and sympathy.

- What do you want from me, my child? – Stella asked when Ellie had finished.

- Take me back to Kansas, to my dad and mom. When I think about how they grieve for me, my heart clench with pain and pity...

– But you told me that Kansas is a boring and gray dusty steppe. And look how beautiful it is here.

“And yet I love Kansas more than your magnificent country!” – Ellie answered hotly. – Kansas is my homeland.

- Your wish will come true. But you must give me the golden hat.

- Oh, with pleasure, madam! True, I was going to give it to the Scarecrow, but I’m sure you’ll do better things than he can.

“I will make sure that the magic of the golden cap benefits your friends,” said Stella and turned to the Scarecrow: “What do you think you will do when Ellie leaves you?”

“I would like to return to the Emerald City,” the Scarecrow answered with dignity. “Goodwin appointed me ruler of the Emerald City, and a ruler must live in the city he rules. After all, I can’t rule the Emerald City if I stay in the Pink Country! But I am confused by the return journey through the land of jumpers and across the river where I drowned.

“Having received the golden hat, I will call the flying monkeys, and they will take you to the Emerald City.” The people cannot be deprived of such an amazing ruler.

“So it’s true that I’m amazing?” – the Scarecrow asked, beaming.

Furthermore: you are the only one! And I want you to become my friend.

The Scarecrow bowed with admiration to the good sorceress.

- What do you want? – Stella turned to the Tin Woodman.

“When Ellie leaves this country,” the Tin Woodman began sadly, “I will be very sad.” But I would like to go to the country of the Miguns, who elected me as ruler. I will bring my bride, who I am sure is waiting for me, to the Violet Palace, and I will rule over the Miguns, whom I love very much.

– The second magic of the golden cap will make the flying monkeys take you to the land of the miguns. You do not have such wonderful brains as your comrade Scarecrow the Wise, but you have a loving heart, you have such a brilliant appearance and I am sure that you will be a wonderful ruler for the Miguns. Let me consider you my friend.

The Tin Woodman slowly bowed to Stella.

Then the sorceress turned to Leo:

- Now tell me about your desires.

“Behind the land of jumpers lies a wonderful dense forest. The animals of this forest recognized me as their king. So I would really like to go back there and spend the rest of my days.

– The third magic of the golden cap will transport the brave Lion to his animals, who, of course, will be happy to have such a king. And I also count on your friendship.

The lion importantly gave Stella a large, strong paw, and the sorceress shook it in a friendly manner.

“Later,” said Stella. – When the last three magics of the golden cap are fulfilled, I will return it to the flying monkeys so that no one can bother them anymore with fulfilling their desires, often senseless and cruel.

Everyone agreed that it was impossible to use the hat better, and praised Stella's wisdom and kindness.

“But how will you get me back to Kansas, madam?” – the girl asked.

“Silver slippers will take you through forests and mountains,” answered the sorceress. “If you had known their miraculous power, you would have returned home on the same day when your house was crushed by the evil Gingema.”

“But then I wouldn’t have gotten my amazing brains!” - exclaimed the Scarecrow. “I’d still be scaring away crows in a farmer’s field!”

“But I wouldn’t have received my loving heart,” said the Tin Woodman. “I would stand in the forest and rust until I crumbled into dust!”

“And I would still remain a coward,” roared the Lion. - And, of course, I would not have become the king of beasts!

“It’s all true,” Ellie answered. “And I don’t regret at all that I had to live in Goodwin’s country for so long.” I'm only a weak little girl, but I loved you and always tried to help you, my dear friends! Now that our cherished desires, I must return home, as it was written in Villina’s magic book.

“We are hurt and sad to part with you, Ellie,” said the Scarecrow, the Woodcutter and the Lion. - But we bless that moment when the hurricane threw you into the Magic Land. You taught us the most precious and best thing in the world - friendship!..

Stella smiled at the girl. Ellie hugged the big, bold Leo by the neck and gently ran through his thick, shaggy mane. She kissed the Tin Woodman and he cried bitterly, forgetting about his jaws. She stroked the soft, straw-stuffed body of the Scarecrow and kissed his sweet, good-natured painted face...

“Silver slippers have many wonderful properties,” said Stella. “But their most amazing property is that in three steps they will take you even to the ends of the world.” All you have to do is click your heel on your heel and name the place...

- So let them take me to Kansas now!..

But when Ellie thought that she was parting forever with her faithful friends, with whom she had to go through a lot together, whom she had saved so many times and who, in turn, selflessly saved her, her heart sank with grief, and she sobbed loudly .

Stella stepped down from her throne, gently hugged Ellie and kissed her goodbye.

- It's time, my child! – she said affectionately. – It’s hard to part, but the hour of meeting is sweet. Remember that now you will be at home and hug your parents. Farewell, don't forget us!

- Goodbye, goodbye, Ellie! – her friends exclaimed.

Ellie grabbed Toto, hit her heel with her heel and shouted to her shoes:

- Take me to Kansas, to mom and dad!

A frantic whirlwind swirled around Ellie, everything merged in her eyes, the sun sparkled in the sky with a fiery arc, and before the girl had time to get scared, she sank to the ground so suddenly that she turned over several times and released Toto.


Audio fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by Alexander Volkov, chapter "Stella, the forever young sorceress of the Pink Country."
"... A small plump man with a large head on a short neck jumped out onto the rock... But then an amazing thing happened. The strange man hit the ground with his feet, jumped into the air like a rubber ball, and in the air hit the Scarecrow in the chest with his head and strong fists. The Scarecrow, tumbling, flew to the foot of the mountain...
The monkeys dropped Ellie and her friends in front of Stella's palace... They were led into a richly decorated pink hall, where the sorceress Stella sat on the throne. She seemed very beautiful and kind and surprisingly young to Ellie, although she had ruled the country of talkers for many centuries...
- Your wish will come true, But you must give me the golden hat...
We offer you to listen online and download for free and without registration the audio fairy tale by Alexander Melenteyevich Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”.

", " " And " "; also mentioned in the other books of the fairy tale series.

Stella in Volkov's books

Stella is a good sorceress, the most powerful of the fairies of the magical land in modern times. Possesses the secret of eternal youth and rare beauty. She came from the Big World almost simultaneously with three other sorceresses -, and. By lot, Stella was given control of the Pink Country, inhabited by. It is known that Stella at some point unsuccessfully tried to stop her subjects from talking too much, temporarily depriving them of speech.

Borrowing an image from other authors

He is a character in the fairy tale "".

Prototype of Stella

The prototype of the “Volkovskaya” Stella served as (eng. Glinda the Good) from the fairy tale series about. The role of Stella in The Wizard of Oz is almost identical to the role of Glinda in Baum's book "".

However, in the numerous sequels that followed Baum’s first book, Glinda turns out to be a much more prominent and active character than Stella in Volkov’s sequels, and no further similarities between the actions of Glinda and Stella are observed. Glinda takes a significant part in the affairs of the Land of Oz, more than once comes to the aid of its inhabitants, often visits the Emerald City and, in particular, becomes the patroness of Princess Ozma. Stella, on the other hand, is more of a symbolic attribute of the Magic Land: she is mentioned in every book, but practically does not interfere in the course of events, no matter how serious the threats hang over the country.

23. Stella, the forever young sorceress of the pink country. The Wizard of Oz. Volkov's tale

The rest of the journey through the forest was uneventful. When the travelers emerged from the forest, a round rocky mountain opened up in front of them. It was impossible to get around it - there were deep ravines on both sides of the road.

It's hard to climb this mountain! - said the Scarecrow. - But a mountain is not a level place, and since it stands in front of us, it means we need to climb over it!

And he climbed up, pressing tightly against the rock and clinging to every ledge. The others followed the Scarecrow.

They rose quite high, when suddenly a rude voice shouted from behind the rock:


Who's there? - asked the Scarecrow.

Someone's strange head appeared from behind the rock.

This mountain is ours, and no one is allowed to cross it!

But we need to cross,” the Scarecrow politely objected. - We are going to Stella’s country, and there is no other way here.

We Marranos do not allow anyone to pass through our domain!

A small, stocky man with a large head on a short neck jumped out onto the rock laughing. His thick hands clenched into huge fists, with which he threatened travelers. The little man did not seem very strong, and the Scarecrow boldly climbed up.

But then an amazing thing happened. The strange little man, abruptly pushing off from the ground, jumped into the air like a rubber ball, and in the air hit the Scarecrow in the chest with his head and strong fists.

The scarecrow, tumbling, flew to the foot of the mountain, and the little man, deftly getting to his feet, laughed and shouted:

A-la-la! This is how we do it, Marrans.

And, as if on cue, hundreds of Jumpers jumped out from behind the rocks and hillocks: that’s what the neighboring peoples called them.

A-la-la! A-la-la! Try to pass! - boomed a discordant choir.

The lion became furious and quickly rushed to the attack, growling menacingly and lashing his sides with his tail. But several Jumpers, having taken off, hit him with their flat heads and strong fists so much that the Lion rolled down the mountainside, tumbling and meowing in pain, like the simplest cat. He stood up, embarrassed, and limped away from the foot of the mountain.

The Tin Woodman swung his ax, tested the flexibility of his joints and resolutely climbed up.

Come back, come back! - Ellie screamed and grabbed his hand with tears. - You will crash on the rocks! How will we gather you in this remote country?

Ellie's tears instantly forced the Tin Woodman to return.

Let’s call the Flying Monkeys,” suggested the Scarecrow. - You can’t do without them here, pick-up, trip-up!

Ellie sighed:

If Stella meets us unfriendly, we will be defenseless...

And then Toto suddenly spoke:

It’s a shame to admit to a smart dog, but you can’t hide the truth: you and I, Ellie, are terrible fools!

Why? - Ellie was surprised.

But of course! When the leader of the Flying Monkeys was carrying you and me, he told us the story of the Golden Cap... The hat can be passed on!

So what? - Ellie still didn’t understand.

When you have spent the last magic of the Golden Cap, you will give it to the Scarecrow, and he will again have three magics.

Hooray! Hooray! - everyone shouted. - Totoshka, you are our savior!

It’s a pity, of course,” the dog said modestly. - That this brilliant idea didn’t occur to me earlier. Then we would not have suffered from the flood...

“There’s nothing you can do,” Ellie said. - What has passed cannot be undone...

Excuse me, excuse me,” the Scarecrow intervened. - What happens?.. Three, yes three, yes three... - He counted on his fingers for a long time. - It turns out that I, the Woodcutter, and the Lion, we can order the Flying Monkeys nine more times!

Have you forgotten about me? - Totoshka said offendedly. - I, too, can be the owner of the Golden Cap!

This is a huge drawback for a ruler,” the Tin Woodman said seriously. - I'll take care of you in my free time.

Now Ellie could safely use her last magic. She spoke magic words, and the Scarecrow repeated them, dancing with joy and shaking his fists at the warlike Marrans.

There was a noise in the air, and a flock of Flying Monkeys descended to the ground.

What do you order, owner of the Golden Cap? - asked the leader.

Take us to Stella's palace! - Ellie answered.

Will be done!

And the travelers instantly found themselves in the air.

Flying over the mountain, the Scarecrow made monstrous grimaces at the Jumpers and cursed desperately. The jumpers jumped high into the air, but could not reach the Monkeys and went berserk with anger.

The ring of mountains, and with them the entire country of the Marrans, were quickly left behind, and the picturesque, fertile country of the Chatterboxes, ruled by the good sorceress Stella, opened up to the travelers’ eyes.

The Chatterboxes were nice, friendly people and good workers. Their only drawback was that they loved to talk. Even when alone, they talked to themselves for hours at a time. Mighty Stella could not wean them from chatter. One day she made them mute, but the Chatterboxes quickly found a way out of the situation: they learned to communicate with gestures and spent whole days crowding the streets and squares, waving their arms. Stella saw that even she could not change the Chatterboxes, and returned their voice.

The favorite color in the country of Chatterboxes was pink, as in the Munchkins - blue, in the Winnies - purple, and in the Emerald City - green. Houses and hedges were painted pink, and residents dressed in bright pink dresses.

In front of Stella's palace, the Monkeys dropped their friends. Three beautiful girls stood guard at the palace. They looked with surprise and fear at the appearance of the Flying Monkeys.

Goodbye Ellie! - said the leader of the Monkeys, Warra, in a friendly manner. - Today you called us for the last time.

Farewell, farewell! - Ellie screamed. - Thank you very much!

And the monkeys ran away with noise and laughter.

Don't get too excited! - the Scarecrow shouted after them. “Next time you will have a new master, and you won’t get rid of him so easily!”

Is it possible to see the good sorceress Stella? - Ellie asked the girl from the guard with a sinking heart.

Tell me who you are and why you came here, and I will report you,” answered the eldest.

Ellie spoke, and the girl went with a report, and the rest began to ask questions of the travelers. But before they had time to find out anything, the girl returned:

Stella asks you to come to the palace.

Ellie washed her face, the Scarecrow cleaned himself, the Tin Woodman lubricated the joints and carefully polished them with a cloth with emery powder, and the Lion shook himself off for a long time, scattering dust. They were fed a hearty lunch, and then taken to a richly decorated pink hall, where the sorceress Stella sat on the throne. She seemed very beautiful and kind and surprisingly young to Ellie, although she had ruled the country of Chatterboxes for many centuries. Stella smiled affectionately at those who came in, seated them in chairs and, turning to Ellie, said:

Tell your story, my child!

Ellie began a long story.

Stella and her entourage listened with great interest and sympathy.

What do you want from me, my child? - Stella asked when Ellie had finished.

Take me back to Kansas, to my dad and mom. When I think about how they grieve for me, my heart clench with pain and pity...

But you said that Kansas is a boring and gray dusty steppe. And look how beautiful it is here!

And yet I love Kansas more than your magnificent country! - Ellie answered hotly. - Kansas is my homeland.

Your wish will come true. But you must give me the Golden Cap.

Oh, with pleasure, madam! True, I was going to give it to the Scarecrow, but I am sure that you will use it better than he.

“I will make sure that the magic of the Golden Cap benefits your friends,” Stella said and turned to the Scarecrow: “What do you plan to do when Ellie leaves us?”

“I would like to return to the Emerald City,” the Scarecrow answered with dignity. - Goodwin appointed me ruler of the Emerald City, and the ruler must live in the city he rules. After all, I can’t rule the Emerald City if I stay in the Pink Country! But I am confused by the return journey through the country of the Marranos and across the Great River, where I drowned.

Having received the Golden Cap, I will call the Flying Monkeys, and they will take you to the Emerald City. The people cannot be deprived of such an amazing ruler.

So is it true that I'm amazing? - the Scarecrow asked, beaming.

Moreover: you are the only one! And I want you to become my friend.

The Scarecrow bowed with admiration to the good sorceress.

What do you want? - Stella turned to the Tin Woodman.

“When Ellie leaves this country,” the Tin Woodman began sadly, “I will be very sad.” But I would like to go to the country of the Migunov, who elected me as ruler. I will try to rule well over the Miguns, whom I love very much.

The second magic of the Golden Cap will make the Flying Monkeys transport you to the land of the Winks. You do not have such wonderful brains as your comrade Scarecrow the Wise, but you have a loving heart, you have such a brilliant appearance, and I am sure that you will be a wonderful ruler for the Winks. Let me consider you my friend.

The Tin Woodman slowly bowed to Stella.

Then the sorceress turned to Leo:

Now tell me about your desires.

Beyond the country of the Marranos lies a wonderful dense forest. The animals of this forest recognized me as their king. So I would really like to go back there and spend the rest of my days there.

The third magic of the golden cap will transport the Brave Lion to his beasts, who, of course, will be happy to have such a king. And I also count on your friendship.

The lion importantly gave Stella a large, strong paw, and the sorceress shook it in a friendly manner.

Then,” said Stella, “when the last three magics of the Golden Cap are fulfilled, I will return it to the Flying Monkeys so that no one can bother them anymore with fulfilling their desires, often meaningless and cruel...

Everyone agreed that it was impossible to dispose of the Hat better, and glorified the wisdom and kindness of the sorceress Stella.

But how will you get me back to Kansas, madam? - asked the girl.

“Silver shoes will take you through forests and mountains,” answered the sorceress. - If you knew their wonderful power, you would have returned home on the same day when your house crushed the evil Gingema.

But then I wouldn’t have gotten my amazing brains! - exclaimed the Scarecrow. “I would still scare away crows in a farmer’s field.”

“And I wouldn’t have received my loving heart,” said the Tin Woodman. - I would stand in the forest and rust until I crumbled into dust!

“And I would still remain a coward,” roared the Lion, “and, of course, I would not have become the king of beasts!”

“It’s all true,” Ellie answered, “and I don’t regret at all that I had to live in Goodwin’s country for so long.” I am only a weak little girl, but I loved you and always tried to help you, my dear friends! Now that our cherished desires have been fulfilled, I must return home, as it was written in Villina’s magic book.

“We are hurt and sad to part with you, Ellie,” said the Scarecrow, Woodcutter and Lion. - But we bless that moment when the hurricane threw you into the Magic Land. You taught us the best thing in the world - friendship!..

Stella smiled at the girl. Ellie hugged the big Brave Lion by the neck and gently ran through his thick, shaggy mane. She kissed the Tin Woodman, and he wept bitterly, forgetting about his jaws. She stroked the soft Scarecrow stuffed with straw and kissed his sweet, good-natured, painted face...

“Silver slippers have wonderful properties,” said Stella. - But their most amazing property is that in three steps they will take you even to the ends of the world. All you have to do is click your heel on your heel and name the place...

So let them take me to Kansas now!

But when Ellie thought that she was forever parting with her faithful friends, with whom she had to go through so much together, whom she had saved so many times and who, in turn, selflessly saved her, her heart sank with grief and she sobbed loudly.

Stella stepped down from her throne, gently hugged Ellie and kissed her goodbye.

It's time, my child! - she said affectionately. - It’s hard to part, but the hour of meeting is sweet. Remember that now you will be at home and hug your parents. Farewell, don't forget us!

Goodbye, goodbye, Ellie! - the friends exclaimed.

Ellie grabbed Toto, hit her heel with her heel and shouted to her shoes:

Take me to Kansas, to mom and dad!

A frantic whirlwind swirled around Ellie, everything merged before her eyes, the sun sparkled in the sky with a fiery arc, and before the girl had time to get scared, she sank to the ground so suddenly that she turned over several times and let Toto out of her hands...