Oceania countries presentation. Presentation for a geography lesson "oceania"

Most Oceanian countries have very weak economies, which is due to several reasons: limited natural resources, remoteness from global markets for products, and a shortage of highly qualified specialists. Many states depend on financial assistance from other countries. The basis of the economy of most countries in Oceania is agriculture (copra and palm oil production) and fishing. Among the most important agricultural crops are the coconut palm, bananas, and breadfruit. Possessing huge exclusive economic zones and not having a large fishing fleet, the governments of the countries of Oceania issue licenses for the right to catch fish to ships of other countries (mainly Japan, Taiwan, the USA), which significantly replenishes the state budget. The mining industry is most developed in Papua New Guinea, Nauru, New Caledonia, and New Zealand. IN Lately measures are being taken to develop the tourism sector of the economy.

A presentation on the topic “Oceania” for a 7th grade geography lesson will allow students to get acquainted with a huge cluster of islands located in the Pacific Ocean. This presentation reveals the unique world of plants and unusual animals that inhabit these lands, washed by the ocean on all sides. Much information is given about the discovery of Oceania.

Miklouho-Maclay made a great contribution to the study of these territories. 7th grade students will also learn about this traveler in a geography lesson using this material.

The consideration of the material begins with the introduction of the term Oceania itself. Next comes detailed description geographical location the islands, the peoples who inhabit them and the nature that makes them so unrivaled.

The electronic manual, which presents the material on 34 slides, can be used both for geography lessons and for personal study of the material by anyone interested in this subject.

  • Introduces you to a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean called Oceania. Will tell about the people, life, history and others interesting facts skeleton


    ppt (powerpoint)

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Lukina Olga Vyacheslavovna

Librarian, geography teacher

Municipal educational institution Vesyegonskaya secondary school

Oceania is a geographical region of the world consisting primarily of hundreds of small islands and atolls in the central and western Pacific Ocean.

When dividing all land into parts of the world, Oceania is usually combined with Australia into a single part of the world, Australia and Oceania.

The total area of ​​the islands is 1.26 million km² (together with Australia 8.52 million km²), the population is about 10.7 million people. (together with Australia 32.6 million people).

Geographically, Oceania is divided into Melanesia, Micronesia And Polynesia, sometimes isolated New Zealand.





Oceania is not a continent: only Australia, New Caledonia , New Zealand , New Guinea And Tasmania have continental origin. In the past, these islands were a single landmass, but as a result of rising levels World Ocean a significant part of the surface was under water. The relief of these islands is mountainous and highly dissected. For example, highest mountains Oceania, including Mt. Jaya(5029 m), located on the island New Guinea.

Most of the islands of Oceania are of volcanic origin: some of them are the summits of large underwater volcanoes, some of which still exhibit high volcanic activity (for example, Hawaiian Islands).

Other islands have coral origin, being atolls, which were formed as a result of the formation of coral structures around submerged volcanoes. A distinctive feature of such islands are large lagoons, which are surrounded by numerous islands whose average height does not exceed three meters. In Oceania there is an atoll with the largest lagoon in the world - Kwajalein in the archipelago Marshall Islands.

Satellite image of Kwajalein Atoll.

Atoll coast Caroline (Line Islands, Kiribati)

Oceania is located within several climatic zones: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical, moderate. Most of the islands have a tropical climate.

The climate of the Oceania islands is determined mainly by trade winds, so most of them receive heavy rainfall. The average annual precipitation is from 1500 to 4000 mm.

Most of the islands of Oceania are subject to the destructive effects of natural disasters: volcanic eruptions(Hawaiian Islands, New Hebrides), earthquakes, tsunami, cyclones, accompanied typhoons and heavy rains, droughts.

Many of them lead to significant material and human losses. For example, as a result of the tsunami in Papua New Guinea in July 1999 2,200 people died.

There are large rivers only in South And North Island New Zealand, as well as on the island New Guinea, on which the largest rivers of Oceania are located, Sepik(1126 km) and Fly(1050 km). Largest river New Zealand - Waikato(425 km). The rivers are fed primarily by rain, as well as by water from melting glaciers and snow. On atolls There are no rivers at all due to the high porosity of the soil.

The largest number of lakes, including thermal ones, are located in New Zealand, where there are also geysers. On other islands of Oceania, lakes are a rarity

Rivers and lakes

Stream on the island Efate (Vanuatu).

Flora and fauna

Among the most widespread plants of Oceania are coconut palm And breadfruit who play an important role in life local residents: fruits are used for food, wood is a source of heat, building material.

It also grows on the islands a large number of ferns, orchids y. Largest number endemics registered in New Zealand and Hawaii.

New Zealand and New Guinea have the greatest diversity of fauna. On the small islands of Oceania, primarily atolls, mammals are almost never found: many of them are inhabited only by polynesian rat. But the locals are very rich avifauna. Of the fauna of New Zealand, the most famous are birds. kiwi which have become the national symbol of the country. Other endemics of the country - kea, kakapo (owl parrot), takahe (wingless sultana). All the islands of Oceania are home to a large number of lizards, snakes and insects.

The region contains a large number of protected areas, many of which occupy large areas. For example, Phoenix Islands in the Republic of Kiribati from 28 January 2008 are the world's largest marine reserve(area 410,500 km²)




Portrait of an indigenous woman

New Zealand - Maori.

The indigenous people of Oceania are Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians And Papuans.


Modern inhabitants of Oceania are engaged in agriculture, growing coconut palms, bananas, pineapples, and sugar cane. The traditional occupation is fishing in the ocean. On the islands, non-ferrous metal ores and coal are mined, and phosphorite deposits are developed.

Consequences of human activity

  • Valuable tree species have been cut down.
  • The coastal waters of many islands are polluted.
  • Some atolls have been turned into testing grounds for atomic weapons, and as a result, a number of atolls have been destroyed.


  • Notebook entries


http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%BA%D0%B5%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F#.D0.93.D0.B5. D0.BE.D0.B3.D1.80.D0.B0.D1.84.D0.B8.D1.8F


http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Oceania_rus.svg http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Puncakjaya.jpg http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Kwajalein_Atoll.png http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:CarolinePic-Kepler-South.jpg



http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Hinepare.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5f/Kea.jpg/250px-Kea.jpg http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?rpt=simage&img_url=www.sciencenewsblog.com%2Fpics%2Fkakapo.gif&ed=1&text=%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BF %D0%BE&p=17

http://www.flowersandcruises.com/images/pictures/Arieal_Bora_Bora_Larger.jpg http://900igr.net/datas/geografija/Priroda-Afriki/0068-068-Priroda-Afriki.jpg http://www.uwomen.ru/images/stories/photossite/health/bananovoe-derevo.jpg http://www.ekskurzii.com/images/stories/world/great-barrier-reef/great-barrier-reef-ekskurzii.jpg http://rusdods.ya1.ru/uploads/posts/2011-10/thumbs/1319252255_477px-castle_romeo.jpg http://www.e-drofa.ru/materials/bio11/atoll1.jpg http://www.happyho.ru/files/imagecache/preview/images/2010/08/tailand-khlebnoe-derevo-9042.jpg http://nepom.ru/travel/files/rf_paporotnik.jpg

Korinskaya V.A., Dushina I.V. Geography of continents and oceans 7th grade - M.: DROFA, 2010.

Information sources.

Slide 2

Oceania is a geographical, often geopolitical, region of the world consisting primarily of hundreds of small islands and atolls in the central and western Pacific Ocean. Oceania is the world's largest collection of islands, located in the western and central Pacific Ocean, between the subtropical latitudes of the Northern and temperate Southern hemispheres. When dividing the entire landmass into parts of the world, Oceania is usually united with Australia into a single part of the world, Australia and Oceania, although sometimes it is separated into an independent part of the world. The total area of ​​the islands of Oceania is 1.3 million square km.

Slide 3

The total area of ​​the islands is 1.26 million km² (together with Australia 8.52 million km²), the population is about 10.7 million people. (together with Australia 32.6 million people). Geographically, Oceania is divided into Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia; sometimes New Zealand is highlighted

Slide 4

Natural features

The islands are of volcanic origin and have mountainous terrain. Coral Islands(atolls) have the shape of a continuous or broken ring. In the center of the island there is a shallow lagoon. On some islands, copper, coal, phosphorites, oil and natural gas are mined. Most of the islands lie in the equatorial and tropical zones, so there are high temperatures and a lot of precipitation.

Slide 5

Flora and fauna

The organic world is endemic and has a poor species composition. Coral islands are poor in fauna, because there are few fresh water. There are many birds; New Guinea is inhabited by echidnas, tree kangaroos, wingless kiwi birds, and the first lizard, the hatteria. There are no mammalian predators. Vegetable world not rich in: palms, casuarinas, tree ferns, vines and coconut palms.

Slide 6

Population of Oceania

Oceania is home to both indigenous people and immigrants from Europe. Asia, America, The indigenous inhabitants of the Melanesian islands, the Papuans, belong to the equatorial race, and the Polynesians (Maori) represent a special group of peoples. Indigenous people carefully preserves its original culture. The Anglo-New Zealand nation was formed in New Zealand.

Slide 7

Cook Island dancers

Slide 8

Slide 9

Oceania political map

  • Slide 10

    Oceania countries

    Modern political map Oceania took a long time to form. Many islands still remain the possessions of the USA (Hawaii), Great Britain, France, and Australia. Until the early 60s of the 20th century there was one independent state - New Zealand, and now there are more than 10. The smallest is Nauru (one island), and Kiribati - 30 islands.

    Slide 11

    Economy of Oceania

    The main industry is tropical agriculture. Coconut palms are grown on plantations. Tea coffee. Bananas, sugar cane, pineapples. Copra, the dried pulp of the coconut from which coconut oil is obtained, is especially prized. The indigenous population raises goats and pigs. The traditional occupation is fishing and other types of marine crafts. New Zealand is the only country in Oceania with a well-developed economy.

    Slide 12

    international tourism

    Oceania is a developed area international tourism. Many tourists visit the Hawaiian Islands and Easter Island. Tahiti and others. Easter Island has been declared a national park and included in the World Heritage List cultural heritage. The island is home to many mysterious stone statues - stylized images of people created by the Polynesians in the late 4th century.

    Slide 13

    http://obarcoomundoengalego.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/austalia-mapa.png?w=450&h=450 – Australia. http://notes.yakhnov.ru/20080424-coat-of-arms-of-australia.jpg - coat of arms of Australia. http://net.compulenta.ru/upload/iblock/b3b/e540220-adelaide_river,_australia-spl.jpg – rivers of Australia. http://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/c.p.north/pages/DrylandRivers/assets/pics/CooperInFlood_med.jpg –Cooper Creek. http://data6.gallery.ru/albums/gallery/124013--13759250-m750x740.jpg -rivers. http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/3/28/436/28436604_0.jpg - relief of Australia. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Murray_river_australia.jpg - Murray. http://geographyofrussia.ru/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/murrei.jpg - Murray. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Darling-near-Bourke.jpg - Darling. http://www.planbooktravel.com.au/region-images/NSW/the-living-outback/the-living-outback-400x272/darling-river-1990-bourke.jpg/image_preview - Darling. http://demiart.ru/forum/uploads1/post-75301-1210323921.jpg - eucalyptus. http://foto.spbland.ru/data/media/11/lrg_106421_IMG0226.jpg - blooming eucalyptus. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/NEO_lake_eyre_big.jpg - Air. http://notes.yakhnov.ru/20080429-eyre-lake.jpg - Air.