Topkapi sultan's palace in istanbul. Topkapi Palace in Istanbul - a stone witness to the history of the Ottomans Walking places and courtyards of Topkapi Palace

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    In 1479, by order of Sultan Mehmed, the Topkapi Palace was built, which until the middle of the 19th century was the main residence of the Turkish padishahs. Today it is one of the richest museums in the world and one of Istanbul's favorite attractions.

    Topkapi Palace was erected on the site of more ancient palace Byzantine rulers, on the very coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara.

    "Topkapi" (sometimes pronounced Topkapi) translates as "cannon gates", the name is not accidental, since every time the sultan left his residence, a cannon shot had to be heard.

    What to see

    Topkapi is a whole palace complex with an area of ​​seven hundred thousand square meters, consisting of four separate courtyards, stretching for five kilometers. There were a shelter, a treasury, a sofa (something like the Turkish government), an armory (located in the building of the Church of St. Irene, the main cathedral of the Constantinople princes), a bakery, the Sultan's stables, a luxurious garden and flower terraces with fountains, in some distance was The tiled palace where the concubines lived.

    The palace staff numbered about five thousand people - over a thousand people worked in the kitchen alone.

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    The architecture of the palace is quite diverse, different styles are mixed here, because the palace was repeatedly destroyed due to fires or earthquakes, and then it was rebuilt anew, each time making certain adjustments. In 1856, a new residence was erected in Istanbul, which corresponded to the spirit of the times and was somewhat inferior in color to the Topkapi Palace, but since then only the wives of the once first statesmen have lived here. In 1924, when Turkey acquired the status of a republic, the palace was turned into a museum.

    Interiors and collections

    Now there are exhibits that were once the pride of Turkish padishahs. In particular, in the museum you can see almost the most unique collection of porcelain - only twelve thousand items, including white porcelain products, the only ones in Europe. There are also various kitchen utensils, silver tableware, precious jewelry of the sultans and their wives, and even thrones made of precious woods, completely covered with gold, decorated with ivory, pearls and other precious stones.

    Due to the lack of space in the Topkapi Museum, only the most valuable exhibits of the collection are exhibited, in total there are more than sixty thousand of them (only the Romanov and Habsburg dynasties left behind a richer legacy). In addition, there are also the relics of Jonah the Baptist, the staff of Moses, before which, according to legend, parted depths of the sea, sword of David and brazier of Abraham.

    How to get

    The museum is open from 9:00 to 19:00 in summer and until 16:00 in winter, closed on Tuesday. Price entrance ticket- 72 TRY; harem - 42 TRY.

    Prices on the page are for November 2018.

    Topkapi Palace in Istanbul: guided tours in Russian, ticket price 2020

    Another of the key attractions of Constantinople, and there are really many of them, such key ones, is the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. In this article, we will gladly tell you its centuries-old history and share various practical information. For example, we will tell you about excursions to Topkapi, their prices and schedule, and if you want to visit the palace on your own, then about the cost of entrance tickets, as well as where you can buy them cheaply in advance, so as not to wait in a potentially impressive line! Make yourself comfortable and let's get started. 😉

    History of Topkapi Palace

    Topkapi Palace in Istanbul is the former residence of 25 Ottoman sultans who ruled the country from here for 400 years, from 1465 to 1853. Currently a popular attraction.

    The construction of the palace was started by order of Mehmed the Conqueror and was formally completed in 1479, although in fact the construction continued for a long time, and the number of annexes to the palace grew and grew. The total area of ​​the palace grounds was ultimately 700,000 square meters.

    The palace consists of several buildings with four courtyards connected by a gate. The main entrance is the Imperial Gate located on the side. The first courtyard includes the imperial mint of the 18th century, the Church of St. Irene, with the armory and the fountain of lamentation housed in its building. Opposite the Imperial Gate is the Greetings Gate leading to the second courtyard and palace. From the Gate of Greetings, you can go to the Gate of Happiness, through which visitors to the palace enter the third courtyard, which houses the harem, inner chambers, the Hall of Audiences, the library of Sultan Ahmed III and the school of the Palace, where government officials were trained. Then you can go to the fourth courtyard, which is the personal garden of the Turkish Sultan, where the Bashlal tower, the Sofa mosque, the circumcision room and the room of the chief palace doctor are also located. From here open beautiful views to the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn.

    In 1854, Sultan Abdul-Majid I changed his residence to a new one, just built. Well, Topkapi Palace since 1923, by order of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, has been opening its doors as a museum. The number of exhibits presented to the public is 65,000 units, and this is only a tenth of the museum's collection.

    Opening hours, entrance fees, Topkapi official website

    Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 from November 1 to April 15; from 9:00 to 19:00 from April 16 to October 31. The day off at the palace is Tuesday.
    Visit cost in 2020: the palace itself - 72TL (Turkish lira), the harem in the palace - 42TL. How to book tickets online so as not to stand in lines at the box office read below.
    Topkapi official website:

    Topkapi Palace on Istanbul map

    The palace is located in the Fatih district of Istanbul, or more precisely, in the Sultanahmet quarter, where most of the key attractions of Istanbul are located.
    The exact address of Topkapi Palace: Cankurtaran, 34122 Fatih / İstanbul, Turkey.

    How to get to Topkapi Palace on your own

    The palace is located in historic center Istanbul - Sultanahmet district. If you rented a hotel nearby, which in the case of a short-term trip will be the best solution - you don't have to spend extra money on travel to the main attractions, then the easiest way to get to the palace will be on foot. By the way, look for a selection of inexpensive but high-quality hotels near Topkapi Palace in our article -. Well, to get to Sultanahmet from other parts of the city, you will need to take a tram to the Gülhane Parkı stop, from where the palace is just a stone's throw through the park of the same name.

    If you don't want to deal with city logistics during your vacation with everything, then you can always take excursion tour around the city with a visit to the Topkapi Palace as well. This is very convenient and allows you to significantly save time.

    Excursions to Topkapi Palace in Russian - prices 2020, where to buy

    Topkapi Palace can be visited, both independently, by purchasing tickets online or at the box office, or as part of one of the excursions. The easiest way to book excursions to Topkapi Palace in Russian is by using the services of a popular tourist service. All the excursions that you find there are conducted by Russian-speaking guides for small groups of tourists, which is very convenient.

    TOP-3 excursions to Topkapi Palace

    • 1st place

      One of the main attractions that tourists will see during this sightseeing tour of Istanbul will be Topkany Palace. In it, with the help of a Russian guide, it is easy to find out how and how the rulers of the Ottoman Empire lived. The chronicle of the palace has 400-year chronicles, which mention the names of 25 sultans. The guide will tell only about the most outstanding ones, as well as offer to admire the interiors of the palace and its authentic treasures. The program will be complemented by the majestic Sultanahmet Mosque, the Hippodrome Square, where the history of Istanbul was born, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral - a mute witness to the "golden age" of the Byzantine Empire and the mystery of the Basilica cistern.

      Excursion cost - 140 € for 1-4 persons.

    • 2nd place

      While exploring the Topkany Palace, you will find yourself inside the "magnificent age" of the Ottoman Empire. You will stroll through the intimate chambers and examine the exquisite interiors of the palace's chambers, as well as look into the holy of holies - the harem to find out what the concubines of the sultans dreamed of. Before visiting the Topkany Palace, visit the Hippodrome Square to trace the history of the fall of the Byzantine Empire and learn about the popular entertainment of the inhabitants of Constantinople. And after visiting the palace, you will find out who saved the Cathedral of St. Sophia from destruction, why the Blue Mosque became the symbol of the city, what made Suleiman the Magnificent and what is immured in the minaret of the Sulaimaniyah mosque.

      Excursion cost - 120 € for 1-5 persons.

    • 3rd place

      Once in the treasury of the Turkish padishahs - the Topkany Palace - you will find out what made Mehmed II order the construction magnificent palace on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara. You will visit the armory, a harem, a storage room for jewelry, a library with ancient manuscripts. The guide will help you to introduce the events that took place within the walls of the palace during its 400-year history. At the exhibition of handicrafts made of precious stones, porcelain, gold and silver, talk about techniques for creating wonderful masterpieces, and then you will have time to stroll through the wonderful gardens and parks of the palace complex. Supplement sightseeing tour in Istanbul visiting the Blue Mosque, St. Sophia Cathedral, Hippodrome Square with its Egyptian Obelisk, Serpentine Column and German Fountain.

      Excursion cost - 90 € per person.

    Look for other interesting excursions in Istanbul in our special article -.

    How to buy a ticket to Topkapi Palace online

    Almost all the sights of Istanbul are very busy during the season from May to September, which can be an obstacle for those wishing to short term bypass as many places as possible, due to the permanent presence of queues at the box office. The situation can be saved if you buy tickets to Topkapi Palace online yourself. Or buy an Istanbul Welvome Card / Museum Pass, which includes tickets to several places at once - so you can save a lot! So, let's sort out the existing proposals. 😉

    Topkapi Palace is literally in the midst of all the most interesting in Istanbul, so after finishing its inspection, you definitely won't have to think long about where to go next. And we, with your permission, will direct you a little. 🙂

    1. If you are tired while visiting the palace, then good place for rest after it will be, where you can sit in a cafe or just take a walk in the shade of trees.

    2. After relaxing in the park, you can head towards Sultanahmet Square, around which the most popular sights of Istanbul are located. For example, the most famous mosque in the city is. The big plus of Blue Mosque is that it is absolutely free to visit.

    Topkapi Palace is a magnificent architectural monument of the 15th century. This magnificent palace complex was erected at the initiative of Sultan Mehmet in 1479. For several centuries Topkapi was considered the main residence of the rulers of the Ottoman state. Today it is a wonderful museum complex, which should be seen by everyone who has ever visited Turkish lands at least once.

    The name "Topkapi" in translation into Russian means "cannon gate". This name is justified by a historical fact: whenever the padishah traveled outside his monastery, cannon shots were heard, which spread around the area for several kilometers.

    The palace architecture is extremely interesting. Topkapi includes 4 equal courtyards at once, each of which is famous for its unique attractions. The courtyards are clearly divided, but they are all united by the surrounding high stone wall.

    First courtyard (Alay Meydanı)

    One of the main attractions of the First courtyard, called by the Europeans the "Courtyard of the Janissaries", is the Church of St. Irene. This is one of the first Christian relics of Constantinople, serving for a long time as the main abode of the patriarch. The church suffered several times from various calamities (fire and earthquake), but it was invariably restored. Even after the arrival of the Ottoman conquerors on these lands, the church building was not deprived of the Orthodox status, which is surprising, because the Turks usually converted Christian churches into mosques. Ottoman warriors for a long time (for 3 centuries) used the shrine as an armory. In the middle of the 19th century, a museum complex of antiquities and weapons was opened here.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the museum exposition was disbanded, and today the Church of St. Irene (Aya İrini or Ayia Irene) is increasingly exploited as a concert venue due to its magnificent, mesmerizing acoustics. At the same time, the structure has not lost its charm over the years and continues to attract tourists from all over the world.

    Gate of greetings (Babüsselam)

    Of particular interest is the Horta Kapa Gate (Babüsselam or the Gate of Greetings), also located in the First Courtyard. Through them you can get to the Second Palace Courtyard. Historical facts testify that through the arch of these gates, framed by two tower columns, only the ruler himself had the right to enter on horseback. The rest had to go on foot. Foreign guests of the residence used to enter the other gate. This was closely followed by the gatekeepers. On one side of the gate was a waiting room, in which visitors could wait for days or even weeks for an audience with the padishah. On the other side is the executioner's room, who, by the way, had one more position - the chief gardener. Under the gates, in the dungeon, there were prison cells in which prisoners sentenced to death were kept.

    Sultan's Entrance (Babıhümayun)

    It is also interesting to admire the architecture of another gate leading to the First Courtyard. This is the third ceremonial gate called the Sultan's Entrance (Babıhümayun).

    Second courtyard (Divan Meydanı)

    Topkapi's second courtyard is known as the “Divan Square”. This area was used most often for important state receptions and ceremonies.

    Sofa (Divan-ı Hümayun)

    This courtyard housed the Divan (Kubbealtı or Divan-ı Hümayun), where high-ranking viziers, led by the padishah, gathered several times a week to decide matters of state importance.

    Tower of Justice (Adalet Kasrı)

    Above Divannaya there is a tower of splendid beauty and grandeur bearing a very bright and capacious name - "The Tower of Justice" (Adalet Kasrı), which originally served as an observation post.

    Treasury (Dış Hazine)

    The main asset of the Second Courtyard of Topkapi after Divnaya is, of course, the Treasury (Dış Hazine). Today, an arms museum complex was founded in its building, which displays a whole arsenal of weapons from various historical periods, as well as samples of military uniforms and other paraphernalia used for uniforms.

    Third Yard (Enderun Avlusu)

    Third Courtyard (Enderun Avlusu)

    Another gate leads to this courtyard with attractive name"Gate of Bliss". Their other name is the audience gate. Passing through them, the visitor entered a huge throne room, over which towered the padishah's golden throne, adorned with precious stones. The sultan sat on it. All others were traditionally placed directly on the floor, on special pillows. So that you could not hear what is happening in the hall outside the door, a small but loudly murmuring fountain was erected right next to the entrance.

    Library of Ahmed the Third (III. Ahmed Kütüphanesi)

    The central part of the courtyard is decorated with the library of Sultan Ahmed the Third (III. Ahmed Kütüphanesi). Once upon a time, real treasures of ancient literature were kept here. Today the books are on display in other museums, but the library building is definitely worth a visit for the amazing Ottoman architecture. Here you can also see an amazing collection of padishah's wardrobe items. One of the most expensive exhibits is the children's caftan of Sultan Selim, as well as the attire of Mehmed the Conqueror, which, according to scientists, is more than 5 centuries old.

    Treasury of the Sultan (Enderun Hazinesi)

    But, of course, the most attractive place for a traveler in the Third Court of Topkapi is the Sultan's Treasury (Fatih Köşkü or Enderun Hazinesi). The variety of the collection of countless treasures of gold, silver and gems is amazing! Mustafa III's military armor is considered one of the most notable and expensive exhibits. The chain mail, made of iron, is decorated with a scattering of precious stones and covered with a layer of gilding. The shield and sword of the Sultan are inlaid in the same way.

    Throne of Padishah

    The throne of Padishah Murat the Fourth is called the real "pearl" of the treasury. It itself is made of rare ebony, and precious and semiprecious stones are scattered around its entire perimeter.

    Dagger Topkapi

    In another room, there is another important exhibit - the Topkapi dagger (Topkapı hançeri). It was made by Turkish masters as a present to the Persian shah. Many diamonds and several large emeralds adorn this dagger. True, he never got to the addressee. While the gift was on the way, the Shah was killed, so Topkapi's dagger returned back to the treasury.

    Diamond Kashikchi

    The treasury also contains a huge Kaşıkçı elması diamond, the history of which is very interesting. According to legend, a poor man discovered this stone in a huge pile of rubbish. Of course, the commoner did not know how valuable the gem is, and exchanged it at the bazaar for 3 wooden spoons. Since then, the stone has been called the Spooner's Diamond.

    These are far from all the exhibits of the Topkapi treasury. All the splendor of the rooms is difficult to describe in words, you need to see it with your own eyes at least once!

    Fourth courtyard (Dördüncü Avlu)

    Fourth courtyard (Dördüncü Avlu)

    This courtyard is an example of harmonious beauty and tranquility. It was built exclusively for the rest and solitude of the padishah, therefore it looks more like a wondrous Garden of Eden. From here, magnificent views of the Sea of ​​Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Princes' Islands open up.

    Bagdat Pavilion (Bağdat Köşkü)

    On the territory of the courtyard there are many terraces and pavilions, the most notable of which are the Bagdat and Revan pavilions, as well as the Sunnet room.

    Sünnet Odası

    The Sünnet Odası room, as the name implies for those who have at least a superficial understanding of Muslim traditions, was intended for the compulsory circumcision of the Sultan's heirs.

    Revan Pavilion (Revan Köşkü)

    The Baghdad Pavilion (Bağdat Köşkü) as well as the Revan Pavilion (Revan Köşkü) are magnificent monuments of Ottoman architecture, in whose appearance the influence of the Persians can be traced. The buildings are light and elegant, but at the same time they look luxurious and monumental. The exquisite tiles that adorn the walls of the pavilions literally from top to bottom can be looked at for hours and found in them more and more new details.

    Opening hours of the Topkapi Palace Museum and cost of attendance in 2020

    You can purchase tickets for Topkapi Palace, which provide skip-the-line entry, a plan of the palace and the necessary information from a representative who will guide you in the shortest way

    The museum is closed on Tuesdays, and on the first day of Bayram it is open from lunchtime.

    Entrance fee is 72 Turkish Lira.

    The entrance to the Harem is open every day except Tuesday and is paid separately - the ticket price is 42 Turkish lira.

    For holders of the Museum Card - admission is free.

    Audio guide - 45 TL.

    During the winter period from October 2 to April 1: Topkapi Palace Museum, Harem and St. Irene Church are open from 09:00 - 16:45 (ticket sales until 16:00)

    During the summer period from 1st April to 2nd October: Museum, Harem and St. Irene Church are open from 9:00 - 18:45 (ticket sales until 18:00)

    The Church of St. Irene is open to the public from 9:00 to 17:00. Entrance fee is 30 Turkish liras. The ticket office closes after 16:00.

    When visiting religious sites, try to adhere to the established rules of dress: short shorts and miniskirts, as well as open blouses and strapless tops are not welcome.

    Strollers are not allowed in the museum.

    Several restaurants are open on the territory of the museum.

    Karakol Restaurant

    In the First Courtyard there is the Karakol Restaurant, as well as the small cafe BKG Müze'nin Kahvesi. There is also such a cafe in the Second Courtyard.

    Konyalı lokantası restaurant

    In the Fourth Courtyard, there is the Konyalı Lokantası restaurant, which offers a magnificent view of the Bosphorus.

    How to get to Topkapi Palace:

    From Sultanahmet station, walk past the front of the Hagia Sophia Museum (Hagia Sophia), following the signs towards Topkapi Palace.

    Address: Sultanahmet, Topkapi Sarayi, Binbirdirek Mh., Terzihane Sk 7.
    Opening hours: from May to September from 09:00 to 19:00;
    from October to April from 09:00 to 16:00.
    Tuesday is a day off.
    Entrance fee: 10 EUR; entrance to the harem is paid separately - 7.5 EUR $
    Russian audio guide - 5 EUR.

    Topkapi Palace - the seat of the Ottoman Empire

    Istanbul - "City of World Desire", as he was dubbed, looks like a marvelous oriental tale in which a mighty Jin, released by someone from Aladdin's magic lamp, united two continents in a love kiss. It became accessible, walking along the largest suspension bridge on Earth, connecting the shores of the Bosphorus, to get from Asia to Europe. The city magnetically attracts a myriad of tourists, capturing with the cries of restless seagulls, enchanting music sea, dazzling with the grandeur of palaces, the grandeur of mosques, managing to appear somehow different each time.
    An unforgivable mistake, having visited a magnificent city, not to take advantage of a unique opportunity: to look at a real miracle - Topkapi Palace- pride Of Istanbul, which is associated with a lot amazing stories, incredible secrets. Here lived the lives of many sultans and the incomparable Roksolana, who won the heart of Suleiman, becoming a beloved wife from a powerless concubine, to whom the great padishah was faithful until his death. Their graves are located nearby in the "Suleymaniyah" mosque. Her tombstone, like that of her husband, is crowned with a large turban in recognition of the sultana.

    A bit of history

    The residence is located in a picturesque corner of Cape Sarayburnu, where the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus flow into the waters of the Sea of ​​Marmara. From a strategic point of view, the area has been chosen extremely well: both continents are clearly visible from here. Saying the word "palace", the imagination draws a magnificent building, but this structure consists of a whole complex of buildings, connected by terraces and courtyards.
    In the 15th century, when the Turks succeeded in capturing Constantinople, Mehmed the Conqueror ordered in this area to erect the residence of the padishahs, which turned into the great Ottoman Empire, where her heart beat. From here 25 rulers ruled in turn. Here they were born, grew up, indulged in entertainment, ascended to the throne, overthrew many, mercilessly thrown into prison dungeons, brutally killed.
    For almost 4 centuries, the palace managed to remain the Sultan's residence. In 1853, this mission was transferred to the Dolmbahce castle, built according to European canons, and Topkapi lost its former importance. Only the widows or wives of the deposed rulers remained to live there. In 1924 the building was transferred to the disposal of the museum. The Istanbul monument preserves about 65 thousand exhibits of the rarest collection of the Muslim world.

    A journey through the palace complex

    On the territory of 700 thousand m, 2 protected from external life by a high wall, there are numerous buildings with courtyards, separated by walls. It turned out, as it were, a city within a city with a mosque, a prison, various pavilions, baths, a hostel and a school where employees and soldiers were trained. It was the cultural, administrative and educational center of the empire.
    In front of the entrance there is a closed building with a beautiful fountain built by Ahmed III. However, its purpose is terrifying. After the execution in its waters, the executioners washed the blood from the guns and their own hands. And anyone who fell out of favor with the sultan, even the heir to the throne, could be executed. Since the blood of the heirs was not supposed to be shed, the pretenders to the throne were strangled.
    They treated the executioners in a special way: they were forbidden to have a family, they were buried in a separate place. In most cases, these people were deaf and dumb. In order not to betray the secret, their tongues were cut off. Opposite the ominous fountain there is a gate leading into the buildings.

    First courtyard of the Ottoman state

    Passing through these gates, it is breathtaking, representing the distant times when the ruler himself flew in a whirlwind on his horse through them, returning home in triumph. The heads of the executed people were exhibited here. Having passed Bab-i-Humayun, one can get acquainted with everything that is hidden from prying eyes.
    The vast area accommodates a hospital, a bakery, office and utility rooms with the Arsenal and the Mint are intertwined here. The main attraction is the church of St. Irina with wonderful acoustics, where they cried out to Allah in prayers. Nearby, in a large garden, there is a flower kingdom, exotic plants, fountains, gazebos, well-groomed alleys. In the shade of the overgrown trees, peacocks once walked, fluffing their tails importantly, gazelles and fallow deer proudly and calmly walked. A heady aroma emanated from the most beautiful roses, love itself was poured in the air, as passionate as that of Suleiman and Roksolana, who loved to rest in Gulkhan among the blooming magnolias. Now it is a magnificent park accessible to all. Then you should go to the Gate of Greetings.

    Appointment of the second courtyard

    Bab-us-selam (that was the name of the gate) was allowed to cross on horseback only to the ruler and his mother, the rest of the inhabitants had to go on foot, but they too rarely left the palace space. Before the walls, foreign ambassadors languished in anticipation of an audience with the head of state.
    Tracks run in different directions. On the right side was a huge kitchen. I had to feed a huge number of people, so over 800 people were engaged in cooking: cooks and cooks, pastry chefs who knew how to feed in holidays up to 10 thousand people. Here you can get acquainted with kitchen utensils, a rare collection of porcelain, glass, silver dishes made in China and Japan. Among the enormous variety, of particular interest is the sea-green table set, which changes color if the food was poisoned. He was a gift from God, since many of the sultans were sent to another world in this way.
    But the most significant place was considered the imperial council - the Divan, where statesmen gathered several times during the week to decide and make important issues. In an exquisitely furnished domed room, a gilded lattice was installed over the place where the Grand Vizier sat. From the next hall through it, the Vladyka himself was vigilantly watching what was happening. No one knew when he overheard the conversation. The Sultan's invisible eye served as a tremendous incentive for the conscientious performance of the subordinates' assigned duties. Islamic architecture is distinguished by the incredible splendor of the ceiling, which cannot be overlooked. Everywhere the ceilings are painted by the brush of a brilliant master with amazing various ornaments with a dominant red tint, decorated with stucco molding filled with meaning: the dome is a symbol of friendliness, and the descending sphere in the form of a lantern means knowledge.
    Above the Divan, the snow-white Tower of Justice rushes into the sky, talking about the vigilant vigilance of the Sultan, the formidable judgment that overtakes everyone without exception. Nearby - the apartments of the Treasury. From here you find yourself in the female part assigned to the concubines.

    Secrets of the Sultan's Harem

    What was he like? Beautiful women, ready to indulge the sexual fantasies of their master, catering to all whims or bitter tears, lawlessness, arbitrariness and unbearable suffering? Both. In the Islamic world, this harem was the richest; only one sovereign could afford this luxury. Beautiful captives of various ages and nationalities lived here, captured during the hostilities. They were presented as a living gift. About 700 beauties occupied 3 thousand rooms for various purposes. There were no Turkish women, but there were Armenians, many Croats, Georgians, Slavic girls, there is a mention of a French woman who was the cousin of Josephine Beauharnais. “And the virgins there are fresh fragrant roses, scattered in their wavy curls,” Byron wrote about them.
    They were given new names, taught the language, palace etiquette, oriental dances, singing, playing the musical instruments, helped to master needlework. Many showed talent: they wrote their own poems like Roksolana, wrote music. Each was given a small amount of money for personal needs, artists were invited for their entertainment.
    The art of love was taught here. Odalisque, who enjoyed success, this gave the opportunity to become the mother of the Sultan's children and even a wife. If their master did not show interest in her for several years, having given a good dowry, she was successfully married. Such brides were highly regarded.
    However, you shouldn't paint harem life overly sweet. Each beauty had its own responsibilities, there was strict discipline and a kind of hierarchy. The obstinate and rebellious representatives of the fair sex, sewn up in a sack, were thrown through a stone gutter into the bay. Ibrahim I distinguished himself with particular cruelty, who drowned 280 women, receiving the nickname Mad. For the most part, the rulers were not cruel and despotic with concubines, sometimes guilty girls were sent to the walls of the Old Palace. They were looked after by eunuchs. These walls were not known for orgies. Even the sultan did not have the right to visit the female half without warning, he was obliged to inform about his visit. A cage with gilding does not cease to be a cage, getting here, any one became the property of the ruler and freedom was only in the waters of the Bosphorus, where it was allowed to die.
    After the prohibition of the slave trade in the 19th century. girls entered here at the behest of their parents (for the family it was considered prestigious) or they were brought there by fraudulent means. With a different character and temperament, it was almost impossible to create peaceful conditions for coexistence. The atmosphere was overflowing with envy, squabbles, intrigues, all kinds of conflicts, because each was seeking not only the right to give birth to a son, but also to see him on the throne.
    Constant supervision was both for the odalisques and for the heirs, because only one of them could take the throne, so the others were often ruthlessly destroyed. The case of such a murder, based on true facts, is well revealed in the TV series "The Magnificent Age". Suleiman gave the order to kill Mustafa, who was born by the concubine Mahidevran, who was suspected of treason. As an elder, he was supposed to inherit power, but Roksolana wanted her son to take the throne. It is said that the conspiracy was orchestrated by her. Residents were outraged by the ruler's deed, seeing in Mustafa the best, most worthy of all brothers, more educated and wise.

    Third courtyard

    It was called the Inner Palace, and you can get into it through the Gate of Happiness (Bab-us-saadet). Amidst a lush garden with trimmed lawns, many flowers and fountains, this area was reserved for government officials. Foreign guests were received in the Audience Hall. The Sultan sat on a golden throne inlaid with emeralds, listening to the Grand Vizier's speech about the work done. Those present sat directly on the floor. The hands of the visited ambassadors were held by eunuchs to prevent unwanted actions.
    The library storage of Akhmet III was located nearby. Soft sofas beckoned to sit down and enjoy reading, but there was something to read. The library consisted of over 3500 different handwritten editions written in Turkish, Arabic and Persian. The manuscripts were transferred to another building, but the opportunity was given to look at the Sultan's dress, ceremonial and everyday, consisting of 2500 items.
    There is also a real treasury of jewelry made of gold, silver, rubies and emeralds, pearls. The abundance of jewelry is mesmerizing to the eye. In reality, not in the picture, you can look at the armor of Murat IV, see his throne. The next room contains an extraordinary dagger. The gold handle is decorated with a large number of diamonds, among them three large emeralds sparkle, one of them hides a watch. The third room is famous for its phenomenal value - the Kashikchi Diamond weighing 86 carats, the gilded setting contains 49 diamonds. It has the shape of a drop, resembling a spoon.
    It is the fifth largest in the world, referring to the cursed diamonds, possibly due to a strange dishonest appearance. According to legend, a poor fisherman found him by chance in a pile of rubbish. How could the beggar know what kind of jewel he had found? Why did the poor man have a stone? He, of course, wanted to sell it. The crafty buyer easily convinced the poor man that it was just glass, the gullible man exchanged the find for three simple spoons made of wood. This was followed by a whole string of resales, exchanges, traces of it were found on French soil. It was rumored that Napoleon's mother owned it. Once the stone returned to Turkey, where he was noticed by the Sultan's entourage. But during this time he managed to acquire evil fame: its owners died a violent death. Perhaps this is the price of the injustice that began with deceiving the poor man. Who knows.

    Pavilion with sacred relics
    There is a room here that is allowed to look in - it is forbidden to enter. She carefully keeps a tooth belonging to the Prophet Muhammad, hair from his beard, a sword and a banner, the keys to the Kaaba, located in Mecca, but the prophet's mantle is attributed to the greatest value. Paying tribute to the saint, the Koran is read here day and night. Even members of the sovereign's family were allowed to visit the premises only once a year, on the 15th day of Ramadan.
    A large pool adjoins it, with a carved fountain in its center. Turning on the imagination, it is easy to imagine how well-groomed seducers, inhabitants of a harem, splashed merrily in the transparent water, stirring up the blood of their master with playful water games.

    The fourth courtyard - the sultan's refuge

    A cozy corner is reserved for the ruler. Here you can retire in a gazebo with a gilded roof, supported by four graceful columns, temporarily forget about troubles, enjoying peace and quiet, take a break from vain worries, disturbing thoughts and surging problems. The sofa pavilion beckoned to lie down, relaxing over a hookah. Statues of wild animals were installed behind it. From the height of the marble terrace, framed by carved railings, where a light breeze is playing, gently pulling at your hair, a wonderful view of the bay with ships sailing by opens up.
    They say that this was the favorite place of Ibrahim I. At sunset hours, he stood here for a long time, gazing at the quiet blue water surface, but even in moments of peace, being alone with himself, he did not lose his inherent vigilance and composure.
    Being in this amazing palace, you feel like a spectator of one of the wonderful fairy tales of Scheherazade, and you really want to hold the time between your palms a little, not allowing it to slip away to watch this fabulous picture again and again ...

    Istanbul travel guide on our website.

    Majestic, monumental and luxurious sultan's palace Topkapi (Top Kapa) in Turkey, like a magnet, attracts tourists from all over the world.

    Entering there, you will plunge into the world where twenty-five Turkish sultans once lived and ruled. It is better to set aside a whole day for a trip around the palace. It will not be possible to look at it “snapped”.

    Therefore, before going to an amusing trip around the palace, we advise you to read our article so as not to miss anything.

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    History of Topkapi Palace in Istanbul

    For four decades, the heart of the Ottoman Empire was Top Kapy, Turkey, the palace (photo of the harem in our article below) was ordered to be built by Sultan Mehmed. It happened in the 70s of the 15th century, but after that, the Topkapi Sultan's Palace was constantly "growing" and changing. Several mosques, a mint, hospitals and a bakery were originally built.

    For the first fifty years, Top Kapa was only a working residence. The Sultan's wives lived in a harem outside the Topkapi Palace. The harem on the territory was built only during the reign of Sultan Suleiman I. One of his concubines, Roksolana, wishing to be closer to her husband, "pushed" the Sultan to a large-scale reconstruction of the palace.

    Almost until the end of the 19th century, Turkish sultans lived in the palace. And only Abdul-Majid I, in 1854, decided to move to new palace Dolmabahce. With the coming to power of the first President of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in 1923 Topkapi became a museum, which is now visited by hundreds of tourists every day.

    The name Topkapi is translated from Turkish as "cannon gate". This name of the sultans' residence was not given by chance. The first thing that falls on the eye of all visitors is the majestic gate that gives access to the heart of the castle. When the sultan entered or left the palace, a cannon shot rang out. There are also Turkey that are worthy of your attention.

    As if small city in Turkey, the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, a photo that amazes with its wealth and beauty, was equipped with everything necessary for life. It is so huge (its area is more than 170 hectares) that everything from mosques and offices of the sultans to hospitals and janissary barracks was here.

    The population of Istanbul is increasing several times every day, so that soon the country may become the leader in terms of numbers. Click here and find out how it all started.

    Perhaps you will also be interested in such an attraction as the Sultan Suleiman Palace in Istanbul, which you can learn in more detail about.

    The territory is divided into four courtyards. You can also get into each of them through the monumental gate. After passing through the main gate, you will see a huge fountain, which was built by order of the padishah Ahmed III, in 1728.

    Further, through the "Shining Gate" you will find yourself in the first courtyard. Here you can see the gendarme office, various living quarters, as well as the ruins of a bakery. You should definitely visit the “Archaeological Museum” of Istanbul and the mint building. There is a church on the territory of the first courtyard.

    To get to the second courtyard, you will need to go through another gate, called "Bab-i Selam". There is also a magnificent garden with cypress trees and a tower that once served as a prison for convicted dignitaries.

    Of particular interest to tourists are "Palace Kitchens". Here food was prepared for the sultans, and almost a quarter of the entire palace staff worked. Today in the halls of kitchens you can see the rarest collection of porcelain. The oldest exhibits date back to the seventh century, these are the Tang dynasty tableware. The most valuable are white porcelain items.

    Topkapi Palace in Istanbul houses one of the world's largest weapon collections. For those who are interested, we advise you to take a look at the collection of Islamic frescoes and manuscripts.

    The exposition of jewelry and jewelry is truly unique. Gold candlesticks, hookahs, luxurious ivory boxes, as well as the famous "Kashikchi Diamond" - these are just a small part of what you can see in the inner treasury complex.

    It will not be superfluous to look at the collection of the Sultan's caftans. Clothes and silk prayer rugs are truly true works of art.

    Harem deserves special attention. The high wall with which it is surrounded used to hide the concubines from the views of strangers. There was everything for a comfortable life for the Sultan's wives: two mosques, Turkish baths, kitchens and even a swimming pool. Visitors will be able to see collections of luxurious jewelry and clothing, and stroll around the fountains. Istanbul amazes with its magnificent numerous,. I would like to see all the sights, it will help you with this.

    We have collected the most interesting and significant places in the Topkapi Palace, you will find photos of all the rooms of the Istanbul Palace in our selection.
